## 2.10.1 (2015-09-21) - Fix error "Cannot promisify an API that has normal methods with 'Async'-suffix" when promisifying certain objects with a custom promisifier ## 2.10.0 (2015-09-08) Features: - `Promise.using` can now take the promises-for-resources as an array ([#733](.)). - Browser builds for minimal core are now hosted on CDN ([#724](.)). Bugfixes: - Disabling debug mode with `BLUEBIRD_DEBUG=0` environment variable now works ([#719](.)). - Fix unhandled rejection reporting when passing rejected promise to `.return()` ([#721](.)). - Fix unbound promise's then handlers being called with wrong `this` value ([#738](.)). ## 2.9.34 (2015-07-15) Bugfixes: - Correct domain for .map, .each, .filter, .reduce callbacks ([#701](.)). - Preserve bound-with-promise promises across the entire chain ([#702](.)). ## 2.9.33 (2015-07-09) Bugfixes: - Methods on `Function.prototype` are no longer promisified ([#680](.)). ## 2.9.32 (2015-07-03) Bugfixes: - Fix `.return(primitiveValue)` returning a wrapped version of the primitive value when a Node.js domain is active ([#689](.)). ## 2.9.31 (2015-07-03) Bugfixes: - Fix Promises/A+ compliance issue regarding circular thenables: the correct behavior is to go into an infinite loop instead of warning with an error (Fixes [#682](.)). - Fix "(node) warning: possible EventEmitter memory leak detected" ([#661](.)). - Fix callbacks sometimes being called with a wrong node.js domain ([#664](.)). - Fix callbacks sometimes not being called at all in iOS 8.1 WebApp mode ([#666](.), [#687](.)). ## 2.9.30 (2015-06-14) Bugfixes: - Fix regression with `promisifyAll` not promisifying certain methods ## 2.9.29 (2015-06-14) Bugfixes: - Improve `promisifyAll` detection of functions that are class constructors. Fixes mongodb 2.x promisification. ## 2.9.28 (2015-06-14) Bugfixes: - Fix handled rejection being reported as unhandled in certain scenarios when using [.all](.) or [Promise.join](.) ([#645](.)) - Fix custom scheduler not being called in Google Chrome when long stack traces are enabled ([#650](.)) ## 2.9.27 (2015-05-30) Bugfixes: - Fix `sinon.useFakeTimers()` breaking scheduler ([#631](.)) Misc: - Add nw testing facilities (`node tools/test --nw`) ## 2.9.26 (2015-05-25) Bugfixes: - Fix crash in NW [#624](.) - Fix [`.return()`](.) not supporting `undefined` as return value [#627](.) ## 2.9.25 (2015-04-28) Bugfixes: - Fix crash in node 0.8 ## 2.9.24 (2015-04-02) Bugfixes: - Fix not being able to load multiple bluebird copies introduced in 2.9.22 ([#559](.), [#561](.), [#560](.)). ## 2.9.23 (2015-04-02) Bugfixes: - Fix node.js domain propagation ([#521](.)). ## 2.9.22 (2015-04-02) - Fix `.promisify` crashing in phantom JS ([#556](.)) ## 2.9.21 (2015-03-30) - Fix error object's `'stack'`' overwriting causing an error when its defined to be a setter that throws an error ([#552](.)). ## 2.9.20 (2015-03-29) Bugfixes: - Fix regression where there is a long delay between calling `.cancel()` and promise actually getting cancelled in Chrome when long stack traces are enabled ## 2.9.19 (2015-03-29) Bugfixes: - Fix crashing in Chrome when long stack traces are disabled ## 2.9.18 (2015-03-29) Bugfixes: - Fix settlePromises using trampoline ## 2.9.17 (2015-03-29) Bugfixes: - Fix Chrome DevTools async stack traceability ([#542](.)). ## 2.9.16 (2015-03-28) Features: - Use setImmediate if available ## 2.9.15 (2015-03-26) Features: - Added `.asCallback` alias for `.nodeify`. Bugfixes: - Don't always use nextTick, but try to pick up setImmediate or setTimeout in NW. Fixes [#534](.), [#525](.) - Make progress a core feature. Fixes [#535](.) Note that progress has been removed in 3.x - this is only a fix necessary for 2.x custom builds. ## 2.9.14 (2015-03-12) Bugfixes: - Always use process.nextTick. Fixes [#525](.) ## 2.9.13 (2015-02-27) Bugfixes: - Fix .each, .filter, .reduce and .map callbacks being called synchornously if the input is immediate. ([#513](.)) ## 2.9.12 (2015-02-19) Bugfixes: - Fix memory leak introduced in 2.9.0 ([#502](.)) ## 2.9.11 (2015-02-19) Bugfixes: - Fix [#503](.) ## 2.9.10 (2015-02-18) Bugfixes: - Fix [#501](.) ## 2.9.9 (2015-02-12) Bugfixes: - Fix `TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'length'` when jsdom has declared a read-only length for all objects to inherit. ## 2.9.8 (2015-02-10) Bugfixes: - Fix regression introduced in 2.9.7 where promisify didn't properly dynamically look up methods on `this` ## 2.9.7 (2015-02-08) Bugfixes: - Fix `promisify` not retaining custom properties of the function. This enables promisifying the `"request"` module's export function and its methods at the same time. - Fix `promisifyAll` methods being dependent on `this` when they are not originally dependent on `this`. This enables e.g. passing promisified `fs` functions directly as callbacks without having to bind them to `fs`. - Fix `process.nextTick` being used over `setImmediate` in node. ## 2.9.6 (2015-02-02) Bugfixes: - Node environment detection can no longer be fooled ## 2.9.5 (2015-02-02) Misc: - Warn when [`.then()`](.) is passed non-functions ## 2.9.4 (2015-01-30) Bugfixes: - Fix [.timeout()](.) not calling `clearTimeout` with the proper handle in node causing the process to wait for unneeded timeout. This was a regression introduced in 2.9.1. ## 2.9.3 (2015-01-27) Bugfixes: - Fix node-webkit compatibility issue ([#467](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/pull/467)) - Fix long stack trace support in recent firefox versions ## 2.9.2 (2015-01-26) Bugfixes: - Fix critical bug regarding to using promisifyAll in browser that was introduced in 2.9.0 ([#466](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/466)). Misc: - Add `"browser"` entry point to package.json ## 2.9.1 (2015-01-24) Features: - If a bound promise is returned by the callback to [`Promise.method`](#promisemethodfunction-fn---function) and [`Promise.try`](#promisetryfunction-fn--arraydynamicdynamic-arguments--dynamic-ctx----promise), the returned promise will be bound to the same value ## 2.9.0 (2015-01-24) Features: - Add [`Promise.fromNode`](API.md#promisefromnodefunction-resolver---promise) - Add new paramter `value` for [`Promise.bind`](API.md#promisebinddynamic-thisarg--dynamic-value---promise) Bugfixes: - Fix several issues with [`cancellation`](API.md#cancellation) and [`.bind()`](API.md#binddynamic-thisarg---promise) interoperation when `thisArg` is a promise or thenable - Fix promises created in [`disposers`](API#disposerfunction-disposer---disposer) not having proper long stack trace context - Fix [`Promise.join`](API.md#promisejoinpromisethenablevalue-promises-function-handler---promise) sometimes passing the passed in callback function as the last argument to itself. Misc: - Reduce minified full browser build file size by not including unused code generation functionality. - Major internal refactoring related to testing code and source code file layout ## 2.8.2 (2015-01-20) Features: - [Global rejection events](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md#global-rejection-events) are now fired both as DOM3 events and as legacy events in browsers ## 2.8.1 (2015-01-20) Bugfixes: - Fix long stack trace stiching consistency when rejected from thenables ## 2.8.0 (2015-01-19) Features: - Major debuggability improvements: - Long stack traces have been re-designed. They are now much more readable, succint, relevant and consistent across bluebird features. - Long stack traces are supported now in IE10+ ## 2.7.1 (2015-01-15) Bugfixes: - Fix [#447](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/447) ## 2.7.0 (2015-01-15) Features: - Added more context to stack traces originating from coroutines ([#421](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/421)) - Implemented [global rejection events](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md#global-rejection-events) ([#428](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/428), [#357](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/357)) - [Custom promisifiers](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md#option-promisifier) are now passed the default promisifier which can be used to add enhancements on top of normal node promisification - [Promisification filters](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md#option-filter) are now passed `passesDefaultFilter` boolean Bugfixes: - Fix `.noConflict()` call signature ([#446]()) - Fix `Promise.method`ified functions being called with `undefined` when they were called with no arguments ## 2.6.4 (2015-01-12) Bugfixes: - `OperationalErrors` thrown by promisified functions retain custom properties, such as `.code` and `.path`. ## 2.6.3 (2015-01-12) Bugfixes: - Fix [#429](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/429) - Fix [#432](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/432) - Fix [#433](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/433) ## 2.6.2 (2015-01-07) Bugfixes: - Fix [#426](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/426) ## 2.6.1 (2015-01-07) Bugfixes: - Fixed built browser files not being included in the git tag release for bower ## 2.6.0 (2015-01-06) Features: - Significantly improve parallel promise performance and memory usage (+50% faster, -50% less memory) ## 2.5.3 (2014-12-30) ## 2.5.2 (2014-12-29) Bugfixes: - Fix bug where already resolved promise gets attached more handlers while calling its handlers resulting in some handlers not being called - Fix bug where then handlers are not called in the same order as they would run if Promises/A+ 2.3.2 was implemented as adoption - Fix bug where using `Object.create(null)` as a rejection reason would crash bluebird ## 2.5.1 (2014-12-29) Bugfixes: - Fix `.finally` throwing null error when it is derived from a promise that is resolved with a promise that is resolved with a promise ## 2.5.0 (2014-12-28) Features: - [`.get`](#API.md#https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md#getstring-propertyname---promise) now supports negative indexing. Bugfixes: - Fix bug with `Promise.method` wrapped function returning a promise that never resolves if the function returns a promise that is resolved with another promise - Fix bug with `Promise.delay` never resolving if the value is a promise that is resolved with another promise ## 2.4.3 (2014-12-28) Bugfixes: - Fix memory leak as described in [this Promises/A+ spec issue](https://github.com/promises-aplus/promises-spec/issues/179). ## 2.4.2 (2014-12-21) Bugfixes: - Fix bug where spread rejected handler is ignored in case of rejection - Fix synchronous scheduler passed to `setScheduler` causing infinite loop ## 2.4.1 (2014-12-20) Features: - Error messages now have links to wiki pages for additional information - Promises now clean up all references (to handlers, child promises etc) as soon as possible. ## 2.4.0 (2014-12-18) Features: - Better filtering of bluebird internal calls in long stack traces, especially when using minified file in browsers - Small performance improvements for all collection methods - Promises now delete references to handlers attached to them as soon as possible - Additional stack traces are now output on stderr/`console.warn` for errors that are thrown in the process/window from rejected `.done()` promises. See [#411](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/411) ## 2.3.11 (2014-10-31) Bugfixes: - Fix [#371](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/371), [#373](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/373) ## 2.3.10 (2014-10-28) Features: - `Promise.method` no longer wraps primitive errors - `Promise.try` no longer wraps primitive errors ## 2.3.7 (2014-10-25) Bugfixes: - Fix [#359](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/359), [#362](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/362) and [#364](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/364) ## 2.3.6 (2014-10-15) Features: - Implement [`.reflect()`](API.md#reflect---promisepromiseinspection) ## 2.3.5 (2014-10-06) Bugfixes: - Fix issue when promisifying methods whose names contain the string 'args' ## 2.3.4 (2014-09-27) - `P` alias was not declared inside WebWorkers ## 2.3.3 (2014-09-27) Bugfixes: - Fix [#318](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/318), [#314](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/#314) ## 2.3.2 (2014-08-25) Bugfixes: - `P` alias for `Promise` now exists in global scope when using browser builds without a module loader, fixing an issue with firefox extensions ## 2.3.1 (2014-08-23) Features: - `.using` can now be used with disposers created from different bluebird copy ## 2.3.0 (2014-08-13) Features: - [`.bind()`](API.md#binddynamic-thisarg---promise) and [`Promise.bind()`](API.md#promisebinddynamic-thisarg---promise) now await for the resolution of the `thisArg` if it's a promise or a thenable Bugfixes: - Fix [#276](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/276) ## 2.2.2 (2014-07-14) - Fix [#259](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/259) ## 2.2.1 (2014-07-07) - Fix multiline error messages only showing the first line ## 2.2.0 (2014-07-07) Bugfixes: - `.any` and `.some` now consistently reject with RangeError when input array contains too few promises - Fix iteration bug with `.reduce` when input array contains already fulfilled promises ## 2.1.3 (2014-06-18) Bugfixes: - Fix [#235](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/235) ## 2.1.2 (2014-06-15) Bugfixes: - Fix [#232](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/232) ## 2.1.1 (2014-06-11) ## 2.1.0 (2014-06-11) Features: - Add [`promisifier`](API.md#option-promisifier) option to `Promise.promisifyAll()` - Improve performance of `.props()` and collection methods when used with immediate values Bugfixes: - Fix a bug where .reduce calls the callback for an already visited item - Fix a bug where stack trace limit is calculated to be too small, which resulted in too short stack traces Add undocumented experimental `yieldHandler` option to `Promise.coroutine` ## 2.0.7 (2014-06-08) ## 2.0.6 (2014-06-07) ## 2.0.5 (2014-06-05) ## 2.0.4 (2014-06-05) ## 2.0.3 (2014-06-05) ## 2.0.2 (2014-06-04) ## 2.0.1 (2014-06-04) ## 2.0.0 (2014-06-04) #What's new in 2.0 - [Resource management](API.md#resource-management) - never leak resources again - [Promisification](API.md#promisification) on steroids - entire modules can now be promisified with one line of code - [`.map()`](API.md#mapfunction-mapper--object-options---promise), [`.each()`](API.md#eachfunction-iterator---promise), [`.filter()`](API.md#filterfunction-filterer--object-options---promise), [`.reduce()`](API.md#reducefunction-reducer--dynamic-initialvalue---promise) reimagined from simple sugar to powerful concurrency coordination tools - [API Documentation](API.md) has been reorganized and more elaborate examples added - Deprecated [progression](#progression-migration) and [deferreds](#deferred-migration) - Improved performance and readability Features: - Added [`using()`](API.md#promiseusingpromisedisposer-promise-promisedisposer-promise--function-handler---promise) and [`disposer()`](API.md#disposerfunction-disposer---disposer) - [`.map()`](API.md#mapfunction-mapper--object-options---promise) now calls the handler as soon as items in the input array become fulfilled - Added a concurrency option to [`.map()`](API.md#mapfunction-mapper--object-options---promise) - [`.filter()`](API.md#filterfunction-filterer--object-options---promise) now calls the handler as soon as items in the input array become fulfilled - Added a concurrency option to [`.filter()`](API.md#filterfunction-filterer--object-options---promise) - [`.reduce()`](API.md#reducefunction-reducer--dynamic-initialvalue---promise) now calls the handler as soon as items in the input array become fulfilled, but in-order - Added [`.each()`](API.md#eachfunction-iterator---promise) - [`Promise.resolve()`](API.md#promiseresolvedynamic-value---promise) behaves like `Promise.cast`. `Promise.cast` deprecated. - [Synchronous inspection](API.md#synchronous-inspection): Removed `.inspect()`, added [`.value()`](API.md#value---dynamic) and [`.reason()`](API.md#reason---dynamic) - [`Promise.join()`](API.md#promisejoinpromisethenablevalue-promises-function-handler---promise) now takes a function as the last argument - Added [`Promise.setScheduler()`](API.md#promisesetschedulerfunction-scheduler---void) - [`.cancel()`](API.md#cancelerror-reason---promise) supports a custom cancellation reason - [`.timeout()`](API.md#timeoutint-ms--string-message---promise) now cancels the promise instead of rejecting it - [`.nodeify()`](API.md#nodeifyfunction-callback--object-options---promise) now supports passing multiple success results when mapping promises to nodebacks - Added `suffix` and `filter` options to [`Promise.promisifyAll()`](API.md#promisepromisifyallobject-target--object-options---object) Breaking changes: - Sparse array holes are not skipped by collection methods but treated as existing elements with `undefined` value - `.map()` and `.filter()` do not call the given mapper or filterer function in any specific order - Removed the `.inspect()` method - Yielding an array from a coroutine is not supported by default. You can use [`coroutine.addYieldHandler()`](API.md#promisecoroutineaddyieldhandlerfunction-handler---void) to configure the old behavior (or any behavior you want). - [`.any()`](API.md#any---promise) and [`.some()`](API.md#someint-count---promise) no longer use an array as the rejection reason. [`AggregateError`](API.md#aggregateerror) is used instead. ## 1.2.4 (2014-04-27) Bugfixes: - Fix promisifyAll causing a syntax error when a method name is not a valid identifier - Fix syntax error when es5.js is used in strict mode ## 1.2.3 (2014-04-17) Bugfixes: - Fix [#179](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/179) ## 1.2.2 (2014-04-09) Bugfixes: - Promisified methods from promisifyAll no longer call the original method when it is overriden - Nodeify doesn't pass second argument to the callback if the promise is fulfilled with `undefined` ## 1.2.1 (2014-03-31) Bugfixes: - Fix [#168](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/168) ## 1.2.0 (2014-03-29) Features: - New method: [`.value()`](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md#value---dynamic) - New method: [`.reason()`](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md#reason---dynamic) - New method: [`Promise.onUnhandledRejectionHandled()`](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md#promiseonunhandledrejectionhandledfunction-handler---undefined) - `Promise.map()`, `.map()`, `Promise.filter()` and `.filter()` start calling their callbacks as soon as possible while retaining a correct order. See [`8085922f`](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/commit/8085922fb95a9987fda0cf2337598ab4a98dc315). Bugfixes: - Fix [#165](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/165) - Fix [#166](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/166) ## 1.1.1 (2014-03-18) Bugfixes: - [#138](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/138) - [#144](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/144) - [#148](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/148) - [#151](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/151) ## 1.1.0 (2014-03-08) Features: - Implement [`Promise.prototype.tap()`](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md#tapfunction-handler---promise) - Implement [`Promise.coroutine.addYieldHandler()`](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md#promisecoroutineaddyieldhandlerfunction-handler---void) - Deprecate `Promise.prototype.spawn` Bugfixes: - Fix already rejected promises being reported as unhandled when handled through collection methods - Fix browserisfy crashing from checking `process.version.indexOf` ## 1.0.8 (2014-03-03) Bugfixes: - Fix active domain being lost across asynchronous boundaries in Node.JS 10.xx ## 1.0.7 (2014-02-25) Bugfixes: - Fix handled errors being reported ## 1.0.6 (2014-02-17) Bugfixes: - Fix bug with unhandled rejections not being reported when using `Promise.try` or `Promise.method` without attaching further handlers ## 1.0.5 (2014-02-15) Features: - Node.js performance: promisified functions try to check amount of passed arguments in most optimal order - Node.js promisified functions will have same `.length` as the original function minus one (for the callback parameter) ## 1.0.4 (2014-02-09) Features: - Possibly unhandled rejection handler will always get a stack trace, even if the rejection or thrown error was not an error - Unhandled rejections are tracked per promise, not per error. So if you create multiple branches from a single ancestor and that ancestor gets rejected, each branch with no error handler with the end will cause a possibly unhandled rejection handler invocation Bugfixes: - Fix unhandled non-writable objects or primitives not reported by possibly unhandled rejection handler ## 1.0.3 (2014-02-05) Bugfixes: - [#93](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/88) ## 1.0.2 (2014-02-04) Features: - Significantly improve performance of foreign bluebird thenables Bugfixes: - [#88](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/88) ## 1.0.1 (2014-01-28) Features: - Error objects that have property `.isAsync = true` will now be caught by `.error()` Bugfixes: - Fix TypeError and RangeError shims not working without `new` operator ## 1.0.0 (2014-01-12) Features: - `.filter`, `.map`, and `.reduce` no longer skip sparse array holes. This is a backwards incompatible change. - Like `.map` and `.filter`, `.reduce` now allows returning promises and thenables from the iteration function. Bugfixes: - [#58](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/58) - [#61](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/61) - [#64](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/64) - [#60](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/issues/60) ## 0.11.6-1 (2013-12-29) ## 0.11.6-0 (2013-12-29) Features: - You may now return promises and thenables from the filterer function used in `Promise.filter` and `Promise.prototype.filter`. - `.error()` now catches additional sources of rejections: - Rejections originating from `Promise.reject` - Rejections originating from thenables using the `reject` callback - Rejections originating from promisified callbacks which use the `errback` argument - Rejections originating from `new Promise` constructor where the `reject` callback is called explicitly - Rejections originating from `PromiseResolver` where `.reject()` method is called explicitly Bugfixes: - Fix `captureStackTrace` being called when it was `null` - Fix `Promise.map` not unwrapping thenables ## 0.11.5-1 (2013-12-15) ## 0.11.5-0 (2013-12-03) Features: - Improve performance of collection methods - Improve performance of promise chains ## 0.11.4-1 (2013-12-02) ## 0.11.4-0 (2013-12-02) Bugfixes: - Fix `Promise.some` behavior with arguments like negative integers, 0... - Fix stack traces of synchronously throwing promisified functions' ## 0.11.3-0 (2013-12-02) Features: - Improve performance of generators Bugfixes: - Fix critical bug with collection methods. ## 0.11.2-0 (2013-12-02) Features: - Improve performance of all collection methods ## 0.11.1-0 (2013-12-02) Features: - Improve overall performance. - Improve performance of promisified functions. - Improve performance of catch filters. - Improve performance of .finally. Bugfixes: - Fix `.finally()` rejecting if passed non-function. It will now ignore non-functions like `.then`. - Fix `.finally()` not converting thenables returned from the handler to promises. - `.spread()` now rejects if the ultimate value given to it is not spreadable. ## 0.11.0-0 (2013-12-02) Features: - Improve overall performance when not using `.bind()` or cancellation. - Promises are now not cancellable by default. This is backwards incompatible change - see [`.cancellable()`](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md#cancellable---promise) - [`Promise.delay`](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md#promisedelaydynamic-value-int-ms---promise) - [`.delay()`](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md#delayint-ms---promise) - [`.timeout()`](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md#timeoutint-ms--string-message---promise) ## 0.10.14-0 (2013-12-01) Bugfixes: - Fix race condition when mixing 3rd party asynchrony. ## 0.10.13-1 (2013-11-30) ## 0.10.13-0 (2013-11-30) Bugfixes: - Fix another bug with progression. ## 0.10.12-0 (2013-11-30) Bugfixes: - Fix bug with progression. ## 0.10.11-4 (2013-11-29) ## 0.10.11-2 (2013-11-29) Bugfixes: - Fix `.race()` not propagating bound values. ## 0.10.11-1 (2013-11-29) Features: - Improve performance of `Promise.race` ## 0.10.11-0 (2013-11-29) Bugfixes: - Fixed `Promise.promisifyAll` invoking property accessors. Only data properties with function values are considered. ## 0.10.10-0 (2013-11-28) Features: - Disable long stack traces in browsers by default. Call `Promise.longStackTraces()` to enable them. ## 0.10.9-1 (2013-11-27) Bugfixes: - Fail early when `new Promise` is constructed incorrectly ## 0.10.9-0 (2013-11-27) Bugfixes: - Promise.props now takes a [thenable-for-collection](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/f41edac61b7c421608ff439bb5a09b7cffeadcf9/test/mocha/props.js#L197-L217) - All promise collection methods now reject when a promise-or-thenable-for-collection turns out not to give a collection ## 0.10.8-0 (2013-11-25) Features: - All static collection methods take thenable-for-collection ## 0.10.7-0 (2013-11-25) Features: - throw TypeError when thenable resolves with itself - Make .race() and Promise.race() forever pending on empty collections ## 0.10.6-0 (2013-11-25) Bugfixes: - Promise.resolve and PromiseResolver.resolve follow thenables too. ## 0.10.5-0 (2013-11-24) Bugfixes: - Fix infinite loop when thenable resolves with itself ## 0.10.4-1 (2013-11-24) Bugfixes: - Fix a file missing from build. (Critical fix) ## 0.10.4-0 (2013-11-24) Features: - Remove dependency of es5-shim and es5-sham when using ES3. ## 0.10.3-0 (2013-11-24) Features: - Improve performance of `Promise.method` ## 0.10.2-1 (2013-11-24) Features: - Rename PromiseResolver#asCallback to PromiseResolver#callback ## 0.10.2-0 (2013-11-24) Features: - Remove memoization of thenables ## 0.10.1-0 (2013-11-21) Features: - Add methods `Promise.resolve()`, `Promise.reject()`, `Promise.defer()` and `.resolve()`. ## 0.10.0-1 (2013-11-17) ## 0.10.0-0 (2013-11-17) Features: - Implement `Promise.method()` - Implement `.return()` - Implement `.throw()` Bugfixes: - Fix promises being able to use themselves as resolution or follower value ## 0.9.11-1 (2013-11-14) Features: - Implicit `Promise.all()` when yielding an array from generators ## 0.9.11-0 (2013-11-13) Bugfixes: - Fix `.spread` not unwrapping thenables ## 0.9.10-2 (2013-11-13) Features: - Improve performance of promisified functions on V8 Bugfixes: - Report unhandled rejections even when long stack traces are disabled - Fix `.error()` showing up in stack traces ## 0.9.10-1 (2013-11-05) Bugfixes: - Catch filter method calls showing in stack traces ## 0.9.10-0 (2013-11-05) Bugfixes: - Support primitives in catch filters ## 0.9.9-0 (2013-11-05) Features: - Add `Promise.race()` and `.race()` ## 0.9.8-0 (2013-11-01) Bugfixes: - Fix bug with `Promise.try` not unwrapping returned promises and thenables ## 0.9.7-0 (2013-10-29) Bugfixes: - Fix bug with build files containing duplicated code for promise.js ## 0.9.6-0 (2013-10-28) Features: - Improve output of reporting unhandled non-errors - Implement RejectionError wrapping and `.error()` method ## 0.9.5-0 (2013-10-27) Features: - Allow fresh copies of the library to be made ## 0.9.4-1 (2013-10-27) ## 0.9.4-0 (2013-10-27) Bugfixes: - Rollback non-working multiple fresh copies feature ## 0.9.3-0 (2013-10-27) Features: - Allow fresh copies of the library to be made - Add more components to customized builds ## 0.9.2-1 (2013-10-25) ## 0.9.2-0 (2013-10-25) Features: - Allow custom builds ## 0.9.1-1 (2013-10-22) Bugfixes: - Fix unhandled rethrown exceptions not reported ## 0.9.1-0 (2013-10-22) Features: - Improve performance of `Promise.try` - Extend `Promise.try` to accept arguments and ctx to make it more usable in promisification of synchronous functions. ## 0.9.0-0 (2013-10-18) Features: - Implement `.bind` and `Promise.bind` Bugfixes: - Fix `.some()` when argument is a pending promise that later resolves to an array ## 0.8.5-1 (2013-10-17) Features: - Enable process wide long stack traces through BLUEBIRD_DEBUG environment variable ## 0.8.5-0 (2013-10-16) Features: - Improve performance of all collection methods Bugfixes: - Fix .finally passing the value to handlers - Remove kew from benchmarks due to bugs in the library breaking the benchmark - Fix some bluebird library calls potentially appearing in stack traces ## 0.8.4-1 (2013-10-15) Bugfixes: - Fix .pending() call showing in long stack traces ## 0.8.4-0 (2013-10-15) Bugfixes: - Fix PromiseArray and its sub-classes swallowing possibly unhandled rejections ## 0.8.3-3 (2013-10-14) Bugfixes: - Fix AMD-declaration using named module. ## 0.8.3-2 (2013-10-14) Features: - The mortals that can handle it may now release Zalgo by `require("bluebird/zalgo");` ## 0.8.3-1 (2013-10-14) Bugfixes: - Fix memory leak when using the same promise to attach handlers over and over again ## 0.8.3-0 (2013-10-13) Features: - Add `Promise.props()` and `Promise.prototype.props()`. They work like `.all()` for object properties. Bugfixes: - Fix bug with .some returning garbage when sparse arrays have rejections ## 0.8.2-2 (2013-10-13) Features: - Improve performance of `.reduce()` when `initialValue` can be synchronously cast to a value ## 0.8.2-1 (2013-10-12) Bugfixes: - Fix .npmignore having irrelevant files ## 0.8.2-0 (2013-10-12) Features: - Improve performance of `.some()` ## 0.8.1-0 (2013-10-11) Bugfixes: - Remove uses of dynamic evaluation (`new Function`, `eval` etc) when strictly not necessary. Use feature detection to use static evaluation to avoid errors when dynamic evaluation is prohibited. ## 0.8.0-3 (2013-10-10) Features: - Add `.asCallback` property to `PromiseResolver`s ## 0.8.0-2 (2013-10-10) ## 0.8.0-1 (2013-10-09) Features: - Improve overall performance. Be able to sustain infinite recursion when using promises. ## 0.8.0-0 (2013-10-09) Bugfixes: - Fix stackoverflow error when function calls itself "synchronously" from a promise handler ## 0.7.12-2 (2013-10-09) Bugfixes: - Fix safari 6 not using `MutationObserver` as a scheduler - Fix process exceptions interfering with internal queue flushing ## 0.7.12-1 (2013-10-09) Bugfixes: - Don't try to detect if generators are available to allow shims to be used ## 0.7.12-0 (2013-10-08) Features: - Promisification now consider all functions on the object and its prototype chain - Individual promisifcation uses current `this` if no explicit receiver is given - Give better stack traces when promisified callbacks throw or errback primitives such as strings by wrapping them in an `Error` object. Bugfixes: - Fix runtime APIs throwing synchronous errors ## 0.7.11-0 (2013-10-08) Features: - Deprecate `Promise.promisify(Object target)` in favor of `Promise.promisifyAll(Object target)` to avoid confusion with function objects - Coroutines now throw error when a non-promise is `yielded` ## 0.7.10-1 (2013-10-05) Features: - Make tests pass Internet Explorer 8 ## 0.7.10-0 (2013-10-05) Features: - Create browser tests ## 0.7.9-1 (2013-10-03) Bugfixes: - Fix promise cast bug when thenable fulfills using itself as the fulfillment value ## 0.7.9-0 (2013-10-03) Features: - More performance improvements when long stack traces are enabled ## 0.7.8-1 (2013-10-02) Features: - Performance improvements when long stack traces are enabled ## 0.7.8-0 (2013-10-02) Bugfixes: - Fix promisified methods not turning synchronous exceptions into rejections ## 0.7.7-1 (2013-10-02) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.7.7-0 (2013-10-01) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.7.6-0 (2013-09-29) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.7.5-0 (2013-09-28) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.7.4-1 (2013-09-28) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.7.4-0 (2013-09-28) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.7.3-1 (2013-09-28) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.7.3-0 (2013-09-27) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.7.2-0 (2013-09-27) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.7.1-5 (2013-09-26) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.7.1-4 (2013-09-25) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.7.1-3 (2013-09-25) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.7.1-2 (2013-09-24) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.7.1-1 (2013-09-24) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.7.1-0 (2013-09-24) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.7.0-1 (2013-09-23) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.7.0-0 (2013-09-23) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.6.5-2 (2013-09-20) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.6.5-1 (2013-09-18) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.6.5-0 (2013-09-18) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.6.4-1 (2013-09-18) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.6.4-0 (2013-09-18) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.6.3-4 (2013-09-18) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.6.3-3 (2013-09-18) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.6.3-2 (2013-09-16) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.6.3-1 (2013-09-16) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.6.3-0 (2013-09-15) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.6.2-1 (2013-09-14) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.6.2-0 (2013-09-14) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.6.1-0 (2013-09-14) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.6.0-0 (2013-09-13) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.9-6 (2013-09-12) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.9-5 (2013-09-12) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.9-4 (2013-09-12) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.9-3 (2013-09-11) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.9-2 (2013-09-11) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.9-1 (2013-09-11) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.9-0 (2013-09-11) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.8-1 (2013-09-11) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.8-0 (2013-09-11) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.7-0 (2013-09-11) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.6-1 (2013-09-10) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.6-0 (2013-09-10) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.5-1 (2013-09-10) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.5-0 (2013-09-09) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.4-1 (2013-09-08) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.4-0 (2013-09-08) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.3-0 (2013-09-07) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.2-0 (2013-09-07) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.1-0 (2013-09-07) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.5.0-0 (2013-09-07) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.4.0-0 (2013-09-06) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.3.0-1 (2013-09-06) Features: - feature Bugfixes: - bugfix ## 0.3.0 (2013-09-06)