Keyboard navigation
[ File Path: super/keyboard_navigation.html ]
1. Explanation of setting
- Keyboard navigation does not require special configuration setting.
- It does require that the keyboard_navigation.js file is loaded and the function initialized.
2. Explanation of navigation
- Home: home key (keycode 36) Goes to the first root element is visible
- End: end key (keycode 35) Goes to the last leaf node and will expand nodes and scroll the element into view
- Down: right cursor key (keycode 39) Goes to the next visible node in the tree following the hierarchy
- Next: down cursor key (keycode 40) Goes to the next visible node at the same level
- Up: up cursor key (keycode 37) Goes to the prior visible node at the same level
- Previous: left cursor key (keycode 38) Goes to the prior visible node following the hierarchy
- Toggle: space key (keycode 32) Toggles the expand/collapse state of a parent node