/*! * Mricode Pagination Plugin * Github: https://github.com/mricle/Mricode.Pagination * Version: 1.4.4 * * Required jQuery * * Copyright 2016 Mricle * Released under the MIT license */ (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // Node / CommonJS factory(require('jquery')); } else { // Globals factory(jQuery); } })(function ($) { "use strict"; var Page = function (element, options) { var defaultOption = { pageIndex: 0, pageSize: 10, total: 0, pageBtnCount: 11, showFirstLastBtn: true, firstBtnText: null, lastBtnText: null, prevBtnText: "«", nextBtnText: "»", loadFirstPage: true, remote: { url: null, params: null, pageParams: null, success: null, beforeSend: null, complete: null, pageIndexName: 'pageIndex', pageSizeName: 'pageSize', totalName: 'total', traditional: false }, pageElementSort: ['$page', '$size', '$jump', '$info'], showInfo: false, infoFormat: '{start} ~ {end} of {total} entires', noInfoText: '0 entires', showJump: false, jumpBtnText: 'Go', showPageSizes: false, pageSizeItems: [5, 10, 15, 20], debug: false } this.$element = $(element); this.$page = $('').hide(); this.$size = $('
').hide(); this.$jump = $('
').hide(); this.$info = $('
').hide(); this.options = $.extend(true, {}, defaultOption, $.fn.pagination.defaults, options); if (options.pageElementSort) { this.options.pageElementSort = options.pageElementSort } else { if ($.fn.pagination.defaults && $.fn.pagination.defaults.pageElementSort) { this.options.pageElementSort = $.fn.pagination.defaults.pageElementSort; } else { this.options.pageElementSort = defaultOption.pageElementSort; } } this.options.pageSizeItems = options.pageSizeItems || (($.fn.pagination.defaults && $.fn.pagination.defaults.pageSizeItems) ? $.fn.pagination.defaults.pageSizeItems : defaultOption.pageSizeItems); this.total = this.options.total; this.currentUrl = this.options.remote.url; this.currentPageIndex = utility.convertInt(this.options.pageIndex); this.currentPageSize = utility.convertInt(this.options.pageSize); this.currentParams = utility.deserializeParams(this.options.remote.params) || {}; this.getLastPageNum = function () { return pagination.core.calLastPageNum(this.total, this.currentPageSize); } if (this.options.remote.success === null) { this.options.remote.success = this.options.remote.callback; } this.init(); } Page.prototype = { getPageIndex: function () { return this.currentPageIndex; }, getPageSize: function () { return this.currentPageSize; }, getParams: function () { return this.currentParams; }, setPageIndex: function (pageIndex) { if (pageIndex !== undefined && pageIndex !== null) { this.currentPageIndex = utility.convertInt(pageIndex); } }, setPageSize: function (pageSize) { if (pageSize !== undefined && pageSize !== null) { this.currentPageSize = utility.convertInt(pageSize); } }, setRemoteUrl: function (url) { if (url) { this.currentUrl = url; } }, setParams: function (params) { if (params) { this.currentParams = utility.deserializeParams(params); } }, render: function (total) { if (total !== undefined && total !== null) { this.total = utility.convertInt(total); } this.renderPagination(); this.debug('pagination rendered'); }, init: function () { this.initHtml(); this.initEvent(); if (this.currentUrl && this.options.loadFirstPage) { this.remote(); } else { this.renderPagination(); } this.debug('pagination inited'); }, initHtml: function () { //init size module var sizeHtml = $(''); for (var i = 0; i < this.options.pageSizeItems.length; i++) { sizeHtml.append('') } sizeHtml.val(this.currentPageSize); this.$size.append(sizeHtml); //init jump module var jumpHtml = '
'; this.$jump.append(jumpHtml); for (var i = 0; i < this.options.pageElementSort.length; i++) { this.$element.append(this[this.options.pageElementSort[i]]); } }, initEvent: function () { this.$element .on('click', { page: this }, function (event) { if ($(event.target).is('button')) { if ($(event.target).data('pageBtn') == 'jump') { var $input = event.data.page.$element.find('input[data-page-btn=jump]'); event.data.page.jumpEventHandler($input.val(), event); } } else { if ($(event.target).data('pageIndex') !== undefined) eventHandler.call(event.data.page, event); } }).on('change', { page: this }, function (event) { var $this = $(event.target); if ($this.data('pageBtn') == 'jump') { event.data.page.jumpEventHandler($this.val(), event); } if ($this.data('pageBtn') == 'size') { eventHandler.call(event.data.page, event); } }).on('keypress', { page: this }, function (event) { if (event.keyCode == "13") { var $input = event.data.page.$element.find('input[data-page-btn=jump]') event.data.page.jumpEventHandler($input.val(), event); } }); this.$element.find('input[data-page-btn=jump]').on('blur', { page: this }, function(event){ event.stopPropagation(); var pageIndex = $(this).val(); event.data.page.jumpEventHandler($(this).val(), event); $(this).val(pageIndex) }) }, jumpEventHandler: function (inputValue, event) { if (!inputValue) { this.$jump.removeClass('error'); } else if (!pagination.check.checkJumpPage(inputValue)) { this.$jump.addClass('error'); } else if (utility.convertInt(inputValue) > this.getLastPageNum()) { this.$jump.addClass('error'); } else { this.$jump.removeClass('error'); eventHandler.call(this, event); } }, doPagination: function () { if (this.currentUrl) { this.remote(); } else { this.renderPagination(); } }, remote: function () { if (typeof this.options.remote.pageParams === 'function') { var pageParams = this.options.remote.pageParams.call(this, { pageIndex: this.currentPageIndex, pageSize: this.currentPageSize }); this.currentParams = $.extend({}, this.currentParams, pageParams); } else { this.currentParams[this.options.remote.pageIndexName] = this.currentPageIndex; this.currentParams[this.options.remote.pageSizeName] = this.currentPageSize; } pagination.remote.getAjax(this, this.currentUrl, this.currentParams, this.ajaxCallBack, this.options.remote.beforeSend, this.options.remote.complete,this.options.remote.traditional); }, ajaxCallBack: function (result) { var total = utility.mapObjectNameRecursion(result, this.options.remote.totalName); if (total == null || total == undefined) throw new Error("the response of totalName : '" + this.options.remote.totalName + "' not found."); total = utility.convertInt(total); this.total = total; var lastPageNum = this.getLastPageNum(); if (this.currentPageIndex > 0 && lastPageNum - 1 < this.currentPageIndex) { this.setPageIndex(lastPageNum - 1); this.remote(); } else { if (typeof this.options.remote.success === 'function') this.options.remote.success(result); this.renderPagination(); } }, onEvent: function (eventName, pageIndex, pageSize) { if (pageIndex != null) this.currentPageIndex = utility.convertInt(pageIndex); if (pageSize != null) this.currentPageSize = utility.convertInt(pageSize); this.doPagination(); this.$element.trigger(eventName, { pageIndex: this.currentPageIndex, pageSize: this.currentPageSize }); this.debug('pagination ' + eventName); }, //生成分页 renderPagination: function () { var option = { showFirstLastBtn: this.options.showFirstLastBtn, firstBtnText: this.options.firstBtnText, prevBtnText: this.options.prevBtnText, nextBtnText: this.options.nextBtnText, lastBtnText: this.options.lastBtnText } var lastPageNum = this.getLastPageNum(); this.currentPageIndex = lastPageNum > 0 && this.currentPageIndex > lastPageNum - 1 ? lastPageNum - 1 : this.currentPageIndex; this.$page.empty().append(pagination.core.renderPages(this.currentPageIndex, this.currentPageSize, this.total, this.options.pageBtnCount, option)).show(); if (this.options.showPageSizes && lastPageNum !== 0) this.$size.show(); else this.$size.hide(); if (this.options.showJump && lastPageNum !== 0) this.$jump.show(); else this.$jump.hide(); this.$info.text(pagination.core.renderInfo(this.currentPageIndex, this.currentPageSize, this.total, this.options.infoFormat, this.options.noInfoText)); if (this.options.showInfo) this.$info.show(); else this.$info.hide(); }, //销毁分页 destroy: function () { this.$element.unbind().data("pagination", null).empty(); this.debug('pagination destroyed'); }, debug: function (message, data) { if (this.options.debug && console) { message && console.info(message + ' : pageIndex = ' + this.currentPageIndex + ' , pageSize = ' + this.currentPageSize + ' , total = ' + this.total); data && console.info(data); } } } var eventHandler = function (event) { var that = event.data.page; var $target = $(event.target); if (event.type === 'click' && $target.data('pageIndex') !== undefined && !$target.parent().hasClass('active')) { that.onEvent(pagination.event.pageClicked, $target.data("pageIndex"), null); } else if ((event.type === 'click' || event.type === 'keypress') && $target.data('pageBtn') === 'jump') { var pageIndexStr = that.$jump.find('input').val(); if (utility.convertInt(pageIndexStr) <= that.getLastPageNum()) { that.onEvent(pagination.event.jumpClicked, pageIndexStr - 1, null); that.$jump.find('input').val(null); } } else if (event.type === 'change' && $target.data('pageBtn') === 'size') { var newPageSize = that.$size.find('select').val(); var lastPageNum = pagination.core.calLastPageNum(that.total, newPageSize); if (lastPageNum > 0 && that.currentPageIndex > lastPageNum - 1) { that.currentPageIndex = lastPageNum - 1; } that.onEvent(pagination.event.pageSizeChanged, that.currentPageIndex, newPageSize); } else if (event.type === 'blur'){ var pageIndexStr = that.$jump.find('input').val(); if (utility.convertInt(pageIndexStr) <= that.getLastPageNum()) { that.onEvent(pagination.event.jumpClicked, pageIndexStr - 1, null); that.$jump.find('input').val(null); } } }; var pagination = {}; pagination.event = { pageClicked: 'pageClicked', jumpClicked: 'jumpClicked', pageSizeChanged: 'pageSizeChanged' }; pagination.remote = { getAjax: function (pagination, url, data, success, beforeSend, complate,traditional) { $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'json', data: data, cache: false, traditional:traditional, contentType: 'application/Json', beforeSend: function (XMLHttpRequest) { if (typeof beforeSend === 'function') beforeSend.call(this, XMLHttpRequest); }, complete: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatue) { if (typeof complate === 'function') complate.call(this, XMLHttpRequest, textStatue); }, success: function (result) { success.call(pagination, result); } }) } }; pagination.core = { /* options : { showFirstLastBtn firstBtnText: } */ renderPages: function (pageIndex, pageSize, total, pageBtnCount, options) { options = options || {}; var pageNumber = pageIndex + 1; var lastPageNumber = this.calLastPageNum(total, pageSize); var html = []; if (lastPageNumber <= pageBtnCount) { html = this.renderGroupPages(1, lastPageNumber, pageNumber); } else { var firstPage = this.renderPerPage(options.firstBtnText || 1, 0); var lastPage = this.renderPerPage(options.lastBtnText || lastPageNumber, lastPageNumber - 1); //button count of both sides var symmetryBtnCount = (pageBtnCount - 1 - 4) / 2; if (!options.showFirstLastBtn) symmetryBtnCount = symmetryBtnCount + 1; var frontBtnNum = (pageBtnCount + 1) / 2; var behindBtnNum = lastPageNumber - ((pageBtnCount + 1) / 2); var prevPage = this.renderPerPage(options.prevBtnText, pageIndex - 1); var nextPage = this.renderPerPage(options.nextBtnText, pageIndex + 1); symmetryBtnCount = symmetryBtnCount.toString().indexOf('.') == -1 ? symmetryBtnCount : symmetryBtnCount + 0.5; frontBtnNum = frontBtnNum.toString().indexOf('.') == -1 ? frontBtnNum : frontBtnNum + 0.5; behindBtnNum = behindBtnNum.toString().indexOf('.') == -1 ? behindBtnNum : behindBtnNum + 0.5; if (pageNumber < frontBtnNum) { if (options.showFirstLastBtn) { html = this.renderGroupPages(1, pageBtnCount - 2, pageNumber); html.push(nextPage); html.push(lastPage); } else { html = this.renderGroupPages(1, pageBtnCount - 1, pageNumber); html.push(nextPage); } } else if (pageNumber > behindBtnNum) { if (options.showFirstLastBtn) { html = this.renderGroupPages(lastPageNumber - pageBtnCount + 3, pageBtnCount - 2, pageNumber); html.unshift(prevPage); html.unshift(firstPage); } else { html = this.renderGroupPages(lastPageNumber - pageBtnCount + 2, pageBtnCount - 1, pageNumber); html.unshift(prevPage); } } else { if (options.showFirstLastBtn) { html = this.renderGroupPages(pageNumber - symmetryBtnCount, pageBtnCount - 4, pageNumber); html.unshift(prevPage); html.push(nextPage); html.unshift(firstPage); html.push(lastPage); } else { html = this.renderGroupPages(pageNumber - symmetryBtnCount, pageBtnCount - 2, pageNumber); html.unshift(prevPage); html.push(nextPage); } } } return html; }, renderGroupPages: function (beginPageNum, count, currentPage) { var html = []; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var page = this.renderPerPage(beginPageNum, beginPageNum - 1); if (beginPageNum === currentPage) page.addClass("active"); html.push(page); beginPageNum++; } return html; }, renderPerPage: function (text, value) { return $("
  • " + text + "
  • "); }, renderInfo: function (currentPageIndex, currentPageSize, total, infoFormat, noInfoText) { if (total <= 0) { return noInfoText; } else { var startNum = (currentPageIndex * currentPageSize) + 1; var endNum = (currentPageIndex + 1) * currentPageSize; endNum = endNum >= total ? total : endNum; return infoFormat.replace('{start}', startNum).replace('{end}', endNum).replace('{total}', total); } }, //计算最大分页数 calLastPageNum: function (total, pageSize) { total = utility.convertInt(total); pageSize = utility.convertInt(pageSize); var i = total / pageSize; return utility.isDecimal(i) ? parseInt(i) + 1 : i; } }; pagination.check = { //校验跳转页数有效性 checkJumpPage: function (pageIndex) { var reg = /^\+?[1-9][0-9]*$/; return reg.test(pageIndex); } }; var utility = { //转换为int convertInt: function (i) { if (typeof i === 'number') { return i; } else { var j = parseInt(i); if (!isNaN(j)) { return j; } else { throw new Error("convertInt Type Error. Type is " + typeof i + ', value = ' + i); } } }, //返回是否小数 isDecimal: function (i) { return parseInt(i) !== i; }, //匹配对象名称(递归) mapObjectNameRecursion: function (object, name) { var obj = object; var arr = name.split('.'); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { obj = utility.mapObjectName(obj, arr[i]); } return obj; }, //匹配对象名称 mapObjectName: function (object, name) { var value = null; for (var i in object) { //过滤原型属性 if (object.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (i == name) { value = object[i]; break; } } } return value; }, deserializeParams: function (params) { var newParams = {}; if (typeof params === 'string') { var arr = params.split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var a = arr[i].split('='); newParams[a[0]] = decodeURIComponent(a[1]); } } else if (params instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { newParams[params[i].name] = decodeURIComponent(params[i].value); } } else if (typeof params === 'object') { newParams = params; } return newParams; } } $.fn.pagination = function (option) { if (typeof option === 'undefined') { return $(this).data('pagination') || false; } else { var result; var args = arguments; this.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var data = $this.data('pagination'); if (!data && typeof option === 'string') { throw new Error('MricodePagination is uninitialized.'); } else if (data && typeof option === 'object') { throw new Error('MricodePagination is initialized.'); } //初始化 else if (!data && typeof option === 'object') { var options = typeof option == 'object' && option; var data_api_options = $this.data(); options = $.extend(options, data_api_options); $this.data('pagination', (data = new Page(this, options))); } else if (data && typeof option === 'string') { result = data[option].apply(data, Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1)); } }); return typeof result === 'undefined' ? this : result; } } });