pluck('title', 'id')->toArray(); //order_at 下单时间=合同时间 文章数 $last5Sites = Site::query()->whereIn('id', $validSiteIds)->withCount(['articles', 'linkTasks']) ->with(['users'])->limit(5)->orderByDesc('order_at')->get(); //top10 首页 top30 前三页 //rank 205 project doKeyword line $oldIds = array_filter($last5Sites->pluck('old_id')->toArray()); // $oldIds = [90]; $last5SitesKeywords = $rankDatabase->table('project_keyword')->selectRaw(' SUM(CASE WHEN google_rank <= 10 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as top10, SUM(CASE WHEN google_rank <= 30 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as top30, SUM(CASE WHEN google_rank <= 50 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as top100, project_id ')->where('google_rank', '<>', 9999)->whereIn('project_id', $oldIds) ->groupBy('project_id')->get()->keyBy('project_id')->toArray(); foreach ($last5Sites as $lastSite) { $contractIds = $lastSite->contract_ids ?? []; $lastSite->contractsTitle = implode(',', array_map(function ($item) use (&$contracts) { return $contracts[$item]; }, $contractIds)); // $lastSite->keywords = $last5SitesKeywords[90] ?? []; $lastSite->keywords = $last5SitesKeywords[$lastSite->old_id] ?? []; //到期时间 达标日期往后推10个月 // $lastSite->is_expired = (time() > strtotime('+10 month', strtotime($lastSite['reach_at']))); $lastSite->expired_time = $lastSite['reach_at'] ? strtotime('+10 month', strtotime($lastSite['reach_at'])) : null; //引擎力顾问 $lastSite->managesInfo = $lastSite->users->where('role_id', Role::TYPE_MANAGER); $lastSite->serverUsersArray = array_values($lastSite->users->where('role_id', Role::TYPE_SERVER)->toArray()); } return $last5Sites; } public function indexDropKeywordSites(ConnectionInterface $rankDatabase, &$validSiteIds) { //关键词排名急剧下降 $nowMonthKeywords = $rankDatabase->table('project_history')->selectRaw('max(create_time),top10,project_id')->where([ ['create_time', '>', strtotime(date('Y-m-01'))], ['create_time', '<', strtotime(date('Y-m-t 23:59:59'))], ])->groupBy('project_id')->pluck('top10', 'project_id')->toArray(); $lastMonthKeywords = $rankDatabase->table('project_history')->selectRaw('max(create_time),top10,project_id')->where([ ['create_time', '>', strtotime(date('Y-m-01', strtotime('-1 month')))], ['create_time', '<', strtotime(date('Y-m-t 23:59:59', strtotime('-1 month')))], ])->groupBy('project_id')->pluck('top10', 'project_id')->toArray(); $dropResults = []; foreach ($lastMonthKeywords as $inx => $val) { $nowTop10 = $nowMonthKeywords[$inx] ?? 0; $lessVal = $val - $nowTop10; if ($lessVal > 20) { $dropResults[$inx] = ['project_id' => $inx, 'nowTop10' => $nowTop10, 'lastTop10' => $val]; } } $keyDropSites = Site::query()->with('users')->select(['id', 'old_id', 'domain', 'cn_title'])->whereIn('id', $validSiteIds) ->whereIn('old_id', array_column($dropResults, 'project_id'))->get()->keyBy('id'); foreach ($keyDropSites as $item){ $item->dropResults = $dropResults[$item->old_id]; $item->managers_title = implode('-', $item->users->where('role_id', Role::TYPE_MANAGER)->pluck('nickname')->toArray()); $item->optimizerTitle = implode('-', $item->users->where('role_id', Role::TYPE_OPTIMIZER)->pluck('nickname')->toArray()); } return $keyDropSites; } public function indexReachSites(&$validSiteIds, $dateRangeFilter = null) { //关键词达标的 sites_process.process_id=17 关键词达标 $builder = Site::query()->select(['reach_at', 'cn_title', 'id', 'domain'])->with(['sitesProcess' => function (HasMany $builder) { $builder->where(['process_id' => 17]); }, 'sitePayment'])->whereExists(function (Builder $builder) { $builder->select(DB::raw(1))->from('sites_process') ->whereRaw(' AND sites_process.process_id=17 AND'); }); if ($dateRangeFilter) { $builder->where($dateRangeFilter); } else { $builder->where([['reach_at', '<', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]]); } return $builder->whereIn('id', $validSiteIds)->get(); } public function indexBuildDoneSites(&$validSiteIds, $dateRangeFilter = null) { ////建站完成的 process_id_15网站上线 $builder = Site::query()->select(['reach_at', 'cn_title', 'id', 'domain'])->with(['sitesProcess' => function (HasMany $builder) { $builder->where(['process_id' => 15]); }])->whereExists(function (Builder $builder) { $builder->select(DB::raw(1))->from('sites_process') ->whereRaw(' AND sites_process.process_id=15 AND'); }); if ($dateRangeFilter) { $builder->where($dateRangeFilter); } return $builder->whereIn('id', $validSiteIds)->get(); } public function indexMasterMeterTrafficsRemark(ConnectionInterface $rankDatabase, &$validSiteIds) { $masterMeterRecords = MasterMeter::query()->where([ ['ym', '=', date('Ym')], ['traffic', '>=', 300] ])->whereIn('site_id', $validSiteIds)->get()->groupBy('site_id'); $masterMeterRecords = $masterMeterRecords->map(function (Collection $items) { return $items->last(); }); $masterMeterRecordsList = $masterMeterRecords->toArray(); $oldIds = array_column($masterMeterRecordsList, 'old_id'); // $rankDatabase->table('project_history')->select('top10')->orderByDesc('create_time')->first(); $top10ListMap = $rankDatabase->table('project_keyword') ->selectRaw('SUM(CASE WHEN google_rank <= 10 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as top10,project_id')->whereIn('project_id', $oldIds) ->groupBy('project_id')->get()->keyBy('project_id')->toArray(); array_walk($masterMeterRecordsList, function (&$record) use (&$top10ListMap) { $record['top10'] = '-'; foreach ($top10ListMap as $item) { if ($item->project_id == $record['old_id']) { $record['top10'] = $item->top10; } } }); $groupList = [300 => [], 500 => [], 1000 => []]; foreach ($masterMeterRecordsList as $item) { if ($item['traffic'] >= 300 && $item['traffic'] < 500) { $groupList[300][] = $item; } if ($item['traffic'] >= 500 && $item['traffic'] < 1000) { $groupList[500][] = $item; } if ($item['traffic'] >= 1000) { $groupList[1000][] = $item; } } return $groupList; } public function indexMasterMeterTraffics(ConnectionInterface $rankDatabase, &$validSiteIds) { $masterMeterRecords = MasterMeter::query()->where([ ['ym', '=', date('Ym')], ['traffic', '>=', 300] ])->whereIn('site_id', $validSiteIds)->get()->groupBy('site_id'); $masterMeterRecords = $masterMeterRecords->map(function (Collection $items) { return $items->last(); }); $oldIdMapProjects = $masterMeterRecords->keyBy('old_id')->toArray(); $masterMeterRecordsList = $masterMeterRecords->toArray(); $oldIds = array_column($masterMeterRecordsList, 'old_id'); $top10ListMap = $rankDatabase->table('project_keyword') ->selectRaw('SUM(CASE WHEN google_rank <= 10 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as top10,project_id')->whereIn('project_id', $oldIds) ->groupBy('project_id')->get()->keyBy('project_id')->toArray(); // array_walk($masterMeterRecordsList, function (&$record) use (&$top10ListMap) { // $record['top10'] = '-'; // foreach ($top10ListMap as $item) { // if ($item->project_id == $record['old_id']) { // $record['top10'] = $item->top10; // } // } // }); // $oldIdMapClicks = $rankDatabase->table('webmaster_effect')->selectRaw('SUM(clicks) as clicks,project_id') ->whereIn('project_id', $oldIds)->where(['ym' => date('Ym', strtotime('first day of -1 month'))]) ->groupBy('project_id')->get()->keyBy('project_id')->toArray(); $groupList = [300 => [], 500 => [], 1000 => []]; foreach ($oldIdMapClicks as $inx => $item) { $clicks = intval($item->clicks); if ($clicks >= 300 && $clicks < 500) { $groupList[300][] = $oldIdMapProjects[$inx] + ['clicks' => $clicks] + ['top10' => $top10ListMap[$inx]->top10 ?? 0]; } if ($clicks >= 500 && $clicks < 1000) { $groupList[500][] = $oldIdMapProjects[$inx] + ['clicks' => $clicks] + ['top10' => $top10ListMap[$inx]->top10 ?? 0]; } if ($clicks >= 1000) { $groupList[1000][] = $oldIdMapProjects[$inx] + ['clicks' => $clicks] + ['top10' => $top10ListMap[$inx]->top10 ?? 0]; } } return $groupList; } public function indexKeywordTotal(ConnectionInterface $rankDatabase, &$validOldSiteIds) { //'project.number' => 1, //1,2,3 // //关键词总量 return $rankDatabase->table('project_keyword') ->leftJoin('project', '', '=', 'project_keyword.project_id') ->where(['project.allow_googlerank' => 1]) ->whereIn('project_id', $validOldSiteIds) ->count(); } public function indexSiteStatus(&$validSiteIds) { //"上线确认之后"就是建站期结束进入优化期,达标确认之后就是优化期结束进入服务期 //建站期项目数 15 网站上线 // $onlineSiteIds = SiteProcess::query()->where(['process_id' => 15, 'active' => 1])->pluck('site_id')->toArray(); // $onlineCount = Site::query()->where(['status' => 1])->whereNotIn('id', $onlineSiteIds)->count(); $onlineCount = Site::query()->whereIn('id', $validSiteIds)->where(['status' => 1])->count(); //实施期项目数 seo检查16 关键词达标17 处理中期间则说明处于实施期 // $implementSiteIds = SiteProcess::query()->where(['process_id' => 16, 'active' => 2])->orWhere([ // 'process_id' => 17, 'active' => 2 // ])->pluck('site_id')->toArray(); // $implementCount = Site::query()->where(['status' => 1])->whereIn('id', $implementSiteIds)->count(); $implementCount = Site::query()->whereIn('id', $validSiteIds)->where(['status' => 2])->count(); //服务期项目数 // $serviceSiteIds = SiteProcess::query()->where(['process_id' => 17, 'active' => 1])->pluck('site_id')->toArray(); // $serviceCount = Site::query()->where(['status' => 1])->whereIn('id', $serviceSiteIds)->count(); $serviceCount = Site::query()->whereIn('id', $validSiteIds)->where(['status' => 3])->count(); //暂停的项目数 $pauseCount = Site::query()->whereIn('id', $validSiteIds)->where(['status' => 4])->count(); return [ 'xAxis' => ['建站期', '实施期', '服务期', '暂停期'], 'yAxis' => [$onlineCount, $implementCount, $serviceCount, $pauseCount], 'hybrid' => [ ['name' => '建站期', 'value' => $onlineCount], ['name' => '实施期', 'value' => $implementCount], ['name' => '服务期', 'value' => $serviceCount], ['name' => '暂停期', 'value' => $pauseCount], ] ]; } public function indexNature(&$validSiteIds) { //公司类型统计 $natureCount = Site::query()->selectRaw('COUNT(id) as total,nature_type') ->whereIn('id', $validSiteIds) ->groupBy('nature_type')->get()->toArray(); $natureCountMap = array_column($natureCount, 'total', 'nature_type'); $natureHybrid = array_map(function ($item) use ($natureCountMap) { return [ 'name' => $item['val'], 'value' => $natureCountMap[$item['inx']] ?? 0 ]; }, Site::NATURE_TYPE); return [ 'name' => array_column(Site::NATURE_TYPE, 'val'), 'hybrid' => $natureHybrid ]; } public function indexBusiness(&$validSiteIds) { //根据公司行业 $businessCount = Site::query()->selectRaw('COUNT(id) as total,business_id') ->whereIn('id', $validSiteIds)->groupBy('business_id')->get()->toArray(); $businessCountMap = array_column($businessCount, 'total', 'business_id'); $businessMap = Business::query()->select(['title', 'id'])->get()->toArray(); $businessHybrid = array_map(function ($item) use ($businessCountMap) { return [ 'name' => $item['title'], 'value' => $businessCountMap[$item['id']] ?? 0 ]; }, $businessMap); return [ 'name' => array_column($businessMap, 'title'), 'hybrid' => $businessHybrid ]; } protected function lastSixMonths() { $sixMonth = []; for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) { $sixMonth[] = date("Y-m", strtotime("first day of -$i month")); } return $sixMonth; } protected function lastSixMonthsASC() { $sixMonth = []; for ($i = 5; $i >= 0; $i--) { $sixMonth[] = date("Y-m", strtotime("first day of -$i month")); } return $sixMonth; } protected function passSixMonthsASC() { $sixMonth = []; for ($i = 6; $i >= 1; $i--) { $sixMonth[] = date("Y-m", strtotime("first day of -$i month")); } return $sixMonth; } public function indexSales(&$validSiteIds) { $channelType = [Role::TYPE_CHANNEL_BOSS, Role::TYPE_CHANNEL_MANAGER, Role::TYPE_CHANNEL_WORKER]; //渠道销售占比 $channelSales = Site::query()->whereIn('id', $validSiteIds)->selectRaw('COUNT(id) as total,LEFT(order_at,7) as orderYm')->whereExists(function (Builder $builder) use ($channelType) { $builder->select(DB::raw(1))->from('users') // ->whereRaw(sprintf(' AND users.role_id=%s', Role::TYPE_CHANNEL)); ->whereRaw(sprintf(' AND users.role_id in (%s)', implode(',', $channelType))); })->groupBy('orderYm')->orderByDesc('orderYm')->get()->pluck('total', 'orderYm')->toArray(); $notChannelSales = Site::query()->whereIn('id', $validSiteIds)->selectRaw('COUNT(id) as total,LEFT(order_at,7) as orderYm')->whereNotExists(function (Builder $builder) use ($channelType) { $builder->select(DB::raw(1))->from('users') // ->whereRaw(sprintf(' AND users.role_id=%s', Role::TYPE_CHANNEL)); ->whereRaw(sprintf(' AND users.role_id in (%s)', implode(',', $channelType))); })->groupBy('orderYm')->orderByDesc('orderYm')->get()->pluck('total', 'orderYm')->toArray(); $lastSixMonths = $this->lastSixMonths(); $channelResults = $notChannelResults = []; foreach ($lastSixMonths as $month) { $channelResults[$month] = $channelSales[$month] ?? 0; $notChannelResults[$month] = $notChannelSales[$month] ?? 0; } return [ 'xAxis' => $lastSixMonths, 'channelSales' => array_values($channelResults), 'notChannelSales' => array_values($notChannelResults) ]; } public function indexCertExpiredSites(&$validSiteIds) { //证书过期项目 return $certExpiredSites = Site::query()->whereIn('id', $validSiteIds) ->whereDate('cert_expired_date', '<', date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 month')))->get(); } public function indexDomainExpiredSites(&$validSiteIds) { //域名过期项目 return $domainExpiredSites = Site::query()->whereIn('id', $validSiteIds) ->whereDate('domain_expired_date', '<', date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 month')))->get(); } public function indexLinksLine() { $linkTypes = Link::TYPES + [0 => '已过期']; $linkRecords = Link::query()->selectRaw('COUNT(id) as total,type') ->groupBy('type')->pluck('total', 'type')->toArray(); $typeTotals = []; foreach ($linkTypes as $key => $val) { $typeTotals[$key] = $linkRecords[$key] ?? 0; } $typeTotals[0] = Link::onlyTrashed()->count();//获取已删除的 return [ 'xAxis' => array_values($linkTypes), 'yAxis' => array_values($typeTotals), ]; } public function indexExpireSiteProcessList(&$validSiteIds) { //流程过期提醒 return SiteProcess::query()->with(['process', 'site'])->where([ ['active', '=', 2], ['should_end_at', '<', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')], ])->whereIn('site_id', $validSiteIds)->get(); } const CUSTOMER_FIELD_MAP = [ 'addition' => [ //网站信息 'domain_type' => '新域名注册', 'new_domain' => '新域名信息', 'old_domain' => '旧域名信息-域名', 'old_url' => '旧域名信息-注册网址', 'old_account' => '旧域名信息-登陆账号', 'old_password' => '旧域名信息-密码', 'old_expired' => '旧域名信息-域名到期时间', 'site_url' => '网站后台账号-后台网址', 'site_account' => '网站后台账号-用户名', 'site_password' => '网站后台账号-密码', 'ftp_account' => 'FTP-FTP Username', 'ftp_domain' => 'FTP-FTP 服务器', 'ftp_password' => 'FTP-登录密码', 'ftp_port' => 'FTP-连接端口', 'ftp_ip' => 'FTP-IP地址', ], 'enterprise' => [ //项目基础信息 'export_region' => '主要出口国家或市场', 'business_id' => '所属行业', 'nature_type' => '公司类型', 'customer_scope' => '客户群体', 'brand' => '品牌', 'cn_title' => '公司名称(中文)', 'cn_profile' => '公司简介(中文)', 'en_title' => '公司名称(英文)', 'en_profile' => '公司简介(英文)', 'cn_address' => '公司地址(中文)', 'en_address' => '公司地址(英文)', 'setup_time' => '公司成立时间', 'postcode' => '邮编', 'line_phone' => '公司座机', 'fax' => '公司传真', 'email' => '公司邮箱', 'deliver_period' => '发货期', 'supply' => '供应量', 'min_supply' => '最低供应量', 'price_range' => '价格区间', 'packing_way' => '包装方式', 'pay_way' => '支付方式*', 'skype' => '聊天工具-Skype账号', 'whats_app' => '聊天工具-Skype账号', 'wechat' => '聊天工具-Wechat 二维码', 'qq' => '聊天工具-QQ', 'other' => '聊天工具-其他', ], 'station' => [ //其他项目信息 'portal_sites' => '门户网站', 'compete_sites' => '竞争对手网址', 'other_sites' => '公司其他网站', ], 'keyword' => [ 'keyword' => '核心关键词' ], 'marketer' => [ 'en_name' => '联系人英文姓名', 'en_profile' => '联系人简介英文', 'birthday' => '联系人出生年月', 'sex_text' => '联系人性别 ', 'position' => '联系人职位 ', 'department' => '联系人部门', 'contact' => '联系人电话', 'enterprise_login_url' => '企业邮箱外链用-登陆地址', 'enterprise_email' => '企业邮箱外链用-邮箱', 'enterprise_email_password' => '企业邮箱外链用-密码', 'gmail_account' => 'Gmail-邮箱', 'gmail_password' => 'Gmail-密码', 'gmail_contact' => 'Gmail-验证手机号码', 'gmail_assist' => 'Gmail-辅助邮箱', ], 'sns' => [ 'youtube_url' => 'Youtube-展示url地址:', 'youtube_account' => 'Youtube-用户名(登入邮箱)', 'youtube_password' => 'Youtube-密码', 'facebook_url' => 'Facebook-企业page展示url地址', 'facebook_account' => 'Facebook-用户名(登入邮箱)', 'facebook_password' => 'Facebook-密码', 'twitter_url' => 'Twitter-展示url地址', 'twitter_account' => 'Twitter-用户名(登入邮箱)', 'twitter_password' => 'Twitter-密码', 'linkedin_url' => 'linkedin-企业page展示url地址', 'linkedin_account' => 'linkedin-用户名(登入邮箱)', 'linkedin_password' => 'linkedin-密码', 'pinterst_url' => 'Pinterst-展示url地址', 'pinterst_account' => 'Pinterst-用户名(登入邮箱)', 'pinterst_password' => 'Pinterst-密码', ] ]; public function indexCustomerLog(&$validSiteIds) { $business = Business::query()->pluck('title', 'id')->toArray(); $natureTypes = array_column(Site::NATURE_TYPE, 'val', 'inx'); $records = CustomerLog::query()->whereIn('site_id', $validSiteIds)->get(); foreach ($records as $key => $record) { $content = unserialize($record->content); $oldContent = unserialize($record->old_content); $mapFields = self::CUSTOMER_FIELD_MAP[$record->type] ?? []; $resultOldContent = ''; foreach ($oldContent as $inx => $item) { if ($record->type == 'enterprise') { if ($inx == 'business_id') { $item = $business[$item] ?? ''; } if ($inx == 'nature_type') { $item = $natureTypes[$item] ?? ''; } } if ($record->type == 'station') { if (is_array($item)) { $item = implode(',', $item); } } $resultOldContent .= sprintf('%s:%s', ($mapFields[$inx] ?? ''), $item) . ','; } $resultContent = ''; foreach ($content as $inx => $item) { if ($record->type == 'enterprise') { if ($inx == 'business_id') { $item = $business[$item] ?? ''; } if ($inx == 'nature_type') { $item = $natureTypes[$item] ?? ''; } } if ($record->type == 'station' && is_array($item)) { if (count($item) == count($item, 1)) { $item = implode(',', $item); } else { $tempStr = ''; foreach ($item as $k => $v) { $tempStr .= ($v['url'] ?? '') . ($v['remark'] ?? '') . ','; } $item = $tempStr; } } $resultContent .= sprintf('%s:%s', ($mapFields[$inx] ?? ''), $item) . ','; } $record->detail = sprintf('[%s]修改了[%s]-修改之前数据为%s修改之后数据为%s', $record->operator_name, $record->title, $resultOldContent, $resultContent); } return $records; } public function indexTokenExpired() { //linked token过期提醒 // $linkedExpired = Social::query()->where([['type', '=', 'linkedIn'], ['token_expired_at', '<', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+5 days'))]])->exists(); // if ($linkedExpired) { // //todo // } } public function singleReachDays($site) { //关键词达标的 17 关键词达标 $nowDatetime = new \DateTime(); $reachDatetime = new \DateTime($site->reach_at); $interval = $reachDatetime->diff($nowDatetime); $diffDays = $interval->format('%R%a'); return $diffDays; } public function singleBuildDone($siteId) { //建站完成的 15网站上线 未打分的 return SiteProcess::query()->where([ 'process_id' => 15, 'active' => 1, 'evaluate' => null, 'site_id' => $siteId ])->first(); } public function singleUrlFailed($siteId) { //网址异常 return UrlCheck::query()->where([ 'site_id' => $siteId ])->first(); } public function singleKeywordLessVal(ConnectionInterface $rankDatabase, $oldId) { if (!$oldId) { return 0; } //关键词排名急剧下降 $nowMonthKeyword = $rankDatabase->table('project_history')->selectRaw('top10')->where([ ['project_id', '=', $oldId], ['create_time', '>', strtotime(date('Y-m-01'))], ['create_time', '<', strtotime(date('Y-m-t 23:59:59'))], ])->orderByDesc('create_time')->first(); $lastMonthKeyword = $rankDatabase->table('project_history')->selectRaw('top10')->where([ ['project_id', '=', $oldId], ['create_time', '>', strtotime(date('Y-m-01', strtotime('-1 month')))], ['create_time', '<', strtotime(date('Y-m-t 23:59:59', strtotime('-1 month')))], ])->orderByDesc('create_time')->first(); return ($nowMonthKeyword->top10 ?? 0) - ($lastMonthKeyword->top10 ?? 0); // return -10; } public function singleSiteProfile(ConnectionInterface $rankDatabase, $site) { //项目概况 //合作项目 $contracts = Contract::query()->pluck('title', 'id')->toArray(); $contractIds = $site->contract_ids ?? []; $site->contractsTitle = implode(',', array_map(function ($item) use (&$contracts) { return $contracts[$item]; }, $contractIds)); //引擎力顾问 $site->managesInfo = $site->users->where('role_id', Role::TYPE_MANAGER); //到期时间 // $site->is_expired = (time() > strtotime('+10 month', strtotime($site->reach_at))); // $site->expired_at = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+10 month', strtotime($site->reach_at))); $site->expired_time = $site->reach_at ? strtotime('+10 month', strtotime($site->reach_at)) : null; //首页 前三页 前10页 if ($site->old_id) { $topKeywords = $rankDatabase->table('project_keyword')->selectRaw(' SUM(CASE WHEN google_rank <= 10 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as top10, SUM(CASE WHEN google_rank <= 30 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as top30, SUM(CASE WHEN google_rank <= 50 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as top100 ')->where('google_rank', '<>', 9999)->where('project_id', $site->old_id)->first(); } $site->topKeywords = $topKeywords ?? null; } public function singleMyArticles($siteId) { //我的文章 $myArticles = Article::query()->with(['site', 'translator'])->where(['site_id' => $siteId])->orderByDesc('id')->limit(5)->get(); $myArticles->each(function ($item) { $item->status_title = $item->status_with_css; $item->site_title = $item->site->cn_title ?? ''; $item->translator_name = $item->translator->username ?? ''; }); return $myArticles; } public function singleMyLinksTasks($siteId) { //我的外链任务 $myLinkTasks = LinkTask::query()->with(['site', 'worker'])->where(['site_id' => $siteId])->orderByDesc('id')->limit(5)->get(); $myLinkTasks->each(function ($item) { $item->worker_name = $item->worker->username ?? ''; $item->site_title = $item->site->cn_title ?? ''; $item->status_title = $item->status_with_css; }); return $myLinkTasks; } public function singleTrafficLine(ConnectionInterface $masterDatabase) { $lastSixMonths = $this->passSixMonthsASC(); //流量折线图 $trafficVal = []; $traffic = $masterDatabase->table('traffic_report_hourly')->selectRaw('SUM(pv) AS pv,FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp,"%Y-%m") as Ym')->where([ ])->groupBy('Ym')->orderByDesc('Ym')->get()->pluck('pv', 'Ym')->toArray(); foreach ($lastSixMonths as $month) { $trafficVal[$month] = $traffic[$month] ?? 0; } return [ 'xAxis' => $lastSixMonths, 'yAxis' => array_values($trafficVal) ]; } public function twoCompare($one, $two) { $result = $one - $two; if ($result === 0) { $status = 'same'; } elseif ($result > 0) { $status = 'up'; } else { $status = 'down'; } return [ 'one' => $one, 'two' => $two, 'diff' => abs($result), 'status' => $status ]; } public function passTwoMonth() { $passTwoMonth = []; for ($i = 1; $i <= 2; $i++) { $passTwoMonth[] = date("Ym", strtotime("first day of -$i month")); } return $passTwoMonth; } public function singleCompare($last1, $last2, $last3) { $last2Diff = $last1 - $last2; if ($last2Diff === 0) { $last2Status = 'same'; } elseif ($last2Diff > 0) { $last2Status = 'up'; } else { $last2Status = 'down'; } $last3Diff = $last1 - $last3; if ($last3Diff === 0) { $last3Status = 'same'; } elseif ($last3Diff > 0) { $last3Status = 'up'; } else { $last3Status = 'down'; } return [ 'last1' => $last1, 'last2' => [ 'val' => $last2, 'diff' => abs($last2Diff), 'status' => $last2Status ], 'last3' => [ 'val' => $last3, 'diff' => abs($last3Diff), 'status' => $last3Status ] ]; } public function singlePvUvcData(ConnectionInterface $masterDatabase) { $pvList = []; $uvList = []; for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $result = $masterDatabase->table('traffic_report_hourly')->selectRaw('SUM(pv) AS pv,SUM(uv) AS uv') ->where([ ['timestamp', '>', strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('first day of -' . $i . ' month')))], ['timestamp', '<', strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('last day of -' . $i . ' month')))] ])->first(); $pvList[] = $result->pv ?? 0; $uvList[] = $result->uv ?? 0; } $totalResult = $masterDatabase->table('traffic_report_hourly')->selectRaw('SUM(pv) AS pv,SUM(uv) AS uv')->first(); $pvResult = $this->singleCompare($pvList[0], $pvList[1], $pvList[2]); $uvResult = $this->singleCompare($uvList[0], $uvList[1], $uvList[2]); return [ 'pv' => $pvResult, 'uv' => $uvResult, 'pvTotal'=>$totalResult->pv??0, 'uvTotal'=>$totalResult->uv??0, ]; } public function singleTopKeywordData(ConnectionInterface $rankDatabase, $oldId) { $top10List = []; $top30List = []; $top50List = []; for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $start = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('first day of -' . $i . ' month'))); $end = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('last day of -' . $i . ' month'))); $result = $rankDatabase->table('project_history')->where(['project_id' => $oldId])->where([ ['create_time', '>', $start], ['create_time', '<', $end] ])->orderByDesc('create_time')->first(); $top10List[] = $result->top10 ?? 0; $top30List[] = $result->top30 ?? 0; $top50List[] = $result->top50 ?? 0; } $top10Res = $this->singleCompare($top10List[0], $top10List[1], $top10List[2]); $top30Res = $this->singleCompare($top30List[0], $top30List[1], $top30List[2]); $top50Res = $this->singleCompare($top50List[0], $top50List[1], $top50List[2]); return [ 'top10' => $top10Res, 'top30' => $top30Res, 'top50' => $top50Res, 'top10History' => $top10List ]; } public function singleInquireData(ConnectionInterface $masterDatabase) { $resultList = []; $one_last = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('last day of - 1 month'))); $two_last = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('last day of - 2 month'))); $three_last = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('last day of - 3 month'))); $one_begin = strtotime(date('Y-m-01 00:00:00', strtotime('last day of - 1 month'))); $two_begin = strtotime(date('Y-m-01 00:00:00', strtotime('last day of - 2 month'))); $three_begin = strtotime(date('Y-m-01 00:00:00', strtotime('last day of - 3 month'))); // for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { // $resultList[] = $masterDatabase->table('user_msg') // ->where([ // ['is_delete', '=', 0], // ['create_time', '<', strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('last day of -' . $i . ' month')))] // ])->count(); // } $resultList[0]=$resultList[] = $masterDatabase->table('user_msg') ->where([ ['is_delete', '=', 0], ])->whereBetween('create_time',[$one_begin,$one_last])->count(); $resultList[1]=$resultList[] = $masterDatabase->table('user_msg') ->where([ ['is_delete', '=', 0], ])->whereBetween('create_time',[$two_begin,$two_last])->count(); $resultList[2]=$resultList[] = $masterDatabase->table('user_msg') ->where([ ['is_delete', '=', 0], ])->whereBetween('create_time',[$three_begin,$three_last])->count(); var_dump($resultList); $res = $this->singleCompare($resultList[0], $resultList[1], $resultList[2]); return $res; } public function singleWebmasterEffectData(ConnectionInterface $rankDatabase, $oldId) { $pass3Month = []; for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $pass3Month[] = date('Ym', strtotime('first day of -' . $i . ' month')); } $results = $rankDatabase->table('webmaster_effect')->selectRaw('ym,SUM(clicks) as clicks,SUM(impressions) AS impressions') ->where(['project_id' => $oldId])->whereIn('ym', $pass3Month)->groupBy('ym')->get()->keyBy('ym')->toArray(); $last1 = empty($results[$pass3Month[0]]) ? 0 : $results[$pass3Month[0]]->impressions; $last2 = empty($results[$pass3Month[1]]) ? 0 : $results[$pass3Month[1]]->impressions; $last3 = empty($results[$pass3Month[2]]) ? 0 : $results[$pass3Month[2]]->impressions; $res = $this->singleCompare($last1, $last2, $last3); return $res; } public function singlePageCount(ConnectionInterface $masterDatabase) { $pageList = []; for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $end = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('last day of -' . $i . ' month'))); $pageList[] = $masterDatabase->table('content')->where(['is_enabled' => 1, 'redirect' => '', 'lang' => 'en']) ->whereNotIn('uri', ['404', 'search'])->where('create_time', '<=', $end)->count(); } return $this->singleCompare($pageList[0], $pageList[1], $pageList[2]); } public function singleArticleRate($site) { $reachList = []; for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $end = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('last day of -' . $i . ' month'))); $reachList[] = Article::query()->where([ ['site_id', '=', $site->id], // ['publish_at', '>', 0], ['publish_at', '<=', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $end)], ])->count(); } return [ 'goal' => $site->article_goal, 'last1Reach' => $reachList[0], 'last2Reach' => $reachList[1], 'last3Reach' => $reachList[2], ]; } public function singleLinkRate($site) { $reachList = []; for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $end = strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('last day of -' . $i . ' month'))); $reachList[] = LinkTaskDetail::query()->selectRaw('link_id')->where([ 'redundant_site_id' => $site->id, 'enable' => 1, 'status' => 5 ])->where('created_at', '<=', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $end))->groupBy('link_id')->get()->count(); }; return [ 'goal' => $site->link_goal, 'last1Reach' => $reachList[0], 'last2Reach' => $reachList[1], 'last3Reach' => $reachList[2], ]; } public function singleTopKeywordGoalData() { } public function singleInquireLine(ConnectionInterface $masterDatabase) { //询盘折线图 $lastSixMonths = $this->passSixMonthsASC(); $inquiresVal = []; foreach ($lastSixMonths as $month) { $inquiresVal[$month] = $masterDatabase->table('user_msg')->where([ ['is_delete', '=', '0'], ['create_time', '>=', strtotime($month)], ['create_time', '<=', strtotime(sprintf('%s 23:59:59', date('Y-m-t', strtotime($month))))] ])->count(); } return [ 'xAxis' => $lastSixMonths, 'yAxis' => array_values($inquiresVal) ]; } public function singleKeywordLine(ConnectionInterface $rankDatabase, $oldId) { //关键词折线图 $lastSixMonths = $this->passSixMonthsASC(); $keywordVal = []; foreach ($lastSixMonths as $month) { if (!$oldId) { $keywordVal[$month] = 0; continue; } $history = $rankDatabase->table('project_history') ->selectRaw('top10')->where([ ['project_id', '=', $oldId], ['create_time', '>=', strtotime($month)], ['create_time', '<=', strtotime(sprintf('%s 23:59:59', date('Y-m-t', strtotime($month))))], ]) ->orderByDesc('create_time')->first(); $keywordVal[$month] = $history->top10 ?? 0; } return [ 'xAxis' => $lastSixMonths, 'yAxis' => array_values($keywordVal) ]; } public function getSingleSite() { $user = auth()->user(); if ($user->is_super) { return Site::query()->first(); } /** @var \App\Http\Models\User $user */ return $user->sites()->first(); } }