#!/usr/bin/env node var path = require('path'), fs = require('../lib/less-node/fs'), os = require('os'), errno, mkdirp; try { errno = require('errno'); } catch (err) { errno = null; } var less = require('../lib/less-node'), pluginLoader = new less.PluginLoader(less), plugin, plugins = []; var args = process.argv.slice(1); var silent = false, verbose = false, options = { depends: false, compress: false, max_line_len: -1, lint: false, paths: [], color: true, strictImports: false, insecure: false, rootpath: '', relativeUrls: false, ieCompat: true, strictMath: false, strictUnits: false, globalVars: null, modifyVars: null, urlArgs: '', plugins: plugins }; var sourceMapOptions = {}; var continueProcessing = true, currentErrorcode; // calling process.exit does not flush stdout always // so use this to set the exit code process.on('exit', function() { process.reallyExit(currentErrorcode); }); var checkArgFunc = function(arg, option) { if (!option) { console.log(arg + " option requires a parameter"); continueProcessing = false; return false; } return true; }; var checkBooleanArg = function(arg) { var onOff = /^((on|t|true|y|yes)|(off|f|false|n|no))$/i.exec(arg); if (!onOff) { console.log(" unable to parse " + arg + " as a boolean. use one of on/t/true/y/yes/off/f/false/n/no"); continueProcessing = false; return false; } return Boolean(onOff[2]); }; var parseVariableOption = function(option, variables) { var parts = option.split('=', 2); variables[parts[0]] = parts[1]; }; var warningMessages = ""; var sourceMapFileInline = false; function printUsage() { less.lesscHelper.printUsage(); pluginLoader.printUsage(plugins); continueProcessing = false; } // self executing function so we can return (function() { args = args.filter(function (arg) { var match; match = arg.match(/^-I(.+)$/); if (match) { options.paths.push(match[1]); return false; } match = arg.match(/^--?([a-z][0-9a-z-]*)(?:=(.*))?$/i); if (match) { arg = match[1]; } else { return arg; } switch (arg) { case 'v': case 'version': console.log("lessc " + less.version.join('.') + " (Less Compiler) [JavaScript]"); continueProcessing = false; break; case 'verbose': verbose = true; break; case 's': case 'silent': silent = true; break; case 'l': case 'lint': options.lint = true; break; case 'strict-imports': options.strictImports = true; break; case 'h': case 'help': printUsage(); break; case 'x': case 'compress': options.compress = true; break; case 'insecure': options.insecure = true; break; case 'M': case 'depends': options.depends = true; break; case 'max-line-len': if (checkArgFunc(arg, match[2])) { options.maxLineLen = parseInt(match[2], 10); if (options.maxLineLen <= 0) { options.maxLineLen = -1; } } break; case 'no-color': options.color = false; break; case 'no-ie-compat': options.ieCompat = false; break; case 'no-js': options.javascriptEnabled = false; break; case 'include-path': if (checkArgFunc(arg, match[2])) { options.paths = match[2].split(os.type().match(/Windows/) ? ';' : ':') .map(function(p) { if (p) { return path.resolve(process.cwd(), p); } }); } break; case 'line-numbers': if (checkArgFunc(arg, match[2])) { options.dumpLineNumbers = match[2]; } break; case 'source-map': options.sourceMap = true; if (match[2]) { sourceMapOptions.sourceMapFullFilename = match[2]; } break; case 'source-map-rootpath': if (checkArgFunc(arg, match[2])) { sourceMapOptions.sourceMapRootpath = match[2]; } break; case 'source-map-basepath': if (checkArgFunc(arg, match[2])) { sourceMapOptions.sourceMapBasepath = match[2]; } break; case 'source-map-map-inline': sourceMapFileInline = true; options.sourceMap = true; break; case 'source-map-less-inline': sourceMapOptions.outputSourceFiles = true; break; case 'source-map-url': if (checkArgFunc(arg, match[2])) { sourceMapOptions.sourceMapURL = match[2]; } break; case 'rp': case 'rootpath': if (checkArgFunc(arg, match[2])) { options.rootpath = match[2].replace(/\\/g, '/'); } break; case "ru": case "relative-urls": options.relativeUrls = true; break; case "sm": case "strict-math": if (checkArgFunc(arg, match[2])) { options.strictMath = checkBooleanArg(match[2]); } break; case "su": case "strict-units": if (checkArgFunc(arg, match[2])) { options.strictUnits = checkBooleanArg(match[2]); } break; case "global-var": if (checkArgFunc(arg, match[2])) { if (!options.globalVars) { options.globalVars = {}; } parseVariableOption(match[2], options.globalVars); } break; case "modify-var": if (checkArgFunc(arg, match[2])) { if (!options.modifyVars) { options.modifyVars = {}; } parseVariableOption(match[2], options.modifyVars); } break; case 'url-args': if (checkArgFunc(arg, match[2])) { options.urlArgs = match[2]; } break; case 'plugin': var splitupArg = match[2].match(/^([^=]+)(=(.*))?/), name = splitupArg[1], pluginOptions = splitupArg[3]; plugin = pluginLoader.tryLoadPlugin(name, pluginOptions); if (plugin) { plugins.push(plugin); } else { console.log("Unable to load plugin " + name + " please make sure that it is installed under or at the same level as less"); console.log(); printUsage(); currentErrorcode = 1; } break; default: plugin = pluginLoader.tryLoadPlugin("less-plugin-" + arg, match[2]); if (plugin) { plugins.push(plugin); } else { console.log("Unable to interpret argument " + arg + " - if it is a plugin (less-plugin-" + arg + "), make sure that it is installed under or at" + " the same level as less"); console.log(); printUsage(); currentErrorcode = 1; } break; } }); if (!continueProcessing) { return; } var input = args[1]; if (input && input != '-') { input = path.resolve(process.cwd(), input); } var output = args[2]; var outputbase = args[2]; if (output) { output = path.resolve(process.cwd(), output); if (warningMessages) { console.log(warningMessages); } } if (options.sourceMap) { sourceMapOptions.sourceMapInputFilename = input; if (!sourceMapOptions.sourceMapFullFilename) { if (!output && !sourceMapFileInline) { console.log("the sourcemap option only has an optional filename if the css filename is given"); console.log("consider adding --source-map-map-inline which embeds the sourcemap into the css"); return; } // its in the same directory, so always just the basename sourceMapOptions.sourceMapOutputFilename = path.basename(output); sourceMapOptions.sourceMapFullFilename = output + ".map"; // its in the same directory, so always just the basename sourceMapOptions.sourceMapFilename = path.basename(sourceMapOptions.sourceMapFullFilename); } else if (options.sourceMap && !sourceMapFileInline) { var mapFilename = path.resolve(process.cwd(), sourceMapOptions.sourceMapFullFilename), mapDir = path.dirname(mapFilename), outputDir = path.dirname(output); // find the path from the map to the output file sourceMapOptions.sourceMapOutputFilename = path.join( path.relative(mapDir, outputDir), path.basename(output)); // make the sourcemap filename point to the sourcemap relative to the css file output directory sourceMapOptions.sourceMapFilename = path.join( path.relative(outputDir, mapDir), path.basename(sourceMapOptions.sourceMapFullFilename)); } } if (sourceMapOptions.sourceMapBasepath === undefined) { sourceMapOptions.sourceMapBasepath = input ? path.dirname(input) : process.cwd(); } if (sourceMapOptions.sourceMapRootpath === undefined) { var pathToMap = path.dirname(sourceMapFileInline ? output : sourceMapOptions.sourceMapFullFilename), pathToInput = path.dirname(sourceMapOptions.sourceMapInputFilename); sourceMapOptions.sourceMapRootpath = path.relative(pathToMap, pathToInput); } if (! input) { console.log("lessc: no input files"); console.log(""); printUsage(); currentErrorcode = 1; return; } var ensureDirectory = function (filepath) { var dir = path.dirname(filepath), cmd, existsSync = fs.existsSync || path.existsSync; if (!existsSync(dir)) { if (mkdirp === undefined) { try {mkdirp = require('mkdirp');} catch(e) { mkdirp = null; } } cmd = mkdirp && mkdirp.sync || fs.mkdirSync; cmd(dir); } }; if (options.depends) { if (!outputbase) { console.log("option --depends requires an output path to be specified"); return; } process.stdout.write(outputbase + ": "); } if (!sourceMapFileInline) { var writeSourceMap = function(output, onDone) { var filename = sourceMapOptions.sourceMapFullFilename; ensureDirectory(filename); fs.writeFile(filename, output, 'utf8', function (err) { if (err) { var description = "Error: "; if (errno && errno.errno[err.errno]) { description += errno.errno[err.errno].description; } else { description += err.code + " " + err.message; } less.logger.error('lessc: failed to create file ' + filename); less.logger.error(description); } else { less.logger.info('lessc: wrote ' + filename); } onDone(); }); }; } var writeSourceMapIfNeeded = function(output, onDone) { if (options.sourceMap && !sourceMapFileInline) { writeSourceMap(output, onDone); } else { onDone(); } }; var writeOutput = function(output, result, onSuccess) { if (output) { ensureDirectory(output); fs.writeFile(output, result.css, {encoding: 'utf8'}, function (err) { if (err) { var description = "Error: "; if (errno && errno.errno[err.errno]) { description += errno.errno[err.errno].description; } else { description += err.code + " " + err.message; } less.logger.error('lessc: failed to create file ' + output); less.logger.error(description); } else { less.logger.info('lessc: wrote ' + output); onSuccess(); } }); } else if (!options.depends) { process.stdout.write(result.css); onSuccess(); } }; var logDependencies = function(options, result) { if (options.depends) { var depends = ""; for (var i = 0; i < result.imports.length; i++) { depends += result.imports[i] + " "; } console.log(depends); } }; var parseLessFile = function (e, data) { if (e) { console.log("lessc: " + e.message); currentErrorcode = 1; return; } data = data.replace(/^\uFEFF/, ''); options.paths = [path.dirname(input)].concat(options.paths); options.filename = input; if (options.lint) { options.sourceMap = false; } sourceMapOptions.sourceMapFileInline = sourceMapFileInline; if (options.sourceMap) { options.sourceMap = sourceMapOptions; } less.logger.addListener({ info: function(msg) { if (verbose) { console.log(msg); } }, warn: function(msg) { // do not show warning if outputting css to the console or the silent option is used if (!silent && output) { console.warn(msg); } }, error: function(msg) { console.log(msg); } }); less.render(data, options) .then(function(result) { if (!options.lint) { writeOutput(output, result, function() { writeSourceMapIfNeeded(result.map, function() { logDependencies(options, result); }); }); } }, function(err) { less.writeError(err, options); currentErrorcode = 1; }); }; if (input != '-') { fs.readFile(input, 'utf8', parseLessFile); } else { process.stdin.resume(); process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8'); var buffer = ''; process.stdin.on('data', function(data) { buffer += data; }); process.stdin.on('end', function() { parseLessFile(false, buffer); }); } })();