v0.9.2: date: 2015-08-24 changes: - bump to uglify ^2.4.24 v0.9.1: date: 2015-04-07 changes: - more fixes for mangle options v0.9.0: date: 2015-04-07 changes: - added hook into uglify's mangling functionality v0.8.1: date: 2015-03-30 changes: - lock uglify to 2.4.17 due to breaking changes v0.8.0: date: 2015-02-19 changes: - Add `screwIE8` option. - Fix issue with explicit `compress` in node 0.12.0. v0.7.0: date: 2014-12-23 changes: - Adds sourceMapRoot options. - Updates readme descriptions. - Removes reference to cleancss. v0.6.0: date: 2014-09-17 changes: - Output fixes. - ASCIIOnly option. - Other fixes. v0.5.1: date: 2014-07-25 changes: - Chalk updates. - Output updates. v0.4.0: date: 2014-03-01 changes: - remove grunt-lib-contrib dependency and add more colors v0.3.3: date: 2014-02-27 changes: - remove unnecessary calls to `grunt.template.process` v0.3.2: date: 2014-01-22 changes: - fix handling of `sourceMapIncludeSources` option. v0.3.1: date: 2014-01-20 changes: - fix relative path issue in sourcemaps v0.3.0: date: 2014-01-16 changes: - refactor sourcemap support v0.2.7: date: 2013-11-09 changes: - prepending banner if sourceMap option not set, addresses #109 v0.2.6: date: 2013-11-08 changes: - merged 45, 53, 85 (105 by way of duping 53) - Added support for banners in uglified files with sourcemaps - Updated docs v0.2.5: date: 2013-10-28 changes: - Added warning for banners when using sourcemaps v0.2.4: date: 2013-09-02 changes: - updated sourcemap format via /83 v0.2.3: date: 2013-06-10 changes: - added footer option v0.2.2: date: 2013-05-31 changes: - Reverted /56 due to /58 until [chrome/239660](https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=239660&q=sourcemappingurl&colspec=ID%20Pri%20M%20Iteration%20ReleaseBlock%20Cr%20Status%20Owner%20Summary%20OS%20Modified) [firefox/870361](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=870361) drop v0.2.1: date: 2013-05-22 changes: - Bumped uglify to ~2.3.5 /55 /40 - Changed sourcemappingUrl syntax /56 - Disabled sorting of names for consistent mangling /44 - Updated docs for sourceMapRoot /47 /25 v0.2.0: date: 2013-03-14 changes: - No longer report gzip results by default. - Support `report` option. v0.1.2: date: 2013-01-30 changes: - Added better error reporting - Support for dynamic names of multiple sourcemaps v0.1.1: date: 2013-02-15 changes: - First official release for Grunt 0.4.0. v0.1.1rc6: date: 2013-01-18 changes: - Updating grunt/gruntplugin dependencies to rc6. - Changing in-development grunt/gruntplugin dependency versions from tilde version ranges to specific versions. v0.1.1rc5: date: 2013-01-09 changes: - Updating to work with grunt v0.4.0rc5. - Switching back to this.files api. v0.1.0: date: 2012-11-28 changes: - Work in progress, not yet officially released.