!function (e) { var t, i; !function () { function e(e, t) { if (!t) return e; if (0 === e.indexOf(".")) { var i = t.split("/"), n = e.split("/"), a = i.length - 1, o = n.length, r = 0, s = 0; e:for (var l = 0; o > l; l++) switch (n[l]) { case"..": if (!(a > r)) break e; r++, s++; break; case".": s++; break; default: break e } return i.length = a - r, n = n.slice(s), i.concat(n).join("/") } return e } function n(t) { function i(i, r) { if ("string" == typeof i) { var s = n[i]; return s || (s = o(e(i, t)), n[i] = s), s } i instanceof Array && (r = r || function () { }, r.apply(this, a(i, r, t))) } var n = {}; return i } function a(i, n, a) { for (var s = [], l = r[a], h = 0, m = Math.min(i.length, n.length); m > h; h++) { var V, U = e(i[h], a); switch (U) { case"require": V = l && l.require || t; break; case"exports": V = l.exports; break; case"module": V = l; break; default: V = o(U) } s.push(V) } return s } function o(e) { var t = r[e]; if (!t) throw new Error("No " + e); if (!t.defined) { var i = t.factory, n = i.apply(this, a(t.deps || [], i, e)); "undefined" != typeof n && (t.exports = n), t.defined = 1 } return t.exports } var r = {}; i = function (e, t, i) { r[e] = {id: e, deps: t, factory: i, defined: 0, exports: {}, require: n(e)} }, t = n("") }(), i("echarts", ["echarts/echarts"], function (e) { return e }), i("echarts/echarts", ["require", "./config", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/event", "zrender/tool/env", "zrender", "zrender/config", "./chart/island", "./component/toolbox", "./component", "./component/title", "./component/tooltip", "./component/legend", "./util/ecData", "./chart", "zrender/tool/color", "./component/timeline", "zrender/shape/Image", "zrender/loadingEffect/Bar", "zrender/loadingEffect/Bubble", "zrender/loadingEffect/DynamicLine", "zrender/loadingEffect/Ring", "zrender/loadingEffect/Spin", "zrender/loadingEffect/Whirling", "./theme/macarons", "./theme/infographic"], function (e) { function t() { r.Dispatcher.call(this) } function i(e) { e.innerHTML = "", this._themeConfig = {}, this.dom = e, this._connected = !1, this._status = { dragIn: !1, dragOut: !1, needRefresh: !1 }, this._curEventType = !1, this._chartList = [], this._messageCenter = new t, this._messageCenterOutSide = new t, this.resize = this.resize(), this._init() } function n(e, t, i, n, a) { for (var o = e._chartList, r = o.length; r--;) { var s = o[r]; "function" == typeof s[t] && s[t](i, n, a) } } var a = e("./config"), o = e("zrender/tool/util"), r = e("zrender/tool/event"), s = {}, l = e("zrender/tool/env").canvasSupported, h = new Date - 0, m = {}, V = "_echarts_instance_"; s.version = "2.2.7", s.dependencies = {zrender: "2.1.1"}, s.init = function (t, n) { var a = e("zrender"); a.version.replace(".", "") - 0 < s.dependencies.zrender.replace(".", "") - 0 && console.error("ZRender " + a.version + " is too old for ECharts " + s.version + ". Current version need ZRender " + s.dependencies.zrender + "+"), t = t instanceof Array ? t[0] : t; var o = t.getAttribute(V); return o || (o = h++, t.setAttribute(V, o)), m[o] && m[o].dispose(), m[o] = new i(t), m[o].id = o, m[o].canvasSupported = l, m[o].setTheme(n), m[o] }, s.getInstanceById = function (e) { return m[e] }, o.merge(t.prototype, r.Dispatcher.prototype, !0); var U = e("zrender/config").EVENT, d = ["CLICK", "DBLCLICK", "MOUSEOVER", "MOUSEOUT", "DRAGSTART", "DRAGEND", "DRAGENTER", "DRAGOVER", "DRAGLEAVE", "DROP"]; return i.prototype = { _init: function () { var t = this, i = e("zrender").init(this.dom); this._zr = i, this._messageCenter.dispatch = function (e, i, n, a) { n = n || {}, n.type = e, n.event = i, t._messageCenter.dispatchWithContext(e, n, a), t._messageCenterOutSide.dispatchWithContext(e, n, a) }, this._onevent = function (e) { return t.__onevent(e) }; for (var n in a.EVENT) "CLICK" != n && "DBLCLICK" != n && "HOVER" != n && "MOUSEOUT" != n && "MAP_ROAM" != n && this._messageCenter.bind(a.EVENT[n], this._onevent, this); var o = {}; this._onzrevent = function (e) { return t[o[e.type]](e) }; for (var r = 0, s = d.length; s > r; r++) { var l = d[r], h = U[l]; o[h] = "_on" + l.toLowerCase(), i.on(h, this._onzrevent) } this.chart = {}, this.component = {}; var m = e("./chart/island"); this._island = new m(this._themeConfig, this._messageCenter, i, {}, this), this.chart.island = this._island; var V = e("./component/toolbox"); this._toolbox = new V(this._themeConfig, this._messageCenter, i, {}, this), this.component.toolbox = this._toolbox; var p = e("./component"); p.define("title", e("./component/title")), p.define("tooltip", e("./component/tooltip")), p.define("legend", e("./component/legend")), (0 === i.getWidth() || 0 === i.getHeight()) && console.error("Dom’s width & height should be ready before init.") }, __onevent: function (e) { e.__echartsId = e.__echartsId || this.id; var t = e.__echartsId === this.id; switch (this._curEventType || (this._curEventType = e.type), e.type) { case a.EVENT.LEGEND_SELECTED: this._onlegendSelected(e); break; case a.EVENT.DATA_ZOOM: if (!t) { var i = this.component.dataZoom; i && (i.silence(!0), i.absoluteZoom(e.zoom), i.silence(!1)) } this._ondataZoom(e); break; case a.EVENT.DATA_RANGE: t && this._ondataRange(e); break; case a.EVENT.MAGIC_TYPE_CHANGED: if (!t) { var n = this.component.toolbox; n && (n.silence(!0), n.setMagicType(e.magicType), n.silence(!1)) } this._onmagicTypeChanged(e); break; case a.EVENT.DATA_VIEW_CHANGED: t && this._ondataViewChanged(e); break; case a.EVENT.TOOLTIP_HOVER: t && this._tooltipHover(e); break; case a.EVENT.RESTORE: this._onrestore(); break; case a.EVENT.REFRESH: t && this._onrefresh(e); break; case a.EVENT.TOOLTIP_IN_GRID: case a.EVENT.TOOLTIP_OUT_GRID: if (t) { if (this._connected) { var o = this.component.grid; o && (e.x = (e.event.zrenderX - o.getX()) / o.getWidth(), e.y = (e.event.zrenderY - o.getY()) / o.getHeight()) } } else { var o = this.component.grid; o && this._zr.trigger("mousemove", { connectTrigger: !0, zrenderX: o.getX() + e.x * o.getWidth(), zrenderY: o.getY() + e.y * o.getHeight() }) } } if (this._connected && t && this._curEventType === e.type) { for (var r in this._connected) this._connected[r].connectedEventHandler(e); this._curEventType = null } (!t || !this._connected && t) && (this._curEventType = null) }, _onclick: function (e) { if (n(this, "onclick", e), e.target) { var t = this._eventPackage(e.target); t && null != t.seriesIndex && this._messageCenter.dispatch(a.EVENT.CLICK, e.event, t, this) } }, _ondblclick: function (e) { if (n(this, "ondblclick", e), e.target) { var t = this._eventPackage(e.target); t && null != t.seriesIndex && this._messageCenter.dispatch(a.EVENT.DBLCLICK, e.event, t, this) } }, _onmouseover: function (e) { if (e.target) { var t = this._eventPackage(e.target); t && null != t.seriesIndex && this._messageCenter.dispatch(a.EVENT.HOVER, e.event, t, this) } }, _onmouseout: function (e) { if (e.target) { var t = this._eventPackage(e.target); t && null != t.seriesIndex && this._messageCenter.dispatch(a.EVENT.MOUSEOUT, e.event, t, this) } }, _ondragstart: function (e) { this._status = {dragIn: !1, dragOut: !1, needRefresh: !1}, n(this, "ondragstart", e) }, _ondragenter: function (e) { n(this, "ondragenter", e) }, _ondragover: function (e) { n(this, "ondragover", e) }, _ondragleave: function (e) { n(this, "ondragleave", e) }, _ondrop: function (e) { n(this, "ondrop", e, this._status), this._island.ondrop(e, this._status) }, _ondragend: function (e) { if (n(this, "ondragend", e, this._status), this._timeline && this._timeline.ondragend(e, this._status), this._island.ondragend(e, this._status), this._status.needRefresh) { this._syncBackupData(this._option); var t = this._messageCenter; t.dispatch(a.EVENT.DATA_CHANGED, e.event, this._eventPackage(e.target), this), t.dispatch(a.EVENT.REFRESH, null, null, this) } }, _onlegendSelected: function (e) { this._status.needRefresh = !1, n(this, "onlegendSelected", e, this._status), this._status.needRefresh && this._messageCenter.dispatch(a.EVENT.REFRESH, null, null, this) }, _ondataZoom: function (e) { this._status.needRefresh = !1, n(this, "ondataZoom", e, this._status), this._status.needRefresh && this._messageCenter.dispatch(a.EVENT.REFRESH, null, null, this) }, _ondataRange: function (e) { this._clearEffect(), this._status.needRefresh = !1, n(this, "ondataRange", e, this._status), this._status.needRefresh && this._zr.refreshNextFrame() }, _onmagicTypeChanged: function () { this._clearEffect(), this._render(this._toolbox.getMagicOption()) }, _ondataViewChanged: function (e) { this._syncBackupData(e.option), this._messageCenter.dispatch(a.EVENT.DATA_CHANGED, null, e, this), this._messageCenter.dispatch(a.EVENT.REFRESH, null, null, this) }, _tooltipHover: function (e) { var t = []; n(this, "ontooltipHover", e, t) }, _onrestore: function () { this.restore() }, _onrefresh: function (e) { this._refreshInside = !0, this.refresh(e), this._refreshInside = !1 }, _syncBackupData: function (e) { this.component.dataZoom && this.component.dataZoom.syncBackupData(e) }, _eventPackage: function (t) { if (t) { var i = e("./util/ecData"), n = i.get(t, "seriesIndex"), a = i.get(t, "dataIndex"); return a = -1 != n && this.component.dataZoom ? this.component.dataZoom.getRealDataIndex(n, a) : a, { seriesIndex: n, seriesName: (i.get(t, "series") || {}).name, dataIndex: a, data: i.get(t, "data"), name: i.get(t, "name"), value: i.get(t, "value"), special: i.get(t, "special") } } }, _noDataCheck: function (e) { for (var t = e.series, i = 0, n = t.length; n > i; i++) if (t[i].type == a.CHART_TYPE_MAP || t[i].data && t[i].data.length > 0 || t[i].markPoint && t[i].markPoint.data && t[i].markPoint.data.length > 0 || t[i].markLine && t[i].markLine.data && t[i].markLine.data.length > 0 || t[i].nodes && t[i].nodes.length > 0 || t[i].links && t[i].links.length > 0 || t[i].matrix && t[i].matrix.length > 0 || t[i].eventList && t[i].eventList.length > 0) return !1; var o = this._option && this._option.noDataLoadingOption || this._themeConfig.noDataLoadingOption || a.noDataLoadingOption || { text: this._option && this._option.noDataText || this._themeConfig.noDataText || a.noDataText, effect: this._option && this._option.noDataEffect || this._themeConfig.noDataEffect || a.noDataEffect }; return this.clear(), this.showLoading(o), !0 }, _render: function (t) { if (this._mergeGlobalConifg(t), !this._noDataCheck(t)) { var i = t.backgroundColor; if (i) if (l || -1 == i.indexOf("rgba")) this.dom.style.backgroundColor = i; else { var n = i.split(","); this.dom.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + 100 * n[3].substring(0, n[3].lastIndexOf(")")) + ")", n.length = 3, n[0] = n[0].replace("a", ""), this.dom.style.backgroundColor = n.join(",") + ")" } this._zr.clearAnimation(), this._chartList = []; var o = e("./chart"), r = e("./component"); (t.xAxis || t.yAxis) && (t.grid = t.grid || {}, t.dataZoom = t.dataZoom || {}); for (var s, h, m, V = ["title", "legend", "tooltip", "dataRange", "roamController", "grid", "dataZoom", "xAxis", "yAxis", "polar"], U = 0, d = V.length; d > U; U++) h = V[U], m = this.component[h], t[h] ? (m ? m.refresh && m.refresh(t) : (s = r.get(/^[xy]Axis$/.test(h) ? "axis" : h), m = new s(this._themeConfig, this._messageCenter, this._zr, t, this, h), this.component[h] = m), this._chartList.push(m)) : m && (m.dispose(), this.component[h] = null, delete this.component[h]); for (var p, c, u, y = {}, U = 0, d = t.series.length; d > U; U++) c = t.series[U].type, c ? y[c] || (y[c] = !0, p = o.get(c), p ? (this.chart[c] ? (u = this.chart[c], u.refresh(t)) : u = new p(this._themeConfig, this._messageCenter, this._zr, t, this), this._chartList.push(u), this.chart[c] = u) : console.error(c + " has not been required.")) : console.error("series[" + U + "] chart type has not been defined."); for (c in this.chart) c == a.CHART_TYPE_ISLAND || y[c] || (this.chart[c].dispose(), this.chart[c] = null, delete this.chart[c]); this.component.grid && this.component.grid.refixAxisShape(this.component), this._island.refresh(t), this._toolbox.refresh(t), t.animation && !t.renderAsImage ? this._zr.refresh() : this._zr.render(); var g = "IMG" + this.id, b = document.getElementById(g); t.renderAsImage && l ? (b ? b.src = this.getDataURL(t.renderAsImage) : (b = this.getImage(t.renderAsImage), b.id = g, b.style.position = "absolute", b.style.left = 0, b.style.top = 0, this.dom.firstChild.appendChild(b)), this.un(), this._zr.un(), this._disposeChartList(), this._zr.clear()) : b && b.parentNode.removeChild(b), b = null, this._option = t } }, restore: function () { this._clearEffect(), this._option = o.clone(this._optionRestore), this._disposeChartList(), this._island.clear(), this._toolbox.reset(this._option, !0), this._render(this._option) }, refresh: function (e) { this._clearEffect(), e = e || {}; var t = e.option; !this._refreshInside && t && (t = this.getOption(), o.merge(t, e.option, !0), o.merge(this._optionRestore, e.option, !0), this._toolbox.reset(t)), this._island.refresh(t), this._toolbox.refresh(t), this._zr.clearAnimation(); for (var i = 0, n = this._chartList.length; n > i; i++) this._chartList[i].refresh && this._chartList[i].refresh(t); this.component.grid && this.component.grid.refixAxisShape(this.component), this._zr.refresh() }, _disposeChartList: function () { this._clearEffect(), this._zr.clearAnimation(); for (var e = this._chartList.length; e--;) { var t = this._chartList[e]; if (t) { var i = t.type; this.chart[i] && delete this.chart[i], this.component[i] && delete this.component[i], t.dispose && t.dispose() } } this._chartList = [] }, _mergeGlobalConifg: function (t) { for (var i = ["backgroundColor", "calculable", "calculableColor", "calculableHolderColor", "nameConnector", "valueConnector", "animation", "animationThreshold", "animationDuration", "animationDurationUpdate", "animationEasing", "addDataAnimation", "symbolList", "DRAG_ENABLE_TIME"], n = i.length; n--;) { var o = i[n]; null == t[o] && (t[o] = null != this._themeConfig[o] ? this._themeConfig[o] : a[o]) } var r = t.color; r && r.length || (r = this._themeConfig.color || a.color), this._zr.getColor = function (t) { var i = e("zrender/tool/color"); return i.getColor(t, r) }, l || (t.animation = !1, t.addDataAnimation = !1) }, setOption: function (e, t) { return e.timeline ? this._setTimelineOption(e) : this._setOption(e, t) }, _setOption: function (e, t, i) { return !t && this._option ? this._option = o.merge(this.getOption(), o.clone(e), !0) : (this._option = o.clone(e), !i && this._timeline && this._timeline.dispose()), this._optionRestore = o.clone(this._option), this._option.series && 0 !== this._option.series.length ? (this.component.dataZoom && (this._option.dataZoom || this._option.toolbox && this._option.toolbox.feature && this._option.toolbox.feature.dataZoom && this._option.toolbox.feature.dataZoom.show) && this.component.dataZoom.syncOption(this._option), this._toolbox.reset(this._option), this._render(this._option), this) : void this._zr.clear() }, getOption: function () { function e(e) { var n = i._optionRestore[e]; if (n) if (n instanceof Array) for (var a = n.length; a--;) t[e][a].data = o.clone(n[a].data); else t[e].data = o.clone(n.data) } var t = o.clone(this._option), i = this; return e("xAxis"), e("yAxis"), e("series"), t }, setSeries: function (e, t) { return t ? (this._option.series = e, this.setOption(this._option, t)) : this.setOption({series: e}), this }, getSeries: function () { return this.getOption().series }, _setTimelineOption: function (t) { this._timeline && this._timeline.dispose(); var i = e("./component/timeline"), n = new i(this._themeConfig, this._messageCenter, this._zr, t, this); return this._timeline = n, this.component.timeline = this._timeline, this }, addData: function (e, t, i, n, r) { function s() { if (V._zr) { V._zr.clearAnimation(); for (var e = 0, t = X.length; t > e; e++) X[e].motionlessOnce = h.addDataAnimation && X[e].addDataAnimation; V._messageCenter.dispatch(a.EVENT.REFRESH, null, {option: h}, V) } } for (var l = e instanceof Array ? e : [[e, t, i, n, r]], h = this.getOption(), m = this._optionRestore, V = this, U = 0, d = l.length; d > U; U++) { e = l[U][0], t = l[U][1], i = l[U][2], n = l[U][3], r = l[U][4]; var p = m.series[e], c = i ? "unshift" : "push", u = i ? "pop" : "shift"; if (p) { var y = p.data, g = h.series[e].data; if (y[c](t), g[c](t), n || (y[u](), t = g[u]()), null != r) { var b, f; if (p.type === a.CHART_TYPE_PIE && (b = m.legend) && (f = b.data)) { var k = h.legend.data; if (f[c](r), k[c](r), !n) { var x = o.indexOf(f, t.name); -1 != x && f.splice(x, 1), x = o.indexOf(k, t.name), -1 != x && k.splice(x, 1) } } else if (null != m.xAxis && null != m.yAxis) { var _, L, W = p.xAxisIndex || 0; (null == m.xAxis[W].type || "category" === m.xAxis[W].type) && (_ = m.xAxis[W].data, L = h.xAxis[W].data, _[c](r), L[c](r), n || (_[u](), L[u]())), W = p.yAxisIndex || 0, "category" === m.yAxis[W].type && (_ = m.yAxis[W].data, L = h.yAxis[W].data, _[c](r), L[c](r), n || (_[u](), L[u]())) } } this._option.series[e].data = h.series[e].data } } this._zr.clearAnimation(); for (var X = this._chartList, v = 0, w = function () { v--, 0 === v && s() }, U = 0, d = X.length; d > U; U++) h.addDataAnimation && X[U].addDataAnimation && (v++, X[U].addDataAnimation(l, w)); return this.component.dataZoom && this.component.dataZoom.syncOption(h), this._option = h, h.addDataAnimation || setTimeout(s, 0), this }, addMarkPoint: function (e, t) { return this._addMark(e, t, "markPoint") }, addMarkLine: function (e, t) { return this._addMark(e, t, "markLine") }, _addMark: function (e, t, i) { var n, a = this._option.series; if (a && (n = a[e])) { var r = this._optionRestore.series, s = r[e], l = n[i], h = s[i]; l = n[i] = l || {data: []}, h = s[i] = h || {data: []}; for (var m in t) "data" === m ? (l.data = l.data.concat(t.data), h.data = h.data.concat(t.data)) : "object" != typeof t[m] || null == l[m] ? l[m] = h[m] = t[m] : (o.merge(l[m], t[m], !0), o.merge(h[m], t[m], !0)); var V = this.chart[n.type]; V && V.addMark(e, t, i) } return this }, delMarkPoint: function (e, t) { return this._delMark(e, t, "markPoint") }, delMarkLine: function (e, t) { return this._delMark(e, t, "markLine") }, _delMark: function (e, t, i) { var n, a, o, r = this._option.series; if (!(r && (n = r[e]) && (a = n[i]) && (o = a.data))) return this; t = t.split(" > "); for (var s = -1, l = 0, h = o.length; h > l; l++) { var m = o[l]; if (m instanceof Array) { if (m[0].name === t[0] && m[1].name === t[1]) { s = l; break } } else if (m.name === t[0]) { s = l; break } } if (s > -1) { o.splice(s, 1), this._optionRestore.series[e][i].data.splice(s, 1); var V = this.chart[n.type]; V && V.delMark(e, t.join(" > "), i) } return this }, getDom: function () { return this.dom }, getZrender: function () { return this._zr }, getDataURL: function (e) { if (!l) return ""; if (0 === this._chartList.length) { var t = "IMG" + this.id, i = document.getElementById(t); if (i) return i.src } var n = this.component.tooltip; switch (n && n.hideTip(), e) { case"jpeg": break; default: e = "png" } var a = this._option.backgroundColor; return a && "rgba(0,0,0,0)" === a.replace(" ", "") && (a = "#fff"), this._zr.toDataURL("image/" + e, a) }, getImage: function (e) { var t = this._optionRestore.title, i = document.createElement("img"); return i.src = this.getDataURL(e), i.title = t && t.text || "ECharts", i }, getConnectedDataURL: function (t) { if (!this.isConnected()) return this.getDataURL(t); var i = this.dom, n = { self: { img: this.getDataURL(t), left: i.offsetLeft, top: i.offsetTop, right: i.offsetLeft + i.offsetWidth, bottom: i.offsetTop + i.offsetHeight } }, a = n.self.left, o = n.self.top, r = n.self.right, s = n.self.bottom; for (var l in this._connected) i = this._connected[l].getDom(), n[l] = { img: this._connected[l].getDataURL(t), left: i.offsetLeft, top: i.offsetTop, right: i.offsetLeft + i.offsetWidth, bottom: i.offsetTop + i.offsetHeight }, a = Math.min(a, n[l].left), o = Math.min(o, n[l].top), r = Math.max(r, n[l].right), s = Math.max(s, n[l].bottom); var h = document.createElement("div"); h.style.position = "absolute", h.style.left = "-4000px", h.style.width = r - a + "px", h.style.height = s - o + "px", document.body.appendChild(h); var m = e("zrender").init(h), V = e("zrender/shape/Image"); for (var l in n) m.addShape(new V({style: {x: n[l].left - a, y: n[l].top - o, image: n[l].img}})); m.render(); var U = this._option.backgroundColor; U && "rgba(0,0,0,0)" === U.replace(/ /g, "") && (U = "#fff"); var d = m.toDataURL("image/png", U); return setTimeout(function () { m.dispose(), h.parentNode.removeChild(h), h = null }, 100), d }, getConnectedImage: function (e) { var t = this._optionRestore.title, i = document.createElement("img"); return i.src = this.getConnectedDataURL(e), i.title = t && t.text || "ECharts", i }, on: function (e, t) { return this._messageCenterOutSide.bind(e, t, this), this }, un: function (e, t) { return this._messageCenterOutSide.unbind(e, t), this }, connect: function (e) { if (!e) return this; if (this._connected || (this._connected = {}), e instanceof Array) for (var t = 0, i = e.length; i > t; t++) this._connected[e[t].id] = e[t]; else this._connected[e.id] = e; return this }, disConnect: function (e) { if (!e || !this._connected) return this; if (e instanceof Array) for (var t = 0, i = e.length; i > t; t++) delete this._connected[e[t].id]; else delete this._connected[e.id]; for (var n in this._connected) return this; return this._connected = !1, this }, connectedEventHandler: function (e) { e.__echartsId != this.id && this._onevent(e) }, isConnected: function () { return !!this._connected }, showLoading: function (t) { var i = { bar: e("zrender/loadingEffect/Bar"), bubble: e("zrender/loadingEffect/Bubble"), dynamicLine: e("zrender/loadingEffect/DynamicLine"), ring: e("zrender/loadingEffect/Ring"), spin: e("zrender/loadingEffect/Spin"), whirling: e("zrender/loadingEffect/Whirling") }; this._toolbox.hideDataView(), t = t || {}; var n = t.textStyle || {}; t.textStyle = n; var r = o.merge(o.merge(o.clone(n), this._themeConfig.textStyle), a.textStyle); n.textFont = r.fontStyle + " " + r.fontWeight + " " + r.fontSize + "px " + r.fontFamily, n.text = t.text || this._option && this._option.loadingText || this._themeConfig.loadingText || a.loadingText, null != t.x && (n.x = t.x), null != t.y && (n.y = t.y), t.effectOption = t.effectOption || {}, t.effectOption.textStyle = n; var s = t.effect; return ("string" == typeof s || null == s) && (s = i[t.effect || this._option && this._option.loadingEffect || this._themeConfig.loadingEffect || a.loadingEffect] || i.spin), this._zr.showLoading(new s(t.effectOption)), this }, hideLoading: function () { return this._zr.hideLoading(), this }, setTheme: function (t) { if (t) { if ("string" == typeof t) switch (t) { case"macarons": t = e("./theme/macarons"); break; case"infographic": t = e("./theme/infographic"); break; default: t = {} } else t = t || {}; this._themeConfig = t } if (!l) { var i = this._themeConfig.textStyle; i && i.fontFamily && i.fontFamily2 && (i.fontFamily = i.fontFamily2), i = a.textStyle, i.fontFamily = i.fontFamily2 } this._timeline && this._timeline.setTheme(!0), this._optionRestore && this.restore() }, resize: function () { var e = this; return function () { if (e._clearEffect(), e._zr.resize(), e._option && e._option.renderAsImage && l) return e._render(e._option), e; e._zr.clearAnimation(), e._island.resize(), e._toolbox.resize(), e._timeline && e._timeline.resize(); for (var t = 0, i = e._chartList.length; i > t; t++) e._chartList[t].resize && e._chartList[t].resize(); return e.component.grid && e.component.grid.refixAxisShape(e.component), e._zr.refresh(), e._messageCenter.dispatch(a.EVENT.RESIZE, null, null, e), e } }, _clearEffect: function () { this._zr.modLayer(a.EFFECT_ZLEVEL, {motionBlur: !1}), this._zr.painter.clearLayer(a.EFFECT_ZLEVEL) }, clear: function () { return this._disposeChartList(), this._zr.clear(), this._option = {}, this._optionRestore = {}, this.dom.style.backgroundColor = null, this }, dispose: function () { var e = this.dom.getAttribute(V); e && delete m[e], this._island.dispose(), this._toolbox.dispose(), this._timeline && this._timeline.dispose(), this._messageCenter.unbind(), this.clear(), this._zr.dispose(), this._zr = null } }, s }), i("echarts/config", [], function () { var e = { CHART_TYPE_LINE: "line", CHART_TYPE_BAR: "bar", CHART_TYPE_SCATTER: "scatter", CHART_TYPE_PIE: "pie", CHART_TYPE_RADAR: "radar", CHART_TYPE_VENN: "venn", CHART_TYPE_TREEMAP: "treemap", CHART_TYPE_TREE: "tree", CHART_TYPE_MAP: "map", CHART_TYPE_K: "k", CHART_TYPE_ISLAND: "island", CHART_TYPE_FORCE: "force", CHART_TYPE_CHORD: "chord", CHART_TYPE_GAUGE: "gauge", CHART_TYPE_FUNNEL: "funnel", CHART_TYPE_EVENTRIVER: "eventRiver", CHART_TYPE_WORDCLOUD: "wordCloud", CHART_TYPE_HEATMAP: "heatmap", COMPONENT_TYPE_TITLE: "title", COMPONENT_TYPE_LEGEND: "legend", COMPONENT_TYPE_DATARANGE: "dataRange", COMPONENT_TYPE_DATAVIEW: "dataView", COMPONENT_TYPE_DATAZOOM: "dataZoom", COMPONENT_TYPE_TOOLBOX: "toolbox", COMPONENT_TYPE_TOOLTIP: "tooltip", COMPONENT_TYPE_GRID: "grid", COMPONENT_TYPE_AXIS: "axis", COMPONENT_TYPE_POLAR: "polar", COMPONENT_TYPE_X_AXIS: "xAxis", COMPONENT_TYPE_Y_AXIS: "yAxis", COMPONENT_TYPE_AXIS_CATEGORY: "categoryAxis", COMPONENT_TYPE_AXIS_VALUE: "valueAxis", COMPONENT_TYPE_TIMELINE: "timeline", COMPONENT_TYPE_ROAMCONTROLLER: "roamController", backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", color: ["#ff7f50", "#87cefa", "#da70d6", "#32cd32", "#6495ed", "#ff69b4", "#ba55d3", "#cd5c5c", "#ffa500", "#40e0d0", "#1e90ff", "#ff6347", "#7b68ee", "#00fa9a", "#ffd700", "#6699FF", "#ff6666", "#3cb371", "#b8860b", "#30e0e0"], markPoint: { clickable: !0, symbol: "pin", symbolSize: 10, large: !1, effect: {show: !1, loop: !0, period: 15, type: "scale", scaleSize: 2, bounceDistance: 10}, itemStyle: { normal: {borderWidth: 2, label: {show: !0, position: "inside"}}, emphasis: {label: {show: !0}} } }, markLine: { clickable: !0, symbol: ["circle", "arrow"], symbolSize: [2, 4], smoothness: .2, precision: 2, effect: {show: !1, loop: !0, period: 15, scaleSize: 2}, bundling: {enable: !1, maxTurningAngle: 45}, itemStyle: { normal: {borderWidth: 1.5, label: {show: !0, position: "end"}, lineStyle: {type: "dashed"}}, emphasis: {label: {show: !1}, lineStyle: {}} } }, textStyle: { decoration: "none", fontFamily: "Arial, Verdana, sans-serif", fontFamily2: "微软雅黑", fontSize: 12, fontStyle: "normal", fontWeight: "normal" }, EVENT: { REFRESH: "refresh", RESTORE: "restore", RESIZE: "resize", CLICK: "click", DBLCLICK: "dblclick", HOVER: "hover", MOUSEOUT: "mouseout", DATA_CHANGED: "dataChanged", DATA_ZOOM: "dataZoom", DATA_RANGE: "dataRange", DATA_RANGE_SELECTED: "dataRangeSelected", DATA_RANGE_HOVERLINK: "dataRangeHoverLink", LEGEND_SELECTED: "legendSelected", LEGEND_HOVERLINK: "legendHoverLink", MAP_SELECTED: "mapSelected", PIE_SELECTED: "pieSelected", MAGIC_TYPE_CHANGED: "magicTypeChanged", DATA_VIEW_CHANGED: "dataViewChanged", TIMELINE_CHANGED: "timelineChanged", MAP_ROAM: "mapRoam", FORCE_LAYOUT_END: "forceLayoutEnd", TOOLTIP_HOVER: "tooltipHover", TOOLTIP_IN_GRID: "tooltipInGrid", TOOLTIP_OUT_GRID: "tooltipOutGrid", ROAMCONTROLLER: "roamController" }, DRAG_ENABLE_TIME: 120, EFFECT_ZLEVEL: 10, effectBlendAlpha: .95, symbolList: ["circle", "rectangle", "triangle", "diamond", "emptyCircle", "emptyRectangle", "emptyTriangle", "emptyDiamond"], loadingEffect: "spin", loadingText: "数据读取中...", noDataEffect: "bubble", noDataText: "暂无数据", calculable: !1, calculableColor: "rgba(255,165,0,0.6)", calculableHolderColor: "#ccc", nameConnector: " & ", valueConnector: ": ", animation: !0, addDataAnimation: !0, animationThreshold: 2e3, animationDuration: 2e3, animationDurationUpdate: 500, animationEasing: "ExponentialOut" }; return e }), i("zrender/tool/util", ["require", "../dep/excanvas"], function (e) { function t(e) { return e && 1 === e.nodeType && "string" == typeof e.nodeName } function i(e) { if ("object" == typeof e && null !== e) { var n = e; if (e instanceof Array) { n = []; for (var a = 0, o = e.length; o > a; a++) n[a] = i(e[a]) } else if (!y[g.call(e)] && !t(e)) { n = {}; for (var r in e) e.hasOwnProperty(r) && (n[r] = i(e[r])) } return n } return e } function n(e, i, n, o) { if (i.hasOwnProperty(n)) { var r = e[n]; "object" != typeof r || y[g.call(r)] || t(r) ? !o && n in e || (e[n] = i[n]) : a(e[n], i[n], o) } } function a(e, t, i) { for (var a in t) n(e, t, a, i); return e } function o() { if (!U) if (e("../dep/excanvas"), window.G_vmlCanvasManager) { var t = document.createElement("div"); t.style.position = "absolute", t.style.top = "-1000px", document.body.appendChild(t), U = G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(t).getContext("2d") } else U = document.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d"); return U } function r(e, t) { if (e.indexOf) return e.indexOf(t); for (var i = 0, n = e.length; n > i; i++) if (e[i] === t) return i; return -1 } function s(e, t) { function i() { } var n = e.prototype; i.prototype = t.prototype, e.prototype = new i; for (var a in n) e.prototype[a] = n[a]; e.constructor = e } function l(e, t, i) { if (e && t) if (e.forEach && e.forEach === p) e.forEach(t, i); else if (e.length === +e.length) for (var n = 0, a = e.length; a > n; n++) t.call(i, e[n], n, e); else for (var o in e) e.hasOwnProperty(o) && t.call(i, e[o], o, e) } function h(e, t, i) { if (e && t) { if (e.map && e.map === c) return e.map(t, i); for (var n = [], a = 0, o = e.length; o > a; a++) n.push(t.call(i, e[a], a, e)); return n } } function m(e, t, i) { if (e && t) { if (e.filter && e.filter === u) return e.filter(t, i); for (var n = [], a = 0, o = e.length; o > a; a++) t.call(i, e[a], a, e) && n.push(e[a]); return n } } function V(e, t) { return function () { e.apply(t, arguments) } } var U, d = Array.prototype, p = d.forEach, c = d.map, u = d.filter, y = { "[object Function]": 1, "[object RegExp]": 1, "[object Date]": 1, "[object Error]": 1, "[object CanvasGradient]": 1 }, g = Object.prototype.toString; return {inherits: s, clone: i, merge: a, getContext: o, indexOf: r, each: l, map: h, filter: m, bind: V} }), i("zrender/tool/event", ["require", "../mixin/Eventful"], function (e) { "use strict"; function t(e) { return "undefined" != typeof e.zrenderX && e.zrenderX || "undefined" != typeof e.offsetX && e.offsetX || "undefined" != typeof e.layerX && e.layerX || "undefined" != typeof e.clientX && e.clientX } function i(e) { return "undefined" != typeof e.zrenderY && e.zrenderY || "undefined" != typeof e.offsetY && e.offsetY || "undefined" != typeof e.layerY && e.layerY || "undefined" != typeof e.clientY && e.clientY } function n(e) { return "undefined" != typeof e.zrenderDelta && e.zrenderDelta || "undefined" != typeof e.wheelDelta && e.wheelDelta || "undefined" != typeof e.detail && -e.detail } var a = e("../mixin/Eventful"), o = "function" == typeof window.addEventListener ? function (e) { e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation(), e.cancelBubble = !0 } : function (e) { e.returnValue = !1, e.cancelBubble = !0 }; return {getX: t, getY: i, getDelta: n, stop: o, Dispatcher: a} }), i("zrender/tool/env", [], function () { function e(e) { var t = this.os = {}, i = this.browser = {}, n = e.match(/Web[kK]it[\/]{0,1}([\d.]+)/), a = e.match(/(Android);?[\s\/]+([\d.]+)?/), o = e.match(/(iPad).*OS\s([\d_]+)/), r = e.match(/(iPod)(.*OS\s([\d_]+))?/), s = !o && e.match(/(iPhone\sOS)\s([\d_]+)/), l = e.match(/(webOS|hpwOS)[\s\/]([\d.]+)/), h = l && e.match(/TouchPad/), m = e.match(/Kindle\/([\d.]+)/), V = e.match(/Silk\/([\d._]+)/), U = e.match(/(BlackBerry).*Version\/([\d.]+)/), d = e.match(/(BB10).*Version\/([\d.]+)/), p = e.match(/(RIM\sTablet\sOS)\s([\d.]+)/), c = e.match(/PlayBook/), u = e.match(/Chrome\/([\d.]+)/) || e.match(/CriOS\/([\d.]+)/), y = e.match(/Firefox\/([\d.]+)/), g = e.match(/MSIE ([\d.]+)/), b = n && e.match(/Mobile\//) && !u, f = e.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad).*AppleWebKit(?!.*Safari)/) && !u, g = e.match(/MSIE\s([\d.]+)/); return (i.webkit = !!n) && (i.version = n[1]), a && (t.android = !0, t.version = a[2]), s && !r && (t.ios = t.iphone = !0, t.version = s[2].replace(/_/g, ".")), o && (t.ios = t.ipad = !0, t.version = o[2].replace(/_/g, ".")), r && (t.ios = t.ipod = !0, t.version = r[3] ? r[3].replace(/_/g, ".") : null), l && (t.webos = !0, t.version = l[2]), h && (t.touchpad = !0), U && (t.blackberry = !0, t.version = U[2]), d && (t.bb10 = !0, t.version = d[2]), p && (t.rimtabletos = !0, t.version = p[2]), c && (i.playbook = !0), m && (t.kindle = !0, t.version = m[1]), V && (i.silk = !0, i.version = V[1]), !V && t.android && e.match(/Kindle Fire/) && (i.silk = !0), u && (i.chrome = !0, i.version = u[1]), y && (i.firefox = !0, i.version = y[1]), g && (i.ie = !0, i.version = g[1]), b && (e.match(/Safari/) || t.ios) && (i.safari = !0), f && (i.webview = !0), g && (i.ie = !0, i.version = g[1]), t.tablet = !!(o || c || a && !e.match(/Mobile/) || y && e.match(/Tablet/) || g && !e.match(/Phone/) && e.match(/Touch/)), t.phone = !(t.tablet || t.ipod || !(a || s || l || U || d || u && e.match(/Android/) || u && e.match(/CriOS\/([\d.]+)/) || y && e.match(/Mobile/) || g && e.match(/Touch/))), { browser: i, os: t, canvasSupported: document.createElement("canvas").getContext ? !0 : !1 } } return e(navigator.userAgent) }), i("zrender", ["zrender/zrender"], function (e) { return e }), i("zrender/zrender", ["require", "./dep/excanvas", "./tool/util", "./tool/log", "./tool/guid", "./Handler", "./Painter", "./Storage", "./animation/Animation", "./tool/env"], function (e) { function t(e) { return function () { e._needsRefreshNextFrame && e.refresh() } } e("./dep/excanvas"); var i = e("./tool/util"), n = e("./tool/log"), a = e("./tool/guid"), o = e("./Handler"), r = e("./Painter"), s = e("./Storage"), l = e("./animation/Animation"), h = {}, m = {}; m.version = "2.1.1", m.init = function (e) { var t = new V(a(), e); return h[t.id] = t, t }, m.dispose = function (e) { if (e) e.dispose(); else { for (var t in h) h[t].dispose(); h = {} } return m }, m.getInstance = function (e) { return h[e] }, m.delInstance = function (e) { return delete h[e], m }; var V = function (i, n) { this.id = i, this.env = e("./tool/env"), this.storage = new s, this.painter = new r(n, this.storage), this.handler = new o(n, this.storage, this.painter), this.animation = new l({stage: {update: t(this)}}), this.animation.start(); var a = this; this.painter.refreshNextFrame = function () { a.refreshNextFrame() }, this._needsRefreshNextFrame = !1; var a = this, h = this.storage, m = h.delFromMap; h.delFromMap = function (e) { var t = h.get(e); a.stopAnimation(t), m.call(h, e) } }; return V.prototype.getId = function () { return this.id }, V.prototype.addShape = function (e) { return this.addElement(e), this }, V.prototype.addGroup = function (e) { return this.addElement(e), this }, V.prototype.delShape = function (e) { return this.delElement(e), this }, V.prototype.delGroup = function (e) { return this.delElement(e), this }, V.prototype.modShape = function (e, t) { return this.modElement(e, t), this }, V.prototype.modGroup = function (e, t) { return this.modElement(e, t), this }, V.prototype.addElement = function (e) { return this.storage.addRoot(e), this._needsRefreshNextFrame = !0, this }, V.prototype.delElement = function (e) { return this.storage.delRoot(e), this._needsRefreshNextFrame = !0, this }, V.prototype.modElement = function (e, t) { return this.storage.mod(e, t), this._needsRefreshNextFrame = !0, this }, V.prototype.modLayer = function (e, t) { return this.painter.modLayer(e, t), this._needsRefreshNextFrame = !0, this }, V.prototype.addHoverShape = function (e) { return this.storage.addHover(e), this }, V.prototype.render = function (e) { return this.painter.render(e), this._needsRefreshNextFrame = !1, this }, V.prototype.refresh = function (e) { return this.painter.refresh(e), this._needsRefreshNextFrame = !1, this }, V.prototype.refreshNextFrame = function () { return this._needsRefreshNextFrame = !0, this }, V.prototype.refreshHover = function (e) { return this.painter.refreshHover(e), this }, V.prototype.refreshShapes = function (e, t) { return this.painter.refreshShapes(e, t), this }, V.prototype.resize = function () { return this.painter.resize(), this }, V.prototype.animate = function (e, t, a) { var o = this; if ("string" == typeof e && (e = this.storage.get(e)), e) { var r; if (t) { for (var s = t.split("."), l = e, h = 0, m = s.length; m > h; h++) l && (l = l[s[h]]); l && (r = l) } else r = e; if (!r) return void n('Property "' + t + '" is not existed in element ' + e.id); null == e.__animators && (e.__animators = []); var V = e.__animators, U = this.animation.animate(r, {loop: a}).during(function () { o.modShape(e) }).done(function () { var t = i.indexOf(e.__animators, U); t >= 0 && V.splice(t, 1) }); return V.push(U), U } n("Element not existed") }, V.prototype.stopAnimation = function (e) { if (e.__animators) { for (var t = e.__animators, i = t.length, n = 0; i > n; n++) t[n].stop(); t.length = 0 } return this }, V.prototype.clearAnimation = function () { return this.animation.clear(), this }, V.prototype.showLoading = function (e) { return this.painter.showLoading(e), this }, V.prototype.hideLoading = function () { return this.painter.hideLoading(), this }, V.prototype.getWidth = function () { return this.painter.getWidth() }, V.prototype.getHeight = function () { return this.painter.getHeight() }, V.prototype.toDataURL = function (e, t, i) { return this.painter.toDataURL(e, t, i) }, V.prototype.shapeToImage = function (e, t, i) { var n = a(); return this.painter.shapeToImage(n, e, t, i) }, V.prototype.on = function (e, t, i) { return this.handler.on(e, t, i), this }, V.prototype.un = function (e, t) { return this.handler.un(e, t), this }, V.prototype.trigger = function (e, t) { return this.handler.trigger(e, t), this }, V.prototype.clear = function () { return this.storage.delRoot(), this.painter.clear(), this }, V.prototype.dispose = function () { this.animation.stop(), this.clear(), this.storage.dispose(), this.painter.dispose(), this.handler.dispose(), this.animation = this.storage = this.painter = this.handler = null, m.delInstance(this.id) }, m }), i("zrender/config", [], function () { var e = { EVENT: { RESIZE: "resize", CLICK: "click", DBLCLICK: "dblclick", MOUSEWHEEL: "mousewheel", MOUSEMOVE: "mousemove", MOUSEOVER: "mouseover", MOUSEOUT: "mouseout", MOUSEDOWN: "mousedown", MOUSEUP: "mouseup", GLOBALOUT: "globalout", DRAGSTART: "dragstart", DRAGEND: "dragend", DRAGENTER: "dragenter", DRAGOVER: "dragover", DRAGLEAVE: "dragleave", DROP: "drop", touchClickDelay: 300 }, elementClassName: "zr-element", catchBrushException: !1, debugMode: 0, devicePixelRatio: Math.max(window.devicePixelRatio || 1, 1) }; return e }), i("echarts/chart/island", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Circle", "../config", "../util/ecData", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/event", "zrender/tool/color", "../util/accMath", "../chart"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, r) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, r), this._nameConnector, this._valueConnector, this._zrHeight = this.zr.getHeight(), this._zrWidth = this.zr.getWidth(); var l = this; l.shapeHandler.onmousewheel = function (e) { var t = e.target, i = e.event, n = s.getDelta(i); n = n > 0 ? -1 : 1, t.style.r -= n, t.style.r = t.style.r < 5 ? 5 : t.style.r; var a = o.get(t, "value"), r = a * l.option.island.calculateStep; a = r > 1 ? Math.round(a - r * n) : +(a - r * n).toFixed(2); var h = o.get(t, "name"); t.style.text = h + ":" + a, o.set(t, "value", a), o.set(t, "name", h), l.zr.modShape(t.id), l.zr.refreshNextFrame(), s.stop(i) } } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Circle"), a = e("../config"); a.island = {zlevel: 0, z: 5, r: 15, calculateStep: .1}; var o = e("../util/ecData"), r = e("zrender/tool/util"), s = e("zrender/tool/event"); return t.prototype = { type: a.CHART_TYPE_ISLAND, _combine: function (t, i) { var n = e("zrender/tool/color"), a = e("../util/accMath"), r = a.accAdd(o.get(t, "value"), o.get(i, "value")), s = o.get(t, "name") + this._nameConnector + o.get(i, "name"); t.style.text = s + this._valueConnector + r, o.set(t, "value", r), o.set(t, "name", s), t.style.r = this.option.island.r, t.style.color = n.mix(t.style.color, i.style.color) }, refresh: function (e) { e && (e.island = this.reformOption(e.island), this.option = e, this._nameConnector = this.option.nameConnector, this._valueConnector = this.option.valueConnector) }, getOption: function () { return this.option }, resize: function () { var e = this.zr.getWidth(), t = this.zr.getHeight(), i = e / (this._zrWidth || e), n = t / (this._zrHeight || t); if (1 !== i || 1 !== n) { this._zrWidth = e, this._zrHeight = t; for (var a = 0, o = this.shapeList.length; o > a; a++) this.zr.modShape(this.shapeList[a].id, { style: { x: Math.round(this.shapeList[a].style.x * i), y: Math.round(this.shapeList[a].style.y * n) } }) } }, add: function (e) { var t = o.get(e, "name"), i = o.get(e, "value"), a = null != o.get(e, "series") ? o.get(e, "series").name : "", r = this.getFont(this.option.island.textStyle), s = this.option.island, l = { zlevel: s.zlevel, z: s.z, style: { x: e.style.x, y: e.style.y, r: this.option.island.r, color: e.style.color || e.style.strokeColor, text: t + this._valueConnector + i, textFont: r }, draggable: !0, hoverable: !0, onmousewheel: this.shapeHandler.onmousewheel, _type: "island" }; "#fff" === l.style.color && (l.style.color = e.style.strokeColor), this.setCalculable(l), l.dragEnableTime = 0, o.pack(l, {name: a}, -1, i, -1, t), l = new n(l), this.shapeList.push(l), this.zr.addShape(l) }, del: function (e) { this.zr.delShape(e.id); for (var t = [], i = 0, n = this.shapeList.length; n > i; i++) this.shapeList[i].id != e.id && t.push(this.shapeList[i]); this.shapeList = t }, ondrop: function (e, t) { if (this.isDrop && e.target) { var i = e.target, n = e.dragged; this._combine(i, n), this.zr.modShape(i.id), t.dragIn = !0, this.isDrop = !1 } }, ondragend: function (e, t) { var i = e.target; this.isDragend ? t.dragIn && (this.del(i), t.needRefresh = !0) : t.dragIn || (i.style.x = s.getX(e.event), i.style.y = s.getY(e.event), this.add(i), t.needRefresh = !0), this.isDragend = !1 } }, r.inherits(t, i), e("../chart").define("island", t), t }), i("echarts/component/toolbox", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Line", "zrender/shape/Image", "zrender/shape/Rectangle", "../util/shape/Icon", "../config", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/config", "zrender/tool/event", "./dataView", "../component"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.dom = o.dom, this._magicType = {}, this._magicMap = {}, this._isSilence = !1, this._iconList, this._iconShapeMap = {}, this._featureTitle = {}, this._featureIcon = {}, this._featureColor = {}, this._featureOption = {}, this._enableColor = "red", this._disableColor = "#ccc", this._markShapeList = []; var r = this; r._onMark = function (e) { r.__onMark(e) }, r._onMarkUndo = function (e) { r.__onMarkUndo(e) }, r._onMarkClear = function (e) { r.__onMarkClear(e) }, r._onDataZoom = function (e) { r.__onDataZoom(e) }, r._onDataZoomReset = function (e) { r.__onDataZoomReset(e) }, r._onDataView = function (e) { r.__onDataView(e) }, r._onRestore = function (e) { r.__onRestore(e) }, r._onSaveAsImage = function (e) { r.__onSaveAsImage(e) }, r._onMagicType = function (e) { r.__onMagicType(e) }, r._onCustomHandler = function (e) { r.__onCustomHandler(e) }, r._onmousemove = function (e) { return r.__onmousemove(e) }, r._onmousedown = function (e) { return r.__onmousedown(e) }, r._onmouseup = function (e) { return r.__onmouseup(e) }, r._onclick = function (e) { return r.__onclick(e) } } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Line"), a = e("zrender/shape/Image"), o = e("zrender/shape/Rectangle"), r = e("../util/shape/Icon"), s = e("../config"); s.toolbox = { zlevel: 0, z: 6, show: !1, orient: "horizontal", x: "right", y: "top", color: ["#1e90ff", "#22bb22", "#4b0082", "#d2691e"], disableColor: "#ddd", effectiveColor: "red", backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderColor: "#ccc", borderWidth: 0, padding: 5, itemGap: 10, itemSize: 16, showTitle: !0, feature: { mark: { show: !1, title: {mark: "辅助线开关", markUndo: "删除辅助线", markClear: "清空辅助线"}, lineStyle: {width: 1, color: "#1e90ff", type: "dashed"} }, dataZoom: {show: !1, title: {dataZoom: "区域缩放", dataZoomReset: "区域缩放后退"}}, dataView: {show: !1, title: "数据视图", readOnly: !1, lang: ["数据视图", "关闭", "刷新"]}, magicType: { show: !1, title: { line: "折线图切换", bar: "柱形图切换", stack: "堆积", tiled: "平铺", force: "力导向布局图切换", chord: "和弦图切换", pie: "饼图切换", funnel: "漏斗图切换" }, type: [] }, restore: {show: !1, title: "还原"}, saveAsImage: {show: !1, title: "保存为图片", type: "png", lang: ["点击保存"]} } }; var l = e("zrender/tool/util"), h = e("zrender/config"), m = e("zrender/tool/event"), V = "stack", U = "tiled"; return t.prototype = { type: s.COMPONENT_TYPE_TOOLBOX, _buildShape: function () { this._iconList = []; var e = this.option.toolbox; this._enableColor = e.effectiveColor, this._disableColor = e.disableColor; var t = e.feature, i = []; for (var n in t) if (t[n].show) switch (n) { case"mark": i.push({key: n, name: "mark"}), i.push({key: n, name: "markUndo"}), i.push({ key: n, name: "markClear" }); break; case"magicType": for (var a = 0, o = t[n].type.length; o > a; a++) t[n].title[t[n].type[a] + "Chart"] = t[n].title[t[n].type[a]], t[n].option && (t[n].option[t[n].type[a] + "Chart"] = t[n].option[t[n].type[a]]), i.push({ key: n, name: t[n].type[a] + "Chart" }); break; case"dataZoom": i.push({key: n, name: "dataZoom"}), i.push({key: n, name: "dataZoomReset"}); break; case"saveAsImage": this.canvasSupported && i.push({key: n, name: "saveAsImage"}); break; default: i.push({key: n, name: n}) } if (i.length > 0) { for (var r, n, a = 0, o = i.length; o > a; a++) r = i[a].name, n = i[a].key, this._iconList.push(r), this._featureTitle[r] = t[n].title[r] || t[n].title, t[n].icon && (this._featureIcon[r] = t[n].icon[r] || t[n].icon), t[n].color && (this._featureColor[r] = t[n].color[r] || t[n].color), t[n].option && (this._featureOption[r] = t[n].option[r] || t[n].option); this._itemGroupLocation = this._getItemGroupLocation(), this._buildBackground(), this._buildItem(); for (var a = 0, o = this.shapeList.length; o > a; a++) this.zr.addShape(this.shapeList[a]); this._iconShapeMap.mark && (this._iconDisable(this._iconShapeMap.markUndo), this._iconDisable(this._iconShapeMap.markClear)), this._iconShapeMap.dataZoomReset && 0 === this._zoomQueue.length && this._iconDisable(this._iconShapeMap.dataZoomReset) } }, _buildItem: function () { var t, i, n, o, s = this.option.toolbox, l = this._iconList.length, h = this._itemGroupLocation.x, m = this._itemGroupLocation.y, V = s.itemSize, U = s.itemGap, d = s.color instanceof Array ? s.color : [s.color], p = this.getFont(s.textStyle); "horizontal" === s.orient ? (i = this._itemGroupLocation.y / this.zr.getHeight() < .5 ? "bottom" : "top", n = this._itemGroupLocation.x / this.zr.getWidth() < .5 ? "left" : "right", o = this._itemGroupLocation.y / this.zr.getHeight() < .5 ? "top" : "bottom") : i = this._itemGroupLocation.x / this.zr.getWidth() < .5 ? "right" : "left", this._iconShapeMap = {}; for (var c = this, u = 0; l > u; u++) { switch (t = { type: "icon", zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: { x: h, y: m, width: V, height: V, iconType: this._iconList[u], lineWidth: 1, strokeColor: this._featureColor[this._iconList[u]] || d[u % d.length], brushType: "stroke" }, highlightStyle: { lineWidth: 1, text: s.showTitle ? this._featureTitle[this._iconList[u]] : void 0, textFont: p, textPosition: i, strokeColor: this._featureColor[this._iconList[u]] || d[u % d.length] }, hoverable: !0, clickable: !0 }, this._featureIcon[this._iconList[u]] && (t.style.image = this._featureIcon[this._iconList[u]].replace(new RegExp("^image:\\/\\/"), ""), t.style.opacity = .8, t.highlightStyle.opacity = 1, t.type = "image"), "horizontal" === s.orient && (0 === u && "left" === n && (t.highlightStyle.textPosition = "specific", t.highlightStyle.textAlign = n, t.highlightStyle.textBaseline = o, t.highlightStyle.textX = h, t.highlightStyle.textY = "top" === o ? m + V + 10 : m - 10), u === l - 1 && "right" === n && (t.highlightStyle.textPosition = "specific", t.highlightStyle.textAlign = n, t.highlightStyle.textBaseline = o, t.highlightStyle.textX = h + V, t.highlightStyle.textY = "top" === o ? m + V + 10 : m - 10)), this._iconList[u]) { case"mark": t.onclick = c._onMark; break; case"markUndo": t.onclick = c._onMarkUndo; break; case"markClear": t.onclick = c._onMarkClear; break; case"dataZoom": t.onclick = c._onDataZoom; break; case"dataZoomReset": t.onclick = c._onDataZoomReset; break; case"dataView": if (!this._dataView) { var y = e("./dataView"); this._dataView = new y(this.ecTheme, this.messageCenter, this.zr, this.option, this.myChart) } t.onclick = c._onDataView; break; case"restore": t.onclick = c._onRestore; break; case"saveAsImage": t.onclick = c._onSaveAsImage; break; default: this._iconList[u].match("Chart") ? (t._name = this._iconList[u].replace("Chart", ""), t.onclick = c._onMagicType) : t.onclick = c._onCustomHandler } "icon" === t.type ? t = new r(t) : "image" === t.type && (t = new a(t)), this.shapeList.push(t), this._iconShapeMap[this._iconList[u]] = t, "horizontal" === s.orient ? h += V + U : m += V + U } }, _buildBackground: function () { var e = this.option.toolbox, t = this.reformCssArray(this.option.toolbox.padding); this.shapeList.push(new o({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: { x: this._itemGroupLocation.x - t[3], y: this._itemGroupLocation.y - t[0], width: this._itemGroupLocation.width + t[3] + t[1], height: this._itemGroupLocation.height + t[0] + t[2], brushType: 0 === e.borderWidth ? "fill" : "both", color: e.backgroundColor, strokeColor: e.borderColor, lineWidth: e.borderWidth } })) }, _getItemGroupLocation: function () { var e = this.option.toolbox, t = this.reformCssArray(this.option.toolbox.padding), i = this._iconList.length, n = e.itemGap, a = e.itemSize, o = 0, r = 0; "horizontal" === e.orient ? (o = (a + n) * i - n, r = a) : (r = (a + n) * i - n, o = a); var s, l = this.zr.getWidth(); switch (e.x) { case"center": s = Math.floor((l - o) / 2); break; case"left": s = t[3] + e.borderWidth; break; case"right": s = l - o - t[1] - e.borderWidth; break; default: s = e.x - 0, s = isNaN(s) ? 0 : s } var h, m = this.zr.getHeight(); switch (e.y) { case"top": h = t[0] + e.borderWidth; break; case"bottom": h = m - r - t[2] - e.borderWidth; break; case"center": h = Math.floor((m - r) / 2); break; default: h = e.y - 0, h = isNaN(h) ? 0 : h } return {x: s, y: h, width: o, height: r} }, __onmousemove: function (e) { this._marking && (this._markShape.style.xEnd = m.getX(e.event), this._markShape.style.yEnd = m.getY(e.event), this.zr.addHoverShape(this._markShape)), this._zooming && (this._zoomShape.style.width = m.getX(e.event) - this._zoomShape.style.x, this._zoomShape.style.height = m.getY(e.event) - this._zoomShape.style.y, this.zr.addHoverShape(this._zoomShape), this.dom.style.cursor = "crosshair", m.stop(e.event)), this._zoomStart && "pointer" != this.dom.style.cursor && "move" != this.dom.style.cursor && (this.dom.style.cursor = "crosshair") }, __onmousedown: function (e) { if (!e.target) { this._zooming = !0; var t = m.getX(e.event), i = m.getY(e.event), n = this.option.dataZoom || {}; return this._zoomShape = new o({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: {x: t, y: i, width: 1, height: 1, brushType: "both"}, highlightStyle: { lineWidth: 2, color: n.fillerColor || s.dataZoom.fillerColor, strokeColor: n.handleColor || s.dataZoom.handleColor, brushType: "both" } }), this.zr.addHoverShape(this._zoomShape), !0 } }, __onmouseup: function () { if (!this._zoomShape || Math.abs(this._zoomShape.style.width) < 10 || Math.abs(this._zoomShape.style.height) < 10) return this._zooming = !1, !0; if (this._zooming && this.component.dataZoom) { this._zooming = !1; var e = this.component.dataZoom.rectZoom(this._zoomShape.style); e && (this._zoomQueue.push({ start: e.start, end: e.end, start2: e.start2, end2: e.end2 }), this._iconEnable(this._iconShapeMap.dataZoomReset), this.zr.refreshNextFrame()) } return !0 }, __onclick: function (e) { if (!e.target) if (this._marking) this._marking = !1, this._markShapeList.push(this._markShape), this._iconEnable(this._iconShapeMap.markUndo), this._iconEnable(this._iconShapeMap.markClear), this.zr.addShape(this._markShape), this.zr.refreshNextFrame(); else if (this._markStart) { this._marking = !0; var t = m.getX(e.event), i = m.getY(e.event); this._markShape = new n({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: { xStart: t, yStart: i, xEnd: t, yEnd: i, lineWidth: this.query(this.option, "toolbox.feature.mark.lineStyle.width"), strokeColor: this.query(this.option, "toolbox.feature.mark.lineStyle.color"), lineType: this.query(this.option, "toolbox.feature.mark.lineStyle.type") } }), this.zr.addHoverShape(this._markShape) } }, __onMark: function (e) { var t = e.target; if (this._marking || this._markStart) this._resetMark(), this.zr.refreshNextFrame(); else { this._resetZoom(), this.zr.modShape(t.id, {style: {strokeColor: this._enableColor}}), this.zr.refreshNextFrame(), this._markStart = !0; var i = this; setTimeout(function () { i.zr && i.zr.on(h.EVENT.CLICK, i._onclick) && i.zr.on(h.EVENT.MOUSEMOVE, i._onmousemove) }, 10) } return !0 }, __onMarkUndo: function () { if (this._marking) this._marking = !1; else { var e = this._markShapeList.length; if (e >= 1) { var t = this._markShapeList[e - 1]; this.zr.delShape(t.id), this.zr.refreshNextFrame(), this._markShapeList.pop(), 1 === e && (this._iconDisable(this._iconShapeMap.markUndo), this._iconDisable(this._iconShapeMap.markClear)) } } return !0 }, __onMarkClear: function () { this._marking && (this._marking = !1); var e = this._markShapeList.length; if (e > 0) { for (; e--;) this.zr.delShape(this._markShapeList.pop().id); this._iconDisable(this._iconShapeMap.markUndo), this._iconDisable(this._iconShapeMap.markClear), this.zr.refreshNextFrame() } return !0 }, __onDataZoom: function (e) { var t = e.target; if (this._zooming || this._zoomStart) this._resetZoom(), this.zr.refreshNextFrame(), this.dom.style.cursor = "default"; else { this._resetMark(), this.zr.modShape(t.id, {style: {strokeColor: this._enableColor}}), this.zr.refreshNextFrame(), this._zoomStart = !0; var i = this; setTimeout(function () { i.zr && i.zr.on(h.EVENT.MOUSEDOWN, i._onmousedown) && i.zr.on(h.EVENT.MOUSEUP, i._onmouseup) && i.zr.on(h.EVENT.MOUSEMOVE, i._onmousemove) }, 10), this.dom.style.cursor = "crosshair" } return !0 }, __onDataZoomReset: function () { return this._zooming && (this._zooming = !1), this._zoomQueue.pop(), this._zoomQueue.length > 0 ? this.component.dataZoom.absoluteZoom(this._zoomQueue[this._zoomQueue.length - 1]) : (this.component.dataZoom.rectZoom(), this._iconDisable(this._iconShapeMap.dataZoomReset), this.zr.refreshNextFrame()), !0 }, _resetMark: function () { this._marking = !1, this._markStart && (this._markStart = !1, this._iconShapeMap.mark && this.zr.modShape(this._iconShapeMap.mark.id, {style: {strokeColor: this._iconShapeMap.mark.highlightStyle.strokeColor}}), this.zr.un(h.EVENT.CLICK, this._onclick), this.zr.un(h.EVENT.MOUSEMOVE, this._onmousemove)) }, _resetZoom: function () { this._zooming = !1, this._zoomStart && (this._zoomStart = !1, this._iconShapeMap.dataZoom && this.zr.modShape(this._iconShapeMap.dataZoom.id, {style: {strokeColor: this._iconShapeMap.dataZoom.highlightStyle.strokeColor}}), this.zr.un(h.EVENT.MOUSEDOWN, this._onmousedown), this.zr.un(h.EVENT.MOUSEUP, this._onmouseup), this.zr.un(h.EVENT.MOUSEMOVE, this._onmousemove)) }, _iconDisable: function (e) { "image" != e.type ? this.zr.modShape(e.id, { hoverable: !1, clickable: !1, style: {strokeColor: this._disableColor} }) : this.zr.modShape(e.id, {hoverable: !1, clickable: !1, style: {opacity: .3}}) }, _iconEnable: function (e) { "image" != e.type ? this.zr.modShape(e.id, { hoverable: !0, clickable: !0, style: {strokeColor: e.highlightStyle.strokeColor} }) : this.zr.modShape(e.id, {hoverable: !0, clickable: !0, style: {opacity: .8}}) }, __onDataView: function () { return this._dataView.show(this.option), !0 }, __onRestore: function () { return this._resetMark(), this._resetZoom(), this.messageCenter.dispatch(s.EVENT.RESTORE, null, null, this.myChart), !0 }, __onSaveAsImage: function () { var e = this.option.toolbox.feature.saveAsImage, t = e.type || "png"; "png" != t && "jpeg" != t && (t = "png"); var i; i = this.myChart.isConnected() ? this.myChart.getConnectedDataURL(t) : this.zr.toDataURL("image/" + t, this.option.backgroundColor && "rgba(0,0,0,0)" === this.option.backgroundColor.replace(" ", "") ? "#fff" : this.option.backgroundColor); var n = document.createElement("div"); n.id = "__echarts_download_wrap__", n.style.cssText = "position:fixed;z-index:99999;display:block;top:0;left:0;background-color:rgba(33,33,33,0.5);text-align:center;width:100%;height:100%;line-height:" + document.documentElement.clientHeight + "px;"; var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = i, a.setAttribute("download", (e.name ? e.name : this.option.title && (this.option.title.text || this.option.title.subtext) ? this.option.title.text || this.option.title.subtext : "ECharts") + "." + t), a.innerHTML = '图片另存为" : e.lang ? e.lang[0] : "点击保存") + '"/>', n.appendChild(a), document.body.appendChild(n), a = null, n = null, setTimeout(function () { var e = document.getElementById("__echarts_download_wrap__"); e && (e.onclick = function () { var e = document.getElementById("__echarts_download_wrap__"); e.onclick = null, e.innerHTML = "", document.body.removeChild(e), e = null }, e = null) }, 500) }, __onMagicType: function (e) { this._resetMark(); var t = e.target._name; return this._magicType[t] || (this._magicType[t] = !0, t === s.CHART_TYPE_LINE ? this._magicType[s.CHART_TYPE_BAR] = !1 : t === s.CHART_TYPE_BAR && (this._magicType[s.CHART_TYPE_LINE] = !1), t === s.CHART_TYPE_PIE ? this._magicType[s.CHART_TYPE_FUNNEL] = !1 : t === s.CHART_TYPE_FUNNEL && (this._magicType[s.CHART_TYPE_PIE] = !1), t === s.CHART_TYPE_FORCE ? this._magicType[s.CHART_TYPE_CHORD] = !1 : t === s.CHART_TYPE_CHORD && (this._magicType[s.CHART_TYPE_FORCE] = !1), t === V ? this._magicType[U] = !1 : t === U && (this._magicType[V] = !1), this.messageCenter.dispatch(s.EVENT.MAGIC_TYPE_CHANGED, e.event, {magicType: this._magicType}, this.myChart)), !0 }, setMagicType: function (e) { this._resetMark(), this._magicType = e, !this._isSilence && this.messageCenter.dispatch(s.EVENT.MAGIC_TYPE_CHANGED, null, {magicType: this._magicType}, this.myChart) }, __onCustomHandler: function (e) { var t = e.target.style.iconType, i = this.option.toolbox.feature[t].onclick; "function" == typeof i && i.call(this, this.option) }, reset: function (e, t) { if (t && this.clear(), this.query(e, "toolbox.show") && this.query(e, "toolbox.feature.magicType.show")) { var i = e.toolbox.feature.magicType.type, n = i.length; for (this._magicMap = {}; n--;) this._magicMap[i[n]] = !0; n = e.series.length; for (var a, o; n--;) a = e.series[n].type, this._magicMap[a] && (o = e.xAxis instanceof Array ? e.xAxis[e.series[n].xAxisIndex || 0] : e.xAxis, o && "category" === (o.type || "category") && (o.__boundaryGap = null != o.boundaryGap ? o.boundaryGap : !0), o = e.yAxis instanceof Array ? e.yAxis[e.series[n].yAxisIndex || 0] : e.yAxis, o && "category" === o.type && (o.__boundaryGap = null != o.boundaryGap ? o.boundaryGap : !0), e.series[n].__type = a, e.series[n].__itemStyle = l.clone(e.series[n].itemStyle || {})), (this._magicMap[V] || this._magicMap[U]) && (e.series[n].__stack = e.series[n].stack) } this._magicType = t ? {} : this._magicType || {}; for (var r in this._magicType) if (this._magicType[r]) { this.option = e, this.getMagicOption(); break } var s = e.dataZoom; if (s && s.show) { var h = null != s.start && s.start >= 0 && s.start <= 100 ? s.start : 0, m = null != s.end && s.end >= 0 && s.end <= 100 ? s.end : 100; h > m && (h += m, m = h - m, h -= m), this._zoomQueue = [{start: h, end: m, start2: 0, end2: 100}] } else this._zoomQueue = [] }, getMagicOption: function () { var e, t; if (this._magicType[s.CHART_TYPE_LINE] || this._magicType[s.CHART_TYPE_BAR]) { for (var i = this._magicType[s.CHART_TYPE_LINE] ? !1 : !0, n = 0, a = this.option.series.length; a > n; n++) t = this.option.series[n].type, (t == s.CHART_TYPE_LINE || t == s.CHART_TYPE_BAR) && (e = this.option.xAxis instanceof Array ? this.option.xAxis[this.option.series[n].xAxisIndex || 0] : this.option.xAxis, e && "category" === (e.type || "category") && (e.boundaryGap = i ? !0 : e.__boundaryGap), e = this.option.yAxis instanceof Array ? this.option.yAxis[this.option.series[n].yAxisIndex || 0] : this.option.yAxis, e && "category" === e.type && (e.boundaryGap = i ? !0 : e.__boundaryGap)); this._defaultMagic(s.CHART_TYPE_LINE, s.CHART_TYPE_BAR) } if (this._defaultMagic(s.CHART_TYPE_CHORD, s.CHART_TYPE_FORCE), this._defaultMagic(s.CHART_TYPE_PIE, s.CHART_TYPE_FUNNEL), this._magicType[V] || this._magicType[U]) for (var n = 0, a = this.option.series.length; a > n; n++) this._magicType[V] ? (this.option.series[n].stack = "_ECHARTS_STACK_KENER_2014_", t = V) : this._magicType[U] && (this.option.series[n].stack = null, t = U), this._featureOption[t + "Chart"] && l.merge(this.option.series[n], this._featureOption[t + "Chart"] || {}, !0); return this.option }, _defaultMagic: function (e, t) { if (this._magicType[e] || this._magicType[t]) for (var i = 0, n = this.option.series.length; n > i; i++) { var a = this.option.series[i].type; (a == e || a == t) && (this.option.series[i].type = this._magicType[e] ? e : t, this.option.series[i].itemStyle = l.clone(this.option.series[i].__itemStyle), a = this.option.series[i].type, this._featureOption[a + "Chart"] && l.merge(this.option.series[i], this._featureOption[a + "Chart"] || {}, !0)) } }, silence: function (e) { this._isSilence = e }, resize: function () { this._resetMark(), this.clear(), this.option && this.option.toolbox && this.option.toolbox.show && this._buildShape(), this._dataView && this._dataView.resize() }, hideDataView: function () { this._dataView && this._dataView.hide() }, clear: function (e) { this.zr && (this.zr.delShape(this.shapeList), this.shapeList = [], e || (this.zr.delShape(this._markShapeList), this._markShapeList = [])) }, onbeforDispose: function () { this._dataView && (this._dataView.dispose(), this._dataView = null), this._markShapeList = null }, refresh: function (e) { e && (this._resetMark(), this._resetZoom(), e.toolbox = this.reformOption(e.toolbox), this.option = e, this.clear(!0), e.toolbox.show && this._buildShape(), this.hideDataView()) } }, l.inherits(t, i), e("../component").define("toolbox", t), t }), i("echarts/component", [], function () { var e = {}, t = {}; return e.define = function (i, n) { return t[i] = n, e }, e.get = function (e) { return t[e] }, e }), i("echarts/component/title", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Text", "zrender/shape/Rectangle", "../config", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/area", "zrender/tool/color", "../component"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.refresh(a) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Text"), a = e("zrender/shape/Rectangle"), o = e("../config"); o.title = { zlevel: 0, z: 6, show: !0, text: "", subtext: "", x: "left", y: "top", backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderColor: "#ccc", borderWidth: 0, padding: 5, itemGap: 5, textStyle: {fontSize: 18, fontWeight: "bolder", color: "#333"}, subtextStyle: {color: "#aaa"} }; var r = e("zrender/tool/util"), s = e("zrender/tool/area"), l = e("zrender/tool/color"); return t.prototype = { type: o.COMPONENT_TYPE_TITLE, _buildShape: function () { if (this.titleOption.show) { this._itemGroupLocation = this._getItemGroupLocation(), this._buildBackground(), this._buildItem(); for (var e = 0, t = this.shapeList.length; t > e; e++) this.zr.addShape(this.shapeList[e]) } }, _buildItem: function () { var e = this.titleOption.text, t = this.titleOption.link, i = this.titleOption.target, a = this.titleOption.subtext, o = this.titleOption.sublink, r = this.titleOption.subtarget, s = this.getFont(this.titleOption.textStyle), h = this.getFont(this.titleOption.subtextStyle), m = this._itemGroupLocation.x, V = this._itemGroupLocation.y, U = this._itemGroupLocation.width, d = this._itemGroupLocation.height, p = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: {y: V, color: this.titleOption.textStyle.color, text: e, textFont: s, textBaseline: "top"}, highlightStyle: {color: l.lift(this.titleOption.textStyle.color, 1), brushType: "fill"}, hoverable: !1 }; t && (p.hoverable = !0, p.clickable = !0, p.onclick = function () { i && "self" == i ? window.location = t : window.open(t) }); var c = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: { y: V + d, color: this.titleOption.subtextStyle.color, text: a, textFont: h, textBaseline: "bottom" }, highlightStyle: {color: l.lift(this.titleOption.subtextStyle.color, 1), brushType: "fill"}, hoverable: !1 }; switch (o && (c.hoverable = !0, c.clickable = !0, c.onclick = function () { r && "self" == r ? window.location = o : window.open(o) }), this.titleOption.x) { case"center": p.style.x = c.style.x = m + U / 2, p.style.textAlign = c.style.textAlign = "center"; break; case"left": p.style.x = c.style.x = m, p.style.textAlign = c.style.textAlign = "left"; break; case"right": p.style.x = c.style.x = m + U, p.style.textAlign = c.style.textAlign = "right"; break; default: m = this.titleOption.x - 0, m = isNaN(m) ? 0 : m, p.style.x = c.style.x = m } this.titleOption.textAlign && (p.style.textAlign = c.style.textAlign = this.titleOption.textAlign), this.shapeList.push(new n(p)), "" !== a && this.shapeList.push(new n(c)) }, _buildBackground: function () { var e = this.reformCssArray(this.titleOption.padding); this.shapeList.push(new a({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: { x: this._itemGroupLocation.x - e[3], y: this._itemGroupLocation.y - e[0], width: this._itemGroupLocation.width + e[3] + e[1], height: this._itemGroupLocation.height + e[0] + e[2], brushType: 0 === this.titleOption.borderWidth ? "fill" : "both", color: this.titleOption.backgroundColor, strokeColor: this.titleOption.borderColor, lineWidth: this.titleOption.borderWidth } })) }, _getItemGroupLocation: function () { var e, t = this.reformCssArray(this.titleOption.padding), i = this.titleOption.text, n = this.titleOption.subtext, a = this.getFont(this.titleOption.textStyle), o = this.getFont(this.titleOption.subtextStyle), r = Math.max(s.getTextWidth(i, a), s.getTextWidth(n, o)), l = s.getTextHeight(i, a) + ("" === n ? 0 : this.titleOption.itemGap + s.getTextHeight(n, o)), h = this.zr.getWidth(); switch (this.titleOption.x) { case"center": e = Math.floor((h - r) / 2); break; case"left": e = t[3] + this.titleOption.borderWidth; break; case"right": e = h - r - t[1] - this.titleOption.borderWidth; break; default: e = this.titleOption.x - 0, e = isNaN(e) ? 0 : e } var m, V = this.zr.getHeight(); switch (this.titleOption.y) { case"top": m = t[0] + this.titleOption.borderWidth; break; case"bottom": m = V - l - t[2] - this.titleOption.borderWidth; break; case"center": m = Math.floor((V - l) / 2); break; default: m = this.titleOption.y - 0, m = isNaN(m) ? 0 : m } return {x: e, y: m, width: r, height: l} }, refresh: function (e) { e && (this.option = e, this.option.title = this.reformOption(this.option.title), this.titleOption = this.option.title, this.titleOption.textStyle = this.getTextStyle(this.titleOption.textStyle), this.titleOption.subtextStyle = this.getTextStyle(this.titleOption.subtextStyle)), this.clear(), this._buildShape() } }, r.inherits(t, i), e("../component").define("title", t), t }), i("echarts/component/tooltip", ["require", "./base", "../util/shape/Cross", "zrender/shape/Line", "zrender/shape/Rectangle", "../config", "../util/ecData", "zrender/config", "zrender/tool/event", "zrender/tool/area", "zrender/tool/color", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/shape/Base", "../component"], function (e) { function t(e, t, o, r, s) { i.call(this, e, t, o, r, s), this.dom = s.dom; var l = this; l._onmousemove = function (e) { return l.__onmousemove(e) }, l._onglobalout = function (e) { return l.__onglobalout(e) }, this.zr.on(h.EVENT.MOUSEMOVE, l._onmousemove), this.zr.on(h.EVENT.GLOBALOUT, l._onglobalout), l._hide = function (e) { return l.__hide(e) }, l._tryShow = function (e) { return l.__tryShow(e) }, l._refixed = function (e) { return l.__refixed(e) }, l._setContent = function (e, t) { return l.__setContent(e, t) }, this._tDom = this._tDom || document.createElement("div"), this._tDom.onselectstart = function () { return !1 }, this._tDom.onmouseover = function () { l._mousein = !0 }, this._tDom.onmouseout = function () { l._mousein = !1 }, this._tDom.className = "echarts-tooltip", this._tDom.style.position = "absolute", this.hasAppend = !1, this._axisLineShape && this.zr.delShape(this._axisLineShape.id), this._axisLineShape = new a({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), invisible: !0, hoverable: !1 }), this.shapeList.push(this._axisLineShape), this.zr.addShape(this._axisLineShape), this._axisShadowShape && this.zr.delShape(this._axisShadowShape.id), this._axisShadowShape = new a({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: 1, invisible: !0, hoverable: !1 }), this.shapeList.push(this._axisShadowShape), this.zr.addShape(this._axisShadowShape), this._axisCrossShape && this.zr.delShape(this._axisCrossShape.id), this._axisCrossShape = new n({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), invisible: !0, hoverable: !1 }), this.shapeList.push(this._axisCrossShape), this.zr.addShape(this._axisCrossShape), this.showing = !1, this.refresh(r) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("../util/shape/Cross"), a = e("zrender/shape/Line"), o = e("zrender/shape/Rectangle"), r = new o({}), s = e("../config"); s.tooltip = { zlevel: 1, z: 8, show: !0, showContent: !0, trigger: "item", islandFormatter: "{a}
{b} : {c}", showDelay: 20, hideDelay: 100, transitionDuration: .4, enterable: !1, backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.7)", borderColor: "#333", borderRadius: 4, borderWidth: 0, padding: 5, axisPointer: { type: "line", lineStyle: {color: "#48b", width: 2, type: "solid"}, crossStyle: {color: "#1e90ff", width: 1, type: "dashed"}, shadowStyle: {color: "rgba(150,150,150,0.3)", width: "auto", type: "default"} }, textStyle: {color: "#fff"} }; var l = e("../util/ecData"), h = e("zrender/config"), m = e("zrender/tool/event"), V = e("zrender/tool/area"), U = e("zrender/tool/color"), d = e("zrender/tool/util"), p = e("zrender/shape/Base"); return t.prototype = { type: s.COMPONENT_TYPE_TOOLTIP, _gCssText: "position:absolute;display:block;border-style:solid;white-space:nowrap;", _style: function (e) { if (!e) return ""; var t = []; if (e.transitionDuration) { var i = "left " + e.transitionDuration + "s,top " + e.transitionDuration + "s"; t.push("transition:" + i), t.push("-moz-transition:" + i), t.push("-webkit-transition:" + i), t.push("-o-transition:" + i) } e.backgroundColor && (t.push("background-Color:" + U.toHex(e.backgroundColor)), t.push("filter:alpha(opacity=70)"), t.push("background-Color:" + e.backgroundColor)), null != e.borderWidth && t.push("border-width:" + e.borderWidth + "px"), null != e.borderColor && t.push("border-color:" + e.borderColor), null != e.borderRadius && (t.push("border-radius:" + e.borderRadius + "px"), t.push("-moz-border-radius:" + e.borderRadius + "px"), t.push("-webkit-border-radius:" + e.borderRadius + "px"), t.push("-o-border-radius:" + e.borderRadius + "px")); var n = e.textStyle; n && (n.color && t.push("color:" + n.color), n.decoration && t.push("text-decoration:" + n.decoration), n.align && t.push("text-align:" + n.align), n.fontFamily && t.push("font-family:" + n.fontFamily), n.fontSize && t.push("font-size:" + n.fontSize + "px"), n.fontSize && t.push("line-height:" + Math.round(3 * n.fontSize / 2) + "px"), n.fontStyle && t.push("font-style:" + n.fontStyle), n.fontWeight && t.push("font-weight:" + n.fontWeight)); var a = e.padding; return null != a && (a = this.reformCssArray(a), t.push("padding:" + a[0] + "px " + a[1] + "px " + a[2] + "px " + a[3] + "px")), t = t.join(";") + ";" }, __hide: function () { this._lastDataIndex = -1, this._lastSeriesIndex = -1, this._lastItemTriggerId = -1, this._tDom && (this._tDom.style.display = "none"); var e = !1; this._axisLineShape.invisible || (this._axisLineShape.invisible = !0, this.zr.modShape(this._axisLineShape.id), e = !0), this._axisShadowShape.invisible || (this._axisShadowShape.invisible = !0, this.zr.modShape(this._axisShadowShape.id), e = !0), this._axisCrossShape.invisible || (this._axisCrossShape.invisible = !0, this.zr.modShape(this._axisCrossShape.id), e = !0), this._lastTipShape && this._lastTipShape.tipShape.length > 0 && (this.zr.delShape(this._lastTipShape.tipShape), this._lastTipShape = !1, this.shapeList.length = 2), e && this.zr.refreshNextFrame(), this.showing = !1 }, _show: function (e, t, i, n) { var a = this._tDom.offsetHeight, o = this._tDom.offsetWidth; e && ("function" == typeof e && (e = e([t, i])), e instanceof Array && (t = e[0], i = e[1])), t + o > this._zrWidth && (t -= o + 40), i + a > this._zrHeight && (i -= a - 20), 20 > i && (i = 0), this._tDom.style.cssText = this._gCssText + this._defaultCssText + (n ? n : "") + "left:" + t + "px;top:" + i + "px;", (10 > a || 10 > o) && setTimeout(this._refixed, 20), this.showing = !0 }, __refixed: function () { if (this._tDom) { var e = "", t = this._tDom.offsetHeight, i = this._tDom.offsetWidth; this._tDom.offsetLeft + i > this._zrWidth && (e += "left:" + (this._zrWidth - i - 20) + "px;"), this._tDom.offsetTop + t > this._zrHeight && (e += "top:" + (this._zrHeight - t - 10) + "px;"), "" !== e && (this._tDom.style.cssText += e) } }, __tryShow: function () { var e, t; if (this._curTarget) { if ("island" === this._curTarget._type && this.option.tooltip.show) return void this._showItemTrigger(); var i = l.get(this._curTarget, "series"), n = l.get(this._curTarget, "data"); e = this.deepQuery([n, i, this.option], "tooltip.show"), null != i && null != n && e ? (t = this.deepQuery([n, i, this.option], "tooltip.trigger"), "axis" === t ? this._showAxisTrigger(i.xAxisIndex, i.yAxisIndex, l.get(this._curTarget, "dataIndex")) : this._showItemTrigger()) : (clearTimeout(this._hidingTicket), clearTimeout(this._showingTicket), this._hidingTicket = setTimeout(this._hide, this._hideDelay)) } else this._findPolarTrigger() || this._findAxisTrigger() }, _findAxisTrigger: function () { if (!this.component.xAxis || !this.component.yAxis) return void (this._hidingTicket = setTimeout(this._hide, this._hideDelay)); for (var e, t, i = this.option.series, n = 0, a = i.length; a > n; n++) if ("axis" === this.deepQuery([i[n], this.option], "tooltip.trigger")) return e = i[n].xAxisIndex || 0, t = i[n].yAxisIndex || 0, this.component.xAxis.getAxis(e) && this.component.xAxis.getAxis(e).type === s.COMPONENT_TYPE_AXIS_CATEGORY ? void this._showAxisTrigger(e, t, this._getNearestDataIndex("x", this.component.xAxis.getAxis(e))) : this.component.yAxis.getAxis(t) && this.component.yAxis.getAxis(t).type === s.COMPONENT_TYPE_AXIS_CATEGORY ? void this._showAxisTrigger(e, t, this._getNearestDataIndex("y", this.component.yAxis.getAxis(t))) : void this._showAxisTrigger(e, t, -1); "cross" === this.option.tooltip.axisPointer.type && this._showAxisTrigger(-1, -1, -1) }, _findPolarTrigger: function () { if (!this.component.polar) return !1; var e, t = m.getX(this._event), i = m.getY(this._event), n = this.component.polar.getNearestIndex([t, i]); return n ? (e = n.valueIndex, n = n.polarIndex) : n = -1, -1 != n ? this._showPolarTrigger(n, e) : !1 }, _getNearestDataIndex: function (e, t) { var i = -1, n = m.getX(this._event), a = m.getY(this._event); if ("x" === e) { for (var o, r, s = this.component.grid.getXend(), l = t.getCoordByIndex(i); s > l && (r = l, n >= l);) o = l, l = t.getCoordByIndex(++i); return 0 >= i ? i = 0 : r - n >= n - o ? i -= 1 : null == t.getNameByIndex(i) && (i -= 1), i } for (var h, V, U = this.component.grid.getY(), l = t.getCoordByIndex(i); l > U && (h = l, l >= a);) V = l, l = t.getCoordByIndex(++i); return 0 >= i ? i = 0 : a - h >= V - a ? i -= 1 : null == t.getNameByIndex(i) && (i -= 1), i }, _showAxisTrigger: function (e, t, i) { if (!this._event.connectTrigger && this.messageCenter.dispatch(s.EVENT.TOOLTIP_IN_GRID, this._event, null, this.myChart), null == this.component.xAxis || null == this.component.yAxis || null == e || null == t) return clearTimeout(this._hidingTicket), clearTimeout(this._showingTicket), void (this._hidingTicket = setTimeout(this._hide, this._hideDelay)); var n, a, o, r, l = this.option.series, h = [], V = [], U = ""; if ("axis" === this.option.tooltip.trigger) { if (!this.option.tooltip.show) return; a = this.option.tooltip.formatter, o = this.option.tooltip.position } var d, p, c = -1 != e && this.component.xAxis.getAxis(e).type === s.COMPONENT_TYPE_AXIS_CATEGORY ? "xAxis" : -1 != t && this.component.yAxis.getAxis(t).type === s.COMPONENT_TYPE_AXIS_CATEGORY ? "yAxis" : !1; if (c) { var u = "xAxis" == c ? e : t; n = this.component[c].getAxis(u); for (var y = 0, g = l.length; g > y; y++) this._isSelected(l[y].name) && l[y][c + "Index"] === u && "axis" === this.deepQuery([l[y], this.option], "tooltip.trigger") && (r = this.query(l[y], "tooltip.showContent") || r, a = this.query(l[y], "tooltip.formatter") || a, o = this.query(l[y], "tooltip.position") || o, U += this._style(this.query(l[y], "tooltip")), null != l[y].stack && "xAxis" == c ? (h.unshift(l[y]), V.unshift(y)) : (h.push(l[y]), V.push(y))); this.messageCenter.dispatch(s.EVENT.TOOLTIP_HOVER, this._event, { seriesIndex: V, dataIndex: i }, this.myChart); var b; "xAxis" == c ? (d = this.subPixelOptimize(n.getCoordByIndex(i), this._axisLineWidth), p = m.getY(this._event), b = [d, this.component.grid.getY(), d, this.component.grid.getYend()]) : (d = m.getX(this._event), p = this.subPixelOptimize(n.getCoordByIndex(i), this._axisLineWidth), b = [this.component.grid.getX(), p, this.component.grid.getXend(), p]), this._styleAxisPointer(h, b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3], n.getGap(), d, p) } else d = m.getX(this._event), p = m.getY(this._event), this._styleAxisPointer(l, this.component.grid.getX(), p, this.component.grid.getXend(), p, 0, d, p), i >= 0 ? this._showItemTrigger(!0) : (clearTimeout(this._hidingTicket), clearTimeout(this._showingTicket), this._tDom.style.display = "none"); if (h.length > 0) { if (this._lastItemTriggerId = -1, this._lastDataIndex != i || this._lastSeriesIndex != V[0]) { this._lastDataIndex = i, this._lastSeriesIndex = V[0]; var f, k; if ("function" == typeof a) { for (var x = [], y = 0, g = h.length; g > y; y++) f = h[y].data[i], k = this.getDataFromOption(f, "-"), x.push({ seriesIndex: V[y], seriesName: h[y].name || "", series: h[y], dataIndex: i, data: f, name: n.getNameByIndex(i), value: k, 0: h[y].name || "", 1: n.getNameByIndex(i), 2: k, 3: f }); this._curTicket = "axis:" + i, this._tDom.innerHTML = a.call(this.myChart, x, this._curTicket, this._setContent) } else if ("string" == typeof a) { this._curTicket = 0 / 0, a = a.replace("{a}", "{a0}").replace("{b}", "{b0}").replace("{c}", "{c0}"); for (var y = 0, g = h.length; g > y; y++) a = a.replace("{a" + y + "}", this._encodeHTML(h[y].name || "")), a = a.replace("{b" + y + "}", this._encodeHTML(n.getNameByIndex(i))), f = h[y].data[i], f = this.getDataFromOption(f, "-"), a = a.replace("{c" + y + "}", f instanceof Array ? f : this.numAddCommas(f)); this._tDom.innerHTML = a } else { this._curTicket = 0 / 0, a = this._encodeHTML(n.getNameByIndex(i)); for (var y = 0, g = h.length; g > y; y++) a += "
" + this._encodeHTML(h[y].name || "") + " : ", f = h[y].data[i], f = this.getDataFromOption(f, "-"), a += f instanceof Array ? f : this.numAddCommas(f); this._tDom.innerHTML = a } } if (r === !1 || !this.option.tooltip.showContent) return; this.hasAppend || (this._tDom.style.left = this._zrWidth / 2 + "px", this._tDom.style.top = this._zrHeight / 2 + "px", this.dom.firstChild.appendChild(this._tDom), this.hasAppend = !0), this._show(o, d + 10, p + 10, U) } }, _showPolarTrigger: function (e, t) { if (null == this.component.polar || null == e || null == t || 0 > t) return !1; var i, n, a, o = this.option.series, r = [], s = [], l = ""; if ("axis" === this.option.tooltip.trigger) { if (!this.option.tooltip.show) return !1; i = this.option.tooltip.formatter, n = this.option.tooltip.position } for (var h = this.option.polar[e].indicator[t].text, V = 0, U = o.length; U > V; V++) this._isSelected(o[V].name) && o[V].polarIndex === e && "axis" === this.deepQuery([o[V], this.option], "tooltip.trigger") && (a = this.query(o[V], "tooltip.showContent") || a, i = this.query(o[V], "tooltip.formatter") || i, n = this.query(o[V], "tooltip.position") || n, l += this._style(this.query(o[V], "tooltip")), r.push(o[V]), s.push(V)); if (r.length > 0) { for (var d, p, c, u = [], V = 0, U = r.length; U > V; V++) { d = r[V].data; for (var y = 0, g = d.length; g > y; y++) p = d[y], this._isSelected(p.name) && (p = null != p ? p : { name: "", value: {dataIndex: "-"} }, c = this.getDataFromOption(p.value[t]), u.push({ seriesIndex: s[V], seriesName: r[V].name || "", series: r[V], dataIndex: t, data: p, name: p.name, indicator: h, value: c, 0: r[V].name || "", 1: p.name, 2: c, 3: h })) } if (u.length <= 0) return; if (this._lastItemTriggerId = -1, this._lastDataIndex != t || this._lastSeriesIndex != s[0]) if (this._lastDataIndex = t, this._lastSeriesIndex = s[0], "function" == typeof i) this._curTicket = "axis:" + t, this._tDom.innerHTML = i.call(this.myChart, u, this._curTicket, this._setContent); else if ("string" == typeof i) { i = i.replace("{a}", "{a0}").replace("{b}", "{b0}").replace("{c}", "{c0}").replace("{d}", "{d0}"); for (var V = 0, U = u.length; U > V; V++) i = i.replace("{a" + V + "}", this._encodeHTML(u[V].seriesName)), i = i.replace("{b" + V + "}", this._encodeHTML(u[V].name)), i = i.replace("{c" + V + "}", this.numAddCommas(u[V].value)), i = i.replace("{d" + V + "}", this._encodeHTML(u[V].indicator)); this._tDom.innerHTML = i } else { i = this._encodeHTML(u[0].name) + "
" + this._encodeHTML(u[0].indicator) + " : " + this.numAddCommas(u[0].value); for (var V = 1, U = u.length; U > V; V++) i += "
" + this._encodeHTML(u[V].name) + "
", i += this._encodeHTML(u[V].indicator) + " : " + this.numAddCommas(u[V].value); this._tDom.innerHTML = i } if (a === !1 || !this.option.tooltip.showContent) return; return this.hasAppend || (this._tDom.style.left = this._zrWidth / 2 + "px", this._tDom.style.top = this._zrHeight / 2 + "px", this.dom.firstChild.appendChild(this._tDom), this.hasAppend = !0), this._show(n, m.getX(this._event), m.getY(this._event), l), !0 } }, _showItemTrigger: function (e) { if (this._curTarget) { var t, i, n, a = l.get(this._curTarget, "series"), o = l.get(this._curTarget, "seriesIndex"), r = l.get(this._curTarget, "data"), h = l.get(this._curTarget, "dataIndex"), V = l.get(this._curTarget, "name"), U = l.get(this._curTarget, "value"), d = l.get(this._curTarget, "special"), p = l.get(this._curTarget, "special2"), c = [r, a, this.option], u = ""; if ("island" != this._curTarget._type) { var y = e ? "axis" : "item"; this.option.tooltip.trigger === y && (t = this.option.tooltip.formatter, i = this.option.tooltip.position), this.query(a, "tooltip.trigger") === y && (n = this.query(a, "tooltip.showContent") || n, t = this.query(a, "tooltip.formatter") || t, i = this.query(a, "tooltip.position") || i, u += this._style(this.query(a, "tooltip"))), n = this.query(r, "tooltip.showContent") || n, t = this.query(r, "tooltip.formatter") || t, i = this.query(r, "tooltip.position") || i, u += this._style(this.query(r, "tooltip")) } else this._lastItemTriggerId = 0 / 0, n = this.deepQuery(c, "tooltip.showContent"), t = this.deepQuery(c, "tooltip.islandFormatter"), i = this.deepQuery(c, "tooltip.islandPosition"); this._lastDataIndex = -1, this._lastSeriesIndex = -1, this._lastItemTriggerId !== this._curTarget.id && (this._lastItemTriggerId = this._curTarget.id, "function" == typeof t ? (this._curTicket = (a.name || "") + ":" + h, this._tDom.innerHTML = t.call(this.myChart, { seriesIndex: o, seriesName: a.name || "", series: a, dataIndex: h, data: r, name: V, value: U, percent: d, indicator: d, value2: p, indicator2: p, 0: a.name || "", 1: V, 2: U, 3: d, 4: p, 5: r, 6: o, 7: h }, this._curTicket, this._setContent)) : "string" == typeof t ? (this._curTicket = 0 / 0, t = t.replace("{a}", "{a0}").replace("{b}", "{b0}").replace("{c}", "{c0}"), t = t.replace("{a0}", this._encodeHTML(a.name || "")).replace("{b0}", this._encodeHTML(V)).replace("{c0}", U instanceof Array ? U : this.numAddCommas(U)), t = t.replace("{d}", "{d0}").replace("{d0}", d || ""), t = t.replace("{e}", "{e0}").replace("{e0}", l.get(this._curTarget, "special2") || ""), this._tDom.innerHTML = t) : (this._curTicket = 0 / 0, this._tDom.innerHTML = a.type === s.CHART_TYPE_RADAR && d ? this._itemFormatter.radar.call(this, a, V, U, d) : a.type === s.CHART_TYPE_EVENTRIVER ? this._itemFormatter.eventRiver.call(this, a, V, U, r) : "" + (null != a.name ? this._encodeHTML(a.name) + "
" : "") + ("" === V ? "" : this._encodeHTML(V) + " : ") + (U instanceof Array ? U : this.numAddCommas(U)))); var g = m.getX(this._event), b = m.getY(this._event); this.deepQuery(c, "tooltip.axisPointer.show") && this.component.grid ? this._styleAxisPointer([a], this.component.grid.getX(), b, this.component.grid.getXend(), b, 0, g, b) : this._hide(), n !== !1 && this.option.tooltip.showContent && (this.hasAppend || (this._tDom.style.left = this._zrWidth / 2 + "px", this._tDom.style.top = this._zrHeight / 2 + "px", this.dom.firstChild.appendChild(this._tDom), this.hasAppend = !0), this._show(i, g + 20, b - 20, u)) } }, _itemFormatter: { radar: function (e, t, i, n) { var a = ""; a += this._encodeHTML("" === t ? e.name || "" : t), a += "" === a ? "" : "
"; for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++) a += this._encodeHTML(n[o].text) + " : " + this.numAddCommas(i[o]) + "
"; return a }, chord: function (e, t, i, n, a) { if (null == a) return this._encodeHTML(t) + " (" + this.numAddCommas(i) + ")"; var o = this._encodeHTML(t), r = this._encodeHTML(n); return "" + (null != e.name ? this._encodeHTML(e.name) + "
" : "") + o + " -> " + r + " (" + this.numAddCommas(i) + ")
" + r + " -> " + o + " (" + this.numAddCommas(a) + ")" }, eventRiver: function (e, t, i, n) { var a = ""; a += this._encodeHTML("" === e.name ? "" : e.name + " : "), a += this._encodeHTML(t), a += "" === a ? "" : "
", n = n.evolution; for (var o = 0, r = n.length; r > o; o++) a += '
', n[o].detail && (n[o].detail.img && (a += ''), a += '
' + n[o].time + "
", a += '', a += n[o].detail.text + "
", a += "
"); return a } }, _styleAxisPointer: function (e, t, i, n, a, o, r, s) { if (e.length > 0) { var l, h, m = this.option.tooltip.axisPointer, V = m.type, U = {line: {}, cross: {}, shadow: {}}; for (var d in U) U[d].color = m[d + "Style"].color, U[d].width = m[d + "Style"].width, U[d].type = m[d + "Style"].type; for (var p = 0, c = e.length; c > p; p++) l = e[p], h = this.query(l, "tooltip.axisPointer.type"), V = h || V, h && (U[h].color = this.query(l, "tooltip.axisPointer." + h + "Style.color") || U[h].color, U[h].width = this.query(l, "tooltip.axisPointer." + h + "Style.width") || U[h].width, U[h].type = this.query(l, "tooltip.axisPointer." + h + "Style.type") || U[h].type); if ("line" === V) { var u = U.line.width, y = t == n; this._axisLineShape.style = { xStart: y ? this.subPixelOptimize(t, u) : t, yStart: y ? i : this.subPixelOptimize(i, u), xEnd: y ? this.subPixelOptimize(n, u) : n, yEnd: y ? a : this.subPixelOptimize(a, u), strokeColor: U.line.color, lineWidth: u, lineType: U.line.type }, this._axisLineShape.invisible = !1, this.zr.modShape(this._axisLineShape.id) } else if ("cross" === V) { var g = U.cross.width; this._axisCrossShape.style = { brushType: "stroke", rect: this.component.grid.getArea(), x: this.subPixelOptimize(r, g), y: this.subPixelOptimize(s, g), text: ("( " + this.component.xAxis.getAxis(0).getValueFromCoord(r) + " , " + this.component.yAxis.getAxis(0).getValueFromCoord(s) + " )").replace(" , ", " ").replace(" , ", " "), textPosition: "specific", strokeColor: U.cross.color, lineWidth: g, lineType: U.cross.type }, this.component.grid.getXend() - r > 100 ? (this._axisCrossShape.style.textAlign = "left", this._axisCrossShape.style.textX = r + 10) : (this._axisCrossShape.style.textAlign = "right", this._axisCrossShape.style.textX = r - 10), s - this.component.grid.getY() > 50 ? (this._axisCrossShape.style.textBaseline = "bottom", this._axisCrossShape.style.textY = s - 10) : (this._axisCrossShape.style.textBaseline = "top", this._axisCrossShape.style.textY = s + 10), this._axisCrossShape.invisible = !1, this.zr.modShape(this._axisCrossShape.id) } else "shadow" === V && ((null == U.shadow.width || "auto" === U.shadow.width || isNaN(U.shadow.width)) && (U.shadow.width = o), t === n ? Math.abs(this.component.grid.getX() - t) < 2 ? (U.shadow.width /= 2, t = n += U.shadow.width / 2) : Math.abs(this.component.grid.getXend() - t) < 2 && (U.shadow.width /= 2, t = n -= U.shadow.width / 2) : i === a && (Math.abs(this.component.grid.getY() - i) < 2 ? (U.shadow.width /= 2, i = a += U.shadow.width / 2) : Math.abs(this.component.grid.getYend() - i) < 2 && (U.shadow.width /= 2, i = a -= U.shadow.width / 2)), this._axisShadowShape.style = { xStart: t, yStart: i, xEnd: n, yEnd: a, strokeColor: U.shadow.color, lineWidth: U.shadow.width }, this._axisShadowShape.invisible = !1, this.zr.modShape(this._axisShadowShape.id)); this.zr.refreshNextFrame() } }, __onmousemove: function (e) { if (clearTimeout(this._hidingTicket), clearTimeout(this._showingTicket), !this._mousein || !this._enterable) { var t = e.target, i = m.getX(e.event), n = m.getY(e.event); if (t) { this._curTarget = t, this._event = e.event, this._event.zrenderX = i, this._event.zrenderY = n; var a; if (this._needAxisTrigger && this.component.polar && -1 != (a = this.component.polar.isInside([i, n]))) for (var o = this.option.series, l = 0, h = o.length; h > l; l++) if (o[l].polarIndex === a && "axis" === this.deepQuery([o[l], this.option], "tooltip.trigger")) { this._curTarget = null; break } this._showingTicket = setTimeout(this._tryShow, this._showDelay) } else this._curTarget = !1, this._event = e.event, this._event.zrenderX = i, this._event.zrenderY = n, this._needAxisTrigger && this.component.grid && V.isInside(r, this.component.grid.getArea(), i, n) ? this._showingTicket = setTimeout(this._tryShow, this._showDelay) : this._needAxisTrigger && this.component.polar && -1 != this.component.polar.isInside([i, n]) ? this._showingTicket = setTimeout(this._tryShow, this._showDelay) : (!this._event.connectTrigger && this.messageCenter.dispatch(s.EVENT.TOOLTIP_OUT_GRID, this._event, null, this.myChart), this._hidingTicket = setTimeout(this._hide, this._hideDelay)) } }, __onglobalout: function () { clearTimeout(this._hidingTicket), clearTimeout(this._showingTicket), this._hidingTicket = setTimeout(this._hide, this._hideDelay) }, __setContent: function (e, t) { this._tDom && (e === this._curTicket && (this._tDom.innerHTML = t), setTimeout(this._refixed, 20)) }, ontooltipHover: function (e, t) { if (!this._lastTipShape || this._lastTipShape && this._lastTipShape.dataIndex != e.dataIndex) { this._lastTipShape && this._lastTipShape.tipShape.length > 0 && (this.zr.delShape(this._lastTipShape.tipShape), this.shapeList.length = 2); for (var i = 0, n = t.length; n > i; i++) t[i].zlevel = this.getZlevelBase(), t[i].z = this.getZBase(), t[i].style = p.prototype.getHighlightStyle(t[i].style, t[i].highlightStyle), t[i].draggable = !1, t[i].hoverable = !1, t[i].clickable = !1, t[i].ondragend = null, t[i].ondragover = null, t[i].ondrop = null, this.shapeList.push(t[i]), this.zr.addShape(t[i]); this._lastTipShape = {dataIndex: e.dataIndex, tipShape: t} } }, ondragend: function () { this._hide() }, onlegendSelected: function (e) { this._selectedMap = e.selected }, _setSelectedMap: function () { this._selectedMap = this.component.legend ? d.clone(this.component.legend.getSelectedMap()) : {} }, _isSelected: function (e) { return null != this._selectedMap[e] ? this._selectedMap[e] : !0 }, showTip: function (e) { if (e) { var t, i = this.option.series; if (null != e.seriesIndex) t = e.seriesIndex; else for (var n = e.seriesName, a = 0, o = i.length; o > a; a++) if (i[a].name === n) { t = a; break } var r = i[t]; if (null != r) { var m = this.myChart.chart[r.type], V = "axis" === this.deepQuery([r, this.option], "tooltip.trigger"); if (m) if (V) { var U = e.dataIndex; switch (m.type) { case s.CHART_TYPE_LINE: case s.CHART_TYPE_BAR: case s.CHART_TYPE_K: case s.CHART_TYPE_RADAR: if (null == this.component.polar || r.data[0].value.length <= U) return; var d = r.polarIndex || 0, p = this.component.polar.getVector(d, U, "max"); this._event = {zrenderX: p[0], zrenderY: p[1]}, this._showPolarTrigger(d, U) } } else { var c, u, y = m.shapeList; switch (m.type) { case s.CHART_TYPE_LINE: case s.CHART_TYPE_BAR: case s.CHART_TYPE_K: case s.CHART_TYPE_TREEMAP: case s.CHART_TYPE_SCATTER: for (var U = e.dataIndex, a = 0, o = y.length; o > a; a++) if (null == y[a]._mark && l.get(y[a], "seriesIndex") == t && l.get(y[a], "dataIndex") == U) { this._curTarget = y[a], c = y[a].style.x, u = m.type != s.CHART_TYPE_K ? y[a].style.y : y[a].style.y[0]; break } break; case s.CHART_TYPE_RADAR: for (var U = e.dataIndex, a = 0, o = y.length; o > a; a++) if ("polygon" === y[a].type && l.get(y[a], "seriesIndex") == t && l.get(y[a], "dataIndex") == U) { this._curTarget = y[a]; var p = this.component.polar.getCenter(r.polarIndex || 0); c = p[0], u = p[1]; break } break; case s.CHART_TYPE_PIE: for (var g = e.name, a = 0, o = y.length; o > a; a++) if ("sector" === y[a].type && l.get(y[a], "seriesIndex") == t && l.get(y[a], "name") == g) { this._curTarget = y[a]; var b = this._curTarget.style, f = (b.startAngle + b.endAngle) / 2 * Math.PI / 180; c = this._curTarget.style.x + Math.cos(f) * b.r / 1.5, u = this._curTarget.style.y - Math.sin(f) * b.r / 1.5; break } break; case s.CHART_TYPE_MAP: for (var g = e.name, k = r.mapType, a = 0, o = y.length; o > a; a++) if ("text" === y[a].type && y[a]._mapType === k && y[a].style._name === g) { this._curTarget = y[a], c = this._curTarget.style.x + this._curTarget.position[0], u = this._curTarget.style.y + this._curTarget.position[1]; break } break; case s.CHART_TYPE_CHORD: for (var g = e.name, a = 0, o = y.length; o > a; a++) if ("sector" === y[a].type && l.get(y[a], "name") == g) { this._curTarget = y[a]; var b = this._curTarget.style, f = (b.startAngle + b.endAngle) / 2 * Math.PI / 180; return c = this._curTarget.style.x + Math.cos(f) * (b.r - 2), u = this._curTarget.style.y - Math.sin(f) * (b.r - 2), void this.zr.trigger(h.EVENT.MOUSEMOVE, { zrenderX: c, zrenderY: u }) } break; case s.CHART_TYPE_FORCE: for (var g = e.name, a = 0, o = y.length; o > a; a++) if ("circle" === y[a].type && l.get(y[a], "name") == g) { this._curTarget = y[a], c = this._curTarget.position[0], u = this._curTarget.position[1]; break } } null != c && null != u && (this._event = { zrenderX: c, zrenderY: u }, this.zr.addHoverShape(this._curTarget), this.zr.refreshHover(), this._showItemTrigger()) } } } }, hideTip: function () { this._hide() }, refresh: function (e) { if (this._zrHeight = this.zr.getHeight(), this._zrWidth = this.zr.getWidth(), this._lastTipShape && this._lastTipShape.tipShape.length > 0 && this.zr.delShape(this._lastTipShape.tipShape), this._lastTipShape = !1, this.shapeList.length = 2, this._lastDataIndex = -1, this._lastSeriesIndex = -1, this._lastItemTriggerId = -1, e) { this.option = e, this.option.tooltip = this.reformOption(this.option.tooltip), this.option.tooltip.textStyle = d.merge(this.option.tooltip.textStyle, this.ecTheme.textStyle), this._needAxisTrigger = !1, "axis" === this.option.tooltip.trigger && (this._needAxisTrigger = !0); for (var t = this.option.series, i = 0, n = t.length; n > i; i++) if ("axis" === this.query(t[i], "tooltip.trigger")) { this._needAxisTrigger = !0; break } this._showDelay = this.option.tooltip.showDelay, this._hideDelay = this.option.tooltip.hideDelay, this._defaultCssText = this._style(this.option.tooltip), this._setSelectedMap(), this._axisLineWidth = this.option.tooltip.axisPointer.lineStyle.width, this._enterable = this.option.tooltip.enterable, !this._enterable && this._tDom.className.indexOf(h.elementClassName) < 0 && (this._tDom.className += " " + h.elementClassName) } if (this.showing) { var a = this; setTimeout(function () { a.zr.trigger(h.EVENT.MOUSEMOVE, a.zr.handler._event) }, 50) } }, onbeforDispose: function () { this._lastTipShape && this._lastTipShape.tipShape.length > 0 && this.zr.delShape(this._lastTipShape.tipShape), clearTimeout(this._hidingTicket), clearTimeout(this._showingTicket), this.zr.un(h.EVENT.MOUSEMOVE, this._onmousemove), this.zr.un(h.EVENT.GLOBALOUT, this._onglobalout), this.hasAppend && this.dom.firstChild && this.dom.firstChild.removeChild(this._tDom), this._tDom = null }, _encodeHTML: function (e) { return String(e).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/"/g, """).replace(/'/g, "'") } }, d.inherits(t, i), e("../component").define("tooltip", t), t }), i("echarts/component/legend", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Text", "zrender/shape/Rectangle", "zrender/shape/Sector", "../util/shape/Icon", "../util/shape/Candle", "../config", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/area", "../component"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { if (!this.query(a, "legend.data")) return void console.error("option.legend.data has not been defined."); i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o); var r = this; r._legendSelected = function (e) { r.__legendSelected(e) }, r._dispatchHoverLink = function (e) { return r.__dispatchHoverLink(e) }, this._colorIndex = 0, this._colorMap = {}, this._selectedMap = {}, this._hasDataMap = {}, this.refresh(a) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Text"), a = e("zrender/shape/Rectangle"), o = e("zrender/shape/Sector"), r = e("../util/shape/Icon"), s = e("../util/shape/Candle"), l = e("../config"); l.legend = { zlevel: 0, z: 4, show: !0, orient: "horizontal", x: "center", y: "top", backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderColor: "#ccc", borderWidth: 0, padding: 5, itemGap: 10, itemWidth: 20, itemHeight: 14, textStyle: {color: "#333"}, selectedMode: !0 }; var h = e("zrender/tool/util"), m = e("zrender/tool/area"); t.prototype = { type: l.COMPONENT_TYPE_LEGEND, _buildShape: function () { if (this.legendOption.show) { this._itemGroupLocation = this._getItemGroupLocation(), this._buildBackground(), this._buildItem(); for (var e = 0, t = this.shapeList.length; t > e; e++) this.zr.addShape(this.shapeList[e]) } }, _buildItem: function () { var e, t, i, a, o, s, l, V, U = this.legendOption.data, d = U.length, p = this.legendOption.textStyle, c = this.zr.getWidth(), u = this.zr.getHeight(), y = this._itemGroupLocation.x, g = this._itemGroupLocation.y, b = this.legendOption.itemWidth, f = this.legendOption.itemHeight, k = this.legendOption.itemGap; "vertical" === this.legendOption.orient && "right" === this.legendOption.x && (y = this._itemGroupLocation.x + this._itemGroupLocation.width - b); for (var x = 0; d > x; x++) o = h.merge(U[x].textStyle || {}, p), s = this.getFont(o), e = this._getName(U[x]), l = this._getFormatterName(e), "" !== e ? (t = U[x].icon || this._getSomethingByName(e).type, V = this.getColor(e), "horizontal" === this.legendOption.orient ? 200 > c - y && b + 5 + m.getTextWidth(l, s) + (x === d - 1 || "" === U[x + 1] ? 0 : k) >= c - y && (y = this._itemGroupLocation.x, g += f + k) : 200 > u - g && f + (x === d - 1 || "" === U[x + 1] ? 0 : k) >= u - g && ("right" === this.legendOption.x ? y -= this._itemGroupLocation.maxWidth + k : y += this._itemGroupLocation.maxWidth + k, g = this._itemGroupLocation.y), i = this._getItemShapeByType(y, g, b, f, this._selectedMap[e] && this._hasDataMap[e] ? V : "#ccc", t, V), i._name = e, i = new r(i), a = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: { x: y + b + 5, y: g + f / 2, color: this._selectedMap[e] ? "auto" === o.color ? V : o.color : "#ccc", text: l, textFont: s, textBaseline: "middle" }, highlightStyle: {color: V, brushType: "fill"}, hoverable: !!this.legendOption.selectedMode, clickable: !!this.legendOption.selectedMode }, "vertical" === this.legendOption.orient && "right" === this.legendOption.x && (a.style.x -= b + 10, a.style.textAlign = "right"), a._name = e, a = new n(a), this.legendOption.selectedMode && (i.onclick = a.onclick = this._legendSelected, i.onmouseover = a.onmouseover = this._dispatchHoverLink, i.hoverConnect = a.id, a.hoverConnect = i.id), this.shapeList.push(i), this.shapeList.push(a), "horizontal" === this.legendOption.orient ? y += b + 5 + m.getTextWidth(l, s) + k : g += f + k) : "horizontal" === this.legendOption.orient ? (y = this._itemGroupLocation.x, g += f + k) : ("right" === this.legendOption.x ? y -= this._itemGroupLocation.maxWidth + k : y += this._itemGroupLocation.maxWidth + k, g = this._itemGroupLocation.y); "horizontal" === this.legendOption.orient && "center" === this.legendOption.x && g != this._itemGroupLocation.y && this._mLineOptimize() }, _getName: function (e) { return "undefined" != typeof e.name ? e.name : e }, _getFormatterName: function (e) { var t, i = this.legendOption.formatter; return t = "function" == typeof i ? i.call(this.myChart, e) : "string" == typeof i ? i.replace("{name}", e) : e }, _getFormatterNameFromData: function (e) { var t = this._getName(e); return this._getFormatterName(t) }, _mLineOptimize: function () { for (var e = [], t = this._itemGroupLocation.x, i = 2, n = this.shapeList.length; n > i; i++) this.shapeList[i].style.x === t ? e.push((this._itemGroupLocation.width - (this.shapeList[i - 1].style.x + m.getTextWidth(this.shapeList[i - 1].style.text, this.shapeList[i - 1].style.textFont) - t)) / 2) : i === n - 1 && e.push((this._itemGroupLocation.width - (this.shapeList[i].style.x + m.getTextWidth(this.shapeList[i].style.text, this.shapeList[i].style.textFont) - t)) / 2); for (var a = -1, i = 1, n = this.shapeList.length; n > i; i++) this.shapeList[i].style.x === t && a++, 0 !== e[a] && (this.shapeList[i].style.x += e[a]) }, _buildBackground: function () { var e = this.reformCssArray(this.legendOption.padding); this.shapeList.push(new a({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: { x: this._itemGroupLocation.x - e[3], y: this._itemGroupLocation.y - e[0], width: this._itemGroupLocation.width + e[3] + e[1], height: this._itemGroupLocation.height + e[0] + e[2], brushType: 0 === this.legendOption.borderWidth ? "fill" : "both", color: this.legendOption.backgroundColor, strokeColor: this.legendOption.borderColor, lineWidth: this.legendOption.borderWidth } })) }, _getItemGroupLocation: function () { var e = this.legendOption.data, t = e.length, i = this.legendOption.itemGap, n = this.legendOption.itemWidth + 5, a = this.legendOption.itemHeight, o = this.legendOption.textStyle, r = this.getFont(o), s = 0, l = 0, V = this.reformCssArray(this.legendOption.padding), U = this.zr.getWidth() - V[1] - V[3], d = this.zr.getHeight() - V[0] - V[2], p = 0, c = 0; if ("horizontal" === this.legendOption.orient) { l = a; for (var u = 0; t > u; u++) if ("" !== this._getName(e[u])) { var y = m.getTextWidth(this._getFormatterNameFromData(e[u]), e[u].textStyle ? this.getFont(h.merge(e[u].textStyle || {}, o)) : r); p + n + y + i > U ? (p -= i, s = Math.max(s, p), l += a + i, p = 0) : (p += n + y + i, s = Math.max(s, p - i)) } else p -= i, s = Math.max(s, p), l += a + i, p = 0 } else { for (var u = 0; t > u; u++) c = Math.max(c, m.getTextWidth(this._getFormatterNameFromData(e[u]), e[u].textStyle ? this.getFont(h.merge(e[u].textStyle || {}, o)) : r)); c += n, s = c; for (var u = 0; t > u; u++) "" !== this._getName(e[u]) ? p + a + i > d ? (s += c + i, p -= i, l = Math.max(l, p), p = 0) : (p += a + i, l = Math.max(l, p - i)) : (s += c + i, p -= i, l = Math.max(l, p), p = 0) } U = this.zr.getWidth(), d = this.zr.getHeight(); var g; switch (this.legendOption.x) { case"center": g = Math.floor((U - s) / 2); break; case"left": g = V[3] + this.legendOption.borderWidth; break; case"right": g = U - s - V[1] - V[3] - 2 * this.legendOption.borderWidth; break; default: g = this.parsePercent(this.legendOption.x, U) } var b; switch (this.legendOption.y) { case"top": b = V[0] + this.legendOption.borderWidth; break; case"bottom": b = d - l - V[0] - V[2] - 2 * this.legendOption.borderWidth; break; case"center": b = Math.floor((d - l) / 2); break; default: b = this.parsePercent(this.legendOption.y, d) } return {x: g, y: b, width: s, height: l, maxWidth: c} }, _getSomethingByName: function (e) { for (var t, i = this.option.series, n = 0, a = i.length; a > n; n++) { if (i[n].name === e) return { type: i[n].type, series: i[n], seriesIndex: n, data: null, dataIndex: -1 }; if (i[n].type === l.CHART_TYPE_PIE || i[n].type === l.CHART_TYPE_RADAR || i[n].type === l.CHART_TYPE_CHORD || i[n].type === l.CHART_TYPE_FORCE || i[n].type === l.CHART_TYPE_FUNNEL || i[n].type === l.CHART_TYPE_TREEMAP) { t = i[n].categories || i[n].data || i[n].nodes; for (var o = 0, r = t.length; r > o; o++) if (t[o].name === e) return { type: i[n].type, series: i[n], seriesIndex: n, data: t[o], dataIndex: o } } } return {type: "bar", series: null, seriesIndex: -1, data: null, dataIndex: -1} }, _getItemShapeByType: function (e, t, i, n, a, o, r) { var s, h = "#ccc" === a ? r : a, m = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: { iconType: "legendicon" + o, x: e, y: t, width: i, height: n, color: a, strokeColor: a, lineWidth: 2 }, highlightStyle: {color: h, strokeColor: h, lineWidth: 1}, hoverable: this.legendOption.selectedMode, clickable: this.legendOption.selectedMode }; if (o.match("image")) { var s = o.replace(new RegExp("^image:\\/\\/"), ""); o = "image" } switch (o) { case"line": m.style.brushType = "stroke", m.highlightStyle.lineWidth = 3; break; case"radar": case"venn": case"tree": case"treemap": case"scatter": m.highlightStyle.lineWidth = 3; break; case"k": m.style.brushType = "both", m.highlightStyle.lineWidth = 3, m.highlightStyle.color = m.style.color = this.deepQuery([this.ecTheme, l], "k.itemStyle.normal.color") || "#fff", m.style.strokeColor = "#ccc" != a ? this.deepQuery([this.ecTheme, l], "k.itemStyle.normal.lineStyle.color") || "#ff3200" : a; break; case"image": m.style.iconType = "image", m.style.image = s, "#ccc" === a && (m.style.opacity = .5) } return m }, __legendSelected: function (e) { var t = e.target._name; if ("single" === this.legendOption.selectedMode) for (var i in this._selectedMap) this._selectedMap[i] = !1; this._selectedMap[t] = !this._selectedMap[t], this.messageCenter.dispatch(l.EVENT.LEGEND_SELECTED, e.event, { selected: this._selectedMap, target: t }, this.myChart) }, __dispatchHoverLink: function (e) { this.messageCenter.dispatch(l.EVENT.LEGEND_HOVERLINK, e.event, {target: e.target._name}, this.myChart) }, refresh: function (e) { if (e) { this.option = e || this.option, this.option.legend = this.reformOption(this.option.legend), this.legendOption = this.option.legend; var t, i, n, a, o = this.legendOption.data || []; if (this.legendOption.selected) for (var r in this.legendOption.selected) this._selectedMap[r] = "undefined" != typeof this._selectedMap[r] ? this._selectedMap[r] : this.legendOption.selected[r]; for (var s = 0, h = o.length; h > s; s++) t = this._getName(o[s]), "" !== t && (i = this._getSomethingByName(t), i.series ? (this._hasDataMap[t] = !0, a = !i.data || i.type !== l.CHART_TYPE_PIE && i.type !== l.CHART_TYPE_FORCE && i.type !== l.CHART_TYPE_FUNNEL ? [i.series] : [i.data, i.series], n = this.getItemStyleColor(this.deepQuery(a, "itemStyle.normal.color"), i.seriesIndex, i.dataIndex, i.data), n && i.type != l.CHART_TYPE_K && this.setColor(t, n), this._selectedMap[t] = null != this._selectedMap[t] ? this._selectedMap[t] : !0) : this._hasDataMap[t] = !1) } this.clear(), this._buildShape() }, getRelatedAmount: function (e) { for (var t, i = 0, n = this.option.series, a = 0, o = n.length; o > a; a++) if (n[a].name === e && i++, n[a].type === l.CHART_TYPE_PIE || n[a].type === l.CHART_TYPE_RADAR || n[a].type === l.CHART_TYPE_CHORD || n[a].type === l.CHART_TYPE_FORCE || n[a].type === l.CHART_TYPE_FUNNEL) { t = n[a].type != l.CHART_TYPE_FORCE ? n[a].data : n[a].categories; for (var r = 0, s = t.length; s > r; r++) t[r].name === e && "-" != t[r].value && i++ } return i }, setColor: function (e, t) { this._colorMap[e] = t }, getColor: function (e) { return this._colorMap[e] || (this._colorMap[e] = this.zr.getColor(this._colorIndex++)), this._colorMap[e] }, hasColor: function (e) { return this._colorMap[e] ? this._colorMap[e] : !1 }, add: function (e, t) { for (var i = this.legendOption.data, n = 0, a = i.length; a > n; n++) if (this._getName(i[n]) === e) return; this.legendOption.data.push(e), this.setColor(e, t), this._selectedMap[e] = !0, this._hasDataMap[e] = !0 }, del: function (e) { for (var t = this.legendOption.data, i = 0, n = t.length; n > i; i++) if (this._getName(t[i]) === e) return this.legendOption.data.splice(i, 1) }, getItemShape: function (e) { if (null != e) for (var t, i = 0, n = this.shapeList.length; n > i; i++) if (t = this.shapeList[i], t._name === e && "text" != t.type) return t }, setItemShape: function (e, t) { for (var i, n = 0, a = this.shapeList.length; a > n; n++) i = this.shapeList[n], i._name === e && "text" != i.type && (this._selectedMap[e] || (t.style.color = "#ccc", t.style.strokeColor = "#ccc"), this.zr.modShape(i.id, t)) }, isSelected: function (e) { return "undefined" != typeof this._selectedMap[e] ? this._selectedMap[e] : !0 }, getSelectedMap: function () { return this._selectedMap }, setSelected: function (e, t) { if ("single" === this.legendOption.selectedMode) for (var i in this._selectedMap) this._selectedMap[i] = !1; this._selectedMap[e] = t, this.messageCenter.dispatch(l.EVENT.LEGEND_SELECTED, null, { selected: this._selectedMap, target: e }, this.myChart) }, onlegendSelected: function (e, t) { var i = e.selected; for (var n in i) this._selectedMap[n] != i[n] && (t.needRefresh = !0), this._selectedMap[n] = i[n] } }; var V = { line: function (e, t) { var i = t.height / 2; e.moveTo(t.x, t.y + i), e.lineTo(t.x + t.width, t.y + i) }, pie: function (e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width, r = t.height; o.prototype.buildPath(e, {x: i + a / 2, y: n + r + 2, r: r, r0: 6, startAngle: 45, endAngle: 135}) }, eventRiver: function (e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width, o = t.height; e.moveTo(i, n + o), e.bezierCurveTo(i + a, n + o, i, n + 4, i + a, n + 4), e.lineTo(i + a, n), e.bezierCurveTo(i, n, i + a, n + o - 4, i, n + o - 4), e.lineTo(i, n + o) }, k: function (e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width, o = t.height; s.prototype.buildPath(e, {x: i + a / 2, y: [n + 1, n + 1, n + o - 6, n + o], width: a - 6}) }, bar: function (e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y + 1, a = t.width, o = t.height - 2, r = 3; e.moveTo(i + r, n), e.lineTo(i + a - r, n), e.quadraticCurveTo(i + a, n, i + a, n + r), e.lineTo(i + a, n + o - r), e.quadraticCurveTo(i + a, n + o, i + a - r, n + o), e.lineTo(i + r, n + o), e.quadraticCurveTo(i, n + o, i, n + o - r), e.lineTo(i, n + r), e.quadraticCurveTo(i, n, i + r, n) }, force: function (e, t) { r.prototype.iconLibrary.circle(e, t) }, radar: function (e, t) { var i = 6, n = t.x + t.width / 2, a = t.y + t.height / 2, o = t.height / 2, r = 2 * Math.PI / i, s = -Math.PI / 2, l = n + o * Math.cos(s), h = a + o * Math.sin(s); e.moveTo(l, h), s += r; for (var m = 0, V = i - 1; V > m; m++) e.lineTo(n + o * Math.cos(s), a + o * Math.sin(s)), s += r; e.lineTo(l, h) } }; V.chord = V.pie, V.map = V.bar; for (var U in V) r.prototype.iconLibrary["legendicon" + U] = V[U]; return h.inherits(t, i), e("../component").define("legend", t), t }), i("echarts/util/ecData", [], function () { function e(e, t, i, n, a, o, r, s) { var l; return "undefined" != typeof n && (l = null == n.value ? n : n.value), e._echartsData = { _series: t, _seriesIndex: i, _data: n, _dataIndex: a, _name: o, _value: l, _special: r, _special2: s }, e._echartsData } function t(e, t) { var i = e._echartsData; if (!t) return i; switch (t) { case"series": case"seriesIndex": case"data": case"dataIndex": case"name": case"value": case"special": case"special2": return i && i["_" + t] } return null } function i(e, t, i) { switch (e._echartsData = e._echartsData || {}, t) { case"series": case"seriesIndex": case"data": case"dataIndex": case"name": case"value": case"special": case"special2": e._echartsData["_" + t] = i } } function n(e, t) { t._echartsData = { _series: e._echartsData._series, _seriesIndex: e._echartsData._seriesIndex, _data: e._echartsData._data, _dataIndex: e._echartsData._dataIndex, _name: e._echartsData._name, _value: e._echartsData._value, _special: e._echartsData._special, _special2: e._echartsData._special2 } } return {pack: e, set: i, get: t, clone: n} }), i("echarts/chart", [], function () { var e = {}, t = {}; return e.define = function (i, n) { return t[i] = n, e }, e.get = function (e) { return t[e] }, e }), i("zrender/tool/color", ["require", "../tool/util"], function (e) { function t(e) { D = e } function i() { D = N } function n(e, t) { return e = 0 | e, t = t || D, t[e % t.length] } function a(e) { B = e } function o() { H = B } function r() { return B } function s(e, t, i, n, a, o, r) { O || (O = P.getContext()); for (var s = O.createRadialGradient(e, t, i, n, a, o), l = 0, h = r.length; h > l; l++) s.addColorStop(r[l][0], r[l][1]); return s.__nonRecursion = !0, s } function l(e, t, i, n, a) { O || (O = P.getContext()); for (var o = O.createLinearGradient(e, t, i, n), r = 0, s = a.length; s > r; r++) o.addColorStop(a[r][0], a[r][1]); return o.__nonRecursion = !0, o } function h(e, t, i) { e = p(e), t = p(t), e = I(e), t = I(t); for (var n = [], a = (t[0] - e[0]) / i, o = (t[1] - e[1]) / i, r = (t[2] - e[2]) / i, s = (t[3] - e[3]) / i, l = 0, h = e[0], m = e[1], U = e[2], d = e[3]; i > l; l++) n[l] = V([S(Math.floor(h), [0, 255]), S(Math.floor(m), [0, 255]), S(Math.floor(U), [0, 255]), d.toFixed(4) - 0], "rgba"), h += a, m += o, U += r, d += s; return h = t[0], m = t[1], U = t[2], d = t[3], n[l] = V([h, m, U, d], "rgba"), n } function m(e, t) { var i = [], n = e.length; if (void 0 === t && (t = 20), 1 === n) i = h(e[0], e[0], t); else if (n > 1) for (var a = 0, o = n - 1; o > a; a++) { var r = h(e[a], e[a + 1], t); o - 1 > a && r.pop(), i = i.concat(r) } return i } function V(e, t) { if (t = t || "rgb", e && (3 === e.length || 4 === e.length)) { if (e = C(e, function (e) { return e > 1 ? Math.ceil(e) : e }), t.indexOf("hex") > -1) return "#" + ((1 << 24) + (e[0] << 16) + (e[1] << 8) + +e[2]).toString(16).slice(1); if (t.indexOf("hs") > -1) { var i = C(e.slice(1, 3), function (e) { return e + "%" }); e[1] = i[0], e[2] = i[1] } return t.indexOf("a") > -1 ? (3 === e.length && e.push(1), e[3] = S(e[3], [0, 1]), t + "(" + e.slice(0, 4).join(",") + ")") : t + "(" + e.slice(0, 3).join(",") + ")" } } function U(e) { e = L(e), e.indexOf("rgba") < 0 && (e = p(e)); var t = [], i = 0; return e.replace(/[\d.]+/g, function (e) { e = 3 > i ? 0 | e : +e, t[i++] = e }), t } function d(e, t) { if (!E(e)) return e; var i = I(e), n = i[3]; return "undefined" == typeof n && (n = 1), e.indexOf("hsb") > -1 ? i = F(i) : e.indexOf("hsl") > -1 && (i = T(i)), t.indexOf("hsb") > -1 || t.indexOf("hsv") > -1 ? i = A(i) : t.indexOf("hsl") > -1 && (i = M(i)), i[3] = n, V(i, t) } function p(e) { return d(e, "rgba") } function c(e) { return d(e, "rgb") } function u(e) { return d(e, "hex") } function y(e) { return d(e, "hsva") } function g(e) { return d(e, "hsv") } function b(e) { return d(e, "hsba") } function f(e) { return d(e, "hsb") } function k(e) { return d(e, "hsla") } function x(e) { return d(e, "hsl") } function _(e) { for (var t in G) if (u(G[t]) === u(e)) return t; return null } function L(e) { return String(e).replace(/\s+/g, "") } function W(e) { if (G[e] && (e = G[e]), e = L(e), e = e.replace(/hsv/i, "hsb"), /^#[\da-f]{3}$/i.test(e)) { e = parseInt(e.slice(1), 16); var t = (3840 & e) << 8, i = (240 & e) << 4, n = 15 & e; e = "#" + ((1 << 24) + (t << 4) + t + (i << 4) + i + (n << 4) + n).toString(16).slice(1) } return e } function X(e, t) { if (!E(e)) return e; var i = t > 0 ? 1 : -1; "undefined" == typeof t && (t = 0), t = Math.abs(t) > 1 ? 1 : Math.abs(t), e = c(e); for (var n = I(e), a = 0; 3 > a; a++) n[a] = 1 === i ? n[a] * (1 - t) | 0 : (255 - n[a]) * t + n[a] | 0; return "rgb(" + n.join(",") + ")" } function v(e) { if (!E(e)) return e; var t = I(p(e)); return t = C(t, function (e) { return 255 - e }), V(t, "rgb") } function w(e, t, i) { if (!E(e) || !E(t)) return e; "undefined" == typeof i && (i = .5), i = 1 - S(i, [0, 1]); for (var n = 2 * i - 1, a = I(p(e)), o = I(p(t)), r = a[3] - o[3], s = ((n * r === -1 ? n : (n + r) / (1 + n * r)) + 1) / 2, l = 1 - s, h = [], m = 0; 3 > m; m++) h[m] = a[m] * s + o[m] * l; var U = a[3] * i + o[3] * (1 - i); return U = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, U)), 1 === a[3] && 1 === o[3] ? V(h, "rgb") : (h[3] = U, V(h, "rgba")) } function K() { return "#" + (Math.random().toString(16) + "0000").slice(2, 8) } function I(e) { e = W(e); var t = e.match(R); if (null === t) throw new Error("The color format error"); var i, n, a, o = []; if (t[2]) i = t[2].replace("#", "").split(""), a = [i[0] + i[1], i[2] + i[3], i[4] + i[5]], o = C(a, function (e) { return S(parseInt(e, 16), [0, 255]) }); else if (t[4]) { var r = t[4].split(","); n = r[3], a = r.slice(0, 3), o = C(a, function (e) { return e = Math.floor(e.indexOf("%") > 0 ? 2.55 * parseInt(e, 0) : e), S(e, [0, 255]) }), "undefined" != typeof n && o.push(S(parseFloat(n), [0, 1])) } else if (t[5] || t[6]) { var s = (t[5] || t[6]).split(","), l = parseInt(s[0], 0) / 360, h = s[1], m = s[2]; n = s[3], o = C([h, m], function (e) { return S(parseFloat(e) / 100, [0, 1]) }), o.unshift(l), "undefined" != typeof n && o.push(S(parseFloat(n), [0, 1])) } return o } function J(e, t) { if (!E(e)) return e; null === t && (t = 1); var i = I(p(e)); return i[3] = S(Number(t).toFixed(4), [0, 1]), V(i, "rgba") } function C(e, t) { if ("function" != typeof t) throw new TypeError; for (var i = e ? e.length : 0, n = 0; i > n; n++) e[n] = t(e[n]); return e } function S(e, t) { return e <= t[0] ? e = t[0] : e >= t[1] && (e = t[1]), e } function E(e) { return e instanceof Array || "string" == typeof e } function F(e) { var t, i, n, a = e[0], o = e[1], r = e[2]; if (0 === o) t = 255 * r, i = 255 * r, n = 255 * r; else { var s = 6 * a; 6 === s && (s = 0); var l = 0 | s, h = r * (1 - o), m = r * (1 - o * (s - l)), V = r * (1 - o * (1 - (s - l))), U = 0, d = 0, p = 0; 0 === l ? (U = r, d = V, p = h) : 1 === l ? (U = m, d = r, p = h) : 2 === l ? (U = h, d = r, p = V) : 3 === l ? (U = h, d = m, p = r) : 4 === l ? (U = V, d = h, p = r) : (U = r, d = h, p = m), t = 255 * U, i = 255 * d, n = 255 * p } return [t, i, n] } function T(e) { var t, i, n, a = e[0], o = e[1], r = e[2]; if (0 === o) t = 255 * r, i = 255 * r, n = 255 * r; else { var s; s = .5 > r ? r * (1 + o) : r + o - o * r; var l = 2 * r - s; t = 255 * z(l, s, a + 1 / 3), i = 255 * z(l, s, a), n = 255 * z(l, s, a - 1 / 3) } return [t, i, n] } function z(e, t, i) { return 0 > i && (i += 1), i > 1 && (i -= 1), 1 > 6 * i ? e + 6 * (t - e) * i : 1 > 2 * i ? t : 2 > 3 * i ? e + (t - e) * (2 / 3 - i) * 6 : e } function A(e) { var t, i, n = e[0] / 255, a = e[1] / 255, o = e[2] / 255, r = Math.min(n, a, o), s = Math.max(n, a, o), l = s - r, h = s; if (0 === l) t = 0, i = 0; else { i = l / s; var m = ((s - n) / 6 + l / 2) / l, V = ((s - a) / 6 + l / 2) / l, U = ((s - o) / 6 + l / 2) / l; n === s ? t = U - V : a === s ? t = 1 / 3 + m - U : o === s && (t = 2 / 3 + V - m), 0 > t && (t += 1), t > 1 && (t -= 1) } return t = 360 * t, i = 100 * i, h = 100 * h, [t, i, h] } function M(e) { var t, i, n = e[0] / 255, a = e[1] / 255, o = e[2] / 255, r = Math.min(n, a, o), s = Math.max(n, a, o), l = s - r, h = (s + r) / 2; if (0 === l) t = 0, i = 0; else { i = .5 > h ? l / (s + r) : l / (2 - s - r); var m = ((s - n) / 6 + l / 2) / l, V = ((s - a) / 6 + l / 2) / l, U = ((s - o) / 6 + l / 2) / l; n === s ? t = U - V : a === s ? t = 1 / 3 + m - U : o === s && (t = 2 / 3 + V - m), 0 > t && (t += 1), t > 1 && (t -= 1) } return t = 360 * t, i = 100 * i, h = 100 * h, [t, i, h] } var O, P = e("../tool/util"), D = ["#ff9277", " #dddd00", " #ffc877", " #bbe3ff", " #d5ffbb", "#bbbbff", " #ddb000", " #b0dd00", " #e2bbff", " #ffbbe3", "#ff7777", " #ff9900", " #83dd00", " #77e3ff", " #778fff", "#c877ff", " #ff77ab", " #ff6600", " #aa8800", " #77c7ff", "#ad77ff", " #ff77ff", " #dd0083", " #777700", " #00aa00", "#0088aa", " #8400dd", " #aa0088", " #dd0000", " #772e00"], N = D, B = "rgba(255,255,0,0.5)", H = B, R = /^\s*((#[a-f\d]{6})|(#[a-f\d]{3})|rgba?\(\s*([\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?(?:\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?)?)\s*\)|hsba?\(\s*([\d\.]+(?:deg|\xb0|%)?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?(?:\s*,\s*[\d\.]+)?)%?\s*\)|hsla?\(\s*([\d\.]+(?:deg|\xb0|%)?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?\s*,\s*[\d\.]+%?(?:\s*,\s*[\d\.]+)?)%?\s*\))\s*$/i, G = { aliceblue: "#f0f8ff", antiquewhite: "#faebd7", aqua: "#0ff", aquamarine: "#7fffd4", azure: "#f0ffff", beige: "#f5f5dc", bisque: "#ffe4c4", black: "#000", blanchedalmond: "#ffebcd", blue: "#00f", blueviolet: "#8a2be2", brown: "#a52a2a", burlywood: "#deb887", cadetblue: "#5f9ea0", chartreuse: "#7fff00", chocolate: "#d2691e", coral: "#ff7f50", cornflowerblue: "#6495ed", cornsilk: "#fff8dc", crimson: "#dc143c", cyan: "#0ff", darkblue: "#00008b", darkcyan: "#008b8b", darkgoldenrod: "#b8860b", darkgray: "#a9a9a9", darkgrey: "#a9a9a9", darkgreen: "#006400", darkkhaki: "#bdb76b", darkmagenta: "#8b008b", darkolivegreen: "#556b2f", darkorange: "#ff8c00", darkorchid: "#9932cc", darkred: "#8b0000", darksalmon: "#e9967a", darkseagreen: "#8fbc8f", darkslateblue: "#483d8b", darkslategray: "#2f4f4f", darkslategrey: "#2f4f4f", darkturquoise: "#00ced1", darkviolet: "#9400d3", deeppink: "#ff1493", deepskyblue: "#00bfff", dimgray: "#696969", dimgrey: "#696969", dodgerblue: "#1e90ff", firebrick: "#b22222", floralwhite: "#fffaf0", forestgreen: "#228b22", fuchsia: "#f0f", gainsboro: "#dcdcdc", ghostwhite: "#f8f8ff", gold: "#ffd700", goldenrod: "#daa520", gray: "#808080", grey: "#808080", green: "#008000", greenyellow: "#adff2f", honeydew: "#f0fff0", hotpink: "#ff69b4", indianred: "#cd5c5c", indigo: "#4b0082", ivory: "#fffff0", khaki: "#f0e68c", lavender: "#e6e6fa", lavenderblush: "#fff0f5", lawngreen: "#7cfc00", lemonchiffon: "#fffacd", lightblue: "#add8e6", lightcoral: "#f08080", lightcyan: "#e0ffff", lightgoldenrodyellow: "#fafad2", lightgray: "#d3d3d3", lightgrey: "#d3d3d3", lightgreen: "#90ee90", lightpink: "#ffb6c1", lightsalmon: "#ffa07a", lightseagreen: "#20b2aa", lightskyblue: "#87cefa", lightslategray: "#789", lightslategrey: "#789", lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de", lightyellow: "#ffffe0", lime: "#0f0", limegreen: "#32cd32", linen: "#faf0e6", magenta: "#f0f", maroon: "#800000", mediumaquamarine: "#66cdaa", mediumblue: "#0000cd", mediumorchid: "#ba55d3", mediumpurple: "#9370d8", mediumseagreen: "#3cb371", mediumslateblue: "#7b68ee", mediumspringgreen: "#00fa9a", mediumturquoise: "#48d1cc", mediumvioletred: "#c71585", midnightblue: "#191970", mintcream: "#f5fffa", mistyrose: "#ffe4e1", moccasin: "#ffe4b5", navajowhite: "#ffdead", navy: "#000080", oldlace: "#fdf5e6", olive: "#808000", olivedrab: "#6b8e23", orange: "#ffa500", orangered: "#ff4500", orchid: "#da70d6", palegoldenrod: "#eee8aa", palegreen: "#98fb98", paleturquoise: "#afeeee", palevioletred: "#d87093", papayawhip: "#ffefd5", peachpuff: "#ffdab9", peru: "#cd853f", pink: "#ffc0cb", plum: "#dda0dd", powderblue: "#b0e0e6", purple: "#800080", red: "#f00", rosybrown: "#bc8f8f", royalblue: "#4169e1", saddlebrown: "#8b4513", salmon: "#fa8072", sandybrown: "#f4a460", seagreen: "#2e8b57", seashell: "#fff5ee", sienna: "#a0522d", silver: "#c0c0c0", skyblue: "#87ceeb", slateblue: "#6a5acd", slategray: "#708090", slategrey: "#708090", snow: "#fffafa", springgreen: "#00ff7f", steelblue: "#4682b4", tan: "#d2b48c", teal: "#008080", thistle: "#d8bfd8", tomato: "#ff6347", turquoise: "#40e0d0", violet: "#ee82ee", wheat: "#f5deb3", white: "#fff", whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5", yellow: "#ff0", yellowgreen: "#9acd32" }; return { customPalette: t, resetPalette: i, getColor: n, getHighlightColor: r, customHighlight: a, resetHighlight: o, getRadialGradient: s, getLinearGradient: l, getGradientColors: m, getStepColors: h, reverse: v, mix: w, lift: X, trim: L, random: K, toRGB: c, toRGBA: p, toHex: u, toHSL: x, toHSLA: k, toHSB: f, toHSBA: b, toHSV: g, toHSVA: y, toName: _, toColor: V, toArray: U, alpha: J, getData: I } }), i("echarts/component/timeline", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Rectangle", "../util/shape/Icon", "../util/shape/Chain", "../config", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/area", "zrender/tool/event", "../component"], function (e) { function t(e, t, i, a, o) { n.call(this, e, t, i, a, o); var r = this; if (r._onclick = function (e) { return r.__onclick(e) }, r._ondrift = function (e, t) { return r.__ondrift(this, e, t) }, r._ondragend = function () { return r.__ondragend() }, r._setCurrentOption = function () { var e = r.timelineOption; r.currentIndex %= e.data.length; var t = r.options[r.currentIndex] || {}; r.myChart._setOption(t, e.notMerge, !0), r.messageCenter.dispatch(s.EVENT.TIMELINE_CHANGED, null, { currentIndex: r.currentIndex, data: null != e.data[r.currentIndex].name ? e.data[r.currentIndex].name : e.data[r.currentIndex] }, r.myChart) }, r._onFrame = function () { r._setCurrentOption(), r._syncHandleShape(), r.timelineOption.autoPlay && (r.playTicket = setTimeout(function () { return r.currentIndex += 1, !r.timelineOption.loop && r.currentIndex >= r.timelineOption.data.length ? (r.currentIndex = r.timelineOption.data.length - 1, void r.stop()) : void r._onFrame() }, r.timelineOption.playInterval)) }, this.setTheme(!1), this.options = this.option.options, this.currentIndex = this.timelineOption.currentIndex % this.timelineOption.data.length, this.timelineOption.notMerge || 0 === this.currentIndex || (this.options[this.currentIndex] = l.merge(this.options[this.currentIndex], this.options[0])), this.timelineOption.show && (this._buildShape(), this._syncHandleShape()), this._setCurrentOption(), this.timelineOption.autoPlay) { var r = this; this.playTicket = setTimeout(function () { r.play() }, null != this.ecTheme.animationDuration ? this.ecTheme.animationDuration : s.animationDuration) } } function i(e, t) { var i = 2, n = t.x + i, a = t.y + i + 2, r = t.width - i, s = t.height - i, l = t.symbol; if ("last" === l) e.moveTo(n + r - 2, a + s / 3), e.lineTo(n + r - 2, a), e.lineTo(n + 2, a + s / 2), e.lineTo(n + r - 2, a + s), e.lineTo(n + r - 2, a + s / 3 * 2), e.moveTo(n, a), e.lineTo(n, a); else if ("next" === l) e.moveTo(n + 2, a + s / 3), e.lineTo(n + 2, a), e.lineTo(n + r - 2, a + s / 2), e.lineTo(n + 2, a + s), e.lineTo(n + 2, a + s / 3 * 2), e.moveTo(n, a), e.lineTo(n, a); else if ("play" === l) if ("stop" === t.status) e.moveTo(n + 2, a), e.lineTo(n + r - 2, a + s / 2), e.lineTo(n + 2, a + s), e.lineTo(n + 2, a); else { var h = "both" === t.brushType ? 2 : 3; e.rect(n + 2, a, h, s), e.rect(n + r - h - 2, a, h, s) } else if (l.match("image")) { var m = ""; m = l.replace(new RegExp("^image:\\/\\/"), ""), l = o.prototype.iconLibrary.image, l(e, { x: n, y: a, width: r, height: s, image: m }) } } var n = e("./base"), a = e("zrender/shape/Rectangle"), o = e("../util/shape/Icon"), r = e("../util/shape/Chain"), s = e("../config"); s.timeline = { zlevel: 0, z: 4, show: !0, type: "time", notMerge: !1, realtime: !0, x: 80, x2: 80, y2: 0, height: 50, backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderColor: "#ccc", borderWidth: 0, padding: 5, controlPosition: "left", autoPlay: !1, loop: !0, playInterval: 2e3, lineStyle: {width: 1, color: "#666", type: "dashed"}, label: {show: !0, interval: "auto", rotate: 0, textStyle: {color: "#333"}}, checkpointStyle: { symbol: "auto", symbolSize: "auto", color: "auto", borderColor: "auto", borderWidth: "auto", label: {show: !1, textStyle: {color: "auto"}} }, controlStyle: {itemSize: 15, itemGap: 5, normal: {color: "#333"}, emphasis: {color: "#1e90ff"}}, symbol: "emptyDiamond", symbolSize: 4, currentIndex: 0 }; var l = e("zrender/tool/util"), h = e("zrender/tool/area"), m = e("zrender/tool/event"); return t.prototype = { type: s.COMPONENT_TYPE_TIMELINE, _buildShape: function () { if (this._location = this._getLocation(), this._buildBackground(), this._buildControl(), this._chainPoint = this._getChainPoint(), this.timelineOption.label.show) for (var e = this._getInterval(), t = 0, i = this._chainPoint.length; i > t; t += e) this._chainPoint[t].showLabel = !0; this._buildChain(), this._buildHandle(); for (var t = 0, n = this.shapeList.length; n > t; t++) this.zr.addShape(this.shapeList[t]) }, _getLocation: function () { var e, t = this.timelineOption, i = this.reformCssArray(this.timelineOption.padding), n = this.zr.getWidth(), a = this.parsePercent(t.x, n), o = this.parsePercent(t.x2, n); null == t.width ? (e = n - a - o, o = n - o) : (e = this.parsePercent(t.width, n), o = a + e); var r, s, l = this.zr.getHeight(), h = this.parsePercent(t.height, l); return null != t.y ? (r = this.parsePercent(t.y, l), s = r + h) : (s = l - this.parsePercent(t.y2, l), r = s - h), { x: a + i[3], y: r + i[0], x2: o - i[1], y2: s - i[2], width: e - i[1] - i[3], height: h - i[0] - i[2] } }, _getReformedLabel: function (e) { var t = this.timelineOption, i = null != t.data[e].name ? t.data[e].name : t.data[e], n = t.data[e].formatter || t.label.formatter; return n && ("function" == typeof n ? i = n.call(this.myChart, i) : "string" == typeof n && (i = n.replace("{value}", i))), i }, _getInterval: function () { var e = this._chainPoint, t = this.timelineOption, i = t.label.interval; if ("auto" === i) { var n = t.label.textStyle.fontSize, a = t.data, o = t.data.length; if (o > 3) { var r, s, l = !1; for (i = 0; !l && o > i;) { i++, l = !0; for (var m = i; o > m; m += i) { if (r = e[m].x - e[m - i].x, 0 !== t.label.rotate) s = n; else if (a[m].textStyle) s = h.getTextWidth(e[m].name, e[m].textFont); else { var V = e[m].name + "", U = (V.match(/\w/g) || "").length, d = V.length - U; s = U * n * 2 / 3 + d * n } if (s > r) { l = !1; break } } } } else i = 1 } else i = i - 0 + 1; return i }, _getChainPoint: function () { function e(e) { return null != h[e].name ? h[e].name : h[e] + "" } var t, i = this.timelineOption, n = i.symbol.toLowerCase(), a = i.symbolSize, o = i.label.rotate, r = i.label.textStyle, s = this.getFont(r), h = i.data, m = this._location.x, V = this._location.y + this._location.height / 4 * 3, U = this._location.x2 - this._location.x, d = h.length, p = []; if (d > 1) { var c = U / d; if (c = c > 50 ? 50 : 20 > c ? 5 : c, U -= 2 * c, "number" === i.type) for (var u = 0; d > u; u++) p.push(m + c + U / (d - 1) * u); else { p[0] = new Date(e(0).replace(/-/g, "/")), p[d - 1] = new Date(e(d - 1).replace(/-/g, "/")) - p[0]; for (var u = 1; d > u; u++) p[u] = m + c + U * (new Date(e(u).replace(/-/g, "/")) - p[0]) / p[d - 1]; p[0] = m + c } } else p.push(m + U / 2); for (var y, g, b, f, k, x = [], u = 0; d > u; u++) m = p[u], y = h[u].symbol && h[u].symbol.toLowerCase() || n, y.match("empty") ? (y = y.replace("empty", ""), b = !0) : b = !1, y.match("star") && (g = y.replace("star", "") - 0 || 5, y = "star"), t = h[u].textStyle ? l.merge(h[u].textStyle || {}, r) : r, f = t.align || "center", o ? (f = o > 0 ? "right" : "left", k = [o * Math.PI / 180, m, V - 5]) : k = !1, x.push({ x: m, n: g, isEmpty: b, symbol: y, symbolSize: h[u].symbolSize || a, color: h[u].color, borderColor: h[u].borderColor, borderWidth: h[u].borderWidth, name: this._getReformedLabel(u), textColor: t.color, textAlign: f, textBaseline: t.baseline || "middle", textX: m, textY: V - (o ? 5 : 0), textFont: h[u].textStyle ? this.getFont(t) : s, rotation: k, showLabel: !1 }); return x }, _buildBackground: function () { var e = this.timelineOption, t = this.reformCssArray(this.timelineOption.padding), i = this._location.width, n = this._location.height; (0 !== e.borderWidth || "rgba(0,0,0,0)" != e.backgroundColor.replace(/\s/g, "")) && this.shapeList.push(new a({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: { x: this._location.x - t[3], y: this._location.y - t[0], width: i + t[1] + t[3], height: n + t[0] + t[2], brushType: 0 === e.borderWidth ? "fill" : "both", color: e.backgroundColor, strokeColor: e.borderColor, lineWidth: e.borderWidth } })) }, _buildControl: function () { var e = this, t = this.timelineOption, i = t.lineStyle, n = t.controlStyle; if ("none" !== t.controlPosition) { var a, r = n.itemSize, s = n.itemGap; "left" === t.controlPosition ? (a = this._location.x, this._location.x += 3 * (r + s)) : (a = this._location.x2 - (3 * (r + s) - s), this._location.x2 -= 3 * (r + s)); var h = this._location.y, m = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase() + 1, style: { iconType: "timelineControl", symbol: "last", x: a, y: h, width: r, height: r, brushType: "stroke", color: n.normal.color, strokeColor: n.normal.color, lineWidth: i.width }, highlightStyle: { color: n.emphasis.color, strokeColor: n.emphasis.color, lineWidth: i.width + 1 }, clickable: !0 }; this._ctrLastShape = new o(m), this._ctrLastShape.onclick = function () { e.last() }, this.shapeList.push(this._ctrLastShape), a += r + s, this._ctrPlayShape = new o(l.clone(m)), this._ctrPlayShape.style.brushType = "fill", this._ctrPlayShape.style.symbol = "play", this._ctrPlayShape.style.status = this.timelineOption.autoPlay ? "playing" : "stop", this._ctrPlayShape.style.x = a, this._ctrPlayShape.onclick = function () { "stop" === e._ctrPlayShape.style.status ? e.play() : e.stop() }, this.shapeList.push(this._ctrPlayShape), a += r + s, this._ctrNextShape = new o(l.clone(m)), this._ctrNextShape.style.symbol = "next", this._ctrNextShape.style.x = a, this._ctrNextShape.onclick = function () { e.next() }, this.shapeList.push(this._ctrNextShape) } }, _buildChain: function () { var e = this.timelineOption, t = e.lineStyle; this._timelineShae = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: { x: this._location.x, y: this.subPixelOptimize(this._location.y, t.width), width: this._location.x2 - this._location.x, height: this._location.height, chainPoint: this._chainPoint, brushType: "both", strokeColor: t.color, lineWidth: t.width, lineType: t.type }, hoverable: !1, clickable: !0, onclick: this._onclick }, this._timelineShae = new r(this._timelineShae), this.shapeList.push(this._timelineShae) }, _buildHandle: function () { var e = this._chainPoint[this.currentIndex], t = e.symbolSize + 1; t = 5 > t ? 5 : t, this._handleShape = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase() + 1, hoverable: !1, draggable: !0, style: { iconType: "diamond", n: e.n, x: e.x - t, y: this._location.y + this._location.height / 4 - t, width: 2 * t, height: 2 * t, brushType: "both", textPosition: "specific", textX: e.x, textY: this._location.y - this._location.height / 4, textAlign: "center", textBaseline: "middle" }, highlightStyle: {}, ondrift: this._ondrift, ondragend: this._ondragend }, this._handleShape = new o(this._handleShape), this.shapeList.push(this._handleShape) }, _syncHandleShape: function () { if (this.timelineOption.show) { var e = this.timelineOption, t = e.checkpointStyle, i = this._chainPoint[this.currentIndex]; this._handleShape.style.text = t.label.show ? i.name : "", this._handleShape.style.textFont = i.textFont, this._handleShape.style.n = i.n, "auto" === t.symbol ? this._handleShape.style.iconType = "none" != i.symbol ? i.symbol : "diamond" : (this._handleShape.style.iconType = t.symbol, t.symbol.match("star") && (this._handleShape.style.n = t.symbol.replace("star", "") - 0 || 5, this._handleShape.style.iconType = "star")); var n; "auto" === t.symbolSize ? (n = i.symbolSize + 2, n = 5 > n ? 5 : n) : n = t.symbolSize - 0, this._handleShape.style.color = "auto" === t.color ? i.color ? i.color : e.controlStyle.emphasis.color : t.color, this._handleShape.style.textColor = "auto" === t.label.textStyle.color ? this._handleShape.style.color : t.label.textStyle.color, this._handleShape.highlightStyle.strokeColor = this._handleShape.style.strokeColor = "auto" === t.borderColor ? i.borderColor ? i.borderColor : "#fff" : t.borderColor, this._handleShape.style.lineWidth = "auto" === t.borderWidth ? i.borderWidth ? i.borderWidth : 0 : t.borderWidth - 0, this._handleShape.highlightStyle.lineWidth = this._handleShape.style.lineWidth + 1, this.zr.animate(this._handleShape.id, "style").when(500, { x: i.x - n, textX: i.x, y: this._location.y + this._location.height / 4 - n, width: 2 * n, height: 2 * n }).start("ExponentialOut") } }, _findChainIndex: function (e) { var t = this._chainPoint, i = t.length; if (e <= t[0].x) return 0; if (e >= t[i - 1].x) return i - 1; for (var n = 0; i - 1 > n; n++) if (e >= t[n].x && e <= t[n + 1].x) return Math.abs(e - t[n].x) < Math.abs(e - t[n + 1].x) ? n : n + 1 }, __onclick: function (e) { var t = m.getX(e.event), i = this._findChainIndex(t); return i === this.currentIndex ? !0 : (this.currentIndex = i, this.timelineOption.autoPlay && this.stop(), clearTimeout(this.playTicket), void this._onFrame()) }, __ondrift: function (e, t) { this.timelineOption.autoPlay && this.stop(); var i, n = this._chainPoint, a = n.length; e.style.x + t <= n[0].x - n[0].symbolSize ? (e.style.x = n[0].x - n[0].symbolSize, i = 0) : e.style.x + t >= n[a - 1].x - n[a - 1].symbolSize ? (e.style.x = n[a - 1].x - n[a - 1].symbolSize, i = a - 1) : (e.style.x += t, i = this._findChainIndex(e.style.x)); var o = n[i], r = o.symbolSize + 2; if (e.style.iconType = o.symbol, e.style.n = o.n, e.style.textX = e.style.x + r / 2, e.style.y = this._location.y + this._location.height / 4 - r, e.style.width = 2 * r, e.style.height = 2 * r, e.style.text = o.name, i === this.currentIndex) return !0; if (this.currentIndex = i, this.timelineOption.realtime) { clearTimeout(this.playTicket); var s = this; this.playTicket = setTimeout(function () { s._setCurrentOption() }, 200) } return !0 }, __ondragend: function () { this.isDragend = !0 }, ondragend: function (e, t) { this.isDragend && e.target && (!this.timelineOption.realtime && this._setCurrentOption(), t.dragOut = !0, t.dragIn = !0, t.needRefresh = !1, this.isDragend = !1, this._syncHandleShape()) }, last: function () { return this.timelineOption.autoPlay && this.stop(), this.currentIndex -= 1, this.currentIndex < 0 && (this.currentIndex = this.timelineOption.data.length - 1), this._onFrame(), this.currentIndex }, next: function () { return this.timelineOption.autoPlay && this.stop(), this.currentIndex += 1, this.currentIndex >= this.timelineOption.data.length && (this.currentIndex = 0), this._onFrame(), this.currentIndex }, play: function (e, t) { return this._ctrPlayShape && "playing" != this._ctrPlayShape.style.status && (this._ctrPlayShape.style.status = "playing", this.zr.modShape(this._ctrPlayShape.id), this.zr.refreshNextFrame()), this.timelineOption.autoPlay = null != t ? t : !0, this.timelineOption.autoPlay || clearTimeout(this.playTicket), this.currentIndex = null != e ? e : this.currentIndex + 1, this.currentIndex >= this.timelineOption.data.length && (this.currentIndex = 0), this._onFrame(), this.currentIndex }, stop: function () { return this._ctrPlayShape && "stop" != this._ctrPlayShape.style.status && (this._ctrPlayShape.style.status = "stop", this.zr.modShape(this._ctrPlayShape.id), this.zr.refreshNextFrame()), this.timelineOption.autoPlay = !1, clearTimeout(this.playTicket), this.currentIndex }, resize: function () { this.timelineOption.show && (this.clear(), this._buildShape(), this._syncHandleShape()) }, setTheme: function (e) { this.timelineOption = this.reformOption(l.clone(this.option.timeline)), this.timelineOption.label.textStyle = this.getTextStyle(this.timelineOption.label.textStyle), this.timelineOption.checkpointStyle.label.textStyle = this.getTextStyle(this.timelineOption.checkpointStyle.label.textStyle), this.myChart.canvasSupported || (this.timelineOption.realtime = !1), this.timelineOption.show && e && (this.clear(), this._buildShape(), this._syncHandleShape()) }, onbeforDispose: function () { clearTimeout(this.playTicket) } }, o.prototype.iconLibrary.timelineControl = i, l.inherits(t, n), e("../component").define("timeline", t), t }), i("zrender/shape/Image", ["require", "./Base", "../tool/util"], function (e) { var t = e("./Base"), i = function (e) { t.call(this, e) }; return i.prototype = { type: "image", brush: function (e, t, i) { var n = this.style || {}; t && (n = this.getHighlightStyle(n, this.highlightStyle || {})); var a = n.image, o = this; if (this._imageCache || (this._imageCache = {}), "string" == typeof a) { var r = a; this._imageCache[r] ? a = this._imageCache[r] : (a = new Image, a.onload = function () { a.onload = null, o.modSelf(), i() }, a.src = r, this._imageCache[r] = a) } if (a) { if ("IMG" == a.nodeName.toUpperCase()) if (window.ActiveXObject) { if ("complete" != a.readyState) return } else if (!a.complete) return; var s = n.width || a.width, l = n.height || a.height, h = n.x, m = n.y; if (!a.width || !a.height) return; if (e.save(), this.doClip(e), this.setContext(e, n), this.setTransform(e), n.sWidth && n.sHeight) { var V = n.sx || 0, U = n.sy || 0; e.drawImage(a, V, U, n.sWidth, n.sHeight, h, m, s, l) } else if (n.sx && n.sy) { var V = n.sx, U = n.sy, d = s - V, p = l - U; e.drawImage(a, V, U, d, p, h, m, s, l) } else e.drawImage(a, h, m, s, l); n.width || (n.width = s), n.height || (n.height = l), this.style.width || (this.style.width = s), this.style.height || (this.style.height = l), this.drawText(e, n, this.style), e.restore() } }, getRect: function (e) { return {x: e.x, y: e.y, width: e.width, height: e.height} }, clearCache: function () { this._imageCache = {} } }, e("../tool/util").inherits(i, t), i }), i("zrender/loadingEffect/Bar", ["require", "./Base", "../tool/util", "../tool/color", "../shape/Rectangle"], function (e) { function t(e) { i.call(this, e) } var i = e("./Base"), n = e("../tool/util"), a = e("../tool/color"), o = e("../shape/Rectangle"); return n.inherits(t, i), t.prototype._start = function (e, t) { var i = n.merge(this.options, { textStyle: {color: "#888"}, backgroundColor: "rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.8)", effectOption: { x: 0, y: this.canvasHeight / 2 - 30, width: this.canvasWidth, height: 5, brushType: "fill", timeInterval: 100 } }), r = this.createTextShape(i.textStyle), s = this.createBackgroundShape(i.backgroundColor), l = i.effectOption, h = new o({highlightStyle: n.clone(l)}); return h.highlightStyle.color = l.color || a.getLinearGradient(l.x, l.y, l.x + l.width, l.y + l.height, [[0, "#ff6400"], [.5, "#ffe100"], [1, "#b1ff00"]]), null != i.progress ? (e(s), h.highlightStyle.width = this.adjust(i.progress, [0, 1]) * i.effectOption.width, e(h), e(r), void t()) : (h.highlightStyle.width = 0, setInterval(function () { e(s), h.highlightStyle.width < l.width ? h.highlightStyle.width += 8 : h.highlightStyle.width = 0, e(h), e(r), t() }, l.timeInterval)) }, t }), i("zrender/loadingEffect/Bubble", ["require", "./Base", "../tool/util", "../tool/color", "../shape/Circle"], function (e) { function t(e) { i.call(this, e) } var i = e("./Base"), n = e("../tool/util"), a = e("../tool/color"), o = e("../shape/Circle"); return n.inherits(t, i), t.prototype._start = function (e, t) { for (var i = n.merge(this.options, { textStyle: {color: "#888"}, backgroundColor: "rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.8)", effect: {n: 50, lineWidth: 2, brushType: "stroke", color: "random", timeInterval: 100} }), r = this.createTextShape(i.textStyle), s = this.createBackgroundShape(i.backgroundColor), l = i.effect, h = l.n, m = l.brushType, V = l.lineWidth, U = [], d = this.canvasWidth, p = this.canvasHeight, c = 0; h > c; c++) { var u = "random" == l.color ? a.alpha(a.random(), .3) : l.color; U[c] = new o({ highlightStyle: { x: Math.ceil(Math.random() * d), y: Math.ceil(Math.random() * p), r: Math.ceil(40 * Math.random()), brushType: m, color: u, strokeColor: u, lineWidth: V }, animationY: Math.ceil(20 * Math.random()) }) } return setInterval(function () { e(s); for (var i = 0; h > i; i++) { var n = U[i].highlightStyle; n.y - U[i].animationY + n.r <= 0 && (U[i].highlightStyle.y = p + n.r, U[i].highlightStyle.x = Math.ceil(Math.random() * d)), U[i].highlightStyle.y -= U[i].animationY, e(U[i]) } e(r), t() }, l.timeInterval) }, t }), i("zrender/loadingEffect/DynamicLine", ["require", "./Base", "../tool/util", "../tool/color", "../shape/Line"], function (e) { function t(e) { i.call(this, e) } var i = e("./Base"), n = e("../tool/util"), a = e("../tool/color"), o = e("../shape/Line"); return n.inherits(t, i), t.prototype._start = function (e, t) { for (var i = n.merge(this.options, { textStyle: {color: "#fff"}, backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)", effectOption: {n: 30, lineWidth: 1, color: "random", timeInterval: 100} }), r = this.createTextShape(i.textStyle), s = this.createBackgroundShape(i.backgroundColor), l = i.effectOption, h = l.n, m = l.lineWidth, V = [], U = this.canvasWidth, d = this.canvasHeight, p = 0; h > p; p++) { var c = -Math.ceil(1e3 * Math.random()), u = Math.ceil(400 * Math.random()), y = Math.ceil(Math.random() * d), g = "random" == l.color ? a.random() : l.color; V[p] = new o({ highlightStyle: { xStart: c, yStart: y, xEnd: c + u, yEnd: y, strokeColor: g, lineWidth: m }, animationX: Math.ceil(100 * Math.random()), len: u }) } return setInterval(function () { e(s); for (var i = 0; h > i; i++) { var n = V[i].highlightStyle; n.xStart >= U && (V[i].len = Math.ceil(400 * Math.random()), n.xStart = -400, n.xEnd = -400 + V[i].len, n.yStart = Math.ceil(Math.random() * d), n.yEnd = n.yStart), n.xStart += V[i].animationX, n.xEnd += V[i].animationX, e(V[i]) } e(r), t() }, l.timeInterval) }, t }), i("zrender/loadingEffect/Ring", ["require", "./Base", "../tool/util", "../tool/color", "../shape/Ring", "../shape/Sector"], function (e) { function t(e) { i.call(this, e) } var i = e("./Base"), n = e("../tool/util"), a = e("../tool/color"), o = e("../shape/Ring"), r = e("../shape/Sector"); return n.inherits(t, i), t.prototype._start = function (e, t) { var i = n.merge(this.options, { textStyle: {color: "#07a"}, backgroundColor: "rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.8)", effect: { x: this.canvasWidth / 2, y: this.canvasHeight / 2, r0: 60, r: 100, color: "#bbdcff", brushType: "fill", textPosition: "inside", textFont: "normal 30px verdana", textColor: "rgba(30, 144, 255, 0.6)", timeInterval: 100 } }), s = i.effect, l = i.textStyle; null == l.x && (l.x = s.x), null == l.y && (l.y = s.y + (s.r0 + s.r) / 2 - 5); for (var h = this.createTextShape(i.textStyle), m = this.createBackgroundShape(i.backgroundColor), V = s.x, U = s.y, d = s.r0 + 6, p = s.r - 6, c = s.color, u = a.lift(c, .1), y = new o({highlightStyle: n.clone(s)}), g = [], b = a.getGradientColors(["#ff6400", "#ffe100", "#97ff00"], 25), f = 15, k = 240, x = 0; 16 > x; x++) g.push(new r({ highlightStyle: { x: V, y: U, r0: d, r: p, startAngle: k - f, endAngle: k, brushType: "fill", color: u }, _color: a.getLinearGradient(V + d * Math.cos(k, !0), U - d * Math.sin(k, !0), V + d * Math.cos(k - f, !0), U - d * Math.sin(k - f, !0), [[0, b[2 * x]], [1, b[2 * x + 1]]]) })), k -= f; k = 360; for (var x = 0; 4 > x; x++) g.push(new r({ highlightStyle: { x: V, y: U, r0: d, r: p, startAngle: k - f, endAngle: k, brushType: "fill", color: u }, _color: a.getLinearGradient(V + d * Math.cos(k, !0), U - d * Math.sin(k, !0), V + d * Math.cos(k - f, !0), U - d * Math.sin(k - f, !0), [[0, b[2 * x + 32]], [1, b[2 * x + 33]]]) })), k -= f; var _ = 0; if (null != i.progress) { e(m), _ = 100 * this.adjust(i.progress, [0, 1]).toFixed(2) / 5, y.highlightStyle.text = 5 * _ + "%", e(y); for (var x = 0; 20 > x; x++) g[x].highlightStyle.color = _ > x ? g[x]._color : u, e(g[x]); return e(h), void t() } return setInterval(function () { e(m), _ += _ >= 20 ? -20 : 1, e(y); for (var i = 0; 20 > i; i++) g[i].highlightStyle.color = _ > i ? g[i]._color : u, e(g[i]); e(h), t() }, s.timeInterval) }, t }), i("zrender/loadingEffect/Spin", ["require", "./Base", "../tool/util", "../tool/color", "../tool/area", "../shape/Sector"], function (e) { function t(e) { i.call(this, e) } var i = e("./Base"), n = e("../tool/util"), a = e("../tool/color"), o = e("../tool/area"), r = e("../shape/Sector"); return n.inherits(t, i), t.prototype._start = function (e, t) { var i = n.merge(this.options, { textStyle: {color: "#fff", textAlign: "start"}, backgroundColor: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)" }), s = this.createTextShape(i.textStyle), l = 10, h = o.getTextWidth(s.highlightStyle.text, s.highlightStyle.textFont), m = o.getTextHeight(s.highlightStyle.text, s.highlightStyle.textFont), V = n.merge(this.options.effect || {}, {r0: 9, r: 15, n: 18, color: "#fff", timeInterval: 100}), U = this.getLocation(this.options.textStyle, h + l + 2 * V.r, Math.max(2 * V.r, m)); V.x = U.x + V.r, V.y = s.highlightStyle.y = U.y + U.height / 2, s.highlightStyle.x = V.x + V.r + l; for (var d = this.createBackgroundShape(i.backgroundColor), p = V.n, c = V.x, u = V.y, y = V.r0, g = V.r, b = V.color, f = [], k = Math.round(180 / p), x = 0; p > x; x++) f[x] = new r({ highlightStyle: { x: c, y: u, r0: y, r: g, startAngle: k * x * 2, endAngle: k * x * 2 + k, color: a.alpha(b, (x + 1) / p), brushType: "fill" } }); var _ = [0, c, u]; return setInterval(function () { e(d), _[0] -= .3; for (var i = 0; p > i; i++) f[i].rotation = _, e(f[i]); e(s), t() }, V.timeInterval) }, t }), i("zrender/loadingEffect/Whirling", ["require", "./Base", "../tool/util", "../tool/area", "../shape/Ring", "../shape/Droplet", "../shape/Circle"], function (e) { function t(e) { i.call(this, e) } var i = e("./Base"), n = e("../tool/util"), a = e("../tool/area"), o = e("../shape/Ring"), r = e("../shape/Droplet"), s = e("../shape/Circle"); return n.inherits(t, i), t.prototype._start = function (e, t) { var i = n.merge(this.options, { textStyle: {color: "#888", textAlign: "start"}, backgroundColor: "rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.8)" }), l = this.createTextShape(i.textStyle), h = 10, m = a.getTextWidth(l.highlightStyle.text, l.highlightStyle.textFont), V = a.getTextHeight(l.highlightStyle.text, l.highlightStyle.textFont), U = n.merge(this.options.effect || {}, { r: 18, colorIn: "#fff", colorOut: "#555", colorWhirl: "#6cf", timeInterval: 50 }), d = this.getLocation(this.options.textStyle, m + h + 2 * U.r, Math.max(2 * U.r, V)); U.x = d.x + U.r, U.y = l.highlightStyle.y = d.y + d.height / 2, l.highlightStyle.x = U.x + U.r + h; var p = this.createBackgroundShape(i.backgroundColor), c = new r({ highlightStyle: { a: Math.round(U.r / 2), b: Math.round(U.r - U.r / 6), brushType: "fill", color: U.colorWhirl } }), u = new s({highlightStyle: {r: Math.round(U.r / 6), brushType: "fill", color: U.colorIn}}), y = new o({ highlightStyle: { r0: Math.round(U.r - U.r / 3), r: U.r, brushType: "fill", color: U.colorOut } }), g = [0, U.x, U.y]; return c.highlightStyle.x = u.highlightStyle.x = y.highlightStyle.x = g[1], c.highlightStyle.y = u.highlightStyle.y = y.highlightStyle.y = g[2], setInterval(function () { e(p), e(y), g[0] -= .3, c.rotation = g, e(c), e(u), e(l), t() }, U.timeInterval) }, t }), i("echarts/theme/macarons", [], function () { var e = { color: ["#2ec7c9", "#b6a2de", "#5ab1ef", "#ffb980", "#d87a80", "#8d98b3", "#e5cf0d", "#97b552", "#95706d", "#dc69aa", "#07a2a4", "#9a7fd1", "#588dd5", "#f5994e", "#c05050", "#59678c", "#c9ab00", "#7eb00a", "#6f5553", "#c14089"], title: {textStyle: {fontWeight: "normal", color: "#008acd"}}, dataRange: {itemWidth: 15, color: ["#5ab1ef", "#e0ffff"]}, toolbox: {color: ["#1e90ff", "#1e90ff", "#1e90ff", "#1e90ff"], effectiveColor: "#ff4500"}, tooltip: { backgroundColor: "rgba(50,50,50,0.5)", axisPointer: { type: "line", lineStyle: {color: "#008acd"}, crossStyle: {color: "#008acd"}, shadowStyle: {color: "rgba(200,200,200,0.2)"} } }, dataZoom: {dataBackgroundColor: "#efefff", fillerColor: "rgba(182,162,222,0.2)", handleColor: "#008acd"}, grid: {borderColor: "#eee"}, categoryAxis: {axisLine: {lineStyle: {color: "#008acd"}}, splitLine: {lineStyle: {color: ["#eee"]}}}, valueAxis: { axisLine: {lineStyle: {color: "#008acd"}}, splitArea: {show: !0, areaStyle: {color: ["rgba(250,250,250,0.1)", "rgba(200,200,200,0.1)"]}}, splitLine: {lineStyle: {color: ["#eee"]}} }, polar: { axisLine: {lineStyle: {color: "#ddd"}}, splitArea: {show: !0, areaStyle: {color: ["rgba(250,250,250,0.2)", "rgba(200,200,200,0.2)"]}}, splitLine: {lineStyle: {color: "#ddd"}} }, timeline: { lineStyle: {color: "#008acd"}, controlStyle: {normal: {color: "#008acd"}, emphasis: {color: "#008acd"}}, symbol: "emptyCircle", symbolSize: 3 }, bar: {itemStyle: {normal: {barBorderRadius: 5}, emphasis: {barBorderRadius: 5}}}, line: {smooth: !0, symbol: "emptyCircle", symbolSize: 3}, k: { itemStyle: { normal: { color: "#d87a80", color0: "#2ec7c9", lineStyle: {color: "#d87a80", color0: "#2ec7c9"} } } }, scatter: {symbol: "circle", symbolSize: 4}, radar: {symbol: "emptyCircle", symbolSize: 3}, map: { itemStyle: { normal: {areaStyle: {color: "#ddd"}, label: {textStyle: {color: "#d87a80"}}}, emphasis: {areaStyle: {color: "#fe994e"}} } }, force: {itemStyle: {normal: {linkStyle: {color: "#1e90ff"}}}}, chord: { itemStyle: { normal: { borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)", chordStyle: {lineStyle: {color: "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)"}} }, emphasis: { borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)", chordStyle: {lineStyle: {color: "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)"}} } } }, gauge: { axisLine: {lineStyle: {color: [[.2, "#2ec7c9"], [.8, "#5ab1ef"], [1, "#d87a80"]], width: 10}}, axisTick: {splitNumber: 10, length: 15, lineStyle: {color: "auto"}}, splitLine: {length: 22, lineStyle: {color: "auto"}}, pointer: {width: 5} }, textStyle: {fontFamily: "微软雅黑, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif"} }; return e }), i("echarts/theme/infographic", [], function () { var e = { color: ["#C1232B", "#B5C334", "#FCCE10", "#E87C25", "#27727B", "#FE8463", "#9BCA63", "#FAD860", "#F3A43B", "#60C0DD", "#D7504B", "#C6E579", "#F4E001", "#F0805A", "#26C0C0"], title: {textStyle: {fontWeight: "normal", color: "#27727B"}}, dataRange: {x: "right", y: "center", itemWidth: 5, itemHeight: 25, color: ["#C1232B", "#FCCE10"]}, toolbox: { color: ["#C1232B", "#B5C334", "#FCCE10", "#E87C25", "#27727B", "#FE8463", "#9BCA63", "#FAD860", "#F3A43B", "#60C0DD"], effectiveColor: "#ff4500" }, tooltip: { backgroundColor: "rgba(50,50,50,0.5)", axisPointer: { type: "line", lineStyle: {color: "#27727B", type: "dashed"}, crossStyle: {color: "#27727B"}, shadowStyle: {color: "rgba(200,200,200,0.3)"} } }, dataZoom: { dataBackgroundColor: "rgba(181,195,52,0.3)", fillerColor: "rgba(181,195,52,0.2)", handleColor: "#27727B" }, grid: {borderWidth: 0}, categoryAxis: {axisLine: {lineStyle: {color: "#27727B"}}, splitLine: {show: !1}}, valueAxis: { axisLine: {show: !1}, splitArea: {show: !1}, splitLine: {lineStyle: {color: ["#ccc"], type: "dashed"}} }, polar: { axisLine: {lineStyle: {color: "#ddd"}}, splitArea: {show: !0, areaStyle: {color: ["rgba(250,250,250,0.2)", "rgba(200,200,200,0.2)"]}}, splitLine: {lineStyle: {color: "#ddd"}} }, timeline: { lineStyle: {color: "#27727B"}, controlStyle: {normal: {color: "#27727B"}, emphasis: {color: "#27727B"}}, symbol: "emptyCircle", symbolSize: 3 }, line: { itemStyle: { normal: {borderWidth: 2, borderColor: "#fff", lineStyle: {width: 3}}, emphasis: {borderWidth: 0} }, symbol: "circle", symbolSize: 3.5 }, k: { itemStyle: { normal: { color: "#C1232B", color0: "#B5C334", lineStyle: {width: 1, color: "#C1232B", color0: "#B5C334"} } } }, scatter: { itemStyle: { normal: {borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "rgba(200,200,200,0.5)"}, emphasis: {borderWidth: 0} }, symbol: "star4", symbolSize: 4 }, radar: {symbol: "emptyCircle", symbolSize: 3}, map: { itemStyle: { normal: {areaStyle: {color: "#ddd"}, label: {textStyle: {color: "#C1232B"}}}, emphasis: {areaStyle: {color: "#fe994e"}, label: {textStyle: {color: "rgb(100,0,0)"}}} } }, force: {itemStyle: {normal: {linkStyle: {color: "#27727B"}}}}, chord: { itemStyle: { normal: { borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)", chordStyle: {lineStyle: {color: "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)"}} }, emphasis: { borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)", chordStyle: {lineStyle: {color: "rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)"}} } } }, gauge: { center: ["50%", "80%"], radius: "100%", startAngle: 180, endAngle: 0, axisLine: { show: !0, lineStyle: {color: [[.2, "#B5C334"], [.8, "#27727B"], [1, "#C1232B"]], width: "40%"} }, axisTick: {splitNumber: 2, length: 5, lineStyle: {color: "#fff"}}, axisLabel: {textStyle: {color: "#fff", fontWeight: "bolder"}}, splitLine: {length: "5%", lineStyle: {color: "#fff"}}, pointer: {width: "40%", length: "80%", color: "#fff"}, title: {offsetCenter: [0, -20], textStyle: {color: "auto", fontSize: 20}}, detail: {offsetCenter: [0, 0], textStyle: {color: "auto", fontSize: 40}} }, textStyle: {fontFamily: "微软雅黑, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif"} }; return e }), i("zrender/dep/excanvas", ["require"], function () { return document.createElement("canvas").getContext ? G_vmlCanvasManager = !1 : !function () { function e() { return this.context_ || (this.context_ = new f(this)) } function t(e, t) { var i = O.call(arguments, 2); return function () { return e.apply(t, i.concat(O.call(arguments))) } } function i(e) { return String(e).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/"/g, """) } function n(e, t, i) { e.namespaces[t] || e.namespaces.add(t, i, "#default#VML") } function a(e) { if (n(e, "g_vml_", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"), n(e, "g_o_", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"), !e.styleSheets.ex_canvas_) { var t = e.createStyleSheet(); t.owningElement.id = "ex_canvas_", t.cssText = "canvas{display:inline-block;overflow:hidden;text-align:left;width:300px;height:150px}" } } function o(e) { var t = e.srcElement; switch (e.propertyName) { case"width": t.getContext().clearRect(), t.style.width = t.attributes.width.nodeValue + "px", t.firstChild.style.width = t.clientWidth + "px"; break; case"height": t.getContext().clearRect(), t.style.height = t.attributes.height.nodeValue + "px", t.firstChild.style.height = t.clientHeight + "px" } } function r(e) { var t = e.srcElement; t.firstChild && (t.firstChild.style.width = t.clientWidth + "px", t.firstChild.style.height = t.clientHeight + "px") } function s() { return [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]] } function l(e, t) { for (var i = s(), n = 0; 3 > n; n++) for (var a = 0; 3 > a; a++) { for (var o = 0, r = 0; 3 > r; r++) o += e[n][r] * t[r][a]; i[n][a] = o } return i } function h(e, t) { t.fillStyle = e.fillStyle, t.lineCap = e.lineCap, t.lineJoin = e.lineJoin, t.lineWidth = e.lineWidth, t.miterLimit = e.miterLimit, t.shadowBlur = e.shadowBlur, t.shadowColor = e.shadowColor, t.shadowOffsetX = e.shadowOffsetX, t.shadowOffsetY = e.shadowOffsetY, t.strokeStyle = e.strokeStyle, t.globalAlpha = e.globalAlpha, t.font = e.font, t.textAlign = e.textAlign, t.textBaseline = e.textBaseline, t.scaleX_ = e.scaleX_, t.scaleY_ = e.scaleY_, t.lineScale_ = e.lineScale_ } function m(e) { var t = e.indexOf("(", 3), i = e.indexOf(")", t + 1), n = e.substring(t + 1, i).split(","); return (4 != n.length || "a" != e.charAt(3)) && (n[3] = 1), n } function V(e) { return parseFloat(e) / 100 } function U(e, t, i) { return Math.min(i, Math.max(t, e)) } function d(e) { var t, i, n, a, o, r; if (a = parseFloat(e[0]) / 360 % 360, 0 > a && a++, o = U(V(e[1]), 0, 1), r = U(V(e[2]), 0, 1), 0 == o) t = i = n = r; else { var s = .5 > r ? r * (1 + o) : r + o - r * o, l = 2 * r - s; t = p(l, s, a + 1 / 3), i = p(l, s, a), n = p(l, s, a - 1 / 3) } return "#" + D[Math.floor(255 * t)] + D[Math.floor(255 * i)] + D[Math.floor(255 * n)] } function p(e, t, i) { return 0 > i && i++, i > 1 && i--, 1 > 6 * i ? e + 6 * (t - e) * i : 1 > 2 * i ? t : 2 > 3 * i ? e + (t - e) * (2 / 3 - i) * 6 : e } function c(e) { if (e in R) return R[e]; var t, i = 1; if (e = String(e), "#" == e.charAt(0)) t = e; else if (/^rgb/.test(e)) { for (var n, a = m(e), t = "#", o = 0; 3 > o; o++) n = -1 != a[o].indexOf("%") ? Math.floor(255 * V(a[o])) : +a[o], t += D[U(n, 0, 255)]; i = +a[3] } else if (/^hsl/.test(e)) { var a = m(e); t = d(a), i = a[3] } else t = H[e] || e; return R[e] = {color: t, alpha: i} } function u(e) { if (Y[e]) return Y[e]; var t, i = document.createElement("div"), n = i.style; try { n.font = e, t = n.fontFamily.split(",")[0] } catch (a) { } return Y[e] = { style: n.fontStyle || G.style, variant: n.fontVariant || G.variant, weight: n.fontWeight || G.weight, size: n.fontSize || G.size, family: t || G.family } } function y(e, t) { var i = {}; for (var n in e) i[n] = e[n]; var a = parseFloat(t.currentStyle.fontSize), o = parseFloat(e.size); return i.size = "number" == typeof e.size ? e.size : -1 != e.size.indexOf("px") ? o : -1 != e.size.indexOf("em") ? a * o : -1 != e.size.indexOf("%") ? a / 100 * o : -1 != e.size.indexOf("pt") ? o / .75 : a, i } function g(e) { return e.style + " " + e.variant + " " + e.weight + " " + e.size + "px '" + e.family + "'" } function b(e) { return Q[e] || "square" } function f(e) { this.m_ = s(), this.mStack_ = [], this.aStack_ = [], this.currentPath_ = [], this.strokeStyle = "#000", this.fillStyle = "#000", this.lineWidth = 1, this.lineJoin = "miter", this.lineCap = "butt", this.miterLimit = 1 * A, this.globalAlpha = 1, this.font = "12px 微软雅黑", this.textAlign = "left", this.textBaseline = "alphabetic", this.canvas = e; var t = "width:" + e.clientWidth + "px;height:" + e.clientHeight + "px;overflow:hidden;position:absolute", i = e.ownerDocument.createElement("div"); i.style.cssText = t, e.appendChild(i); var n = i.cloneNode(!1); n.style.backgroundColor = "#fff", n.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=0)", e.appendChild(n), this.element_ = i, this.scaleX_ = 1, this.scaleY_ = 1, this.lineScale_ = 1 } function k(e, t, i, n) { e.currentPath_.push({ type: "bezierCurveTo", cp1x: t.x, cp1y: t.y, cp2x: i.x, cp2y: i.y, x: n.x, y: n.y }), e.currentX_ = n.x, e.currentY_ = n.y } function x(e, t) { var i = c(e.strokeStyle), n = i.color, a = i.alpha * e.globalAlpha, o = e.lineScale_ * e.lineWidth; 1 > o && (a *= o), t.push("') } function _(e, t, i, n) { var a = e.fillStyle, o = e.scaleX_, r = e.scaleY_, s = n.x - i.x, l = n.y - i.y; if (a instanceof v) { var h = 0, m = {x: 0, y: 0}, V = 0, U = 1; if ("gradient" == a.type_) { var d = a.x0_ / o, p = a.y0_ / r, u = a.x1_ / o, y = a.y1_ / r, g = L(e, d, p), b = L(e, u, y), f = b.x - g.x, k = b.y - g.y; h = 180 * Math.atan2(f, k) / Math.PI, 0 > h && (h += 360), 1e-6 > h && (h = 0) } else { var g = L(e, a.x0_, a.y0_); m = {x: (g.x - i.x) / s, y: (g.y - i.y) / l}, s /= o * A, l /= r * A; var x = C.max(s, l); V = 2 * a.r0_ / x, U = 2 * a.r1_ / x - V } var _ = a.colors_; _.sort(function (e, t) { return e.offset - t.offset }); for (var W = _.length, X = _[0].color, K = _[W - 1].color, I = _[0].alpha * e.globalAlpha, J = _[W - 1].alpha * e.globalAlpha, S = [], E = 0; W > E; E++) { var F = _[E]; S.push(F.offset * U + V + " " + F.color) } t.push('') } else if (a instanceof w) { if (s && l) { var T = -i.x, z = -i.y; t.push("') } } else { var M = c(e.fillStyle), O = M.color, P = M.alpha * e.globalAlpha; t.push('') } } function L(e, t, i) { var n = e.m_; return { x: A * (t * n[0][0] + i * n[1][0] + n[2][0]) - M, y: A * (t * n[0][1] + i * n[1][1] + n[2][1]) - M } } function W(e) { return isFinite(e[0][0]) && isFinite(e[0][1]) && isFinite(e[1][0]) && isFinite(e[1][1]) && isFinite(e[2][0]) && isFinite(e[2][1]) } function X(e, t, i) { if (W(t) && (e.m_ = t, e.scaleX_ = Math.sqrt(t[0][0] * t[0][0] + t[0][1] * t[0][1]), e.scaleY_ = Math.sqrt(t[1][0] * t[1][0] + t[1][1] * t[1][1]), i)) { var n = t[0][0] * t[1][1] - t[0][1] * t[1][0]; e.lineScale_ = z(T(n)) } } function v(e) { this.type_ = e, this.x0_ = 0, this.y0_ = 0, this.r0_ = 0, this.x1_ = 0, this.y1_ = 0, this.r1_ = 0, this.colors_ = [] } function w(e, t) { switch (I(e), t) { case"repeat": case null: case"": this.repetition_ = "repeat"; break; case"repeat-x": case"repeat-y": case"no-repeat": this.repetition_ = t; break; default: K("SYNTAX_ERR") } this.src_ = e.src, this.width_ = e.width, this.height_ = e.height } function K(e) { throw new J(e) } function I(e) { e && 1 == e.nodeType && "IMG" == e.tagName || K("TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR"), "complete" != e.readyState && K("INVALID_STATE_ERR") } function J(e) { this.code = this[e], this.message = e + ": DOM Exception " + this.code } var C = Math, S = C.round, E = C.sin, F = C.cos, T = C.abs, z = C.sqrt, A = 10, M = A / 2, O = (+navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE ([\d.]+)?/)[1], Array.prototype.slice); a(document); var P = { init: function (e) { var i = e || document; i.createElement("canvas"), i.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", t(this.init_, this, i)) }, init_: function (e) { for (var t = e.getElementsByTagName("canvas"), i = 0; i < t.length; i++) this.initElement(t[i]) }, initElement: function (t) { if (!t.getContext) { t.getContext = e, a(t.ownerDocument), t.innerHTML = "", t.attachEvent("onpropertychange", o), t.attachEvent("onresize", r); var i = t.attributes; i.width && i.width.specified ? t.style.width = i.width.nodeValue + "px" : t.width = t.clientWidth, i.height && i.height.specified ? t.style.height = i.height.nodeValue + "px" : t.height = t.clientHeight } return t } }; P.init(); for (var D = [], N = 0; 16 > N; N++) for (var B = 0; 16 > B; B++) D[16 * N + B] = N.toString(16) + B.toString(16); var H = { aliceblue: "#F0F8FF", antiquewhite: "#FAEBD7", aquamarine: "#7FFFD4", azure: "#F0FFFF", beige: "#F5F5DC", bisque: "#FFE4C4", black: "#000000", blanchedalmond: "#FFEBCD", blueviolet: "#8A2BE2", brown: "#A52A2A", burlywood: "#DEB887", cadetblue: "#5F9EA0", chartreuse: "#7FFF00", chocolate: "#D2691E", coral: "#FF7F50", cornflowerblue: "#6495ED", cornsilk: "#FFF8DC", crimson: "#DC143C", cyan: "#00FFFF", darkblue: "#00008B", darkcyan: "#008B8B", darkgoldenrod: "#B8860B", darkgray: "#A9A9A9", darkgreen: "#006400", darkgrey: "#A9A9A9", darkkhaki: "#BDB76B", darkmagenta: "#8B008B", darkolivegreen: "#556B2F", darkorange: "#FF8C00", darkorchid: "#9932CC", darkred: "#8B0000", darksalmon: "#E9967A", darkseagreen: "#8FBC8F", darkslateblue: "#483D8B", darkslategray: "#2F4F4F", darkslategrey: "#2F4F4F", darkturquoise: "#00CED1", darkviolet: "#9400D3", deeppink: "#FF1493", deepskyblue: "#00BFFF", dimgray: "#696969", dimgrey: "#696969", dodgerblue: "#1E90FF", firebrick: "#B22222", floralwhite: "#FFFAF0", forestgreen: "#228B22", gainsboro: "#DCDCDC", ghostwhite: "#F8F8FF", gold: "#FFD700", goldenrod: "#DAA520", grey: "#808080", greenyellow: "#ADFF2F", honeydew: "#F0FFF0", hotpink: "#FF69B4", indianred: "#CD5C5C", indigo: "#4B0082", ivory: "#FFFFF0", khaki: "#F0E68C", lavender: "#E6E6FA", lavenderblush: "#FFF0F5", lawngreen: "#7CFC00", lemonchiffon: "#FFFACD", lightblue: "#ADD8E6", lightcoral: "#F08080", lightcyan: "#E0FFFF", lightgoldenrodyellow: "#FAFAD2", lightgreen: "#90EE90", lightgrey: "#D3D3D3", lightpink: "#FFB6C1", lightsalmon: "#FFA07A", lightseagreen: "#20B2AA", lightskyblue: "#87CEFA", lightslategray: "#778899", lightslategrey: "#778899", lightsteelblue: "#B0C4DE", lightyellow: "#FFFFE0", limegreen: "#32CD32", linen: "#FAF0E6", magenta: "#FF00FF", mediumaquamarine: "#66CDAA", mediumblue: "#0000CD", mediumorchid: "#BA55D3", mediumpurple: "#9370DB", mediumseagreen: "#3CB371", mediumslateblue: "#7B68EE", mediumspringgreen: "#00FA9A", mediumturquoise: "#48D1CC", mediumvioletred: "#C71585", midnightblue: "#191970", mintcream: "#F5FFFA", mistyrose: "#FFE4E1", moccasin: "#FFE4B5", navajowhite: "#FFDEAD", oldlace: "#FDF5E6", olivedrab: "#6B8E23", orange: "#FFA500", orangered: "#FF4500", orchid: "#DA70D6", palegoldenrod: "#EEE8AA", palegreen: "#98FB98", paleturquoise: "#AFEEEE", palevioletred: "#DB7093", papayawhip: "#FFEFD5", peachpuff: "#FFDAB9", peru: "#CD853F", pink: "#FFC0CB", plum: "#DDA0DD", powderblue: "#B0E0E6", rosybrown: "#BC8F8F", royalblue: "#4169E1", saddlebrown: "#8B4513", salmon: "#FA8072", sandybrown: "#F4A460", seagreen: "#2E8B57", seashell: "#FFF5EE", sienna: "#A0522D", skyblue: "#87CEEB", slateblue: "#6A5ACD", slategray: "#708090", slategrey: "#708090", snow: "#FFFAFA", springgreen: "#00FF7F", steelblue: "#4682B4", tan: "#D2B48C", thistle: "#D8BFD8", tomato: "#FF6347", turquoise: "#40E0D0", violet: "#EE82EE", wheat: "#F5DEB3", whitesmoke: "#F5F5F5", yellowgreen: "#9ACD32" }, R = {}, G = {style: "normal", variant: "normal", weight: "normal", size: 12, family: "微软雅黑"}, Y = {}, Q = {butt: "flat", round: "round"}, Z = f.prototype; Z.clearRect = function () { this.textMeasureEl_ && (this.textMeasureEl_.removeNode(!0), this.textMeasureEl_ = null), this.element_.innerHTML = "" }, Z.beginPath = function () { this.currentPath_ = [] }, Z.moveTo = function (e, t) { var i = L(this, e, t); this.currentPath_.push({type: "moveTo", x: i.x, y: i.y}), this.currentX_ = i.x, this.currentY_ = i.y }, Z.lineTo = function (e, t) { var i = L(this, e, t); this.currentPath_.push({type: "lineTo", x: i.x, y: i.y}), this.currentX_ = i.x, this.currentY_ = i.y }, Z.bezierCurveTo = function (e, t, i, n, a, o) { var r = L(this, a, o), s = L(this, e, t), l = L(this, i, n); k(this, s, l, r) }, Z.quadraticCurveTo = function (e, t, i, n) { var a = L(this, e, t), o = L(this, i, n), r = { x: this.currentX_ + 2 / 3 * (a.x - this.currentX_), y: this.currentY_ + 2 / 3 * (a.y - this.currentY_) }, s = {x: r.x + (o.x - this.currentX_) / 3, y: r.y + (o.y - this.currentY_) / 3}; k(this, r, s, o) }, Z.arc = function (e, t, i, n, a, o) { i *= A; var r = o ? "at" : "wa", s = e + F(n) * i - M, l = t + E(n) * i - M, h = e + F(a) * i - M, m = t + E(a) * i - M; s != h || o || (s += .125); var V = L(this, e, t), U = L(this, s, l), d = L(this, h, m); this.currentPath_.push({ type: r, x: V.x, y: V.y, radius: i, xStart: U.x, yStart: U.y, xEnd: d.x, yEnd: d.y }) }, Z.rect = function (e, t, i, n) { this.moveTo(e, t), this.lineTo(e + i, t), this.lineTo(e + i, t + n), this.lineTo(e, t + n), this.closePath() }, Z.strokeRect = function (e, t, i, n) { var a = this.currentPath_; this.beginPath(), this.moveTo(e, t), this.lineTo(e + i, t), this.lineTo(e + i, t + n), this.lineTo(e, t + n), this.closePath(), this.stroke(), this.currentPath_ = a }, Z.fillRect = function (e, t, i, n) { var a = this.currentPath_; this.beginPath(), this.moveTo(e, t), this.lineTo(e + i, t), this.lineTo(e + i, t + n), this.lineTo(e, t + n), this.closePath(), this.fill(), this.currentPath_ = a }, Z.createLinearGradient = function (e, t, i, n) { var a = new v("gradient"); return a.x0_ = e, a.y0_ = t, a.x1_ = i, a.y1_ = n, a }, Z.createRadialGradient = function (e, t, i, n, a, o) { var r = new v("gradientradial"); return r.x0_ = e, r.y0_ = t, r.r0_ = i, r.x1_ = n, r.y1_ = a, r.r1_ = o, r }, Z.drawImage = function (e) { var t, i, n, a, o, r, s, l, h = e.runtimeStyle.width, m = e.runtimeStyle.height; e.runtimeStyle.width = "auto", e.runtimeStyle.height = "auto"; var V = e.width, U = e.height; if (e.runtimeStyle.width = h, e.runtimeStyle.height = m, 3 == arguments.length) t = arguments[1], i = arguments[2], o = r = 0, s = n = V, l = a = U; else if (5 == arguments.length) t = arguments[1], i = arguments[2], n = arguments[3], a = arguments[4], o = r = 0, s = V, l = U; else { if (9 != arguments.length) throw Error("Invalid number of arguments"); o = arguments[1], r = arguments[2], s = arguments[3], l = arguments[4], t = arguments[5], i = arguments[6], n = arguments[7], a = arguments[8] } var d = L(this, t, i), p = [], c = 10, u = 10, y = b = 1; if (p.push(" '), (o || r) && p.push('
'), p.push('
'), (o || r) && p.push("
"), p.push("
"), this.element_.insertAdjacentHTML("BeforeEnd", p.join("")) }, Z.stroke = function (e) { var t = [], i = 10, n = 10; t.push(" o.x) && (o.x = l.x), (null == a.y || l.y < a.y) && (a.y = l.y), (null == o.y || l.y > o.y) && (o.y = l.y)) } t.push(' ">'), e ? _(this, t, a, o) : x(this, t), t.push(""), this.element_.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", t.join("")) }, Z.fill = function () { this.stroke(!0) }, Z.closePath = function () { this.currentPath_.push({type: "close"}) }, Z.save = function () { var e = {}; h(this, e), this.aStack_.push(e), this.mStack_.push(this.m_), this.m_ = l(s(), this.m_) }, Z.restore = function () { this.aStack_.length && (h(this.aStack_.pop(), this), this.m_ = this.mStack_.pop()) }, Z.translate = function (e, t) { var i = [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [e, t, 1]]; X(this, l(i, this.m_), !1) }, Z.rotate = function (e) { var t = F(e), i = E(e), n = [[t, i, 0], [-i, t, 0], [0, 0, 1]]; X(this, l(n, this.m_), !1) }, Z.scale = function (e, t) { var i = [[e, 0, 0], [0, t, 0], [0, 0, 1]]; X(this, l(i, this.m_), !0) }, Z.transform = function (e, t, i, n, a, o) { var r = [[e, t, 0], [i, n, 0], [a, o, 1]]; X(this, l(r, this.m_), !0) }, Z.setTransform = function (e, t, i, n, a, o) { var r = [[e, t, 0], [i, n, 0], [a, o, 1]]; X(this, r, !0) }, Z.drawText_ = function (e, t, n, a, o) { var r = this.m_, s = 1e3, l = 0, h = s, m = {x: 0, y: 0}, V = [], U = y(u(this.font), this.element_), d = g(U), p = this.element_.currentStyle, c = this.textAlign.toLowerCase(); switch (c) { case"left": case"center": case"right": break; case"end": c = "ltr" == p.direction ? "right" : "left"; break; case"start": c = "rtl" == p.direction ? "right" : "left"; break; default: c = "left" } switch (this.textBaseline) { case"hanging": case"top": m.y = U.size / 1.75; break; case"middle": break; default: case null: case"alphabetic": case"ideographic": case"bottom": m.y = -U.size / 2.25 } switch (c) { case"right": l = s, h = .05; break; case"center": l = h = s / 2 } var b = L(this, t + m.x, n + m.y); V.push(''), o ? x(this, V) : _(this, V, { x: -l, y: 0 }, {x: h, y: U.size}); var f = r[0][0].toFixed(3) + "," + r[1][0].toFixed(3) + "," + r[0][1].toFixed(3) + "," + r[1][1].toFixed(3) + ",0,0", k = S(b.x / A) + "," + S(b.y / A); V.push('', '', ''), this.element_.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", V.join("")) }, Z.fillText = function (e, t, i, n) { this.drawText_(e, t, i, n, !1) }, Z.strokeText = function (e, t, i, n) { this.drawText_(e, t, i, n, !0) }, Z.measureText = function (e) { if (!this.textMeasureEl_) { var t = ''; this.element_.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", t), this.textMeasureEl_ = this.element_.lastChild } var i = this.element_.ownerDocument; this.textMeasureEl_.innerHTML = ""; try { this.textMeasureEl_.style.font = this.font } catch (n) { } return this.textMeasureEl_.appendChild(i.createTextNode(e)), {width: this.textMeasureEl_.offsetWidth} }, Z.clip = function () { }, Z.arcTo = function () { }, Z.createPattern = function (e, t) { return new w(e, t) }, v.prototype.addColorStop = function (e, t) { t = c(t), this.colors_.push({offset: e, color: t.color, alpha: t.alpha}) }; var q = J.prototype = new Error; q.INDEX_SIZE_ERR = 1, q.DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR = 2, q.HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR = 3, q.WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR = 4, q.INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR = 5, q.NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR = 6, q.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = 7, q.NOT_FOUND_ERR = 8, q.NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR = 9, q.INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR = 10, q.INVALID_STATE_ERR = 11, q.SYNTAX_ERR = 12, q.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR = 13, q.NAMESPACE_ERR = 14, q.INVALID_ACCESS_ERR = 15, q.VALIDATION_ERR = 16, q.TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR = 17, G_vmlCanvasManager = P, CanvasRenderingContext2D = f, CanvasGradient = v, CanvasPattern = w, DOMException = J }(), G_vmlCanvasManager }), i("zrender/mixin/Eventful", ["require"], function () { var e = function () { this._handlers = {} }; return e.prototype.one = function (e, t, i) { var n = this._handlers; return t && e ? (n[e] || (n[e] = []), n[e].push({h: t, one: !0, ctx: i || this}), this) : this }, e.prototype.bind = function (e, t, i) { var n = this._handlers; return t && e ? (n[e] || (n[e] = []), n[e].push({h: t, one: !1, ctx: i || this}), this) : this }, e.prototype.unbind = function (e, t) { var i = this._handlers; if (!e) return this._handlers = {}, this; if (t) { if (i[e]) { for (var n = [], a = 0, o = i[e].length; o > a; a++) i[e][a].h != t && n.push(i[e][a]); i[e] = n } i[e] && 0 === i[e].length && delete i[e] } else delete i[e]; return this }, e.prototype.dispatch = function (e) { if (this._handlers[e]) { var t = arguments, i = t.length; i > 3 && (t = Array.prototype.slice.call(t, 1)); for (var n = this._handlers[e], a = n.length, o = 0; a > o;) { switch (i) { case 1: n[o].h.call(n[o].ctx); break; case 2: n[o].h.call(n[o].ctx, t[1]); break; case 3: n[o].h.call(n[o].ctx, t[1], t[2]); break; default: n[o].h.apply(n[o].ctx, t) } n[o].one ? (n.splice(o, 1), a--) : o++ } } return this }, e.prototype.dispatchWithContext = function (e) { if (this._handlers[e]) { var t = arguments, i = t.length; i > 4 && (t = Array.prototype.slice.call(t, 1, t.length - 1)); for (var n = t[t.length - 1], a = this._handlers[e], o = a.length, r = 0; o > r;) { switch (i) { case 1: a[r].h.call(n); break; case 2: a[r].h.call(n, t[1]); break; case 3: a[r].h.call(n, t[1], t[2]); break; default: a[r].h.apply(n, t) } a[r].one ? (a.splice(r, 1), o--) : r++ } } return this }, e }), i("zrender/tool/log", ["require", "../config"], function (e) { var t = e("../config"); return function () { if (0 !== t.debugMode) if (1 == t.debugMode) for (var e in arguments) throw new Error(arguments[e]); else if (t.debugMode > 1) for (var e in arguments) console.log(arguments[e]) } }), i("zrender/tool/guid", [], function () { var e = 2311; return function () { return "zrender__" + e++ } }), i("zrender/Handler", ["require", "./config", "./tool/env", "./tool/event", "./tool/util", "./tool/vector", "./tool/matrix", "./mixin/Eventful"], function (e) { "use strict"; function t(e, t) { return function (i, n) { return e.call(t, i, n) } } function i(e, t) { return function (i, n, a) { return e.call(t, i, n, a) } } function n(e) { for (var i = d.length; i--;) { var n = d[i]; e["_" + n + "Handler"] = t(c[n], e) } } function a(e, t, i) { if (this._draggingTarget && this._draggingTarget.id == e.id || e.isSilent()) return !1; var n = this._event; if (e.isCover(t, i)) { e.hoverable && this.storage.addHover(e); for (var a = e.parent; a;) { if (a.clipShape && !a.clipShape.isCover(this._mouseX, this._mouseY)) return !1; a = a.parent } return this._lastHover != e && (this._processOutShape(n), this._processDragLeave(n), this._lastHover = e, this._processDragEnter(n)), this._processOverShape(n), this._processDragOver(n), this._hasfound = 1, !0 } return !1 } var o = e("./config"), r = e("./tool/env"), s = e("./tool/event"), l = e("./tool/util"), h = e("./tool/vector"), m = e("./tool/matrix"), V = o.EVENT, U = e("./mixin/Eventful"), d = ["resize", "click", "dblclick", "mousewheel", "mousemove", "mouseout", "mouseup", "mousedown", "touchstart", "touchend", "touchmove"], p = function (e) { if (window.G_vmlCanvasManager) return !0; e = e || window.event; var t = e.toElement || e.relatedTarget || e.srcElement || e.target; return t && t.className.match(o.elementClassName) }, c = { resize: function (e) { e = e || window.event, this._lastHover = null, this._isMouseDown = 0, this.dispatch(V.RESIZE, e) }, click: function (e, t) { if (p(e) || t) { e = this._zrenderEventFixed(e); var i = this._lastHover; (i && i.clickable || !i) && this._clickThreshold < 5 && this._dispatchAgency(i, V.CLICK, e), this._mousemoveHandler(e) } }, dblclick: function (e, t) { if (p(e) || t) { e = e || window.event, e = this._zrenderEventFixed(e); var i = this._lastHover; (i && i.clickable || !i) && this._clickThreshold < 5 && this._dispatchAgency(i, V.DBLCLICK, e), this._mousemoveHandler(e) } }, mousewheel: function (e, t) { if (p(e) || t) { e = this._zrenderEventFixed(e); var i = e.wheelDelta || -e.detail, n = i > 0 ? 1.1 : 1 / 1.1, a = !1, o = this._mouseX, r = this._mouseY; this.painter.eachBuildinLayer(function (t) { var i = t.position; if (t.zoomable) { t.__zoom = t.__zoom || 1; var l = t.__zoom; l *= n, l = Math.max(Math.min(t.maxZoom, l), t.minZoom), n = l / t.__zoom, t.__zoom = l, i[0] -= (o - i[0]) * (n - 1), i[1] -= (r - i[1]) * (n - 1), t.scale[0] *= n, t.scale[1] *= n, t.dirty = !0, a = !0, s.stop(e) } }), a && this.painter.refresh(), this._dispatchAgency(this._lastHover, V.MOUSEWHEEL, e), this._mousemoveHandler(e) } }, mousemove: function (e, t) { if ((p(e) || t) && !this.painter.isLoading()) { e = this._zrenderEventFixed(e), this._lastX = this._mouseX, this._lastY = this._mouseY, this._mouseX = s.getX(e), this._mouseY = s.getY(e); var i = this._mouseX - this._lastX, n = this._mouseY - this._lastY; this._processDragStart(e), this._hasfound = 0, this._event = e, this._iterateAndFindHover(), this._hasfound || ((!this._draggingTarget || this._lastHover && this._lastHover != this._draggingTarget) && (this._processOutShape(e), this._processDragLeave(e)), this._lastHover = null, this.storage.delHover(), this.painter.clearHover()); var a = "default"; if (this._draggingTarget) this.storage.drift(this._draggingTarget.id, i, n), this._draggingTarget.modSelf(), this.storage.addHover(this._draggingTarget), this._clickThreshold++; else if (this._isMouseDown) { var o = !1; this.painter.eachBuildinLayer(function (e) { e.panable && (a = "move", e.position[0] += i, e.position[1] += n, o = !0, e.dirty = !0) }), o && this.painter.refresh() } this._draggingTarget || this._hasfound && this._lastHover.draggable ? a = "move" : this._hasfound && this._lastHover.clickable && (a = "pointer"), this.root.style.cursor = a, this._dispatchAgency(this._lastHover, V.MOUSEMOVE, e), (this._draggingTarget || this._hasfound || this.storage.hasHoverShape()) && this.painter.refreshHover() } }, mouseout: function (e, t) { if (p(e) || t) { e = this._zrenderEventFixed(e); var i = e.toElement || e.relatedTarget; if (i != this.root) for (; i && 9 != i.nodeType;) { if (i == this.root) return void this._mousemoveHandler(e); i = i.parentNode } e.zrenderX = this._lastX, e.zrenderY = this._lastY, this.root.style.cursor = "default", this._isMouseDown = 0, this._processOutShape(e), this._processDrop(e), this._processDragEnd(e), this.painter.isLoading() || this.painter.refreshHover(), this.dispatch(V.GLOBALOUT, e) } }, mousedown: function (e, t) { if (p(e) || t) { if (this._clickThreshold = 0, 2 == this._lastDownButton) return this._lastDownButton = e.button, void (this._mouseDownTarget = null); this._lastMouseDownMoment = new Date, e = this._zrenderEventFixed(e), this._isMouseDown = 1, this._mouseDownTarget = this._lastHover, this._dispatchAgency(this._lastHover, V.MOUSEDOWN, e), this._lastDownButton = e.button } }, mouseup: function (e, t) { (p(e) || t) && (e = this._zrenderEventFixed(e), this.root.style.cursor = "default", this._isMouseDown = 0, this._mouseDownTarget = null, this._dispatchAgency(this._lastHover, V.MOUSEUP, e), this._processDrop(e), this._processDragEnd(e)) }, touchstart: function (e, t) { (p(e) || t) && (e = this._zrenderEventFixed(e, !0), this._lastTouchMoment = new Date, this._mobileFindFixed(e), this._mousedownHandler(e)) }, touchmove: function (e, t) { (p(e) || t) && (e = this._zrenderEventFixed(e, !0), this._mousemoveHandler(e), this._isDragging && s.stop(e)) }, touchend: function (e, t) { if (p(e) || t) { e = this._zrenderEventFixed(e, !0), this._mouseupHandler(e); var i = new Date; i - this._lastTouchMoment < V.touchClickDelay && (this._mobileFindFixed(e), this._clickHandler(e), i - this._lastClickMoment < V.touchClickDelay / 2 && (this._dblclickHandler(e), this._lastHover && this._lastHover.clickable && s.stop(e)), this._lastClickMoment = i), this.painter.clearHover() } } }, u = function (e, t, o) { U.call(this), this.root = e, this.storage = t, this.painter = o, this._lastX = this._lastY = this._mouseX = this._mouseY = 0, this._findHover = i(a, this), this._domHover = o.getDomHover(), n(this), window.addEventListener ? (window.addEventListener("resize", this._resizeHandler), r.os.tablet || r.os.phone ? (e.addEventListener("touchstart", this._touchstartHandler), e.addEventListener("touchmove", this._touchmoveHandler), e.addEventListener("touchend", this._touchendHandler)) : (e.addEventListener("click", this._clickHandler), e.addEventListener("dblclick", this._dblclickHandler), e.addEventListener("mousewheel", this._mousewheelHandler), e.addEventListener("mousemove", this._mousemoveHandler), e.addEventListener("mousedown", this._mousedownHandler), e.addEventListener("mouseup", this._mouseupHandler)), e.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", this._mousewheelHandler), e.addEventListener("mouseout", this._mouseoutHandler)) : (window.attachEvent("onresize", this._resizeHandler), e.attachEvent("onclick", this._clickHandler), e.ondblclick = this._dblclickHandler, e.attachEvent("onmousewheel", this._mousewheelHandler), e.attachEvent("onmousemove", this._mousemoveHandler), e.attachEvent("onmouseout", this._mouseoutHandler), e.attachEvent("onmousedown", this._mousedownHandler), e.attachEvent("onmouseup", this._mouseupHandler)) }; u.prototype.on = function (e, t, i) { return this.bind(e, t, i), this }, u.prototype.un = function (e, t) { return this.unbind(e, t), this }, u.prototype.trigger = function (e, t) { switch (e) { case V.RESIZE: case V.CLICK: case V.DBLCLICK: case V.MOUSEWHEEL: case V.MOUSEMOVE: case V.MOUSEDOWN: case V.MOUSEUP: case V.MOUSEOUT: this["_" + e + "Handler"](t, !0) } }, u.prototype.dispose = function () { var e = this.root; window.removeEventListener ? (window.removeEventListener("resize", this._resizeHandler), r.os.tablet || r.os.phone ? (e.removeEventListener("touchstart", this._touchstartHandler), e.removeEventListener("touchmove", this._touchmoveHandler), e.removeEventListener("touchend", this._touchendHandler)) : (e.removeEventListener("click", this._clickHandler), e.removeEventListener("dblclick", this._dblclickHandler), e.removeEventListener("mousewheel", this._mousewheelHandler), e.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._mousemoveHandler), e.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._mousedownHandler), e.removeEventListener("mouseup", this._mouseupHandler)), e.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", this._mousewheelHandler), e.removeEventListener("mouseout", this._mouseoutHandler)) : (window.detachEvent("onresize", this._resizeHandler), e.detachEvent("onclick", this._clickHandler), e.detachEvent("dblclick", this._dblclickHandler), e.detachEvent("onmousewheel", this._mousewheelHandler), e.detachEvent("onmousemove", this._mousemoveHandler), e.detachEvent("onmouseout", this._mouseoutHandler), e.detachEvent("onmousedown", this._mousedownHandler), e.detachEvent("onmouseup", this._mouseupHandler)), this.root = this._domHover = this.storage = this.painter = null, this.un() }, u.prototype._processDragStart = function (e) { var t = this._lastHover; if (this._isMouseDown && t && t.draggable && !this._draggingTarget && this._mouseDownTarget == t) { if (t.dragEnableTime && new Date - this._lastMouseDownMoment < t.dragEnableTime) return; var i = t; this._draggingTarget = i, this._isDragging = 1, i.invisible = !0, this.storage.mod(i.id), this._dispatchAgency(i, V.DRAGSTART, e), this.painter.refresh() } }, u.prototype._processDragEnter = function (e) { this._draggingTarget && this._dispatchAgency(this._lastHover, V.DRAGENTER, e, this._draggingTarget) }, u.prototype._processDragOver = function (e) { this._draggingTarget && this._dispatchAgency(this._lastHover, V.DRAGOVER, e, this._draggingTarget) }, u.prototype._processDragLeave = function (e) { this._draggingTarget && this._dispatchAgency(this._lastHover, V.DRAGLEAVE, e, this._draggingTarget) }, u.prototype._processDrop = function (e) { this._draggingTarget && (this._draggingTarget.invisible = !1, this.storage.mod(this._draggingTarget.id), this.painter.refresh(), this._dispatchAgency(this._lastHover, V.DROP, e, this._draggingTarget)) }, u.prototype._processDragEnd = function (e) { this._draggingTarget && (this._dispatchAgency(this._draggingTarget, V.DRAGEND, e), this._lastHover = null), this._isDragging = 0, this._draggingTarget = null }, u.prototype._processOverShape = function (e) { this._dispatchAgency(this._lastHover, V.MOUSEOVER, e) }, u.prototype._processOutShape = function (e) { this._dispatchAgency(this._lastHover, V.MOUSEOUT, e) }, u.prototype._dispatchAgency = function (e, t, i, n) { var a = "on" + t, o = {type: t, event: i, target: e, cancelBubble: !1}, r = e; for (n && (o.dragged = n); r && (r[a] && (o.cancelBubble = r[a](o)), r.dispatch(t, o), r = r.parent, !o.cancelBubble);) ; if (e) o.cancelBubble || this.dispatch(t, o); else if (!n) { var s = {type: t, event: i}; this.dispatch(t, s), this.painter.eachOtherLayer(function (e) { "function" == typeof e[a] && e[a](s), e.dispatch && e.dispatch(t, s) }) } }, u.prototype._iterateAndFindHover = function () { var e = m.create(); return function () { for (var t, i, n = this.storage.getShapeList(), a = [0, 0], o = n.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) { var r = n[o]; if (t !== r.zlevel && (i = this.painter.getLayer(r.zlevel, i), a[0] = this._mouseX, a[1] = this._mouseY, i.needTransform && (m.invert(e, i.transform), h.applyTransform(a, a, e))), this._findHover(r, a[0], a[1])) break } } }(); var y = [{x: 10}, {x: -20}, {x: 10, y: 10}, {y: -20}]; return u.prototype._mobileFindFixed = function (e) { this._lastHover = null, this._mouseX = e.zrenderX, this._mouseY = e.zrenderY, this._event = e, this._iterateAndFindHover(); for (var t = 0; !this._lastHover && t < y.length; t++) { var i = y[t]; i.x && (this._mouseX += i.x), i.y && (this._mouseY += i.y), this._iterateAndFindHover() } this._lastHover && (e.zrenderX = this._mouseX, e.zrenderY = this._mouseY) }, u.prototype._zrenderEventFixed = function (e, t) { if (e.zrenderFixed) return e; if (t) { var i = "touchend" != e.type ? e.targetTouches[0] : e.changedTouches[0]; if (i) { var n = this.painter._domRoot.getBoundingClientRect(); e.zrenderX = i.clientX - n.left, e.zrenderY = i.clientY - n.top } } else { e = e || window.event; var a = e.toElement || e.relatedTarget || e.srcElement || e.target; a && a != this._domHover && (e.zrenderX = ("undefined" != typeof e.offsetX ? e.offsetX : e.layerX) + a.offsetLeft, e.zrenderY = ("undefined" != typeof e.offsetY ? e.offsetY : e.layerY) + a.offsetTop) } return e.zrenderFixed = 1, e }, l.merge(u.prototype, U.prototype, !0), u }), i("zrender/Painter", ["require", "./config", "./tool/util", "./tool/log", "./loadingEffect/Base", "./Layer", "./shape/Image"], function (e) { "use strict"; function t() { return !1 } function i() { } function n(e) { return e ? e.isBuildin ? !0 : "function" != typeof e.resize || "function" != typeof e.refresh ? !1 : !0 : !1 } var a = e("./config"), o = e("./tool/util"), r = e("./tool/log"), s = e("./loadingEffect/Base"), l = e("./Layer"), h = function (e, i) { this.root = e, e.style["-webkit-tap-highlight-color"] = "transparent", e.style["-webkit-user-select"] = "none", e.style["user-select"] = "none", e.style["-webkit-touch-callout"] = "none", this.storage = i, e.innerHTML = "", this._width = this._getWidth(), this._height = this._getHeight(); var n = document.createElement("div"); this._domRoot = n, n.style.position = "relative", n.style.overflow = "hidden", n.style.width = this._width + "px", n.style.height = this._height + "px", e.appendChild(n), this._layers = {}, this._zlevelList = [], this._layerConfig = {}, this._loadingEffect = new s({}), this.shapeToImage = this._createShapeToImageProcessor(), this._bgDom = document.createElement("div"), this._bgDom.style.cssText = ["position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:", this._width, "px;height:", this._height + "px;", "-webkit-user-select:none;user-select;none;", "-webkit-touch-callout:none;"].join(""), this._bgDom.setAttribute("data-zr-dom-id", "bg"), this._bgDom.className = a.elementClassName, n.appendChild(this._bgDom), this._bgDom.onselectstart = t; var o = new l("_zrender_hover_", this); this._layers.hover = o, n.appendChild(o.dom), o.initContext(), o.dom.onselectstart = t, o.dom.style["-webkit-user-select"] = "none", o.dom.style["user-select"] = "none", o.dom.style["-webkit-touch-callout"] = "none", this.refreshNextFrame = null }; return h.prototype.render = function (e) { return this.isLoading() && this.hideLoading(), this.refresh(e, !0), this }, h.prototype.refresh = function (e, t) { var i = this.storage.getShapeList(!0); this._paintList(i, t); for (var n = 0; n < this._zlevelList.length; n++) { var a = this._zlevelList[n], o = this._layers[a]; !o.isBuildin && o.refresh && o.refresh() } return "function" == typeof e && e(), this }, h.prototype._preProcessLayer = function (e) { e.unusedCount++, e.updateTransform() }, h.prototype._postProcessLayer = function (e) { e.dirty = !1, 1 == e.unusedCount && e.clear() }, h.prototype._paintList = function (e, t) { "undefined" == typeof t && (t = !1), this._updateLayerStatus(e); var i, n, o; this.eachBuildinLayer(this._preProcessLayer); for (var s = 0, l = e.length; l > s; s++) { var h = e[s]; if (n !== h.zlevel && (i && (i.needTransform && o.restore(), o.flush && o.flush()), n = h.zlevel, i = this.getLayer(n), i.isBuildin || r("ZLevel " + n + " has been used by unkown layer " + i.id), o = i.ctx, i.unusedCount = 0, (i.dirty || t) && i.clear(), i.needTransform && (o.save(), i.setTransform(o))), (i.dirty || t) && !h.invisible && (!h.onbrush || h.onbrush && !h.onbrush(o, !1))) if (a.catchBrushException) try { h.brush(o, !1, this.refreshNextFrame) } catch (m) { r(m, "brush error of " + h.type, h) } else h.brush(o, !1, this.refreshNextFrame); h.__dirty = !1 } i && (i.needTransform && o.restore(), o.flush && o.flush()), this.eachBuildinLayer(this._postProcessLayer) }, h.prototype.getLayer = function (e) { var t = this._layers[e]; return t || (t = new l(e, this), t.isBuildin = !0, this._layerConfig[e] && o.merge(t, this._layerConfig[e], !0), t.updateTransform(), this.insertLayer(e, t), t.initContext()), t }, h.prototype.insertLayer = function (e, t) { if (this._layers[e]) return void r("ZLevel " + e + " has been used already"); if (!n(t)) return void r("Layer of zlevel " + e + " is not valid"); var i = this._zlevelList.length, a = null, o = -1; if (i > 0 && e > this._zlevelList[0]) { for (o = 0; i - 1 > o && !(this._zlevelList[o] < e && this._zlevelList[o + 1] > e); o++) ; a = this._layers[this._zlevelList[o]] } this._zlevelList.splice(o + 1, 0, e); var s = a ? a.dom : this._bgDom; s.nextSibling ? s.parentNode.insertBefore(t.dom, s.nextSibling) : s.parentNode.appendChild(t.dom), this._layers[e] = t }, h.prototype.eachLayer = function (e, t) { for (var i = 0; i < this._zlevelList.length; i++) { var n = this._zlevelList[i]; e.call(t, this._layers[n], n) } }, h.prototype.eachBuildinLayer = function (e, t) { for (var i = 0; i < this._zlevelList.length; i++) { var n = this._zlevelList[i], a = this._layers[n]; a.isBuildin && e.call(t, a, n) } }, h.prototype.eachOtherLayer = function (e, t) { for (var i = 0; i < this._zlevelList.length; i++) { var n = this._zlevelList[i], a = this._layers[n]; a.isBuildin || e.call(t, a, n) } }, h.prototype.getLayers = function () { return this._layers }, h.prototype._updateLayerStatus = function (e) { var t = this._layers, i = {}; this.eachBuildinLayer(function (e, t) { i[t] = e.elCount, e.elCount = 0 }); for (var n = 0, a = e.length; a > n; n++) { var o = e[n], r = o.zlevel, s = t[r]; if (s) { if (s.elCount++, s.dirty) continue; s.dirty = o.__dirty } } this.eachBuildinLayer(function (e, t) { i[t] !== e.elCount && (e.dirty = !0) }) }, h.prototype.refreshShapes = function (e, t) { for (var i = 0, n = e.length; n > i; i++) { var a = e[i]; a.modSelf() } return this.refresh(t), this }, h.prototype.setLoadingEffect = function (e) { return this._loadingEffect = e, this }, h.prototype.clear = function () { return this.eachBuildinLayer(this._clearLayer), this }, h.prototype._clearLayer = function (e) { e.clear() }, h.prototype.modLayer = function (e, t) { if (t) { this._layerConfig[e] ? o.merge(this._layerConfig[e], t, !0) : this._layerConfig[e] = t; var i = this._layers[e]; i && o.merge(i, this._layerConfig[e], !0) } }, h.prototype.delLayer = function (e) { var t = this._layers[e]; t && (this.modLayer(e, { position: t.position, rotation: t.rotation, scale: t.scale }), t.dom.parentNode.removeChild(t.dom), delete this._layers[e], this._zlevelList.splice(o.indexOf(this._zlevelList, e), 1)) }, h.prototype.refreshHover = function () { this.clearHover(); for (var e = this.storage.getHoverShapes(!0), t = 0, i = e.length; i > t; t++) this._brushHover(e[t]); var n = this._layers.hover.ctx; return n.flush && n.flush(), this.storage.delHover(), this }, h.prototype.clearHover = function () { var e = this._layers.hover; return e && e.clear(), this }, h.prototype.showLoading = function (e) { return this._loadingEffect && this._loadingEffect.stop(), e && this.setLoadingEffect(e), this._loadingEffect.start(this), this.loading = !0, this }, h.prototype.hideLoading = function () { return this._loadingEffect.stop(), this.clearHover(), this.loading = !1, this }, h.prototype.isLoading = function () { return this.loading }, h.prototype.resize = function () { var e = this._domRoot; e.style.display = "none"; var t = this._getWidth(), i = this._getHeight(); if (e.style.display = "", this._width != t || i != this._height) { this._width = t, this._height = i, e.style.width = t + "px", e.style.height = i + "px"; for (var n in this._layers) this._layers[n].resize(t, i); this.refresh(null, !0) } return this }, h.prototype.clearLayer = function (e) { var t = this._layers[e]; t && t.clear() }, h.prototype.dispose = function () { this.isLoading() && this.hideLoading(), this.root.innerHTML = "", this.root = this.storage = this._domRoot = this._layers = null }, h.prototype.getDomHover = function () { return this._layers.hover.dom }, h.prototype.toDataURL = function (e, t, i) { if (window.G_vmlCanvasManager) return null; var n = new l("image", this); this._bgDom.appendChild(n.dom), n.initContext(); var o = n.ctx; n.clearColor = t || "#fff", n.clear(); var s = this; this.storage.iterShape(function (e) { if (!e.invisible && (!e.onbrush || e.onbrush && !e.onbrush(o, !1))) if (a.catchBrushException) try { e.brush(o, !1, s.refreshNextFrame) } catch (t) { r(t, "brush error of " + e.type, e) } else e.brush(o, !1, s.refreshNextFrame) }, {normal: "up", update: !0}); var h = n.dom.toDataURL(e, i); return o = null, this._bgDom.removeChild(n.dom), h }, h.prototype.getWidth = function () { return this._width }, h.prototype.getHeight = function () { return this._height }, h.prototype._getWidth = function () { var e = this.root, t = e.currentStyle || document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(e); return ((e.clientWidth || parseInt(t.width, 10)) - parseInt(t.paddingLeft, 10) - parseInt(t.paddingRight, 10)).toFixed(0) - 0 }, h.prototype._getHeight = function () { var e = this.root, t = e.currentStyle || document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(e); return ((e.clientHeight || parseInt(t.height, 10)) - parseInt(t.paddingTop, 10) - parseInt(t.paddingBottom, 10)).toFixed(0) - 0 }, h.prototype._brushHover = function (e) { var t = this._layers.hover.ctx; if (!e.onbrush || e.onbrush && !e.onbrush(t, !0)) { var i = this.getLayer(e.zlevel); if (i.needTransform && (t.save(), i.setTransform(t)), a.catchBrushException) try { e.brush(t, !0, this.refreshNextFrame) } catch (n) { r(n, "hoverBrush error of " + e.type, e) } else e.brush(t, !0, this.refreshNextFrame); i.needTransform && t.restore() } }, h.prototype._shapeToImage = function (t, i, n, a, o) { var r = document.createElement("canvas"), s = r.getContext("2d"); r.style.width = n + "px", r.style.height = a + "px", r.setAttribute("width", n * o), r.setAttribute("height", a * o), s.clearRect(0, 0, n * o, a * o); var l = {position: i.position, rotation: i.rotation, scale: i.scale}; i.position = [0, 0, 0], i.rotation = 0, i.scale = [1, 1], i && i.brush(s, !1); var h = e("./shape/Image"), m = new h({id: t, style: {x: 0, y: 0, image: r}}); return null != l.position && (m.position = i.position = l.position), null != l.rotation && (m.rotation = i.rotation = l.rotation), null != l.scale && (m.scale = i.scale = l.scale), m }, h.prototype._createShapeToImageProcessor = function () { if (window.G_vmlCanvasManager) return i; var e = this; return function (t, i, n, o) { return e._shapeToImage(t, i, n, o, a.devicePixelRatio) } }, h }), i("zrender/Storage", ["require", "./tool/util", "./Group"], function (e) { "use strict"; function t(e, t) { return e.zlevel == t.zlevel ? e.z == t.z ? e.__renderidx - t.__renderidx : e.z - t.z : e.zlevel - t.zlevel } var i = e("./tool/util"), n = e("./Group"), a = {hover: !1, normal: "down", update: !1}, o = function () { this._elements = {}, this._hoverElements = [], this._roots = [], this._shapeList = [], this._shapeListOffset = 0 }; return o.prototype.iterShape = function (e, t) { if (t || (t = a), t.hover) for (var i = 0, n = this._hoverElements.length; n > i; i++) { var o = this._hoverElements[i]; if (o.updateTransform(), e(o)) return this } switch (t.update && this.updateShapeList(), t.normal) { case"down": for (var n = this._shapeList.length; n--;) if (e(this._shapeList[n])) return this; break; default: for (var i = 0, n = this._shapeList.length; n > i; i++) if (e(this._shapeList[i])) return this } return this }, o.prototype.getHoverShapes = function (e) { for (var i = [], n = 0, a = this._hoverElements.length; a > n; n++) { i.push(this._hoverElements[n]); var o = this._hoverElements[n].hoverConnect; if (o) { var r; o = o instanceof Array ? o : [o]; for (var s = 0, l = o.length; l > s; s++) r = o[s].id ? o[s] : this.get(o[s]), r && i.push(r) } } if (i.sort(t), e) for (var n = 0, a = i.length; a > n; n++) i[n].updateTransform(); return i }, o.prototype.getShapeList = function (e) { return e && this.updateShapeList(), this._shapeList }, o.prototype.updateShapeList = function () { this._shapeListOffset = 0; for (var e = 0, i = this._roots.length; i > e; e++) { var n = this._roots[e]; this._updateAndAddShape(n) } this._shapeList.length = this._shapeListOffset; for (var e = 0, i = this._shapeList.length; i > e; e++) this._shapeList[e].__renderidx = e; this._shapeList.sort(t) }, o.prototype._updateAndAddShape = function (e, t) { if (!e.ignore) if (e.updateTransform(), e.clipShape && (e.clipShape.parent = e, e.clipShape.updateTransform(), t ? (t = t.slice(), t.push(e.clipShape)) : t = [e.clipShape]), "group" == e.type) { for (var i = 0; i < e._children.length; i++) { var n = e._children[i]; n.__dirty = e.__dirty || n.__dirty, this._updateAndAddShape(n, t) } e.__dirty = !1 } else e.__clipShapes = t, this._shapeList[this._shapeListOffset++] = e }, o.prototype.mod = function (e, t) { if ("string" == typeof e && (e = this._elements[e]), e && (e.modSelf(), t)) if (t.parent || t._storage || t.__clipShapes) { var n = {}; for (var a in t) "parent" !== a && "_storage" !== a && "__clipShapes" !== a && t.hasOwnProperty(a) && (n[a] = t[a]); i.merge(e, n, !0) } else i.merge(e, t, !0); return this }, o.prototype.drift = function (e, t, i) { var n = this._elements[e]; return n && (n.needTransform = !0, "horizontal" === n.draggable ? i = 0 : "vertical" === n.draggable && (t = 0), (!n.ondrift || n.ondrift && !n.ondrift(t, i)) && n.drift(t, i)), this }, o.prototype.addHover = function (e) { return e.updateNeedTransform(), this._hoverElements.push(e), this }, o.prototype.delHover = function () { return this._hoverElements = [], this }, o.prototype.hasHoverShape = function () { return this._hoverElements.length > 0 }, o.prototype.addRoot = function (e) { this._elements[e.id] || (e instanceof n && e.addChildrenToStorage(this), this.addToMap(e), this._roots.push(e)) }, o.prototype.delRoot = function (e) { if ("undefined" == typeof e) { for (var t = 0; t < this._roots.length; t++) { var a = this._roots[t]; a instanceof n && a.delChildrenFromStorage(this) } return this._elements = {}, this._hoverElements = [], this._roots = [], this._shapeList = [], void (this._shapeListOffset = 0) } if (e instanceof Array) for (var t = 0, o = e.length; o > t; t++) this.delRoot(e[t]); else { var r; r = "string" == typeof e ? this._elements[e] : e; var s = i.indexOf(this._roots, r); s >= 0 && (this.delFromMap(r.id), this._roots.splice(s, 1), r instanceof n && r.delChildrenFromStorage(this)) } }, o.prototype.addToMap = function (e) { return e instanceof n && (e._storage = this), e.modSelf(), this._elements[e.id] = e, this }, o.prototype.get = function (e) { return this._elements[e] }, o.prototype.delFromMap = function (e) { var t = this._elements[e]; return t && (delete this._elements[e], t instanceof n && (t._storage = null)), this }, o.prototype.dispose = function () { this._elements = this._renderList = this._roots = this._hoverElements = null }, o }), i("zrender/animation/Animation", ["require", "./Clip", "../tool/color", "../tool/util", "../tool/event"], function (e) { "use strict"; function t(e, t) { return e[t] } function i(e, t, i) { e[t] = i } function n(e, t, i) { return (t - e) * i + e } function a(e, t, i, a, o) { var r = e.length; if (1 == o) for (var s = 0; r > s; s++) a[s] = n(e[s], t[s], i); else for (var l = e[0].length, s = 0; r > s; s++) for (var h = 0; l > h; h++) a[s][h] = n(e[s][h], t[s][h], i) } function o(e) { switch (typeof e) { case"undefined": case"string": return !1 } return "undefined" != typeof e.length } function r(e, t, i, n, a, o, r, l, h) { var m = e.length; if (1 == h) for (var V = 0; m > V; V++) l[V] = s(e[V], t[V], i[V], n[V], a, o, r); else for (var U = e[0].length, V = 0; m > V; V++) for (var d = 0; U > d; d++) l[V][d] = s(e[V][d], t[V][d], i[V][d], n[V][d], a, o, r) } function s(e, t, i, n, a, o, r) { var s = .5 * (i - e), l = .5 * (n - t); return (2 * (t - i) + s + l) * r + (-3 * (t - i) - 2 * s - l) * o + s * a + t } function l(e) { if (o(e)) { var t = e.length; if (o(e[0])) { for (var i = [], n = 0; t > n; n++) i.push(c.call(e[n])); return i } return c.call(e) } return e } function h(e) { return e[0] = Math.floor(e[0]), e[1] = Math.floor(e[1]), e[2] = Math.floor(e[2]), "rgba(" + e.join(",") + ")" } var m = e("./Clip"), V = e("../tool/color"), U = e("../tool/util"), d = e("../tool/event").Dispatcher, p = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function (e) { setTimeout(e, 16) }, c = Array.prototype.slice, u = function (e) { e = e || {}, this.stage = e.stage || {}, this.onframe = e.onframe || function () { }, this._clips = [], this._running = !1, this._time = 0, d.call(this) }; u.prototype = { add: function (e) { this._clips.push(e) }, remove: function (e) { if (e.__inStep) e.__needsRemove = !0; else { var t = U.indexOf(this._clips, e); t >= 0 && this._clips.splice(t, 1) } }, _update: function () { for (var e = (new Date).getTime(), t = e - this._time, i = this._clips, n = i.length, a = [], o = [], r = 0; n > r; r++) { var s = i[r]; s.__inStep = !0; var l = s.step(e); s.__inStep = !1, l && (a.push(l), o.push(s)) } for (var r = 0; n > r;) i[r].__needsRemove ? (i[r] = i[n - 1], i.pop(), n--) : r++; n = a.length; for (var r = 0; n > r; r++) o[r].fire(a[r]); this._time = e, this.onframe(t), this.dispatch("frame", t), this.stage.update && this.stage.update() }, start: function () { function e() { t._running && (p(e), t._update()) } var t = this; this._running = !0, this._time = (new Date).getTime(), p(e) }, stop: function () { this._running = !1 }, clear: function () { this._clips = [] }, animate: function (e, t) { t = t || {}; var i = new y(e, t.loop, t.getter, t.setter); return i.animation = this, i }, constructor: u }, U.merge(u.prototype, d.prototype, !0); var y = function (e, n, a, o) { this._tracks = {}, this._target = e, this._loop = n || !1, this._getter = a || t, this._setter = o || i, this._clipCount = 0, this._delay = 0, this._doneList = [], this._onframeList = [], this._clipList = [] }; return y.prototype = { when: function (e, t) { for (var i in t) this._tracks[i] || (this._tracks[i] = [], 0 !== e && this._tracks[i].push({ time: 0, value: l(this._getter(this._target, i)) })), this._tracks[i].push({time: parseInt(e, 10), value: t[i]}); return this }, during: function (e) { return this._onframeList.push(e), this }, start: function (e) { var t = this, i = this._setter, l = this._getter, U = "spline" === e, d = function () { if (t._clipCount--, 0 === t._clipCount) { t._tracks = {}; for (var e = t._doneList.length, i = 0; e > i; i++) t._doneList[i].call(t) } }, p = function (p, c) { var u = p.length; if (u) { var y = p[0].value, g = o(y), b = !1, f = g && o(y[0]) ? 2 : 1; p.sort(function (e, t) { return e.time - t.time }); var k; if (u) { k = p[u - 1].time; for (var x = [], _ = [], L = 0; u > L; L++) { x.push(p[L].time / k); var W = p[L].value; "string" == typeof W && (W = V.toArray(W), 0 === W.length && (W[0] = W[1] = W[2] = 0, W[3] = 1), b = !0), _.push(W) } var X, L, v, w, K, I, J, C = 0, S = 0; if (b) var E = [0, 0, 0, 0]; var F = function (e, o) { if (S > o) { for (X = Math.min(C + 1, u - 1), L = X; L >= 0 && !(x[L] <= o); L--) ; L = Math.min(L, u - 2) } else { for (L = C; u > L && !(x[L] > o); L++) ; L = Math.min(L - 1, u - 2) } C = L, S = o; var m = x[L + 1] - x[L]; if (0 !== m) { if (v = (o - x[L]) / m, U) if (K = _[L], w = _[0 === L ? L : L - 1], I = _[L > u - 2 ? u - 1 : L + 1], J = _[L > u - 3 ? u - 1 : L + 2], g) r(w, K, I, J, v, v * v, v * v * v, l(e, c), f); else { var V; b ? (V = r(w, K, I, J, v, v * v, v * v * v, E, 1), V = h(E)) : V = s(w, K, I, J, v, v * v, v * v * v), i(e, c, V) } else if (g) a(_[L], _[L + 1], v, l(e, c), f); else { var V; b ? (a(_[L], _[L + 1], v, E, 1), V = h(E)) : V = n(_[L], _[L + 1], v), i(e, c, V) } for (L = 0; L < t._onframeList.length; L++) t._onframeList[L](e, o) } }, T = new m({ target: t._target, life: k, loop: t._loop, delay: t._delay, onframe: F, ondestroy: d }); e && "spline" !== e && (T.easing = e), t._clipList.push(T), t._clipCount++, t.animation.add(T) } } }; for (var c in this._tracks) p(this._tracks[c], c); return this }, stop: function () { for (var e = 0; e < this._clipList.length; e++) { var t = this._clipList[e]; this.animation.remove(t) } this._clipList = [] }, delay: function (e) { return this._delay = e, this }, done: function (e) { return e && this._doneList.push(e), this } }, u }), i("zrender/tool/vector", [], function () { var e = "undefined" == typeof Float32Array ? Array : Float32Array, t = { create: function (t, i) { var n = new e(2); return n[0] = t || 0, n[1] = i || 0, n }, copy: function (e, t) { return e[0] = t[0], e[1] = t[1], e }, clone: function (t) { var i = new e(2); return i[0] = t[0], i[1] = t[1], i }, set: function (e, t, i) { return e[0] = t, e[1] = i, e }, add: function (e, t, i) { return e[0] = t[0] + i[0], e[1] = t[1] + i[1], e }, scaleAndAdd: function (e, t, i, n) { return e[0] = t[0] + i[0] * n, e[1] = t[1] + i[1] * n, e }, sub: function (e, t, i) { return e[0] = t[0] - i[0], e[1] = t[1] - i[1], e }, len: function (e) { return Math.sqrt(this.lenSquare(e)) }, lenSquare: function (e) { return e[0] * e[0] + e[1] * e[1] }, mul: function (e, t, i) { return e[0] = t[0] * i[0], e[1] = t[1] * i[1], e }, div: function (e, t, i) { return e[0] = t[0] / i[0], e[1] = t[1] / i[1], e }, dot: function (e, t) { return e[0] * t[0] + e[1] * t[1] }, scale: function (e, t, i) { return e[0] = t[0] * i, e[1] = t[1] * i, e }, normalize: function (e, i) { var n = t.len(i); return 0 === n ? (e[0] = 0, e[1] = 0) : (e[0] = i[0] / n, e[1] = i[1] / n), e }, distance: function (e, t) { return Math.sqrt((e[0] - t[0]) * (e[0] - t[0]) + (e[1] - t[1]) * (e[1] - t[1])) }, distanceSquare: function (e, t) { return (e[0] - t[0]) * (e[0] - t[0]) + (e[1] - t[1]) * (e[1] - t[1]) }, negate: function (e, t) { return e[0] = -t[0], e[1] = -t[1], e }, lerp: function (e, t, i, n) { return e[0] = t[0] + n * (i[0] - t[0]), e[1] = t[1] + n * (i[1] - t[1]), e }, applyTransform: function (e, t, i) { var n = t[0], a = t[1]; return e[0] = i[0] * n + i[2] * a + i[4], e[1] = i[1] * n + i[3] * a + i[5], e }, min: function (e, t, i) { return e[0] = Math.min(t[0], i[0]), e[1] = Math.min(t[1], i[1]), e }, max: function (e, t, i) { return e[0] = Math.max(t[0], i[0]), e[1] = Math.max(t[1], i[1]), e } }; return t.length = t.len, t.lengthSquare = t.lenSquare, t.dist = t.distance, t.distSquare = t.distanceSquare, t }), i("zrender/tool/matrix", [], function () { var e = "undefined" == typeof Float32Array ? Array : Float32Array, t = { create: function () { var i = new e(6); return t.identity(i), i }, identity: function (e) { return e[0] = 1, e[1] = 0, e[2] = 0, e[3] = 1, e[4] = 0, e[5] = 0, e }, copy: function (e, t) { return e[0] = t[0], e[1] = t[1], e[2] = t[2], e[3] = t[3], e[4] = t[4], e[5] = t[5], e }, mul: function (e, t, i) { return e[0] = t[0] * i[0] + t[2] * i[1], e[1] = t[1] * i[0] + t[3] * i[1], e[2] = t[0] * i[2] + t[2] * i[3], e[3] = t[1] * i[2] + t[3] * i[3], e[4] = t[0] * i[4] + t[2] * i[5] + t[4], e[5] = t[1] * i[4] + t[3] * i[5] + t[5], e }, translate: function (e, t, i) { return e[0] = t[0], e[1] = t[1], e[2] = t[2], e[3] = t[3], e[4] = t[4] + i[0], e[5] = t[5] + i[1], e }, rotate: function (e, t, i) { var n = t[0], a = t[2], o = t[4], r = t[1], s = t[3], l = t[5], h = Math.sin(i), m = Math.cos(i); return e[0] = n * m + r * h, e[1] = -n * h + r * m, e[2] = a * m + s * h, e[3] = -a * h + m * s, e[4] = m * o + h * l, e[5] = m * l - h * o, e }, scale: function (e, t, i) { var n = i[0], a = i[1]; return e[0] = t[0] * n, e[1] = t[1] * a, e[2] = t[2] * n, e[3] = t[3] * a, e[4] = t[4] * n, e[5] = t[5] * a, e }, invert: function (e, t) { var i = t[0], n = t[2], a = t[4], o = t[1], r = t[3], s = t[5], l = i * r - o * n; return l ? (l = 1 / l, e[0] = r * l, e[1] = -o * l, e[2] = -n * l, e[3] = i * l, e[4] = (n * s - r * a) * l, e[5] = (o * a - i * s) * l, e) : null } }; return t }), i("zrender/loadingEffect/Base", ["require", "../tool/util", "../shape/Text", "../shape/Rectangle"], function (e) { function t(e) { this.setOptions(e) } var i = e("../tool/util"), n = e("../shape/Text"), a = e("../shape/Rectangle"), o = "Loading...", r = "normal 16px Arial"; return t.prototype.createTextShape = function (e) { return new n({ highlightStyle: i.merge({ x: this.canvasWidth / 2, y: this.canvasHeight / 2, text: o, textAlign: "center", textBaseline: "middle", textFont: r, color: "#333", brushType: "fill" }, e, !0) }) }, t.prototype.createBackgroundShape = function (e) { return new a({ highlightStyle: { x: 0, y: 0, width: this.canvasWidth, height: this.canvasHeight, brushType: "fill", color: e } }) }, t.prototype.start = function (e) { function t(t) { e.storage.addHover(t) } function i() { e.refreshHover() } this.canvasWidth = e._width, this.canvasHeight = e._height, this.loadingTimer = this._start(t, i) }, t.prototype._start = function () { return setInterval(function () { }, 1e4) }, t.prototype.stop = function () { clearInterval(this.loadingTimer) }, t.prototype.setOptions = function (e) { this.options = e || {} }, t.prototype.adjust = function (e, t) { return e <= t[0] ? e = t[0] : e >= t[1] && (e = t[1]), e }, t.prototype.getLocation = function (e, t, i) { var n = null != e.x ? e.x : "center"; switch (n) { case"center": n = Math.floor((this.canvasWidth - t) / 2); break; case"left": n = 0; break; case"right": n = this.canvasWidth - t } var a = null != e.y ? e.y : "center"; switch (a) { case"center": a = Math.floor((this.canvasHeight - i) / 2); break; case"top": a = 0; break; case"bottom": a = this.canvasHeight - i } return {x: n, y: a, width: t, height: i} }, t }), i("zrender/Layer", ["require", "./mixin/Transformable", "./tool/util", "./config"], function (e) { function t() { return !1 } function i(e, t, i) { var n = document.createElement(t), a = i.getWidth(), o = i.getHeight(); return n.style.position = "absolute", n.style.left = 0, n.style.top = 0, n.style.width = a + "px", n.style.height = o + "px", n.width = a * r.devicePixelRatio, n.height = o * r.devicePixelRatio, n.setAttribute("data-zr-dom-id", e), n } var n = e("./mixin/Transformable"), a = e("./tool/util"), o = window.G_vmlCanvasManager, r = e("./config"), s = function (e, a) { this.id = e, this.dom = i(e, "canvas", a), this.dom.onselectstart = t, this.dom.style["-webkit-user-select"] = "none", this.dom.style["user-select"] = "none", this.dom.style["-webkit-touch-callout"] = "none", this.dom.style["-webkit-tap-highlight-color"] = "rgba(0,0,0,0)", this.dom.className = r.elementClassName, o && o.initElement(this.dom), this.domBack = null, this.ctxBack = null, this.painter = a, this.unusedCount = 0, this.config = null, this.dirty = !0, this.elCount = 0, this.clearColor = 0, this.motionBlur = !1, this.lastFrameAlpha = .7, this.zoomable = !1, this.panable = !1, this.maxZoom = 1 / 0, this.minZoom = 0, n.call(this) }; return s.prototype.initContext = function () { this.ctx = this.dom.getContext("2d"); var e = r.devicePixelRatio; 1 != e && this.ctx.scale(e, e) }, s.prototype.createBackBuffer = function () { if (!o) { this.domBack = i("back-" + this.id, "canvas", this.painter), this.ctxBack = this.domBack.getContext("2d"); var e = r.devicePixelRatio; 1 != e && this.ctxBack.scale(e, e) } }, s.prototype.resize = function (e, t) { var i = r.devicePixelRatio; this.dom.style.width = e + "px", this.dom.style.height = t + "px", this.dom.setAttribute("width", e * i), this.dom.setAttribute("height", t * i), 1 != i && this.ctx.scale(i, i), this.domBack && (this.domBack.setAttribute("width", e * i), this.domBack.setAttribute("height", t * i), 1 != i && this.ctxBack.scale(i, i)) }, s.prototype.clear = function () { var e = this.dom, t = this.ctx, i = e.width, n = e.height, a = this.clearColor && !o, s = this.motionBlur && !o, l = this.lastFrameAlpha, h = r.devicePixelRatio; if (s && (this.domBack || this.createBackBuffer(), this.ctxBack.globalCompositeOperation = "copy", this.ctxBack.drawImage(e, 0, 0, i / h, n / h)), t.clearRect(0, 0, i / h, n / h), a && (t.save(), t.fillStyle = this.clearColor, t.fillRect(0, 0, i / h, n / h), t.restore()), s) { var m = this.domBack; t.save(), t.globalAlpha = l, t.drawImage(m, 0, 0, i / h, n / h), t.restore() } }, a.merge(s.prototype, n.prototype), s }), i("zrender/shape/Text", ["require", "../tool/area", "./Base", "../tool/util"], function (e) { var t = e("../tool/area"), i = e("./Base"), n = function (e) { i.call(this, e) }; return n.prototype = { type: "text", brush: function (e, i) { var n = this.style; if (i && (n = this.getHighlightStyle(n, this.highlightStyle || {})), "undefined" != typeof n.text && n.text !== !1) { e.save(), this.doClip(e), this.setContext(e, n), this.setTransform(e), n.textFont && (e.font = n.textFont), e.textAlign = n.textAlign || "start", e.textBaseline = n.textBaseline || "middle"; var a, o = (n.text + "").split("\n"), r = t.getTextHeight("国", n.textFont), s = this.getRect(n), l = n.x; a = "top" == n.textBaseline ? s.y : "bottom" == n.textBaseline ? s.y + r : s.y + r / 2; for (var h = 0, m = o.length; m > h; h++) { if (n.maxWidth) switch (n.brushType) { case"fill": e.fillText(o[h], l, a, n.maxWidth); break; case"stroke": e.strokeText(o[h], l, a, n.maxWidth); break; case"both": e.fillText(o[h], l, a, n.maxWidth), e.strokeText(o[h], l, a, n.maxWidth); break; default: e.fillText(o[h], l, a, n.maxWidth) } else switch (n.brushType) { case"fill": e.fillText(o[h], l, a); break; case"stroke": e.strokeText(o[h], l, a); break; case"both": e.fillText(o[h], l, a), e.strokeText(o[h], l, a); break; default: e.fillText(o[h], l, a) } a += r } e.restore() } }, getRect: function (e) { if (e.__rect) return e.__rect; var i = t.getTextWidth(e.text, e.textFont), n = t.getTextHeight(e.text, e.textFont), a = e.x; "end" == e.textAlign || "right" == e.textAlign ? a -= i : "center" == e.textAlign && (a -= i / 2); var o; return o = "top" == e.textBaseline ? e.y : "bottom" == e.textBaseline ? e.y - n : e.y - n / 2, e.__rect = { x: a, y: o, width: i, height: n }, e.__rect } }, e("../tool/util").inherits(n, i), n }), i("zrender/shape/Rectangle", ["require", "./Base", "../tool/util"], function (e) { var t = e("./Base"), i = function (e) { t.call(this, e) }; return i.prototype = { type: "rectangle", _buildRadiusPath: function (e, t) { var i, n, a, o, r = t.x, s = t.y, l = t.width, h = t.height, m = t.radius; "number" == typeof m ? i = n = a = o = m : m instanceof Array ? 1 === m.length ? i = n = a = o = m[0] : 2 === m.length ? (i = a = m[0], n = o = m[1]) : 3 === m.length ? (i = m[0], n = o = m[1], a = m[2]) : (i = m[0], n = m[1], a = m[2], o = m[3]) : i = n = a = o = 0; var V; i + n > l && (V = i + n, i *= l / V, n *= l / V), a + o > l && (V = a + o, a *= l / V, o *= l / V), n + a > h && (V = n + a, n *= h / V, a *= h / V), i + o > h && (V = i + o, i *= h / V, o *= h / V), e.moveTo(r + i, s), e.lineTo(r + l - n, s), 0 !== n && e.quadraticCurveTo(r + l, s, r + l, s + n), e.lineTo(r + l, s + h - a), 0 !== a && e.quadraticCurveTo(r + l, s + h, r + l - a, s + h), e.lineTo(r + o, s + h), 0 !== o && e.quadraticCurveTo(r, s + h, r, s + h - o), e.lineTo(r, s + i), 0 !== i && e.quadraticCurveTo(r, s, r + i, s) }, buildPath: function (e, t) { t.radius ? this._buildRadiusPath(e, t) : (e.moveTo(t.x, t.y), e.lineTo(t.x + t.width, t.y), e.lineTo(t.x + t.width, t.y + t.height), e.lineTo(t.x, t.y + t.height), e.lineTo(t.x, t.y)), e.closePath() }, getRect: function (e) { if (e.__rect) return e.__rect; var t; return t = "stroke" == e.brushType || "fill" == e.brushType ? e.lineWidth || 1 : 0, e.__rect = { x: Math.round(e.x - t / 2), y: Math.round(e.y - t / 2), width: e.width + t, height: e.height + t }, e.__rect } }, e("../tool/util").inherits(i, t), i }), i("zrender/tool/area", ["require", "./util", "./curve"], function (e) { "use strict"; function t(e) { return e %= C, 0 > e && (e += C), e } function i(e, t, i, o) { if (!t || !e) return !1; var r = e.type; L = L || W.getContext(); var s = n(e, t, i, o); if ("undefined" != typeof s) return s; if (e.buildPath && L.isPointInPath) return a(e, L, t, i, o); switch (r) { case"ellipse": return !0; case"trochoid": var l = "out" == t.location ? t.r1 + t.r2 + t.d : t.r1 - t.r2 + t.d; return d(t, i, o, l); case"rose": return d(t, i, o, t.maxr); default: return !1 } } function n(e, t, i, n) { var a = e.type; switch (a) { case"bezier-curve": return "undefined" == typeof t.cpX2 ? l(t.xStart, t.yStart, t.cpX1, t.cpY1, t.xEnd, t.yEnd, t.lineWidth, i, n) : s(t.xStart, t.yStart, t.cpX1, t.cpY1, t.cpX2, t.cpY2, t.xEnd, t.yEnd, t.lineWidth, i, n); case"line": return r(t.xStart, t.yStart, t.xEnd, t.yEnd, t.lineWidth, i, n); case"polyline": return m(t.pointList, t.lineWidth, i, n); case"ring": return V(t.x, t.y, t.r0, t.r, i, n); case"circle": return d(t.x, t.y, t.r, i, n); case"sector": var o = t.startAngle * Math.PI / 180, h = t.endAngle * Math.PI / 180; return t.clockWise || (o = -o, h = -h), p(t.x, t.y, t.r0, t.r, o, h, !t.clockWise, i, n); case"path": return t.pathArray && k(t.pathArray, Math.max(t.lineWidth, 5), t.brushType, i, n); case"polygon": case"star": case"isogon": return c(t.pointList, i, n); case"text": var u = t.__rect || e.getRect(t); return U(u.x, u.y, u.width, u.height, i, n); case"rectangle": case"image": return U(t.x, t.y, t.width, t.height, i, n) } } function a(e, t, i, n, a) { return t.beginPath(), e.buildPath(t, i), t.closePath(), t.isPointInPath(n, a) } function o(e, t, n, a) { return !i(e, t, n, a) } function r(e, t, i, n, a, o, r) { if (0 === a) return !1; var s = Math.max(a, 5), l = 0, h = e; if (r > t + s && r > n + s || t - s > r && n - s > r || o > e + s && o > i + s || e - s > o && i - s > o) return !1; if (e === i) return Math.abs(o - e) <= s / 2; l = (t - n) / (e - i), h = (e * n - i * t) / (e - i); var m = l * o - r + h, V = m * m / (l * l + 1); return s / 2 * s / 2 >= V } function s(e, t, i, n, a, o, r, s, l, h, m) { if (0 === l) return !1; var V = Math.max(l, 5); if (m > t + V && m > n + V && m > o + V && m > s + V || t - V > m && n - V > m && o - V > m && s - V > m || h > e + V && h > i + V && h > a + V && h > r + V || e - V > h && i - V > h && a - V > h && r - V > h) return !1; var U = X.cubicProjectPoint(e, t, i, n, a, o, r, s, h, m, null); return V / 2 >= U } function l(e, t, i, n, a, o, r, s, l) { if (0 === r) return !1; var h = Math.max(r, 5); if (l > t + h && l > n + h && l > o + h || t - h > l && n - h > l && o - h > l || s > e + h && s > i + h && s > a + h || e - h > s && i - h > s && a - h > s) return !1; var m = X.quadraticProjectPoint(e, t, i, n, a, o, s, l, null); return h / 2 >= m } function h(e, i, n, a, o, r, s, l, h) { if (0 === s) return !1; var m = Math.max(s, 5); l -= e, h -= i; var V = Math.sqrt(l * l + h * h); if (V - m > n || n > V + m) return !1; if (Math.abs(a - o) >= C) return !0; if (r) { var U = a; a = t(o), o = t(U) } else a = t(a), o = t(o); a > o && (o += C); var d = Math.atan2(h, l); return 0 > d && (d += C), d >= a && o >= d || d + C >= a && o >= d + C } function m(e, t, i, n) { for (var t = Math.max(t, 10), a = 0, o = e.length - 1; o > a; a++) { var s = e[a][0], l = e[a][1], h = e[a + 1][0], m = e[a + 1][1]; if (r(s, l, h, m, t, i, n)) return !0 } return !1 } function V(e, t, i, n, a, o) { var r = (a - e) * (a - e) + (o - t) * (o - t); return n * n > r && r > i * i } function U(e, t, i, n, a, o) { return a >= e && e + i >= a && o >= t && t + n >= o } function d(e, t, i, n, a) { return i * i > (n - e) * (n - e) + (a - t) * (a - t) } function p(e, t, i, n, a, o, r, s, l) { return h(e, t, (i + n) / 2, a, o, r, n - i, s, l) } function c(e, t, i) { for (var n = e.length, a = 0, o = 0, r = n - 1; n > o; o++) { var s = e[r][0], l = e[r][1], h = e[o][0], m = e[o][1]; a += u(s, l, h, m, t, i), r = o } return 0 !== a } function u(e, t, i, n, a, o) { if (o > t && o > n || t > o && n > o) return 0; if (n == t) return 0; var r = t > n ? 1 : -1, s = (o - t) / (n - t), l = s * (i - e) + e; return l > a ? r : 0 } function y() { var e = E[0]; E[0] = E[1], E[1] = e } function g(e, t, i, n, a, o, r, s, l, h) { if (h > t && h > n && h > o && h > s || t > h && n > h && o > h && s > h) return 0; var m = X.cubicRootAt(t, n, o, s, h, S); if (0 === m) return 0; for (var V, U, d = 0, p = -1, c = 0; m > c; c++) { var u = S[c], g = X.cubicAt(e, i, a, r, u); l > g || (0 > p && (p = X.cubicExtrema(t, n, o, s, E), E[1] < E[0] && p > 1 && y(), V = X.cubicAt(t, n, o, s, E[0]), p > 1 && (U = X.cubicAt(t, n, o, s, E[1]))), d += 2 == p ? u < E[0] ? t > V ? 1 : -1 : u < E[1] ? V > U ? 1 : -1 : U > s ? 1 : -1 : u < E[0] ? t > V ? 1 : -1 : V > s ? 1 : -1) } return d } function b(e, t, i, n, a, o, r, s) { if (s > t && s > n && s > o || t > s && n > s && o > s) return 0; var l = X.quadraticRootAt(t, n, o, s, S); if (0 === l) return 0; var h = X.quadraticExtremum(t, n, o); if (h >= 0 && 1 >= h) { for (var m = 0, V = X.quadraticAt(t, n, o, h), U = 0; l > U; U++) { var d = X.quadraticAt(e, i, a, S[U]); r > d || (m += S[U] < h ? t > V ? 1 : -1 : V > o ? 1 : -1) } return m } var d = X.quadraticAt(e, i, a, S[0]); return r > d ? 0 : t > o ? 1 : -1 } function f(e, i, n, a, o, r, s, l) { if (l -= i, l > n || -n > l) return 0; var h = Math.sqrt(n * n - l * l); if (S[0] = -h, S[1] = h, Math.abs(a - o) >= C) { a = 0, o = C; var m = r ? 1 : -1; return s >= S[0] + e && s <= S[1] + e ? m : 0 } if (r) { var h = a; a = t(o), o = t(h) } else a = t(a), o = t(o); a > o && (o += C); for (var V = 0, U = 0; 2 > U; U++) { var d = S[U]; if (d + e > s) { var p = Math.atan2(l, d), m = r ? 1 : -1; 0 > p && (p = C + p), (p >= a && o >= p || p + C >= a && o >= p + C) && (p > Math.PI / 2 && p < 1.5 * Math.PI && (m = -m), V += m) } } return V } function k(e, t, i, n, a) { var o = 0, m = 0, V = 0, U = 0, d = 0, p = !0, c = !0; i = i || "fill"; for (var y = "stroke" === i || "both" === i, k = "fill" === i || "both" === i, x = 0; x < e.length; x++) { var _ = e[x], L = _.points; if (p || "M" === _.command) { if (x > 0 && (k && (o += u(m, V, U, d, n, a)), 0 !== o)) return !0; U = L[L.length - 2], d = L[L.length - 1], p = !1, c && "A" !== _.command && (c = !1, m = U, V = d) } switch (_.command) { case"M": m = L[0], V = L[1]; break; case"L": if (y && r(m, V, L[0], L[1], t, n, a)) return !0; k && (o += u(m, V, L[0], L[1], n, a)), m = L[0], V = L[1]; break; case"C": if (y && s(m, V, L[0], L[1], L[2], L[3], L[4], L[5], t, n, a)) return !0; k && (o += g(m, V, L[0], L[1], L[2], L[3], L[4], L[5], n, a)), m = L[4], V = L[5]; break; case"Q": if (y && l(m, V, L[0], L[1], L[2], L[3], t, n, a)) return !0; k && (o += b(m, V, L[0], L[1], L[2], L[3], n, a)), m = L[2], V = L[3]; break; case"A": var W = L[0], X = L[1], v = L[2], w = L[3], K = L[4], I = L[5], J = Math.cos(K) * v + W, C = Math.sin(K) * w + X; c ? (c = !1, U = J, d = C) : o += u(m, V, J, C); var S = (n - W) * w / v + W; if (y && h(W, X, w, K, K + I, 1 - L[7], t, S, a)) return !0; k && (o += f(W, X, w, K, K + I, 1 - L[7], S, a)), m = Math.cos(K + I) * v + W, V = Math.sin(K + I) * w + X; break; case"z": if (y && r(m, V, U, d, t, n, a)) return !0; p = !0 } } return k && (o += u(m, V, U, d, n, a)), 0 !== o } function x(e, t) { var i = e + ":" + t; if (v[i]) return v[i]; L = L || W.getContext(), L.save(), t && (L.font = t), e = (e + "").split("\n"); for (var n = 0, a = 0, o = e.length; o > a; a++) n = Math.max(L.measureText(e[a]).width, n); return L.restore(), v[i] = n, ++K > J && (K = 0, v = {}), n } function _(e, t) { var i = e + ":" + t; if (w[i]) return w[i]; L = L || W.getContext(), L.save(), t && (L.font = t), e = (e + "").split("\n"); var n = (L.measureText("国").width + 2) * e.length; return L.restore(), w[i] = n, ++I > J && (I = 0, w = {}), n } var L, W = e("./util"), X = e("./curve"), v = {}, w = {}, K = 0, I = 0, J = 5e3, C = 2 * Math.PI, S = [-1, -1, -1], E = [-1, -1]; return { isInside: i, isOutside: o, getTextWidth: x, getTextHeight: _, isInsidePath: k, isInsidePolygon: c, isInsideSector: p, isInsideCircle: d, isInsideLine: r, isInsideRect: U, isInsidePolyline: m, isInsideCubicStroke: s, isInsideQuadraticStroke: l } }), i("zrender/shape/Base", ["require", "../tool/matrix", "../tool/guid", "../tool/util", "../tool/log", "../mixin/Transformable", "../mixin/Eventful", "../tool/area", "../tool/color"], function (e) { function t(t, n, a, o, r, s, l) { r && (t.font = r), t.textAlign = s, t.textBaseline = l; var h = i(n, a, o, r, s, l); n = (n + "").split("\n"); var m = e("../tool/area").getTextHeight("国", r); switch (l) { case"top": o = h.y; break; case"bottom": o = h.y + m; break; default: o = h.y + m / 2 } for (var V = 0, U = n.length; U > V; V++) t.fillText(n[V], a, o), o += m } function i(t, i, n, a, o, r) { var s = e("../tool/area"), l = s.getTextWidth(t, a), h = s.getTextHeight("国", a); switch (t = (t + "").split("\n"), o) { case"end": case"right": i -= l; break; case"center": i -= l / 2 } switch (r) { case"top": break; case"bottom": n -= h * t.length; break; default: n -= h * t.length / 2 } return {x: i, y: n, width: l, height: h * t.length} } var n = window.G_vmlCanvasManager, a = e("../tool/matrix"), o = e("../tool/guid"), r = e("../tool/util"), s = e("../tool/log"), l = e("../mixin/Transformable"), h = e("../mixin/Eventful"), m = function (e) { e = e || {}, this.id = e.id || o(); for (var t in e) this[t] = e[t]; this.style = this.style || {}, this.highlightStyle = this.highlightStyle || null, this.parent = null, this.__dirty = !0, this.__clipShapes = [], l.call(this), h.call(this) }; m.prototype.invisible = !1, m.prototype.ignore = !1, m.prototype.zlevel = 0, m.prototype.draggable = !1, m.prototype.clickable = !1, m.prototype.hoverable = !0, m.prototype.z = 0, m.prototype.brush = function (e, t) { var i = this.beforeBrush(e, t); switch (e.beginPath(), this.buildPath(e, i), i.brushType) { case"both": e.fill(); case"stroke": i.lineWidth > 0 && e.stroke(); break; default: e.fill() } this.drawText(e, i, this.style), this.afterBrush(e) }, m.prototype.beforeBrush = function (e, t) { var i = this.style; return this.brushTypeOnly && (i.brushType = this.brushTypeOnly), t && (i = this.getHighlightStyle(i, this.highlightStyle || {}, this.brushTypeOnly)), "stroke" == this.brushTypeOnly && (i.strokeColor = i.strokeColor || i.color), e.save(), this.doClip(e), this.setContext(e, i), this.setTransform(e), i }, m.prototype.afterBrush = function (e) { e.restore() }; var V = [["color", "fillStyle"], ["strokeColor", "strokeStyle"], ["opacity", "globalAlpha"], ["lineCap", "lineCap"], ["lineJoin", "lineJoin"], ["miterLimit", "miterLimit"], ["lineWidth", "lineWidth"], ["shadowBlur", "shadowBlur"], ["shadowColor", "shadowColor"], ["shadowOffsetX", "shadowOffsetX"], ["shadowOffsetY", "shadowOffsetY"]]; m.prototype.setContext = function (e, t) { for (var i = 0, n = V.length; n > i; i++) { var a = V[i][0], o = t[a], r = V[i][1]; "undefined" != typeof o && (e[r] = o) } }; var U = a.create(); return m.prototype.doClip = function (e) { if (this.__clipShapes && !n) for (var t = 0; t < this.__clipShapes.length; t++) { var i = this.__clipShapes[t]; if (i.needTransform) { var o = i.transform; a.invert(U, o), e.transform(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5]) } if (e.beginPath(), i.buildPath(e, i.style), e.clip(), i.needTransform) { var o = U; e.transform(o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5]) } } }, m.prototype.getHighlightStyle = function (t, i, n) { var a = {}; for (var o in t) a[o] = t[o]; var r = e("../tool/color"), s = r.getHighlightColor(); "stroke" != t.brushType ? (a.strokeColor = s, a.lineWidth = (t.lineWidth || 1) + this.getHighlightZoom(), a.brushType = "both") : "stroke" != n ? (a.strokeColor = s, a.lineWidth = (t.lineWidth || 1) + this.getHighlightZoom()) : a.strokeColor = i.strokeColor || r.mix(t.strokeColor, r.toRGB(s)); for (var o in i) "undefined" != typeof i[o] && (a[o] = i[o]); return a }, m.prototype.getHighlightZoom = function () { return "text" != this.type ? 6 : 2 }, m.prototype.drift = function (e, t) { this.position[0] += e, this.position[1] += t }, m.prototype.buildPath = function () { s("buildPath not implemented in " + this.type) }, m.prototype.getRect = function () { s("getRect not implemented in " + this.type) }, m.prototype.isCover = function (t, i) { var n = this.transformCoordToLocal(t, i); return t = n[0], i = n[1], this.isCoverRect(t, i) ? e("../tool/area").isInside(this, this.style, t, i) : !1 }, m.prototype.isCoverRect = function (e, t) { var i = this.style.__rect; return i || (i = this.style.__rect = this.getRect(this.style)), e >= i.x && e <= i.x + i.width && t >= i.y && t <= i.y + i.height }, m.prototype.drawText = function (e, i, n) { if ("undefined" != typeof i.text && i.text !== !1) { var a = i.textColor || i.color || i.strokeColor; e.fillStyle = a; var o, r, s, l, h = 10, m = i.textPosition || this.textPosition || "top"; switch (m) { case"inside": case"top": case"bottom": case"left": case"right": if (this.getRect) { var V = (n || i).__rect || this.getRect(n || i); switch (m) { case"inside": s = V.x + V.width / 2, l = V.y + V.height / 2, o = "center", r = "middle", "stroke" != i.brushType && a == i.color && (e.fillStyle = "#fff"); break; case"left": s = V.x - h, l = V.y + V.height / 2, o = "end", r = "middle"; break; case"right": s = V.x + V.width + h, l = V.y + V.height / 2, o = "start", r = "middle"; break; case"top": s = V.x + V.width / 2, l = V.y - h, o = "center", r = "bottom"; break; case"bottom": s = V.x + V.width / 2, l = V.y + V.height + h, o = "center", r = "top" } } break; case"start": case"end": var U = i.pointList || [[i.xStart || 0, i.yStart || 0], [i.xEnd || 0, i.yEnd || 0]], d = U.length; if (2 > d) return; var p, c, u, y; switch (m) { case"start": p = U[1][0], c = U[0][0], u = U[1][1], y = U[0][1]; break; case"end": p = U[d - 2][0], c = U[d - 1][0], u = U[d - 2][1], y = U[d - 1][1] } s = c, l = y; var g = Math.atan((u - y) / (c - p)) / Math.PI * 180; 0 > c - p ? g += 180 : 0 > u - y && (g += 360), h = 5, g >= 30 && 150 >= g ? (o = "center", r = "bottom", l -= h) : g > 150 && 210 > g ? (o = "right", r = "middle", s -= h) : g >= 210 && 330 >= g ? (o = "center", r = "top", l += h) : (o = "left", r = "middle", s += h); break; case"specific": s = i.textX || 0, l = i.textY || 0, o = "start", r = "middle" } null != s && null != l && t(e, i.text, s, l, i.textFont, i.textAlign || o, i.textBaseline || r) } }, m.prototype.modSelf = function () { this.__dirty = !0, this.style && (this.style.__rect = null), this.highlightStyle && (this.highlightStyle.__rect = null) }, m.prototype.isSilent = function () { return !(this.hoverable || this.draggable || this.clickable || this.onmousemove || this.onmouseover || this.onmouseout || this.onmousedown || this.onmouseup || this.onclick || this.ondragenter || this.ondragover || this.ondragleave || this.ondrop) }, r.merge(m.prototype, l.prototype, !0), r.merge(m.prototype, h.prototype, !0), m }), i("zrender/tool/curve", ["require", "./vector"], function (e) { function t(e) { return e > -u && u > e } function i(e) { return e > u || -u > e } function n(e, t, i, n, a) { var o = 1 - a; return o * o * (o * e + 3 * a * t) + a * a * (a * n + 3 * o * i) } function a(e, t, i, n, a) { var o = 1 - a; return 3 * (((t - e) * o + 2 * (i - t) * a) * o + (n - i) * a * a) } function o(e, i, n, a, o, r) { var s = a + 3 * (i - n) - e, l = 3 * (n - 2 * i + e), h = 3 * (i - e), m = e - o, V = l * l - 3 * s * h, U = l * h - 9 * s * m, d = h * h - 3 * l * m, p = 0; if (t(V) && t(U)) if (t(l)) r[0] = 0; else { var c = -h / l; c >= 0 && 1 >= c && (r[p++] = c) } else { var u = U * U - 4 * V * d; if (t(u)) { var b = U / V, c = -l / s + b, f = -b / 2; c >= 0 && 1 >= c && (r[p++] = c), f >= 0 && 1 >= f && (r[p++] = f) } else if (u > 0) { var k = Math.sqrt(u), x = V * l + 1.5 * s * (-U + k), _ = V * l + 1.5 * s * (-U - k); x = 0 > x ? -Math.pow(-x, g) : Math.pow(x, g), _ = 0 > _ ? -Math.pow(-_, g) : Math.pow(_, g); var c = (-l - (x + _)) / (3 * s); c >= 0 && 1 >= c && (r[p++] = c) } else { var L = (2 * V * l - 3 * s * U) / (2 * Math.sqrt(V * V * V)), W = Math.acos(L) / 3, X = Math.sqrt(V), v = Math.cos(W), c = (-l - 2 * X * v) / (3 * s), f = (-l + X * (v + y * Math.sin(W))) / (3 * s), w = (-l + X * (v - y * Math.sin(W))) / (3 * s); c >= 0 && 1 >= c && (r[p++] = c), f >= 0 && 1 >= f && (r[p++] = f), w >= 0 && 1 >= w && (r[p++] = w) } } return p } function r(e, n, a, o, r) { var s = 6 * a - 12 * n + 6 * e, l = 9 * n + 3 * o - 3 * e - 9 * a, h = 3 * n - 3 * e, m = 0; if (t(l)) { if (i(s)) { var V = -h / s; V >= 0 && 1 >= V && (r[m++] = V) } } else { var U = s * s - 4 * l * h; if (t(U)) r[0] = -s / (2 * l); else if (U > 0) { var d = Math.sqrt(U), V = (-s + d) / (2 * l), p = (-s - d) / (2 * l); V >= 0 && 1 >= V && (r[m++] = V), p >= 0 && 1 >= p && (r[m++] = p) } } return m } function s(e, t, i, n, a, o) { var r = (t - e) * a + e, s = (i - t) * a + t, l = (n - i) * a + i, h = (s - r) * a + r, m = (l - s) * a + s, V = (m - h) * a + h; o[0] = e, o[1] = r, o[2] = h, o[3] = V, o[4] = V, o[5] = m, o[6] = l, o[7] = n } function l(e, t, i, a, o, r, s, l, h, m, V) { var U, d = .005, p = 1 / 0; b[0] = h, b[1] = m; for (var y = 0; 1 > y; y += .05) { f[0] = n(e, i, o, s, y), f[1] = n(t, a, r, l, y); var g = c.distSquare(b, f); p > g && (U = y, p = g) } p = 1 / 0; for (var x = 0; 32 > x && !(u > d); x++) { var _ = U - d, L = U + d; f[0] = n(e, i, o, s, _), f[1] = n(t, a, r, l, _); var g = c.distSquare(f, b); if (_ >= 0 && p > g) U = _, p = g; else { k[0] = n(e, i, o, s, L), k[1] = n(t, a, r, l, L); var W = c.distSquare(k, b); 1 >= L && p > W ? (U = L, p = W) : d *= .5 } } return V && (V[0] = n(e, i, o, s, U), V[1] = n(t, a, r, l, U)), Math.sqrt(p) } function h(e, t, i, n) { var a = 1 - n; return a * (a * e + 2 * n * t) + n * n * i } function m(e, t, i, n) { return 2 * ((1 - n) * (t - e) + n * (i - t)) } function V(e, n, a, o, r) { var s = e - 2 * n + a, l = 2 * (n - e), h = e - o, m = 0; if (t(s)) { if (i(l)) { var V = -h / l; V >= 0 && 1 >= V && (r[m++] = V) } } else { var U = l * l - 4 * s * h; if (t(U)) { var V = -l / (2 * s); V >= 0 && 1 >= V && (r[m++] = V) } else if (U > 0) { var d = Math.sqrt(U), V = (-l + d) / (2 * s), p = (-l - d) / (2 * s); V >= 0 && 1 >= V && (r[m++] = V), p >= 0 && 1 >= p && (r[m++] = p) } } return m } function U(e, t, i) { var n = e + i - 2 * t; return 0 === n ? .5 : (e - t) / n } function d(e, t, i, n, a) { var o = (t - e) * n + e, r = (i - t) * n + t, s = (r - o) * n + o; a[0] = e, a[1] = o, a[2] = s, a[3] = s, a[4] = r, a[5] = i } function p(e, t, i, n, a, o, r, s, l) { var m, V = .005, U = 1 / 0; b[0] = r, b[1] = s; for (var d = 0; 1 > d; d += .05) { f[0] = h(e, i, a, d), f[1] = h(t, n, o, d); var p = c.distSquare(b, f); U > p && (m = d, U = p) } U = 1 / 0; for (var y = 0; 32 > y && !(u > V); y++) { var g = m - V, x = m + V; f[0] = h(e, i, a, g), f[1] = h(t, n, o, g); var p = c.distSquare(f, b); if (g >= 0 && U > p) m = g, U = p; else { k[0] = h(e, i, a, x), k[1] = h(t, n, o, x); var _ = c.distSquare(k, b); 1 >= x && U > _ ? (m = x, U = _) : V *= .5 } } return l && (l[0] = h(e, i, a, m), l[1] = h(t, n, o, m)), Math.sqrt(U) } var c = e("./vector"), u = 1e-4, y = Math.sqrt(3), g = 1 / 3, b = c.create(), f = c.create(), k = c.create(); return { cubicAt: n, cubicDerivativeAt: a, cubicRootAt: o, cubicExtrema: r, cubicSubdivide: s, cubicProjectPoint: l, quadraticAt: h, quadraticDerivativeAt: m, quadraticRootAt: V, quadraticExtremum: U, quadraticSubdivide: d, quadraticProjectPoint: p } }), i("zrender/mixin/Transformable", ["require", "../tool/matrix", "../tool/vector"], function (e) { "use strict"; function t(e) { return e > -s && s > e } function i(e) { return e > s || -s > e } var n = e("../tool/matrix"), a = e("../tool/vector"), o = [0, 0], r = n.translate, s = 5e-5, l = function () { this.position || (this.position = [0, 0]), "undefined" == typeof this.rotation && (this.rotation = [0, 0, 0]), this.scale || (this.scale = [1, 1, 0, 0]), this.needLocalTransform = !1, this.needTransform = !1 }; return l.prototype = { constructor: l, updateNeedTransform: function () { this.needLocalTransform = i(this.rotation[0]) || i(this.position[0]) || i(this.position[1]) || i(this.scale[0] - 1) || i(this.scale[1] - 1) }, updateTransform: function () { this.updateNeedTransform(); var e = this.parent && this.parent.needTransform; if (this.needTransform = this.needLocalTransform || e, this.needTransform) { var t = this.transform || n.create(); if (n.identity(t), this.needLocalTransform) { var a = this.scale; if (i(a[0]) || i(a[1])) { o[0] = -a[2] || 0, o[1] = -a[3] || 0; var s = i(o[0]) || i(o[1]); s && r(t, t, o), n.scale(t, t, a), s && (o[0] = -o[0], o[1] = -o[1], r(t, t, o)) } if (this.rotation instanceof Array) { if (0 !== this.rotation[0]) { o[0] = -this.rotation[1] || 0, o[1] = -this.rotation[2] || 0; var s = i(o[0]) || i(o[1]); s && r(t, t, o), n.rotate(t, t, this.rotation[0]), s && (o[0] = -o[0], o[1] = -o[1], r(t, t, o)) } } else 0 !== this.rotation && n.rotate(t, t, this.rotation); (i(this.position[0]) || i(this.position[1])) && r(t, t, this.position) } e && (this.needLocalTransform ? n.mul(t, this.parent.transform, t) : n.copy(t, this.parent.transform)), this.transform = t, this.invTransform = this.invTransform || n.create(), n.invert(this.invTransform, t) } }, setTransform: function (e) { if (this.needTransform) { var t = this.transform; e.transform(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5]) } }, lookAt: function () { var e = a.create(); return function (i) { this.transform || (this.transform = n.create()); var o = this.transform; if (a.sub(e, i, this.position), !t(e[0]) || !t(e[1])) { a.normalize(e, e); var r = this.scale; o[2] = e[0] * r[1], o[3] = e[1] * r[1], o[0] = e[1] * r[0], o[1] = -e[0] * r[0], o[4] = this.position[0], o[5] = this.position[1], this.decomposeTransform() } } }(), decomposeTransform: function () { if (this.transform) { var e = this.transform, t = e[0] * e[0] + e[1] * e[1], n = this.position, a = this.scale, o = this.rotation; i(t - 1) && (t = Math.sqrt(t)); var r = e[2] * e[2] + e[3] * e[3]; i(r - 1) && (r = Math.sqrt(r)), n[0] = e[4], n[1] = e[5], a[0] = t, a[1] = r, a[2] = a[3] = 0, o[0] = Math.atan2(-e[1] / r, e[0] / t), o[1] = o[2] = 0 } }, transformCoordToLocal: function (e, t) { var i = [e, t]; return this.needTransform && this.invTransform && a.applyTransform(i, i, this.invTransform), i } }, l }), i("zrender/Group", ["require", "./tool/guid", "./tool/util", "./mixin/Transformable", "./mixin/Eventful"], function (e) { var t = e("./tool/guid"), i = e("./tool/util"), n = e("./mixin/Transformable"), a = e("./mixin/Eventful"), o = function (e) { e = e || {}, this.id = e.id || t(); for (var i in e) this[i] = e[i]; this.type = "group", this.clipShape = null, this._children = [], this._storage = null, this.__dirty = !0, n.call(this), a.call(this) }; return o.prototype.ignore = !1, o.prototype.children = function () { return this._children.slice() }, o.prototype.childAt = function (e) { return this._children[e] }, o.prototype.addChild = function (e) { e != this && e.parent != this && (e.parent && e.parent.removeChild(e), this._children.push(e), e.parent = this, this._storage && this._storage !== e._storage && (this._storage.addToMap(e), e instanceof o && e.addChildrenToStorage(this._storage))) }, o.prototype.removeChild = function (e) { var t = i.indexOf(this._children, e); t >= 0 && this._children.splice(t, 1), e.parent = null, this._storage && (this._storage.delFromMap(e.id), e instanceof o && e.delChildrenFromStorage(this._storage)) }, o.prototype.clearChildren = function () { for (var e = 0; e < this._children.length; e++) { var t = this._children[e]; this._storage && (this._storage.delFromMap(t.id), t instanceof o && t.delChildrenFromStorage(this._storage)) } this._children.length = 0 }, o.prototype.eachChild = function (e, t) { for (var i = !!t, n = 0; n < this._children.length; n++) { var a = this._children[n]; i ? e.call(t, a) : e(a) } }, o.prototype.traverse = function (e, t) { for (var i = !!t, n = 0; n < this._children.length; n++) { var a = this._children[n]; i ? e.call(t, a) : e(a), "group" === a.type && a.traverse(e, t) } }, o.prototype.addChildrenToStorage = function (e) { for (var t = 0; t < this._children.length; t++) { var i = this._children[t]; e.addToMap(i), i instanceof o && i.addChildrenToStorage(e) } }, o.prototype.delChildrenFromStorage = function (e) { for (var t = 0; t < this._children.length; t++) { var i = this._children[t]; e.delFromMap(i.id), i instanceof o && i.delChildrenFromStorage(e) } }, o.prototype.modSelf = function () { this.__dirty = !0 }, i.merge(o.prototype, n.prototype, !0), i.merge(o.prototype, a.prototype, !0), o }), i("zrender/animation/Clip", ["require", "./easing"], function (e) { function t(e) { this._targetPool = e.target || {}, this._targetPool instanceof Array || (this._targetPool = [this._targetPool]), this._life = e.life || 1e3, this._delay = e.delay || 0, this._startTime = (new Date).getTime() + this._delay, this._endTime = this._startTime + 1e3 * this._life, this.loop = "undefined" == typeof e.loop ? !1 : e.loop, this.gap = e.gap || 0, this.easing = e.easing || "Linear", this.onframe = e.onframe, this.ondestroy = e.ondestroy, this.onrestart = e.onrestart } var i = e("./easing"); return t.prototype = { step: function (e) { var t = (e - this._startTime) / this._life; if (!(0 > t)) { t = Math.min(t, 1); var n = "string" == typeof this.easing ? i[this.easing] : this.easing, a = "function" == typeof n ? n(t) : t; return this.fire("frame", a), 1 == t ? this.loop ? (this.restart(), "restart") : (this.__needsRemove = !0, "destroy") : null } }, restart: function () { var e = (new Date).getTime(), t = (e - this._startTime) % this._life; this._startTime = (new Date).getTime() - t + this.gap, this.__needsRemove = !1 }, fire: function (e, t) { for (var i = 0, n = this._targetPool.length; n > i; i++) this["on" + e] && this["on" + e](this._targetPool[i], t) }, constructor: t }, t }), i("zrender/animation/easing", [], function () { var e = { Linear: function (e) { return e }, QuadraticIn: function (e) { return e * e }, QuadraticOut: function (e) { return e * (2 - e) }, QuadraticInOut: function (e) { return (e *= 2) < 1 ? .5 * e * e : -.5 * (--e * (e - 2) - 1) }, CubicIn: function (e) { return e * e * e }, CubicOut: function (e) { return --e * e * e + 1 }, CubicInOut: function (e) { return (e *= 2) < 1 ? .5 * e * e * e : .5 * ((e -= 2) * e * e + 2) }, QuarticIn: function (e) { return e * e * e * e }, QuarticOut: function (e) { return 1 - --e * e * e * e }, QuarticInOut: function (e) { return (e *= 2) < 1 ? .5 * e * e * e * e : -.5 * ((e -= 2) * e * e * e - 2) }, QuinticIn: function (e) { return e * e * e * e * e }, QuinticOut: function (e) { return --e * e * e * e * e + 1 }, QuinticInOut: function (e) { return (e *= 2) < 1 ? .5 * e * e * e * e * e : .5 * ((e -= 2) * e * e * e * e + 2) }, SinusoidalIn: function (e) { return 1 - Math.cos(e * Math.PI / 2) }, SinusoidalOut: function (e) { return Math.sin(e * Math.PI / 2) }, SinusoidalInOut: function (e) { return .5 * (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * e)) }, ExponentialIn: function (e) { return 0 === e ? 0 : Math.pow(1024, e - 1) }, ExponentialOut: function (e) { return 1 === e ? 1 : 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * e) }, ExponentialInOut: function (e) { return 0 === e ? 0 : 1 === e ? 1 : (e *= 2) < 1 ? .5 * Math.pow(1024, e - 1) : .5 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * (e - 1)) + 2) }, CircularIn: function (e) { return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - e * e) }, CircularOut: function (e) { return Math.sqrt(1 - --e * e) }, CircularInOut: function (e) { return (e *= 2) < 1 ? -.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - e * e) - 1) : .5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (e -= 2) * e) + 1) }, ElasticIn: function (e) { var t, i = .1, n = .4; return 0 === e ? 0 : 1 === e ? 1 : (!i || 1 > i ? (i = 1, t = n / 4) : t = n * Math.asin(1 / i) / (2 * Math.PI), -(i * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e -= 1)) * Math.sin(2 * (e - t) * Math.PI / n))) }, ElasticOut: function (e) { var t, i = .1, n = .4; return 0 === e ? 0 : 1 === e ? 1 : (!i || 1 > i ? (i = 1, t = n / 4) : t = n * Math.asin(1 / i) / (2 * Math.PI), i * Math.pow(2, -10 * e) * Math.sin(2 * (e - t) * Math.PI / n) + 1) }, ElasticInOut: function (e) { var t, i = .1, n = .4; return 0 === e ? 0 : 1 === e ? 1 : (!i || 1 > i ? (i = 1, t = n / 4) : t = n * Math.asin(1 / i) / (2 * Math.PI), (e *= 2) < 1 ? -.5 * i * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e -= 1)) * Math.sin(2 * (e - t) * Math.PI / n) : i * Math.pow(2, -10 * (e -= 1)) * Math.sin(2 * (e - t) * Math.PI / n) * .5 + 1) }, BackIn: function (e) { var t = 1.70158; return e * e * ((t + 1) * e - t) }, BackOut: function (e) { var t = 1.70158; return --e * e * ((t + 1) * e + t) + 1 }, BackInOut: function (e) { var t = 2.5949095; return (e *= 2) < 1 ? .5 * e * e * ((t + 1) * e - t) : .5 * ((e -= 2) * e * ((t + 1) * e + t) + 2) }, BounceIn: function (t) { return 1 - e.BounceOut(1 - t) }, BounceOut: function (e) { return 1 / 2.75 > e ? 7.5625 * e * e : 2 / 2.75 > e ? 7.5625 * (e -= 1.5 / 2.75) * e + .75 : 2.5 / 2.75 > e ? 7.5625 * (e -= 2.25 / 2.75) * e + .9375 : 7.5625 * (e -= 2.625 / 2.75) * e + .984375 }, BounceInOut: function (t) { return .5 > t ? .5 * e.BounceIn(2 * t) : .5 * e.BounceOut(2 * t - 1) + .5 } }; return e }), i("echarts/chart/base", ["require", "zrender/shape/Image", "../util/shape/Icon", "../util/shape/MarkLine", "../util/shape/Symbol", "zrender/shape/Polyline", "zrender/shape/ShapeBundle", "../config", "../util/ecData", "../util/ecAnimation", "../util/ecEffect", "../util/accMath", "../component/base", "../layout/EdgeBundling", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/area"], function (e) { function t(e) { return null != e.x && null != e.y } function i(e, t, i, n, a) { p.call(this, e, t, i, n, a); var o = this; this.selectedMap = {}, this.lastShapeList = [], this.shapeHandler = { onclick: function () { o.isClick = !0 }, ondragover: function (e) { var t = e.target; t.highlightStyle = t.highlightStyle || {}; var i = t.highlightStyle, n = i.brushTyep, a = i.strokeColor, r = i.lineWidth; i.brushType = "stroke", i.strokeColor = o.ecTheme.calculableColor || h.calculableColor, i.lineWidth = "icon" === t.type ? 30 : 10, o.zr.addHoverShape(t), setTimeout(function () { i && (i.brushType = n, i.strokeColor = a, i.lineWidth = r) }, 20) }, ondrop: function (e) { null != m.get(e.dragged, "data") && (o.isDrop = !0) }, ondragend: function () { o.isDragend = !0 } } } var n = e("zrender/shape/Image"), a = e("../util/shape/Icon"), o = e("../util/shape/MarkLine"), r = e("../util/shape/Symbol"), s = e("zrender/shape/Polyline"), l = e("zrender/shape/ShapeBundle"), h = e("../config"), m = e("../util/ecData"), V = e("../util/ecAnimation"), U = e("../util/ecEffect"), d = e("../util/accMath"), p = e("../component/base"), c = e("../layout/EdgeBundling"), u = e("zrender/tool/util"), y = e("zrender/tool/area"); return i.prototype = { setCalculable: function (e) { return e.dragEnableTime = this.ecTheme.DRAG_ENABLE_TIME || h.DRAG_ENABLE_TIME, e.ondragover = this.shapeHandler.ondragover, e.ondragend = this.shapeHandler.ondragend, e.ondrop = this.shapeHandler.ondrop, e }, ondrop: function (e, t) { if (this.isDrop && e.target && !t.dragIn) { var i, n = e.target, a = e.dragged, o = m.get(n, "seriesIndex"), r = m.get(n, "dataIndex"), s = this.series, l = this.component.legend; if (-1 === r) { if (m.get(a, "seriesIndex") == o) return t.dragOut = t.dragIn = t.needRefresh = !0, void (this.isDrop = !1); i = { value: m.get(a, "value"), name: m.get(a, "name") }, this.type === h.CHART_TYPE_PIE && i.value < 0 && (i.value = 0); for (var V = !1, U = s[o].data, p = 0, c = U.length; c > p; p++) U[p].name === i.name && "-" === U[p].value && (s[o].data[p].value = i.value, V = !0); !V && s[o].data.push(i), l && l.add(i.name, a.style.color || a.style.strokeColor) } else i = s[o].data[r] || "-", null != i.value ? (s[o].data[r].value = "-" != i.value ? d.accAdd(s[o].data[r].value, m.get(a, "value")) : m.get(a, "value"), (this.type === h.CHART_TYPE_FUNNEL || this.type === h.CHART_TYPE_PIE) && (l && 1 === l.getRelatedAmount(i.name) && this.component.legend.del(i.name), i.name += this.option.nameConnector + m.get(a, "name"), l && l.add(i.name, a.style.color || a.style.strokeColor))) : s[o].data[r] = "-" != i ? d.accAdd(s[o].data[r], m.get(a, "value")) : m.get(a, "value"); t.dragIn = t.dragIn || !0, this.isDrop = !1; var u = this; setTimeout(function () { u.zr.trigger("mousemove", e.event) }, 300) } }, ondragend: function (e, t) { if (this.isDragend && e.target && !t.dragOut) { var i = e.target, n = m.get(i, "seriesIndex"), a = m.get(i, "dataIndex"), o = this.series; if (null != o[n].data[a].value) { o[n].data[a].value = "-"; var r = o[n].data[a].name, s = this.component.legend; s && 0 === s.getRelatedAmount(r) && s.del(r) } else o[n].data[a] = "-"; t.dragOut = !0, t.needRefresh = !0, this.isDragend = !1 } }, onlegendSelected: function (e, t) { var i = e.selected; for (var n in this.selectedMap) this.selectedMap[n] != i[n] && (t.needRefresh = !0), this.selectedMap[n] = i[n] }, _buildPosition: function () { this._symbol = this.option.symbolList, this._sIndex2ShapeMap = {}, this._sIndex2ColorMap = {}, this.selectedMap = {}, this.xMarkMap = {}; for (var e, t, i, n, a = this.series, o = { top: [], bottom: [], left: [], right: [], other: [] }, r = 0, s = a.length; s > r; r++) a[r].type === this.type && (a[r] = this.reformOption(a[r]), this.legendHoverLink = a[r].legendHoverLink || this.legendHoverLink, e = a[r].xAxisIndex, t = a[r].yAxisIndex, i = this.component.xAxis.getAxis(e), n = this.component.yAxis.getAxis(t), i.type === h.COMPONENT_TYPE_AXIS_CATEGORY ? o[i.getPosition()].push(r) : n.type === h.COMPONENT_TYPE_AXIS_CATEGORY ? o[n.getPosition()].push(r) : o.other.push(r)); for (var l in o) o[l].length > 0 && this._buildSinglePosition(l, o[l]); this.addShapeList() }, _buildSinglePosition: function (e, t) { var i = this._mapData(t), n = i.locationMap, a = i.maxDataLength; if (0 !== a && 0 !== n.length) { switch (e) { case"bottom": case"top": this._buildHorizontal(t, a, n, this.xMarkMap); break; case"left": case"right": this._buildVertical(t, a, n, this.xMarkMap); break; case"other": this._buildOther(t, a, n, this.xMarkMap) } for (var o = 0, r = t.length; r > o; o++) this.buildMark(t[o]) } }, _mapData: function (e) { for (var t, i, n, a, o = this.series, r = 0, s = {}, l = "__kener__stack__", m = this.component.legend, V = [], U = 0, d = 0, p = e.length; p > d; d++) { if (t = o[e[d]], n = t.name, this._sIndex2ShapeMap[e[d]] = this._sIndex2ShapeMap[e[d]] || this.query(t, "symbol") || this._symbol[d % this._symbol.length], m) { if (this.selectedMap[n] = m.isSelected(n), this._sIndex2ColorMap[e[d]] = m.getColor(n), a = m.getItemShape(n)) { var c = a.style; if (this.type == h.CHART_TYPE_LINE) c.iconType = "legendLineIcon", c.symbol = this._sIndex2ShapeMap[e[d]]; else if (t.itemStyle.normal.barBorderWidth > 0) { var u = a.highlightStyle; c.brushType = "both", c.x += 1, c.y += 1, c.width -= 2, c.height -= 2, c.strokeColor = u.strokeColor = t.itemStyle.normal.barBorderColor, u.lineWidth = 3 } m.setItemShape(n, a) } } else this.selectedMap[n] = !0, this._sIndex2ColorMap[e[d]] = this.zr.getColor(e[d]); this.selectedMap[n] && (i = t.stack || l + e[d], null == s[i] ? (s[i] = r, V[r] = [e[d]], r++) : V[s[i]].push(e[d])), U = Math.max(U, t.data.length) } return {locationMap: V, maxDataLength: U} }, _calculMarkMapXY: function (e, t, i) { for (var n = this.series, a = 0, o = t.length; o > a; a++) for (var r = 0, s = t[a].length; s > r; r++) { var l = t[a][r], h = "xy" == i ? 0 : "", m = this.component.grid, V = e[l]; if ("-1" != i.indexOf("x")) { V["counter" + h] > 0 && (V["average" + h] = V["sum" + h] / V["counter" + h]); var U = this.component.xAxis.getAxis(n[l].xAxisIndex || 0).getCoord(V["average" + h]); V["averageLine" + h] = [[U, m.getYend()], [U, m.getY()]], V["minLine" + h] = [[V["minX" + h], m.getYend()], [V["minX" + h], m.getY()]], V["maxLine" + h] = [[V["maxX" + h], m.getYend()], [V["maxX" + h], m.getY()]], V.isHorizontal = !1 } if (h = "xy" == i ? 1 : "", "-1" != i.indexOf("y")) { V["counter" + h] > 0 && (V["average" + h] = V["sum" + h] / V["counter" + h]); var d = this.component.yAxis.getAxis(n[l].yAxisIndex || 0).getCoord(V["average" + h]); V["averageLine" + h] = [[m.getX(), d], [m.getXend(), d]], V["minLine" + h] = [[m.getX(), V["minY" + h]], [m.getXend(), V["minY" + h]]], V["maxLine" + h] = [[m.getX(), V["maxY" + h]], [m.getXend(), V["maxY" + h]]], V.isHorizontal = !0 } } }, addLabel: function (e, t, i, n, a) { var o = [i, t], r = this.deepMerge(o, "itemStyle.normal.label"), s = this.deepMerge(o, "itemStyle.emphasis.label"), l = r.textStyle || {}, h = s.textStyle || {}; if (r.show) { var m = e.style; m.text = this._getLabelText(t, i, n, "normal"), m.textPosition = null == r.position ? "horizontal" === a ? "right" : "top" : r.position, m.textColor = l.color, m.textFont = this.getFont(l), m.textAlign = l.align, m.textBaseline = l.baseline } if (s.show) { var V = e.highlightStyle; V.text = this._getLabelText(t, i, n, "emphasis"), V.textPosition = r.show ? e.style.textPosition : null == s.position ? "horizontal" === a ? "right" : "top" : s.position, V.textColor = h.color, V.textFont = this.getFont(h), V.textAlign = h.align, V.textBaseline = h.baseline } return e }, _getLabelText: function (e, t, i, n) { var a = this.deepQuery([t, e], "itemStyle." + n + ".label.formatter"); a || "emphasis" !== n || (a = this.deepQuery([t, e], "itemStyle.normal.label.formatter")); var o = this.getDataFromOption(t, "-"); return a ? "function" == typeof a ? a.call(this.myChart, { seriesName: e.name, series: e, name: i, value: o, data: t, status: n }) : "string" == typeof a ? a = a.replace("{a}", "{a0}").replace("{b}", "{b0}").replace("{c}", "{c0}").replace("{a0}", e.name).replace("{b0}", i).replace("{c0}", this.numAddCommas(o)) : void 0 : o instanceof Array ? null != o[2] ? this.numAddCommas(o[2]) : o[0] + " , " + o[1] : this.numAddCommas(o) }, buildMark: function (e) { var t = this.series[e]; this.selectedMap[t.name] && (t.markLine && this._buildMarkLine(e), t.markPoint && this._buildMarkPoint(e)) }, _buildMarkPoint: function (e) { for (var t, i, n = (this.markAttachStyle || {})[e], a = this.series[e], o = u.clone(a.markPoint), r = 0, s = o.data.length; s > r; r++) t = o.data[r], i = this.getMarkCoord(e, t), t.x = null != t.x ? t.x : i[0], t.y = null != t.y ? t.y : i[1], !t.type || "max" !== t.type && "min" !== t.type || (t.value = i[3], t.name = t.name || t.type, t.symbolSize = t.symbolSize || y.getTextWidth(i[3], this.getFont()) / 2 + 5); for (var l = this._markPoint(e, o), r = 0, s = l.length; s > r; r++) { var m = l[r]; m.zlevel = a.zlevel, m.z = a.z + 1; for (var V in n) m[V] = u.clone(n[V]); this.shapeList.push(m) } if (this.type === h.CHART_TYPE_FORCE || this.type === h.CHART_TYPE_CHORD) for (var r = 0, s = l.length; s > r; r++) this.zr.addShape(l[r]) }, _buildMarkLine: function (e) { for (var t, i = (this.markAttachStyle || {})[e], n = this.series[e], a = u.clone(n.markLine), o = 0, r = a.data.length; r > o; o++) { var s = a.data[o]; !s.type || "max" !== s.type && "min" !== s.type && "average" !== s.type ? t = [this.getMarkCoord(e, s[0]), this.getMarkCoord(e, s[1])] : (t = this.getMarkCoord(e, s), a.data[o] = [u.clone(s), {}], a.data[o][0].name = s.name || s.type, a.data[o][0].value = "average" !== s.type ? t[3] : +t[3].toFixed(null != a.precision ? a.precision : this.deepQuery([this.ecTheme, h], "markLine.precision")), t = t[2], s = [{}, {}]), null != t && null != t[0] && null != t[1] && (a.data[o][0].x = null != s[0].x ? s[0].x : t[0][0], a.data[o][0].y = null != s[0].y ? s[0].y : t[0][1], a.data[o][1].x = null != s[1].x ? s[1].x : t[1][0], a.data[o][1].y = null != s[1].y ? s[1].y : t[1][1]) } var m = this._markLine(e, a), V = a.large; if (V) { var U = new l({style: {shapeList: m}}), d = m[0]; if (d) { u.merge(U.style, d.style), u.merge(U.highlightStyle = {}, d.highlightStyle), U.style.brushType = "stroke", U.zlevel = n.zlevel, U.z = n.z + 1, U.hoverable = !1; for (var p in i) U[p] = u.clone(i[p]) } this.shapeList.push(U), this.zr.addShape(U), U._mark = "largeLine"; var c = a.effect; c.show && (U.effect = c) } else { for (var o = 0, r = m.length; r > o; o++) { var y = m[o]; y.zlevel = n.zlevel, y.z = n.z + 1; for (var p in i) y[p] = u.clone(i[p]); this.shapeList.push(y) } if (this.type === h.CHART_TYPE_FORCE || this.type === h.CHART_TYPE_CHORD) for (var o = 0, r = m.length; r > o; o++) this.zr.addShape(m[o]) } }, _markPoint: function (e, t) { var i = this.series[e], n = this.component; u.merge(u.merge(t, u.clone(this.ecTheme.markPoint || {})), u.clone(h.markPoint)), t.name = i.name; var a, o, r, s, l, V, U, d = [], p = t.data, c = n.dataRange, y = n.legend, g = this.zr.getWidth(), b = this.zr.getHeight(); if (t.large) a = this.getLargeMarkPointShape(e, t), a._mark = "largePoint", a && d.push(a); else for (var f = 0, k = p.length; k > f; f++) null != p[f].x && null != p[f].y && (r = null != p[f].value ? p[f].value : "", y && (o = y.getColor(i.name)), c && (o = isNaN(r) ? o : c.getColor(r), s = [p[f], t], l = this.deepQuery(s, "itemStyle.normal.color") || o, V = this.deepQuery(s, "itemStyle.emphasis.color") || l, null == l && null == V) || (o = null == o ? this.zr.getColor(e) : o, p[f].tooltip = p[f].tooltip || t.tooltip || {trigger: "item"}, p[f].name = null != p[f].name ? p[f].name : "", p[f].value = r, a = this.getSymbolShape(t, e, p[f], f, p[f].name, this.parsePercent(p[f].x, g), this.parsePercent(p[f].y, b), "pin", o, "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "horizontal"), a._mark = "point", U = this.deepMerge([p[f], t], "effect"), U.show && (a.effect = U), i.type === h.CHART_TYPE_MAP && (a._geo = this.getMarkGeo(p[f])), m.pack(a, i, e, p[f], f, p[f].name, r), d.push(a))); return d }, _markLine: function () { function e(e, t) { e[t] = e[t] instanceof Array ? e[t].length > 1 ? e[t] : [e[t][0], e[t][0]] : [e[t], e[t]] } return function (i, n) { var a = this.series[i], o = this.component, r = o.dataRange, s = o.legend; u.merge(u.merge(n, u.clone(this.ecTheme.markLine || {})), u.clone(h.markLine)); var l = s ? s.getColor(a.name) : this.zr.getColor(i); e(n, "symbol"), e(n, "symbolSize"), e(n, "symbolRotate"); for (var V = n.data, U = [], d = this.zr.getWidth(), p = this.zr.getHeight(), y = 0; y < V.length; y++) { var g = V[y]; if (t(g[0]) && t(g[1])) { var b = this.deepMerge(g), f = [b, n], k = l, x = null != b.value ? b.value : ""; if (r) { k = isNaN(x) ? k : r.getColor(x); var _ = this.deepQuery(f, "itemStyle.normal.color") || k, L = this.deepQuery(f, "itemStyle.emphasis.color") || _; if (null == _ && null == L) continue } g[0].tooltip = b.tooltip || n.tooltip || {trigger: "item"}, g[0].name = g[0].name || "", g[1].name = g[1].name || "", g[0].value = x, U.push({ points: [[this.parsePercent(g[0].x, d), this.parsePercent(g[0].y, p)], [this.parsePercent(g[1].x, d), this.parsePercent(g[1].y, p)]], rawData: g, color: k }) } } var W = this.query(n, "bundling.enable"); if (W) { var X = new c; X.maxTurningAngle = this.query(n, "bundling.maxTurningAngle") / 180 * Math.PI, U = X.run(U) } n.name = a.name; for (var v = [], y = 0, w = U.length; w > y; y++) { var K = U[y], I = K.rawEdge || K, g = I.rawData, x = null != g.value ? g.value : "", J = this.getMarkLineShape(n, i, g, y, K.points, W, I.color); J._mark = "line"; var C = this.deepMerge([g[0], g[1], n], "effect"); C.show && (J.effect = C, J.effect.large = n.large), a.type === h.CHART_TYPE_MAP && (J._geo = [this.getMarkGeo(g[0]), this.getMarkGeo(g[1])]), m.pack(J, a, i, g[0], y, g[0].name + ("" !== g[1].name ? " > " + g[1].name : ""), x), v.push(J) } return v } }(), getMarkCoord: function () { return [0, 0] }, getSymbolShape: function (e, t, i, o, r, s, l, h, V, U, d) { var p = [i, e], c = this.getDataFromOption(i, "-"); h = this.deepQuery(p, "symbol") || h; var u = this.deepQuery(p, "symbolSize"); u = "function" == typeof u ? u(c) : u, "number" == typeof u && (u = [u, u]); var y = this.deepQuery(p, "symbolRotate"), g = this.deepMerge(p, "itemStyle.normal"), b = this.deepMerge(p, "itemStyle.emphasis"), f = null != g.borderWidth ? g.borderWidth : g.lineStyle && g.lineStyle.width; null == f && (f = h.match("empty") ? 2 : 0); var k = null != b.borderWidth ? b.borderWidth : b.lineStyle && b.lineStyle.width; null == k && (k = f + 2); var x = this.getItemStyleColor(g.color, t, o, i), _ = this.getItemStyleColor(b.color, t, o, i), L = u[0], W = u[1], X = new a({ style: { iconType: h.replace("empty", "").toLowerCase(), x: s - L, y: l - W, width: 2 * L, height: 2 * W, brushType: "both", color: h.match("empty") ? U : x || V, strokeColor: g.borderColor || x || V, lineWidth: f }, highlightStyle: { color: h.match("empty") ? U : _ || x || V, strokeColor: b.borderColor || g.borderColor || _ || x || V, lineWidth: k }, clickable: this.deepQuery(p, "clickable") }); return h.match("image") && (X.style.image = h.replace(new RegExp("^image:\\/\\/"), ""), X = new n({ style: X.style, highlightStyle: X.highlightStyle, clickable: this.deepQuery(p, "clickable") })), null != y && (X.rotation = [y * Math.PI / 180, s, l]), h.match("star") && (X.style.iconType = "star", X.style.n = h.replace("empty", "").replace("star", "") - 0 || 5), "none" === h && (X.invisible = !0, X.hoverable = !1), X = this.addLabel(X, e, i, r, d), h.match("empty") && (null == X.style.textColor && (X.style.textColor = X.style.strokeColor), null == X.highlightStyle.textColor && (X.highlightStyle.textColor = X.highlightStyle.strokeColor)), m.pack(X, e, t, i, o, r), X._x = s, X._y = l, X._dataIndex = o, X._seriesIndex = t, X }, getMarkLineShape: function (e, t, i, n, a, r, l) { var h = null != i[0].value ? i[0].value : "-", m = null != i[1].value ? i[1].value : "-", V = [i[0].symbol || e.symbol[0], i[1].symbol || e.symbol[1]], U = [i[0].symbolSize || e.symbolSize[0], i[1].symbolSize || e.symbolSize[1]]; U[0] = "function" == typeof U[0] ? U[0](h) : U[0], U[1] = "function" == typeof U[1] ? U[1](m) : U[1]; var d = [this.query(i[0], "symbolRotate") || e.symbolRotate[0], this.query(i[1], "symbolRotate") || e.symbolRotate[1]], p = [i[0], i[1], e], c = this.deepMerge(p, "itemStyle.normal"); c.color = this.getItemStyleColor(c.color, t, n, i); var u = this.deepMerge(p, "itemStyle.emphasis"); u.color = this.getItemStyleColor(u.color, t, n, i); var y = c.lineStyle, g = u.lineStyle, b = y.width; null == b && (b = c.borderWidth); var f = g.width; null == f && (f = null != u.borderWidth ? u.borderWidth : b + 2); var k = this.deepQuery(p, "smoothness"); this.deepQuery(p, "smooth") || (k = 0); var x = r ? s : o, _ = new x({ style: { symbol: V, symbolSize: U, symbolRotate: d, brushType: "both", lineType: y.type, shadowColor: y.shadowColor || y.color || c.borderColor || c.color || l, shadowBlur: y.shadowBlur, shadowOffsetX: y.shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY: y.shadowOffsetY, color: c.color || l, strokeColor: y.color || c.borderColor || c.color || l, lineWidth: b, symbolBorderColor: c.borderColor || c.color || l, symbolBorder: c.borderWidth }, highlightStyle: { shadowColor: g.shadowColor, shadowBlur: g.shadowBlur, shadowOffsetX: g.shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY: g.shadowOffsetY, color: u.color || c.color || l, strokeColor: g.color || y.color || u.borderColor || c.borderColor || u.color || c.color || l, lineWidth: f, symbolBorderColor: u.borderColor || c.borderColor || u.color || c.color || l, symbolBorder: null == u.borderWidth ? c.borderWidth + 2 : u.borderWidth }, clickable: this.deepQuery(p, "clickable") }), L = _.style; return r ? (L.pointList = a, L.smooth = k) : (L.xStart = a[0][0], L.yStart = a[0][1], L.xEnd = a[1][0], L.yEnd = a[1][1], L.curveness = k, _.updatePoints(_.style)), _ = this.addLabel(_, e, i[0], i[0].name + " : " + i[1].name) }, getLargeMarkPointShape: function (e, t) { var i, n, a, o, s, l, h = this.series[e], m = this.component, V = t.data, U = m.dataRange, d = m.legend, p = [V[0], t]; if (d && (n = d.getColor(h.name)), !U || (a = null != V[0].value ? V[0].value : "", n = isNaN(a) ? n : U.getColor(a), o = this.deepQuery(p, "itemStyle.normal.color") || n, s = this.deepQuery(p, "itemStyle.emphasis.color") || o, null != o || null != s)) { n = this.deepMerge(p, "itemStyle.normal").color || n; var c = this.deepQuery(p, "symbol") || "circle"; c = c.replace("empty", "").replace(/\d/g, ""), l = this.deepMerge([V[0], t], "effect"); var u = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; return i = new r({ style: { pointList: V, color: n, strokeColor: n, shadowColor: l.shadowColor || n, shadowBlur: (null != l.shadowBlur ? l.shadowBlur : 8) * u, size: this.deepQuery(p, "symbolSize"), iconType: c, brushType: "fill", lineWidth: 1 }, draggable: !1, hoverable: !1 }), l.show && (i.effect = l), i } }, backupShapeList: function () { this.shapeList && this.shapeList.length > 0 ? (this.lastShapeList = this.shapeList, this.shapeList = []) : this.lastShapeList = [] }, addShapeList: function () { var e, t, i = this.option.animationThreshold / (this.canvasSupported ? 2 : 4), n = this.lastShapeList, a = this.shapeList, o = n.length > 0, r = o ? this.query(this.option, "animationDurationUpdate") : this.query(this.option, "animationDuration"), s = this.query(this.option, "animationEasing"), l = {}, m = {}; if (this.option.animation && !this.option.renderAsImage && a.length < i && !this.motionlessOnce) { for (var V = 0, U = n.length; U > V; V++) t = this._getAnimationKey(n[V]), t.match("undefined") ? this.zr.delShape(n[V].id) : (t += n[V].type, l[t] ? this.zr.delShape(n[V].id) : l[t] = n[V]); for (var V = 0, U = a.length; U > V; V++) t = this._getAnimationKey(a[V]), t.match("undefined") ? this.zr.addShape(a[V]) : (t += a[V].type, m[t] = a[V]); for (t in l) m[t] || this.zr.delShape(l[t].id); for (t in m) l[t] ? (this.zr.delShape(l[t].id), this._animateMod(l[t], m[t], r, s, 0, o)) : (e = this.type != h.CHART_TYPE_LINE && this.type != h.CHART_TYPE_RADAR || 0 === t.indexOf("icon") ? 0 : r / 2, this._animateMod(!1, m[t], r, s, e, o)); this.zr.refresh(), this.animationEffect() } else { this.motionlessOnce = !1, this.zr.delShape(n); for (var V = 0, U = a.length; U > V; V++) this.zr.addShape(a[V]) } }, _getAnimationKey: function (e) { return this.type != h.CHART_TYPE_MAP && this.type != h.CHART_TYPE_TREEMAP && this.type != h.CHART_TYPE_VENN && this.type != h.CHART_TYPE_TREE ? m.get(e, "seriesIndex") + "_" + m.get(e, "dataIndex") + (e._mark ? e._mark : "") + (this.type === h.CHART_TYPE_RADAR ? m.get(e, "special") : "") : m.get(e, "seriesIndex") + "_" + m.get(e, "dataIndex") + (e._mark ? e._mark : "undefined") }, _animateMod: function (e, t, i, n, a, o) { switch (t.type) { case"polyline": case"half-smooth-polygon": V.pointList(this.zr, e, t, i, n); break; case"rectangle": V.rectangle(this.zr, e, t, i, n); break; case"image": case"icon": V.icon(this.zr, e, t, i, n, a); break; case"candle": o ? this.zr.addShape(t) : V.candle(this.zr, e, t, i, n); break; case"ring": case"sector": case"circle": o ? "sector" === t.type ? V.sector(this.zr, e, t, i, n) : this.zr.addShape(t) : V.ring(this.zr, e, t, i + (m.get(t, "dataIndex") || 0) % 20 * 100, n); break; case"text": V.text(this.zr, e, t, i, n); break; case"polygon": o ? V.pointList(this.zr, e, t, i, n) : V.polygon(this.zr, e, t, i, n); break; case"ribbon": V.ribbon(this.zr, e, t, i, n); break; case"gauge-pointer": V.gaugePointer(this.zr, e, t, i, n); break; case"mark-line": V.markline(this.zr, e, t, i, n); break; case"bezier-curve": case"line": V.line(this.zr, e, t, i, n); break; default: this.zr.addShape(t) } }, animationMark: function (e, t, i) { for (var i = i || this.shapeList, n = 0, a = i.length; a > n; n++) i[n]._mark && this._animateMod(!1, i[n], e, t, 0, !0); this.animationEffect(i) }, animationEffect: function (e) { if (!e && this.clearEffectShape(), e = e || this.shapeList, null != e) { var t = h.EFFECT_ZLEVEL; this.canvasSupported && this.zr.modLayer(t, { motionBlur: !0, lastFrameAlpha: this.option.effectBlendAlpha || h.effectBlendAlpha }); for (var i, n = 0, a = e.length; a > n; n++) i = e[n], i._mark && i.effect && i.effect.show && U[i._mark] && (U[i._mark](this.zr, this.effectList, i, t), this.effectList[this.effectList.length - 1]._mark = i._mark) } }, clearEffectShape: function (e) { var t = this.effectList; if (this.zr && t && t.length > 0) { e && this.zr.modLayer(h.EFFECT_ZLEVEL, {motionBlur: !1}), this.zr.delShape(t); for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) t[i].effectAnimator && t[i].effectAnimator.stop() } this.effectList = [] }, addMark: function (e, t, i) { var n = this.series[e]; if (this.selectedMap[n.name]) { var a = this.query(this.option, "animationDurationUpdate"), o = this.query(this.option, "animationEasing"), r = n[i].data, s = this.shapeList.length; if (n[i].data = t.data, this["_build" + i.replace("m", "M")](e), this.option.animation && !this.option.renderAsImage) this.animationMark(a, o, this.shapeList.slice(s)); else { for (var l = s, h = this.shapeList.length; h > l; l++) this.zr.addShape(this.shapeList[l]); this.zr.refreshNextFrame() } n[i].data = r } }, delMark: function (e, t, i) { i = i.replace("mark", "").replace("large", "").toLowerCase(); var n = this.series[e]; if (this.selectedMap[n.name]) { for (var a = !1, o = [this.shapeList, this.effectList], r = 2; r--;) for (var s = 0, l = o[r].length; l > s; s++) if (o[r][s]._mark == i && m.get(o[r][s], "seriesIndex") == e && m.get(o[r][s], "name") == t) { this.zr.delShape(o[r][s].id), o[r].splice(s, 1), a = !0; break } a && this.zr.refreshNextFrame() } } }, u.inherits(i, p), i }), i("zrender/shape/Circle", ["require", "./Base", "../tool/util"], function (e) { "use strict"; var t = e("./Base"), i = function (e) { t.call(this, e) }; return i.prototype = { type: "circle", buildPath: function (e, t) { e.moveTo(t.x + t.r, t.y), e.arc(t.x, t.y, t.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0) }, getRect: function (e) { if (e.__rect) return e.__rect; var t; return t = "stroke" == e.brushType || "fill" == e.brushType ? e.lineWidth || 1 : 0, e.__rect = { x: Math.round(e.x - e.r - t / 2), y: Math.round(e.y - e.r - t / 2), width: 2 * e.r + t, height: 2 * e.r + t }, e.__rect } }, e("../tool/util").inherits(i, t), i }), i("echarts/util/accMath", [], function () { function e(e, t) { var i = e.toString(), n = t.toString(), a = 0; try { a = n.split(".")[1].length } catch (o) { } try { a -= i.split(".")[1].length } catch (o) { } return (i.replace(".", "") - 0) / (n.replace(".", "") - 0) * Math.pow(10, a) } function t(e, t) { var i = e.toString(), n = t.toString(), a = 0; try { a += i.split(".")[1].length } catch (o) { } try { a += n.split(".")[1].length } catch (o) { } return (i.replace(".", "") - 0) * (n.replace(".", "") - 0) / Math.pow(10, a) } function i(e, t) { var i = 0, n = 0; try { i = e.toString().split(".")[1].length } catch (a) { } try { n = t.toString().split(".")[1].length } catch (a) { } var o = Math.pow(10, Math.max(i, n)); return (Math.round(e * o) + Math.round(t * o)) / o } function n(e, t) { return i(e, -t) } return {accDiv: e, accMul: t, accAdd: i, accSub: n} }), i("echarts/util/shape/Icon", ["require", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/shape/Star", "zrender/shape/Heart", "zrender/shape/Droplet", "zrender/shape/Image", "zrender/shape/Base"], function (e) { function t(e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width / 16, o = t.height / 16; e.moveTo(i, n + t.height), e.lineTo(i + 5 * a, n + 14 * o), e.lineTo(i + t.width, n + 3 * o), e.lineTo(i + 13 * a, n), e.lineTo(i + 2 * a, n + 11 * o), e.lineTo(i, n + t.height), e.moveTo(i + 6 * a, n + 10 * o), e.lineTo(i + 14 * a, n + 2 * o), e.moveTo(i + 10 * a, n + 13 * o), e.lineTo(i + t.width, n + 13 * o), e.moveTo(i + 13 * a, n + 10 * o), e.lineTo(i + 13 * a, n + t.height) } function i(e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width / 16, o = t.height / 16; e.moveTo(i, n + t.height), e.lineTo(i + 5 * a, n + 14 * o), e.lineTo(i + t.width, n + 3 * o), e.lineTo(i + 13 * a, n), e.lineTo(i + 2 * a, n + 11 * o), e.lineTo(i, n + t.height), e.moveTo(i + 6 * a, n + 10 * o), e.lineTo(i + 14 * a, n + 2 * o), e.moveTo(i + 10 * a, n + 13 * o), e.lineTo(i + t.width, n + 13 * o) } function n(e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width / 16, o = t.height / 16; e.moveTo(i + 4 * a, n + 15 * o), e.lineTo(i + 9 * a, n + 13 * o), e.lineTo(i + 14 * a, n + 8 * o), e.lineTo(i + 11 * a, n + 5 * o), e.lineTo(i + 6 * a, n + 10 * o), e.lineTo(i + 4 * a, n + 15 * o), e.moveTo(i + 5 * a, n), e.lineTo(i + 11 * a, n), e.moveTo(i + 5 * a, n + o), e.lineTo(i + 11 * a, n + o), e.moveTo(i, n + 2 * o), e.lineTo(i + t.width, n + 2 * o), e.moveTo(i, n + 5 * o), e.lineTo(i + 3 * a, n + t.height), e.lineTo(i + 13 * a, n + t.height), e.lineTo(i + t.width, n + 5 * o) } function a(e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width / 16, o = t.height / 16; e.moveTo(i, n + 3 * o), e.lineTo(i + 6 * a, n + 3 * o), e.moveTo(i + 3 * a, n), e.lineTo(i + 3 * a, n + 6 * o), e.moveTo(i + 3 * a, n + 8 * o), e.lineTo(i + 3 * a, n + t.height), e.lineTo(i + t.width, n + t.height), e.lineTo(i + t.width, n + 3 * o), e.lineTo(i + 8 * a, n + 3 * o) } function o(e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width / 16, o = t.height / 16; e.moveTo(i + 6 * a, n), e.lineTo(i + 2 * a, n + 3 * o), e.lineTo(i + 6 * a, n + 6 * o), e.moveTo(i + 2 * a, n + 3 * o), e.lineTo(i + 14 * a, n + 3 * o), e.lineTo(i + 14 * a, n + 11 * o), e.moveTo(i + 2 * a, n + 5 * o), e.lineTo(i + 2 * a, n + 13 * o), e.lineTo(i + 14 * a, n + 13 * o), e.moveTo(i + 10 * a, n + 10 * o), e.lineTo(i + 14 * a, n + 13 * o), e.lineTo(i + 10 * a, n + t.height) } function r(e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width / 16, o = t.height / 16, r = t.width / 2; e.lineWidth = 1.5, e.arc(i + r, n + r, r - a, 0, 2 * Math.PI / 3), e.moveTo(i + 3 * a, n + t.height), e.lineTo(i + 0 * a, n + 12 * o), e.lineTo(i + 5 * a, n + 11 * o), e.moveTo(i, n + 8 * o), e.arc(i + r, n + r, r - a, Math.PI, 5 * Math.PI / 3), e.moveTo(i + 13 * a, n), e.lineTo(i + t.width, n + 4 * o), e.lineTo(i + 11 * a, n + 5 * o) } function s(e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width / 16, o = t.height / 16; e.moveTo(i, n), e.lineTo(i, n + t.height), e.lineTo(i + t.width, n + t.height), e.moveTo(i + 2 * a, n + 14 * o), e.lineTo(i + 7 * a, n + 6 * o), e.lineTo(i + 11 * a, n + 11 * o), e.lineTo(i + 15 * a, n + 2 * o) } function l(e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width / 16, o = t.height / 16; e.moveTo(i, n), e.lineTo(i, n + t.height), e.lineTo(i + t.width, n + t.height), e.moveTo(i + 3 * a, n + 14 * o), e.lineTo(i + 3 * a, n + 6 * o), e.lineTo(i + 4 * a, n + 6 * o), e.lineTo(i + 4 * a, n + 14 * o), e.moveTo(i + 7 * a, n + 14 * o), e.lineTo(i + 7 * a, n + 2 * o), e.lineTo(i + 8 * a, n + 2 * o), e.lineTo(i + 8 * a, n + 14 * o), e.moveTo(i + 11 * a, n + 14 * o), e.lineTo(i + 11 * a, n + 9 * o), e.lineTo(i + 12 * a, n + 9 * o), e.lineTo(i + 12 * a, n + 14 * o) } function h(e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width - 2, o = t.height - 2, r = Math.min(a, o) / 2; n += 2, e.moveTo(i + r + 3, n + r - 3), e.arc(i + r + 3, n + r - 3, r - 1, 0, -Math.PI / 2, !0), e.lineTo(i + r + 3, n + r - 3), e.moveTo(i + r, n), e.lineTo(i + r, n + r), e.arc(i + r, n + r, r, -Math.PI / 2, 2 * Math.PI, !0), e.lineTo(i + r, n + r), e.lineWidth = 1.5 } function m(e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width / 16, o = t.height / 16; n -= o, e.moveTo(i + 1 * a, n + 2 * o), e.lineTo(i + 15 * a, n + 2 * o), e.lineTo(i + 14 * a, n + 3 * o), e.lineTo(i + 2 * a, n + 3 * o), e.moveTo(i + 3 * a, n + 6 * o), e.lineTo(i + 13 * a, n + 6 * o), e.lineTo(i + 12 * a, n + 7 * o), e.lineTo(i + 4 * a, n + 7 * o), e.moveTo(i + 5 * a, n + 10 * o), e.lineTo(i + 11 * a, n + 10 * o), e.lineTo(i + 10 * a, n + 11 * o), e.lineTo(i + 6 * a, n + 11 * o), e.moveTo(i + 7 * a, n + 14 * o), e.lineTo(i + 9 * a, n + 14 * o), e.lineTo(i + 8 * a, n + 15 * o), e.lineTo(i + 7 * a, n + 15 * o) } function V(e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width, o = t.height, r = a / 16, s = o / 16, l = 2 * Math.min(r, s); e.moveTo(i + r + l, n + s + l), e.arc(i + r, n + s, l, Math.PI / 4, 3 * Math.PI), e.lineTo(i + 7 * r - l, n + 6 * s - l), e.arc(i + 7 * r, n + 6 * s, l, Math.PI / 4 * 5, 4 * Math.PI), e.arc(i + 7 * r, n + 6 * s, l / 2, Math.PI / 4 * 5, 4 * Math.PI), e.moveTo(i + 7 * r - l / 2, n + 6 * s + l), e.lineTo(i + r + l, n + 14 * s - l), e.arc(i + r, n + 14 * s, l, -Math.PI / 4, 2 * Math.PI), e.moveTo(i + 7 * r + l / 2, n + 6 * s), e.lineTo(i + 14 * r - l, n + 10 * s - l / 2), e.moveTo(i + 16 * r, n + 10 * s), e.arc(i + 14 * r, n + 10 * s, l, 0, 3 * Math.PI), e.lineWidth = 1.5 } function U(e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width, o = t.height, r = Math.min(a, o) / 2; e.moveTo(i + a, n + o / 2), e.arc(i + r, n + r, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI), e.arc(i + r, n, r, Math.PI / 4, Math.PI / 5 * 4), e.arc(i, n + r, r, -Math.PI / 3, Math.PI / 3), e.arc(i + a, n + o, r, Math.PI, Math.PI / 2 * 3), e.lineWidth = 1.5 } function d(e, t) { for (var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width, o = t.height, r = Math.round(o / 3), s = Math.round((r - 2) / 2), l = 3; l--;) e.rect(i, n + r * l + s, a, 2) } function p(e, t) { for (var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width, o = t.height, r = Math.round(a / 3), s = Math.round((r - 2) / 2), l = 3; l--;) e.rect(i + r * l + s, n, 2, o) } function c(e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width / 16; e.moveTo(i + a, n), e.lineTo(i + a, n + t.height), e.lineTo(i + 15 * a, n + t.height), e.lineTo(i + 15 * a, n), e.lineTo(i + a, n), e.moveTo(i + 3 * a, n + 3 * a), e.lineTo(i + 13 * a, n + 3 * a), e.moveTo(i + 3 * a, n + 6 * a), e.lineTo(i + 13 * a, n + 6 * a), e.moveTo(i + 3 * a, n + 9 * a), e.lineTo(i + 13 * a, n + 9 * a), e.moveTo(i + 3 * a, n + 12 * a), e.lineTo(i + 9 * a, n + 12 * a) } function u(e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width / 16, o = t.height / 16; e.moveTo(i, n), e.lineTo(i, n + t.height), e.lineTo(i + t.width, n + t.height), e.lineTo(i + t.width, n), e.lineTo(i, n), e.moveTo(i + 4 * a, n), e.lineTo(i + 4 * a, n + 8 * o), e.lineTo(i + 12 * a, n + 8 * o), e.lineTo(i + 12 * a, n), e.moveTo(i + 6 * a, n + 11 * o), e.lineTo(i + 6 * a, n + 13 * o), e.lineTo(i + 10 * a, n + 13 * o), e.lineTo(i + 10 * a, n + 11 * o), e.lineTo(i + 6 * a, n + 11 * o) } function y(e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width, o = t.height; e.moveTo(i, n + o / 2), e.lineTo(i + a, n + o / 2), e.moveTo(i + a / 2, n), e.lineTo(i + a / 2, n + o) } function g(e, t) { var i = t.width / 2, n = t.height / 2, a = Math.min(i, n); e.moveTo(t.x + i + a, t.y + n), e.arc(t.x + i, t.y + n, a, 0, 2 * Math.PI), e.closePath() } function b(e, t) { e.rect(t.x, t.y, t.width, t.height), e.closePath() } function f(e, t) { var i = t.width / 2, n = t.height / 2, a = t.x + i, o = t.y + n, r = Math.min(i, n); e.moveTo(a, o - r), e.lineTo(a + r, o + r), e.lineTo(a - r, o + r), e.lineTo(a, o - r), e.closePath() } function k(e, t) { var i = t.width / 2, n = t.height / 2, a = t.x + i, o = t.y + n, r = Math.min(i, n); e.moveTo(a, o - r), e.lineTo(a + r, o), e.lineTo(a, o + r), e.lineTo(a - r, o), e.lineTo(a, o - r), e.closePath() } function x(e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y, a = t.width / 16; e.moveTo(i + 8 * a, n), e.lineTo(i + a, n + t.height), e.lineTo(i + 8 * a, n + t.height / 4 * 3), e.lineTo(i + 15 * a, n + t.height), e.lineTo(i + 8 * a, n), e.closePath() } function _(t, i) { var n = e("zrender/shape/Star"), a = i.width / 2, o = i.height / 2; n.prototype.buildPath(t, {x: i.x + a, y: i.y + o, r: Math.min(a, o), n: i.n || 5}) } function L(t, i) { var n = e("zrender/shape/Heart"); n.prototype.buildPath(t, {x: i.x + i.width / 2, y: i.y + .2 * i.height, a: i.width / 2, b: .8 * i.height}) } function W(t, i) { var n = e("zrender/shape/Droplet"); n.prototype.buildPath(t, {x: i.x + .5 * i.width, y: i.y + .5 * i.height, a: .5 * i.width, b: .8 * i.height}) } function X(e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y - t.height / 2 * 1.5, a = t.width / 2, o = t.height / 2, r = Math.min(a, o); e.arc(i + a, n + o, r, Math.PI / 5 * 4, Math.PI / 5), e.lineTo(i + a, n + o + 1.5 * r), e.closePath() } function v(t, i, n) { var a = e("zrender/shape/Image"); this._imageShape = this._imageShape || new a({style: {}}); for (var o in i) this._imageShape.style[o] = i[o]; this._imageShape.brush(t, !1, n) } function w(e) { I.call(this, e) } var K = e("zrender/tool/util"), I = e("zrender/shape/Base"); return w.prototype = { type: "icon", iconLibrary: { mark: t, markUndo: i, markClear: n, dataZoom: a, dataZoomReset: o, restore: r, lineChart: s, barChart: l, pieChart: h, funnelChart: m, forceChart: V, chordChart: U, stackChart: d, tiledChart: p, dataView: c, saveAsImage: u, cross: y, circle: g, rectangle: b, triangle: f, diamond: k, arrow: x, star: _, heart: L, droplet: W, pin: X, image: v }, brush: function (t, i, n) { var a = i ? this.highlightStyle : this.style; a = a || {}; var o = a.iconType || this.style.iconType; if ("image" === o) { var r = e("zrender/shape/Image"); r.prototype.brush.call(this, t, i, n) } else { var a = this.beforeBrush(t, i); switch (t.beginPath(), this.buildPath(t, a, n), a.brushType) { case"both": t.fill(); case"stroke": a.lineWidth > 0 && t.stroke(); break; default: t.fill() } this.drawText(t, a, this.style), this.afterBrush(t) } }, buildPath: function (e, t, i) { this.iconLibrary[t.iconType] ? this.iconLibrary[t.iconType].call(this, e, t, i) : (e.moveTo(t.x, t.y), e.lineTo(t.x + t.width, t.y), e.lineTo(t.x + t.width, t.y + t.height), e.lineTo(t.x, t.y + t.height), e.lineTo(t.x, t.y), e.closePath()) }, getRect: function (e) { return e.__rect ? e.__rect : (e.__rect = { x: Math.round(e.x), y: Math.round(e.y - ("pin" == e.iconType ? e.height / 2 * 1.5 : 0)), width: e.width, height: e.height * ("pin" === e.iconType ? 1.25 : 1) }, e.__rect) }, isCover: function (e, t) { var i = this.transformCoordToLocal(e, t); e = i[0], t = i[1]; var n = this.style.__rect; n || (n = this.style.__rect = this.getRect(this.style)); var a = n.height < 8 || n.width < 8 ? 4 : 0; return e >= n.x - a && e <= n.x + n.width + a && t >= n.y - a && t <= n.y + n.height + a } }, K.inherits(w, I), w }), i("echarts/util/shape/MarkLine", ["require", "zrender/shape/Base", "./Icon", "zrender/shape/Line", "zrender/shape/BezierCurve", "zrender/tool/area", "zrender/shape/util/dashedLineTo", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/curve"], function (e) { function t(e) { i.call(this, e), this.style.curveness > 0 && this.updatePoints(this.style), this.highlightStyle.curveness > 0 && this.updatePoints(this.highlightStyle) } var i = e("zrender/shape/Base"), n = e("./Icon"), a = e("zrender/shape/Line"), o = new a({}), r = e("zrender/shape/BezierCurve"), s = new r({}), l = e("zrender/tool/area"), h = e("zrender/shape/util/dashedLineTo"), m = e("zrender/tool/util"), V = e("zrender/tool/curve"); return t.prototype = { type: "mark-line", brush: function (e, t) { var i = this.style; t && (i = this.getHighlightStyle(i, this.highlightStyle || {})), e.save(), this.setContext(e, i), this.setTransform(e), e.save(), e.beginPath(), this.buildPath(e, i), e.stroke(), e.restore(), this.brushSymbol(e, i, 0), this.brushSymbol(e, i, 1), this.drawText(e, i, this.style), e.restore() }, buildPath: function (e, t) { var i = t.lineType || "solid"; if (e.moveTo(t.xStart, t.yStart), t.curveness > 0) { var n = null; switch (i) { case"dashed": n = [5, 5]; break; case"dotted": n = [1, 1] } n && e.setLineDash && e.setLineDash(n), e.quadraticCurveTo(t.cpX1, t.cpY1, t.xEnd, t.yEnd) } else if ("solid" == i) e.lineTo(t.xEnd, t.yEnd); else { var a = (t.lineWidth || 1) * ("dashed" == t.lineType ? 5 : 1); h(e, t.xStart, t.yStart, t.xEnd, t.yEnd, a) } }, updatePoints: function (e) { var t = e.curveness || 0, i = 1, n = e.xStart, a = e.yStart, o = e.xEnd, r = e.yEnd, s = (n + o) / 2 - i * (a - r) * t, l = (a + r) / 2 - i * (o - n) * t; e.cpX1 = s, e.cpY1 = l }, brushSymbol: function (e, t, i) { if ("none" != t.symbol[i]) { e.save(), e.beginPath(), e.lineWidth = t.symbolBorder, e.strokeStyle = t.symbolBorderColor; var a = t.symbol[i].replace("empty", "").toLowerCase(); t.symbol[i].match("empty") && (e.fillStyle = "#fff"); var o = t.xStart, r = t.yStart, s = t.xEnd, l = t.yEnd, h = 0 === i ? o : s, m = 0 === i ? r : l, U = t.curveness || 0, d = null != t.symbolRotate[i] ? t.symbolRotate[i] - 0 : 0; if (d = d / 180 * Math.PI, "arrow" == a && 0 === d) if (0 === U) { var p = 0 === i ? -1 : 1; d = Math.PI / 2 + Math.atan2(p * (l - r), p * (s - o)) } else { var c = t.cpX1, u = t.cpY1, y = V.quadraticDerivativeAt, g = y(o, c, s, i), b = y(r, u, l, i); d = Math.PI / 2 + Math.atan2(b, g) } e.translate(h, m), 0 !== d && e.rotate(d); var f = t.symbolSize[i]; n.prototype.buildPath(e, { x: -f, y: -f, width: 2 * f, height: 2 * f, iconType: a }), e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.stroke(), e.restore() } }, getRect: function (e) { return e.curveness > 0 ? s.getRect(e) : o.getRect(e), e.__rect }, isCover: function (e, t) { var i = this.transformCoordToLocal(e, t); return e = i[0], t = i[1], this.isCoverRect(e, t) ? this.style.curveness > 0 ? l.isInside(s, this.style, e, t) : l.isInside(o, this.style, e, t) : !1 } }, m.inherits(t, i), t }), i("echarts/util/shape/Symbol", ["require", "zrender/shape/Base", "zrender/shape/Polygon", "zrender/tool/util", "./normalIsCover"], function (e) { function t(e) { i.call(this, e) } var i = e("zrender/shape/Base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Polygon"), a = new n({}), o = e("zrender/tool/util"); return t.prototype = { type: "symbol", buildPath: function (e, t) { var i = t.pointList, n = i.length; if (0 !== n) for (var a, o, r, s, l, h = 1e4, m = Math.ceil(n / h), V = i[0] instanceof Array, U = t.size ? t.size : 2, d = U, p = U / 2, c = 2 * Math.PI, u = 0; m > u; u++) { e.beginPath(), a = u * h, o = a + h, o = o > n ? n : o; for (var y = a; o > y; y++) if (t.random && (r = t["randomMap" + y % 20] / 100, d = U * r * r, p = d / 2), V ? (s = i[y][0], l = i[y][1]) : (s = i[y].x, l = i[y].y), 3 > d) e.rect(s - p, l - p, d, d); else switch (t.iconType) { case"circle": e.moveTo(s, l), e.arc(s, l, p, 0, c, !0); break; case"diamond": e.moveTo(s, l - p), e.lineTo(s + p / 3, l - p / 3), e.lineTo(s + p, l), e.lineTo(s + p / 3, l + p / 3), e.lineTo(s, l + p), e.lineTo(s - p / 3, l + p / 3), e.lineTo(s - p, l), e.lineTo(s - p / 3, l - p / 3), e.lineTo(s, l - p); break; default: e.rect(s - p, l - p, d, d) } if (e.closePath(), m - 1 > u) switch (t.brushType) { case"both": e.fill(), t.lineWidth > 0 && e.stroke(); break; case"stroke": t.lineWidth > 0 && e.stroke(); break; default: e.fill() } } }, getRect: function (e) { return e.__rect || a.getRect(e) }, isCover: e("./normalIsCover") }, o.inherits(t, i), t }), i("zrender/shape/Polyline", ["require", "./Base", "./util/smoothSpline", "./util/smoothBezier", "./util/dashedLineTo", "./Polygon", "../tool/util"], function (e) { var t = e("./Base"), i = e("./util/smoothSpline"), n = e("./util/smoothBezier"), a = e("./util/dashedLineTo"), o = function (e) { this.brushTypeOnly = "stroke", this.textPosition = "end", t.call(this, e) }; return o.prototype = { type: "polyline", buildPath: function (e, t) { var n = t.pointList; if (!(n.length < 2)) { var o = Math.min(t.pointList.length, Math.round(t.pointListLength || t.pointList.length)); if (t.smooth && "spline" !== t.smooth) { t.controlPointList || this.updateControlPoints(t); var r = t.controlPointList; e.moveTo(n[0][0], n[0][1]); for (var s, l, h, m = 0; o - 1 > m; m++) s = r[2 * m], l = r[2 * m + 1], h = n[m + 1], e.bezierCurveTo(s[0], s[1], l[0], l[1], h[0], h[1]) } else if ("spline" === t.smooth && (n = i(n), o = n.length), t.lineType && "solid" != t.lineType) { if ("dashed" == t.lineType || "dotted" == t.lineType) { var V = (t.lineWidth || 1) * ("dashed" == t.lineType ? 5 : 1); e.moveTo(n[0][0], n[0][1]); for (var m = 1; o > m; m++) a(e, n[m - 1][0], n[m - 1][1], n[m][0], n[m][1], V) } } else { e.moveTo(n[0][0], n[0][1]); for (var m = 1; o > m; m++) e.lineTo(n[m][0], n[m][1]) } } }, updateControlPoints: function (e) { e.controlPointList = n(e.pointList, e.smooth, !1, e.smoothConstraint) }, getRect: function (t) { return e("./Polygon").prototype.getRect(t) } }, e("../tool/util").inherits(o, t), o }), i("zrender/shape/ShapeBundle", ["require", "./Base", "../tool/util"], function (e) { var t = e("./Base"), i = function (e) { t.call(this, e) }; return i.prototype = { constructor: i, type: "shape-bundle", brush: function (e, t) { var i = this.beforeBrush(e, t); e.beginPath(); for (var n = 0; n < i.shapeList.length; n++) { var a = i.shapeList[n], o = a.style; t && (o = a.getHighlightStyle(o, a.highlightStyle || {}, a.brushTypeOnly)), a.buildPath(e, o) } switch (i.brushType) { case"both": e.fill(); case"stroke": i.lineWidth > 0 && e.stroke(); break; default: e.fill() } this.drawText(e, i, this.style), this.afterBrush(e) }, getRect: function (e) { if (e.__rect) return e.__rect; for (var t = 1 / 0, i = -(1 / 0), n = 1 / 0, a = -(1 / 0), o = 0; o < e.shapeList.length; o++) var r = e.shapeList[o], s = r.getRect(r.style), t = Math.min(s.x, t), n = Math.min(s.y, n), i = Math.max(s.x + s.width, i), a = Math.max(s.y + s.height, a); return e.__rect = {x: t, y: n, width: i - t, height: a - n}, e.__rect }, isCover: function (e, t) { var i = this.transformCoordToLocal(e, t); if (e = i[0], t = i[1], this.isCoverRect(e, t)) for (var n = 0; n < this.style.shapeList.length; n++) { var a = this.style.shapeList[n]; if (a.isCover(e, t)) return !0 } return !1 } }, e("../tool/util").inherits(i, t), i }), i("echarts/util/ecAnimation", ["require", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/curve", "zrender/shape/Polygon"], function (e) { function t(e, t, i, n, a) { var o, r = i.style.pointList, s = r.length; if (!t) { if (o = [], "vertical" != i._orient) for (var l = r[0][1], h = 0; s > h; h++) o[h] = [r[h][0], l]; else for (var m = r[0][0], h = 0; s > h; h++) o[h] = [m, r[h][1]]; "half-smooth-polygon" == i.type && (o[s - 1] = p.clone(r[s - 1]), o[s - 2] = p.clone(r[s - 2])), t = {style: {pointList: o}} } o = t.style.pointList; var V = o.length; i.style.pointList = V == s ? o : s > V ? o.concat(r.slice(V)) : o.slice(0, s), e.addShape(i), i.__animating = !0, e.animate(i.id, "style").when(n, {pointList: r}).during(function () { i.updateControlPoints && i.updateControlPoints(i.style) }).done(function () { i.__animating = !1 }).start(a) } function i(e, t) { for (var i = arguments.length, n = 2; i > n; n++) { var a = arguments[n]; e.style[a] = t.style[a] } } function n(e, t, n, a, o) { var r = n.style; t || (t = { position: n.position, style: { x: r.x, y: "vertical" == n._orient ? r.y + r.height : r.y, width: "vertical" == n._orient ? r.width : 0, height: "vertical" != n._orient ? r.height : 0 } }); var s = r.x, l = r.y, h = r.width, m = r.height, V = [n.position[0], n.position[1]]; i(n, t, "x", "y", "width", "height"), n.position = t.position, e.addShape(n), (V[0] != t.position[0] || V[1] != t.position[1]) && e.animate(n.id, "").when(a, {position: V}).start(o), n.__animating = !0, e.animate(n.id, "style").when(a, { x: s, y: l, width: h, height: m }).done(function () { n.__animating = !1 }).start(o) } function a(e, t, i, n, a) { if (!t) { var o = i.style.y; t = {style: {y: [o[0], o[0], o[0], o[0]]}} } var r = i.style.y; i.style.y = t.style.y, e.addShape(i), i.__animating = !0, e.animate(i.id, "style").when(n, {y: r}).done(function () { i.__animating = !1 }).start(a) } function o(e, t, i, n, a) { var o = i.style.x, r = i.style.y, s = i.style.r0, l = i.style.r; i.__animating = !0, "r" != i._animationAdd ? (i.style.r0 = 0, i.style.r = 0, i.rotation = [2 * Math.PI, o, r], e.addShape(i), e.animate(i.id, "style").when(n, { r0: s, r: l }).done(function () { i.__animating = !1 }).start(a), e.animate(i.id, "").when(n, {rotation: [0, o, r]}).start(a)) : (i.style.r0 = i.style.r, e.addShape(i), e.animate(i.id, "style").when(n, {r0: s}).done(function () { i.__animating = !1 }).start(a)) } function r(e, t, n, a, o) { t || (t = "r" != n._animationAdd ? { style: {startAngle: n.style.startAngle, endAngle: n.style.startAngle} } : {style: {r0: n.style.r}}); var r = n.style.startAngle, s = n.style.endAngle; i(n, t, "startAngle", "endAngle"), e.addShape(n), n.__animating = !0, e.animate(n.id, "style").when(a, { startAngle: r, endAngle: s }).done(function () { n.__animating = !1 }).start(o) } function s(e, t, n, a, o) { t || (t = {style: {x: "left" == n.style.textAlign ? n.style.x + 100 : n.style.x - 100, y: n.style.y}}); var r = n.style.x, s = n.style.y; i(n, t, "x", "y"), e.addShape(n), n.__animating = !0, e.animate(n.id, "style").when(a, { x: r, y: s }).done(function () { n.__animating = !1 }).start(o) } function l(t, i, n, a, o) { var r = e("zrender/shape/Polygon").prototype.getRect(n.style), s = r.x + r.width / 2, l = r.y + r.height / 2; n.scale = [.1, .1, s, l], t.addShape(n), n.__animating = !0, t.animate(n.id, "").when(a, {scale: [1, 1, s, l]}).done(function () { n.__animating = !1 }).start(o) } function h(e, t, n, a, o) { t || (t = { style: { source0: 0, source1: n.style.source1 > 0 ? 360 : -360, target0: 0, target1: n.style.target1 > 0 ? 360 : -360 } }); var r = n.style.source0, s = n.style.source1, l = n.style.target0, h = n.style.target1; t.style && i(n, t, "source0", "source1", "target0", "target1"), e.addShape(n), n.__animating = !0, e.animate(n.id, "style").when(a, { source0: r, source1: s, target0: l, target1: h }).done(function () { n.__animating = !1 }).start(o) } function m(e, t, i, n, a) { t || (t = {style: {angle: i.style.startAngle}}); var o = i.style.angle; i.style.angle = t.style.angle, e.addShape(i), i.__animating = !0, e.animate(i.id, "style").when(n, {angle: o}).done(function () { i.__animating = !1 }).start(a) } function V(e, t, i, a, o, r) { if (i.style._x = i.style.x, i.style._y = i.style.y, i.style._width = i.style.width, i.style._height = i.style.height, t) n(e, t, i, a, o); else { var s = i._x || 0, l = i._y || 0; i.scale = [.01, .01, s, l], e.addShape(i), i.__animating = !0, e.animate(i.id, "").delay(r).when(a, {scale: [1, 1, s, l]}).done(function () { i.__animating = !1 }).start(o || "QuinticOut") } } function U(e, t, n, a, o) { t || (t = { style: { xStart: n.style.xStart, yStart: n.style.yStart, xEnd: n.style.xStart, yEnd: n.style.yStart } }); var r = n.style.xStart, s = n.style.xEnd, l = n.style.yStart, h = n.style.yEnd; i(n, t, "xStart", "xEnd", "yStart", "yEnd"), e.addShape(n), n.__animating = !0, e.animate(n.id, "style").when(a, { xStart: r, xEnd: s, yStart: l, yEnd: h }).done(function () { n.__animating = !1 }).start(o) } function d(e, t, i, n, a) { a = a || "QuinticOut", i.__animating = !0, e.addShape(i); var o = i.style, r = function () { i.__animating = !1 }, s = o.xStart, l = o.yStart, h = o.xEnd, m = o.yEnd; if (o.curveness > 0) { i.updatePoints(o); var V = {p: 0}, U = o.cpX1, d = o.cpY1, p = [], u = [], y = c.quadraticSubdivide; e.animation.animate(V).when(n, {p: 1}).during(function () { y(s, U, h, V.p, p), y(l, d, m, V.p, u), o.cpX1 = p[1], o.cpY1 = u[1], o.xEnd = p[2], o.yEnd = u[2], e.modShape(i) }).done(r).start(a) } else e.animate(i.id, "style").when(0, {xEnd: s, yEnd: l}).when(n, {xEnd: h, yEnd: m}).done(r).start(a) } var p = e("zrender/tool/util"), c = e("zrender/tool/curve"); return { pointList: t, rectangle: n, candle: a, ring: o, sector: r, text: s, polygon: l, ribbon: h, gaugePointer: m, icon: V, line: U, markline: d } }), i("echarts/util/ecEffect", ["require", "../util/ecData", "zrender/shape/Circle", "zrender/shape/Image", "zrender/tool/curve", "../util/shape/Icon", "../util/shape/Symbol", "zrender/shape/ShapeBundle", "zrender/shape/Polyline", "zrender/tool/vector", "zrender/tool/env"], function (e) { function t(e, t, i, n) { var a, r = i.effect, l = r.color || i.style.strokeColor || i.style.color, m = r.shadowColor || l, V = r.scaleSize, U = r.bounceDistance, d = "undefined" != typeof r.shadowBlur ? r.shadowBlur : V; "image" !== i.type ? (a = new h({ zlevel: n, style: { brushType: "stroke", iconType: "droplet" != i.style.iconType ? i.style.iconType : "circle", x: d + 1, y: d + 1, n: i.style.n, width: i.style._width * V, height: i.style._height * V, lineWidth: 1, strokeColor: l, shadowColor: m, shadowBlur: d }, draggable: !1, hoverable: !1 }), "pin" == i.style.iconType && (a.style.y += a.style.height / 2 * 1.5), p && (a.style.image = e.shapeToImage(a, a.style.width + 2 * d + 2, a.style.height + 2 * d + 2).style.image, a = new s({ zlevel: a.zlevel, style: a.style, draggable: !1, hoverable: !1 }))) : a = new s({ zlevel: n, style: i.style, draggable: !1, hoverable: !1 }), o.clone(i, a), a.position = i.position, t.push(a), e.addShape(a); var c = "image" !== i.type ? window.devicePixelRatio || 1 : 1, u = (a.style.width / c - i.style._width) / 2; a.style.x = i.style._x - u, a.style.y = i.style._y - u, "pin" == i.style.iconType && (a.style.y -= i.style.height / 2 * 1.5); var y = 100 * (r.period + 10 * Math.random()); e.modShape(i.id, {invisible: !0}); var g = a.style.x + a.style.width / 2 / c, b = a.style.y + a.style.height / 2 / c; "scale" === r.type ? (e.modShape(a.id, {scale: [.1, .1, g, b]}), e.animate(a.id, "", r.loop).when(y, {scale: [1, 1, g, b]}).done(function () { i.effect.show = !1, e.delShape(a.id) }).start()) : e.animate(a.id, "style", r.loop).when(y, {y: a.style.y - U}).when(2 * y, {y: a.style.y}).done(function () { i.effect.show = !1, e.delShape(a.id) }).start() } function i(e, t, i, n) { var a = i.effect, o = a.color || i.style.strokeColor || i.style.color, r = a.scaleSize, s = a.shadowColor || o, l = "undefined" != typeof a.shadowBlur ? a.shadowBlur : 2 * r, h = window.devicePixelRatio || 1, V = new m({ zlevel: n, position: i.position, scale: i.scale, style: { pointList: i.style.pointList, iconType: i.style.iconType, color: o, strokeColor: o, shadowColor: s, shadowBlur: l * h, random: !0, brushType: "fill", lineWidth: 1, size: i.style.size }, draggable: !1, hoverable: !1 }); t.push(V), e.addShape(V), e.modShape(i.id, {invisible: !0}); for (var U = Math.round(100 * a.period), d = {}, p = {}, c = 0; 20 > c; c++) V.style["randomMap" + c] = 0, d = {}, d["randomMap" + c] = 100, p = {}, p["randomMap" + c] = 0, V.style["randomMap" + c] = 100 * Math.random(), e.animate(V.id, "style", !0).when(U, d).when(2 * U, p).when(3 * U, d).when(4 * U, d).delay(Math.random() * U * c).start() } function n(e, t, i, n, a) { var s = i.effect, h = i.style, m = s.color || h.strokeColor || h.color, V = s.shadowColor || h.strokeColor || m, c = h.lineWidth * s.scaleSize, u = "undefined" != typeof s.shadowBlur ? s.shadowBlur : c, y = new r({ zlevel: n, style: {x: u, y: u, r: c, color: m, shadowColor: V, shadowBlur: u}, hoverable: !1 }), g = 0; if (p && !a) { var n = y.zlevel; y = e.shapeToImage(y, 2 * (c + u), 2 * (c + u)), y.zlevel = n, y.hoverable = !1, g = u } a || (o.clone(i, y), y.position = i.position, t.push(y), e.addShape(y)); var b = function () { a || (i.effect.show = !1, e.delShape(y.id)), y.effectAnimator = null }; if (i instanceof U) { for (var f = [0], k = 0, x = h.pointList, _ = h.controlPointList, L = 1; L < x.length; L++) { if (_) { var W = _[2 * (L - 1)], X = _[2 * (L - 1) + 1]; k += d.dist(x[L - 1], W) + d.dist(W, X) + d.dist(X, x[L]) } else k += d.dist(x[L - 1], x[L]); f.push(k) } for (var v = {p: 0}, w = e.animation.animate(v, {loop: s.loop}), L = 0; L < f.length; L++) w.when(f[L] * s.period, {p: L}); w.during(function () { var t, i, n = Math.floor(v.p); if (n == x.length - 1) t = x[n][0], i = x[n][1]; else { var o = v.p - n, r = x[n], s = x[n + 1]; if (_) { var h = _[2 * n], m = _[2 * n + 1]; t = l.cubicAt(r[0], h[0], m[0], s[0], o), i = l.cubicAt(r[1], h[1], m[1], s[1], o) } else t = (s[0] - r[0]) * o + r[0], i = (s[1] - r[1]) * o + r[1] } y.style.x = t, y.style.y = i, a || e.modShape(y) }).done(b).start(), w.duration = k * s.period, y.effectAnimator = w } else { var K = h.xStart - g, I = h.yStart - g, J = h.xEnd - g, C = h.yEnd - g; y.style.x = K, y.style.y = I; var S = (J - K) * (J - K) + (C - I) * (C - I), E = Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.round(S * s.period * s.period))); if (i.style.curveness > 0) { var F = h.cpX1 - g, T = h.cpY1 - g; y.effectAnimator = e.animation.animate(y, {loop: s.loop}).when(E, {p: 1}).during(function (t, i) { y.style.x = l.quadraticAt(K, F, J, i), y.style.y = l.quadraticAt(I, T, C, i), a || e.modShape(y) }).done(b).start() } else y.effectAnimator = e.animation.animate(y.style, {loop: s.loop}).when(E, { x: J, y: C }).during(function () { a || e.modShape(y) }).done(b).start(); y.effectAnimator.duration = E } return y } function a(e, t, i, a) { var o = new V({style: {shapeList: []}, zlevel: a, hoverable: !1}), r = i.style.shapeList, s = i.effect; o.position = i.position; for (var l = 0, h = [], m = 0; m < r.length; m++) { r[m].effect = s; var U = n(e, null, r[m], a, !0), d = U.effectAnimator; o.style.shapeList.push(U), d.duration > l && (l = d.duration), 0 === m && (o.style.color = U.style.color, o.style.shadowBlur = U.style.shadowBlur, o.style.shadowColor = U.style.shadowColor), h.push(d) } t.push(o), e.addShape(o); var p = function () { for (var e = 0; e < h.length; e++) h[e].stop() }; if (l) { o.__dummy = 0; var c = e.animate(o.id, "", s.loop).when(l, {__dummy: 1}).during(function () { e.modShape(o) }).done(function () { i.effect.show = !1, e.delShape(o.id) }).start(), u = c.stop; c.stop = function () { p(), u.call(this) } } } var o = e("../util/ecData"), r = e("zrender/shape/Circle"), s = e("zrender/shape/Image"), l = e("zrender/tool/curve"), h = e("../util/shape/Icon"), m = e("../util/shape/Symbol"), V = e("zrender/shape/ShapeBundle"), U = e("zrender/shape/Polyline"), d = e("zrender/tool/vector"), p = e("zrender/tool/env").canvasSupported; return {point: t, largePoint: i, line: n, largeLine: a} }), i("echarts/component/base", ["require", "../config", "../util/ecData", "../util/ecQuery", "../util/number", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/env"], function (e) { function t(e, t, a, o, r) { this.ecTheme = e, this.messageCenter = t, this.zr = a, this.option = o, this.series = o.series, this.myChart = r, this.component = r.component, this.shapeList = [], this.effectList = []; var s = this; s._onlegendhoverlink = function (e) { if (s.legendHoverLink) for (var t, a = e.target, o = s.shapeList.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) t = s.type == i.CHART_TYPE_PIE || s.type == i.CHART_TYPE_FUNNEL ? n.get(s.shapeList[o], "name") : (n.get(s.shapeList[o], "series") || {}).name, t != a || s.shapeList[o].invisible || s.shapeList[o].__animating || s.zr.addHoverShape(s.shapeList[o]) }, t && t.bind(i.EVENT.LEGEND_HOVERLINK, this._onlegendhoverlink) } var i = e("../config"), n = e("../util/ecData"), a = e("../util/ecQuery"), o = e("../util/number"), r = e("zrender/tool/util"); return t.prototype = { canvasSupported: e("zrender/tool/env").canvasSupported, _getZ: function (e) { if (null != this[e]) return this[e]; var t = this.ecTheme[this.type]; return t && null != t[e] ? t[e] : (t = i[this.type], t && null != t[e] ? t[e] : 0) }, getZlevelBase: function () { return this._getZ("zlevel") }, getZBase: function () { return this._getZ("z") }, reformOption: function (e) { return e = r.merge(r.merge(e || {}, r.clone(this.ecTheme[this.type] || {})), r.clone(i[this.type] || {})), this.z = e.z, this.zlevel = e.zlevel, e }, reformCssArray: function (e) { if (!(e instanceof Array)) return [e, e, e, e]; switch (e.length + "") { case"4": return e; case"3": return [e[0], e[1], e[2], e[1]]; case"2": return [e[0], e[1], e[0], e[1]]; case"1": return [e[0], e[0], e[0], e[0]]; case"0": return [0, 0, 0, 0] } }, getShapeById: function (e) { for (var t = 0, i = this.shapeList.length; i > t; t++) if (this.shapeList[t].id === e) return this.shapeList[t]; return null }, getFont: function (e) { var t = this.getTextStyle(r.clone(e)); return t.fontStyle + " " + t.fontWeight + " " + t.fontSize + "px " + t.fontFamily }, getTextStyle: function (e) { return r.merge(r.merge(e || {}, this.ecTheme.textStyle), i.textStyle) }, getItemStyleColor: function (e, t, i, n) { return "function" == typeof e ? e.call(this.myChart, { seriesIndex: t, series: this.series[t], dataIndex: i, data: n }) : e }, getDataFromOption: function (e, t) { return null != e ? null != e.value ? e.value : e : t }, subPixelOptimize: function (e, t) { return e = t % 2 === 1 ? Math.floor(e) + .5 : Math.round(e) }, resize: function () { this.refresh && this.refresh(), this.clearEffectShape && this.clearEffectShape(!0); var e = this; setTimeout(function () { e.animationEffect && e.animationEffect() }, 200) }, clear: function () { this.clearEffectShape && this.clearEffectShape(), this.zr && this.zr.delShape(this.shapeList), this.shapeList = [] }, dispose: function () { this.onbeforDispose && this.onbeforDispose(), this.clear(), this.shapeList = null, this.effectList = null, this.messageCenter && this.messageCenter.unbind(i.EVENT.LEGEND_HOVERLINK, this._onlegendhoverlink), this.onafterDispose && this.onafterDispose() }, query: a.query, deepQuery: a.deepQuery, deepMerge: a.deepMerge, parsePercent: o.parsePercent, parseCenter: o.parseCenter, parseRadius: o.parseRadius, numAddCommas: o.addCommas, getPrecision: o.getPrecision }, t }), i("echarts/layout/EdgeBundling", ["require", "../data/KDTree", "zrender/tool/vector"], function (e) { function t(e, t) { e = e.array, t = t.array; var i = t[0] - e[0], n = t[1] - e[1], a = t[2] - e[2], o = t[3] - e[3]; return i * i + n * n + a * a + o * o } function i(e) { this.points = [e.mp0, e.mp1], this.group = e } function n(e) { var t = e.points; t[0][1] < t[1][1] || e instanceof i ? (this.array = [t[0][0], t[0][1], t[1][0], t[1][1]], this._startPoint = t[0], this._endPoint = t[1]) : (this.array = [t[1][0], t[1][1], t[0][0], t[0][1]], this._startPoint = t[1], this._endPoint = t[0]), this.ink = m(t[0], t[1]), this.edge = e, this.group = null } function a() { this.edgeList = [], this.mp0 = l(), this.mp1 = l(), this.ink = 0 } function o() { this.maxNearestEdge = 6, this.maxTurningAngle = Math.PI / 4, this.maxIteration = 20 } var r = e("../data/KDTree"), s = e("zrender/tool/vector"), l = s.create, h = s.distSquare, m = s.dist, V = s.copy, U = s.clone; return n.prototype.getStartPoint = function () { return this._startPoint }, n.prototype.getEndPoint = function () { return this._endPoint }, a.prototype.addEdge = function (e) { e.group = this, this.edgeList.push(e) }, a.prototype.removeEdge = function (e) { e.group = null, this.edgeList.splice(this.edgeList.indexOf(e), 1) }, o.prototype = { constructor: o, run: function (e) { function t(e, t) { return h(e, t) < 1e-10 } function n(e, i) { for (var n = [], a = 0, o = 0; o < e.length; o++) a > 0 && t(e[o], n[a - 1]) || (n[a++] = U(e[o])); return i[0] && !t(n[0], i[0]) && (n = n.reverse()), n } for (var a = this._iterate(e), o = 0; o++ < this.maxIteration;) { for (var r = [], s = 0; s < a.groups.length; s++) r.push(new i(a.groups[s])); var l = this._iterate(r); if (l.savedInk <= 0) break; a = l } var m = [], V = function (e, t) { for (var a, o = 0; o < e.length; o++) { var r = e[o]; if (r.edgeList[0] && r.edgeList[0].edge instanceof i) { for (var s = [], l = 0; l < r.edgeList.length; l++) s.push(r.edgeList[l].edge.group); a = t ? t.slice() : [], a.unshift(r.mp0), a.push(r.mp1), V(s, a) } else for (var l = 0; l < r.edgeList.length; l++) { var h = r.edgeList[l]; a = t ? t.slice() : [], a.unshift(r.mp0), a.push(r.mp1), a.unshift(h.getStartPoint()), a.push(h.getEndPoint()), m.push({ points: n(a, h.edge.points), rawEdge: h.edge }) } } }; return V(a.groups), m }, _iterate: function (e) { for (var i = [], o = [], s = 0, h = 0; h < e.length; h++) { var m = new n(e[h]); i.push(m) } for (var U = new r(i, 4), d = [], p = l(), c = l(), u = 0, y = l(), g = l(), b = 0, h = 0; h < i.length; h++) { var m = i[h]; if (!m.group) { U.nearestN(m, this.maxNearestEdge, t, d); for (var f = 0, k = null, x = null, _ = 0; _ < d.length; _++) { var L = d[_], W = 0; L.group ? L.group !== x && (x = L.group, u = this._calculateGroupEdgeInk(L.group, m, p, c), W = L.group.ink + m.ink - u) : (u = this._calculateEdgeEdgeInk(m, L, p, c), W = L.ink + m.ink - u), W > f && (f = W, k = L, V(g, c), V(y, p), b = u) } if (k) { s += f; var X; k.group || (X = new a, o.push(X), X.addEdge(k)), X = k.group, V(X.mp0, y), V(X.mp1, g), X.ink = b, k.group.addEdge(m) } else { var X = new a; o.push(X), V(X.mp0, m.getStartPoint()), V(X.mp1, m.getEndPoint()), X.ink = m.ink, X.addEdge(m) } } } return {groups: o, edges: i, savedInk: s} }, _calculateEdgeEdgeInk: function () { var e = [], t = []; return function (i, n, a, o) { e[0] = i.getStartPoint(), e[1] = n.getStartPoint(), t[0] = i.getEndPoint(), t[1] = n.getEndPoint(), this._calculateMeetPoints(e, t, a, o); var r = m(e[0], a) + m(a, o) + m(o, t[0]) + m(e[1], a) + m(o, t[1]); return r } }(), _calculateGroupEdgeInk: function (e, t, i, n) { for (var a = [], o = [], r = 0; r < e.edgeList.length; r++) { var s = e.edgeList[r]; a.push(s.getStartPoint()), o.push(s.getEndPoint()) } a.push(t.getStartPoint()), o.push(t.getEndPoint()), this._calculateMeetPoints(a, o, i, n); for (var l = m(i, n), r = 0; r < a.length; r++) l += m(a[r], i) + m(o[r], n); return l }, _calculateMeetPoints: function () { var e = l(), t = l(); return function (i, n, a, o) { s.set(e, 0, 0), s.set(t, 0, 0); for (var r = i.length, l = 0; r > l; l++) s.add(e, e, i[l]); s.scale(e, e, 1 / r), r = n.length; for (var l = 0; r > l; l++) s.add(t, t, n[l]); s.scale(t, t, 1 / r), this._limitTurningAngle(i, e, t, a), this._limitTurningAngle(n, t, e, o) } }(), _limitTurningAngle: function () { var e = l(), t = l(), i = l(), n = l(); return function (a, o, r, l) { var V = Math.cos(this.maxTurningAngle), U = Math.tan(this.maxTurningAngle); s.sub(e, o, r), s.normalize(e, e), s.copy(l, o); for (var d = 0, p = 0; p < a.length; p++) { var c = a[p]; s.sub(t, c, o); var u = s.len(t); s.scale(t, t, 1 / u); var y = s.dot(t, e); if (V > y) { s.scaleAndAdd(i, o, e, u * y); var g = m(i, c), b = g / U; s.scaleAndAdd(n, i, e, -b); var f = h(n, o); f > d && (d = f, s.copy(l, n)) } } } }() }, o }), i("zrender/shape/Star", ["require", "../tool/math", "./Base", "../tool/util"], function (e) { var t = e("../tool/math"), i = t.sin, n = t.cos, a = Math.PI, o = e("./Base"), r = function (e) { o.call(this, e) }; return r.prototype = { type: "star", buildPath: function (e, t) { var o = t.n; if (o && !(2 > o)) { var r = t.x, s = t.y, l = t.r, h = t.r0; null == h && (h = o > 4 ? l * n(2 * a / o) / n(a / o) : l / 3); var m = a / o, V = -a / 2, U = r + l * n(V), d = s + l * i(V); V += m; var p = t.pointList = []; p.push([U, d]); for (var c, u = 0, y = 2 * o - 1; y > u; u++) c = u % 2 === 0 ? h : l, p.push([r + c * n(V), s + c * i(V)]), V += m; p.push([U, d]), e.moveTo(p[0][0], p[0][1]); for (var u = 0; u < p.length; u++) e.lineTo(p[u][0], p[u][1]); e.closePath() } }, getRect: function (e) { if (e.__rect) return e.__rect; var t; return t = "stroke" == e.brushType || "fill" == e.brushType ? e.lineWidth || 1 : 0, e.__rect = { x: Math.round(e.x - e.r - t / 2), y: Math.round(e.y - e.r - t / 2), width: 2 * e.r + t, height: 2 * e.r + t }, e.__rect } }, e("../tool/util").inherits(r, o), r }), i("zrender/shape/Heart", ["require", "./Base", "./util/PathProxy", "../tool/area", "../tool/util"], function (e) { "use strict"; var t = e("./Base"), i = e("./util/PathProxy"), n = e("../tool/area"), a = function (e) { t.call(this, e), this._pathProxy = new i }; return a.prototype = { type: "heart", buildPath: function (e, t) { var n = this._pathProxy || new i; n.begin(e), n.moveTo(t.x, t.y), n.bezierCurveTo(t.x + t.a / 2, t.y - 2 * t.b / 3, t.x + 2 * t.a, t.y + t.b / 3, t.x, t.y + t.b), n.bezierCurveTo(t.x - 2 * t.a, t.y + t.b / 3, t.x - t.a / 2, t.y - 2 * t.b / 3, t.x, t.y), n.closePath() }, getRect: function (e) { return e.__rect ? e.__rect : (this._pathProxy.isEmpty() || this.buildPath(null, e), this._pathProxy.fastBoundingRect()) }, isCover: function (e, t) { var i = this.transformCoordToLocal(e, t); return e = i[0], t = i[1], this.isCoverRect(e, t) ? n.isInsidePath(this._pathProxy.pathCommands, this.style.lineWidth, this.style.brushType, e, t) : void 0 } }, e("../tool/util").inherits(a, t), a }), i("zrender/shape/Droplet", ["require", "./Base", "./util/PathProxy", "../tool/area", "../tool/util"], function (e) { "use strict"; var t = e("./Base"), i = e("./util/PathProxy"), n = e("../tool/area"), a = function (e) { t.call(this, e), this._pathProxy = new i }; return a.prototype = { type: "droplet", buildPath: function (e, t) { var n = this._pathProxy || new i; n.begin(e), n.moveTo(t.x, t.y + t.a), n.bezierCurveTo(t.x + t.a, t.y + t.a, t.x + 3 * t.a / 2, t.y - t.a / 3, t.x, t.y - t.b), n.bezierCurveTo(t.x - 3 * t.a / 2, t.y - t.a / 3, t.x - t.a, t.y + t.a, t.x, t.y + t.a), n.closePath() }, getRect: function (e) { return e.__rect ? e.__rect : (this._pathProxy.isEmpty() || this.buildPath(null, e), this._pathProxy.fastBoundingRect()) }, isCover: function (e, t) { var i = this.transformCoordToLocal(e, t); return e = i[0], t = i[1], this.isCoverRect(e, t) ? n.isInsidePath(this._pathProxy.pathCommands, this.style.lineWidth, this.style.brushType, e, t) : void 0 } }, e("../tool/util").inherits(a, t), a }), i("zrender/tool/math", [], function () { function e(e, t) { return Math.sin(t ? e * a : e) } function t(e, t) { return Math.cos(t ? e * a : e) } function i(e) { return e * a } function n(e) { return e / a } var a = Math.PI / 180; return {sin: e, cos: t, degreeToRadian: i, radianToDegree: n} }), i("zrender/shape/util/PathProxy", ["require", "../../tool/vector"], function (e) { var t = e("../../tool/vector"), i = function (e, t) { this.command = e, this.points = t || null }, n = function () { this.pathCommands = [], this._ctx = null, this._min = [], this._max = [] }; return n.prototype.fastBoundingRect = function () { var e = this._min, i = this._max; e[0] = e[1] = 1 / 0, i[0] = i[1] = -(1 / 0); for (var n = 0; n < this.pathCommands.length; n++) { var a = this.pathCommands[n], o = a.points; switch (a.command) { case"M": t.min(e, e, o), t.max(i, i, o); break; case"L": t.min(e, e, o), t.max(i, i, o); break; case"C": for (var r = 0; 6 > r; r += 2) e[0] = Math.min(e[0], e[0], o[r]), e[1] = Math.min(e[1], e[1], o[r + 1]), i[0] = Math.max(i[0], i[0], o[r]), i[1] = Math.max(i[1], i[1], o[r + 1]); break; case"Q": for (var r = 0; 4 > r; r += 2) e[0] = Math.min(e[0], e[0], o[r]), e[1] = Math.min(e[1], e[1], o[r + 1]), i[0] = Math.max(i[0], i[0], o[r]), i[1] = Math.max(i[1], i[1], o[r + 1]); break; case"A": var s = o[0], l = o[1], h = o[2], m = o[3]; e[0] = Math.min(e[0], e[0], s - h), e[1] = Math.min(e[1], e[1], l - m), i[0] = Math.max(i[0], i[0], s + h), i[1] = Math.max(i[1], i[1], l + m) } } return {x: e[0], y: e[1], width: i[0] - e[0], height: i[1] - e[1]} }, n.prototype.begin = function (e) { return this._ctx = e || null, this.pathCommands.length = 0, this }, n.prototype.moveTo = function (e, t) { return this.pathCommands.push(new i("M", [e, t])), this._ctx && this._ctx.moveTo(e, t), this }, n.prototype.lineTo = function (e, t) { return this.pathCommands.push(new i("L", [e, t])), this._ctx && this._ctx.lineTo(e, t), this }, n.prototype.bezierCurveTo = function (e, t, n, a, o, r) { return this.pathCommands.push(new i("C", [e, t, n, a, o, r])), this._ctx && this._ctx.bezierCurveTo(e, t, n, a, o, r), this }, n.prototype.quadraticCurveTo = function (e, t, n, a) { return this.pathCommands.push(new i("Q", [e, t, n, a])), this._ctx && this._ctx.quadraticCurveTo(e, t, n, a), this }, n.prototype.arc = function (e, t, n, a, o, r) { return this.pathCommands.push(new i("A", [e, t, n, n, a, o - a, 0, r ? 0 : 1])), this._ctx && this._ctx.arc(e, t, n, a, o, r), this }, n.prototype.arcTo = function (e, t, i, n, a) { return this._ctx && this._ctx.arcTo(e, t, i, n, a), this }, n.prototype.rect = function (e, t, i, n) { return this._ctx && this._ctx.rect(e, t, i, n), this }, n.prototype.closePath = function () { return this.pathCommands.push(new i("z")), this._ctx && this._ctx.closePath(), this }, n.prototype.isEmpty = function () { return 0 === this.pathCommands.length }, n.PathSegment = i, n }), i("zrender/shape/Line", ["require", "./Base", "./util/dashedLineTo", "../tool/util"], function (e) { var t = e("./Base"), i = e("./util/dashedLineTo"), n = function (e) { this.brushTypeOnly = "stroke", this.textPosition = "end", t.call(this, e) }; return n.prototype = { type: "line", buildPath: function (e, t) { if (t.lineType && "solid" != t.lineType) { if ("dashed" == t.lineType || "dotted" == t.lineType) { var n = (t.lineWidth || 1) * ("dashed" == t.lineType ? 5 : 1); i(e, t.xStart, t.yStart, t.xEnd, t.yEnd, n) } } else e.moveTo(t.xStart, t.yStart), e.lineTo(t.xEnd, t.yEnd) }, getRect: function (e) { if (e.__rect) return e.__rect; var t = e.lineWidth || 1; return e.__rect = { x: Math.min(e.xStart, e.xEnd) - t, y: Math.min(e.yStart, e.yEnd) - t, width: Math.abs(e.xStart - e.xEnd) + t, height: Math.abs(e.yStart - e.yEnd) + t }, e.__rect } }, e("../tool/util").inherits(n, t), n }), i("zrender/shape/BezierCurve", ["require", "./Base", "../tool/util"], function (e) { "use strict"; var t = e("./Base"), i = function (e) { this.brushTypeOnly = "stroke", this.textPosition = "end", t.call(this, e) }; return i.prototype = { type: "bezier-curve", buildPath: function (e, t) { e.moveTo(t.xStart, t.yStart), "undefined" != typeof t.cpX2 && "undefined" != typeof t.cpY2 ? e.bezierCurveTo(t.cpX1, t.cpY1, t.cpX2, t.cpY2, t.xEnd, t.yEnd) : e.quadraticCurveTo(t.cpX1, t.cpY1, t.xEnd, t.yEnd) }, getRect: function (e) { if (e.__rect) return e.__rect; var t = Math.min(e.xStart, e.xEnd, e.cpX1), i = Math.min(e.yStart, e.yEnd, e.cpY1), n = Math.max(e.xStart, e.xEnd, e.cpX1), a = Math.max(e.yStart, e.yEnd, e.cpY1), o = e.cpX2, r = e.cpY2; "undefined" != typeof o && "undefined" != typeof r && (t = Math.min(t, o), i = Math.min(i, r), n = Math.max(n, o), a = Math.max(a, r)); var s = e.lineWidth || 1; return e.__rect = {x: t - s, y: i - s, width: n - t + s, height: a - i + s}, e.__rect } }, e("../tool/util").inherits(i, t), i }), i("zrender/shape/util/dashedLineTo", [], function () { var e = [5, 5]; return function (t, i, n, a, o, r) { if (t.setLineDash) return e[0] = e[1] = r, t.setLineDash(e), t.moveTo(i, n), void t.lineTo(a, o); r = "number" != typeof r ? 5 : r; var s = a - i, l = o - n, h = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(s * s + l * l) / r); s /= h, l /= h; for (var m = !0, V = 0; h > V; ++V) m ? t.moveTo(i, n) : t.lineTo(i, n), m = !m, i += s, n += l; t.lineTo(a, o) } }), i("zrender/shape/Polygon", ["require", "./Base", "./util/smoothSpline", "./util/smoothBezier", "./util/dashedLineTo", "../tool/util"], function (e) { var t = e("./Base"), i = e("./util/smoothSpline"), n = e("./util/smoothBezier"), a = e("./util/dashedLineTo"), o = function (e) { t.call(this, e) }; return o.prototype = { type: "polygon", buildPath: function (e, t) { var o = t.pointList; if (!(o.length < 2)) { if (t.smooth && "spline" !== t.smooth) { var r = n(o, t.smooth, !0, t.smoothConstraint); e.moveTo(o[0][0], o[0][1]); for (var s, l, h, m = o.length, V = 0; m > V; V++) s = r[2 * V], l = r[2 * V + 1], h = o[(V + 1) % m], e.bezierCurveTo(s[0], s[1], l[0], l[1], h[0], h[1]) } else if ("spline" === t.smooth && (o = i(o, !0)), t.lineType && "solid" != t.lineType) { if ("dashed" == t.lineType || "dotted" == t.lineType) { var U = t._dashLength || (t.lineWidth || 1) * ("dashed" == t.lineType ? 5 : 1); t._dashLength = U, e.moveTo(o[0][0], o[0][1]); for (var V = 1, d = o.length; d > V; V++) a(e, o[V - 1][0], o[V - 1][1], o[V][0], o[V][1], U); a(e, o[o.length - 1][0], o[o.length - 1][1], o[0][0], o[0][1], U) } } else { e.moveTo(o[0][0], o[0][1]); for (var V = 1, d = o.length; d > V; V++) e.lineTo(o[V][0], o[V][1]); e.lineTo(o[0][0], o[0][1]) } e.closePath() } }, getRect: function (e) { if (e.__rect) return e.__rect; for (var t = Number.MAX_VALUE, i = Number.MIN_VALUE, n = Number.MAX_VALUE, a = Number.MIN_VALUE, o = e.pointList, r = 0, s = o.length; s > r; r++) o[r][0] < t && (t = o[r][0]), o[r][0] > i && (i = o[r][0]), o[r][1] < n && (n = o[r][1]), o[r][1] > a && (a = o[r][1]); var l; return l = "stroke" == e.brushType || "fill" == e.brushType ? e.lineWidth || 1 : 0, e.__rect = { x: Math.round(t - l / 2), y: Math.round(n - l / 2), width: i - t + l, height: a - n + l }, e.__rect } }, e("../tool/util").inherits(o, t), o }), i("echarts/util/shape/normalIsCover", [], function () { return function (e, t) { var i = this.transformCoordToLocal(e, t); return e = i[0], t = i[1], this.isCoverRect(e, t) } }), i("zrender/shape/util/smoothSpline", ["require", "../../tool/vector"], function (e) { function t(e, t, i, n, a, o, r) { var s = .5 * (i - e), l = .5 * (n - t); return (2 * (t - i) + s + l) * r + (-3 * (t - i) - 2 * s - l) * o + s * a + t } var i = e("../../tool/vector"); return function (e, n) { for (var a = e.length, o = [], r = 0, s = 1; a > s; s++) r += i.distance(e[s - 1], e[s]); var l = r / 5; l = a > l ? a : l; for (var s = 0; l > s; s++) { var h, m, V, U = s / (l - 1) * (n ? a : a - 1), d = Math.floor(U), p = U - d, c = e[d % a]; n ? (h = e[(d - 1 + a) % a], m = e[(d + 1) % a], V = e[(d + 2) % a]) : (h = e[0 === d ? d : d - 1], m = e[d > a - 2 ? a - 1 : d + 1], V = e[d > a - 3 ? a - 1 : d + 2]); var u = p * p, y = p * u; o.push([t(h[0], c[0], m[0], V[0], p, u, y), t(h[1], c[1], m[1], V[1], p, u, y)]) } return o } }), i("zrender/shape/util/smoothBezier", ["require", "../../tool/vector"], function (e) { var t = e("../../tool/vector"); return function (e, i, n, a) { var o, r, s, l, h = [], m = [], V = [], U = [], d = !!a; if (d) { s = [1 / 0, 1 / 0], l = [-(1 / 0), -(1 / 0)]; for (var p = 0, c = e.length; c > p; p++) t.min(s, s, e[p]), t.max(l, l, e[p]); t.min(s, s, a[0]), t.max(l, l, a[1]) } for (var p = 0, c = e.length; c > p; p++) { var o, r, u = e[p]; if (n) o = e[p ? p - 1 : c - 1], r = e[(p + 1) % c]; else { if (0 === p || p === c - 1) { h.push(t.clone(e[p])); continue } o = e[p - 1], r = e[p + 1] } t.sub(m, r, o), t.scale(m, m, i); var y = t.distance(u, o), g = t.distance(u, r), b = y + g; 0 !== b && (y /= b, g /= b), t.scale(V, m, -y), t.scale(U, m, g); var f = t.add([], u, V), k = t.add([], u, U); d && (t.max(f, f, s), t.min(f, f, l), t.max(k, k, s), t.min(k, k, l)), h.push(f), h.push(k) } return n && h.push(t.clone(h.shift())), h } }), i("echarts/util/ecQuery", ["require", "zrender/tool/util"], function (e) { function t(e, t) { if ("undefined" != typeof e) { if (!t) return e; t = t.split("."); for (var i = t.length, n = 0; i > n;) { if (e = e[t[n]], "undefined" == typeof e) return; n++ } return e } } function i(e, i) { for (var n, a = 0, o = e.length; o > a; a++) if (n = t(e[a], i), "undefined" != typeof n) return n } function n(e, i) { for (var n, o = e.length; o--;) { var r = t(e[o], i); "undefined" != typeof r && ("undefined" == typeof n ? n = a.clone(r) : a.merge(n, r, !0)) } return n } var a = e("zrender/tool/util"); return {query: t, deepQuery: i, deepMerge: n} }), i("echarts/util/number", [], function () { function e(e) { return e.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, "") } function t(t, i) { return "string" == typeof t ? e(t).match(/%$/) ? parseFloat(t) / 100 * i : parseFloat(t) : t } function i(e, i) { return [t(i[0], e.getWidth()), t(i[1], e.getHeight())] } function n(e, i) { i instanceof Array || (i = [0, i]); var n = Math.min(e.getWidth(), e.getHeight()) / 2; return [t(i[0], n), t(i[1], n)] } function a(e) { return isNaN(e) ? "-" : (e = (e + "").split("."), e[0].replace(/(\d{1,3})(?=(?:\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "$1,") + (e.length > 1 ? "." + e[1] : "")) } function o(e) { for (var t = 1, i = 0; Math.round(e * t) / t !== e;) t *= 10, i++; return i } return {parsePercent: t, parseCenter: i, parseRadius: n, addCommas: a, getPrecision: o} }), i("echarts/data/KDTree", ["require", "./quickSelect"], function (e) { function t(e, t) { this.left = null, this.right = null, this.axis = e, this.data = t } var i = e("./quickSelect"), n = function (e, t) { e.length && (t || (t = e[0].array.length), this.dimension = t, this.root = this._buildTree(e, 0, e.length - 1, 0), this._stack = [], this._nearstNList = []) }; return n.prototype._buildTree = function (e, n, a, o) { if (n > a) return null; var r = Math.floor((n + a) / 2); r = i(e, n, a, r, function (e, t) { return e.array[o] - t.array[o] }); var s = e[r], l = new t(o, s); return o = (o + 1) % this.dimension, a > n && (l.left = this._buildTree(e, n, r - 1, o), l.right = this._buildTree(e, r + 1, a, o)), l }, n.prototype.nearest = function (e, t) { var i = this.root, n = this._stack, a = 0, o = 1 / 0, r = null; for (i.data !== e && (o = t(i.data, e), r = i), e.array[i.axis] < i.data.array[i.axis] ? (i.right && (n[a++] = i.right), i.left && (n[a++] = i.left)) : (i.left && (n[a++] = i.left), i.right && (n[a++] = i.right)); a--;) { i = n[a]; var s = e.array[i.axis] - i.data.array[i.axis], l = 0 > s, h = !1; s *= s, o > s && (s = t(i.data, e), o > s && i.data !== e && (o = s, r = i), h = !0), l ? (h && i.right && (n[a++] = i.right), i.left && (n[a++] = i.left)) : (h && i.left && (n[a++] = i.left), i.right && (n[a++] = i.right)) } return r.data }, n.prototype._addNearest = function (e, t, i) { for (var n = this._nearstNList, a = e - 1; a > 0 && !(t >= n[a - 1].dist); a--) n[a].dist = n[a - 1].dist, n[a].node = n[a - 1].node; n[a].dist = t, n[a].node = i }, n.prototype.nearestN = function (e, t, i, n) { if (0 >= t) return n.length = 0, n; for (var a = this.root, o = this._stack, r = 0, s = this._nearstNList, l = 0; t > l; l++) s[l] || (s[l] = {}), s[l].dist = 0, s[l].node = null; var h = i(a.data, e), m = 0; for (a.data !== e && (m++, this._addNearest(m, h, a)), e.array[a.axis] < a.data.array[a.axis] ? (a.right && (o[r++] = a.right), a.left && (o[r++] = a.left)) : (a.left && (o[r++] = a.left), a.right && (o[r++] = a.right)); r--;) { a = o[r]; var h = e.array[a.axis] - a.data.array[a.axis], V = 0 > h, U = !1; h *= h, (t > m || h < s[m - 1].dist) && (h = i(a.data, e), (t > m || h < s[m - 1].dist) && a.data !== e && (t > m && m++, this._addNearest(m, h, a)), U = !0), V ? (U && a.right && (o[r++] = a.right), a.left && (o[r++] = a.left)) : (U && a.left && (o[r++] = a.left), a.right && (o[r++] = a.right)) } for (var l = 0; m > l; l++) n[l] = s[l].node.data; return n.length = m, n }, n }), i("echarts/data/quickSelect", ["require"], function () { function e(e, t) { return e - t } function t(e, t, i) { var n = e[t]; e[t] = e[i], e[i] = n } function i(e, i, n, a, o) { for (var r = i; n > i;) { var r = Math.round((n + i) / 2), s = e[r]; t(e, r, n), r = i; for (var l = i; n - 1 >= l; l++) o(s, e[l]) >= 0 && (t(e, l, r), r++); if (t(e, n, r), r === a) return r; a > r ? i = r + 1 : n = r - 1 } return i } function n(t, n, a, o, r) { return arguments.length <= 3 && (o = n, r = 2 == arguments.length ? e : a, n = 0, a = t.length - 1), i(t, n, a, o, r) } return n }), i("echarts/component/dataView", ["require", "./base", "../config", "zrender/tool/util", "../component"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.dom = o.dom, this._tDom = document.createElement("div"), this._textArea = document.createElement("textArea"), this._buttonRefresh = document.createElement("button"), this._buttonRefresh.setAttribute("type", "button"), this._buttonClose = document.createElement("button"), this._buttonClose.setAttribute("type", "button"), this._hasShow = !1, this._zrHeight = n.getHeight(), this._zrWidth = n.getWidth(), this._tDom.className = "echarts-dataview", this.hide(), this.dom.firstChild.appendChild(this._tDom), window.addEventListener ? (this._tDom.addEventListener("click", this._stop), this._tDom.addEventListener("mousewheel", this._stop), this._tDom.addEventListener("mousemove", this._stop), this._tDom.addEventListener("mousedown", this._stop), this._tDom.addEventListener("mouseup", this._stop), this._tDom.addEventListener("touchstart", this._stop), this._tDom.addEventListener("touchmove", this._stop), this._tDom.addEventListener("touchend", this._stop)) : (this._tDom.attachEvent("onclick", this._stop), this._tDom.attachEvent("onmousewheel", this._stop), this._tDom.attachEvent("onmousemove", this._stop), this._tDom.attachEvent("onmousedown", this._stop), this._tDom.attachEvent("onmouseup", this._stop)) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("../config"), a = e("zrender/tool/util"); return t.prototype = { type: n.COMPONENT_TYPE_DATAVIEW, _lang: ["Data View", "close", "refresh"], _gCssText: "position:absolute;display:block;overflow:hidden;transition:height 0.8s,background-color 1s;-moz-transition:height 0.8s,background-color 1s;-webkit-transition:height 0.8s,background-color 1s;-o-transition:height 0.8s,background-color 1s;z-index:1;left:0;top:0;", hide: function () { this._sizeCssText = "width:" + this._zrWidth + "px;height:0px;background-color:#f0ffff;", this._tDom.style.cssText = this._gCssText + this._sizeCssText }, show: function (e) { this._hasShow = !0; var t = this.query(this.option, "toolbox.feature.dataView.lang") || this._lang; this.option = e, this._tDom.innerHTML = '

' + (t[0] || this._lang[0]) + "

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(this._buttonRefresh.style.cssText = "float:right;margin-right:10px;padding:1px 6px;", this._buttonRefresh.innerHTML = t[2] || this._lang[2], this._buttonRefresh.onclick = function () { n._save() }, this._textArea.readOnly = !1, this._textArea.style.cursor = "default") : (this._buttonRefresh.style.cssText = "display:none", this._textArea.readOnly = !0, this._textArea.style.cursor = "text"), this._tDom.appendChild(this._buttonRefresh), this._sizeCssText = "width:" + this._zrWidth + "px;height:" + this._zrHeight + "px;background-color:#fff;", this._tDom.style.cssText = this._gCssText + this._sizeCssText }, _optionToContent: function () { var e, t, i, a, o, r, s = [], l = ""; if (this.option.xAxis) for (s = this.option.xAxis instanceof Array ? this.option.xAxis : [this.option.xAxis], e = 0, a = s.length; a > e; e++) if ("category" == (s[e].type || "category")) { for (r = [], t = 0, i = s[e].data.length; i > t; t++) r.push(this.getDataFromOption(s[e].data[t])); l += r.join(", ") + "\n\n" } if (this.option.yAxis) for (s = this.option.yAxis instanceof Array ? this.option.yAxis : [this.option.yAxis], e = 0, a = s.length; a > e; e++) if ("category" == s[e].type) { for (r = [], t = 0, i = s[e].data.length; i > t; t++) r.push(this.getDataFromOption(s[e].data[t])); l += r.join(", ") + "\n\n" } var h, m = this.option.series; for (e = 0, a = m.length; a > e; e++) { for (r = [], t = 0, i = m[e].data.length; i > t; t++) o = m[e].data[t], h = m[e].type == n.CHART_TYPE_PIE || m[e].type == n.CHART_TYPE_MAP ? (o.name || "-") + ":" : "", m[e].type == n.CHART_TYPE_SCATTER && (o = this.getDataFromOption(o).join(", ")), r.push(h + this.getDataFromOption(o)); l += (m[e].name || "-") + " : \n", l += r.join(m[e].type == n.CHART_TYPE_SCATTER ? "\n" : ", "), l += "\n\n" } return l }, _save: function () { var e = this.query(this.option, "toolbox.feature.dataView.contentToOption"); if ("function" != typeof e) { for (var t = this._textArea.value.split("\n"), i = [], a = 0, o = t.length; o > a; a++) t[a] = this._trim(t[a]), "" !== t[a] && i.push(t[a]); this._contentToOption(i) } else e(this._textArea, this.option); this.hide(); var r = this; setTimeout(function () { r.messageCenter && r.messageCenter.dispatch(n.EVENT.DATA_VIEW_CHANGED, null, {option: r.option}, r.myChart) }, r.canvasSupported ? 800 : 100) }, _contentToOption: function (e) { var t, i, a, o, r, s, l, h = [], m = 0; if (this.option.xAxis) for (h = this.option.xAxis instanceof Array ? this.option.xAxis : [this.option.xAxis], t = 0, o = h.length; o > t; t++) if ("category" == (h[t].type || "category")) { for (s = e[m].split(","), i = 0, a = h[t].data.length; a > i; i++) l = this._trim(s[i] || ""), r = h[t].data[i], "undefined" != typeof h[t].data[i].value ? h[t].data[i].value = l : h[t].data[i] = l; m++ } if (this.option.yAxis) for (h = this.option.yAxis instanceof Array ? this.option.yAxis : [this.option.yAxis], t = 0, o = h.length; o > t; t++) if ("category" == h[t].type) { for (s = e[m].split(","), i = 0, a = h[t].data.length; a > i; i++) l = this._trim(s[i] || ""), r = h[t].data[i], "undefined" != typeof h[t].data[i].value ? h[t].data[i].value = l : h[t].data[i] = l; m++ } var V = this.option.series; for (t = 0, o = V.length; o > t; t++) if (m++, V[t].type == n.CHART_TYPE_SCATTER) for (var i = 0, a = V[t].data.length; a > i; i++) s = e[m], l = s.replace(" ", "").split(","), "undefined" != typeof V[t].data[i].value ? V[t].data[i].value = l : V[t].data[i] = l, m++; else { s = e[m].split(","); for (var i = 0, a = V[t].data.length; a > i; i++) l = (s[i] || "").replace(/.*:/, ""), l = this._trim(l), l = "-" != l && "" !== l ? l - 0 : "-", "undefined" != typeof V[t].data[i].value ? V[t].data[i].value = l : V[t].data[i] = l; m++ } }, _trim: function (e) { var t = new RegExp("(^[\\s\\t\\xa0\\u3000]+)|([\\u3000\\xa0\\s\\t]+$)", "g"); return e.replace(t, "") }, _stop: function (e) { e = e || window.event, e.stopPropagation ? e.stopPropagation() : e.cancelBubble = !0 }, resize: function () { this._zrHeight = this.zr.getHeight(), this._zrWidth = this.zr.getWidth(), this._tDom.offsetHeight > 10 && (this._sizeCssText = "width:" + this._zrWidth + "px;height:" + this._zrHeight + "px;background-color:#fff;", this._tDom.style.cssText = this._gCssText + this._sizeCssText, this._textArea.style.cssText = "display:block;margin:0 0 8px 0;padding:4px 6px;overflow:auto;width:100%;height:" + (this._zrHeight - 100) + "px;") }, dispose: function () { window.removeEventListener ? (this._tDom.removeEventListener("click", this._stop), this._tDom.removeEventListener("mousewheel", this._stop), this._tDom.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._stop), this._tDom.removeEventListener("mousedown", this._stop), this._tDom.removeEventListener("mouseup", this._stop), this._tDom.removeEventListener("touchstart", this._stop), this._tDom.removeEventListener("touchmove", this._stop), this._tDom.removeEventListener("touchend", this._stop)) : (this._tDom.detachEvent("onclick", this._stop), this._tDom.detachEvent("onmousewheel", this._stop), this._tDom.detachEvent("onmousemove", this._stop), this._tDom.detachEvent("onmousedown", this._stop), this._tDom.detachEvent("onmouseup", this._stop)), this._buttonRefresh.onclick = null, this._buttonClose.onclick = null, this._hasShow && (this._tDom.removeChild(this._textArea), this._tDom.removeChild(this._buttonRefresh), this._tDom.removeChild(this._buttonClose)), this._textArea = null, this._buttonRefresh = null, this._buttonClose = null, this.dom.firstChild.removeChild(this._tDom), this._tDom = null } }, a.inherits(t, i), e("../component").define("dataView", t), t }), i("echarts/util/shape/Cross", ["require", "zrender/shape/Base", "zrender/shape/Line", "zrender/tool/util", "./normalIsCover"], function (e) { function t(e) { i.call(this, e) } var i = e("zrender/shape/Base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Line"), a = e("zrender/tool/util"); return t.prototype = { type: "cross", buildPath: function (e, t) { var i = t.rect; t.xStart = i.x, t.xEnd = i.x + i.width, t.yStart = t.yEnd = t.y, n.prototype.buildPath(e, t), t.xStart = t.xEnd = t.x, t.yStart = i.y, t.yEnd = i.y + i.height, n.prototype.buildPath(e, t) }, getRect: function (e) { return e.rect }, isCover: e("./normalIsCover") }, a.inherits(t, i), t }), i("zrender/shape/Sector", ["require", "../tool/math", "../tool/computeBoundingBox", "../tool/vector", "./Base", "../tool/util"], function (e) { var t = e("../tool/math"), i = e("../tool/computeBoundingBox"), n = e("../tool/vector"), a = e("./Base"), o = n.create(), r = n.create(), s = n.create(), l = n.create(), h = function (e) { a.call(this, e) }; return h.prototype = { type: "sector", buildPath: function (e, i) { var n = i.x, a = i.y, o = i.r0 || 0, r = i.r, s = i.startAngle, l = i.endAngle, h = i.clockWise || !1; s = t.degreeToRadian(s), l = t.degreeToRadian(l), h || (s = -s, l = -l); var m = t.cos(s), V = t.sin(s); e.moveTo(m * o + n, V * o + a), e.lineTo(m * r + n, V * r + a), e.arc(n, a, r, s, l, !h), e.lineTo(t.cos(l) * o + n, t.sin(l) * o + a), 0 !== o && e.arc(n, a, o, l, s, h), e.closePath() }, getRect: function (e) { if (e.__rect) return e.__rect; var a = e.x, h = e.y, m = e.r0 || 0, V = e.r, U = t.degreeToRadian(e.startAngle), d = t.degreeToRadian(e.endAngle), p = e.clockWise; return p || (U = -U, d = -d), m > 1 ? i.arc(a, h, m, U, d, !p, o, s) : (o[0] = s[0] = a, o[1] = s[1] = h), i.arc(a, h, V, U, d, !p, r, l), n.min(o, o, r), n.max(s, s, l), e.__rect = { x: o[0], y: o[1], width: s[0] - o[0], height: s[1] - o[1] }, e.__rect } }, e("../tool/util").inherits(h, a), h }), i("echarts/util/shape/Candle", ["require", "zrender/shape/Base", "zrender/tool/util", "./normalIsCover"], function (e) { function t(e) { i.call(this, e) } var i = e("zrender/shape/Base"), n = e("zrender/tool/util"); return t.prototype = { type: "candle", _numberOrder: function (e, t) { return t - e }, buildPath: function (e, t) { var i = n.clone(t.y).sort(this._numberOrder); e.moveTo(t.x, i[3]), e.lineTo(t.x, i[2]), e.moveTo(t.x - t.width / 2, i[2]), e.rect(t.x - t.width / 2, i[2], t.width, i[1] - i[2]), e.moveTo(t.x, i[1]), e.lineTo(t.x, i[0]) }, getRect: function (e) { if (!e.__rect) { var t = 0; ("stroke" == e.brushType || "fill" == e.brushType) && (t = e.lineWidth || 1); var i = n.clone(e.y).sort(this._numberOrder); e.__rect = { x: Math.round(e.x - e.width / 2 - t / 2), y: Math.round(i[3] - t / 2), width: e.width + t, height: i[0] - i[3] + t } } return e.__rect }, isCover: e("./normalIsCover") }, n.inherits(t, i), t }), i("zrender/tool/computeBoundingBox", ["require", "./vector", "./curve"], function (e) { function t(e, t, i) { if (0 !== e.length) { for (var n = e[0][0], a = e[0][0], o = e[0][1], r = e[0][1], s = 1; s < e.length; s++) { var l = e[s]; l[0] < n && (n = l[0]), l[0] > a && (a = l[0]), l[1] < o && (o = l[1]), l[1] > r && (r = l[1]) } t[0] = n, t[1] = o, i[0] = a, i[1] = r } } function i(e, t, i, n, a, r) { var s = []; o.cubicExtrema(e[0], t[0], i[0], n[0], s); for (var l = 0; l < s.length; l++) s[l] = o.cubicAt(e[0], t[0], i[0], n[0], s[l]); var h = []; o.cubicExtrema(e[1], t[1], i[1], n[1], h); for (var l = 0; l < h.length; l++) h[l] = o.cubicAt(e[1], t[1], i[1], n[1], h[l]); s.push(e[0], n[0]), h.push(e[1], n[1]); var m = Math.min.apply(null, s), V = Math.max.apply(null, s), U = Math.min.apply(null, h), d = Math.max.apply(null, h); a[0] = m, a[1] = U, r[0] = V, r[1] = d } function n(e, t, i, n, a) { var r = o.quadraticExtremum(e[0], t[0], i[0]), s = o.quadraticExtremum(e[1], t[1], i[1]); r = Math.max(Math.min(r, 1), 0), s = Math.max(Math.min(s, 1), 0); var l = 1 - r, h = 1 - s, m = l * l * e[0] + 2 * l * r * t[0] + r * r * i[0], V = l * l * e[1] + 2 * l * r * t[1] + r * r * i[1], U = h * h * e[0] + 2 * h * s * t[0] + s * s * i[0], d = h * h * e[1] + 2 * h * s * t[1] + s * s * i[1]; n[0] = Math.min(e[0], i[0], m, U), n[1] = Math.min(e[1], i[1], V, d), a[0] = Math.max(e[0], i[0], m, U), a[1] = Math.max(e[1], i[1], V, d) } var a = e("./vector"), o = e("./curve"), r = a.create(), s = a.create(), l = a.create(), h = function (e, t, i, n, o, h, m, V) { if (Math.abs(n - o) >= 2 * Math.PI) return m[0] = e - i, m[1] = t - i, V[0] = e + i, void (V[1] = t + i); if (r[0] = Math.cos(n) * i + e, r[1] = Math.sin(n) * i + t, s[0] = Math.cos(o) * i + e, s[1] = Math.sin(o) * i + t, a.min(m, r, s), a.max(V, r, s), n %= 2 * Math.PI, 0 > n && (n += 2 * Math.PI), o %= 2 * Math.PI, 0 > o && (o += 2 * Math.PI), n > o && !h ? o += 2 * Math.PI : o > n && h && (n += 2 * Math.PI), h) { var U = o; o = n, n = U } for (var d = 0; o > d; d += Math.PI / 2) d > n && (l[0] = Math.cos(d) * i + e, l[1] = Math.sin(d) * i + t, a.min(m, l, m), a.max(V, l, V)) }; return t.cubeBezier = i, t.quadraticBezier = n, t.arc = h, t }), i("echarts/util/shape/Chain", ["require", "zrender/shape/Base", "./Icon", "zrender/shape/util/dashedLineTo", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/matrix"], function (e) { function t(e) { i.call(this, e) } var i = e("zrender/shape/Base"), n = e("./Icon"), a = e("zrender/shape/util/dashedLineTo"), o = e("zrender/tool/util"), r = e("zrender/tool/matrix"); return t.prototype = { type: "chain", brush: function (e, t) { var i = this.style; t && (i = this.getHighlightStyle(i, this.highlightStyle || {})), e.save(), this.setContext(e, i), this.setTransform(e), e.save(), e.beginPath(), this.buildLinePath(e, i), e.stroke(), e.restore(), this.brushSymbol(e, i), e.restore() }, buildLinePath: function (e, t) { var i = t.x, n = t.y + 5, o = t.width, r = t.height / 2 - 10; if (e.moveTo(i, n), e.lineTo(i, n + r), e.moveTo(i + o, n), e.lineTo(i + o, n + r), e.moveTo(i, n + r / 2), t.lineType && "solid" != t.lineType) { if ("dashed" == t.lineType || "dotted" == t.lineType) { var s = (t.lineWidth || 1) * ("dashed" == t.lineType ? 5 : 1); a(e, i, n + r / 2, i + o, n + r / 2, s) } } else e.lineTo(i + o, n + r / 2) }, brushSymbol: function (e, t) { var i = t.y + t.height / 4; e.save(); for (var a, o = t.chainPoint, r = 0, s = o.length; s > r; r++) { if (a = o[r], "none" != a.symbol) { e.beginPath(); var l = a.symbolSize; n.prototype.buildPath(e, { iconType: a.symbol, x: a.x - l, y: i - l, width: 2 * l, height: 2 * l, n: a.n }), e.fillStyle = a.isEmpty ? "#fff" : t.strokeColor, e.closePath(), e.fill(), e.stroke() } a.showLabel && (e.font = a.textFont, e.fillStyle = a.textColor, e.textAlign = a.textAlign, e.textBaseline = a.textBaseline, a.rotation ? (e.save(), this._updateTextTransform(e, a.rotation), e.fillText(a.name, a.textX, a.textY), e.restore()) : e.fillText(a.name, a.textX, a.textY)) } e.restore() }, _updateTextTransform: function (e, t) { var i = r.create(); if (r.identity(i), 0 !== t[0]) { var n = t[1] || 0, a = t[2] || 0; (n || a) && r.translate(i, i, [-n, -a]), r.rotate(i, i, t[0]), (n || a) && r.translate(i, i, [n, a]) } e.transform.apply(e, i) }, isCover: function (e, t) { var i = this.style; return e >= i.x && e <= i.x + i.width && t >= i.y && t <= i.y + i.height ? !0 : !1 } }, o.inherits(t, i), t }), i("zrender/shape/Ring", ["require", "./Base", "../tool/util"], function (e) { var t = e("./Base"), i = function (e) { t.call(this, e) }; return i.prototype = { type: "ring", buildPath: function (e, t) { e.arc(t.x, t.y, t.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), e.moveTo(t.x + t.r0, t.y), e.arc(t.x, t.y, t.r0, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0) }, getRect: function (e) { if (e.__rect) return e.__rect; var t; return t = "stroke" == e.brushType || "fill" == e.brushType ? e.lineWidth || 1 : 0, e.__rect = { x: Math.round(e.x - e.r - t / 2), y: Math.round(e.y - e.r - t / 2), width: 2 * e.r + t, height: 2 * e.r + t }, e.__rect } }, e("../tool/util").inherits(i, t), i }), i("echarts/component/axis", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Line", "../config", "../util/ecData", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/color", "./categoryAxis", "./valueAxis", "../component"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o, r) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.axisType = r, this._axisList = [], this.refresh(a) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Line"), a = e("../config"), o = e("../util/ecData"), r = e("zrender/tool/util"), s = e("zrender/tool/color"); return t.prototype = { type: a.COMPONENT_TYPE_AXIS, axisBase: { _buildAxisLine: function () { var e = this.option.axisLine.lineStyle.width, t = e / 2, i = { _axisShape: "axisLine", zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase() + 3, hoverable: !1 }, a = this.grid; switch (this.option.position) { case"left": i.style = { xStart: a.getX() - t, yStart: a.getYend(), xEnd: a.getX() - t, yEnd: a.getY(), lineCap: "round" }; break; case"right": i.style = { xStart: a.getXend() + t, yStart: a.getYend(), xEnd: a.getXend() + t, yEnd: a.getY(), lineCap: "round" }; break; case"bottom": i.style = { xStart: a.getX(), yStart: a.getYend() + t, xEnd: a.getXend(), yEnd: a.getYend() + t, lineCap: "round" }; break; case"top": i.style = { xStart: a.getX(), yStart: a.getY() - t, xEnd: a.getXend(), yEnd: a.getY() - t, lineCap: "round" } } var o = i.style; "" !== this.option.name && (o.text = this.option.name, o.textPosition = this.option.nameLocation, o.textFont = this.getFont(this.option.nameTextStyle), this.option.nameTextStyle.align && (o.textAlign = this.option.nameTextStyle.align), this.option.nameTextStyle.baseline && (o.textBaseline = this.option.nameTextStyle.baseline), this.option.nameTextStyle.color && (o.textColor = this.option.nameTextStyle.color)), o.strokeColor = this.option.axisLine.lineStyle.color, o.lineWidth = e, this.isHorizontal() ? o.yStart = o.yEnd = this.subPixelOptimize(o.yEnd, e) : o.xStart = o.xEnd = this.subPixelOptimize(o.xEnd, e), o.lineType = this.option.axisLine.lineStyle.type, i = new n(i), this.shapeList.push(i) }, _axisLabelClickable: function (e, t) { return e ? (o.pack(t, void 0, -1, void 0, -1, t.style.text), t.hoverable = !0, t.clickable = !0, t.highlightStyle = { color: s.lift(t.style.color, 1), brushType: "fill" }, t) : t }, refixAxisShape: function (e, t) { if (this.option.axisLine.onZero) { var i; if (this.isHorizontal() && null != t) for (var n = 0, a = this.shapeList.length; a > n; n++) "axisLine" === this.shapeList[n]._axisShape ? (this.shapeList[n].style.yStart = this.shapeList[n].style.yEnd = this.subPixelOptimize(t, this.shapeList[n].stylelineWidth), this.zr.modShape(this.shapeList[n].id)) : "axisTick" === this.shapeList[n]._axisShape && (i = this.shapeList[n].style.yEnd - this.shapeList[n].style.yStart, this.shapeList[n].style.yStart = t - i, this.shapeList[n].style.yEnd = t, this.zr.modShape(this.shapeList[n].id)); if (!this.isHorizontal() && null != e) for (var n = 0, a = this.shapeList.length; a > n; n++) "axisLine" === this.shapeList[n]._axisShape ? (this.shapeList[n].style.xStart = this.shapeList[n].style.xEnd = this.subPixelOptimize(e, this.shapeList[n].stylelineWidth), this.zr.modShape(this.shapeList[n].id)) : "axisTick" === this.shapeList[n]._axisShape && (i = this.shapeList[n].style.xEnd - this.shapeList[n].style.xStart, this.shapeList[n].style.xStart = e, this.shapeList[n].style.xEnd = e + i, this.zr.modShape(this.shapeList[n].id)) } }, getPosition: function () { return this.option.position }, isHorizontal: function () { return "bottom" === this.option.position || "top" === this.option.position } }, reformOption: function (e) { if (!e || e instanceof Array && 0 === e.length ? e = [{type: a.COMPONENT_TYPE_AXIS_VALUE}] : e instanceof Array || (e = [e]), e.length > 2 && (e = [e[0], e[1]]), "xAxis" === this.axisType) { (!e[0].position || "bottom" != e[0].position && "top" != e[0].position) && (e[0].position = "bottom"), e.length > 1 && (e[1].position = "bottom" === e[0].position ? "top" : "bottom"); for (var t = 0, i = e.length; i > t; t++) e[t].type = e[t].type || "category", e[t].xAxisIndex = t, e[t].yAxisIndex = -1 } else { (!e[0].position || "left" != e[0].position && "right" != e[0].position) && (e[0].position = "left"), e.length > 1 && (e[1].position = "left" === e[0].position ? "right" : "left"); for (var t = 0, i = e.length; i > t; t++) e[t].type = e[t].type || "value", e[t].xAxisIndex = -1, e[t].yAxisIndex = t } return e }, refresh: function (t) { var i; t && (this.option = t, "xAxis" === this.axisType ? (this.option.xAxis = this.reformOption(t.xAxis), i = this.option.xAxis) : (this.option.yAxis = this.reformOption(t.yAxis), i = this.option.yAxis), this.series = t.series); for (var n = e("./categoryAxis"), a = e("./valueAxis"), o = Math.max(i && i.length || 0, this._axisList.length), r = 0; o > r; r++) !this._axisList[r] || !t || i[r] && this._axisList[r].type == i[r].type || (this._axisList[r].dispose && this._axisList[r].dispose(), this._axisList[r] = !1), this._axisList[r] ? this._axisList[r].refresh && this._axisList[r].refresh(i ? i[r] : !1, this.series) : i && i[r] && (this._axisList[r] = "category" === i[r].type ? new n(this.ecTheme, this.messageCenter, this.zr, i[r], this.myChart, this.axisBase) : new a(this.ecTheme, this.messageCenter, this.zr, i[r], this.myChart, this.axisBase, this.series)) }, getAxis: function (e) { return this._axisList[e] }, getAxisCount: function () { return this._axisList.length }, clear: function () { for (var e = 0, t = this._axisList.length; t > e; e++) this._axisList[e].dispose && this._axisList[e].dispose(); this._axisList = [] } }, r.inherits(t, i), e("../component").define("axis", t), t }), i("echarts/component/grid", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Rectangle", "../config", "zrender/tool/util", "../component"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.refresh(a) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Rectangle"), a = e("../config"); a.grid = { zlevel: 0, z: 0, x: 80, y: 60, x2: 80, y2: 60, backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "#ccc" }; var o = e("zrender/tool/util"); return t.prototype = { type: a.COMPONENT_TYPE_GRID, getX: function () { return this._x }, getY: function () { return this._y }, getWidth: function () { return this._width }, getHeight: function () { return this._height }, getXend: function () { return this._x + this._width }, getYend: function () { return this._y + this._height }, getArea: function () { return {x: this._x, y: this._y, width: this._width, height: this._height} }, getBbox: function () { return [[this._x, this._y], [this.getXend(), this.getYend()]] }, refixAxisShape: function (e) { for (var t, i, n, o = e.xAxis._axisList.concat(e.yAxis ? e.yAxis._axisList : []), r = o.length; r--;) n = o[r], n.type == a.COMPONENT_TYPE_AXIS_VALUE && n._min < 0 && n._max >= 0 && (n.isHorizontal() ? t = n.getCoord(0) : i = n.getCoord(0)); if ("undefined" != typeof t || "undefined" != typeof i) for (r = o.length; r--;) o[r].refixAxisShape(t, i) }, refresh: function (e) { if (e || this._zrWidth != this.zr.getWidth() || this._zrHeight != this.zr.getHeight()) { this.clear(), this.option = e || this.option, this.option.grid = this.reformOption(this.option.grid); var t = this.option.grid; this._zrWidth = this.zr.getWidth(), this._zrHeight = this.zr.getHeight(), this._x = this.parsePercent(t.x, this._zrWidth), this._y = this.parsePercent(t.y, this._zrHeight); var i = this.parsePercent(t.x2, this._zrWidth), a = this.parsePercent(t.y2, this._zrHeight); this._width = "undefined" == typeof t.width ? this._zrWidth - this._x - i : this.parsePercent(t.width, this._zrWidth), this._width = this._width <= 0 ? 10 : this._width, this._height = "undefined" == typeof t.height ? this._zrHeight - this._y - a : this.parsePercent(t.height, this._zrHeight), this._height = this._height <= 0 ? 10 : this._height, this._x = this.subPixelOptimize(this._x, t.borderWidth), this._y = this.subPixelOptimize(this._y, t.borderWidth), this.shapeList.push(new n({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: { x: this._x, y: this._y, width: this._width, height: this._height, brushType: t.borderWidth > 0 ? "both" : "fill", color: t.backgroundColor, strokeColor: t.borderColor, lineWidth: t.borderWidth } })), this.zr.addShape(this.shapeList[0]) } } }, o.inherits(t, i), e("../component").define("grid", t), t }), i("echarts/component/dataZoom", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Rectangle", "zrender/shape/Polygon", "../util/shape/Icon", "../config", "../util/date", "zrender/tool/util", "../component"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o); var r = this; r._ondrift = function (e, t) { return r.__ondrift(this, e, t) }, r._ondragend = function () { return r.__ondragend() }, this._fillerSize = 30, this._isSilence = !1, this._zoom = {}, this.option.dataZoom = this.reformOption(this.option.dataZoom), this.zoomOption = this.option.dataZoom, this._handleSize = this.zoomOption.handleSize, this.myChart.canvasSupported || (this.zoomOption.realtime = !1), this._location = this._getLocation(), this._zoom = this._getZoom(), this._backupData(), this.option.dataZoom.show && this._buildShape(), this._syncData() } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Rectangle"), a = e("zrender/shape/Polygon"), o = e("../util/shape/Icon"), r = e("../config"); r.dataZoom = { zlevel: 0, z: 4, show: !1, orient: "horizontal", backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", dataBackgroundColor: "#eee", fillerColor: "rgba(144,197,237,0.2)", handleColor: "rgba(70,130,180,0.8)", handleSize: 8, showDetail: !0, realtime: !0 }; var s = e("../util/date"), l = e("zrender/tool/util"); return t.prototype = { type: r.COMPONENT_TYPE_DATAZOOM, _buildShape: function () { this._buildBackground(), this._buildFiller(), this._buildHandle(), this._buildFrame(); for (var e = 0, t = this.shapeList.length; t > e; e++) this.zr.addShape(this.shapeList[e]); this._syncFrameShape() }, _getLocation: function () { var e, t, i, n, a = this.component.grid; return "horizontal" == this.zoomOption.orient ? (i = this.zoomOption.width || a.getWidth(), n = this.zoomOption.height || this._fillerSize, e = null != this.zoomOption.x ? this.zoomOption.x : a.getX(), t = null != this.zoomOption.y ? this.zoomOption.y : this.zr.getHeight() - n - 2) : (i = this.zoomOption.width || this._fillerSize, n = this.zoomOption.height || a.getHeight(), e = null != this.zoomOption.x ? this.zoomOption.x : 2, t = null != this.zoomOption.y ? this.zoomOption.y : a.getY()), { x: e, y: t, width: i, height: n } }, _getZoom: function () { var e = this.option.series, t = this.option.xAxis; !t || t instanceof Array || (t = [t], this.option.xAxis = t); var i = this.option.yAxis; !i || i instanceof Array || (i = [i], this.option.yAxis = i); var n, a, o = [], s = this.zoomOption.xAxisIndex; if (t && null == s) { n = []; for (var l = 0, h = t.length; h > l; l++) ("category" == t[l].type || null == t[l].type) && n.push(l) } else n = s instanceof Array ? s : null != s ? [s] : []; if (s = this.zoomOption.yAxisIndex, i && null == s) { a = []; for (var l = 0, h = i.length; h > l; l++) "category" == i[l].type && a.push(l) } else a = s instanceof Array ? s : null != s ? [s] : []; for (var m, l = 0, h = e.length; h > l; l++) if (m = e[l], m.type == r.CHART_TYPE_LINE || m.type == r.CHART_TYPE_BAR || m.type == r.CHART_TYPE_SCATTER || m.type == r.CHART_TYPE_K) { for (var V = 0, U = n.length; U > V; V++) if (n[V] == (m.xAxisIndex || 0)) { o.push(l); break } for (var V = 0, U = a.length; U > V; V++) if (a[V] == (m.yAxisIndex || 0)) { o.push(l); break } null == this.zoomOption.xAxisIndex && null == this.zoomOption.yAxisIndex && m.data && this.getDataFromOption(m.data[0]) instanceof Array && (m.type == r.CHART_TYPE_SCATTER || m.type == r.CHART_TYPE_LINE || m.type == r.CHART_TYPE_BAR) && o.push(l) } var d = null != this._zoom.start ? this._zoom.start : null != this.zoomOption.start ? this.zoomOption.start : 0, p = null != this._zoom.end ? this._zoom.end : null != this.zoomOption.end ? this.zoomOption.end : 100; d > p && (d += p, p = d - p, d -= p); var c = Math.round((p - d) / 100 * ("horizontal" == this.zoomOption.orient ? this._location.width : this._location.height)); return { start: d, end: p, start2: 0, end2: 100, size: c, xAxisIndex: n, yAxisIndex: a, seriesIndex: o, scatterMap: this._zoom.scatterMap || {} } }, _backupData: function () { this._originalData = {xAxis: {}, yAxis: {}, series: {}}; for (var e = this.option.xAxis, t = this._zoom.xAxisIndex, i = 0, n = t.length; n > i; i++) this._originalData.xAxis[t[i]] = e[t[i]].data; for (var a = this.option.yAxis, o = this._zoom.yAxisIndex, i = 0, n = o.length; n > i; i++) this._originalData.yAxis[o[i]] = a[o[i]].data; for (var s, l = this.option.series, h = this._zoom.seriesIndex, i = 0, n = h.length; n > i; i++) s = l[h[i]], this._originalData.series[h[i]] = s.data, s.data && this.getDataFromOption(s.data[0]) instanceof Array && (s.type == r.CHART_TYPE_SCATTER || s.type == r.CHART_TYPE_LINE || s.type == r.CHART_TYPE_BAR) && (this._backupScale(), this._calculScatterMap(h[i])) }, _calculScatterMap: function (t) { this._zoom.scatterMap = this._zoom.scatterMap || {}, this._zoom.scatterMap[t] = this._zoom.scatterMap[t] || {}; var i = e("../component"), n = i.get("axis"), a = l.clone(this.option.xAxis); "category" == a[0].type && (a[0].type = "value"), a[1] && "category" == a[1].type && (a[1].type = "value"); var o = new n(this.ecTheme, null, !1, {xAxis: a, series: this.option.series}, this, "xAxis"), r = this.option.series[t].xAxisIndex || 0; this._zoom.scatterMap[t].x = o.getAxis(r).getExtremum(), o.dispose(), a = l.clone(this.option.yAxis), "category" == a[0].type && (a[0].type = "value"), a[1] && "category" == a[1].type && (a[1].type = "value"), o = new n(this.ecTheme, null, !1, { yAxis: a, series: this.option.series }, this, "yAxis"), r = this.option.series[t].yAxisIndex || 0, this._zoom.scatterMap[t].y = o.getAxis(r).getExtremum(), o.dispose() }, _buildBackground: function () { var e = this._location.width, t = this._location.height; this.shapeList.push(new n({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: { x: this._location.x, y: this._location.y, width: e, height: t, color: this.zoomOption.backgroundColor } })); for (var i = 0, o = this._originalData.xAxis, s = this._zoom.xAxisIndex, l = 0, h = s.length; h > l; l++) i = Math.max(i, o[s[l]].length); for (var m = this._originalData.yAxis, V = this._zoom.yAxisIndex, l = 0, h = V.length; h > l; l++) i = Math.max(i, m[V[l]].length); for (var U, d = this._zoom.seriesIndex[0], p = this._originalData.series[d], c = Number.MIN_VALUE, u = Number.MAX_VALUE, l = 0, h = p.length; h > l; l++) U = this.getDataFromOption(p[l], 0), this.option.series[d].type == r.CHART_TYPE_K && (U = U[1]), isNaN(U) && (U = 0), c = Math.max(c, U), u = Math.min(u, U); var y = c - u, g = [], b = e / (i - (i > 1 ? 1 : 0)), f = t / (i - (i > 1 ? 1 : 0)), k = 1; "horizontal" == this.zoomOption.orient && 1 > b ? k = Math.floor(3 * i / e) : "vertical" == this.zoomOption.orient && 1 > f && (k = Math.floor(3 * i / t)); for (var l = 0, h = i; h > l; l += k) U = this.getDataFromOption(p[l], 0), this.option.series[d].type == r.CHART_TYPE_K && (U = U[1]), isNaN(U) && (U = 0), g.push("horizontal" == this.zoomOption.orient ? [this._location.x + b * l, this._location.y + t - 1 - Math.round((U - u) / y * (t - 10))] : [this._location.x + 1 + Math.round((U - u) / y * (e - 10)), this._location.y + f * (h - l - 1)]); "horizontal" == this.zoomOption.orient ? (g.push([this._location.x + e, this._location.y + t]), g.push([this._location.x, this._location.y + t])) : (g.push([this._location.x, this._location.y]), g.push([this._location.x, this._location.y + t])), this.shapeList.push(new a({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: {pointList: g, color: this.zoomOption.dataBackgroundColor}, hoverable: !1 })) }, _buildFiller: function () { this._fillerShae = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), draggable: !0, ondrift: this._ondrift, ondragend: this._ondragend, _type: "filler" }, this._fillerShae.style = "horizontal" == this.zoomOption.orient ? { x: this._location.x + Math.round(this._zoom.start / 100 * this._location.width) + this._handleSize, y: this._location.y, width: this._zoom.size - 2 * this._handleSize, height: this._location.height, color: this.zoomOption.fillerColor, text: ":::", textPosition: "inside" } : { x: this._location.x, y: this._location.y + Math.round(this._zoom.start / 100 * this._location.height) + this._handleSize, width: this._location.width, height: this._zoom.size - 2 * this._handleSize, color: this.zoomOption.fillerColor, text: "::", textPosition: "inside" }, this._fillerShae.highlightStyle = { brushType: "fill", color: "rgba(0,0,0,0)" }, this._fillerShae = new n(this._fillerShae), this.shapeList.push(this._fillerShae) }, _buildHandle: function () { var e = this.zoomOption.showDetail ? this._getDetail() : {start: "", end: ""}; this._startShape = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), draggable: !0, style: { iconType: "rectangle", x: this._location.x, y: this._location.y, width: this._handleSize, height: this._handleSize, color: this.zoomOption.handleColor, text: "=", textPosition: "inside" }, highlightStyle: {text: e.start, brushType: "fill", textPosition: "left"}, ondrift: this._ondrift, ondragend: this._ondragend }, "horizontal" == this.zoomOption.orient ? (this._startShape.style.height = this._location.height, this._endShape = l.clone(this._startShape), this._startShape.style.x = this._fillerShae.style.x - this._handleSize, this._endShape.style.x = this._fillerShae.style.x + this._fillerShae.style.width, this._endShape.highlightStyle.text = e.end, this._endShape.highlightStyle.textPosition = "right") : (this._startShape.style.width = this._location.width, this._endShape = l.clone(this._startShape), this._startShape.style.y = this._fillerShae.style.y + this._fillerShae.style.height, this._startShape.highlightStyle.textPosition = "bottom", this._endShape.style.y = this._fillerShae.style.y - this._handleSize, this._endShape.highlightStyle.text = e.end, this._endShape.highlightStyle.textPosition = "top"), this._startShape = new o(this._startShape), this._endShape = new o(this._endShape), this.shapeList.push(this._startShape), this.shapeList.push(this._endShape) }, _buildFrame: function () { var e = this.subPixelOptimize(this._location.x, 1), t = this.subPixelOptimize(this._location.y, 1); this._startFrameShape = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: { x: e, y: t, width: this._location.width - (e > this._location.x ? 1 : 0), height: this._location.height - (t > this._location.y ? 1 : 0), lineWidth: 1, brushType: "stroke", strokeColor: this.zoomOption.handleColor } }, this._endFrameShape = l.clone(this._startFrameShape), this._startFrameShape = new n(this._startFrameShape), this._endFrameShape = new n(this._endFrameShape), this.shapeList.push(this._startFrameShape), this.shapeList.push(this._endFrameShape) }, _syncHandleShape: function () { "horizontal" == this.zoomOption.orient ? (this._startShape.style.x = this._fillerShae.style.x - this._handleSize, this._endShape.style.x = this._fillerShae.style.x + this._fillerShae.style.width, this._zoom.start = (this._startShape.style.x - this._location.x) / this._location.width * 100, this._zoom.end = (this._endShape.style.x + this._handleSize - this._location.x) / this._location.width * 100) : (this._startShape.style.y = this._fillerShae.style.y + this._fillerShae.style.height, this._endShape.style.y = this._fillerShae.style.y - this._handleSize, this._zoom.start = (this._location.y + this._location.height - this._startShape.style.y) / this._location.height * 100, this._zoom.end = (this._location.y + this._location.height - this._endShape.style.y - this._handleSize) / this._location.height * 100), this.zr.modShape(this._startShape.id), this.zr.modShape(this._endShape.id), this._syncFrameShape(), this.zr.refreshNextFrame() }, _syncFillerShape: function () { var e, t; "horizontal" == this.zoomOption.orient ? (e = this._startShape.style.x, t = this._endShape.style.x, this._fillerShae.style.x = Math.min(e, t) + this._handleSize, this._fillerShae.style.width = Math.abs(e - t) - this._handleSize, this._zoom.start = (Math.min(e, t) - this._location.x) / this._location.width * 100, this._zoom.end = (Math.max(e, t) + this._handleSize - this._location.x) / this._location.width * 100) : (e = this._startShape.style.y, t = this._endShape.style.y, this._fillerShae.style.y = Math.min(e, t) + this._handleSize, this._fillerShae.style.height = Math.abs(e - t) - this._handleSize, this._zoom.start = (this._location.y + this._location.height - Math.max(e, t)) / this._location.height * 100, this._zoom.end = (this._location.y + this._location.height - Math.min(e, t) - this._handleSize) / this._location.height * 100), this.zr.modShape(this._fillerShae.id), this._syncFrameShape(), this.zr.refreshNextFrame() }, _syncFrameShape: function () { "horizontal" == this.zoomOption.orient ? (this._startFrameShape.style.width = this._fillerShae.style.x - this._location.x, this._endFrameShape.style.x = this._fillerShae.style.x + this._fillerShae.style.width, this._endFrameShape.style.width = this._location.x + this._location.width - this._endFrameShape.style.x) : (this._startFrameShape.style.y = this._fillerShae.style.y + this._fillerShae.style.height, this._startFrameShape.style.height = this._location.y + this._location.height - this._startFrameShape.style.y, this._endFrameShape.style.height = this._fillerShae.style.y - this._location.y), this.zr.modShape(this._startFrameShape.id), this.zr.modShape(this._endFrameShape.id) }, _syncShape: function () { this.zoomOption.show && ("horizontal" == this.zoomOption.orient ? (this._startShape.style.x = this._location.x + this._zoom.start / 100 * this._location.width, this._endShape.style.x = this._location.x + this._zoom.end / 100 * this._location.width - this._handleSize, this._fillerShae.style.x = this._startShape.style.x + this._handleSize, this._fillerShae.style.width = this._endShape.style.x - this._startShape.style.x - this._handleSize) : (this._startShape.style.y = this._location.y + this._location.height - this._zoom.start / 100 * this._location.height, this._endShape.style.y = this._location.y + this._location.height - this._zoom.end / 100 * this._location.height - this._handleSize, this._fillerShae.style.y = this._endShape.style.y + this._handleSize, this._fillerShae.style.height = this._startShape.style.y - this._endShape.style.y - this._handleSize), this.zr.modShape(this._startShape.id), this.zr.modShape(this._endShape.id), this.zr.modShape(this._fillerShae.id), this._syncFrameShape(), this.zr.refresh()) }, _syncData: function (e) { var t, i, n, a, o; for (var s in this._originalData) { t = this._originalData[s]; for (var l in t) o = t[l], null != o && (a = o.length, i = Math.floor(this._zoom.start / 100 * a), n = Math.ceil(this._zoom.end / 100 * a), this.getDataFromOption(o[0]) instanceof Array && this.option[s][l].type != r.CHART_TYPE_K ? (this._setScale(), this.option[s][l].data = this._synScatterData(l, o)) : this.option[s][l].data = o.slice(i, n)) } this._isSilence || !this.zoomOption.realtime && !e || this.messageCenter.dispatch(r.EVENT.DATA_ZOOM, null, {zoom: this._zoom}, this.myChart) }, _synScatterData: function (e, t) { if (0 === this._zoom.start && 100 == this._zoom.end && 0 === this._zoom.start2 && 100 == this._zoom.end2) return t; var i, n, a, o, r, s = [], l = this._zoom.scatterMap[e]; "horizontal" == this.zoomOption.orient ? (i = l.x.max - l.x.min, n = this._zoom.start / 100 * i + l.x.min, a = this._zoom.end / 100 * i + l.x.min, i = l.y.max - l.y.min, o = this._zoom.start2 / 100 * i + l.y.min, r = this._zoom.end2 / 100 * i + l.y.min) : (i = l.x.max - l.x.min, n = this._zoom.start2 / 100 * i + l.x.min, a = this._zoom.end2 / 100 * i + l.x.min, i = l.y.max - l.y.min, o = this._zoom.start / 100 * i + l.y.min, r = this._zoom.end / 100 * i + l.y.min); var h; (h = l.x.dataMappingMethods) && (n = h.coord2Value(n), a = h.coord2Value(a)), (h = l.y.dataMappingMethods) && (o = h.coord2Value(o), r = h.coord2Value(r)); for (var m, V = 0, U = t.length; U > V; V++) m = t[V].value || t[V], m[0] >= n && m[0] <= a && m[1] >= o && m[1] <= r && s.push(t[V]); return s }, _setScale: function () { var e = 0 !== this._zoom.start || 100 !== this._zoom.end || 0 !== this._zoom.start2 || 100 !== this._zoom.end2, t = {xAxis: this.option.xAxis, yAxis: this.option.yAxis}; for (var i in t) for (var n = 0, a = t[i].length; a > n; n++) t[i][n].scale = e || t[i][n]._scale }, _backupScale: function () { var e = {xAxis: this.option.xAxis, yAxis: this.option.yAxis}; for (var t in e) for (var i = 0, n = e[t].length; n > i; i++) e[t][i]._scale = e[t][i].scale }, _getDetail: function () { for (var e = ["xAxis", "yAxis"], t = 0, i = e.length; i > t; t++) { var n = this._originalData[e[t]]; for (var a in n) { var o = n[a]; if (null != o) { var r = o.length, l = Math.floor(this._zoom.start / 100 * r), h = Math.ceil(this._zoom.end / 100 * r); return h -= h > 0 ? 1 : 0, { start: this.getDataFromOption(o[l]), end: this.getDataFromOption(o[h]) } } } } e = "horizontal" == this.zoomOption.orient ? "xAxis" : "yAxis"; var m = this._zoom.seriesIndex[0], V = this.option.series[m][e + "Index"] || 0, U = this.option[e][V].type, d = this._zoom.scatterMap[m][e.charAt(0)].min, p = this._zoom.scatterMap[m][e.charAt(0)].max, c = p - d; if ("value" == U) return {start: d + c * this._zoom.start / 100, end: d + c * this._zoom.end / 100}; if ("time" == U) { p = d + c * this._zoom.end / 100, d += c * this._zoom.start / 100; var u = s.getAutoFormatter(d, p).formatter; return {start: s.format(u, d), end: s.format(u, p)} } return {start: "", end: ""} }, __ondrift: function (e, t, i) { this.zoomOption.zoomLock && (e = this._fillerShae); var n = "filler" == e._type ? this._handleSize : 0; if ("horizontal" == this.zoomOption.orient ? e.style.x + t - n <= this._location.x ? e.style.x = this._location.x + n : e.style.x + t + e.style.width + n >= this._location.x + this._location.width ? e.style.x = this._location.x + this._location.width - e.style.width - n : e.style.x += t : e.style.y + i - n <= this._location.y ? e.style.y = this._location.y + n : e.style.y + i + e.style.height + n >= this._location.y + this._location.height ? e.style.y = this._location.y + this._location.height - e.style.height - n : e.style.y += i, "filler" == e._type ? this._syncHandleShape() : this._syncFillerShape(), this.zoomOption.realtime && this._syncData(), this.zoomOption.showDetail) { var a = this._getDetail(); this._startShape.style.text = this._startShape.highlightStyle.text = a.start, this._endShape.style.text = this._endShape.highlightStyle.text = a.end, this._startShape.style.textPosition = this._startShape.highlightStyle.textPosition, this._endShape.style.textPosition = this._endShape.highlightStyle.textPosition } return !0 }, __ondragend: function () { this.zoomOption.showDetail && (this._startShape.style.text = this._endShape.style.text = "=", this._startShape.style.textPosition = this._endShape.style.textPosition = "inside", this.zr.modShape(this._startShape.id), this.zr.modShape(this._endShape.id), this.zr.refreshNextFrame()), this.isDragend = !0 }, ondragend: function (e, t) { this.isDragend && e.target && (!this.zoomOption.realtime && this._syncData(), t.dragOut = !0, t.dragIn = !0, this._isSilence || this.zoomOption.realtime || this.messageCenter.dispatch(r.EVENT.DATA_ZOOM, null, {zoom: this._zoom}, this.myChart), t.needRefresh = !1, this.isDragend = !1) }, ondataZoom: function (e, t) { t.needRefresh = !0 }, absoluteZoom: function (e) { this._zoom.start = e.start, this._zoom.end = e.end, this._zoom.start2 = e.start2, this._zoom.end2 = e.end2, this._syncShape(), this._syncData(!0) }, rectZoom: function (e) { if (!e) return this._zoom.start = this._zoom.start2 = 0, this._zoom.end = this._zoom.end2 = 100, this._syncShape(), this._syncData(!0), this._zoom; var t = this.component.grid.getArea(), i = {x: e.x, y: e.y, width: e.width, height: e.height}; if (i.width < 0 && (i.x += i.width, i.width = -i.width), i.height < 0 && (i.y += i.height, i.height = -i.height), i.x > t.x + t.width || i.y > t.y + t.height) return !1; i.x < t.x && (i.x = t.x), i.x + i.width > t.x + t.width && (i.width = t.x + t.width - i.x), i.y + i.height > t.y + t.height && (i.height = t.y + t.height - i.y); var n, a = (i.x - t.x) / t.width, o = 1 - (i.x + i.width - t.x) / t.width, r = 1 - (i.y + i.height - t.y) / t.height, s = (i.y - t.y) / t.height; return "horizontal" == this.zoomOption.orient ? (n = this._zoom.end - this._zoom.start, this._zoom.start += n * a, this._zoom.end -= n * o, n = this._zoom.end2 - this._zoom.start2, this._zoom.start2 += n * r, this._zoom.end2 -= n * s) : (n = this._zoom.end - this._zoom.start, this._zoom.start += n * r, this._zoom.end -= n * s, n = this._zoom.end2 - this._zoom.start2, this._zoom.start2 += n * a, this._zoom.end2 -= n * o), this._syncShape(), this._syncData(!0), this._zoom }, syncBackupData: function (e) { for (var t, i, n = this._originalData.series, a = e.series, o = 0, r = a.length; r > o; o++) { i = a[o].data || a[o].eventList, t = n[o] ? Math.floor(this._zoom.start / 100 * n[o].length) : 0; for (var s = 0, l = i.length; l > s; s++) n[o] && (n[o][s + t] = i[s]) } }, syncOption: function (e) { this.silence(!0), this.option = e, this.option.dataZoom = this.reformOption(this.option.dataZoom), this.zoomOption = this.option.dataZoom, this.myChart.canvasSupported || (this.zoomOption.realtime = !1), this.clear(), this._location = this._getLocation(), this._zoom = this._getZoom(), this._backupData(), this.option.dataZoom && this.option.dataZoom.show && this._buildShape(), this._syncData(), this.silence(!1) }, silence: function (e) { this._isSilence = e }, getRealDataIndex: function (e, t) { if (!this._originalData || 0 === this._zoom.start && 100 == this._zoom.end) return t; var i = this._originalData.series; return i[e] ? Math.floor(this._zoom.start / 100 * i[e].length) + t : -1 }, resize: function () { this.clear(), this._location = this._getLocation(), this._zoom = this._getZoom(), this.option.dataZoom.show && this._buildShape() } }, l.inherits(t, i), e("../component").define("dataZoom", t), t }), i("echarts/component/categoryAxis", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Text", "zrender/shape/Line", "zrender/shape/Rectangle", "../config", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/area", "../component"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o, r) { if (a.data.length < 1) return void console.error("option.data.length < 1."); i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.grid = this.component.grid; for (var s in r) this[s] = r[s]; this.refresh(a) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Text"), a = e("zrender/shape/Line"), o = e("zrender/shape/Rectangle"), r = e("../config"); r.categoryAxis = { zlevel: 0, z: 0, show: !0, position: "bottom", name: "", nameLocation: "end", nameTextStyle: {}, boundaryGap: !0, axisLine: {show: !0, onZero: !0, lineStyle: {color: "#48b", width: 2, type: "solid"}}, axisTick: {show: !0, interval: "auto", inside: !1, length: 5, lineStyle: {color: "#333", width: 1}}, axisLabel: {show: !0, interval: "auto", rotate: 0, margin: 8, textStyle: {color: "#333"}}, splitLine: {show: !0, lineStyle: {color: ["#ccc"], width: 1, type: "solid"}}, splitArea: {show: !1, areaStyle: {color: ["rgba(250,250,250,0.3)", "rgba(200,200,200,0.3)"]}} }; var s = e("zrender/tool/util"), l = e("zrender/tool/area"); return t.prototype = { type: r.COMPONENT_TYPE_AXIS_CATEGORY, _getReformedLabel: function (e) { var t = this.getDataFromOption(this.option.data[e]), i = this.option.data[e].formatter || this.option.axisLabel.formatter; return i && ("function" == typeof i ? t = i.call(this.myChart, t) : "string" == typeof i && (t = i.replace("{value}", t))), t }, _getInterval: function () { var e = this.option.axisLabel.interval; if ("auto" == e) { var t = this.option.axisLabel.textStyle.fontSize, i = this.option.data, n = this.option.data.length; if (this.isHorizontal()) if (n > 3) { var a, o, r = this.getGap(), h = !1, m = Math.floor(.5 / r); for (m = 1 > m ? 1 : m, e = Math.floor(15 / r); !h && n > e;) { e += m, h = !0, a = Math.floor(r * e); for (var V = Math.floor((n - 1) / e) * e; V >= 0; V -= e) { if (0 !== this.option.axisLabel.rotate) o = t; else if (i[V].textStyle) o = l.getTextWidth(this._getReformedLabel(V), this.getFont(s.merge(i[V].textStyle, this.option.axisLabel.textStyle))); else { var U = this._getReformedLabel(V) + "", d = (U.match(/\w/g) || "").length, p = U.length - d; o = d * t * 2 / 3 + p * t } if (o > a) { h = !1; break } } } } else e = 1; else if (n > 3) { var r = this.getGap(); for (e = Math.floor(11 / r); t > r * e - 6 && n > e;) e++ } else e = 1 } else e = "function" == typeof e ? 1 : e - 0 + 1; return e }, _buildShape: function () { if (this._interval = this._getInterval(), this.option.show) { this.option.splitArea.show && this._buildSplitArea(), this.option.splitLine.show && this._buildSplitLine(), this.option.axisLine.show && this._buildAxisLine(), this.option.axisTick.show && this._buildAxisTick(), this.option.axisLabel.show && this._buildAxisLabel(); for (var e = 0, t = this.shapeList.length; t > e; e++) this.zr.addShape(this.shapeList[e]) } }, _buildAxisTick: function () { var e, t = this.option.data, i = this.option.data.length, n = this.option.axisTick, o = n.length, r = n.lineStyle.color, s = n.lineStyle.width, l = "function" == typeof n.interval ? n.interval : "auto" == n.interval && "function" == typeof this.option.axisLabel.interval ? this.option.axisLabel.interval : !1, h = l ? 1 : "auto" == n.interval ? this._interval : n.interval - 0 + 1, m = n.onGap, V = m ? this.getGap() / 2 : "undefined" == typeof m && this.option.boundaryGap ? this.getGap() / 2 : 0, U = V > 0 ? -h : 0; if (this.isHorizontal()) for (var d, p = "bottom" == this.option.position ? n.inside ? this.grid.getYend() - o - 1 : this.grid.getYend() + 1 : n.inside ? this.grid.getY() + 1 : this.grid.getY() - o - 1, c = U; i > c; c += h) (!l || l(c, t[c])) && (d = this.subPixelOptimize(this.getCoordByIndex(c) + (c >= 0 ? V : 0), s), e = { _axisShape: "axisTick", zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: {xStart: d, yStart: p, xEnd: d, yEnd: p + o, strokeColor: r, lineWidth: s} }, this.shapeList.push(new a(e))); else for (var u, y = "left" == this.option.position ? n.inside ? this.grid.getX() + 1 : this.grid.getX() - o - 1 : n.inside ? this.grid.getXend() - o - 1 : this.grid.getXend() + 1, c = U; i > c; c += h) (!l || l(c, t[c])) && (u = this.subPixelOptimize(this.getCoordByIndex(c) - (c >= 0 ? V : 0), s), e = { _axisShape: "axisTick", zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: {xStart: y, yStart: u, xEnd: y + o, yEnd: u, strokeColor: r, lineWidth: s} }, this.shapeList.push(new a(e))) }, _buildAxisLabel: function () { var e, t, i = this.option.data, a = this.option.data.length, o = this.option.axisLabel, r = o.rotate, l = o.margin, h = o.clickable, m = o.textStyle, V = "function" == typeof o.interval ? o.interval : !1; if (this.isHorizontal()) { var U, d; "bottom" == this.option.position ? (U = this.grid.getYend() + l, d = "top") : (U = this.grid.getY() - l, d = "bottom"); for (var p = 0; a > p; p += this._interval) V && !V(p, i[p]) || "" === this._getReformedLabel(p) || (t = s.merge(i[p].textStyle || {}, m), e = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase() + 3, hoverable: !1, style: { x: this.getCoordByIndex(p), y: U, color: t.color, text: this._getReformedLabel(p), textFont: this.getFont(t), textAlign: t.align || "center", textBaseline: t.baseline || d } }, r && (e.style.textAlign = r > 0 ? "bottom" == this.option.position ? "right" : "left" : "bottom" == this.option.position ? "left" : "right", e.rotation = [r * Math.PI / 180, e.style.x, e.style.y]), this.shapeList.push(new n(this._axisLabelClickable(h, e)))) } else { var c, u; "left" == this.option.position ? (c = this.grid.getX() - l, u = "right") : (c = this.grid.getXend() + l, u = "left"); for (var p = 0; a > p; p += this._interval) V && !V(p, i[p]) || "" === this._getReformedLabel(p) || (t = s.merge(i[p].textStyle || {}, m), e = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase() + 3, hoverable: !1, style: { x: c, y: this.getCoordByIndex(p), color: t.color, text: this._getReformedLabel(p), textFont: this.getFont(t), textAlign: t.align || u, textBaseline: t.baseline || 0 === p && "" !== this.option.name ? "bottom" : p == a - 1 && "" !== this.option.name ? "top" : "middle" } }, r && (e.rotation = [r * Math.PI / 180, e.style.x, e.style.y]), this.shapeList.push(new n(this._axisLabelClickable(h, e)))) } }, _buildSplitLine: function () { var e, t = this.option.data, i = this.option.data.length, n = this.option.splitLine, o = n.lineStyle.type, r = n.lineStyle.width, s = n.lineStyle.color; s = s instanceof Array ? s : [s]; var l = s.length, h = "function" == typeof this.option.axisLabel.interval ? this.option.axisLabel.interval : !1, m = n.onGap, V = m ? this.getGap() / 2 : "undefined" == typeof m && this.option.boundaryGap ? this.getGap() / 2 : 0; if (i -= m || "undefined" == typeof m && this.option.boundaryGap ? 1 : 0, this.isHorizontal()) for (var U, d = this.grid.getY(), p = this.grid.getYend(), c = 0; i > c; c += this._interval) (!h || h(c, t[c])) && (U = this.subPixelOptimize(this.getCoordByIndex(c) + V, r), e = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: { xStart: U, yStart: d, xEnd: U, yEnd: p, strokeColor: s[c / this._interval % l], lineType: o, lineWidth: r } }, this.shapeList.push(new a(e))); else for (var u, y = this.grid.getX(), g = this.grid.getXend(), c = 0; i > c; c += this._interval) (!h || h(c, t[c])) && (u = this.subPixelOptimize(this.getCoordByIndex(c) - V, r), e = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: { xStart: y, yStart: u, xEnd: g, yEnd: u, strokeColor: s[c / this._interval % l], lineType: o, lineWidth: r } }, this.shapeList.push(new a(e))) }, _buildSplitArea: function () { var e, t = this.option.data, i = this.option.splitArea, n = i.areaStyle.color; if (n instanceof Array) { var a = n.length, r = this.option.data.length, s = "function" == typeof this.option.axisLabel.interval ? this.option.axisLabel.interval : !1, l = i.onGap, h = l ? this.getGap() / 2 : "undefined" == typeof l && this.option.boundaryGap ? this.getGap() / 2 : 0; if (this.isHorizontal()) for (var m, V = this.grid.getY(), U = this.grid.getHeight(), d = this.grid.getX(), p = 0; r >= p; p += this._interval) s && !s(p, t[p]) && r > p || (m = r > p ? this.getCoordByIndex(p) + h : this.grid.getXend(), e = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: {x: d, y: V, width: m - d, height: U, color: n[p / this._interval % a]} }, this.shapeList.push(new o(e)), d = m); else for (var c, u = this.grid.getX(), y = this.grid.getWidth(), g = this.grid.getYend(), p = 0; r >= p; p += this._interval) s && !s(p, t[p]) && r > p || (c = r > p ? this.getCoordByIndex(p) - h : this.grid.getY(), e = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: {x: u, y: c, width: y, height: g - c, color: n[p / this._interval % a]} }, this.shapeList.push(new o(e)), g = c) } else e = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: { x: this.grid.getX(), y: this.grid.getY(), width: this.grid.getWidth(), height: this.grid.getHeight(), color: n } }, this.shapeList.push(new o(e)) }, refresh: function (e) { e && (this.option = this.reformOption(e), this.option.axisLabel.textStyle = this.getTextStyle(this.option.axisLabel.textStyle)), this.clear(), this._buildShape() }, getGap: function () { var e = this.option.data.length, t = this.isHorizontal() ? this.grid.getWidth() : this.grid.getHeight(); return this.option.boundaryGap ? t / e : t / (e > 1 ? e - 1 : 1) }, getCoord: function (e) { for (var t = this.option.data, i = t.length, n = this.getGap(), a = this.option.boundaryGap ? n / 2 : 0, o = 0; i > o; o++) { if (this.getDataFromOption(t[o]) == e) return a = this.isHorizontal() ? this.grid.getX() + a : this.grid.getYend() - a; a += n } }, getCoordByIndex: function (e) { if (0 > e) return this.isHorizontal() ? this.grid.getX() : this.grid.getYend(); if (e > this.option.data.length - 1) return this.isHorizontal() ? this.grid.getXend() : this.grid.getY(); var t = this.getGap(), i = this.option.boundaryGap ? t / 2 : 0; return i += e * t, i = this.isHorizontal() ? this.grid.getX() + i : this.grid.getYend() - i }, getNameByIndex: function (e) { return this.getDataFromOption(this.option.data[e]) }, getIndexByName: function (e) { for (var t = this.option.data, i = t.length, n = 0; i > n; n++) if (this.getDataFromOption(t[n]) == e) return n; return -1 }, getValueFromCoord: function () { return "" }, isMainAxis: function (e) { return e % this._interval === 0 } }, s.inherits(t, i), e("../component").define("categoryAxis", t), t }), i("echarts/component/valueAxis", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Text", "zrender/shape/Line", "zrender/shape/Rectangle", "../config", "../util/date", "zrender/tool/util", "../util/smartSteps", "../util/accMath", "../util/smartLogSteps", "../component"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o, r, s) { if (!s || 0 === s.length) return void console.err("option.series.length == 0."); i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.series = s, this.grid = this.component.grid; for (var l in r) this[l] = r[l]; this.refresh(a, s) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Text"), a = e("zrender/shape/Line"), o = e("zrender/shape/Rectangle"), r = e("../config"); r.valueAxis = { zlevel: 0, z: 0, show: !0, position: "left", name: "", nameLocation: "end", nameTextStyle: {}, boundaryGap: [0, 0], axisLine: {show: !0, onZero: !0, lineStyle: {color: "#48b", width: 2, type: "solid"}}, axisTick: {show: !1, inside: !1, length: 5, lineStyle: {color: "#333", width: 1}}, axisLabel: {show: !0, rotate: 0, margin: 8, textStyle: {color: "#333"}}, splitLine: {show: !0, lineStyle: {color: ["#ccc"], width: 1, type: "solid"}}, splitArea: {show: !1, areaStyle: {color: ["rgba(250,250,250,0.3)", "rgba(200,200,200,0.3)"]}} }; var s = e("../util/date"), l = e("zrender/tool/util"); return t.prototype = { type: r.COMPONENT_TYPE_AXIS_VALUE, _buildShape: function () { if (this._hasData = !1, this._calculateValue(), this._hasData && this.option.show) { this.option.splitArea.show && this._buildSplitArea(), this.option.splitLine.show && this._buildSplitLine(), this.option.axisLine.show && this._buildAxisLine(), this.option.axisTick.show && this._buildAxisTick(), this.option.axisLabel.show && this._buildAxisLabel(); for (var e = 0, t = this.shapeList.length; t > e; e++) this.zr.addShape(this.shapeList[e]) } }, _buildAxisTick: function () { var e, t = this._valueList, i = this._valueList.length, n = this.option.axisTick, o = n.length, r = n.lineStyle.color, s = n.lineStyle.width; if (this.isHorizontal()) for (var l, h = "bottom" === this.option.position ? n.inside ? this.grid.getYend() - o - 1 : this.grid.getYend() + 1 : n.inside ? this.grid.getY() + 1 : this.grid.getY() - o - 1, m = 0; i > m; m++) l = this.subPixelOptimize(this.getCoord(t[m]), s), e = { _axisShape: "axisTick", zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: {xStart: l, yStart: h, xEnd: l, yEnd: h + o, strokeColor: r, lineWidth: s} }, this.shapeList.push(new a(e)); else for (var V, U = "left" === this.option.position ? n.inside ? this.grid.getX() + 1 : this.grid.getX() - o - 1 : n.inside ? this.grid.getXend() - o - 1 : this.grid.getXend() + 1, m = 0; i > m; m++) V = this.subPixelOptimize(this.getCoord(t[m]), s), e = { _axisShape: "axisTick", zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: {xStart: U, yStart: V, xEnd: U + o, yEnd: V, strokeColor: r, lineWidth: s} }, this.shapeList.push(new a(e)) }, _buildAxisLabel: function () { var e, t = this._valueList, i = this._valueList.length, a = this.option.axisLabel.rotate, o = this.option.axisLabel.margin, r = this.option.axisLabel.clickable, s = this.option.axisLabel.textStyle; if (this.isHorizontal()) { var l, h; "bottom" === this.option.position ? (l = this.grid.getYend() + o, h = "top") : (l = this.grid.getY() - o, h = "bottom"); for (var m = 0; i > m; m++) e = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase() + 3, hoverable: !1, style: { x: this.getCoord(t[m]), y: l, color: "function" == typeof s.color ? s.color(t[m]) : s.color, text: this._valueLabel[m], textFont: this.getFont(s), textAlign: s.align || "center", textBaseline: s.baseline || h } }, a && (e.style.textAlign = a > 0 ? "bottom" === this.option.position ? "right" : "left" : "bottom" === this.option.position ? "left" : "right", e.rotation = [a * Math.PI / 180, e.style.x, e.style.y]), this.shapeList.push(new n(this._axisLabelClickable(r, e))) } else { var V, U; "left" === this.option.position ? (V = this.grid.getX() - o, U = "right") : (V = this.grid.getXend() + o, U = "left"); for (var m = 0; i > m; m++) e = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase() + 3, hoverable: !1, style: { x: V, y: this.getCoord(t[m]), color: "function" == typeof s.color ? s.color(t[m]) : s.color, text: this._valueLabel[m], textFont: this.getFont(s), textAlign: s.align || U, textBaseline: s.baseline || (0 === m && "" !== this.option.name ? "bottom" : m === i - 1 && "" !== this.option.name ? "top" : "middle") } }, a && (e.rotation = [a * Math.PI / 180, e.style.x, e.style.y]), this.shapeList.push(new n(this._axisLabelClickable(r, e))) } }, _buildSplitLine: function () { var e, t = this._valueList, i = this._valueList.length, n = this.option.splitLine, o = n.lineStyle.type, r = n.lineStyle.width, s = n.lineStyle.color; s = s instanceof Array ? s : [s]; var l = s.length; if (this.isHorizontal()) for (var h, m = this.grid.getY(), V = this.grid.getYend(), U = 0; i > U; U++) h = this.subPixelOptimize(this.getCoord(t[U]), r), e = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: {xStart: h, yStart: m, xEnd: h, yEnd: V, strokeColor: s[U % l], lineType: o, lineWidth: r} }, this.shapeList.push(new a(e)); else for (var d, p = this.grid.getX(), c = this.grid.getXend(), U = 0; i > U; U++) d = this.subPixelOptimize(this.getCoord(t[U]), r), e = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: {xStart: p, yStart: d, xEnd: c, yEnd: d, strokeColor: s[U % l], lineType: o, lineWidth: r} }, this.shapeList.push(new a(e)) }, _buildSplitArea: function () { var e, t = this.option.splitArea.areaStyle.color; if (t instanceof Array) { var i = t.length, n = this._valueList, a = this._valueList.length; if (this.isHorizontal()) for (var r, s = this.grid.getY(), l = this.grid.getHeight(), h = this.grid.getX(), m = 0; a >= m; m++) r = a > m ? this.getCoord(n[m]) : this.grid.getXend(), e = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: {x: h, y: s, width: r - h, height: l, color: t[m % i]} }, this.shapeList.push(new o(e)), h = r; else for (var V, U = this.grid.getX(), d = this.grid.getWidth(), p = this.grid.getYend(), m = 0; a >= m; m++) V = a > m ? this.getCoord(n[m]) : this.grid.getY(), e = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: {x: U, y: V, width: d, height: p - V, color: t[m % i]} }, this.shapeList.push(new o(e)), p = V } else e = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: { x: this.grid.getX(), y: this.grid.getY(), width: this.grid.getWidth(), height: this.grid.getHeight(), color: t } }, this.shapeList.push(new o(e)) }, _calculateValue: function () { if (isNaN(this.option.min - 0) || isNaN(this.option.max - 0)) { for (var e, t, i = {}, n = this.component.legend, a = 0, o = this.series.length; o > a; a++) !(this.series[a].type != r.CHART_TYPE_LINE && this.series[a].type != r.CHART_TYPE_BAR && this.series[a].type != r.CHART_TYPE_SCATTER && this.series[a].type != r.CHART_TYPE_K && this.series[a].type != r.CHART_TYPE_EVENTRIVER || n && !n.isSelected(this.series[a].name) || (e = this.series[a].xAxisIndex || 0, t = this.series[a].yAxisIndex || 0, this.option.xAxisIndex != e && this.option.yAxisIndex != t || !this._calculSum(i, a))); var s; for (var a in i) { s = i[a]; for (var l = 0, h = s.length; h > l; l++) if (!isNaN(s[l])) { this._hasData = !0, this._min = s[l], this._max = s[l]; break } if (this._hasData) break } for (var a in i) { s = i[a]; for (var l = 0, h = s.length; h > l; l++) isNaN(s[l]) || (this._min = Math.min(this._min, s[l]), this._max = Math.max(this._max, s[l])) } var m = "log" !== this.option.type ? this.option.boundaryGap : [0, 0], V = Math.abs(this._max - this._min); this._min = isNaN(this.option.min - 0) ? this._min - Math.abs(V * m[0]) : this.option.min - 0, this._max = isNaN(this.option.max - 0) ? this._max + Math.abs(V * m[1]) : this.option.max - 0, this._min === this._max && (0 === this._max ? this._max = 1 : this._max > 0 ? this._min = this._max / this.option.splitNumber != null ? this.option.splitNumber : 5 : this._max = this._max / this.option.splitNumber != null ? this.option.splitNumber : 5), "time" === this.option.type ? this._reformTimeValue() : "log" === this.option.type ? this._reformLogValue() : this._reformValue(this.option.scale) } else this._hasData = !0, this._min = this.option.min - 0, this._max = this.option.max - 0, "time" === this.option.type ? this._reformTimeValue() : "log" === this.option.type ? this._reformLogValue() : this._customerValue() }, _calculSum: function (e, t) { var i, n, a = this.series[t].name || "kener"; if (this.series[t].stack) { var o = "__Magic_Key_Positive__" + this.series[t].stack, l = "__Magic_Key_Negative__" + this.series[t].stack; e[o] = e[o] || [], e[l] = e[l] || [], e[a] = e[a] || [], n = this.series[t].data; for (var h = 0, m = n.length; m > h; h++) i = this.getDataFromOption(n[h]), "-" !== i && (i -= 0, i >= 0 ? null != e[o][h] ? e[o][h] += i : e[o][h] = i : null != e[l][h] ? e[l][h] += i : e[l][h] = i, this.option.scale && e[a].push(i)) } else if (e[a] = e[a] || [], this.series[t].type != r.CHART_TYPE_EVENTRIVER) { n = this.series[t].data; for (var h = 0, m = n.length; m > h; h++) i = this.getDataFromOption(n[h]), this.series[t].type === r.CHART_TYPE_K ? (e[a].push(i[0]), e[a].push(i[1]), e[a].push(i[2]), e[a].push(i[3])) : i instanceof Array ? (-1 != this.option.xAxisIndex && e[a].push("time" != this.option.type ? i[0] : s.getNewDate(i[0])), -1 != this.option.yAxisIndex && e[a].push("time" != this.option.type ? i[1] : s.getNewDate(i[1]))) : e[a].push(i) } else { n = this.series[t].data; for (var h = 0, m = n.length; m > h; h++) for (var V = n[h].evolution, U = 0, d = V.length; d > U; U++) e[a].push(s.getNewDate(V[U].time)) } }, _reformValue: function (t) { var i = e("../util/smartSteps"), n = this.option.splitNumber; !t && this._min >= 0 && this._max >= 0 && (this._min = 0), !t && this._min <= 0 && this._max <= 0 && (this._max = 0); var a = i(this._min, this._max, n); n = null != n ? n : a.secs, this._min = a.min, this._max = a.max, this._valueList = a.pnts, this._reformLabelData() }, _reformTimeValue: function () { var e = null != this.option.splitNumber ? this.option.splitNumber : 5, t = s.getAutoFormatter(this._min, this._max, e), i = t.formatter, n = t.gapValue; this._valueList = [s.getNewDate(this._min)]; var a; switch (i) { case"week": a = s.nextMonday(this._min); break; case"month": a = s.nextNthOnMonth(this._min, 1); break; case"quarter": a = s.nextNthOnQuarterYear(this._min, 1); break; case"half-year": a = s.nextNthOnHalfYear(this._min, 1); break; case"year": a = s.nextNthOnYear(this._min, 1); break; default: 72e5 >= n ? a = (Math.floor(this._min / n) + 1) * n : (a = s.getNewDate(this._min - -n), a.setHours(6 * Math.round(a.getHours() / 6)), a.setMinutes(0), a.setSeconds(0)) } for (a - this._min < n / 2 && (a -= -n), t = s.getNewDate(a), e *= 1.5; e-- >= 0 && (("month" == i || "quarter" == i || "half-year" == i || "year" == i) && t.setDate(1), !(this._max - t < n / 2));) this._valueList.push(t), t = s.getNewDate(t - -n); this._valueList.push(s.getNewDate(this._max)), this._reformLabelData(function (e) { return function (t) { return s.format(e, t) } }(i)) }, _customerValue: function () { var t = e("../util/accMath"), i = null != this.option.splitNumber ? this.option.splitNumber : 5, n = (this._max - this._min) / i; this._valueList = []; for (var a = 0; i >= a; a++) this._valueList.push(t.accAdd(this._min, t.accMul(n, a))); this._reformLabelData() }, _reformLogValue: function () { var t = this.option, i = e("../util/smartLogSteps")({ dataMin: this._min, dataMax: this._max, logPositive: t.logPositive, logLabelBase: t.logLabelBase, splitNumber: t.splitNumber }); this._min = i.dataMin, this._max = i.dataMax, this._valueList = i.tickList, this._dataMappingMethods = i.dataMappingMethods, this._reformLabelData(i.labelFormatter) }, _reformLabelData: function (e) { this._valueLabel = []; var t = this.option.axisLabel.formatter; if (t) for (var i = 0, n = this._valueList.length; n > i; i++) "function" == typeof t ? this._valueLabel.push(e ? t.call(this.myChart, this._valueList[i], e) : t.call(this.myChart, this._valueList[i])) : "string" == typeof t && this._valueLabel.push(e ? s.format(t, this._valueList[i]) : t.replace("{value}", this._valueList[i])); else for (var i = 0, n = this._valueList.length; n > i; i++) this._valueLabel.push(e ? e(this._valueList[i]) : this.numAddCommas(this._valueList[i])) }, getExtremum: function () { this._calculateValue(); var e = this._dataMappingMethods; return {min: this._min, max: this._max, dataMappingMethods: e ? l.merge({}, e) : null} }, refresh: function (e, t) { e && (this.option = this.reformOption(e), this.option.axisLabel.textStyle = l.merge(this.option.axisLabel.textStyle || {}, this.ecTheme.textStyle), this.series = t), this.zr && (this.clear(), this._buildShape()) }, getCoord: function (e) { this._dataMappingMethods && (e = this._dataMappingMethods.value2Coord(e)), e = e < this._min ? this._min : e, e = e > this._max ? this._max : e; var t; return t = this.isHorizontal() ? this.grid.getX() + (e - this._min) / (this._max - this._min) * this.grid.getWidth() : this.grid.getYend() - (e - this._min) / (this._max - this._min) * this.grid.getHeight() }, getCoordSize: function (e) { return Math.abs(this.isHorizontal() ? e / (this._max - this._min) * this.grid.getWidth() : e / (this._max - this._min) * this.grid.getHeight()) }, getValueFromCoord: function (e) { var t; return this.isHorizontal() ? (e = e < this.grid.getX() ? this.grid.getX() : e, e = e > this.grid.getXend() ? this.grid.getXend() : e, t = this._min + (e - this.grid.getX()) / this.grid.getWidth() * (this._max - this._min)) : (e = e < this.grid.getY() ? this.grid.getY() : e, e = e > this.grid.getYend() ? this.grid.getYend() : e, t = this._max - (e - this.grid.getY()) / this.grid.getHeight() * (this._max - this._min)), this._dataMappingMethods && (t = this._dataMappingMethods.coord2Value(t)), t.toFixed(2) - 0 }, isMaindAxis: function (e) { for (var t = 0, i = this._valueList.length; i > t; t++) if (this._valueList[t] === e) return !0; return !1 } }, l.inherits(t, i), e("../component").define("valueAxis", t), t }), i("echarts/util/date", [], function () { function e(e, t, i) { i = i > 1 ? i : 2; for (var n, a, o, r, s = 0, l = m.length; l > s; s++) if (n = m[s].value, a = Math.ceil(t / n) * n - Math.floor(e / n) * n, Math.round(a / n) <= 1.2 * i) { o = m[s].formatter, r = m[s].value; break } return null == o && (o = "year", n = 317088e5, a = Math.ceil(t / n) * n - Math.floor(e / n) * n, r = Math.round(a / (i - 1) / n) * n), { formatter: o, gapValue: r } } function t(e) { return 10 > e ? "0" + e : e } function i(e, i) { ("week" == e || "month" == e || "quarter" == e || "half-year" == e || "year" == e) && (e = "MM - dd\nyyyy"); var n = h(i), a = n.getFullYear(), o = n.getMonth() + 1, r = n.getDate(), s = n.getHours(), l = n.getMinutes(), m = n.getSeconds(); return e = e.replace("MM", t(o)), e = e.toLowerCase(), e = e.replace("yyyy", a), e = e.replace("yy", a % 100), e = e.replace("dd", t(r)), e = e.replace("d", r), e = e.replace("hh", t(s)), e = e.replace("h", s), e = e.replace("mm", t(l)), e = e.replace("m", l), e = e.replace("ss", t(m)), e = e.replace("s", m) } function n(e) { return e = h(e), e.setDate(e.getDate() + 8 - e.getDay()), e } function a(e, t, i) { return e = h(e), e.setMonth(Math.ceil((e.getMonth() + 1) / i) * i), e.setDate(t), e } function o(e, t) { return a(e, t, 1) } function r(e, t) { return a(e, t, 3) } function s(e, t) { return a(e, t, 6) } function l(e, t) { return a(e, t, 12) } function h(e) { return e instanceof Date ? e : new Date("string" == typeof e ? e.replace(/-/g, "/") : e) } var m = [{formatter: "hh : mm : ss", value: 1e3}, { formatter: "hh : mm : ss", value: 5e3 }, {formatter: "hh : mm : ss", value: 1e4}, { formatter: "hh : mm : ss", value: 15e3 }, {formatter: "hh : mm : ss", value: 3e4}, { formatter: "hh : mm\nMM - dd", value: 6e4 }, {formatter: "hh : mm\nMM - dd", value: 3e5}, { formatter: "hh : mm\nMM - dd", value: 6e5 }, {formatter: "hh : mm\nMM - dd", value: 9e5}, { formatter: "hh : mm\nMM - dd", value: 18e5 }, {formatter: "hh : mm\nMM - dd", value: 36e5}, { formatter: "hh : mm\nMM - dd", value: 72e5 }, {formatter: "hh : mm\nMM - dd", value: 216e5}, { formatter: "hh : mm\nMM - dd", value: 432e5 }, {formatter: "MM - dd\nyyyy", value: 864e5}, {formatter: "week", value: 6048e5}, { formatter: "month", value: 26784e5 }, {formatter: "quarter", value: 8208e6}, {formatter: "half-year", value: 16416e6}, { formatter: "year", value: 32832e6 }]; return { getAutoFormatter: e, getNewDate: h, format: i, nextMonday: n, nextNthPerNmonth: a, nextNthOnMonth: o, nextNthOnQuarterYear: r, nextNthOnHalfYear: s, nextNthOnYear: l } }), i("echarts/util/smartSteps", [], function () { function e(e) { return X.log(I(e)) / X.LN10 } function t(e) { return X.pow(10, e) } function i(e) { return e === w(e) } function n(e, t, n, a) { b = a || {}, f = b.steps || L, k = b.secs || W, n = v(+n || 0) % 99, e = +e || 0, t = +t || 0, x = _ = 0, "min" in b && (e = +b.min || 0, x = 1), "max" in b && (t = +b.max || 0, _ = 1), e > t && (t = [e, e = t][0]); var o = t - e; if (x && _) return g(e, t, n); if ((n || 5) > o) { if (i(e) && i(t)) return d(e, t, n); if (0 === o) return p(e, t, n) } return h(e, t, n) } function a(e, i, n, a) { a = a || 0; var s = o((i - e) / n, -1), l = o(e, -1, 1), h = o(i, -1), m = X.min(s.e, l.e, h.e); 0 === l.c ? m = X.min(s.e, h.e) : 0 === h.c && (m = X.min(s.e, l.e)), r(s, { c: 0, e: m }), r(l, s, 1), r(h, s), a += m, e = l.c, i = h.c; for (var V = (i - e) / n, U = t(a), d = 0, p = [], c = n + 1; c--;) p[c] = (e + V * c) * U; if (0 > a) { d = u(U), V = +(V * U).toFixed(d), e = +(e * U).toFixed(d), i = +(i * U).toFixed(d); for (var c = p.length; c--;) p[c] = p[c].toFixed(d), 0 === +p[c] && (p[c] = "0") } else e *= U, i *= U, V *= U; return k = 0, f = 0, b = 0, {min: e, max: i, secs: n, step: V, fix: d, exp: a, pnts: p} } function o(n, a, o) { a = v(a % 10) || 2, 0 > a && (i(n) ? a = ("" + I(n)).replace(/0+$/, "").length || 1 : (n = n.toFixed(15).replace(/0+$/, ""), a = n.replace(".", "").replace(/^[-0]+/, "").length, n = +n)); var r = w(e(n)) - a + 1, s = +(n * t(-r)).toFixed(15) || 0; return s = o ? w(s) : K(s), !s && (r = 0), ("" + I(s)).length > a && (r += 1, s /= 10), {c: s, e: r} } function r(e, i, n) { var a = i.e - e.e; a && (e.e += a, e.c *= t(-a), e.c = n ? w(e.c) : K(e.c)) } function s(e, t, i) { e.e < t.e ? r(t, e, i) : r(e, t, i) } function l(e, t) { t = t || L, e = o(e); for (var i = e.c, n = 0; i > t[n];) n++; if (!t[n]) for (i /= 10, e.e += 1, n = 0; i > t[n];) n++; return e.c = t[n], e } function h(e, t, n) { var s, h = n || +k.slice(-1), p = l((t - e) / h, f), u = o(t - e), g = o(e, -1, 1), b = o(t, -1); if (r(u, p), r(g, p, 1), r(b, p), n ? s = V(g, b, h) : h = m(g, b), i(e) && i(t) && e * t >= 0) { if (h > t - e) return d(e, t, h); h = U(e, t, n, g, b, h) } var L = c(e, t, g.c, b.c); return g.c = L[0], b.c = L[1], (x || _) && y(e, t, g, b), a(g.c, b.c, h, b.e) } function m(e, i) { for (var n, a, o, r, s = [], h = k.length; h--;) n = k[h], a = l((i.c - e.c) / n, f), a = a.c * t(a.e), o = w(e.c / a) * a, r = K(i.c / a) * a, s[h] = { min: o, max: r, step: a, span: r - o }; return s.sort(function (e, t) { var i = e.span - t.span; return 0 === i && (i = e.step - t.step), i }), s = s[0], n = s.span / s.step, e.c = s.min, i.c = s.max, 3 > n ? 2 * n : n } function V(e, i, n) { for (var a, o, r = i.c, s = (i.c - e.c) / n - 1; r > e.c;) s = l(s + 1, f), s = s.c * t(s.e), a = s * n, o = K(i.c / s) * s, r = o - a; var h = e.c - r, m = o - i.c, V = h - m; return V > 1.1 * s && (V = v(V / s / 2) * s, r += V, o += V), e.c = r, i.c = o, s } function U(e, n, a, o, r, s) { var l = r.c - o.c, h = l / s * t(r.e); if (!i(h) && (h = w(h), l = h * s, n - e > l && (h += 1, l = h * s, !a && h * (s - 1) >= n - e && (s -= 1, l = h * s)), l >= n - e)) { var m = l - (n - e); o.c = v(e - m / 2), r.c = v(n + m / 2), o.e = 0, r.e = 0 } return s } function d(e, t, i) { if (i = i || 5, x) t = e + i; else if (_) e = t - i; else { var n = i - (t - e), o = v(e - n / 2), r = v(t + n / 2), s = c(e, t, o, r); e = s[0], t = s[1] } return a(e, t, i) } function p(e, t, i) { i = i || 5; var n = X.min(I(t / i), i) / 2.1; return x ? t = e + n : _ ? e = t - n : (e -= n, t += n), h(e, t, i) } function c(e, t, i, n) { return e >= 0 && 0 > i ? (n -= i, i = 0) : 0 >= t && n > 0 && (i -= n, n = 0), [i, n] } function u(e) { return e = (+e).toFixed(15).split("."), e.pop().replace(/0+$/, "").length } function y(e, t, i, n) { if (x) { var a = o(e, 4, 1); i.e - a.e > 6 && (a = {c: 0, e: i.e}), s(i, a), s(n, a), n.c += a.c - i.c, i.c = a.c } else if (_) { var r = o(t, 4); n.e - r.e > 6 && (r = {c: 0, e: n.e}), s(i, r), s(n, r), i.c += r.c - n.c, n.c = r.c } } function g(e, t, i) { var n = i ? [i] : k, s = t - e; if (0 === s) return t = o(t, 3), i = n[0], t.c = v(t.c + i / 2), a(t.c - i, t.c, i, t.e); I(t / s) < 1e-6 && (t = 0), I(e / s) < 1e-6 && (e = 0); var l, h, m, V = [[5, 10], [10, 2], [50, 10], [100, 2]], U = [], d = [], p = o(t - e, 3), c = o(e, -1, 1), u = o(t, -1); r(c, p, 1), r(u, p), s = u.c - c.c, p.c = s; for (var y = n.length; y--;) { i = n[y], l = K(s / i), h = l * i - s, m = 3 * (h + 3), m += 2 * (i - n[0] + 2), i % 5 === 0 && (m -= 10); for (var g = V.length; g--;) l % V[g][0] === 0 && (m /= V[g][1]); d[y] = [i, l, h, m].join(), U[y] = {secs: i, step: l, delta: h, score: m} } return U.sort(function (e, t) { return e.score - t.score }), U = U[0], c.c = v(c.c - U.delta / 2), u.c = v(u.c + U.delta / 2), a(c.c, u.c, U.secs, p.e) } var b, f, k, x, _, L = [10, 20, 25, 50], W = [4, 5, 6], X = Math, v = X.round, w = X.floor, K = X.ceil, I = X.abs; return n }), i("echarts/util/smartLogSteps", ["require", "./number"], function (e) { function t(e) { return i(), u = e || {}, n(), a(), [o(), i()][0] } function i() { U = u = g = c = b = f = y = k = d = p = null } function n() { d = u.logLabelBase, null == d ? (p = "plain", d = 10, c = I) : (d = +d, 1 > d && (d = 10), p = "exponent", c = L(d)), y = u.splitNumber, null == y && (y = E); var e = parseFloat(u.dataMin), t = parseFloat(u.dataMax); isFinite(e) || isFinite(t) ? isFinite(e) ? isFinite(t) ? e > t && (t = [e, e = t][0]) : t = e : e = t : e = t = 1, U = u.logPositive, null == U && (U = t > 0 || 0 === e), b = U ? e : -t, f = U ? t : -e, S > b && (b = S), S > f && (f = S) } function a() { function e() { y > m && (y = m); var e = w(l(m / y)), t = v(l(m / e)), i = e * t, n = (i - U) / 2, a = w(l(r - n)); V(a - r) && (a -= 1), g = -a * c; for (var s = a; o >= s - e; s += e) k.push(W(d, s)) } function t() { for (var e = i(h, 0), t = e + 2; t > e && a(e + 1) + n(e + 1) * C < r;) e++; for (var l = i(s, 0), t = l - 2; l > t && a(l - 1) + n(l - 1) * C > o;) l--; g = -(a(e) * I + n(e) * J); for (var m = e; l >= m; m++) { var V = a(m), U = n(m); k.push(W(10, V) * W(2, U)) } } function i(e, t) { return 3 * e + t } function n(e) { return e - 3 * a(e) } function a(e) { return w(l(e / 3)) } k = []; var o = l(L(f) / c), r = l(L(b) / c), s = v(o), h = w(r), m = s - h, U = o - r; "exponent" === p ? e() : F >= m && y > F ? t() : e() } function o() { for (var e = [], t = 0, i = k.length; i > t; t++) e[t] = (U ? 1 : -1) * k[t]; !U && e.reverse(); var n = s(), a = n.value2Coord, o = a(e[0]), l = a(e[e.length - 1]); return o === l && (o -= 1, l += 1), { dataMin: o, dataMax: l, tickList: e, logPositive: U, labelFormatter: r(), dataMappingMethods: n } } function r() { if ("exponent" === p) { var e = d, t = c; return function (i) { if (!isFinite(parseFloat(i))) return ""; var n = ""; return 0 > i && (i = -i, n = "-"), n + e + m(L(i) / t) } } return function (e) { return isFinite(parseFloat(e)) ? x.addCommas(h(e)) : "" } } function s() { var e = U, t = g; return { value2Coord: function (i) { return null == i || isNaN(i) || !isFinite(i) ? i : (i = parseFloat(i), isFinite(i) ? e && S > i ? i = S : !e && i > -S && (i = -S) : i = S, i = X(i), (e ? 1 : -1) * (L(i) + t)) }, coord2Value: function (i) { return null == i || isNaN(i) || !isFinite(i) ? i : (i = parseFloat(i), isFinite(i) || (i = S), e ? W(K, i - t) : -W(K, -i + t)) } } } function l(e) { return +Number(+e).toFixed(14) } function h(e) { return Number(e).toFixed(15).replace(/\.?0*$/, "") } function m(e) { e = h(Math.round(e)); for (var t = [], i = 0, n = e.length; n > i; i++) { var a = e.charAt(i); t.push(T[a] || "") } return t.join("") } function V(e) { return e > -S && S > e } var U, d, p, c, u, y, g, b, f, k, x = e("./number"), _ = Math, L = _.log, W = _.pow, X = _.abs, v = _.ceil, w = _.floor, K = _.E, I = _.LN10, J = _.LN2, C = J / I, S = 1e-9, E = 5, F = 2, T = {0: "⁰", 1: "¹", 2: "²", 3: "³", 4: "⁴", 5: "⁵", 6: "⁶", 7: "⁷", 8: "⁸", 9: "⁹", "-": "⁻"}; return t }), i("echarts/chart/line", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Polyline", "../util/shape/Icon", "../util/shape/HalfSmoothPolygon", "../component/axis", "../component/grid", "../component/dataZoom", "../config", "../util/ecData", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/color", "../chart"], function (e) { function t(e, t, i, a, o) { n.call(this, e, t, i, a, o), this.refresh(a) } function i(e, t, i) { var n = t.x, a = t.y, r = t.width, s = t.height, l = s / 2; t.symbol.match("empty") && (e.fillStyle = "#fff"), t.brushType = "both"; var h = t.symbol.replace("empty", "").toLowerCase(); h.match("star") ? (l = h.replace("star", "") - 0 || 5, a -= 1, h = "star") : ("rectangle" === h || "arrow" === h) && (n += (r - s) / 2, r = s); var m = ""; if (h.match("image") && (m = h.replace(new RegExp("^image:\\/\\/"), ""), h = "image", n += Math.round((r - s) / 2) - 1, r = s += 2), h = o.prototype.iconLibrary[h]) { var V = t.x, U = t.y; e.moveTo(V, U + l), e.lineTo(V + 5, U + l), e.moveTo(V + t.width - 5, U + l), e.lineTo(V + t.width, U + l); var d = this; h(e, {x: n + 4, y: a + 4, width: r - 8, height: s - 8, n: l, image: m}, function () { d.modSelf(), i() }) } else e.moveTo(n, a + l), e.lineTo(n + r, a + l) } var n = e("./base"), a = e("zrender/shape/Polyline"), o = e("../util/shape/Icon"), r = e("../util/shape/HalfSmoothPolygon"); e("../component/axis"), e("../component/grid"), e("../component/dataZoom"); var s = e("../config"); s.line = { zlevel: 0, z: 2, clickable: !0, legendHoverLink: !0, xAxisIndex: 0, yAxisIndex: 0, dataFilter: "nearest", itemStyle: { normal: { label: {show: !1}, lineStyle: { width: 2, type: "solid", shadowColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", shadowBlur: 0, shadowOffsetX: 0, shadowOffsetY: 0 } }, emphasis: {label: {show: !1}} }, symbolSize: 2, showAllSymbol: !1 }; var l = e("../util/ecData"), h = e("zrender/tool/util"), m = e("zrender/tool/color"); return t.prototype = { type: s.CHART_TYPE_LINE, _buildShape: function () { this.finalPLMap = {}, this._buildPosition() }, _buildHorizontal: function (e, t, i, n) { for (var a, o, r, s, l, h, m, V, U, d = this.series, p = i[0][0], c = d[p], u = this.component.xAxis.getAxis(c.xAxisIndex || 0), y = {}, g = 0, b = t; b > g && null != u.getNameByIndex(g); g++) { o = u.getCoordByIndex(g); for (var f = 0, k = i.length; k > f; f++) { a = this.component.yAxis.getAxis(d[i[f][0]].yAxisIndex || 0), l = s = m = h = a.getCoord(0); for (var x = 0, _ = i[f].length; _ > x; x++) p = i[f][x], c = d[p], V = c.data[g], U = this.getDataFromOption(V, "-"), y[p] = y[p] || [], n[p] = n[p] || { min: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, max: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, sum: 0, counter: 0, average: 0 }, "-" !== U ? (U >= 0 ? (s -= x > 0 ? a.getCoordSize(U) : l - a.getCoord(U), r = s) : 0 > U && (h += x > 0 ? a.getCoordSize(U) : a.getCoord(U) - m, r = h), y[p].push([o, r, g, u.getNameByIndex(g), o, l]), n[p].min > U && (n[p].min = U, n[p].minY = r, n[p].minX = o), n[p].max < U && (n[p].max = U, n[p].maxY = r, n[p].maxX = o), n[p].sum += U, n[p].counter++) : y[p].length > 0 && (this.finalPLMap[p] = this.finalPLMap[p] || [], this.finalPLMap[p].push(y[p]), y[p] = []) } s = this.component.grid.getY(); for (var L, f = 0, k = i.length; k > f; f++) for (var x = 0, _ = i[f].length; _ > x; x++) p = i[f][x], c = d[p], V = c.data[g], U = this.getDataFromOption(V, "-"), "-" == U && this.deepQuery([V, c, this.option], "calculable") && (L = this.deepQuery([V, c], "symbolSize"), s += 2 * L + 5, r = s, this.shapeList.push(this._getCalculableItem(p, g, u.getNameByIndex(g), o, r, "horizontal"))) } for (var W in y) y[W].length > 0 && (this.finalPLMap[W] = this.finalPLMap[W] || [], this.finalPLMap[W].push(y[W]), y[W] = []); this._calculMarkMapXY(n, i, "y"), this._buildBorkenLine(e, this.finalPLMap, u, "horizontal") }, _buildVertical: function (e, t, i, n) { for (var a, o, r, s, l, h, m, V, U, d = this.series, p = i[0][0], c = d[p], u = this.component.yAxis.getAxis(c.yAxisIndex || 0), y = {}, g = 0, b = t; b > g && null != u.getNameByIndex(g); g++) { r = u.getCoordByIndex(g); for (var f = 0, k = i.length; k > f; f++) { a = this.component.xAxis.getAxis(d[i[f][0]].xAxisIndex || 0), l = s = m = h = a.getCoord(0); for (var x = 0, _ = i[f].length; _ > x; x++) p = i[f][x], c = d[p], V = c.data[g], U = this.getDataFromOption(V, "-"), y[p] = y[p] || [], n[p] = n[p] || { min: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, max: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, sum: 0, counter: 0, average: 0 }, "-" !== U ? (U >= 0 ? (s += x > 0 ? a.getCoordSize(U) : a.getCoord(U) - l, o = s) : 0 > U && (h -= x > 0 ? a.getCoordSize(U) : m - a.getCoord(U), o = h), y[p].push([o, r, g, u.getNameByIndex(g), l, r]), n[p].min > U && (n[p].min = U, n[p].minX = o, n[p].minY = r), n[p].max < U && (n[p].max = U, n[p].maxX = o, n[p].maxY = r), n[p].sum += U, n[p].counter++) : y[p].length > 0 && (this.finalPLMap[p] = this.finalPLMap[p] || [], this.finalPLMap[p].push(y[p]), y[p] = []) } s = this.component.grid.getXend(); for (var L, f = 0, k = i.length; k > f; f++) for (var x = 0, _ = i[f].length; _ > x; x++) p = i[f][x], c = d[p], V = c.data[g], U = this.getDataFromOption(V, "-"), "-" == U && this.deepQuery([V, c, this.option], "calculable") && (L = this.deepQuery([V, c], "symbolSize"), s -= 2 * L + 5, o = s, this.shapeList.push(this._getCalculableItem(p, g, u.getNameByIndex(g), o, r, "vertical"))) } for (var W in y) y[W].length > 0 && (this.finalPLMap[W] = this.finalPLMap[W] || [], this.finalPLMap[W].push(y[W]), y[W] = []); this._calculMarkMapXY(n, i, "x"), this._buildBorkenLine(e, this.finalPLMap, u, "vertical") }, _buildOther: function (e, t, i, n) { for (var a, o = this.series, r = {}, s = 0, l = i.length; l > s; s++) for (var h = 0, m = i[s].length; m > h; h++) { var V = i[s][h], U = o[V]; a = this.component.xAxis.getAxis(U.xAxisIndex || 0); var d = this.component.yAxis.getAxis(U.yAxisIndex || 0), p = d.getCoord(0); r[V] = r[V] || [], n[V] = n[V] || { min0: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, min1: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, max0: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, max1: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, sum0: 0, sum1: 0, counter0: 0, counter1: 0, average0: 0, average1: 0 }; for (var c = 0, u = U.data.length; u > c; c++) { var y = U.data[c], g = this.getDataFromOption(y, "-"); if (g instanceof Array) { var b = a.getCoord(g[0]), f = d.getCoord(g[1]); r[V].push([b, f, c, g[0], b, p]), n[V].min0 > g[0] && (n[V].min0 = g[0], n[V].minY0 = f, n[V].minX0 = b), n[V].max0 < g[0] && (n[V].max0 = g[0], n[V].maxY0 = f, n[V].maxX0 = b), n[V].sum0 += g[0], n[V].counter0++, n[V].min1 > g[1] && (n[V].min1 = g[1], n[V].minY1 = f, n[V].minX1 = b), n[V].max1 < g[1] && (n[V].max1 = g[1], n[V].maxY1 = f, n[V].maxX1 = b), n[V].sum1 += g[1], n[V].counter1++ } } } for (var k in r) r[k].length > 0 && (this.finalPLMap[k] = this.finalPLMap[k] || [], this.finalPLMap[k].push(r[k]), r[k] = []); this._calculMarkMapXY(n, i, "xy"), this._buildBorkenLine(e, this.finalPLMap, a, "other") }, _buildBorkenLine: function (e, t, i, n) { for (var o, s = "other" == n ? "horizontal" : n, V = this.series, U = e.length - 1; U >= 0; U--) { var d = e[U], p = V[d], c = t[d]; if (p.type === this.type && null != c) for (var u = this._getBbox(d, s), y = this._sIndex2ColorMap[d], g = this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.lineStyle.width"), b = this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.lineStyle.type"), f = this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.lineStyle.color"), k = this.getItemStyleColor(this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.color"), d, -1), x = null != this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.areaStyle"), _ = this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.areaStyle.color"), L = 0, W = c.length; W > L; L++) { var X = c[L], v = "other" != n && this._isLarge(s, X); if (v) X = this._getLargePointList(s, X, p.dataFilter); else for (var w = 0, K = X.length; K > w; w++) o = p.data[X[w][2]], (this.deepQuery([o, p, this.option], "calculable") || this.deepQuery([o, p], "showAllSymbol") || "categoryAxis" === i.type && i.isMainAxis(X[w][2]) && "none" != this.deepQuery([o, p], "symbol")) && this.shapeList.push(this._getSymbol(d, X[w][2], X[w][3], X[w][0], X[w][1], s)); var I = new a({ zlevel: p.zlevel, z: p.z, style: { miterLimit: g, pointList: X, strokeColor: f || k || y, lineWidth: g, lineType: b, smooth: this._getSmooth(p.smooth), smoothConstraint: u, shadowColor: this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.lineStyle.shadowColor"), shadowBlur: this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.lineStyle.shadowBlur"), shadowOffsetX: this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.lineStyle.shadowOffsetX"), shadowOffsetY: this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.lineStyle.shadowOffsetY") }, hoverable: !1, _main: !0, _seriesIndex: d, _orient: s }); if (l.pack(I, V[d], d, 0, L, V[d].name), this.shapeList.push(I), x) { var J = new r({ zlevel: p.zlevel, z: p.z, style: { miterLimit: g, pointList: h.clone(X).concat([[X[X.length - 1][4], X[X.length - 1][5]], [X[0][4], X[0][5]]]), brushType: "fill", smooth: this._getSmooth(p.smooth), smoothConstraint: u, color: _ ? _ : m.alpha(y, .5) }, highlightStyle: {brushType: "fill"}, hoverable: !1, _main: !0, _seriesIndex: d, _orient: s }); l.pack(J, V[d], d, 0, L, V[d].name), this.shapeList.push(J) } } } }, _getBbox: function (e, t) { var i = this.component.grid.getBbox(), n = this.xMarkMap[e]; return null != n.minX0 ? [[Math.min(n.minX0, n.maxX0, n.minX1, n.maxX1), Math.min(n.minY0, n.maxY0, n.minY1, n.maxY1)], [Math.max(n.minX0, n.maxX0, n.minX1, n.maxX1), Math.max(n.minY0, n.maxY0, n.minY1, n.maxY1)]] : ("horizontal" === t ? (i[0][1] = Math.min(n.minY, n.maxY), i[1][1] = Math.max(n.minY, n.maxY)) : (i[0][0] = Math.min(n.minX, n.maxX), i[1][0] = Math.max(n.minX, n.maxX)), i) }, _isLarge: function (e, t) { return t.length < 2 ? !1 : "horizontal" === e ? Math.abs(t[0][0] - t[1][0]) < .5 : Math.abs(t[0][1] - t[1][1]) < .5 }, _getLargePointList: function (e, t, i) { var n; n = "horizontal" === e ? this.component.grid.getWidth() : this.component.grid.getHeight(); var a = t.length, o = []; if ("function" != typeof i) switch (i) { case"min": i = function (e) { return Math.max.apply(null, e) }; break; case"max": i = function (e) { return Math.min.apply(null, e) }; break; case"average": i = function (e) { for (var t = 0, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) t += e[i]; return t / e.length }; break; default: i = function (e) { return e[0] } } for (var r = [], s = 0; n > s; s++) { var l = Math.floor(a / n * s), h = Math.min(Math.floor(a / n * (s + 1)), a); if (!(l >= h)) { for (var m = l; h > m; m++) r[m - l] = "horizontal" === e ? t[m][1] : t[m][0]; r.length = h - l; for (var V = i(r), U = -1, d = 1 / 0, m = l; h > m; m++) { var p = "horizontal" === e ? t[m][1] : t[m][0], c = Math.abs(p - V); d > c && (U = m, d = c) } var u = t[U].slice(); "horizontal" === e ? u[1] = V : u[0] = V, o.push(u) } } return o }, _getSmooth: function (e) { return e ? .3 : 0 }, _getCalculableItem: function (e, t, i, n, a, o) { var r = this.series, l = r[e].calculableHolderColor || this.ecTheme.calculableHolderColor || s.calculableHolderColor, h = this._getSymbol(e, t, i, n, a, o); return h.style.color = l, h.style.strokeColor = l, h.rotation = [0, 0], h.hoverable = !1, h.draggable = !1, h.style.text = void 0, h }, _getSymbol: function (e, t, i, n, a, o) { var r = this.series, s = r[e], l = s.data[t], h = this.getSymbolShape(s, e, l, t, i, n, a, this._sIndex2ShapeMap[e], this._sIndex2ColorMap[e], "#fff", "vertical" === o ? "horizontal" : "vertical"); return h.zlevel = s.zlevel, h.z = s.z + 1, this.deepQuery([l, s, this.option], "calculable") && (this.setCalculable(h), h.draggable = !0), h }, getMarkCoord: function (e, t) { var i = this.series[e], n = this.xMarkMap[e], a = this.component.xAxis.getAxis(i.xAxisIndex), o = this.component.yAxis.getAxis(i.yAxisIndex); if (t.type && ("max" === t.type || "min" === t.type || "average" === t.type)) { var r = null != t.valueIndex ? t.valueIndex : null != n.maxX0 ? "1" : ""; return [n[t.type + "X" + r], n[t.type + "Y" + r], n[t.type + "Line" + r], n[t.type + r]] } return ["string" != typeof t.xAxis && a.getCoordByIndex ? a.getCoordByIndex(t.xAxis || 0) : a.getCoord(t.xAxis || 0), "string" != typeof t.yAxis && o.getCoordByIndex ? o.getCoordByIndex(t.yAxis || 0) : o.getCoord(t.yAxis || 0)] }, refresh: function (e) { e && (this.option = e, this.series = e.series), this.backupShapeList(), this._buildShape() }, ontooltipHover: function (e, t) { for (var i, n, a = e.seriesIndex, o = e.dataIndex, r = a.length; r--;) if (i = this.finalPLMap[a[r]]) for (var s = 0, l = i.length; l > s; s++) { n = i[s]; for (var h = 0, m = n.length; m > h; h++) o === n[h][2] && t.push(this._getSymbol(a[r], n[h][2], n[h][3], n[h][0], n[h][1], "horizontal")) } }, addDataAnimation: function (e, t) { function i() { c--, 0 === c && t && t() } function n(e) { e.style.controlPointList = null } for (var a = this.series, o = {}, r = 0, s = e.length; s > r; r++) o[e[r][0]] = e[r]; for (var l, h, m, V, U, d, p, c = 0, r = this.shapeList.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) if (U = this.shapeList[r]._seriesIndex, o[U] && !o[U][3]) { if (this.shapeList[r]._main && this.shapeList[r].style.pointList.length > 1) { if (d = this.shapeList[r].style.pointList, h = Math.abs(d[0][0] - d[1][0]), V = Math.abs(d[0][1] - d[1][1]), p = "horizontal" === this.shapeList[r]._orient, o[U][2]) { if ("half-smooth-polygon" === this.shapeList[r].type) { var u = d.length; this.shapeList[r].style.pointList[u - 3] = d[u - 2], this.shapeList[r].style.pointList[u - 3][p ? 0 : 1] = d[u - 4][p ? 0 : 1], this.shapeList[r].style.pointList[u - 2] = d[u - 1] } this.shapeList[r].style.pointList.pop(), p ? (l = h, m = 0) : (l = 0, m = -V) } else { if (this.shapeList[r].style.pointList.shift(), "half-smooth-polygon" === this.shapeList[r].type) { var y = this.shapeList[r].style.pointList.pop(); p ? y[0] = d[0][0] : y[1] = d[0][1], this.shapeList[r].style.pointList.push(y) } p ? (l = -h, m = 0) : (l = 0, m = V) } this.shapeList[r].style.controlPointList = null, this.zr.modShape(this.shapeList[r]) } else { if (o[U][2] && this.shapeList[r]._dataIndex === a[U].data.length - 1) { this.zr.delShape(this.shapeList[r].id); continue } if (!o[U][2] && 0 === this.shapeList[r]._dataIndex) { this.zr.delShape(this.shapeList[r].id); continue } } this.shapeList[r].position = [0, 0], c++, this.zr.animate(this.shapeList[r].id, "").when(this.query(this.option, "animationDurationUpdate"), {position: [l, m]}).during(n).done(i).start() } c || t && t() } }, o.prototype.iconLibrary.legendLineIcon = i, h.inherits(t, n), e("../chart").define("line", t), t }), i("echarts/util/shape/HalfSmoothPolygon", ["require", "zrender/shape/Base", "zrender/shape/util/smoothBezier", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/shape/Polygon"], function (e) { function t(e) { i.call(this, e) } var i = e("zrender/shape/Base"), n = e("zrender/shape/util/smoothBezier"), a = e("zrender/tool/util"); return t.prototype = { type: "half-smooth-polygon", buildPath: function (t, i) { var a = i.pointList; if (!(a.length < 2)) if (i.smooth) { var o = n(a.slice(0, -2), i.smooth, !1, i.smoothConstraint); t.moveTo(a[0][0], a[0][1]); for (var r, s, l, h = a.length, m = 0; h - 3 > m; m++) r = o[2 * m], s = o[2 * m + 1], l = a[m + 1], t.bezierCurveTo(r[0], r[1], s[0], s[1], l[0], l[1]); t.lineTo(a[h - 2][0], a[h - 2][1]), t.lineTo(a[h - 1][0], a[h - 1][1]), t.lineTo(a[0][0], a[0][1]) } else e("zrender/shape/Polygon").prototype.buildPath(t, i) } }, a.inherits(t, i), t }), i("echarts/chart/bar", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Rectangle", "../component/axis", "../component/grid", "../component/dataZoom", "../config", "../util/ecData", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/color", "../chart"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.refresh(a) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Rectangle"); e("../component/axis"), e("../component/grid"), e("../component/dataZoom"); var a = e("../config"); a.bar = { zlevel: 0, z: 2, clickable: !0, legendHoverLink: !0, xAxisIndex: 0, yAxisIndex: 0, barMinHeight: 0, barGap: "30%", barCategoryGap: "20%", itemStyle: { normal: {barBorderColor: "#fff", barBorderRadius: 0, barBorderWidth: 0, label: {show: !1}}, emphasis: {barBorderColor: "#fff", barBorderRadius: 0, barBorderWidth: 0, label: {show: !1}} } }; var o = e("../util/ecData"), r = e("zrender/tool/util"), s = e("zrender/tool/color"); return t.prototype = { type: a.CHART_TYPE_BAR, _buildShape: function () { this._buildPosition() }, _buildNormal: function (e, t, i, o, r) { for (var s, l, h, m, V, U, d, p, c, u, y, g, b = this.series, f = i[0][0], k = b[f], x = "horizontal" == r, _ = this.component.xAxis, L = this.component.yAxis, W = x ? _.getAxis(k.xAxisIndex) : L.getAxis(k.yAxisIndex), X = this._mapSize(W, i), v = X.gap, w = X.barGap, K = X.barWidthMap, I = X.barMaxWidthMap, J = X.barWidth, C = X.barMinHeightMap, S = X.interval, E = this.deepQuery([this.ecTheme, a], "island.r"), F = 0, T = t; T > F && null != W.getNameByIndex(F); F++) { x ? m = W.getCoordByIndex(F) - v / 2 : V = W.getCoordByIndex(F) + v / 2; for (var z = 0, A = i.length; A > z; z++) { var M = b[i[z][0]].yAxisIndex || 0, O = b[i[z][0]].xAxisIndex || 0; s = x ? L.getAxis(M) : _.getAxis(O), d = U = c = p = s.getCoord(0); for (var P = 0, D = i[z].length; D > P; P++) f = i[z][P], k = b[f], y = k.data[F], g = this.getDataFromOption(y, "-"), o[f] = o[f] || { min: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, max: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, sum: 0, counter: 0, average: 0 }, h = Math.min(I[f] || Number.MAX_VALUE, K[f] || J), "-" !== g && (g > 0 ? (l = P > 0 ? s.getCoordSize(g) : x ? d - s.getCoord(g) : s.getCoord(g) - d, 1 === D && C[f] > l && (l = C[f]), x ? (U -= l, V = U) : (m = U, U += l)) : 0 > g ? (l = P > 0 ? s.getCoordSize(g) : x ? s.getCoord(g) - c : c - s.getCoord(g), 1 === D && C[f] > l && (l = C[f]), x ? (V = p, p += l) : (p -= l, m = p)) : (l = 0, x ? (U -= l, V = U) : (m = U, U += l)), o[f][F] = x ? m + h / 2 : V - h / 2, o[f].min > g && (o[f].min = g, x ? (o[f].minY = V, o[f].minX = o[f][F]) : (o[f].minX = m + l, o[f].minY = o[f][F])), o[f].max < g && (o[f].max = g, x ? (o[f].maxY = V, o[f].maxX = o[f][F]) : (o[f].maxX = m + l, o[f].maxY = o[f][F])), o[f].sum += g, o[f].counter++, F % S === 0 && (u = this._getBarItem(f, F, W.getNameByIndex(F), m, V - (x ? 0 : h), x ? h : l, x ? l : h, x ? "vertical" : "horizontal"), this.shapeList.push(new n(u)))); for (var P = 0, D = i[z].length; D > P; P++) f = i[z][P], k = b[f], y = k.data[F], g = this.getDataFromOption(y, "-"), h = Math.min(I[f] || Number.MAX_VALUE, K[f] || J), "-" == g && this.deepQuery([y, k, this.option], "calculable") && (x ? (U -= E, V = U) : (m = U, U += E), u = this._getBarItem(f, F, W.getNameByIndex(F), m, V - (x ? 0 : h), x ? h : E, x ? E : h, x ? "vertical" : "horizontal"), u.hoverable = !1, u.draggable = !1, u.style.lineWidth = 1, u.style.brushType = "stroke", u.style.strokeColor = k.calculableHolderColor || this.ecTheme.calculableHolderColor || a.calculableHolderColor, this.shapeList.push(new n(u))); x ? m += h + w : V -= h + w } } this._calculMarkMapXY(o, i, x ? "y" : "x") }, _buildHorizontal: function (e, t, i, n) { return this._buildNormal(e, t, i, n, "horizontal") }, _buildVertical: function (e, t, i, n) { return this._buildNormal(e, t, i, n, "vertical") }, _buildOther: function (e, t, i, a) { for (var o = this.series, r = 0, s = i.length; s > r; r++) for (var l = 0, h = i[r].length; h > l; l++) { var m = i[r][l], V = o[m], U = V.xAxisIndex || 0, d = this.component.xAxis.getAxis(U), p = d.getCoord(0), c = V.yAxisIndex || 0, u = this.component.yAxis.getAxis(c), y = u.getCoord(0); a[m] = a[m] || { min0: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, min1: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, max0: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, max1: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, sum0: 0, sum1: 0, counter0: 0, counter1: 0, average0: 0, average1: 0 }; for (var g = 0, b = V.data.length; b > g; g++) { var f = V.data[g], k = this.getDataFromOption(f, "-"); if (k instanceof Array) { var x, _, L = d.getCoord(k[0]), W = u.getCoord(k[1]), X = [f, V], v = this.deepQuery(X, "barWidth") || 10, w = this.deepQuery(X, "barHeight"); null != w ? (x = "horizontal", k[0] > 0 ? (v = L - p, L -= v) : v = k[0] < 0 ? p - L : 0, _ = this._getBarItem(m, g, k[0], L, W - w / 2, v, w, x)) : (x = "vertical", k[1] > 0 ? w = y - W : k[1] < 0 ? (w = W - y, W -= w) : w = 0, _ = this._getBarItem(m, g, k[0], L - v / 2, W, v, w, x)), this.shapeList.push(new n(_)), L = d.getCoord(k[0]), W = u.getCoord(k[1]), a[m].min0 > k[0] && (a[m].min0 = k[0], a[m].minY0 = W, a[m].minX0 = L), a[m].max0 < k[0] && (a[m].max0 = k[0], a[m].maxY0 = W, a[m].maxX0 = L), a[m].sum0 += k[0], a[m].counter0++, a[m].min1 > k[1] && (a[m].min1 = k[1], a[m].minY1 = W, a[m].minX1 = L), a[m].max1 < k[1] && (a[m].max1 = k[1], a[m].maxY1 = W, a[m].maxX1 = L), a[m].sum1 += k[1], a[m].counter1++ } } } this._calculMarkMapXY(a, i, "xy") }, _mapSize: function (e, t, i) { var n, a, o = this._findSpecialBarSzie(t, i), r = o.barWidthMap, s = o.barMaxWidthMap, l = o.barMinHeightMap, h = o.sBarWidthCounter, m = o.sBarWidthTotal, V = o.barGap, U = o.barCategoryGap, d = 1; if (t.length != h) { if (i) n = e.getGap(), V = 0, a = +(n / t.length).toFixed(2), 0 >= a && (d = Math.floor(t.length / n), a = 1); else if (n = "string" == typeof U && U.match(/%$/) ? (e.getGap() * (100 - parseFloat(U)) / 100).toFixed(2) - 0 : e.getGap() - U, "string" == typeof V && V.match(/%$/) ? (V = parseFloat(V) / 100, a = +((n - m) / ((t.length - 1) * V + t.length - h)).toFixed(2), V = a * V) : (V = parseFloat(V), a = +((n - m - V * (t.length - 1)) / (t.length - h)).toFixed(2)), 0 >= a) return this._mapSize(e, t, !0) } else if (n = h > 1 ? "string" == typeof U && U.match(/%$/) ? +(e.getGap() * (100 - parseFloat(U)) / 100).toFixed(2) : e.getGap() - U : m, a = 0, V = h > 1 ? +((n - m) / (h - 1)).toFixed(2) : 0, 0 > V) return this._mapSize(e, t, !0); return this._recheckBarMaxWidth(t, r, s, l, n, a, V, d) }, _findSpecialBarSzie: function (e, t) { for (var i, n, a, o, r = this.series, s = {}, l = {}, h = {}, m = 0, V = 0, U = 0, d = e.length; d > U; U++) for (var p = { barWidth: !1, barMaxWidth: !1 }, c = 0, u = e[U].length; u > c; c++) { var y = e[U][c], g = r[y]; if (!t) { if (p.barWidth) s[y] = i; else if (i = this.query(g, "barWidth"), null != i) { s[y] = i, V += i, m++, p.barWidth = !0; for (var b = 0, f = c; f > b; b++) { var k = e[U][b]; s[k] = i } } if (p.barMaxWidth) l[y] = n; else if (n = this.query(g, "barMaxWidth"), null != n) { l[y] = n, p.barMaxWidth = !0; for (var b = 0, f = c; f > b; b++) { var k = e[U][b]; l[k] = n } } } h[y] = this.query(g, "barMinHeight"), a = null != a ? a : this.query(g, "barGap"), o = null != o ? o : this.query(g, "barCategoryGap") } return { barWidthMap: s, barMaxWidthMap: l, barMinHeightMap: h, sBarWidth: i, sBarMaxWidth: n, sBarWidthCounter: m, sBarWidthTotal: V, barGap: a, barCategoryGap: o } }, _recheckBarMaxWidth: function (e, t, i, n, a, o, r, s) { for (var l = 0, h = e.length; h > l; l++) { var m = e[l][0]; i[m] && i[m] < o && (a -= o - i[m]) } return { barWidthMap: t, barMaxWidthMap: i, barMinHeightMap: n, gap: a, barWidth: o, barGap: r, interval: s } }, _getBarItem: function (e, t, i, n, a, r, l, h) { var m, V = this.series, U = V[e], d = U.data[t], p = this._sIndex2ColorMap[e], c = [d, U], u = this.deepMerge(c, "itemStyle.normal"), y = this.deepMerge(c, "itemStyle.emphasis"), g = u.barBorderWidth; m = { zlevel: U.zlevel, z: U.z, clickable: this.deepQuery(c, "clickable"), style: { x: n, y: a, width: r, height: l, brushType: "both", color: this.getItemStyleColor(this.deepQuery(c, "itemStyle.normal.color") || p, e, t, d), radius: u.barBorderRadius, lineWidth: g, strokeColor: u.barBorderColor }, highlightStyle: { color: this.getItemStyleColor(this.deepQuery(c, "itemStyle.emphasis.color"), e, t, d), radius: y.barBorderRadius, lineWidth: y.barBorderWidth, strokeColor: y.barBorderColor }, _orient: h }; var b = m.style; m.highlightStyle.color = m.highlightStyle.color || ("string" == typeof b.color ? s.lift(b.color, -.3) : b.color), b.x = Math.floor(b.x), b.y = Math.floor(b.y), b.height = Math.ceil(b.height), b.width = Math.ceil(b.width), g > 0 && b.height > g && b.width > g ? (b.y += g / 2, b.height -= g, b.x += g / 2, b.width -= g) : b.brushType = "fill", m.highlightStyle.textColor = m.highlightStyle.color, m = this.addLabel(m, U, d, i, h); for (var f = [b, m.highlightStyle], k = 0, x = f.length; x > k; k++) { var _ = f[k].textPosition; if ("insideLeft" === _ || "insideRight" === _ || "insideTop" === _ || "insideBottom" === _) { var L = 5; switch (_) { case"insideLeft": f[k].textX = b.x + L, f[k].textY = b.y + b.height / 2, f[k].textAlign = "left", f[k].textBaseline = "middle"; break; case"insideRight": f[k].textX = b.x + b.width - L, f[k].textY = b.y + b.height / 2, f[k].textAlign = "right", f[k].textBaseline = "middle"; break; case"insideTop": f[k].textX = b.x + b.width / 2, f[k].textY = b.y + L / 2, f[k].textAlign = "center", f[k].textBaseline = "top"; break; case"insideBottom": f[k].textX = b.x + b.width / 2, f[k].textY = b.y + b.height - L / 2, f[k].textAlign = "center", f[k].textBaseline = "bottom" } f[k].textPosition = "specific", f[k].textColor = f[k].textColor || "#fff" } } return this.deepQuery([d, U, this.option], "calculable") && (this.setCalculable(m), m.draggable = !0), o.pack(m, V[e], e, V[e].data[t], t, i), m }, getMarkCoord: function (e, t) { var i, n, a = this.series[e], o = this.xMarkMap[e], r = this.component.xAxis.getAxis(a.xAxisIndex), s = this.component.yAxis.getAxis(a.yAxisIndex); if (!t.type || "max" !== t.type && "min" !== t.type && "average" !== t.type) if (o.isHorizontal) { i = "string" == typeof t.xAxis && r.getIndexByName ? r.getIndexByName(t.xAxis) : t.xAxis || 0; var l = o[i]; l = null != l ? l : "string" != typeof t.xAxis && r.getCoordByIndex ? r.getCoordByIndex(t.xAxis || 0) : r.getCoord(t.xAxis || 0), n = [l, s.getCoord(t.yAxis || 0)] } else { i = "string" == typeof t.yAxis && s.getIndexByName ? s.getIndexByName(t.yAxis) : t.yAxis || 0; var h = o[i]; h = null != h ? h : "string" != typeof t.yAxis && s.getCoordByIndex ? s.getCoordByIndex(t.yAxis || 0) : s.getCoord(t.yAxis || 0), n = [r.getCoord(t.xAxis || 0), h] } else { var m = null != t.valueIndex ? t.valueIndex : null != o.maxX0 ? "1" : ""; n = [o[t.type + "X" + m], o[t.type + "Y" + m], o[t.type + "Line" + m], o[t.type + m]] } return n }, refresh: function (e) { e && (this.option = e, this.series = e.series), this.backupShapeList(), this._buildShape() }, addDataAnimation: function (e, t) { function i() { c--, 0 === c && t && t() } for (var n = this.series, a = {}, r = 0, s = e.length; s > r; r++) a[e[r][0]] = e[r]; for (var l, h, m, V, U, d, p, c = 0, r = this.shapeList.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) if (d = o.get(this.shapeList[r], "seriesIndex"), a[d] && !a[d][3] && "rectangle" === this.shapeList[r].type) { if (p = o.get(this.shapeList[r], "dataIndex"), U = n[d], a[d][2] && p === U.data.length - 1) { this.zr.delShape(this.shapeList[r].id); continue } if (!a[d][2] && 0 === p) { this.zr.delShape(this.shapeList[r].id); continue } "horizontal" === this.shapeList[r]._orient ? (V = this.component.yAxis.getAxis(U.yAxisIndex || 0).getGap(), m = a[d][2] ? -V : V, l = 0) : (h = this.component.xAxis.getAxis(U.xAxisIndex || 0).getGap(), l = a[d][2] ? h : -h, m = 0), this.shapeList[r].position = [0, 0], c++, this.zr.animate(this.shapeList[r].id, "").when(this.query(this.option, "animationDurationUpdate"), {position: [l, m]}).done(i).start() } c || t && t() } }, r.inherits(t, i), e("../chart").define("bar", t), t }), i("echarts/chart/scatter", ["require", "./base", "../util/shape/Symbol", "../component/axis", "../component/grid", "../component/dataZoom", "../component/dataRange", "../config", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/color", "../chart"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.refresh(a) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("../util/shape/Symbol"); e("../component/axis"), e("../component/grid"), e("../component/dataZoom"), e("../component/dataRange"); var a = e("../config"); a.scatter = { zlevel: 0, z: 2, clickable: !0, legendHoverLink: !0, xAxisIndex: 0, yAxisIndex: 0, symbolSize: 4, large: !1, largeThreshold: 2e3, itemStyle: {normal: {label: {show: !1}}, emphasis: {label: {show: !1}}} }; var o = e("zrender/tool/util"), r = e("zrender/tool/color"); return t.prototype = { type: a.CHART_TYPE_SCATTER, _buildShape: function () { var e = this.series; this._sIndex2ColorMap = {}, this._symbol = this.option.symbolList, this._sIndex2ShapeMap = {}, this.selectedMap = {}, this.xMarkMap = {}; for (var t, i, n, o, s = this.component.legend, l = [], h = 0, m = e.length; m > h; h++) if (t = e[h], i = t.name, t.type === a.CHART_TYPE_SCATTER) { if (e[h] = this.reformOption(e[h]), this.legendHoverLink = e[h].legendHoverLink || this.legendHoverLink, this._sIndex2ShapeMap[h] = this.query(t, "symbol") || this._symbol[h % this._symbol.length], s) { if (this.selectedMap[i] = s.isSelected(i), this._sIndex2ColorMap[h] = r.alpha(s.getColor(i), .5), n = s.getItemShape(i)) { var o = this._sIndex2ShapeMap[h]; n.style.brushType = o.match("empty") ? "stroke" : "both", o = o.replace("empty", "").toLowerCase(), o.match("rectangle") && (n.style.x += Math.round((n.style.width - n.style.height) / 2), n.style.width = n.style.height), o.match("star") && (n.style.n = o.replace("star", "") - 0 || 5, o = "star"), o.match("image") && (n.style.image = o.replace(new RegExp("^image:\\/\\/"), ""), n.style.x += Math.round((n.style.width - n.style.height) / 2), n.style.width = n.style.height, o = "image"), n.style.iconType = o, s.setItemShape(i, n) } } else this.selectedMap[i] = !0, this._sIndex2ColorMap[h] = r.alpha(this.zr.getColor(h), .5); this.selectedMap[i] && l.push(h) } this._buildSeries(l), this.addShapeList() }, _buildSeries: function (e) { if (0 !== e.length) { for (var t, i, n, a, o, r, s, l, h = this.series, m = {}, V = 0, U = e.length; U > V; V++) if (t = e[V], i = h[t], 0 !== i.data.length) { o = this.component.xAxis.getAxis(i.xAxisIndex || 0), r = this.component.yAxis.getAxis(i.yAxisIndex || 0), m[t] = []; for (var d = 0, p = i.data.length; p > d; d++) n = i.data[d], a = this.getDataFromOption(n, "-"), "-" === a || a.length < 2 || (s = o.getCoord(a[0]), l = r.getCoord(a[1]), m[t].push([s, l, d, n.name || ""])); this.xMarkMap[t] = this._markMap(o, r, i.data, m[t]), this.buildMark(t) } this._buildPointList(m) } }, _markMap: function (e, t, i, n) { for (var a, o = { min0: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, max0: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, sum0: 0, counter0: 0, average0: 0, min1: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, max1: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, sum1: 0, counter1: 0, average1: 0 }, r = 0, s = n.length; s > r; r++) a = i[n[r][2]].value || i[n[r][2]], o.min0 > a[0] && (o.min0 = a[0], o.minY0 = n[r][1], o.minX0 = n[r][0]), o.max0 < a[0] && (o.max0 = a[0], o.maxY0 = n[r][1], o.maxX0 = n[r][0]), o.sum0 += a[0], o.counter0++, o.min1 > a[1] && (o.min1 = a[1], o.minY1 = n[r][1], o.minX1 = n[r][0]), o.max1 < a[1] && (o.max1 = a[1], o.maxY1 = n[r][1], o.maxX1 = n[r][0]), o.sum1 += a[1], o.counter1++; var l = this.component.grid.getX(), h = this.component.grid.getXend(), m = this.component.grid.getY(), V = this.component.grid.getYend(); o.average0 = o.sum0 / o.counter0; var U = e.getCoord(o.average0); o.averageLine0 = [[U, V], [U, m]], o.minLine0 = [[o.minX0, V], [o.minX0, m]], o.maxLine0 = [[o.maxX0, V], [o.maxX0, m]], o.average1 = o.sum1 / o.counter1; var d = t.getCoord(o.average1); return o.averageLine1 = [[l, d], [h, d]], o.minLine1 = [[l, o.minY1], [h, o.minY1]], o.maxLine1 = [[l, o.maxY1], [h, o.maxY1]], o }, _buildPointList: function (e) { var t, i, n, a, o = this.series; for (var r in e) if (t = o[r], i = e[r], t.large && t.data.length > t.largeThreshold) this.shapeList.push(this._getLargeSymbol(t, i, this.getItemStyleColor(this.query(t, "itemStyle.normal.color"), r, -1) || this._sIndex2ColorMap[r])); else for (var s = 0, l = i.length; l > s; s++) n = i[s], a = this._getSymbol(r, n[2], n[3], n[0], n[1]), a && this.shapeList.push(a) }, _getSymbol: function (e, t, i, n, a) { var o, r = this.series, s = r[e], l = s.data[t], h = this.component.dataRange; if (h) { if (o = isNaN(l[2]) ? this._sIndex2ColorMap[e] : h.getColor(l[2]), !o) return null } else o = this._sIndex2ColorMap[e]; var m = this.getSymbolShape(s, e, l, t, i, n, a, this._sIndex2ShapeMap[e], o, "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "vertical"); return m.zlevel = s.zlevel, m.z = s.z, m._main = !0, m }, _getLargeSymbol: function (e, t, i) { return new n({ zlevel: e.zlevel, z: e.z, _main: !0, hoverable: !1, style: {pointList: t, color: i, strokeColor: i}, highlightStyle: {pointList: []} }) }, getMarkCoord: function (e, t) { var i, n = this.series[e], a = this.xMarkMap[e], o = this.component.xAxis.getAxis(n.xAxisIndex), r = this.component.yAxis.getAxis(n.yAxisIndex); if (!t.type || "max" !== t.type && "min" !== t.type && "average" !== t.type) i = ["string" != typeof t.xAxis && o.getCoordByIndex ? o.getCoordByIndex(t.xAxis || 0) : o.getCoord(t.xAxis || 0), "string" != typeof t.yAxis && r.getCoordByIndex ? r.getCoordByIndex(t.yAxis || 0) : r.getCoord(t.yAxis || 0)]; else { var s = null != t.valueIndex ? t.valueIndex : 1; i = [a[t.type + "X" + s], a[t.type + "Y" + s], a[t.type + "Line" + s], a[t.type + s]] } return i }, refresh: function (e) { e && (this.option = e, this.series = e.series), this.backupShapeList(), this._buildShape() }, ondataRange: function (e, t) { this.component.dataRange && (this.refresh(), t.needRefresh = !0) } }, o.inherits(t, i), e("../chart").define("scatter", t), t }), i("echarts/component/dataRange", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Text", "zrender/shape/Rectangle", "../util/shape/HandlePolygon", "../config", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/event", "zrender/tool/area", "zrender/tool/color", "../component"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o); var s = this; s._ondrift = function (e, t) { return s.__ondrift(this, e, t) }, s._ondragend = function () { return s.__ondragend() }, s._dataRangeSelected = function (e) { return s.__dataRangeSelected(e) }, s._dispatchHoverLink = function (e) { return s.__dispatchHoverLink(e) }, s._onhoverlink = function (e) { return s.__onhoverlink(e); }, this._selectedMap = {}, this._range = {}, this.refresh(a), t.bind(r.EVENT.HOVER, this._onhoverlink) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Text"), a = e("zrender/shape/Rectangle"), o = e("../util/shape/HandlePolygon"), r = e("../config"); r.dataRange = { zlevel: 0, z: 4, show: !0, orient: "vertical", x: "left", y: "bottom", backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderColor: "#ccc", borderWidth: 0, padding: 5, itemGap: 10, itemWidth: 20, itemHeight: 14, precision: 0, splitNumber: 5, splitList: null, calculable: !1, selectedMode: !0, hoverLink: !0, realtime: !0, color: ["#006edd", "#e0ffff"], textStyle: {color: "#333"} }; var s = e("zrender/tool/util"), l = e("zrender/tool/event"), h = e("zrender/tool/area"), m = e("zrender/tool/color"); return t.prototype = { type: r.COMPONENT_TYPE_DATARANGE, _textGap: 10, _buildShape: function () { if (this._itemGroupLocation = this._getItemGroupLocation(), this._buildBackground(), this._isContinuity() ? this._buildGradient() : this._buildItem(), this.dataRangeOption.show) for (var e = 0, t = this.shapeList.length; t > e; e++) this.zr.addShape(this.shapeList[e]); this._syncShapeFromRange() }, _buildItem: function () { var e, t, i, o, r = this._valueTextList, s = r.length, l = this.getFont(this.dataRangeOption.textStyle), m = this._itemGroupLocation.x, V = this._itemGroupLocation.y, U = this.dataRangeOption.itemWidth, d = this.dataRangeOption.itemHeight, p = this.dataRangeOption.itemGap, c = h.getTextHeight("国", l); "vertical" == this.dataRangeOption.orient && "right" == this.dataRangeOption.x && (m = this._itemGroupLocation.x + this._itemGroupLocation.width - U); var u = !0; this.dataRangeOption.text && (u = !1, this.dataRangeOption.text[0] && (i = this._getTextShape(m, V, this.dataRangeOption.text[0]), "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? m += h.getTextWidth(this.dataRangeOption.text[0], l) + this._textGap : (V += c + this._textGap, i.style.y += c / 2 + this._textGap, i.style.textBaseline = "bottom"), this.shapeList.push(new n(i)))); for (var y = 0; s > y; y++) e = r[y], o = this.getColorByIndex(y), t = this._getItemShape(m, V, U, d, this._selectedMap[y] ? o : "#ccc"), t._idx = y, t.onmousemove = this._dispatchHoverLink, this.dataRangeOption.selectedMode && (t.clickable = !0, t.onclick = this._dataRangeSelected), this.shapeList.push(new a(t)), u && (i = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: { x: m + U + 5, y: V, color: this._selectedMap[y] ? this.dataRangeOption.textStyle.color : "#ccc", text: r[y], textFont: l, textBaseline: "top" }, highlightStyle: {brushType: "fill"} }, "vertical" == this.dataRangeOption.orient && "right" == this.dataRangeOption.x && (i.style.x -= U + 10, i.style.textAlign = "right"), i._idx = y, i.onmousemove = this._dispatchHoverLink, this.dataRangeOption.selectedMode && (i.clickable = !0, i.onclick = this._dataRangeSelected), this.shapeList.push(new n(i))), "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? m += U + (u ? 5 : 0) + (u ? h.getTextWidth(e, l) : 0) + p : V += d + p; !u && this.dataRangeOption.text[1] && ("horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? m = m - p + this._textGap : V = V - p + this._textGap, i = this._getTextShape(m, V, this.dataRangeOption.text[1]), "horizontal" != this.dataRangeOption.orient && (i.style.y -= 5, i.style.textBaseline = "top"), this.shapeList.push(new n(i))) }, _buildGradient: function () { var t, i, o = this.getFont(this.dataRangeOption.textStyle), r = this._itemGroupLocation.x, s = this._itemGroupLocation.y, l = this.dataRangeOption.itemWidth, m = this.dataRangeOption.itemHeight, V = h.getTextHeight("国", o), U = 10, d = !0; this.dataRangeOption.text && (d = !1, this.dataRangeOption.text[0] && (i = this._getTextShape(r, s, this.dataRangeOption.text[0]), "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? r += h.getTextWidth(this.dataRangeOption.text[0], o) + this._textGap : (s += V + this._textGap, i.style.y += V / 2 + this._textGap, i.style.textBaseline = "bottom"), this.shapeList.push(new n(i)))); for (var p = e("zrender/tool/color"), c = 1 / (this.dataRangeOption.color.length - 1), u = [], y = 0, g = this.dataRangeOption.color.length; g > y; y++) u.push([y * c, this.dataRangeOption.color[y]]); "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? (t = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: {x: r, y: s, width: l * U, height: m, color: p.getLinearGradient(r, s, r + l * U, s, u)}, hoverable: !1 }, r += l * U + this._textGap) : (t = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: {x: r, y: s, width: l, height: m * U, color: p.getLinearGradient(r, s, r, s + m * U, u)}, hoverable: !1 }, s += m * U + this._textGap), this.shapeList.push(new a(t)), this._calculableLocation = t.style, this.dataRangeOption.calculable && (this._buildFiller(), this._bulidMask(), this._bulidHandle()), this._buildIndicator(), !d && this.dataRangeOption.text[1] && (i = this._getTextShape(r, s, this.dataRangeOption.text[1]), this.shapeList.push(new n(i))) }, _buildIndicator: function () { var e, t, i = this._calculableLocation.x, n = this._calculableLocation.y, a = this._calculableLocation.width, r = this._calculableLocation.height, s = 5; "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? "bottom" != this.dataRangeOption.y ? (e = [[i, n + r], [i - s, n + r + s], [i + s, n + r + s]], t = "bottom") : (e = [[i, n], [i - s, n - s], [i + s, n - s]], t = "top") : "right" != this.dataRangeOption.x ? (e = [[i + a, n], [i + a + s, n - s], [i + a + s, n + s]], t = "right") : (e = [[i, n], [i - s, n - s], [i - s, n + s]], t = "left"), this._indicatorShape = { style: { pointList: e, color: "#fff", __rect: { x: Math.min(e[0][0], e[1][0]), y: Math.min(e[0][1], e[1][1]), width: s * ("horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? 2 : 1), height: s * ("horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? 1 : 2) } }, highlightStyle: { brushType: "fill", textPosition: t, textColor: this.dataRangeOption.textStyle.color }, hoverable: !1 }, this._indicatorShape = new o(this._indicatorShape) }, _buildFiller: function () { this._fillerShape = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase() + 1, style: { x: this._calculableLocation.x, y: this._calculableLocation.y, width: this._calculableLocation.width, height: this._calculableLocation.height, color: "rgba(255,255,255,0)" }, highlightStyle: {strokeColor: "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)", lineWidth: 1}, draggable: !0, ondrift: this._ondrift, ondragend: this._ondragend, onmousemove: this._dispatchHoverLink, _type: "filler" }, this._fillerShape = new a(this._fillerShape), this.shapeList.push(this._fillerShape) }, _bulidHandle: function () { var e, t, i, n, a, r, s, l, m = this._calculableLocation.x, V = this._calculableLocation.y, U = this._calculableLocation.width, d = this._calculableLocation.height, p = this.getFont(this.dataRangeOption.textStyle), c = h.getTextHeight("国", p), u = Math.max(h.getTextWidth(this._textFormat(this.dataRangeOption.max), p), h.getTextWidth(this._textFormat(this.dataRangeOption.min), p)) + 2; "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? "bottom" != this.dataRangeOption.y ? (e = [[m, V], [m, V + d + c], [m - c, V + d + c], [m - 1, V + d], [m - 1, V]], t = m - u / 2 - c, i = V + d + c / 2 + 2, n = { x: m - u - c, y: V + d, width: u + c, height: c }, a = [[m + U, V], [m + U, V + d + c], [m + U + c, V + d + c], [m + U + 1, V + d], [m + U + 1, V]], r = m + U + u / 2 + c, s = i, l = { x: m + U, y: V + d, width: u + c, height: c }) : (e = [[m, V + d], [m, V - c], [m - c, V - c], [m - 1, V], [m - 1, V + d]], t = m - u / 2 - c, i = V - c / 2 - 2, n = { x: m - u - c, y: V - c, width: u + c, height: c }, a = [[m + U, V + d], [m + U, V - c], [m + U + c, V - c], [m + U + 1, V], [m + U + 1, V + d]], r = m + U + u / 2 + c, s = i, l = { x: m + U, y: V - c, width: u + c, height: c }) : (u += c, "right" != this.dataRangeOption.x ? (e = [[m, V], [m + U + c, V], [m + U + c, V - c], [m + U, V - 1], [m, V - 1]], t = m + U + u / 2 + c / 2, i = V - c / 2, n = { x: m + U, y: V - c, width: u + c, height: c }, a = [[m, V + d], [m + U + c, V + d], [m + U + c, V + c + d], [m + U, V + 1 + d], [m, V + d + 1]], r = t, s = V + d + c / 2, l = { x: m + U, y: V + d, width: u + c, height: c }) : (e = [[m + U, V], [m - c, V], [m - c, V - c], [m, V - 1], [m + U, V - 1]], t = m - u / 2 - c / 2, i = V - c / 2, n = { x: m - u - c, y: V - c, width: u + c, height: c }, a = [[m + U, V + d], [m - c, V + d], [m - c, V + c + d], [m, V + 1 + d], [m + U, V + d + 1]], r = t, s = V + d + c / 2, l = { x: m - u - c, y: V + d, width: u + c, height: c })), this._startShape = { style: { pointList: e, text: this._textFormat(this.dataRangeOption.max), textX: t, textY: i, textFont: p, color: this.getColor(this.dataRangeOption.max), rect: n, x: e[0][0], y: e[0][1], _x: e[0][0], _y: e[0][1] } }, this._startShape.highlightStyle = { strokeColor: this._startShape.style.color, lineWidth: 1 }, this._endShape = { style: { pointList: a, text: this._textFormat(this.dataRangeOption.min), textX: r, textY: s, textFont: p, color: this.getColor(this.dataRangeOption.min), rect: l, x: a[0][0], y: a[0][1], _x: a[0][0], _y: a[0][1] } }, this._endShape.highlightStyle = { strokeColor: this._endShape.style.color, lineWidth: 1 }, this._startShape.zlevel = this._endShape.zlevel = this.getZlevelBase(), this._startShape.z = this._endShape.z = this.getZBase() + 1, this._startShape.draggable = this._endShape.draggable = !0, this._startShape.ondrift = this._endShape.ondrift = this._ondrift, this._startShape.ondragend = this._endShape.ondragend = this._ondragend, this._startShape.style.textColor = this._endShape.style.textColor = this.dataRangeOption.textStyle.color, this._startShape.style.textAlign = this._endShape.style.textAlign = "center", this._startShape.style.textPosition = this._endShape.style.textPosition = "specific", this._startShape.style.textBaseline = this._endShape.style.textBaseline = "middle", this._startShape.style.width = this._endShape.style.width = 0, this._startShape.style.height = this._endShape.style.height = 0, this._startShape.style.textPosition = this._endShape.style.textPosition = "specific", this._startShape = new o(this._startShape), this._endShape = new o(this._endShape), this.shapeList.push(this._startShape), this.shapeList.push(this._endShape) }, _bulidMask: function () { var e = this._calculableLocation.x, t = this._calculableLocation.y, i = this._calculableLocation.width, n = this._calculableLocation.height; this._startMask = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase() + 1, style: { x: e, y: t, width: "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? 0 : i, height: "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? n : 0, color: "#ccc" }, hoverable: !1 }, this._endMask = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase() + 1, style: { x: "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? e + i : e, y: "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? t : t + n, width: "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? 0 : i, height: "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? n : 0, color: "#ccc" }, hoverable: !1 }, this._startMask = new a(this._startMask), this._endMask = new a(this._endMask), this.shapeList.push(this._startMask), this.shapeList.push(this._endMask) }, _buildBackground: function () { var e = this.reformCssArray(this.dataRangeOption.padding); this.shapeList.push(new a({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: { x: this._itemGroupLocation.x - e[3], y: this._itemGroupLocation.y - e[0], width: this._itemGroupLocation.width + e[3] + e[1], height: this._itemGroupLocation.height + e[0] + e[2], brushType: 0 === this.dataRangeOption.borderWidth ? "fill" : "both", color: this.dataRangeOption.backgroundColor, strokeColor: this.dataRangeOption.borderColor, lineWidth: this.dataRangeOption.borderWidth } })) }, _getItemGroupLocation: function () { var e = this._valueTextList, t = e.length, i = this.dataRangeOption.itemGap, n = this.dataRangeOption.itemWidth, a = this.dataRangeOption.itemHeight, o = 0, r = 0, s = this.getFont(this.dataRangeOption.textStyle), l = h.getTextHeight("国", s), m = 10; if ("horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient) { if (this.dataRangeOption.text || this._isContinuity()) o = (this._isContinuity() ? n * m + i : t * (n + i)) + (this.dataRangeOption.text && "undefined" != typeof this.dataRangeOption.text[0] ? h.getTextWidth(this.dataRangeOption.text[0], s) + this._textGap : 0) + (this.dataRangeOption.text && "undefined" != typeof this.dataRangeOption.text[1] ? h.getTextWidth(this.dataRangeOption.text[1], s) + this._textGap : 0); else { n += 5; for (var V = 0; t > V; V++) o += n + h.getTextWidth(e[V], s) + i } o -= i, r = Math.max(l, a) } else { var U; if (this.dataRangeOption.text || this._isContinuity()) r = (this._isContinuity() ? a * m + i : t * (a + i)) + (this.dataRangeOption.text && "undefined" != typeof this.dataRangeOption.text[0] ? this._textGap + l : 0) + (this.dataRangeOption.text && "undefined" != typeof this.dataRangeOption.text[1] ? this._textGap + l : 0), U = Math.max(h.getTextWidth(this.dataRangeOption.text && this.dataRangeOption.text[0] || "", s), h.getTextWidth(this.dataRangeOption.text && this.dataRangeOption.text[1] || "", s)), o = Math.max(n, U); else { r = (a + i) * t, n += 5, U = 0; for (var V = 0; t > V; V++) U = Math.max(U, h.getTextWidth(e[V], s)); o = n + U } r -= i } var d, p = this.reformCssArray(this.dataRangeOption.padding), c = this.zr.getWidth(); switch (this.dataRangeOption.x) { case"center": d = Math.floor((c - o) / 2); break; case"left": d = p[3] + this.dataRangeOption.borderWidth; break; case"right": d = c - o - p[1] - this.dataRangeOption.borderWidth; break; default: d = this.parsePercent(this.dataRangeOption.x, c), d = isNaN(d) ? 0 : d } var u, y = this.zr.getHeight(); switch (this.dataRangeOption.y) { case"top": u = p[0] + this.dataRangeOption.borderWidth; break; case"bottom": u = y - r - p[2] - this.dataRangeOption.borderWidth; break; case"center": u = Math.floor((y - r) / 2); break; default: u = this.parsePercent(this.dataRangeOption.y, y), u = isNaN(u) ? 0 : u } if (this.dataRangeOption.calculable) { var g = Math.max(h.getTextWidth(this.dataRangeOption.max, s), h.getTextWidth(this.dataRangeOption.min, s)) + l; "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? (g > d && (d = g), d + o + g > c && (d -= g)) : (l > u && (u = l), u + r + l > y && (u -= l)) } return {x: d, y: u, width: o, height: r} }, _getTextShape: function (e, t, i) { return { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: { x: "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? e : this._itemGroupLocation.x + this._itemGroupLocation.width / 2, y: "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? this._itemGroupLocation.y + this._itemGroupLocation.height / 2 : t, color: this.dataRangeOption.textStyle.color, text: i, textFont: this.getFont(this.dataRangeOption.textStyle), textBaseline: "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? "middle" : "top", textAlign: "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? "left" : "center" }, hoverable: !1 } }, _getItemShape: function (e, t, i, n, a) { return { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: {x: e, y: t + 1, width: i, height: n - 2, color: a}, highlightStyle: {strokeColor: a, lineWidth: 1} } }, __ondrift: function (e, t, i) { var n = this._calculableLocation.x, a = this._calculableLocation.y, o = this._calculableLocation.width, r = this._calculableLocation.height; return "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? e.style.x + t <= n ? e.style.x = n : e.style.x + t + e.style.width >= n + o ? e.style.x = n + o - e.style.width : e.style.x += t : e.style.y + i <= a ? e.style.y = a : e.style.y + i + e.style.height >= a + r ? e.style.y = a + r - e.style.height : e.style.y += i, "filler" == e._type ? this._syncHandleShape() : this._syncFillerShape(e), this.dataRangeOption.realtime && this._dispatchDataRange(), !0 }, __ondragend: function () { this.isDragend = !0 }, ondragend: function (e, t) { this.isDragend && e.target && (t.dragOut = !0, t.dragIn = !0, this.dataRangeOption.realtime || this._dispatchDataRange(), t.needRefresh = !1, this.isDragend = !1) }, _syncShapeFromRange: function () { var e = this.dataRangeOption.range || {}, t = e.start, i = e.end; if (t > i && (t = [i, i = t][0]), this._range.end = null != t ? t : null != this._range.end ? this._range.end : 0, this._range.start = null != i ? i : null != this._range.start ? this._range.start : 100, 100 != this._range.start || 0 !== this._range.end) { if ("horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient) { var n = this._fillerShape.style.width; this._fillerShape.style.x += n * (100 - this._range.start) / 100, this._fillerShape.style.width = n * (this._range.start - this._range.end) / 100 } else { var a = this._fillerShape.style.height; this._fillerShape.style.y += a * (100 - this._range.start) / 100, this._fillerShape.style.height = a * (this._range.start - this._range.end) / 100 } this.zr.modShape(this._fillerShape.id), this._syncHandleShape() } }, _syncHandleShape: function () { var e = this._calculableLocation.x, t = this._calculableLocation.y, i = this._calculableLocation.width, n = this._calculableLocation.height; "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? (this._startShape.style.x = this._fillerShape.style.x, this._startMask.style.width = this._startShape.style.x - e, this._endShape.style.x = this._fillerShape.style.x + this._fillerShape.style.width, this._endMask.style.x = this._endShape.style.x, this._endMask.style.width = e + i - this._endShape.style.x, this._range.start = Math.ceil(100 - (this._startShape.style.x - e) / i * 100), this._range.end = Math.floor(100 - (this._endShape.style.x - e) / i * 100)) : (this._startShape.style.y = this._fillerShape.style.y, this._startMask.style.height = this._startShape.style.y - t, this._endShape.style.y = this._fillerShape.style.y + this._fillerShape.style.height, this._endMask.style.y = this._endShape.style.y, this._endMask.style.height = t + n - this._endShape.style.y, this._range.start = Math.ceil(100 - (this._startShape.style.y - t) / n * 100), this._range.end = Math.floor(100 - (this._endShape.style.y - t) / n * 100)), this._syncShape() }, _syncFillerShape: function (e) { var t, i, n = this._calculableLocation.x, a = this._calculableLocation.y, o = this._calculableLocation.width, r = this._calculableLocation.height; "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? (t = this._startShape.style.x, i = this._endShape.style.x, e.id == this._startShape.id && t >= i ? (i = t, this._endShape.style.x = t) : e.id == this._endShape.id && t >= i && (t = i, this._startShape.style.x = t), this._fillerShape.style.x = t, this._fillerShape.style.width = i - t, this._startMask.style.width = t - n, this._endMask.style.x = i, this._endMask.style.width = n + o - i, this._range.start = Math.ceil(100 - (t - n) / o * 100), this._range.end = Math.floor(100 - (i - n) / o * 100)) : (t = this._startShape.style.y, i = this._endShape.style.y, e.id == this._startShape.id && t >= i ? (i = t, this._endShape.style.y = t) : e.id == this._endShape.id && t >= i && (t = i, this._startShape.style.y = t), this._fillerShape.style.y = t, this._fillerShape.style.height = i - t, this._startMask.style.height = t - a, this._endMask.style.y = i, this._endMask.style.height = a + r - i, this._range.start = Math.ceil(100 - (t - a) / r * 100), this._range.end = Math.floor(100 - (i - a) / r * 100)), this._syncShape() }, _syncShape: function () { this._startShape.position = [this._startShape.style.x - this._startShape.style._x, this._startShape.style.y - this._startShape.style._y], this._startShape.style.text = this._textFormat(this._gap * this._range.start + this.dataRangeOption.min), this._startShape.style.color = this._startShape.highlightStyle.strokeColor = this.getColor(this._gap * this._range.start + this.dataRangeOption.min), this._endShape.position = [this._endShape.style.x - this._endShape.style._x, this._endShape.style.y - this._endShape.style._y], this._endShape.style.text = this._textFormat(this._gap * this._range.end + this.dataRangeOption.min), this._endShape.style.color = this._endShape.highlightStyle.strokeColor = this.getColor(this._gap * this._range.end + this.dataRangeOption.min), this.zr.modShape(this._startShape.id), this.zr.modShape(this._endShape.id), this.zr.modShape(this._startMask.id), this.zr.modShape(this._endMask.id), this.zr.modShape(this._fillerShape.id), this.zr.refreshNextFrame() }, _dispatchDataRange: function () { this.messageCenter.dispatch(r.EVENT.DATA_RANGE, null, { range: { start: this._range.end, end: this._range.start } }, this.myChart) }, __dataRangeSelected: function (e) { if ("single" === this.dataRangeOption.selectedMode) for (var t in this._selectedMap) this._selectedMap[t] = !1; var i = e.target._idx; this._selectedMap[i] = !this._selectedMap[i]; var n, a; this._useCustomizedSplit() ? (n = this._splitList[i].max, a = this._splitList[i].min) : (n = (this._colorList.length - i) * this._gap + this.dataRangeOption.min, a = n - this._gap), this.messageCenter.dispatch(r.EVENT.DATA_RANGE_SELECTED, e.event, { selected: this._selectedMap, target: i, valueMax: n, valueMin: a }, this.myChart), this.messageCenter.dispatch(r.EVENT.REFRESH, null, null, this.myChart) }, __dispatchHoverLink: function (e) { var t, i; if (this.dataRangeOption.calculable) { var n, a = this.dataRangeOption.max - this.dataRangeOption.min; n = "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? (1 - (l.getX(e.event) - this._calculableLocation.x) / this._calculableLocation.width) * a : (1 - (l.getY(e.event) - this._calculableLocation.y) / this._calculableLocation.height) * a, t = n - .05 * a, i = n + .05 * a } else if (this._useCustomizedSplit()) { var o = e.target._idx; i = this._splitList[o].max, t = this._splitList[o].min } else { var o = e.target._idx; i = (this._colorList.length - o) * this._gap + this.dataRangeOption.min, t = i - this._gap } this.messageCenter.dispatch(r.EVENT.DATA_RANGE_HOVERLINK, e.event, { valueMin: t, valueMax: i }, this.myChart) }, __onhoverlink: function (e) { if (this.dataRangeOption.show && this.dataRangeOption.hoverLink && this._indicatorShape && e && null != e.seriesIndex && null != e.dataIndex) { var t = e.value; if ("" === t || isNaN(t)) return; t < this.dataRangeOption.min ? t = this.dataRangeOption.min : t > this.dataRangeOption.max && (t = this.dataRangeOption.max), this._indicatorShape.position = "horizontal" == this.dataRangeOption.orient ? [(this.dataRangeOption.max - t) / (this.dataRangeOption.max - this.dataRangeOption.min) * this._calculableLocation.width, 0] : [0, (this.dataRangeOption.max - t) / (this.dataRangeOption.max - this.dataRangeOption.min) * this._calculableLocation.height], this._indicatorShape.style.text = this._textFormat(e.value), this._indicatorShape.style.color = this.getColor(t), this.zr.addHoverShape(this._indicatorShape) } }, _textFormat: function (e, t) { var i = this.dataRangeOption; if (e !== -Number.MAX_VALUE && (e = (+e).toFixed(i.precision)), null != t && t !== Number.MAX_VALUE && (t = (+t).toFixed(i.precision)), i.formatter) { if ("string" == typeof i.formatter) return i.formatter.replace("{value}", e === -Number.MAX_VALUE ? "min" : e).replace("{value2}", t === Number.MAX_VALUE ? "max" : t); if ("function" == typeof i.formatter) return i.formatter.call(this.myChart, e, t) } return null == t ? e : e === -Number.MAX_VALUE ? "< " + t : t === Number.MAX_VALUE ? "> " + e : e + " - " + t }, _isContinuity: function () { var e = this.dataRangeOption; return !(e.splitList ? e.splitList.length > 0 : e.splitNumber > 0) || e.calculable }, _useCustomizedSplit: function () { var e = this.dataRangeOption; return e.splitList && e.splitList.length > 0 }, _buildColorList: function (e) { if (this._colorList = m.getGradientColors(this.dataRangeOption.color, Math.max((e - this.dataRangeOption.color.length) / (this.dataRangeOption.color.length - 1), 0) + 1), this._colorList.length > e) { for (var t = this._colorList.length, i = [this._colorList[0]], n = t / (e - 1), a = 1; e - 1 > a; a++) i.push(this._colorList[Math.floor(a * n)]); i.push(this._colorList[t - 1]), this._colorList = i } if (this._useCustomizedSplit()) for (var o = this._splitList, a = 0, t = o.length; t > a; a++) o[a].color && (this._colorList[a] = o[a].color) }, _buildGap: function (e) { if (!this._useCustomizedSplit()) { var t = this.dataRangeOption.precision; for (this._gap = (this.dataRangeOption.max - this.dataRangeOption.min) / e; this._gap.toFixed(t) - 0 != this._gap && 5 > t;) t++; this.dataRangeOption.precision = t, this._gap = ((this.dataRangeOption.max - this.dataRangeOption.min) / e).toFixed(t) - 0 } }, _buildDataList: function (e) { for (var t = this._valueTextList = [], i = this.dataRangeOption, n = this._useCustomizedSplit(), a = 0; e > a; a++) { this._selectedMap[a] = !0; var o = ""; if (n) { var r = this._splitList[e - 1 - a]; o = null != r.label ? r.label : null != r.single ? this._textFormat(r.single) : this._textFormat(r.min, r.max) } else o = this._textFormat(a * this._gap + i.min, (a + 1) * this._gap + i.min); t.unshift(o) } }, _buildSplitList: function () { if (this._useCustomizedSplit()) for (var e = this.dataRangeOption.splitList, t = this._splitList = [], i = 0, n = e.length; n > i; i++) { var a = e[i]; if (!a || null == a.start && null == a.end) throw new Error("Empty item exists in splitList!"); var o = {label: a.label, color: a.color}; o.min = a.start, o.max = a.end, o.min > o.max && (o.min = [o.max, o.max = o.min][0]), o.min === o.max && (o.single = o.max), null == o.min && (o.min = -Number.MAX_VALUE), null == o.max && (o.max = Number.MAX_VALUE), t.push(o) } }, refresh: function (e) { if (e) { this.option = e, this.option.dataRange = this.reformOption(this.option.dataRange); var t = this.dataRangeOption = this.option.dataRange; if (!this._useCustomizedSplit() && (null == t.min || null == t.max)) throw new Error("option.dataRange.min or option.dataRange.max has not been defined."); this.myChart.canvasSupported || (t.realtime = !1); var i = this._isContinuity() ? 100 : this._useCustomizedSplit() ? t.splitList.length : t.splitNumber; this._buildSplitList(), this._buildColorList(i), this._buildGap(i), this._buildDataList(i) } this.clear(), this._buildShape() }, getColor: function (e) { if (isNaN(e)) return null; var t; if (this._useCustomizedSplit()) { for (var i = this._splitList, n = 0, a = i.length; a > n; n++) if (i[n].min <= e && i[n].max >= e) { t = n; break } } else { if (this.dataRangeOption.min == this.dataRangeOption.max) return this._colorList[0]; if (e < this.dataRangeOption.min ? e = this.dataRangeOption.min : e > this.dataRangeOption.max && (e = this.dataRangeOption.max), this.dataRangeOption.calculable && (e - (this._gap * this._range.start + this.dataRangeOption.min) > 5e-5 || e - (this._gap * this._range.end + this.dataRangeOption.min) < -5e-5)) return null; t = this._colorList.length - Math.ceil((e - this.dataRangeOption.min) / (this.dataRangeOption.max - this.dataRangeOption.min) * this._colorList.length), t == this._colorList.length && t-- } return this._selectedMap[t] ? this._colorList[t] : null }, getColorByIndex: function (e) { return e >= this._colorList.length ? e = this._colorList.length - 1 : 0 > e && (e = 0), this._colorList[e] }, onbeforDispose: function () { this.messageCenter.unbind(r.EVENT.HOVER, this._onhoverlink) } }, s.inherits(t, i), e("../component").define("dataRange", t), t }), i("echarts/util/shape/HandlePolygon", ["require", "zrender/shape/Base", "zrender/shape/Polygon", "zrender/tool/util"], function (e) { function t(e) { i.call(this, e) } var i = e("zrender/shape/Base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Polygon"), a = e("zrender/tool/util"); return t.prototype = { type: "handle-polygon", buildPath: function (e, t) { n.prototype.buildPath(e, t) }, isCover: function (e, t) { var i = this.transformCoordToLocal(e, t); e = i[0], t = i[1]; var n = this.style.rect; return e >= n.x && e <= n.x + n.width && t >= n.y && t <= n.y + n.height ? !0 : !1 } }, a.inherits(t, i), t }), i("echarts/chart/k", ["require", "./base", "../util/shape/Candle", "../component/axis", "../component/grid", "../component/dataZoom", "../config", "../util/ecData", "zrender/tool/util", "../chart"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.refresh(a) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("../util/shape/Candle"); e("../component/axis"), e("../component/grid"), e("../component/dataZoom"); var a = e("../config"); a.k = { zlevel: 0, z: 2, clickable: !0, hoverable: !0, legendHoverLink: !1, xAxisIndex: 0, yAxisIndex: 0, itemStyle: { normal: { color: "#fff", color0: "#00aa11", lineStyle: {width: 1, color: "#ff3200", color0: "#00aa11"}, label: {show: !1} }, emphasis: {label: {show: !1}} } }; var o = e("../util/ecData"), r = e("zrender/tool/util"); return t.prototype = { type: a.CHART_TYPE_K, _buildShape: function () { var e = this.series; this.selectedMap = {}; for (var t, i = { top: [], bottom: [] }, n = 0, o = e.length; o > n; n++) e[n].type === a.CHART_TYPE_K && (e[n] = this.reformOption(e[n]), this.legendHoverLink = e[n].legendHoverLink || this.legendHoverLink, t = this.component.xAxis.getAxis(e[n].xAxisIndex), t.type === a.COMPONENT_TYPE_AXIS_CATEGORY && i[t.getPosition()].push(n)); for (var r in i) i[r].length > 0 && this._buildSinglePosition(r, i[r]); this.addShapeList() }, _buildSinglePosition: function (e, t) { var i = this._mapData(t), n = i.locationMap, a = i.maxDataLength; if (0 !== a && 0 !== n.length) { this._buildHorizontal(t, a, n); for (var o = 0, r = t.length; r > o; o++) this.buildMark(t[o]) } }, _mapData: function (e) { for (var t, i, n = this.series, a = this.component.legend, o = [], r = 0, s = 0, l = e.length; l > s; s++) t = n[e[s]], i = t.name, this.selectedMap[i] = a ? a.isSelected(i) : !0, this.selectedMap[i] && o.push(e[s]), r = Math.max(r, t.data.length); return {locationMap: o, maxDataLength: r} }, _buildHorizontal: function (e, t, i) { for (var n, a, o, r, s, l, h, m, V, U, d = this.series, p = {}, c = 0, u = i.length; u > c; c++) { n = i[c], a = d[n], o = a.xAxisIndex || 0, r = this.component.xAxis.getAxis(o), h = a.barWidth || Math.floor(r.getGap() / 2), U = a.barMaxWidth, U && h > U && (h = U), s = a.yAxisIndex || 0, l = this.component.yAxis.getAxis(s), p[n] = []; for (var y = 0, g = t; g > y && null != r.getNameByIndex(y); y++) m = a.data[y], V = this.getDataFromOption(m, "-"), "-" !== V && 4 == V.length && p[n].push([r.getCoordByIndex(y), h, l.getCoord(V[0]), l.getCoord(V[1]), l.getCoord(V[2]), l.getCoord(V[3]), y, r.getNameByIndex(y)]) } this._buildKLine(e, p) }, _buildKLine: function (e, t) { for (var i, n, o, r, s, l, h, m, V, U, d, p, c, u, y, g, b, f = this.series, k = 0, x = e.length; x > k; k++) if (b = e[k], d = f[b], u = t[b], this._isLarge(u) && (u = this._getLargePointList(u)), d.type === a.CHART_TYPE_K && null != u) { p = d, i = this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.lineStyle.width"), n = this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.lineStyle.color"), o = this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.lineStyle.color0"), r = this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.color"), s = this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.color0"), l = this.query(p, "itemStyle.emphasis.lineStyle.width"), h = this.query(p, "itemStyle.emphasis.lineStyle.color"), m = this.query(p, "itemStyle.emphasis.lineStyle.color0"), V = this.query(p, "itemStyle.emphasis.color"), U = this.query(p, "itemStyle.emphasis.color0"); for (var _ = 0, L = u.length; L > _; _++) y = u[_], c = d.data[y[6]], p = c, g = y[3] < y[2], this.shapeList.push(this._getCandle(b, y[6], y[7], y[0], y[1], y[2], y[3], y[4], y[5], g ? this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.color") || r : this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.color0") || s, this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.lineStyle.width") || i, g ? this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.lineStyle.color") || n : this.query(p, "itemStyle.normal.lineStyle.color0") || o, g ? this.query(p, "itemStyle.emphasis.color") || V || r : this.query(p, "itemStyle.emphasis.color0") || U || s, this.query(p, "itemStyle.emphasis.lineStyle.width") || l || i, g ? this.query(p, "itemStyle.emphasis.lineStyle.color") || h || n : this.query(p, "itemStyle.emphasis.lineStyle.color0") || m || o)) } }, _isLarge: function (e) { return e[0][1] < .5 }, _getLargePointList: function (e) { for (var t = this.component.grid.getWidth(), i = e.length, n = [], a = 0; t > a; a++) n[a] = e[Math.floor(i / t * a)]; return n }, _getCandle: function (e, t, i, a, r, s, l, h, m, V, U, d, p, c, u) { var y = this.series, g = y[e], b = g.data[t], f = [b, g], k = { zlevel: g.zlevel, z: g.z, clickable: this.deepQuery(f, "clickable"), hoverable: this.deepQuery(f, "hoverable"), style: {x: a, y: [s, l, h, m], width: r, color: V, strokeColor: d, lineWidth: U, brushType: "both"}, highlightStyle: {color: p, strokeColor: u, lineWidth: c}, _seriesIndex: e }; return k = this.addLabel(k, g, b, i), o.pack(k, g, e, b, t, i), k = new n(k) }, getMarkCoord: function (e, t) { var i = this.series[e], n = this.component.xAxis.getAxis(i.xAxisIndex), a = this.component.yAxis.getAxis(i.yAxisIndex); return ["string" != typeof t.xAxis && n.getCoordByIndex ? n.getCoordByIndex(t.xAxis || 0) : n.getCoord(t.xAxis || 0), "string" != typeof t.yAxis && a.getCoordByIndex ? a.getCoordByIndex(t.yAxis || 0) : a.getCoord(t.yAxis || 0)] }, refresh: function (e) { e && (this.option = e, this.series = e.series), this.backupShapeList(), this._buildShape() }, addDataAnimation: function (e, t) { function i() { p--, 0 === p && t && t() } for (var n = this.series, a = {}, r = 0, s = e.length; s > r; r++) a[e[r][0]] = e[r]; for (var l, h, m, V, U, d, p = 0, r = 0, s = this.shapeList.length; s > r; r++) if (U = this.shapeList[r]._seriesIndex, a[U] && !a[U][3] && "candle" === this.shapeList[r].type) { if (d = o.get(this.shapeList[r], "dataIndex"), V = n[U], a[U][2] && d === V.data.length - 1) { this.zr.delShape(this.shapeList[r].id); continue } if (!a[U][2] && 0 === d) { this.zr.delShape(this.shapeList[r].id); continue } h = this.component.xAxis.getAxis(V.xAxisIndex || 0).getGap(), l = a[U][2] ? h : -h, m = 0, p++, this.zr.animate(this.shapeList[r].id, "").when(this.query(this.option, "animationDurationUpdate"), {position: [l, m]}).done(i).start() } p || t && t() } }, r.inherits(t, i), e("../chart").define("k", t), t }), i("echarts/chart/pie", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Text", "zrender/shape/Ring", "zrender/shape/Circle", "zrender/shape/Sector", "zrender/shape/Polyline", "../config", "../util/ecData", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/math", "zrender/tool/color", "../chart"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o); var r = this; r.shapeHandler.onmouseover = function (e) { var t = e.target, i = h.get(t, "seriesIndex"), n = h.get(t, "dataIndex"), a = h.get(t, "special"), o = [t.style.x, t.style.y], s = t.style.startAngle, l = t.style.endAngle, m = ((l + s) / 2 + 360) % 360, V = t.highlightStyle.color, U = r.getLabel(i, n, a, o, m, V, !0); U && r.zr.addHoverShape(U); var d = r.getLabelLine(i, n, o, t.style.r0, t.style.r, m, V, !0); d && r.zr.addHoverShape(d) }, this.refresh(a) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Text"), a = e("zrender/shape/Ring"), o = e("zrender/shape/Circle"), r = e("zrender/shape/Sector"), s = e("zrender/shape/Polyline"), l = e("../config"); l.pie = { zlevel: 0, z: 2, clickable: !0, legendHoverLink: !0, center: ["50%", "50%"], radius: [0, "75%"], clockWise: !0, startAngle: 90, minAngle: 0, selectedOffset: 10, itemStyle: { normal: { borderColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderWidth: 1, label: {show: !0, position: "outer"}, labelLine: {show: !0, length: 20, lineStyle: {width: 1, type: "solid"}} }, emphasis: { borderColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderWidth: 1, label: {show: !1}, labelLine: {show: !1, length: 20, lineStyle: {width: 1, type: "solid"}} } } }; var h = e("../util/ecData"), m = e("zrender/tool/util"), V = e("zrender/tool/math"), U = e("zrender/tool/color"); return t.prototype = { type: l.CHART_TYPE_PIE, _buildShape: function () { var e = this.series, t = this.component.legend; this.selectedMap = {}, this._selected = {}; var i, n, r; this._selectedMode = !1; for (var s, m = 0, V = e.length; V > m; m++) if (e[m].type === l.CHART_TYPE_PIE) { if (e[m] = this.reformOption(e[m]), this.legendHoverLink = e[m].legendHoverLink || this.legendHoverLink, s = e[m].name || "", this.selectedMap[s] = t ? t.isSelected(s) : !0, !this.selectedMap[s]) continue; i = this.parseCenter(this.zr, e[m].center), n = this.parseRadius(this.zr, e[m].radius), this._selectedMode = this._selectedMode || e[m].selectedMode, this._selected[m] = [], this.deepQuery([e[m], this.option], "calculable") && (r = { zlevel: e[m].zlevel, z: e[m].z, hoverable: !1, style: { x: i[0], y: i[1], r0: n[0] <= 10 ? 0 : n[0] - 10, r: n[1] + 10, brushType: "stroke", lineWidth: 1, strokeColor: e[m].calculableHolderColor || this.ecTheme.calculableHolderColor || l.calculableHolderColor } }, h.pack(r, e[m], m, void 0, -1), this.setCalculable(r), r = n[0] <= 10 ? new o(r) : new a(r), this.shapeList.push(r)), this._buildSinglePie(m), this.buildMark(m) } this.addShapeList() }, _buildSinglePie: function (e) { for (var t, i = this.series, n = i[e], a = n.data, o = this.component.legend, r = 0, s = 0, l = 0, h = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, m = [], V = 0, U = a.length; U > V; V++) t = a[V].name, this.selectedMap[t] = o ? o.isSelected(t) : !0, this.selectedMap[t] && !isNaN(a[V].value) && (0 !== +a[V].value ? r++ : s++, l += +a[V].value, h = Math.max(h, +a[V].value)); if (0 !== l) { for (var d, p, c, u, y, g, b = 100, f = n.clockWise, k = (n.startAngle.toFixed(2) - 0 + 360) % 360, x = n.minAngle || .01, _ = 360 - x * r - .01 * s, L = n.roseType, V = 0, U = a.length; U > V; V++) if (t = a[V].name, this.selectedMap[t] && !isNaN(a[V].value)) { if (p = o ? o.getColor(t) : this.zr.getColor(V), b = a[V].value / l, d = "area" != L ? f ? k - b * _ - (0 !== b ? x : .01) : b * _ + k + (0 !== b ? x : .01) : f ? k - 360 / U : 360 / U + k, d = d.toFixed(2) - 0, b = (100 * b).toFixed(2), c = this.parseCenter(this.zr, n.center), u = this.parseRadius(this.zr, n.radius), y = +u[0], g = +u[1], "radius" === L ? g = a[V].value / h * (g - y) * .8 + .2 * (g - y) + y : "area" === L && (g = Math.sqrt(a[V].value / h) * (g - y) + y), f) { var W; W = k, k = d, d = W } this._buildItem(m, e, V, b, a[V].selected, c, y, g, k, d, p), f || (k = d) } this._autoLabelLayout(m, c, g); for (var V = 0, U = m.length; U > V; V++) this.shapeList.push(m[V]); m = null } }, _buildItem: function (e, t, i, n, a, o, r, s, l, m, V) { var U = this.series, d = ((m + l) / 2 + 360) % 360, p = this.getSector(t, i, n, a, o, r, s, l, m, V); h.pack(p, U[t], t, U[t].data[i], i, U[t].data[i].name, n), e.push(p); var c = this.getLabel(t, i, n, o, d, V, !1), u = this.getLabelLine(t, i, o, r, s, d, V, !1); u && (h.pack(u, U[t], t, U[t].data[i], i, U[t].data[i].name, n), e.push(u)), c && (h.pack(c, U[t], t, U[t].data[i], i, U[t].data[i].name, n), c._labelLine = u, e.push(c)) }, getSector: function (e, t, i, n, a, o, s, l, h, m) { var d = this.series, p = d[e], c = p.data[t], u = [c, p], y = this.deepMerge(u, "itemStyle.normal") || {}, g = this.deepMerge(u, "itemStyle.emphasis") || {}, b = this.getItemStyleColor(y.color, e, t, c) || m, f = this.getItemStyleColor(g.color, e, t, c) || ("string" == typeof b ? U.lift(b, -.2) : b), k = { zlevel: p.zlevel, z: p.z, clickable: this.deepQuery(u, "clickable"), style: { x: a[0], y: a[1], r0: o, r: s, startAngle: l, endAngle: h, brushType: "both", color: b, lineWidth: y.borderWidth, strokeColor: y.borderColor, lineJoin: "round" }, highlightStyle: {color: f, lineWidth: g.borderWidth, strokeColor: g.borderColor, lineJoin: "round"}, _seriesIndex: e, _dataIndex: t }; if (n) { var x = ((k.style.startAngle + k.style.endAngle) / 2).toFixed(2) - 0; k.style._hasSelected = !0, k.style._x = k.style.x, k.style._y = k.style.y; var _ = this.query(p, "selectedOffset"); k.style.x += V.cos(x, !0) * _, k.style.y -= V.sin(x, !0) * _, this._selected[e][t] = !0 } else this._selected[e][t] = !1; return this._selectedMode && (k.onclick = this.shapeHandler.onclick), this.deepQuery([c, p, this.option], "calculable") && (this.setCalculable(k), k.draggable = !0), (this._needLabel(p, c, !0) || this._needLabelLine(p, c, !0)) && (k.onmouseover = this.shapeHandler.onmouseover), k = new r(k) }, getLabel: function (e, t, i, a, o, r, s) { var l = this.series, h = l[e], U = h.data[t]; if (this._needLabel(h, U, s)) { var d, p, c, u = s ? "emphasis" : "normal", y = m.merge(m.clone(U.itemStyle) || {}, h.itemStyle), g = y[u].label, b = g.textStyle || {}, f = a[0], k = a[1], x = this.parseRadius(this.zr, h.radius), _ = "middle"; g.position = g.position || y.normal.label.position, "center" === g.position ? (d = f, p = k, c = "center") : "inner" === g.position || "inside" === g.position ? (x = (x[0] + x[1]) * (g.distance || .5), d = Math.round(f + x * V.cos(o, !0)), p = Math.round(k - x * V.sin(o, !0)), r = "#fff", c = "center") : (x = x[1] - -y[u].labelLine.length, d = Math.round(f + x * V.cos(o, !0)), p = Math.round(k - x * V.sin(o, !0)), c = o >= 90 && 270 >= o ? "right" : "left"), "center" != g.position && "inner" != g.position && "inside" != g.position && (d += "left" === c ? 20 : -20), U.__labelX = d - ("left" === c ? 5 : -5), U.__labelY = p; var L = new n({ zlevel: h.zlevel, z: h.z + 1, hoverable: !1, style: { x: d, y: p, color: b.color || r, text: this.getLabelText(e, t, i, u), textAlign: b.align || c, textBaseline: b.baseline || _, textFont: this.getFont(b) }, highlightStyle: {brushType: "fill"} }); return L._radius = x, L._labelPosition = g.position || "outer", L._rect = L.getRect(L.style), L._seriesIndex = e, L._dataIndex = t, L } }, getLabelText: function (e, t, i, n) { var a = this.series, o = a[e], r = o.data[t], s = this.deepQuery([r, o], "itemStyle." + n + ".label.formatter"); return s ? "function" == typeof s ? s.call(this.myChart, { seriesIndex: e, seriesName: o.name || "", series: o, dataIndex: t, data: r, name: r.name, value: r.value, percent: i }) : "string" == typeof s ? (s = s.replace("{a}", "{a0}").replace("{b}", "{b0}").replace("{c}", "{c0}").replace("{d}", "{d0}"), s = s.replace("{a0}", o.name).replace("{b0}", r.name).replace("{c0}", r.value).replace("{d0}", i)) : void 0 : r.name }, getLabelLine: function (e, t, i, n, a, o, r, l) { var h = this.series, U = h[e], d = U.data[t]; if (this._needLabelLine(U, d, l)) { var p = l ? "emphasis" : "normal", c = m.merge(m.clone(d.itemStyle) || {}, U.itemStyle), u = c[p].labelLine, y = u.lineStyle || {}, g = i[0], b = i[1], f = a, k = this.parseRadius(this.zr, U.radius)[1] - -u.length, x = V.cos(o, !0), _ = V.sin(o, !0); return new s({ zlevel: U.zlevel, z: U.z + 1, hoverable: !1, style: { pointList: [[g + f * x, b - f * _], [g + k * x, b - k * _], [d.__labelX, d.__labelY]], strokeColor: y.color || r, lineType: y.type, lineWidth: y.width }, _seriesIndex: e, _dataIndex: t }) } }, _needLabel: function (e, t, i) { return this.deepQuery([t, e], "itemStyle." + (i ? "emphasis" : "normal") + ".label.show") }, _needLabelLine: function (e, t, i) { return this.deepQuery([t, e], "itemStyle." + (i ? "emphasis" : "normal") + ".labelLine.show") }, _autoLabelLayout: function (e, t, i) { for (var n = [], a = [], o = 0, r = e.length; r > o; o++) ("outer" === e[o]._labelPosition || "outside" === e[o]._labelPosition) && (e[o]._rect._y = e[o]._rect.y, e[o]._rect.x < t[0] ? n.push(e[o]) : a.push(e[o])); this._layoutCalculate(n, t, i, -1), this._layoutCalculate(a, t, i, 1) }, _layoutCalculate: function (e, t, i, n) { function a(t, i, n) { for (var a = t; i > a; a++) if (e[a]._rect.y += n, e[a].style.y += n, e[a]._labelLine && (e[a]._labelLine.style.pointList[1][1] += n, e[a]._labelLine.style.pointList[2][1] += n), a > t && i > a + 1 && e[a + 1]._rect.y > e[a]._rect.y + e[a]._rect.height) return void o(a, n / 2); o(i - 1, n / 2) } function o(t, i) { for (var n = t; n >= 0 && (e[n]._rect.y -= i, e[n].style.y -= i, e[n]._labelLine && (e[n]._labelLine.style.pointList[1][1] -= i, e[n]._labelLine.style.pointList[2][1] -= i), !(n > 0 && e[n]._rect.y > e[n - 1]._rect.y + e[n - 1]._rect.height)); n--) ; } function r(e, t, i, n, a) { for (var o, r, s, l = i[0], h = i[1], m = a > 0 ? t ? Number.MAX_VALUE : 0 : t ? Number.MAX_VALUE : 0, V = 0, U = e.length; U > V; V++) r = Math.abs(e[V]._rect.y - h), s = e[V]._radius - n, o = n + s > r ? Math.sqrt((n + s + 20) * (n + s + 20) - Math.pow(e[V]._rect.y - h, 2)) : Math.abs(e[V]._rect.x + (a > 0 ? 0 : e[V]._rect.width) - l), t && o >= m && (o = m - 10), !t && m >= o && (o = m + 10), e[V]._rect.x = e[V].style.x = l + o * a, e[V]._labelLine && (e[V]._labelLine.style.pointList[2][0] = l + (o - 5) * a, e[V]._labelLine.style.pointList[1][0] = l + (o - 20) * a), m = o } e.sort(function (e, t) { return e._rect.y - t._rect.y }); for (var s, l = 0, h = e.length, m = [], V = [], U = 0; h > U; U++) s = e[U]._rect.y - l, 0 > s && a(U, h, -s, n), l = e[U]._rect.y + e[U]._rect.height; this.zr.getHeight() - l < 0 && o(h - 1, l - this.zr.getHeight()); for (var U = 0; h > U; U++) e[U]._rect.y >= t[1] ? V.push(e[U]) : m.push(e[U]); r(V, !0, t, i, n), r(m, !1, t, i, n) }, reformOption: function (e) { var t = m.merge; return e = t(t(e || {}, m.clone(this.ecTheme.pie || {})), m.clone(l.pie)), e.itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle = this.getTextStyle(e.itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle), e.itemStyle.emphasis.label.textStyle = this.getTextStyle(e.itemStyle.emphasis.label.textStyle), this.z = e.z, this.zlevel = e.zlevel, e }, refresh: function (e) { e && (this.option = e, this.series = e.series), this.backupShapeList(), this._buildShape() }, addDataAnimation: function (e, t) { function i() { s--, 0 === s && t && t() } for (var n = this.series, a = {}, o = 0, r = e.length; r > o; o++) a[e[o][0]] = e[o]; var s = 0, h = {}, m = {}, V = {}, U = this.shapeList; this.shapeList = []; for (var d, p, c, u = {}, o = 0, r = e.length; r > o; o++) d = e[o][0], p = e[o][2], c = e[o][3], n[d] && n[d].type === l.CHART_TYPE_PIE && (p ? (c || (h[d + "_" + n[d].data.length] = "delete"), u[d] = 1) : c ? u[d] = 0 : (h[d + "_-1"] = "delete", u[d] = -1), this._buildSinglePie(d)); for (var y, g, o = 0, r = this.shapeList.length; r > o; o++) switch (d = this.shapeList[o]._seriesIndex, y = this.shapeList[o]._dataIndex, g = d + "_" + y, this.shapeList[o].type) { case"sector": h[g] = this.shapeList[o]; break; case"text": m[g] = this.shapeList[o]; break; case"polyline": V[g] = this.shapeList[o] } this.shapeList = []; for (var b, o = 0, r = U.length; r > o; o++) if (d = U[o]._seriesIndex, a[d]) { if (y = U[o]._dataIndex + u[d], g = d + "_" + y, b = h[g], !b) continue; if ("sector" === U[o].type) "delete" != b ? (s++, this.zr.animate(U[o].id, "style").when(400, { startAngle: b.style.startAngle, endAngle: b.style.endAngle }).done(i).start()) : (s++, this.zr.animate(U[o].id, "style").when(400, u[d] < 0 ? {startAngle: U[o].style.startAngle} : {endAngle: U[o].style.endAngle}).done(i).start()); else if ("text" === U[o].type || "polyline" === U[o].type) if ("delete" === b) this.zr.delShape(U[o].id); else switch (U[o].type) { case"text": s++, b = m[g], this.zr.animate(U[o].id, "style").when(400, { x: b.style.x, y: b.style.y }).done(i).start(); break; case"polyline": s++, b = V[g], this.zr.animate(U[o].id, "style").when(400, {pointList: b.style.pointList}).done(i).start() } } this.shapeList = U, s || t && t() }, onclick: function (e) { var t = this.series; if (this.isClick && e.target) { this.isClick = !1; for (var i, n = e.target, a = n.style, o = h.get(n, "seriesIndex"), r = h.get(n, "dataIndex"), s = 0, m = this.shapeList.length; m > s; s++) if (this.shapeList[s].id === n.id) { if (o = h.get(n, "seriesIndex"), r = h.get(n, "dataIndex"), a._hasSelected) n.style.x = n.style._x, n.style.y = n.style._y, n.style._hasSelected = !1, this._selected[o][r] = !1; else { var U = ((a.startAngle + a.endAngle) / 2).toFixed(2) - 0; n.style._hasSelected = !0, this._selected[o][r] = !0, n.style._x = n.style.x, n.style._y = n.style.y, i = this.query(t[o], "selectedOffset"), n.style.x += V.cos(U, !0) * i, n.style.y -= V.sin(U, !0) * i } this.zr.modShape(n.id) } else this.shapeList[s].style._hasSelected && "single" === this._selectedMode && (o = h.get(this.shapeList[s], "seriesIndex"), r = h.get(this.shapeList[s], "dataIndex"), this.shapeList[s].style.x = this.shapeList[s].style._x, this.shapeList[s].style.y = this.shapeList[s].style._y, this.shapeList[s].style._hasSelected = !1, this._selected[o][r] = !1, this.zr.modShape(this.shapeList[s].id)); this.messageCenter.dispatch(l.EVENT.PIE_SELECTED, e.event, { selected: this._selected, target: h.get(n, "name") }, this.myChart), this.zr.refreshNextFrame() } } }, m.inherits(t, i), e("../chart").define("pie", t), t }),i("echarts/chart/radar", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Polygon", "../component/polar", "../config", "../util/ecData", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/color", "../util/accMath", "../chart"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.refresh(a) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Polygon"); e("../component/polar"); var a = e("../config"); a.radar = { zlevel: 0, z: 2, clickable: !0, legendHoverLink: !0, polarIndex: 0, itemStyle: { normal: {label: {show: !1}, lineStyle: {width: 2, type: "solid"}}, emphasis: {label: {show: !1}} }, symbolSize: 2 }; var o = e("../util/ecData"), r = e("zrender/tool/util"), s = e("zrender/tool/color"); return t.prototype = { type: a.CHART_TYPE_RADAR, _buildShape: function () { this.selectedMap = {}, this._symbol = this.option.symbolList, this._queryTarget, this._dropBoxList = [], this._radarDataCounter = 0; for (var e, t = this.series, i = this.component.legend, n = 0, o = t.length; o > n; n++) t[n].type === a.CHART_TYPE_RADAR && (this.serie = this.reformOption(t[n]), this.legendHoverLink = t[n].legendHoverLink || this.legendHoverLink, e = this.serie.name || "", this.selectedMap[e] = i ? i.isSelected(e) : !0, this.selectedMap[e] && (this._queryTarget = [this.serie, this.option], this.deepQuery(this._queryTarget, "calculable") && this._addDropBox(n), this._buildSingleRadar(n), this.buildMark(n))); this.addShapeList() }, _buildSingleRadar: function (e) { for (var t, i, n, a, o = this.component.legend, r = this.serie.data, s = this.deepQuery(this._queryTarget, "calculable"), l = 0; l < r.length; l++) n = r[l].name || "", this.selectedMap[n] = o ? o.isSelected(n) : !0, this.selectedMap[n] && (o ? (i = o.getColor(n), t = o.getItemShape(n), t && (t.style.brushType = this.deepQuery([r[l], this.serie], "itemStyle.normal.areaStyle") ? "both" : "stroke", o.setItemShape(n, t))) : i = this.zr.getColor(l), a = this._getPointList(this.serie.polarIndex, r[l]), this._addSymbol(a, i, l, e, this.serie.polarIndex), this._addDataShape(a, i, r[l], e, l, s), this._radarDataCounter++) }, _getPointList: function (e, t) { for (var i, n, a = [], o = this.component.polar, r = 0, s = t.value.length; s > r; r++) n = this.getDataFromOption(t.value[r]), i = "-" != n ? o.getVector(e, r, n) : !1, i && a.push(i); return a }, _addSymbol: function (e, t, i, n, a) { for (var r, s = this.series, l = this.component.polar, h = 0, m = e.length; m > h; h++) r = this.getSymbolShape(this.deepMerge([s[n].data[i], s[n]]), n, s[n].data[i].value[h], h, l.getIndicatorText(a, h), e[h][0], e[h][1], this._symbol[this._radarDataCounter % this._symbol.length], t, "#fff", "vertical"), r.zlevel = this.getZlevelBase(), r.z = this.getZBase() + 1, o.set(r, "data", s[n].data[i]), o.set(r, "value", s[n].data[i].value), o.set(r, "dataIndex", i), o.set(r, "special", h), this.shapeList.push(r) }, _addDataShape: function (e, t, i, a, r, l) { var h = this.series, m = [i, this.serie], V = this.getItemStyleColor(this.deepQuery(m, "itemStyle.normal.color"), a, r, i), U = this.deepQuery(m, "itemStyle.normal.lineStyle.width"), d = this.deepQuery(m, "itemStyle.normal.lineStyle.type"), p = this.deepQuery(m, "itemStyle.normal.areaStyle.color"), c = this.deepQuery(m, "itemStyle.normal.areaStyle"), u = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: { pointList: e, brushType: c ? "both" : "stroke", color: p || V || ("string" == typeof t ? s.alpha(t, .5) : t), strokeColor: V || t, lineWidth: U, lineType: d }, highlightStyle: { brushType: this.deepQuery(m, "itemStyle.emphasis.areaStyle") || c ? "both" : "stroke", color: this.deepQuery(m, "itemStyle.emphasis.areaStyle.color") || p || V || ("string" == typeof t ? s.alpha(t, .5) : t), strokeColor: this.getItemStyleColor(this.deepQuery(m, "itemStyle.emphasis.color"), a, r, i) || V || t, lineWidth: this.deepQuery(m, "itemStyle.emphasis.lineStyle.width") || U, lineType: this.deepQuery(m, "itemStyle.emphasis.lineStyle.type") || d } }; o.pack(u, h[a], a, i, r, i.name, this.component.polar.getIndicator(h[a].polarIndex)), l && (u.draggable = !0, this.setCalculable(u)), u = new n(u), this.shapeList.push(u) }, _addDropBox: function (e) { var t = this.series, i = this.deepQuery(this._queryTarget, "polarIndex"); if (!this._dropBoxList[i]) { var n = this.component.polar.getDropBox(i); n.zlevel = this.getZlevelBase(), n.z = this.getZBase(), this.setCalculable(n), o.pack(n, t, e, void 0, -1), this.shapeList.push(n), this._dropBoxList[i] = !0 } }, ondragend: function (e, t) { var i = this.series; if (this.isDragend && e.target) { var n = e.target, a = o.get(n, "seriesIndex"), r = o.get(n, "dataIndex"); this.component.legend && this.component.legend.del(i[a].data[r].name), i[a].data.splice(r, 1), t.dragOut = !0, t.needRefresh = !0, this.isDragend = !1 } }, ondrop: function (t, i) { var n = this.series; if (this.isDrop && t.target) { var a, r, s = t.target, l = t.dragged, h = o.get(s, "seriesIndex"), m = o.get(s, "dataIndex"), V = this.component.legend; if (-1 === m) a = { value: o.get(l, "value"), name: o.get(l, "name") }, n[h].data.push(a), V && V.add(a.name, l.style.color || l.style.strokeColor); else { var U = e("../util/accMath"); a = n[h].data[m], V && V.del(a.name), a.name += this.option.nameConnector + o.get(l, "name"), r = o.get(l, "value"); for (var d = 0; d < r.length; d++) a.value[d] = U.accAdd(a.value[d], r[d]); V && V.add(a.name, l.style.color || l.style.strokeColor) } i.dragIn = i.dragIn || !0, this.isDrop = !1 } }, refresh: function (e) { e && (this.option = e, this.series = e.series), this.backupShapeList(), this._buildShape() } }, r.inherits(t, i), e("../chart").define("radar", t), t }),i("echarts/component/polar", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Text", "zrender/shape/Line", "zrender/shape/Polygon", "zrender/shape/Circle", "zrender/shape/Ring", "../config", "zrender/tool/util", "../util/coordinates", "../util/accMath", "../util/smartSteps", "../component"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.refresh(a) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Text"), a = e("zrender/shape/Line"), o = e("zrender/shape/Polygon"), r = e("zrender/shape/Circle"), s = e("zrender/shape/Ring"), l = e("../config"); l.polar = { zlevel: 0, z: 0, center: ["50%", "50%"], radius: "75%", startAngle: 90, boundaryGap: [0, 0], splitNumber: 5, name: {show: !0, textStyle: {color: "#333"}}, axisLine: {show: !0, lineStyle: {color: "#ccc", width: 1, type: "solid"}}, axisLabel: {show: !1, textStyle: {color: "#333"}}, splitArea: {show: !0, areaStyle: {color: ["rgba(250,250,250,0.3)", "rgba(200,200,200,0.3)"]}}, splitLine: {show: !0, lineStyle: {width: 1, color: "#ccc"}}, type: "polygon" }; var h = e("zrender/tool/util"), m = e("../util/coordinates"); return t.prototype = { type: l.COMPONENT_TYPE_POLAR, _buildShape: function () { for (var e = 0; e < this.polar.length; e++) this._index = e, this.reformOption(this.polar[e]), this._queryTarget = [this.polar[e], this.option], this._createVector(e), this._buildSpiderWeb(e), this._buildText(e), this._adjustIndicatorValue(e), this._addAxisLabel(e); for (var e = 0; e < this.shapeList.length; e++) this.zr.addShape(this.shapeList[e]) }, _createVector: function (e) { for (var t, i = this.polar[e], n = this.deepQuery(this._queryTarget, "indicator"), a = n.length, o = i.startAngle, r = 2 * Math.PI / a, s = this._getRadius(), l = i.__ecIndicator = [], h = 0; a > h; h++) t = m.polar2cartesian(s, o * Math.PI / 180 + r * h), l.push({vector: [t[1], -t[0]]}) }, _getRadius: function () { var e = this.polar[this._index]; return this.parsePercent(e.radius, Math.min(this.zr.getWidth(), this.zr.getHeight()) / 2) }, _buildSpiderWeb: function (e) { var t = this.polar[e], i = t.__ecIndicator, n = t.splitArea, a = t.splitLine, o = this.getCenter(e), r = t.splitNumber, s = a.lineStyle.color, l = a.lineStyle.width, h = a.show, m = this.deepQuery(this._queryTarget, "axisLine"); this._addArea(i, r, o, n, s, l, h), m.show && this._addLine(i, o, m) }, _addAxisLabel: function (t) { for (var i, a, o, r, a, s, l, m, V, U, d = e("../util/accMath"), p = this.polar[t], c = this.deepQuery(this._queryTarget, "indicator"), u = p.__ecIndicator, y = this.deepQuery(this._queryTarget, "splitNumber"), g = this.getCenter(t), b = 0; b < c.length; b++) if (i = this.deepQuery([c[b], p, this.option], "axisLabel"), i.show) { var f = this.deepQuery([i, p, this.option], "textStyle"), k = this.deepQuery([i, p], "formatter"); if (o = {}, o.textFont = this.getFont(f), o.color = f.color, o = h.merge(o, i), o.lineWidth = o.width, a = u[b].vector, s = u[b].value, m = b / c.length * 2 * Math.PI, V = i.offset || 10, U = i.interval || 0, !s) return; for (var x = 1; y >= x; x += U + 1) r = h.merge({}, o), l = d.accAdd(s.min, d.accMul(s.step, x)), l = "function" == typeof k ? k(l) : "string" == typeof k ? k.replace("{a}", "{a0}").replace("{a0}", l) : this.numAddCommas(l), r.text = l, r.x = x * a[0] / y + Math.cos(m) * V + g[0], r.y = x * a[1] / y + Math.sin(m) * V + g[1], this.shapeList.push(new n({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: r, draggable: !1, hoverable: !1 })) } }, _buildText: function (e) { for (var t, i, a, o, r, s, l, h = this.polar[e], m = h.__ecIndicator, V = this.deepQuery(this._queryTarget, "indicator"), U = this.getCenter(e), d = 0, p = 0, c = 0; c < V.length; c++) o = this.deepQuery([V[c], h, this.option], "name"), o.show && (l = this.deepQuery([o, h, this.option], "textStyle"), i = {}, i.textFont = this.getFont(l), i.color = l.color, i.text = "function" == typeof o.formatter ? o.formatter.call(this.myChart, V[c].text, c) : "string" == typeof o.formatter ? o.formatter.replace("{value}", V[c].text) : V[c].text, m[c].text = i.text, t = m[c].vector, a = Math.round(t[0]) > 0 ? "left" : Math.round(t[0]) < 0 ? "right" : "center", null == o.margin ? t = this._mapVector(t, U, 1.1) : (s = o.margin, d = t[0] > 0 ? s : -s, p = t[1] > 0 ? s : -s, d = 0 === t[0] ? 0 : d, p = 0 === t[1] ? 0 : p, t = this._mapVector(t, U, 1)), i.textAlign = a, i.x = t[0] + d, i.y = t[1] + p, r = o.rotate ? [o.rotate / 180 * Math.PI, t[0], t[1]] : [0, 0, 0], this.shapeList.push(new n({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: i, draggable: !1, hoverable: !1, rotation: r }))) }, getIndicatorText: function (e, t) { return this.polar[e] && this.polar[e].__ecIndicator[t] && this.polar[e].__ecIndicator[t].text }, getDropBox: function (e) { var t, i, e = e || 0, n = this.polar[e], a = this.getCenter(e), o = n.__ecIndicator, r = o.length, s = [], l = n.type; if ("polygon" == l) { for (var h = 0; r > h; h++) t = o[h].vector, s.push(this._mapVector(t, a, 1.2)); i = this._getShape(s, "fill", "rgba(0,0,0,0)", "", 1) } else "circle" == l && (i = this._getCircle("", 1, 1.2, a, "fill", "rgba(0,0,0,0)")); return i }, _addArea: function (e, t, i, n, a, o, r) { for (var s, l, h, m, V = this.deepQuery(this._queryTarget, "type"), U = 0; t > U; U++) l = (t - U) / t, r && ("polygon" == V ? (m = this._getPointList(e, l, i), s = this._getShape(m, "stroke", "", a, o)) : "circle" == V && (s = this._getCircle(a, o, l, i, "stroke")), this.shapeList.push(s)), n.show && (h = (t - U - 1) / t, this._addSplitArea(e, n, l, h, i, U)) }, _getCircle: function (e, t, i, n, a, o) { var s = this._getRadius(); return new r({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: {x: n[0], y: n[1], r: s * i, brushType: a, strokeColor: e, lineWidth: t, color: o}, hoverable: !1, draggable: !1 }) }, _getRing: function (e, t, i, n) { var a = this._getRadius(); return new s({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: {x: n[0], y: n[1], r: t * a, r0: i * a, color: e, brushType: "fill"}, hoverable: !1, draggable: !1 }) }, _getPointList: function (e, t, i) { for (var n, a = [], o = e.length, r = 0; o > r; r++) n = e[r].vector, a.push(this._mapVector(n, i, t)); return a }, _getShape: function (e, t, i, n, a) { return new o({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: {pointList: e, brushType: t, color: i, strokeColor: n, lineWidth: a}, hoverable: !1, draggable: !1 }) }, _addSplitArea: function (e, t, i, n, a, o) { var r, s, l, h, m, V = e.length, U = t.areaStyle.color, d = [], V = e.length, p = this.deepQuery(this._queryTarget, "type"); if ("string" == typeof U && (U = [U]), s = U.length, r = U[o % s], "polygon" == p) for (var c = 0; V > c; c++) d = [], l = e[c].vector, h = e[(c + 1) % V].vector, d.push(this._mapVector(l, a, i)), d.push(this._mapVector(l, a, n)), d.push(this._mapVector(h, a, n)), d.push(this._mapVector(h, a, i)), m = this._getShape(d, "fill", r, "", 1), this.shapeList.push(m); else "circle" == p && (m = this._getRing(r, i, n, a), this.shapeList.push(m)) }, _mapVector: function (e, t, i) { return [e[0] * i + t[0], e[1] * i + t[1]] }, getCenter: function (e) { var e = e || 0; return this.parseCenter(this.zr, this.polar[e].center) }, _addLine: function (e, t, i) { for (var n, a, o = e.length, r = i.lineStyle, s = r.color, l = r.width, h = r.type, m = 0; o > m; m++) a = e[m].vector, n = this._getLine(t[0], t[1], a[0] + t[0], a[1] + t[1], s, l, h), this.shapeList.push(n) }, _getLine: function (e, t, i, n, o, r, s) { return new a({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: {xStart: e, yStart: t, xEnd: i, yEnd: n, strokeColor: o, lineWidth: r, lineType: s}, hoverable: !1 }) }, _adjustIndicatorValue: function (t) { for (var i, n, a, o = this.polar[t], r = this.deepQuery(this._queryTarget, "indicator"), s = r.length, l = o.__ecIndicator, h = this._getSeriesData(t), m = o.boundaryGap, V = o.splitNumber, U = o.scale, d = e("../util/smartSteps"), p = 0; s > p; p++) { if ("number" == typeof r[p].max) i = r[p].max, n = r[p].min || 0, a = {max: i, min: n}; else { var c = this._findValue(h, p, V, m); n = c.min, i = c.max } !U && n >= 0 && i >= 0 && (n = 0), !U && 0 >= n && 0 >= i && (i = 0); var u = d(n, i, V, a); l[p].value = {min: u.min, max: u.max, step: u.step} } }, _getSeriesData: function (e) { for (var t, i, n, a = [], o = this.component.legend, r = 0; r < this.series.length; r++) if (t = this.series[r], t.type == l.CHART_TYPE_RADAR) { i = t.data || []; for (var s = 0; s < i.length; s++) n = this.deepQuery([i[s], t, this.option], "polarIndex") || 0, n != e || o && !o.isSelected(i[s].name) || a.push(i[s]) } return a }, _findValue: function (e, t, i, n) { function a(e) { (e > o || void 0 === o) && (o = e), (r > e || void 0 === r) && (r = e) } var o, r, s; if (e && 0 !== e.length) { if (1 == e.length && (r = 0), 1 != e.length) for (var l = 0; l < e.length; l++) a(this.getDataFromOption(e[l].value[t])); else { s = e[0]; for (var l = 0; l < s.value.length; l++) a(this.getDataFromOption(s.value[l])) } var h = Math.abs(o - r); return r -= Math.abs(h * n[0]), o += Math.abs(h * n[1]), r === o && (0 === o ? o = 1 : o > 0 ? r = o / i : o /= i), { max: o, min: r } } }, getVector: function (e, t, i) { e = e || 0, t = t || 0; var n = this.polar[e].__ecIndicator; if (!(t >= n.length)) { var a, o = this.polar[e].__ecIndicator[t], r = this.getCenter(e), s = o.vector, l = o.value.max, h = o.value.min; if ("undefined" == typeof i) return r; switch (i) { case"min": i = h; break; case"max": i = l; break; case"center": i = (l + h) / 2 } return a = l != h ? (i - h) / (l - h) : .5, this._mapVector(s, r, a) } }, isInside: function (e) { var t = this.getNearestIndex(e); return t ? t.polarIndex : -1 }, getNearestIndex: function (e) { for (var t, i, n, a, o, r, s, l, h, V = 0; V < this.polar.length; V++) { if (t = this.polar[V], i = this.getCenter(V), e[0] == i[0] && e[1] == i[1]) return { polarIndex: V, valueIndex: 0 }; if (n = this._getRadius(), o = t.startAngle, r = t.indicator, s = r.length, l = 2 * Math.PI / s, a = m.cartesian2polar(e[0] - i[0], i[1] - e[1]), e[0] - i[0] < 0 && (a[1] += Math.PI), a[1] < 0 && (a[1] += 2 * Math.PI), h = a[1] - o / 180 * Math.PI + 2 * Math.PI, Math.abs(Math.cos(h % (l / 2))) * n > a[0]) return { polarIndex: V, valueIndex: Math.floor((h + l / 2) / l) % s } } }, getIndicator: function (e) { var e = e || 0; return this.polar[e].indicator }, refresh: function (e) { e && (this.option = e, this.polar = this.option.polar, this.series = this.option.series), this.clear(), this._buildShape() } }, h.inherits(t, i), e("../component").define("polar", t), t }),i("echarts/util/coordinates", ["require", "zrender/tool/math"], function (e) { function t(e, t) { return [e * n.sin(t), e * n.cos(t)] } function i(e, t) { return [Math.sqrt(e * e + t * t), Math.atan(t / e)] } var n = e("zrender/tool/math"); return {polar2cartesian: t, cartesian2polar: i} }),i("echarts/chart/chord", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Text", "zrender/shape/Line", "zrender/shape/Sector", "../util/shape/Ribbon", "../util/shape/Icon", "zrender/shape/BezierCurve", "../config", "../util/ecData", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/vector", "../data/Graph", "../layout/Chord", "../chart"], function (e) { "use strict"; function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.scaleLineLength = 4, this.scaleUnitAngle = 4, this.refresh(a) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Text"), a = e("zrender/shape/Line"), o = e("zrender/shape/Sector"), r = e("../util/shape/Ribbon"), s = e("../util/shape/Icon"), l = e("zrender/shape/BezierCurve"), h = e("../config"); h.chord = { zlevel: 0, z: 2, clickable: !0, radius: ["65%", "75%"], center: ["50%", "50%"], padding: 2, sort: "none", sortSub: "none", startAngle: 90, clockWise: !0, ribbonType: !0, minRadius: 10, maxRadius: 20, symbol: "circle", showScale: !1, showScaleText: !1, itemStyle: { normal: { borderWidth: 0, borderColor: "#000", label: {show: !0, rotate: !1, distance: 5}, chordStyle: {width: 1, color: "black", borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "#999", opacity: .5} }, emphasis: { borderWidth: 0, borderColor: "#000", chordStyle: {width: 1, color: "black", borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "#999"} } } }; var m = e("../util/ecData"), V = e("zrender/tool/util"), U = e("zrender/tool/vector"), d = e("../data/Graph"), p = e("../layout/Chord"); return t.prototype = { type: h.CHART_TYPE_CHORD, _init: function () { var e = this.series; this.selectedMap = {}; for (var t = {}, i = {}, n = 0, a = e.length; a > n; n++) if (e[n].type === this.type) { var o = this.isSelected(e[n].name); this.selectedMap[e[n].name] = o, o && this.buildMark(n), this.reformOption(e[n]), t[e[n].name] = e[n] } for (var n = 0, a = e.length; a > n; n++) if (e[n].type === this.type) if (e[n].insertToSerie) { var r = t[e[n].insertToSerie]; e[n]._referenceSerie = r } else i[e[n].name] = [e[n]]; for (var n = 0, a = e.length; a > n; n++) if (e[n].type === this.type && e[n].insertToSerie) { for (var s = e[n]._referenceSerie; s && s._referenceSerie;) s = s._referenceSerie; i[s.name] && this.selectedMap[e[n].name] && i[s.name].push(e[n]) } for (var l in i) this._buildChords(i[l]); this.addShapeList() }, _getNodeCategory: function (e, t) { return e.categories && e.categories[t.category || 0] }, _getNodeQueryTarget: function (e, t) { var i = this._getNodeCategory(e, t); return [t, i, e] }, _getEdgeQueryTarget: function (e, t, i) { return i = i || "normal", [t.itemStyle && t.itemStyle[i], e.itemStyle[i].chordStyle] }, _buildChords: function (e) { for (var t = [], i = e[0], n = function (e) { return e.layout.size > 0 }, a = function (e) { return function (t) { return e.getEdge(t.node2, t.node1) } }, o = 0; o < e.length; o++) { var r = e[o]; if (this.selectedMap[r.name]) { var s; r.matrix ? s = this._getSerieGraphFromDataMatrix(r, i) : r.links && (s = this._getSerieGraphFromNodeLinks(r, i)), s.filterNode(n, this), r.ribbonType && s.filterEdge(a(s)), t.push(s), s.__serie = r } } if (t.length) { var l = t[0]; if (!i.ribbonType) { var h = i.minRadius, m = i.maxRadius, V = 1 / 0, U = -(1 / 0); l.eachNode(function (e) { U = Math.max(e.layout.size, U), V = Math.min(e.layout.size, V) }); var d = (m - h) / (U - V); l.eachNode(function (e) { var t = this._getNodeQueryTarget(i, e), n = this.query(t, "symbolSize"); e.layout.size = U === V ? n || V : n || (e.layout.size - V) * d + h }, this) } var c = new p; c.clockWise = i.clockWise, c.startAngle = i.startAngle * Math.PI / 180, c.clockWise || (c.startAngle = -c.startAngle), c.padding = i.padding * Math.PI / 180, c.sort = i.sort, c.sortSub = i.sortSub, c.directed = i.ribbonType, c.run(t); var u = this.query(i, "itemStyle.normal.label.show"); if (i.ribbonType) { this._buildSectors(i, 0, l, i, t), u && this._buildLabels(i, 0, l, i, t); for (var o = 0, y = 0; o < e.length; o++) this.selectedMap[e[o].name] && this._buildRibbons(e, o, t[y++], i); i.showScale && this._buildScales(i, 0, l) } else { this._buildNodeIcons(i, 0, l, i, t), u && this._buildLabels(i, 0, l, i, t); for (var o = 0, y = 0; o < e.length; o++) this.selectedMap[e[o].name] && this._buildEdgeCurves(e, o, t[y++], i, l) } this._initHoverHandler(e, t) } }, _getSerieGraphFromDataMatrix: function (e, t) { for (var i = [], n = 0, a = [], o = 0; o < e.matrix.length; o++) a[o] = e.matrix[o].slice(); for (var r = e.data || e.nodes, o = 0; o < r.length; o++) { var s = {}, l = r[o]; l.rawIndex = o; for (var h in l) "name" === h ? s.id = l.name : s[h] = l[h]; var m = this._getNodeCategory(t, l), V = m ? m.name : l.name; if (this.selectedMap[V] = this.isSelected(V), this.selectedMap[V]) i.push(s), n++; else { a.splice(n, 1); for (var U = 0; U < a.length; U++) a[U].splice(n, 1) } } var p = d.fromMatrix(i, a, !0); return p.eachNode(function (e) { e.layout = {size: e.data.outValue}, e.rawIndex = e.data.rawIndex }), p.eachEdge(function (e) { e.layout = {weight: e.data.weight} }), p }, _getSerieGraphFromNodeLinks: function (e, t) { for (var i = new d(!0), n = e.data || e.nodes, a = 0, o = n.length; o > a; a++) { var r = n[a]; if (r && !r.ignore) { var s = this._getNodeCategory(t, r), l = s ? s.name : r.name; if (this.selectedMap[l] = this.isSelected(l), this.selectedMap[l]) { var h = i.addNode(r.name, r); h.rawIndex = a } } } for (var a = 0, o = e.links.length; o > a; a++) { var m = e.links[a], V = m.source, U = m.target; "number" == typeof V && (V = n[V], V && (V = V.name)), "number" == typeof U && (U = n[U], U && (U = U.name)); var p = i.addEdge(V, U, m); p && (p.rawIndex = a) } return i.eachNode(function (e) { var i = e.data.value; if (null == i) if (i = 0, t.ribbonType) for (var n = 0; n < e.outEdges.length; n++) i += e.outEdges[n].data.weight || 0; else for (var n = 0; n < e.edges.length; n++) i += e.edges[n].data.weight || 0; e.layout = {size: i} }), i.eachEdge(function (e) { e.layout = {weight: null == e.data.weight ? 1 : e.data.weight} }), i }, _initHoverHandler: function (e, t) { var i = e[0], n = t[0], a = this; n.eachNode(function (e) { e.shape.onmouseover = function () { n.eachNode(function (e) { e.shape.style.opacity = .1, e.labelShape && (e.labelShape.style.opacity = .1, e.labelShape.modSelf()), e.shape.modSelf() }); for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) for (var o = 0; o < t[i].edges.length; o++) { var r = t[i].edges[o], s = a._getEdgeQueryTarget(t[i].__serie, r.data); r.shape.style.opacity = .1 * a.deepQuery(s, "opacity"), r.shape.modSelf() } e.shape.style.opacity = 1, e.labelShape && (e.labelShape.style.opacity = 1); for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { var l = t[i].getNodeById(e.id); if (l) for (var o = 0; o < l.outEdges.length; o++) { var r = l.outEdges[o], s = a._getEdgeQueryTarget(t[i].__serie, r.data); r.shape.style.opacity = a.deepQuery(s, "opacity"); var h = t[0].getNodeById(r.node2.id); h && (h.shape && (h.shape.style.opacity = 1), h.labelShape && (h.labelShape.style.opacity = 1)) } } a.zr.refreshNextFrame() }, e.shape.onmouseout = function () { n.eachNode(function (e) { e.shape.style.opacity = 1, e.labelShape && (e.labelShape.style.opacity = 1, e.labelShape.modSelf()), e.shape.modSelf() }); for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) for (var o = 0; o < t[e].edges.length; o++) { var r = t[e].edges[o], s = [r.data, i]; r.shape.style.opacity = a.deepQuery(s, "itemStyle.normal.chordStyle.opacity"), r.shape.modSelf() } a.zr.refreshNextFrame() } }) }, _buildSectors: function (e, t, i, n) { var a = this.parseCenter(this.zr, n.center), r = this.parseRadius(this.zr, n.radius), s = n.clockWise, l = s ? 1 : -1; i.eachNode(function (i) { var h = this._getNodeCategory(n, i.data), V = this.getColor(h ? h.name : i.id), U = i.layout.startAngle / Math.PI * 180 * l, d = i.layout.endAngle / Math.PI * 180 * l, p = new o({ zlevel: e.zlevel, z: e.z, style: { x: a[0], y: a[1], r0: r[0], r: r[1], startAngle: U, endAngle: d, brushType: "fill", opacity: 1, color: V, clockWise: s }, clickable: n.clickable, highlightStyle: {brushType: "fill"} }); p.style.lineWidth = this.deepQuery([i.data, n], "itemStyle.normal.borderWidth"), p.highlightStyle.lineWidth = this.deepQuery([i.data, n], "itemStyle.emphasis.borderWidth"), p.style.strokeColor = this.deepQuery([i.data, n], "itemStyle.normal.borderColor"), p.highlightStyle.strokeColor = this.deepQuery([i.data, n], "itemStyle.emphasis.borderColor"), p.style.lineWidth > 0 && (p.style.brushType = "both"), p.highlightStyle.lineWidth > 0 && (p.highlightStyle.brushType = "both"), m.pack(p, e, t, i.data, i.rawIndex, i.id, i.category), this.shapeList.push(p), i.shape = p }, this) }, _buildNodeIcons: function (e, t, i, n) { var a = this.parseCenter(this.zr, n.center), o = this.parseRadius(this.zr, n.radius), r = o[1]; i.eachNode(function (i) { var o = i.layout.startAngle, l = i.layout.endAngle, h = (o + l) / 2, V = r * Math.cos(h), U = r * Math.sin(h), d = this._getNodeQueryTarget(n, i.data), p = this._getNodeCategory(n, i.data), c = this.deepQuery(d, "itemStyle.normal.color"); c || (c = this.getColor(p ? p.name : i.id)); var u = new s({ zlevel: e.zlevel, z: e.z + 1, style: { x: -i.layout.size, y: -i.layout.size, width: 2 * i.layout.size, height: 2 * i.layout.size, iconType: this.deepQuery(d, "symbol"), color: c, brushType: "both", lineWidth: this.deepQuery(d, "itemStyle.normal.borderWidth"), strokeColor: this.deepQuery(d, "itemStyle.normal.borderColor") }, highlightStyle: { color: this.deepQuery(d, "itemStyle.emphasis.color"), lineWidth: this.deepQuery(d, "itemStyle.emphasis.borderWidth"), strokeColor: this.deepQuery(d, "itemStyle.emphasis.borderColor") }, clickable: n.clickable, position: [V + a[0], U + a[1]] }); m.pack(u, e, t, i.data, i.rawIndex, i.id, i.category), this.shapeList.push(u), i.shape = u }, this) }, _buildLabels: function (e, t, i, a) { var o = this.query(a, "itemStyle.normal.label.rotate"), r = this.query(a, "itemStyle.normal.label.distance"), s = this.parseCenter(this.zr, a.center), l = this.parseRadius(this.zr, a.radius), h = a.clockWise, m = h ? 1 : -1; i.eachNode(function (t) { var i = t.layout.startAngle / Math.PI * 180 * m, h = t.layout.endAngle / Math.PI * 180 * m, V = (i * -m + h * -m) / 2; V %= 360, 0 > V && (V += 360); var d = 90 >= V || V >= 270; V = V * Math.PI / 180; var p = [Math.cos(V), -Math.sin(V)], c = 0; c = a.ribbonType ? a.showScaleText ? 35 + r : r : r + t.layout.size; var u = U.scale([], p, l[1] + c); U.add(u, u, s); var y = { zlevel: e.zlevel, z: e.z + 1, hoverable: !1, style: {text: null == t.data.label ? t.id : t.data.label, textAlign: d ? "left" : "right"} }; o ? (y.rotation = d ? V : Math.PI + V, y.style.x = d ? l[1] + c : -l[1] - c, y.style.y = 0, y.position = s.slice()) : (y.style.x = u[0], y.style.y = u[1]), y.style.color = this.deepQuery([t.data, a], "itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle.color") || "#000000", y.style.textFont = this.getFont(this.deepQuery([t.data, a], "itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle")), y = new n(y), this.shapeList.push(y), t.labelShape = y }, this) }, _buildRibbons: function (e, t, i, n) { var a = e[t], o = this.parseCenter(this.zr, n.center), s = this.parseRadius(this.zr, n.radius); i.eachEdge(function (l, h) { var V, U = i.getEdge(l.node2, l.node1); if (U && !l.shape) { if (U.shape) return void (l.shape = U.shape); var d = l.layout.startAngle / Math.PI * 180, p = l.layout.endAngle / Math.PI * 180, c = U.layout.startAngle / Math.PI * 180, u = U.layout.endAngle / Math.PI * 180; V = this.getColor(1 === e.length ? l.layout.weight <= U.layout.weight ? l.node1.id : l.node2.id : a.name); var y, g, b = this._getEdgeQueryTarget(a, l.data), f = this._getEdgeQueryTarget(a, l.data, "emphasis"), k = new r({ zlevel: a.zlevel, z: a.z, style: { x: o[0], y: o[1], r: s[0], source0: d, source1: p, target0: c, target1: u, brushType: "both", opacity: this.deepQuery(b, "opacity"), color: V, lineWidth: this.deepQuery(b, "borderWidth"), strokeColor: this.deepQuery(b, "borderColor"), clockWise: n.clockWise }, clickable: n.clickable, highlightStyle: { brushType: "both", opacity: this.deepQuery(f, "opacity"), lineWidth: this.deepQuery(f, "borderWidth"), strokeColor: this.deepQuery(f, "borderColor") } }); l.layout.weight <= U.layout.weight ? (y = U.node1, g = U.node2) : (y = l.node1, g = l.node2), m.pack(k, a, t, l.data, null == l.rawIndex ? h : l.rawIndex, l.data.name || y.id + "-" + g.id, y.id, g.id), this.shapeList.push(k), l.shape = k } }, this) }, _buildEdgeCurves: function (e, t, i, n, a) { var o = e[t], r = this.parseCenter(this.zr, n.center); i.eachEdge(function (e, i) { var n = a.getNodeById(e.node1.id), s = a.getNodeById(e.node2.id), h = n.shape, V = s.shape, U = this._getEdgeQueryTarget(o, e.data), d = this._getEdgeQueryTarget(o, e.data, "emphasis"), p = new l({ zlevel: o.zlevel, z: o.z, style: { xStart: h.position[0], yStart: h.position[1], xEnd: V.position[0], yEnd: V.position[1], cpX1: r[0], cpY1: r[1], lineWidth: this.deepQuery(U, "width"), strokeColor: this.deepQuery(U, "color"), opacity: this.deepQuery(U, "opacity") }, highlightStyle: { lineWidth: this.deepQuery(d, "width"), strokeColor: this.deepQuery(d, "color"), opacity: this.deepQuery(d, "opacity") } }); m.pack(p, o, t, e.data, null == e.rawIndex ? i : e.rawIndex, e.data.name || e.node1.id + "-" + e.node2.id, e.node1.id, e.node2.id), this.shapeList.push(p), e.shape = p }, this) }, _buildScales: function (e, t, i) { var o, r, s = e.clockWise, l = this.parseCenter(this.zr, e.center), h = this.parseRadius(this.zr, e.radius), m = s ? 1 : -1, V = 0, d = -(1 / 0); e.showScaleText && (i.eachNode(function (e) { var t = e.data.value; t > d && (d = t), V += t }), d > 1e10 ? (o = "b", r = 1e-9) : d > 1e7 ? (o = "m", r = 1e-6) : d > 1e4 ? (o = "k", r = .001) : (o = "", r = 1)); var p = V / (360 - e.padding); i.eachNode(function (t) { for (var i = t.layout.startAngle / Math.PI * 180, V = t.layout.endAngle / Math.PI * 180, d = i; ;) { if (s && d > V || !s && V > d) break; var c = d / 180 * Math.PI, u = [Math.cos(c), Math.sin(c)], y = U.scale([], u, h[1] + 1); U.add(y, y, l); var g = U.scale([], u, h[1] + this.scaleLineLength); U.add(g, g, l); var b = new a({ zlevel: e.zlevel, z: e.z - 1, hoverable: !1, style: { xStart: y[0], yStart: y[1], xEnd: g[0], yEnd: g[1], lineCap: "round", brushType: "stroke", strokeColor: "#666", lineWidth: 1 } }); this.shapeList.push(b), d += m * this.scaleUnitAngle } if (e.showScaleText) for (var f = i, k = 5 * p * this.scaleUnitAngle, x = 0; ;) { if (s && f > V || !s && V > f) break; var c = f; c %= 360, 0 > c && (c += 360); var _ = 90 >= c || c >= 270, L = new n({ zlevel: e.zlevel, z: e.z - 1, hoverable: !1, style: { x: _ ? h[1] + this.scaleLineLength + 4 : -h[1] - this.scaleLineLength - 4, y: 0, text: Math.round(10 * x) / 10 + o, textAlign: _ ? "left" : "right" }, position: l.slice(), rotation: _ ? [-c / 180 * Math.PI, 0, 0] : [-(c + 180) / 180 * Math.PI, 0, 0] }); this.shapeList.push(L), x += k * r, f += m * this.scaleUnitAngle * 5 } }, this) }, refresh: function (e) { if (e && (this.option = e, this.series = e.series), this.legend = this.component.legend, this.legend) this.getColor = function (e) { return this.legend.getColor(e) }, this.isSelected = function (e) { return this.legend.isSelected(e) }; else { var t = {}, i = 0; this.getColor = function (e) { return t[e] ? t[e] : (t[e] || (t[e] = this.zr.getColor(i++)), t[e]) }, this.isSelected = function () { return !0 } } this.backupShapeList(), this._init() }, reformOption: function (e) { var t = V.merge; e = t(t(e || {}, this.ecTheme.chord), h.chord), e.itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle = this.getTextStyle(e.itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle), this.z = e.z, this.zlevel = e.zlevel } }, V.inherits(t, i), e("../chart").define("chord", t), t }),i("echarts/util/shape/Ribbon", ["require", "zrender/shape/Base", "zrender/shape/util/PathProxy", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/area"], function (e) { function t(e) { i.call(this, e), this._pathProxy = new n } var i = e("zrender/shape/Base"), n = e("zrender/shape/util/PathProxy"), a = e("zrender/tool/util"), o = e("zrender/tool/area"); return t.prototype = { type: "ribbon", buildPath: function (e, t) { var i = t.clockWise || !1, n = this._pathProxy; n.begin(e); var a = t.x, o = t.y, r = t.r, s = t.source0 / 180 * Math.PI, l = t.source1 / 180 * Math.PI, h = t.target0 / 180 * Math.PI, m = t.target1 / 180 * Math.PI, V = a + Math.cos(s) * r, U = o + Math.sin(s) * r, d = a + Math.cos(l) * r, p = o + Math.sin(l) * r, c = a + Math.cos(h) * r, u = o + Math.sin(h) * r, y = a + Math.cos(m) * r, g = o + Math.sin(m) * r; n.moveTo(V, U), n.arc(a, o, t.r, s, l, !i), n.bezierCurveTo(.7 * (a - d) + d, .7 * (o - p) + p, .7 * (a - c) + c, .7 * (o - u) + u, c, u), (t.source0 !== t.target0 || t.source1 !== t.target1) && (n.arc(a, o, t.r, h, m, !i), n.bezierCurveTo(.7 * (a - y) + y, .7 * (o - g) + g, .7 * (a - V) + V, .7 * (o - U) + U, V, U)) }, getRect: function (e) { return e.__rect ? e.__rect : (this._pathProxy.isEmpty() || this.buildPath(null, e), this._pathProxy.fastBoundingRect()) }, isCover: function (e, t) { var i = this.getRect(this.style); return e >= i.x && e <= i.x + i.width && t >= i.y && t <= i.y + i.height ? o.isInsidePath(this._pathProxy.pathCommands, 0, "fill", e, t) : void 0 } }, a.inherits(t, i), t }),i("echarts/data/Graph", ["require", "zrender/tool/util"], function (e) { var t = e("zrender/tool/util"), i = function (e) { this._directed = e || !1, this.nodes = [], this.edges = [], this._nodesMap = {}, this._edgesMap = {} }; i.prototype.isDirected = function () { return this._directed }, i.prototype.addNode = function (e, t) { if (this._nodesMap[e]) return this._nodesMap[e]; var n = new i.Node(e, t); return this.nodes.push(n), this._nodesMap[e] = n, n }, i.prototype.getNodeById = function (e) { return this._nodesMap[e] }, i.prototype.addEdge = function (e, t, n) { if ("string" == typeof e && (e = this._nodesMap[e]), "string" == typeof t && (t = this._nodesMap[t]), e && t) { var a = e.id + "-" + t.id; if (this._edgesMap[a]) return this._edgesMap[a]; var o = new i.Edge(e, t, n); return this._directed && (e.outEdges.push(o), t.inEdges.push(o)), e.edges.push(o), e !== t && t.edges.push(o), this.edges.push(o), this._edgesMap[a] = o, o } }, i.prototype.removeEdge = function (e) { var i = e.node1, n = e.node2, a = i.id + "-" + n.id; this._directed && (i.outEdges.splice(t.indexOf(i.outEdges, e), 1), n.inEdges.splice(t.indexOf(n.inEdges, e), 1)), i.edges.splice(t.indexOf(i.edges, e), 1), i !== n && n.edges.splice(t.indexOf(n.edges, e), 1), delete this._edgesMap[a], this.edges.splice(t.indexOf(this.edges, e), 1) }, i.prototype.getEdge = function (e, t) { return "string" != typeof e && (e = e.id), "string" != typeof t && (t = t.id), this._directed ? this._edgesMap[e + "-" + t] : this._edgesMap[e + "-" + t] || this._edgesMap[t + "-" + e] }, i.prototype.removeNode = function (e) { if ("string" != typeof e || (e = this._nodesMap[e])) { delete this._nodesMap[e.id], this.nodes.splice(t.indexOf(this.nodes, e), 1); for (var i = 0; i < this.edges.length;) { var n = this.edges[i]; n.node1 === e || n.node2 === e ? this.removeEdge(n) : i++ } } }, i.prototype.filterNode = function (e, t) { for (var i = this.nodes.length, n = 0; i > n;) e.call(t, this.nodes[n], n) ? n++ : (this.removeNode(this.nodes[n]), i--) }, i.prototype.filterEdge = function (e, t) { for (var i = this.edges.length, n = 0; i > n;) e.call(t, this.edges[n], n) ? n++ : (this.removeEdge(this.edges[n]), i--) }, i.prototype.eachNode = function (e, t) { for (var i = this.nodes.length, n = 0; i > n; n++) this.nodes[n] && e.call(t, this.nodes[n], n) }, i.prototype.eachEdge = function (e, t) { for (var i = this.edges.length, n = 0; i > n; n++) this.edges[n] && e.call(t, this.edges[n], n) }, i.prototype.clear = function () { this.nodes.length = 0, this.edges.length = 0, this._nodesMap = {}, this._edgesMap = {} }, i.prototype.breadthFirstTraverse = function (e, t, i, n) { if ("string" == typeof t && (t = this._nodesMap[t]), t) { var a = "edges"; "out" === i ? a = "outEdges" : "in" === i && (a = "inEdges"); for (var o = 0; o < this.nodes.length; o++) this.nodes[o].__visited = !1; if (!e.call(n, t, null)) for (var r = [t]; r.length;) for (var s = r.shift(), l = s[a], o = 0; o < l.length; o++) { var h = l[o], m = h.node1 === s ? h.node2 : h.node1; if (!m.__visited) { if (e.call(m, m, s)) return; r.push(m), m.__visited = !0 } } } }, i.prototype.clone = function () { for (var e = new i(this._directed), t = 0; t < this.nodes.length; t++) e.addNode(this.nodes[t].id, this.nodes[t].data); for (var t = 0; t < this.edges.length; t++) { var n = this.edges[t]; e.addEdge(n.node1.id, n.node2.id, n.data) } return e }; var n = function (e, t) { this.id = e, this.data = t || null, this.inEdges = [], this.outEdges = [], this.edges = [] }; n.prototype.degree = function () { return this.edges.length }, n.prototype.inDegree = function () { return this.inEdges.length }, n.prototype.outDegree = function () { return this.outEdges.length }; var a = function (e, t, i) { this.node1 = e, this.node2 = t, this.data = i || null }; return i.Node = n, i.Edge = a, i.fromMatrix = function (e, t, n) { if (t && t.length && t[0].length === t.length && e.length === t.length) { for (var a = t.length, o = new i(n), r = 0; a > r; r++) { var s = o.addNode(e[r].id, e[r]); s.data.value = 0, n && (s.data.outValue = s.data.inValue = 0) } for (var r = 0; a > r; r++) for (var l = 0; a > l; l++) { var h = t[r][l]; n && (o.nodes[r].data.outValue += h, o.nodes[l].data.inValue += h), o.nodes[r].data.value += h, o.nodes[l].data.value += h } for (var r = 0; a > r; r++) for (var l = r; a > l; l++) { var h = t[r][l]; if (0 !== h) { var m = o.nodes[r], V = o.nodes[l], U = o.addEdge(m, V, {}); if (U.data.weight = h, r !== l && n && t[l][r]) { var d = o.addEdge(V, m, {}); d.data.weight = t[l][r] } } } return o } }, i }),i("echarts/layout/Chord", ["require"], function () { var e = function (e) { e = e || {}, this.sort = e.sort || null, this.sortSub = e.sortSub || null, this.padding = .05, this.startAngle = e.startAngle || 0, this.clockWise = null == e.clockWise ? !1 : e.clockWise, this.center = e.center || [0, 0], this.directed = !0 }; e.prototype.run = function (e) { e instanceof Array || (e = [e]); var n = e.length; if (n) { for (var a = e[0], o = a.nodes.length, r = [], s = 0, l = 0; o > l; l++) { var h = a.nodes[l], m = {size: 0, subGroups: [], node: h}; r.push(m); for (var V = 0, U = 0; U < e.length; U++) { var d = e[U], p = d.getNodeById(h.id); if (p) { m.size += p.layout.size; for (var c = this.directed ? p.outEdges : p.edges, u = 0; u < c.length; u++) { var y = c[u], g = y.layout.weight; m.subGroups.push({weight: g, edge: y, graph: d}), V += g } } } s += m.size; for (var b = m.size / V, u = 0; u < m.subGroups.length; u++) m.subGroups[u].weight *= b; "ascending" === this.sortSub ? m.subGroups.sort(t) : "descending" === this.sort && (m.subGroups.sort(t), m.subGroups.reverse()) } "ascending" === this.sort ? r.sort(i) : "descending" === this.sort && (r.sort(i), r.reverse()); for (var b = (2 * Math.PI - this.padding * o) / s, f = this.startAngle, k = this.clockWise ? 1 : -1, l = 0; o > l; l++) { var m = r[l]; m.node.layout.startAngle = f, m.node.layout.endAngle = f + k * m.size * b, m.node.layout.subGroups = []; for (var u = 0; u < m.subGroups.length; u++) { var x = m.subGroups[u]; x.edge.layout.startAngle = f, f += k * x.weight * b, x.edge.layout.endAngle = f } f = m.node.layout.endAngle + k * this.padding } } }; var t = function (e, t) { return e.weight - t.weight }, i = function (e, t) { return e.size - t.size }; return e }),i("echarts/chart/force", ["require", "./base", "../data/Graph", "../layout/Force", "zrender/shape/Line", "zrender/shape/BezierCurve", "zrender/shape/Image", "../util/shape/Icon", "../config", "../util/ecData", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/config", "zrender/tool/vector", "../chart"], function (e) { "use strict"; function t(e, t, o, h, m) { var V = this; r.call(this, e, t, o, h, m), this.__nodePositionMap = {}, this._graph = new s(!0), this._layout = new l, this._layout.onupdate = function () { V._step() }, this._steps = 1, this.ondragstart = function () { i.apply(V, arguments) }, this.ondragend = function () { a.apply(V, arguments) }, this.ondrop = function () { }, this.shapeHandler.ondragstart = function () { V.isDragstart = !0 }, this.onmousemove = function () { n.apply(V, arguments) }, this.refresh(h) } function i(e) { if (this.isDragstart && e.target) { var t = e.target; t.fixed = !0, this.isDragstart = !1, this.zr.on(u.EVENT.MOUSEMOVE, this.onmousemove) } } function n() { this._layout.temperature = .8, this._step() } function a(e, t) { if (this.isDragend && e.target) { var i = e.target; i.fixed = !1, t.dragIn = !0, t.needRefresh = !1, this.isDragend = !1, this.zr.un(u.EVENT.MOUSEMOVE, this.onmousemove) } } function o(e, t, i) { var n = y.create(); return n[0] = (Math.random() - .5) * i + e, n[1] = (Math.random() - .5) * i + t, n } var r = e("./base"), s = e("../data/Graph"), l = e("../layout/Force"), h = e("zrender/shape/Line"), m = e("zrender/shape/BezierCurve"), V = e("zrender/shape/Image"), U = e("../util/shape/Icon"), d = e("../config"); d.force = { zlevel: 1, z: 2, center: ["50%", "50%"], size: "100%", preventOverlap: !1, coolDown: .99, minRadius: 10, maxRadius: 20, ratioScaling: !1, large: !1, useWorker: !1, steps: 1, scaling: 1, gravity: 1, symbol: "circle", symbolSize: 0, linkSymbol: null, linkSymbolSize: [10, 15], draggable: !0, clickable: !0, roam: !1, itemStyle: { normal: { label: {show: !1, position: "inside"}, nodeStyle: {brushType: "both", borderColor: "#5182ab", borderWidth: 1}, linkStyle: {color: "#5182ab", width: 1, type: "line"} }, emphasis: {label: {show: !1}, nodeStyle: {}, linkStyle: {opacity: 0}} } }; var p = e("../util/ecData"), c = e("zrender/tool/util"), u = e("zrender/config"), y = e("zrender/tool/vector"); return t.prototype = { constructor: t, type: d.CHART_TYPE_FORCE, _init: function () { this.selectedMap = {}; var e, t = this.component.legend, i = this.series; this.clear(); for (var n = 0, a = i.length; a > n; n++) { var o = i[n]; if (o.type === d.CHART_TYPE_FORCE) { if (i[n] = this.reformOption(i[n]), e = i[n].name || "", this.selectedMap[e] = t ? t.isSelected(e) : !0, !this.selectedMap[e]) continue; this.buildMark(n), this._initSerie(o, n); break } } this.animationEffect() }, _getNodeCategory: function (e, t) { return e.categories && e.categories[t.category || 0] }, _getNodeQueryTarget: function (e, t, i) { i = i || "normal"; var n = this._getNodeCategory(e, t) || {}; return [t.itemStyle && t.itemStyle[i], n && n.itemStyle && n.itemStyle[i], e.itemStyle[i].nodeStyle] }, _getEdgeQueryTarget: function (e, t, i) { return i = i || "normal", [t.itemStyle && t.itemStyle[i], e.itemStyle[i].linkStyle] }, _initSerie: function (e, t) { this._temperature = 1, e.matrix ? this._graph = this._getSerieGraphFromDataMatrix(e) : e.links && (this._graph = this._getSerieGraphFromNodeLinks(e)), this._buildLinkShapes(e, t), this._buildNodeShapes(e, t); var i = e.roam === !0 || "move" === e.roam, n = e.roam === !0 || "scale" === e.roam; this.zr.modLayer(this.getZlevelBase(), { panable: i, zoomable: n }), (this.query("markPoint.effect.show") || this.query("markLine.effect.show")) && this.zr.modLayer(d.EFFECT_ZLEVEL, { panable: i, zoomable: n }), this._initLayout(e), this._step() }, _getSerieGraphFromDataMatrix: function (e) { for (var t = [], i = 0, n = [], a = 0; a < e.matrix.length; a++) n[a] = e.matrix[a].slice(); for (var o = e.data || e.nodes, a = 0; a < o.length; a++) { var r = {}, l = o[a]; for (var h in l) "name" === h ? r.id = l.name : r[h] = l[h]; var m = this._getNodeCategory(e, l), V = m ? m.name : l.name; if (this.selectedMap[V] = this.isSelected(V), this.selectedMap[V]) t.push(r), i++; else { n.splice(i, 1); for (var U = 0; U < n.length; U++) n[U].splice(i, 1) } } var d = s.fromMatrix(t, n, !0); return d.eachNode(function (e, t) { e.layout = {size: e.data.value, mass: 0}, e.rawIndex = t }), d.eachEdge(function (e) { e.layout = {weight: e.data.weight} }), d }, _getSerieGraphFromNodeLinks: function (e) { for (var t = new s(!0), i = e.data || e.nodes, n = 0, a = i.length; a > n; n++) { var o = i[n]; if (o && !o.ignore) { var r = this._getNodeCategory(e, o), l = r ? r.name : o.name; if (this.selectedMap[l] = this.isSelected(l), this.selectedMap[l]) { var h = t.addNode(o.name, o); h.rawIndex = n } } } for (var n = 0, a = e.links.length; a > n; n++) { var m = e.links[n], V = m.source, U = m.target; "number" == typeof V && (V = i[V], V && (V = V.name)), "number" == typeof U && (U = i[U], U && (U = U.name)); var d = t.addEdge(V, U, m); d && (d.rawIndex = n) } return t.eachNode(function (e) { var t = e.data.value; if (null == t) { t = 0; for (var i = 0; i < e.edges.length; i++) t += e.edges[i].data.weight || 0 } e.layout = {size: t, mass: 0} }), t.eachEdge(function (e) { e.layout = {weight: null == e.data.weight ? 1 : e.data.weight} }), t }, _initLayout: function (e) { var t = this._graph, i = t.nodes.length, n = this.query(e, "minRadius"), a = this.query(e, "maxRadius"); this._steps = e.steps || 1; var r = this._layout; r.center = this.parseCenter(this.zr, e.center), r.width = this.parsePercent(e.size, this.zr.getWidth()), r.height = this.parsePercent(e.size, this.zr.getHeight()), r.large = e.large, r.scaling = e.scaling, r.ratioScaling = e.ratioScaling, r.gravity = e.gravity, r.temperature = 1, r.coolDown = e.coolDown, r.preventNodeEdgeOverlap = e.preventOverlap, r.preventNodeOverlap = e.preventOverlap; for (var s = 1 / 0, l = -(1 / 0), h = 0; i > h; h++) { var m = t.nodes[h]; l = Math.max(m.layout.size, l), s = Math.min(m.layout.size, s) } for (var V = l - s, h = 0; i > h; h++) { var m = t.nodes[h]; V > 0 ? (m.layout.size = (m.layout.size - s) * (a - n) / V + n, m.layout.mass = m.layout.size / a) : (m.layout.size = (a - n) / 2, m.layout.mass = .5) } for (var h = 0; i > h; h++) { var m = t.nodes[h]; if ("undefined" != typeof this.__nodePositionMap[m.id]) m.layout.position = y.create(), y.copy(m.layout.position, this.__nodePositionMap[m.id]); else if ("undefined" != typeof m.data.initial) m.layout.position = y.create(), y.copy(m.layout.position, m.data.initial); else { var U = this._layout.center, d = Math.min(this._layout.width, this._layout.height); m.layout.position = o(U[0], U[1], .8 * d) } var p = m.shape.style, c = m.layout.size; p.width = p.width || 2 * c, p.height = p.height || 2 * c, p.x = -p.width / 2, p.y = -p.height / 2, y.copy(m.shape.position, m.layout.position) } i = t.edges.length, l = -(1 / 0); for (var h = 0; i > h; h++) { var u = t.edges[h]; u.layout.weight > l && (l = u.layout.weight) } for (var h = 0; i > h; h++) { var u = t.edges[h]; u.layout.weight /= l } this._layout.init(t, e.useWorker) }, _buildNodeShapes: function (e, t) { var i = this._graph, n = this.query(e, "categories"); i.eachNode(function (i) { var a = this._getNodeCategory(e, i.data), o = [i.data, a, e], r = this._getNodeQueryTarget(e, i.data), s = this._getNodeQueryTarget(e, i.data, "emphasis"), l = new U({ style: { x: 0, y: 0, color: this.deepQuery(r, "color"), brushType: "both", strokeColor: this.deepQuery(r, "strokeColor") || this.deepQuery(r, "borderColor"), lineWidth: this.deepQuery(r, "lineWidth") || this.deepQuery(r, "borderWidth") }, highlightStyle: { color: this.deepQuery(s, "color"), strokeColor: this.deepQuery(s, "strokeColor") || this.deepQuery(s, "borderColor"), lineWidth: this.deepQuery(s, "lineWidth") || this.deepQuery(s, "borderWidth") }, clickable: e.clickable, zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase() }); l.style.color || (l.style.color = this.getColor(a ? a.name : i.id)), l.style.iconType = this.deepQuery(o, "symbol"); var h = this.deepQuery(o, "symbolSize") || 0; "number" == typeof h && (h = [h, h]), l.style.width = 2 * h[0], l.style.height = 2 * h[1], l.style.iconType.match("image") && (l.style.image = l.style.iconType.replace(new RegExp("^image:\\/\\/"), ""), l = new V({ style: l.style, highlightStyle: l.highlightStyle, clickable: l.clickable, zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase() })), this.deepQuery(o, "itemStyle.normal.label.show") && (l.style.text = null == i.data.label ? i.id : i.data.label, l.style.textPosition = this.deepQuery(o, "itemStyle.normal.label.position"), l.style.textColor = this.deepQuery(o, "itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle.color"), l.style.textFont = this.getFont(this.deepQuery(o, "itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle") || {})), this.deepQuery(o, "itemStyle.emphasis.label.show") && (l.highlightStyle.textPosition = this.deepQuery(o, "itemStyle.emphasis.label.position"), l.highlightStyle.textColor = this.deepQuery(o, "itemStyle.emphasis.label.textStyle.color"), l.highlightStyle.textFont = this.getFont(this.deepQuery(o, "itemStyle.emphasis.label.textStyle") || {})), this.deepQuery(o, "draggable") && (this.setCalculable(l), l.dragEnableTime = 0, l.draggable = !0, l.ondragstart = this.shapeHandler.ondragstart, l.ondragover = null); var m = ""; if ("undefined" != typeof i.category) { var a = n[i.category]; m = a && a.name || "" } p.pack(l, e, t, i.data, i.rawIndex, i.data.name || "", i.category), this.shapeList.push(l), this.zr.addShape(l), i.shape = l }, this) }, _buildLinkShapes: function (e, t) { for (var i = this._graph, n = i.edges.length, a = 0; n > a; a++) { var o = i.edges[a], r = o.data, s = o.node1, l = o.node2, V = i.getEdge(l, s), d = this._getEdgeQueryTarget(e, r), u = this.deepQuery(d, "type"); e.linkSymbol && "none" !== e.linkSymbol && (u = "line"); var y = "line" === u ? h : m, g = new y({ style: {xStart: 0, yStart: 0, xEnd: 0, yEnd: 0}, clickable: this.query(e, "clickable"), highlightStyle: {}, zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase() }); if (V && V.shape && (g.style.offset = 4, V.shape.style.offset = 4), c.merge(g.style, this.query(e, "itemStyle.normal.linkStyle"), !0), c.merge(g.highlightStyle, this.query(e, "itemStyle.emphasis.linkStyle"), !0), "undefined" != typeof r.itemStyle && (r.itemStyle.normal && c.merge(g.style, r.itemStyle.normal, !0), r.itemStyle.emphasis && c.merge(g.highlightStyle, r.itemStyle.emphasis, !0)), g.style.lineWidth = g.style.lineWidth || g.style.width, g.style.strokeColor = g.style.strokeColor || g.style.color, g.highlightStyle.lineWidth = g.highlightStyle.lineWidth || g.highlightStyle.width, g.highlightStyle.strokeColor = g.highlightStyle.strokeColor || g.highlightStyle.color, p.pack(g, e, t, o.data, null == o.rawIndex ? a : o.rawIndex, o.data.name || s.id + " - " + l.id, s.id, l.id), this.shapeList.push(g), this.zr.addShape(g), o.shape = g, e.linkSymbol && "none" !== e.linkSymbol) { var b = new U({ style: { x: -5, y: 0, width: e.linkSymbolSize[0], height: e.linkSymbolSize[1], iconType: e.linkSymbol, brushType: "fill", color: g.style.strokeColor }, highlightStyle: {brushType: "fill"}, position: [0, 0], rotation: 0, zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase() }); g._symbolShape = b, this.shapeList.push(b), this.zr.addShape(b) } } }, _updateLinkShapes: function () { for (var e = y.create(), t = y.create(), i = y.create(), n = y.create(), a = this._graph.edges, o = 0, r = a.length; r > o; o++) { var s = a[o], l = s.node1.shape, h = s.node2.shape; y.copy(i, l.position), y.copy(n, h.position); var m = s.shape.style; if (y.sub(e, i, n), y.normalize(e, e), m.offset ? (t[0] = e[1], t[1] = -e[0], y.scaleAndAdd(i, i, t, m.offset), y.scaleAndAdd(n, n, t, m.offset)) : "bezier-curve" === s.shape.type && (m.cpX1 = (i[0] + n[0]) / 2 - (n[1] - i[1]) / 4, m.cpY1 = (i[1] + n[1]) / 2 - (i[0] - n[0]) / 4), m.xStart = i[0], m.yStart = i[1], m.xEnd = n[0], m.yEnd = n[1], s.shape.modSelf(), s.shape._symbolShape) { var V = s.shape._symbolShape; y.copy(V.position, n), y.scaleAndAdd(V.position, V.position, e, h.style.width / 2 + 2); var U = Math.atan2(e[1], e[0]); V.rotation = Math.PI / 2 - U, V.modSelf() } } }, _syncNodePositions: function () { for (var e = this._graph, t = 0; t < e.nodes.length; t++) { var i = e.nodes[t], n = i.layout.position, a = i.data, o = i.shape, r = o.fixed || a.fixX, s = o.fixed || a.fixY; r === !0 ? r = 1 : isNaN(r) && (r = 0), s === !0 ? s = 1 : isNaN(s) && (s = 0), o.position[0] += (n[0] - o.position[0]) * (1 - r), o.position[1] += (n[1] - o.position[1]) * (1 - s), y.copy(n, o.position); var l = a.name; if (l) { var h = this.__nodePositionMap[l]; h || (h = this.__nodePositionMap[l] = y.create()), y.copy(h, n) } o.modSelf() } }, _step: function () { this._syncNodePositions(), this._updateLinkShapes(), this.zr.refreshNextFrame(), this._layout.temperature > .01 ? this._layout.step(this._steps) : this.messageCenter.dispatch(d.EVENT.FORCE_LAYOUT_END, {}, {}, this.myChart) }, refresh: function (e) { if (e && (this.option = e, this.series = this.option.series), this.legend = this.component.legend, this.legend) this.getColor = function (e) { return this.legend.getColor(e) }, this.isSelected = function (e) { return this.legend.isSelected(e) }; else { var t = {}, i = 0; this.getColor = function (e) { return t[e] ? t[e] : (t[e] || (t[e] = this.zr.getColor(i++)), t[e]) }, this.isSelected = function () { return !0 } } this._init() }, dispose: function () { this.clear(), this.shapeList = null, this.effectList = null, this._layout.dispose(), this._layout = null, this.__nodePositionMap = {} }, getPosition: function () { var e = []; return this._graph.eachNode(function (t) { t.layout && e.push({name: t.data.name, position: Array.prototype.slice.call(t.layout.position)}) }), e } }, c.inherits(t, r), e("../chart").define("force", t), t }),i("echarts/layout/Force", ["require", "./forceLayoutWorker", "zrender/tool/vector"], function (e) { function t() { if ("undefined" != typeof Worker && "undefined" != typeof Blob) try { var e = new Blob([n.getWorkerCode()]); i = window.URL.createObjectURL(e) } catch (t) { i = "" } return i } var i, n = e("./forceLayoutWorker"), a = e("zrender/tool/vector"), o = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function (e) { setTimeout(e, 16) }, r = "undefined" == typeof Float32Array ? Array : Float32Array, s = function (e) { "undefined" == typeof i && t(), e = e || {}, this.width = e.width || 500, this.height = e.height || 500, this.center = e.center || [this.width / 2, this.height / 2], this.ratioScaling = e.ratioScaling || !1, this.scaling = e.scaling || 1, this.gravity = "undefined" != typeof e.gravity ? e.gravity : 1, this.large = e.large || !1, this.preventNodeOverlap = e.preventNodeOverlap || !1, this.preventNodeEdgeOverlap = e.preventNodeEdgeOverlap || !1, this.maxSpeedIncrease = e.maxSpeedIncrease || 1, this.onupdate = e.onupdate || function () { }, this.temperature = e.temperature || 1, this.coolDown = e.coolDown || .99, this._layout = null, this._layoutWorker = null; var n = this, a = this._$onupdate; this._$onupdate = function (e) { a.call(n, e) } }; return s.prototype.updateConfig = function () { var e = this.width, t = this.height, i = Math.min(e, t), n = { center: this.center, width: this.ratioScaling ? e : i, height: this.ratioScaling ? t : i, scaling: this.scaling || 1, gravity: this.gravity || 1, barnesHutOptimize: this.large, preventNodeOverlap: this.preventNodeOverlap, preventNodeEdgeOverlap: this.preventNodeEdgeOverlap, maxSpeedIncrease: this.maxSpeedIncrease }; if (this._layoutWorker) this._layoutWorker.postMessage({ cmd: "updateConfig", config: n }); else for (var a in n) this._layout[a] = n[a] }, s.prototype.init = function (e, t) { if (this._layoutWorker && (this._layoutWorker.terminate(), this._layoutWorker = null), i && t) try { this._layoutWorker || (this._layoutWorker = new Worker(i), this._layoutWorker.onmessage = this._$onupdate), this._layout = null } catch (a) { this._layoutWorker = null, this._layout || (this._layout = new n) } else this._layout || (this._layout = new n); this.temperature = 1, this.graph = e; for (var o = e.nodes.length, s = new r(2 * o), l = new r(o), h = new r(o), m = 0; o > m; m++) { var V = e.nodes[m]; s[2 * m] = V.layout.position[0], s[2 * m + 1] = V.layout.position[1], l[m] = "undefined" == typeof V.layout.mass ? 1 : V.layout.mass, h[m] = "undefined" == typeof V.layout.size ? 1 : V.layout.size, V.layout.__index = m } o = e.edges.length; for (var U = new r(2 * o), d = new r(o), m = 0; o > m; m++) { var p = e.edges[m]; U[2 * m] = p.node1.layout.__index, U[2 * m + 1] = p.node2.layout.__index, d[m] = p.layout.weight || 1 } this._layoutWorker ? this._layoutWorker.postMessage({ cmd: "init", nodesPosition: s, nodesMass: l, nodesSize: h, edges: U, edgesWeight: d }) : (this._layout.initNodes(s, l, h), this._layout.initEdges(U, d)), this.updateConfig() }, s.prototype.step = function (e) { var t = this.graph.nodes; if (this._layoutWorker) { for (var i = new r(2 * t.length), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var s = t[n]; i[2 * n] = s.layout.position[0], i[2 * n + 1] = s.layout.position[1] } this._layoutWorker.postMessage(i.buffer, [i.buffer]), this._layoutWorker.postMessage({ cmd: "update", steps: e, temperature: this.temperature, coolDown: this.coolDown }); for (var n = 0; e > n; n++) this.temperature *= this.coolDown } else { o(this._$onupdate); for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var s = t[n]; a.copy(this._layout.nodes[n].position, s.layout.position) } for (var n = 0; e > n; n++) this._layout.temperature = this.temperature, this._layout.update(), this.temperature *= this.coolDown } }, s.prototype._$onupdate = function (e) { if (this._layoutWorker) { for (var t = new Float32Array(e.data), i = 0; i < this.graph.nodes.length; i++) { var n = this.graph.nodes[i]; n.layout.position[0] = t[2 * i], n.layout.position[1] = t[2 * i + 1] } this.onupdate && this.onupdate() } else if (this._layout) { for (var i = 0; i < this.graph.nodes.length; i++) { var n = this.graph.nodes[i]; a.copy(n.layout.position, this._layout.nodes[i].position) } this.onupdate && this.onupdate() } }, s.prototype.dispose = function () { this._layoutWorker && this._layoutWorker.terminate(), this._layoutWorker = null, this._layout = null }, s }),i("echarts/layout/forceLayoutWorker", ["require", "zrender/tool/vector"], function o(e) { "use strict"; function t() { this.subRegions = [], this.nSubRegions = 0, this.node = null, this.mass = 0, this.centerOfMass = null, this.bbox = new l(4), this.size = 0 } function i() { this.position = r.create(), this.force = r.create(), this.forcePrev = r.create(), this.speed = r.create(), this.speedPrev = r.create(), this.mass = 1, this.inDegree = 0, this.outDegree = 0 } function n(e, t) { this.node1 = e, this.node2 = t, this.weight = 1 } function a() { this.barnesHutOptimize = !1, this.barnesHutTheta = 1.5, this.repulsionByDegree = !1, this.preventNodeOverlap = !1, this.preventNodeEdgeOverlap = !1, this.strongGravity = !0, this.gravity = 1, this.scaling = 1, this.edgeWeightInfluence = 1, this.center = [0, 0], this.width = 500, this.height = 500, this.maxSpeedIncrease = 1, this.nodes = [], this.edges = [], this.bbox = new l(4), this._rootRegion = new t, this._rootRegion.centerOfMass = r.create(), this._massArr = null, this._k = 0 } var r, s = "undefined" == typeof window && "undefined" == typeof e; r = s ? { create: function (e, t) { var i = new Float32Array(2); return i[0] = e || 0, i[1] = t || 0, i }, dist: function (e, t) { var i = t[0] - e[0], n = t[1] - e[1]; return Math.sqrt(i * i + n * n) }, len: function (e) { var t = e[0], i = e[1]; return Math.sqrt(t * t + i * i) }, scaleAndAdd: function (e, t, i, n) { return e[0] = t[0] + i[0] * n, e[1] = t[1] + i[1] * n, e }, scale: function (e, t, i) { return e[0] = t[0] * i, e[1] = t[1] * i, e }, add: function (e, t, i) { return e[0] = t[0] + i[0], e[1] = t[1] + i[1], e }, sub: function (e, t, i) { return e[0] = t[0] - i[0], e[1] = t[1] - i[1], e }, dot: function (e, t) { return e[0] * t[0] + e[1] * t[1] }, normalize: function (e, t) { var i = t[0], n = t[1], a = i * i + n * n; return a > 0 && (a = 1 / Math.sqrt(a), e[0] = t[0] * a, e[1] = t[1] * a), e }, negate: function (e, t) { return e[0] = -t[0], e[1] = -t[1], e }, copy: function (e, t) { return e[0] = t[0], e[1] = t[1], e }, set: function (e, t, i) { return e[0] = t, e[1] = i, e } } : e("zrender/tool/vector"); var l = "undefined" == typeof Float32Array ? Array : Float32Array; if (t.prototype.beforeUpdate = function () { for (var e = 0; e < this.nSubRegions; e++) this.subRegions[e].beforeUpdate(); this.mass = 0, this.centerOfMass && (this.centerOfMass[0] = 0, this.centerOfMass[1] = 0), this.nSubRegions = 0, this.node = null }, t.prototype.afterUpdate = function () { this.subRegions.length = this.nSubRegions; for (var e = 0; e < this.nSubRegions; e++) this.subRegions[e].afterUpdate() }, t.prototype.addNode = function (e) { if (0 === this.nSubRegions) { if (null == this.node) return void (this.node = e); this._addNodeToSubRegion(this.node), this.node = null } this._addNodeToSubRegion(e), this._updateCenterOfMass(e) }, t.prototype.findSubRegion = function (e, t) { for (var i = 0; i < this.nSubRegions; i++) { var n = this.subRegions[i]; if (n.contain(e, t)) return n } }, t.prototype.contain = function (e, t) { return this.bbox[0] <= e && this.bbox[2] >= e && this.bbox[1] <= t && this.bbox[3] >= t }, t.prototype.setBBox = function (e, t, i, n) { this.bbox[0] = e, this.bbox[1] = t, this.bbox[2] = i, this.bbox[3] = n, this.size = (i - e + n - t) / 2 }, t.prototype._newSubRegion = function () { var e = this.subRegions[this.nSubRegions]; return e || (e = new t, this.subRegions[this.nSubRegions] = e), this.nSubRegions++, e }, t.prototype._addNodeToSubRegion = function (e) { var t = this.findSubRegion(e.position[0], e.position[1]), i = this.bbox; if (!t) { var n = (i[0] + i[2]) / 2, a = (i[1] + i[3]) / 2, o = (i[2] - i[0]) / 2, r = (i[3] - i[1]) / 2, s = e.position[0] >= n ? 1 : 0, l = e.position[1] >= a ? 1 : 0, t = this._newSubRegion(); t.setBBox(s * o + i[0], l * r + i[1], (s + 1) * o + i[0], (l + 1) * r + i[1]) } t.addNode(e) }, t.prototype._updateCenterOfMass = function (e) { null == this.centerOfMass && (this.centerOfMass = r.create()); var t = this.centerOfMass[0] * this.mass, i = this.centerOfMass[1] * this.mass; t += e.position[0] * e.mass, i += e.position[1] * e.mass, this.mass += e.mass, this.centerOfMass[0] = t / this.mass, this.centerOfMass[1] = i / this.mass }, a.prototype.nodeToNodeRepulsionFactor = function (e, t, i) { return i * i * e / t }, a.prototype.edgeToNodeRepulsionFactor = function (e, t, i) { return i * e / t }, a.prototype.attractionFactor = function (e, t, i) { return e * t / i }, a.prototype.initNodes = function (e, t, n) { this.temperature = 1; var a = e.length / 2; this.nodes.length = 0; for (var o = "undefined" != typeof n, r = 0; a > r; r++) { var s = new i; s.position[0] = e[2 * r], s.position[1] = e[2 * r + 1], s.mass = t[r], o && (s.size = n[r]), this.nodes.push(s) } this._massArr = t, o && (this._sizeArr = n) }, a.prototype.initEdges = function (e, t) { var i = e.length / 2; this.edges.length = 0; for (var a = "undefined" != typeof t, o = 0; i > o; o++) { var r = e[2 * o], s = e[2 * o + 1], l = this.nodes[r], h = this.nodes[s]; if (l && h) { l.outDegree++, h.inDegree++; var m = new n(l, h); a && (m.weight = t[o]), this.edges.push(m) } } }, a.prototype.update = function () { var e = this.nodes.length; if (this.updateBBox(), this._k = .4 * this.scaling * Math.sqrt(this.width * this.height / e), this.barnesHutOptimize) { this._rootRegion.setBBox(this.bbox[0], this.bbox[1], this.bbox[2], this.bbox[3]), this._rootRegion.beforeUpdate(); for (var t = 0; e > t; t++) this._rootRegion.addNode(this.nodes[t]); this._rootRegion.afterUpdate() } else { var i = 0, n = this._rootRegion.centerOfMass; r.set(n, 0, 0); for (var t = 0; e > t; t++) { var a = this.nodes[t]; i += a.mass, r.scaleAndAdd(n, n, a.position, a.mass); } i > 0 && r.scale(n, n, 1 / i) } this.updateForce(), this.updatePosition() }, a.prototype.updateForce = function () { for (var e = this.nodes.length, t = 0; e > t; t++) { var i = this.nodes[t]; r.copy(i.forcePrev, i.force), r.copy(i.speedPrev, i.speed), r.set(i.force, 0, 0) } this.updateNodeNodeForce(), this.gravity > 0 && this.updateGravityForce(), this.updateEdgeForce(), this.preventNodeEdgeOverlap && this.updateNodeEdgeForce() }, a.prototype.updatePosition = function () { for (var e = this.nodes.length, t = r.create(), i = 0; e > i; i++) { var n = this.nodes[i], a = n.speed; r.scale(n.force, n.force, 1 / 30); var o = r.len(n.force) + .1, s = Math.min(o, 500) / o; r.scale(n.force, n.force, s), r.add(a, a, n.force), r.scale(a, a, this.temperature), r.sub(t, a, n.speedPrev); var l = r.len(t); if (l > 0) { r.scale(t, t, 1 / l); var h = r.len(n.speedPrev); h > 0 && (l = Math.min(l / h, this.maxSpeedIncrease) * h, r.scaleAndAdd(a, n.speedPrev, t, l)) } var m = r.len(a), s = Math.min(m, 100) / (m + .1); r.scale(a, a, s), r.add(n.position, n.position, a) } }, a.prototype.updateNodeNodeForce = function () { for (var e = this.nodes.length, t = 0; e > t; t++) { var i = this.nodes[t]; if (this.barnesHutOptimize) this.applyRegionToNodeRepulsion(this._rootRegion, i); else for (var n = t + 1; e > n; n++) { var a = this.nodes[n]; this.applyNodeToNodeRepulsion(i, a, !1) } } }, a.prototype.updateGravityForce = function () { for (var e = 0; e < this.nodes.length; e++) this.applyNodeGravity(this.nodes[e]) }, a.prototype.updateEdgeForce = function () { for (var e = 0; e < this.edges.length; e++) this.applyEdgeAttraction(this.edges[e]) }, a.prototype.updateNodeEdgeForce = function () { for (var e = 0; e < this.nodes.length; e++) for (var t = 0; t < this.edges.length; t++) this.applyEdgeToNodeRepulsion(this.edges[t], this.nodes[e]) }, a.prototype.applyRegionToNodeRepulsion = function () { var e = r.create(); return function (t, i) { if (t.node) this.applyNodeToNodeRepulsion(t.node, i, !0); else { if (0 === t.mass && 0 === i.mass) return; r.sub(e, i.position, t.centerOfMass); var n = e[0] * e[0] + e[1] * e[1]; if (n > this.barnesHutTheta * t.size * t.size) { var a = this._k * this._k * (i.mass + t.mass) / (n + 1); r.scaleAndAdd(i.force, i.force, e, 2 * a) } else for (var o = 0; o < t.nSubRegions; o++) this.applyRegionToNodeRepulsion(t.subRegions[o], i) } } }(), a.prototype.applyNodeToNodeRepulsion = function () { var e = r.create(); return function (t, i, n) { if (t !== i && (0 !== t.mass || 0 !== i.mass)) { r.sub(e, t.position, i.position); var a = e[0] * e[0] + e[1] * e[1]; if (0 !== a) { var o, s = t.mass + i.mass, l = Math.sqrt(a); r.scale(e, e, 1 / l), this.preventNodeOverlap ? (l = l - t.size - i.size, l > 0 ? o = this.nodeToNodeRepulsionFactor(s, l, this._k) : 0 >= l && (o = this._k * this._k * 10 * s)) : o = this.nodeToNodeRepulsionFactor(s, l, this._k), n || r.scaleAndAdd(t.force, t.force, e, 2 * o), r.scaleAndAdd(i.force, i.force, e, 2 * -o) } } } }(), a.prototype.applyEdgeAttraction = function () { var e = r.create(); return function (t) { var i = t.node1, n = t.node2; r.sub(e, i.position, n.position); var a, o = r.len(e); a = 0 === this.edgeWeightInfluence ? 1 : 1 == this.edgeWeightInfluence ? t.weight : Math.pow(t.weight, this.edgeWeightInfluence); var s; if (!(this.preventOverlap && (o = o - i.size - n.size, 0 >= o))) { var s = this.attractionFactor(a, o, this._k); r.scaleAndAdd(i.force, i.force, e, -s), r.scaleAndAdd(n.force, n.force, e, s) } } }(), a.prototype.applyNodeGravity = function () { var e = r.create(); return function (t) { r.sub(e, this.center, t.position), this.width > this.height ? e[1] *= this.width / this.height : e[0] *= this.height / this.width; var i = r.len(e) / 100; this.strongGravity ? r.scaleAndAdd(t.force, t.force, e, i * this.gravity * t.mass) : r.scaleAndAdd(t.force, t.force, e, this.gravity * t.mass / (i + 1)) } }(), a.prototype.applyEdgeToNodeRepulsion = function () { var e = r.create(), t = r.create(), i = r.create(); return function (n, a) { var o = n.node1, s = n.node2; if (o !== a && s !== a) { r.sub(e, s.position, o.position), r.sub(t, a.position, o.position); var l = r.len(e); r.scale(e, e, 1 / l); var h = r.dot(e, t); if (!(0 > h || h > l)) { r.scaleAndAdd(i, o.position, e, h); var m = r.dist(i, a.position) - a.size, V = this.edgeToNodeRepulsionFactor(a.mass, Math.max(m, .1), 100); r.sub(e, a.position, i), r.normalize(e, e), r.scaleAndAdd(a.force, a.force, e, V), r.scaleAndAdd(o.force, o.force, e, -V), r.scaleAndAdd(s.force, s.force, e, -V) } } } }(), a.prototype.updateBBox = function () { for (var e = 1 / 0, t = 1 / 0, i = -(1 / 0), n = -(1 / 0), a = 0; a < this.nodes.length; a++) { var o = this.nodes[a].position; e = Math.min(e, o[0]), t = Math.min(t, o[1]), i = Math.max(i, o[0]), n = Math.max(n, o[1]) } this.bbox[0] = e, this.bbox[1] = t, this.bbox[2] = i, this.bbox[3] = n }, a.getWorkerCode = function () { var e = o.toString(); return e.slice(e.indexOf("{") + 1, e.lastIndexOf("return")) }, s) { var h = null; self.onmessage = function (e) { if (e.data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { if (!h) return; for (var t = new Float32Array(e.data), i = t.length / 2, n = 0; i > n; n++) { var o = h.nodes[n]; o.position[0] = t[2 * n], o.position[1] = t[2 * n + 1] } } else switch (e.data.cmd) { case"init": h || (h = new a), h.initNodes(e.data.nodesPosition, e.data.nodesMass, e.data.nodesSize), h.initEdges(e.data.edges, e.data.edgesWeight); break; case"updateConfig": if (h) for (var r in e.data.config) h[r] = e.data.config[r]; break; case"update": var s = e.data.steps; if (h) { var i = h.nodes.length, t = new Float32Array(2 * i); h.temperature = e.data.temperature; for (var n = 0; s > n; n++) h.update(), h.temperature *= e.data.coolDown; for (var n = 0; i > n; n++) { var o = h.nodes[n]; t[2 * n] = o.position[0], t[2 * n + 1] = o.position[1] } self.postMessage(t.buffer, [t.buffer]) } else { var l = new Float32Array; self.postMessage(l.buffer, [l.buffer]) } } } } return a }),i("echarts/chart/map", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Text", "zrender/shape/Path", "zrender/shape/Circle", "zrender/shape/Rectangle", "zrender/shape/Line", "zrender/shape/Polygon", "zrender/shape/Ellipse", "zrender/shape/Image", "../component/dataRange", "../component/roamController", "../layer/heatmap", "../config", "../util/ecData", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/config", "zrender/tool/event", "../util/mapData/params", "../util/mapData/textFixed", "../util/mapData/geoCoord", "../util/projection/svg", "../util/projection/normal", "../chart"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o); var r = this; r._onmousewheel = function (e) { return r.__onmousewheel(e) }, r._onmousedown = function (e) { return r.__onmousedown(e) }, r._onmousemove = function (e) { return r.__onmousemove(e) }, r._onmouseup = function (e) { return r.__onmouseup(e) }, r._onroamcontroller = function (e) { return r.__onroamcontroller(e) }, r._ondrhoverlink = function (e) { return r.__ondrhoverlink(e) }, this._isAlive = !0, this._selectedMode = {}, this._activeMapType = {}, this._clickable = {}, this._hoverable = {}, this._showLegendSymbol = {}, this._selected = {}, this._mapTypeMap = {}, this._mapDataMap = {}, this._nameMap = {}, this._specialArea = {}, this._refreshDelayTicket, this._mapDataRequireCounter, this._markAnimation = !1, this._hoverLinkMap = {}, this._roamMap = {}, this._scaleLimitMap = {}, this._mx, this._my, this._mousedown, this._justMove, this._curMapType, this.refresh(a), this.zr.on(c.EVENT.MOUSEWHEEL, this._onmousewheel), this.zr.on(c.EVENT.MOUSEDOWN, this._onmousedown), t.bind(U.EVENT.ROAMCONTROLLER, this._onroamcontroller), t.bind(U.EVENT.DATA_RANGE_HOVERLINK, this._ondrhoverlink) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Text"), a = e("zrender/shape/Path"), o = e("zrender/shape/Circle"), r = e("zrender/shape/Rectangle"), s = e("zrender/shape/Line"), l = e("zrender/shape/Polygon"), h = e("zrender/shape/Ellipse"), m = e("zrender/shape/Image"); e("../component/dataRange"), e("../component/roamController"); var V = e("../layer/heatmap"), U = e("../config"); U.map = { zlevel: 0, z: 2, mapType: "china", showLegendSymbol: !0, dataRangeHoverLink: !0, hoverable: !0, clickable: !0, itemStyle: { normal: { borderColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderWidth: 1, areaStyle: {color: "#ccc"}, label: {show: !1, textStyle: {color: "rgb(139,69,19)"}} }, emphasis: { borderColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderWidth: 1, areaStyle: {color: "rgba(255,215,0,0.8)"}, label: {show: !1, textStyle: {color: "rgb(100,0,0)"}} } } }; var d = e("../util/ecData"), p = e("zrender/tool/util"), c = e("zrender/config"), u = e("zrender/tool/event"), y = e("../util/mapData/params").params, g = e("../util/mapData/textFixed"), b = e("../util/mapData/geoCoord"); return t.prototype = { type: U.CHART_TYPE_MAP, _buildShape: function () { var e = this.series; this.selectedMap = {}, this._activeMapType = {}; for (var t, i, n, a, o = this.component.legend, r = {}, s = {}, l = {}, h = {}, m = 0, V = e.length; V > m; m++) if (e[m].type == U.CHART_TYPE_MAP && (e[m] = this.reformOption(e[m]), i = e[m].mapType, s[i] = s[i] || {}, s[i][m] = !0, l[i] = l[i] || e[m].mapValuePrecision, this._scaleLimitMap[i] = this._scaleLimitMap[i] || {}, e[m].scaleLimit && p.merge(this._scaleLimitMap[i], e[m].scaleLimit, !0), this._roamMap[i] = e[m].roam || this._roamMap[i], (null == this._hoverLinkMap[i] || this._hoverLinkMap[i]) && (this._hoverLinkMap[i] = e[m].dataRangeHoverLink), this._nameMap[i] = this._nameMap[i] || {}, e[m].nameMap && p.merge(this._nameMap[i], e[m].nameMap, !0), this._activeMapType[i] = !0, e[m].textFixed && p.merge(g, e[m].textFixed, !0), e[m].geoCoord && p.merge(b, e[m].geoCoord, !0), this._selectedMode[i] = this._selectedMode[i] || e[m].selectedMode, (null == this._hoverable[i] || this._hoverable[i]) && (this._hoverable[i] = e[m].hoverable), (null == this._clickable[i] || this._clickable[i]) && (this._clickable[i] = e[m].clickable), (null == this._showLegendSymbol[i] || this._showLegendSymbol[i]) && (this._showLegendSymbol[i] = e[m].showLegendSymbol), h[i] = h[i] || e[m].mapValueCalculation, t = e[m].name, this.selectedMap[t] = o ? o.isSelected(t) : !0, this.selectedMap[t])) { r[i] = r[i] || {}, n = e[m].data; for (var d = 0, c = n.length; c > d; d++) { a = this._nameChange(i, n[d].name), r[i][a] = r[i][a] || { seriesIndex: [], valueMap: {}, precision: 0 }; for (var u in n[d]) "value" != u ? r[i][a][u] = n[d][u] : isNaN(n[d].value) || (null == r[i][a].value && (r[i][a].value = 0), r[i][a].precision = Math.max(this.getPrecision(+n[d].value), r[i][a].precision), r[i][a].value += +n[d].value, r[i][a].valueMap[m] = +n[d].value); r[i][a].seriesIndex.push(m) } } this._mapDataRequireCounter = 0; for (var f in r) this._mapDataRequireCounter++; this._clearSelected(), 0 === this._mapDataRequireCounter && (this.clear(), this.zr && this.zr.delShape(this.lastShapeList), this.lastShapeList = []); for (var f in r) { for (var c in r[f]) { "average" == h[f] && (r[f][c].value /= r[f][c].seriesIndex.length); var k = r[f][c].value; null != k && (r[f][c].value = k.toFixed(null == l[f] ? r[f][c].precision : l[f]) - 0) } this._mapDataMap[f] = this._mapDataMap[f] || {}, this._mapDataMap[f].mapData ? this._mapDataCallback(f, r[f], s[f])(this._mapDataMap[f].mapData) : y[f.replace(/\|.*/, "")].getGeoJson && (this._specialArea[f] = y[f.replace(/\|.*/, "")].specialArea || this._specialArea[f], y[f.replace(/\|.*/, "")].getGeoJson(this._mapDataCallback(f, r[f], s[f]))) } }, _mapDataCallback: function (t, i, n) { var a = this; return function (o) { a._isAlive && null != a._activeMapType[t] && (-1 != t.indexOf("|") && (o = a._getSubMapData(t, o)), a._mapDataMap[t].mapData = o, o.firstChild ? (a._mapDataMap[t].rate = 1, a._mapDataMap[t].projection = e("../util/projection/svg")) : (a._mapDataMap[t].rate = .75, a._mapDataMap[t].projection = e("../util/projection/normal")), a._buildMap(t, a._getProjectionData(t, o, n), i, n), a._buildMark(t, n), --a._mapDataRequireCounter <= 0 && (a.addShapeList(), a.zr.refreshNextFrame()), a._buildHeatmap(t)) } }, _clearSelected: function () { for (var e in this._selected) this._activeMapType[this._mapTypeMap[e]] || (delete this._selected[e], delete this._mapTypeMap[e]) }, _getSubMapData: function (e, t) { for (var i = e.replace(/^.*\|/, ""), n = t.features, a = 0, o = n.length; o > a; a++) if (n[a].properties && n[a].properties.name == i) { n = n[a], "United States of America" == i && n.geometry.coordinates.length > 1 && (n = { geometry: { coordinates: n.geometry.coordinates.slice(5, 6), type: n.geometry.type }, id: n.id, properties: n.properties, type: n.type }); break } return {type: "FeatureCollection", features: [n]} }, _getProjectionData: function (e, t, i) { var n, a = this._mapDataMap[e].projection, o = [], r = this._mapDataMap[e].bbox || a.getBbox(t, this._specialArea[e]); n = this._mapDataMap[e].hasRoam ? this._mapDataMap[e].transform : this._getTransform(r, i, this._mapDataMap[e].rate); var s, l = this._mapDataMap[e].lastTransform || {scale: {}}; n.left != l.left || n.top != l.top || n.scale.x != l.scale.x || n.scale.y != l.scale.y ? (s = a.geoJson2Path(t, n, this._specialArea[e]), l = p.clone(n)) : (n = this._mapDataMap[e].transform, s = this._mapDataMap[e].pathArray), this._mapDataMap[e].bbox = r, this._mapDataMap[e].transform = n, this._mapDataMap[e].lastTransform = l, this._mapDataMap[e].pathArray = s; for (var h = [n.left, n.top], m = 0, V = s.length; V > m; m++) o.push(this._getSingleProvince(e, s[m], h)); if (this._specialArea[e]) for (var U in this._specialArea[e]) o.push(this._getSpecialProjectionData(e, t, U, this._specialArea[e][U], h)); if ("china" == e) { var d = this.geo2pos(e, b["南海诸岛"] || y["南海诸岛"].textCoord), c = n.scale.x / 10.5, u = [32 * c + d[0], 83 * c + d[1]]; g["南海诸岛"] && (u[0] += g["南海诸岛"][0], u[1] += g["南海诸岛"][1]), o.push({ name: this._nameChange(e, "南海诸岛"), path: y["南海诸岛"].getPath(d, c), position: h, textX: u[0], textY: u[1] }) } return o }, _getSpecialProjectionData: function (t, i, n, a, o) { i = this._getSubMapData("x|" + n, i); var r = e("../util/projection/normal"), s = r.getBbox(i), l = this.geo2pos(t, [a.left, a.top]), h = this.geo2pos(t, [a.left + a.width, a.top + a.height]), m = Math.abs(h[0] - l[0]), V = Math.abs(h[1] - l[1]), U = s.width, d = s.height, p = m / .75 / U, c = V / d; p > c ? (p = .75 * c, m = U * p) : (c = p, p = .75 * c, V = d * c); var u = {OffsetLeft: l[0], OffsetTop: l[1], scale: {x: p, y: c}}, y = r.geoJson2Path(i, u); return this._getSingleProvince(t, y[0], o) }, _getSingleProvince: function (e, t, i) { var n, a = t.properties.name, o = g[a] || [0, 0]; if (b[a]) n = this.geo2pos(e, b[a]); else if (t.cp) n = [t.cp[0] + o[0], t.cp[1] + o[1]]; else { var r = this._mapDataMap[e].bbox; n = this.geo2pos(e, [r.left + r.width / 2, r.top + r.height / 2]), n[0] += o[0], n[1] += o[1] } return t.name = this._nameChange(e, a), t.position = i, t.textX = n[0], t.textY = n[1], t }, _getTransform: function (e, t, i) { var n, a, o, r, s, l, h, m = this.series, V = this.zr.getWidth(), U = this.zr.getHeight(), d = Math.round(.02 * Math.min(V, U)); for (var p in t) n = m[p].mapLocation || {}, o = n.x || o, s = n.y || s, l = n.width || l, h = n.height || h; a = this.parsePercent(o, V), a = isNaN(a) ? d : a, r = this.parsePercent(s, U), r = isNaN(r) ? d : r, l = null == l ? V - a - 2 * d : this.parsePercent(l, V), h = null == h ? U - r - 2 * d : this.parsePercent(h, U); var c = e.width, u = e.height, y = l / i / c, g = h / u; if (y > g ? (y = g * i, l = c * y) : (g = y, y = g * i, h = u * g), isNaN(o)) switch (o = o || "center", o + "") { case"center": a = Math.floor((V - l) / 2); break; case"right": a = V - l } if (isNaN(s)) switch (s = s || "center", s + "") { case"center": r = Math.floor((U - h) / 2); break; case"bottom": r = U - h } return {left: a, top: r, width: l, height: h, baseScale: 1, scale: {x: y, y: g}} }, _buildMap: function (e, t, i, m) { for (var V, c, u, y, g, b, f, k, x, _, L, W = this.series, X = this.component.legend, v = this.component.dataRange, w = 0, K = t.length; K > w; w++) { if (k = p.clone(t[w]), x = { name: k.name, path: k.path, position: p.clone(k.position) }, c = k.name, u = i[c]) { g = [u], V = ""; for (var I = 0, J = u.seriesIndex.length; J > I; I++) { var C = W[u.seriesIndex[I]]; g.push(C), V += C.name + " ", X && this._showLegendSymbol[e] && X.hasColor(C.name) && this.shapeList.push(new o({ zlevel: C.zlevel, z: C.z + 1, position: p.clone(k.position), _mapType: e, style: {x: k.textX + 3 + 7 * I, y: k.textY - 10, r: 3, color: X.getColor(C.name)}, hoverable: !1 })) } y = u.value } else { u = {name: c, value: "-"}, V = "", g = []; for (var S in m) g.push(W[S]); y = "-" } switch (this.ecTheme.map && g.push(this.ecTheme.map), g.push(U.map), b = v && !isNaN(y) ? v.getColor(y) : null, k.color = k.color || b || this.getItemStyleColor(this.deepQuery(g, "itemStyle.normal.color"), u.seriesIndex, -1, u) || this.deepQuery(g, "itemStyle.normal.areaStyle.color"), k.strokeColor = k.strokeColor || this.deepQuery(g, "itemStyle.normal.borderColor"), k.lineWidth = k.lineWidth || this.deepQuery(g, "itemStyle.normal.borderWidth"), x.color = this.getItemStyleColor(this.deepQuery(g, "itemStyle.emphasis.color"), u.seriesIndex, -1, u) || this.deepQuery(g, "itemStyle.emphasis.areaStyle.color") || k.color, x.strokeColor = this.deepQuery(g, "itemStyle.emphasis.borderColor") || k.strokeColor, x.lineWidth = this.deepQuery(g, "itemStyle.emphasis.borderWidth") || k.lineWidth, k.brushType = x.brushType = k.brushType || "both", k.lineJoin = x.lineJoin = "round", k._name = x._name = c, f = this.deepQuery(g, "itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle"), L = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase() + 1, position: p.clone(k.position), _mapType: e, _geo: this.pos2geo(e, [k.textX, k.textY]), style: { brushType: "fill", x: k.textX, y: k.textY, text: this.getLabelText(c, y, g, "normal"), _name: c, textAlign: "center", color: this.deepQuery(g, "itemStyle.normal.label.show") ? this.deepQuery(g, "itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle.color") : "rgba(0,0,0,0)", textFont: this.getFont(f) } }, L._style = p.clone(L.style), L.highlightStyle = p.clone(L.style), this.deepQuery(g, "itemStyle.emphasis.label.show") ? (L.highlightStyle.text = this.getLabelText(c, y, g, "emphasis"), L.highlightStyle.color = this.deepQuery(g, "itemStyle.emphasis.label.textStyle.color") || L.style.color, f = this.deepQuery(g, "itemStyle.emphasis.label.textStyle") || f, L.highlightStyle.textFont = this.getFont(f)) : L.highlightStyle.color = "rgba(0,0,0,0)", _ = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), position: p.clone(k.position), style: k, highlightStyle: x, _style: p.clone(k), _mapType: e }, null != k.scale && (_.scale = p.clone(k.scale)), L = new n(L), _.style.shapeType) { case"rectangle": _ = new r(_); break; case"line": _ = new s(_); break; case"circle": _ = new o(_); break; case"polygon": _ = new l(_); break; case"ellipse": _ = new h(_); break; default: _ = new a(_), _.buildPathArray && (_.style.pathArray = _.buildPathArray(_.style.path)) } (this._selectedMode[e] && this._selected[c] && u.selected !== !1 || u.selected === !0) && (L.style = L.highlightStyle, _.style = _.highlightStyle), L.clickable = _.clickable = this._clickable[e] && (null == u.clickable || u.clickable), this._selectedMode[e] && (this._selected[c] = null != this._selected[c] ? this._selected[c] : u.selected, this._mapTypeMap[c] = e, (null == u.selectable || u.selectable) && (_.clickable = L.clickable = !0, _.onclick = L.onclick = this.shapeHandler.onclick)), this._hoverable[e] && (null == u.hoverable || u.hoverable) ? (L.hoverable = _.hoverable = !0, _.hoverConnect = L.id, L.hoverConnect = _.id) : L.hoverable = _.hoverable = !1, d.pack(L, { name: V, tooltip: this.deepQuery(g, "tooltip") }, 0, u, 0, c), this.shapeList.push(L), d.pack(_, { name: V, tooltip: this.deepQuery(g, "tooltip") }, 0, u, 0, c), this.shapeList.push(_) } }, _buildMark: function (e, t) { this._seriesIndexToMapType = this._seriesIndexToMapType || {}, this.markAttachStyle = this.markAttachStyle || {}; var i = [this._mapDataMap[e].transform.left, this._mapDataMap[e].transform.top]; "none" == e && (i = [0, 0]); for (var n in t) this._seriesIndexToMapType[n] = e, this.markAttachStyle[n] = { position: i, _mapType: e }, this.buildMark(n) }, _buildHeatmap: function (e) { for (var t = this.series, i = 0, n = t.length; n > i; i++) if (t[i].heatmap) { var a = t[i].heatmap.data; if (t[i].heatmap.needsTransform === !1) { for (var o = [], r = 0, s = a.length; s > r; ++r) o.push([a[r][3], a[r][4], a[r][2]]); var l = [0, 0] } else { var h = t[i].heatmap._geoData; if (void 0 === h) { t[i].heatmap._geoData = []; for (var r = 0, s = a.length; s > r; ++r) t[i].heatmap._geoData[r] = a[r]; h = t[i].heatmap._geoData } for (var s = a.length, U = 0; s > U; ++U) a[U] = this.geo2pos(e, [h[U][0], h[U][1]]); var l = [this._mapDataMap[e].transform.left, this._mapDataMap[e].transform.top] } var d = new V(t[i].heatmap), p = d.getCanvas(a[0][3] ? o : a, this.zr.getWidth(), this.zr.getHeight()), c = new m({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase() + 1, position: l, scale: [1, 1], hoverable: !1, style: {x: 0, y: 0, image: p, width: p.width, height: p.height} }); c.type = "heatmap", c._mapType = e, this.shapeList.push(c), this.zr.addShape(c) } }, getMarkCoord: function (e, t) { return t.geoCoord || b[t.name] ? this.geo2pos(this._seriesIndexToMapType[e], t.geoCoord || b[t.name]) : [0, 0] }, getMarkGeo: function (e) { return e.geoCoord || b[e.name] }, _nameChange: function (e, t) { return this._nameMap[e][t] || t }, getLabelText: function (e, t, i, n) { var a = this.deepQuery(i, "itemStyle." + n + ".label.formatter"); return a ? "function" == typeof a ? a.call(this.myChart, e, t) : "string" == typeof a ? (a = a.replace("{a}", "{a0}").replace("{b}", "{b0}"), a = a.replace("{a0}", e).replace("{b0}", t)) : void 0 : e }, _findMapTypeByPos: function (e, t) { var i, n, a, o, r; for (var s in this._mapDataMap) if (i = this._mapDataMap[s].transform, i && this._roamMap[s] && this._activeMapType[s] && (n = i.left, a = i.top, o = i.width, r = i.height, e >= n && n + o >= e && t >= a && a + r >= t)) return s }, __onmousewheel: function (e) { function t(e, t) { for (var i = 0; i < e.pointList.length; i++) { var n = e.pointList[i]; n[0] *= t, n[1] *= t } var a = e.controlPointList; if (a) for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { var n = a[i]; n[0] *= t, n[1] *= t } } function i(e, t) { e.xStart *= t, e.yStart *= t, e.xEnd *= t, e.yEnd *= t, null != e.cpX1 && (e.cpX1 *= t, e.cpY1 *= t) } if (!(this.shapeList.length <= 0)) { for (var n = 0, a = this.shapeList.length; a > n; n++) { var o = this.shapeList[n]; if (o.__animating) return } var r, s, l = e.event, h = u.getX(l), m = u.getY(l), V = u.getDelta(l), d = e.mapTypeControl; d || (d = {}, s = this._findMapTypeByPos(h, m), s && this._roamMap[s] && "move" != this._roamMap[s] && (d[s] = !0)); var p = !1; for (s in d) if (d[s]) { p = !0; var c = this._mapDataMap[s].transform, y = c.left, g = c.top, b = c.width, f = c.height, k = this.pos2geo(s, [h - y, m - g]); if (V > 0) { if (r = 1.2, null != this._scaleLimitMap[s].max && c.baseScale >= this._scaleLimitMap[s].max) continue } else if (r = 1 / 1.2, null != this._scaleLimitMap[s].min && c.baseScale <= this._scaleLimitMap[s].min) continue; c.baseScale *= r, c.scale.x *= r, c.scale.y *= r, c.width = b * r, c.height = f * r, this._mapDataMap[s].hasRoam = !0, this._mapDataMap[s].transform = c, k = this.geo2pos(s, k), c.left -= k[0] - (h - y), c.top -= k[1] - (m - g), this._mapDataMap[s].transform = c, this.clearEffectShape(!0); for (var n = 0, a = this.shapeList.length; a > n; n++) { var o = this.shapeList[n]; if (o._mapType == s) { var x = o.type, _ = o.style; switch (o.position[0] = c.left, o.position[1] = c.top, x) { case"path": case"symbol": case"circle": case"rectangle": case"polygon": case"line": case"ellipse": case"heatmap": o.scale[0] *= r, o.scale[1] *= r; break; case"mark-line": i(_, r); break; case"polyline": t(_, r); break; case"shape-bundle": for (var L = 0; L < _.shapeList.length; L++) { var W = _.shapeList[L]; "mark-line" == W.type ? i(W.style, r) : "polyline" == W.type && t(W.style, r) } break; case"icon": case"image": k = this.geo2pos(s, o._geo), _.x = _._x = k[0] - _.width / 2, _.y = _._y = k[1] - _.height / 2; break; default: k = this.geo2pos(s, o._geo), _.x = k[0], _.y = k[1], "text" == x && (o._style.x = o.highlightStyle.x = k[0], o._style.y = o.highlightStyle.y = k[1]) } this.zr.modShape(o.id) } } } if (p) { u.stop(l), this.zr.refreshNextFrame(); var X = this; clearTimeout(this._refreshDelayTicket), this._refreshDelayTicket = setTimeout(function () { X && X.shapeList && X.animationEffect() }, 100), this.messageCenter.dispatch(U.EVENT.MAP_ROAM, e.event, {type: "scale"}, this.myChart) } } }, __onmousedown: function (e) { if (!(this.shapeList.length <= 0)) { var t = e.target; if (!t || !t.draggable) { var i = e.event, n = u.getX(i), a = u.getY(i), o = this._findMapTypeByPos(n, a); if (o && this._roamMap[o] && "scale" != this._roamMap[o]) { this._mousedown = !0, this._mx = n, this._my = a, this._curMapType = o, this.zr.on(c.EVENT.MOUSEUP, this._onmouseup); var r = this; setTimeout(function () { r.zr.on(c.EVENT.MOUSEMOVE, r._onmousemove) }, 100) } } } }, __onmousemove: function (e) { if (this._mousedown && this._isAlive) { var t = e.event, i = u.getX(t), n = u.getY(t), a = this._mapDataMap[this._curMapType].transform; a.hasRoam = !0, a.left -= this._mx - i, a.top -= this._my - n, this._mx = i, this._my = n, this._mapDataMap[this._curMapType].transform = a; for (var o = 0, r = this.shapeList.length; r > o; o++) this.shapeList[o]._mapType == this._curMapType && (this.shapeList[o].position[0] = a.left, this.shapeList[o].position[1] = a.top, this.zr.modShape(this.shapeList[o].id)); this.messageCenter.dispatch(U.EVENT.MAP_ROAM, e.event, {type: "move"}, this.myChart), this.clearEffectShape(!0), this.zr.refreshNextFrame(), this._justMove = !0, u.stop(t) } }, __onmouseup: function (e) { var t = e.event; this._mx = u.getX(t), this._my = u.getY(t), this._mousedown = !1; var i = this; setTimeout(function () { i._justMove && i.animationEffect(), i._justMove = !1, i.zr.un(c.EVENT.MOUSEMOVE, i._onmousemove), i.zr.un(c.EVENT.MOUSEUP, i._onmouseup) }, 120) }, __onroamcontroller: function (e) { var t = e.event; t.zrenderX = this.zr.getWidth() / 2, t.zrenderY = this.zr.getHeight() / 2; var i = e.mapTypeControl, n = 0, a = 0, o = e.step; switch (e.roamType) { case"scaleUp": return t.zrenderDelta = 1, void this.__onmousewheel({event: t, mapTypeControl: i}); case"scaleDown": return t.zrenderDelta = -1, void this.__onmousewheel({event: t, mapTypeControl: i}); case"up": n = -o; break; case"down": n = o; break; case"left": a = -o; break; case"right": a = o } var r, s; for (s in i) this._mapDataMap[s] && this._activeMapType[s] && (r = this._mapDataMap[s].transform, r.hasRoam = !0, r.left -= a, r.top -= n, this._mapDataMap[s].transform = r); for (var l = 0, h = this.shapeList.length; h > l; l++) s = this.shapeList[l]._mapType, i[s] && this._activeMapType[s] && (r = this._mapDataMap[s].transform, this.shapeList[l].position[0] = r.left, this.shapeList[l].position[1] = r.top, this.zr.modShape(this.shapeList[l].id)); this.messageCenter.dispatch(U.EVENT.MAP_ROAM, e.event, {type: "move"}, this.myChart), this.clearEffectShape(!0), this.zr.refreshNextFrame(), clearTimeout(this.dircetionTimer); var m = this; this.dircetionTimer = setTimeout(function () { m.animationEffect() }, 150) }, __ondrhoverlink: function (e) { for (var t, i, n = 0, a = this.shapeList.length; a > n; n++) t = this.shapeList[n]._mapType, this._hoverLinkMap[t] && this._activeMapType[t] && (i = d.get(this.shapeList[n], "value"), null != i && i >= e.valueMin && i <= e.valueMax && this.zr.addHoverShape(this.shapeList[n])) }, onclick: function (e) { if (this.isClick && e.target && !this._justMove && "icon" != e.target.type) { this.isClick = !1; var t = e.target, i = t.style._name, n = this.shapeList.length, a = t._mapType || ""; if ("single" == this._selectedMode[a]) for (var o in this._selected) if (this._selected[o] && this._mapTypeMap[o] == a) { for (var r = 0; n > r; r++) this.shapeList[r].style._name == o && this.shapeList[r]._mapType == a && (this.shapeList[r].style = this.shapeList[r]._style, this.zr.modShape(this.shapeList[r].id)); o != i && (this._selected[o] = !1) } this._selected[i] = !this._selected[i]; for (var r = 0; n > r; r++) this.shapeList[r].style._name == i && this.shapeList[r]._mapType == a && (this.shapeList[r].style = this._selected[i] ? this.shapeList[r].highlightStyle : this.shapeList[r]._style, this.zr.modShape(this.shapeList[r].id)); this.messageCenter.dispatch(U.EVENT.MAP_SELECTED, e.event, { selected: this._selected, target: i }, this.myChart), this.zr.refreshNextFrame(); var s = this; setTimeout(function () { s.zr.trigger(c.EVENT.MOUSEMOVE, e.event) }, 100) } }, refresh: function (e) { e && (this.option = e, this.series = e.series), this._mapDataRequireCounter > 0 ? this.clear() : this.backupShapeList(), this._buildShape(), this.zr.refreshHover() }, ondataRange: function (e, t) { this.component.dataRange && (this.refresh(), t.needRefresh = !0) }, pos2geo: function (e, t) { return this._mapDataMap[e].transform ? this._mapDataMap[e].projection.pos2geo(this._mapDataMap[e].transform, t) : null }, getGeoByPos: function (e, t) { if (!this._mapDataMap[e].transform) return null; var i = [this._mapDataMap[e].transform.left, this._mapDataMap[e].transform.top]; return t instanceof Array ? (t[0] -= i[0], t[1] -= i[1]) : (t.x -= i[0], t.y -= i[1]), this.pos2geo(e, t) }, geo2pos: function (e, t) { return this._mapDataMap[e].transform ? this._mapDataMap[e].projection.geo2pos(this._mapDataMap[e].transform, t) : null }, getPosByGeo: function (e, t) { if (!this._mapDataMap[e].transform) return null; var i = this.geo2pos(e, t); return i[0] += this._mapDataMap[e].transform.left, i[1] += this._mapDataMap[e].transform.top, i }, getMapPosition: function (e) { return this._mapDataMap[e].transform ? [this._mapDataMap[e].transform.left, this._mapDataMap[e].transform.top] : null }, onbeforDispose: function () { this._isAlive = !1, this.zr.un(c.EVENT.MOUSEWHEEL, this._onmousewheel), this.zr.un(c.EVENT.MOUSEDOWN, this._onmousedown), this.messageCenter.unbind(U.EVENT.ROAMCONTROLLER, this._onroamcontroller), this.messageCenter.unbind(U.EVENT.DATA_RANGE_HOVERLINK, this._ondrhoverlink) } }, p.inherits(t, i), e("../chart").define("map", t), t }),i("zrender/shape/Path", ["require", "./Base", "./util/PathProxy", "../tool/util"], function (e) { var t = e("./Base"), i = e("./util/PathProxy"), n = i.PathSegment, a = function (e) { return Math.sqrt(e[0] * e[0] + e[1] * e[1]) }, o = function (e, t) { return (e[0] * t[0] + e[1] * t[1]) / (a(e) * a(t)) }, r = function (e, t) { return (e[0] * t[1] < e[1] * t[0] ? -1 : 1) * Math.acos(o(e, t)) }, s = function (e) { t.call(this, e) }; return s.prototype = { type: "path", buildPathArray: function (e, t, i) { if (!e) return []; t = t || 0, i = i || 0; var a = e, o = ["m", "M", "l", "L", "v", "V", "h", "H", "z", "Z", "c", "C", "q", "Q", "t", "T", "s", "S", "a", "A"]; a = a.replace(/-/g, " -"), a = a.replace(/ /g, " "), a = a.replace(/ /g, ","), a = a.replace(/,,/g, ","); var r; for (r = 0; r < o.length; r++) a = a.replace(new RegExp(o[r], "g"), "|" + o[r]); var s = a.split("|"), l = [], h = 0, m = 0; for (r = 1; r < s.length; r++) { var V = s[r], U = V.charAt(0); V = V.slice(1), V = V.replace(new RegExp("e,-", "g"), "e-"); var d = V.split(","); d.length > 0 && "" === d[0] && d.shift(); for (var p = 0; p < d.length; p++) d[p] = parseFloat(d[p]); for (; d.length > 0 && !isNaN(d[0]);) { var c, u, y, g, b, f, k, x, _ = null, L = [], W = h, X = m; switch (U) { case"l": h += d.shift(), m += d.shift(), _ = "L", L.push(h, m); break; case"L": h = d.shift(), m = d.shift(), L.push(h, m); break; case"m": h += d.shift(), m += d.shift(), _ = "M", L.push(h, m), U = "l"; break; case"M": h = d.shift(), m = d.shift(), _ = "M", L.push(h, m), U = "L"; break; case"h": h += d.shift(), _ = "L", L.push(h, m); break; case"H": h = d.shift(), _ = "L", L.push(h, m); break; case"v": m += d.shift(), _ = "L", L.push(h, m); break; case"V": m = d.shift(), _ = "L", L.push(h, m); break; case"C": L.push(d.shift(), d.shift(), d.shift(), d.shift()), h = d.shift(), m = d.shift(), L.push(h, m); break; case"c": L.push(h + d.shift(), m + d.shift(), h + d.shift(), m + d.shift()), h += d.shift(), m += d.shift(), _ = "C", L.push(h, m); break; case"S": c = h, u = m, y = l[l.length - 1], "C" === y.command && (c = h + (h - y.points[2]), u = m + (m - y.points[3])), L.push(c, u, d.shift(), d.shift()), h = d.shift(), m = d.shift(), _ = "C", L.push(h, m); break; case"s": c = h, u = m, y = l[l.length - 1], "C" === y.command && (c = h + (h - y.points[2]), u = m + (m - y.points[3])), L.push(c, u, h + d.shift(), m + d.shift()), h += d.shift(), m += d.shift(), _ = "C", L.push(h, m); break; case"Q": L.push(d.shift(), d.shift()), h = d.shift(), m = d.shift(), L.push(h, m); break; case"q": L.push(h + d.shift(), m + d.shift()), h += d.shift(), m += d.shift(), _ = "Q", L.push(h, m); break; case"T": c = h, u = m, y = l[l.length - 1], "Q" === y.command && (c = h + (h - y.points[0]), u = m + (m - y.points[1])), h = d.shift(), m = d.shift(), _ = "Q", L.push(c, u, h, m); break; case"t": c = h, u = m, y = l[l.length - 1], "Q" === y.command && (c = h + (h - y.points[0]), u = m + (m - y.points[1])), h += d.shift(), m += d.shift(), _ = "Q", L.push(c, u, h, m); break; case"A": g = d.shift(), b = d.shift(), f = d.shift(), k = d.shift(), x = d.shift(), W = h, X = m, h = d.shift(), m = d.shift(), _ = "A", L = this._convertPoint(W, X, h, m, k, x, g, b, f); break; case"a": g = d.shift(), b = d.shift(), f = d.shift(), k = d.shift(), x = d.shift(), W = h, X = m, h += d.shift(), m += d.shift(), _ = "A", L = this._convertPoint(W, X, h, m, k, x, g, b, f) } for (var v = 0, w = L.length; w > v; v += 2) L[v] += t, L[v + 1] += i; l.push(new n(_ || U, L)) } ("z" === U || "Z" === U) && l.push(new n("z", [])) } return l }, _convertPoint: function (e, t, i, n, a, s, l, h, m) { var V = m * (Math.PI / 180), U = Math.cos(V) * (e - i) / 2 + Math.sin(V) * (t - n) / 2, d = -1 * Math.sin(V) * (e - i) / 2 + Math.cos(V) * (t - n) / 2, p = U * U / (l * l) + d * d / (h * h); p > 1 && (l *= Math.sqrt(p), h *= Math.sqrt(p)); var c = Math.sqrt((l * l * h * h - l * l * d * d - h * h * U * U) / (l * l * d * d + h * h * U * U)); a === s && (c *= -1), isNaN(c) && (c = 0); var u = c * l * d / h, y = c * -h * U / l, g = (e + i) / 2 + Math.cos(V) * u - Math.sin(V) * y, b = (t + n) / 2 + Math.sin(V) * u + Math.cos(V) * y, f = r([1, 0], [(U - u) / l, (d - y) / h]), k = [(U - u) / l, (d - y) / h], x = [(-1 * U - u) / l, (-1 * d - y) / h], _ = r(k, x); return o(k, x) <= -1 && (_ = Math.PI), o(k, x) >= 1 && (_ = 0), 0 === s && _ > 0 && (_ -= 2 * Math.PI), 1 === s && 0 > _ && (_ += 2 * Math.PI), [g, b, l, h, f, _, V, s] }, buildPath: function (e, t) { var i = t.path, n = t.x || 0, a = t.y || 0; t.pathArray = t.pathArray || this.buildPathArray(i, n, a); for (var o = t.pathArray, r = t.pointList = [], s = [], l = 0, h = o.length; h > l; l++) { "M" == o[l].command.toUpperCase() && (s.length > 0 && r.push(s), s = []); for (var m = o[l].points, V = 0, U = m.length; U > V; V += 2) s.push([m[V], m[V + 1]]) } s.length > 0 && r.push(s); for (var l = 0, h = o.length; h > l; l++) { var d = o[l].command, m = o[l].points; switch (d) { case"L": e.lineTo(m[0], m[1]); break; case"M": e.moveTo(m[0], m[1]); break; case"C": e.bezierCurveTo(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4], m[5]); break; case"Q": e.quadraticCurveTo(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3]); break; case"A": var p = m[0], c = m[1], u = m[2], y = m[3], g = m[4], b = m[5], f = m[6], k = m[7], x = u > y ? u : y, _ = u > y ? 1 : u / y, L = u > y ? y / u : 1; e.translate(p, c), e.rotate(f), e.scale(_, L), e.arc(0, 0, x, g, g + b, 1 - k), e.scale(1 / _, 1 / L), e.rotate(-f), e.translate(-p, -c); break; case"z": e.closePath() } } }, getRect: function (e) { if (e.__rect) return e.__rect; var t; t = "stroke" == e.brushType || "fill" == e.brushType ? e.lineWidth || 1 : 0; for (var i = Number.MAX_VALUE, n = Number.MIN_VALUE, a = Number.MAX_VALUE, o = Number.MIN_VALUE, r = e.x || 0, s = e.y || 0, l = e.pathArray || this.buildPathArray(e.path), h = 0; h < l.length; h++) for (var m = l[h].points, V = 0; V < m.length; V++) V % 2 === 0 ? (m[V] + r < i && (i = m[V]), m[V] + r > n && (n = m[V])) : (m[V] + s < a && (a = m[V]), m[V] + s > o && (o = m[V])); var U; return U = i === Number.MAX_VALUE || n === Number.MIN_VALUE || a === Number.MAX_VALUE || o === Number.MIN_VALUE ? { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0 } : { x: Math.round(i - t / 2), y: Math.round(a - t / 2), width: n - i + t, height: o - a + t }, e.__rect = U, U } }, e("../tool/util").inherits(s, t), s }),i("zrender/shape/Ellipse", ["require", "./Base", "../tool/util"], function (e) { var t = e("./Base"), i = function (e) { t.call(this, e) }; return i.prototype = { type: "ellipse", buildPath: function (e, t) { var i = .5522848, n = t.x, a = t.y, o = t.a, r = t.b, s = o * i, l = r * i; e.moveTo(n - o, a), e.bezierCurveTo(n - o, a - l, n - s, a - r, n, a - r), e.bezierCurveTo(n + s, a - r, n + o, a - l, n + o, a), e.bezierCurveTo(n + o, a + l, n + s, a + r, n, a + r), e.bezierCurveTo(n - s, a + r, n - o, a + l, n - o, a), e.closePath() }, getRect: function (e) { if (e.__rect) return e.__rect; var t; return t = "stroke" == e.brushType || "fill" == e.brushType ? e.lineWidth || 1 : 0, e.__rect = { x: Math.round(e.x - e.a - t / 2), y: Math.round(e.y - e.b - t / 2), width: 2 * e.a + t, height: 2 * e.b + t }, e.__rect } }, e("../tool/util").inherits(i, t), i }),i("echarts/component/roamController", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Rectangle", "zrender/shape/Sector", "zrender/shape/Circle", "../config", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/color", "zrender/tool/event", "../component"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { if (this.rcOption = {}, a.roamController && a.roamController.show) { if (!a.roamController.mapTypeControl) return void console.error("option.roamController.mapTypeControl has not been defined."); i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.rcOption = a.roamController; var r = this; this._drictionMouseDown = function (e) { return r.__drictionMouseDown(e) }, this._drictionMouseUp = function (e) { return r.__drictionMouseUp(e) }, this._drictionMouseMove = function (e) { return r.__drictionMouseMove(e) }, this._drictionMouseOut = function (e) { return r.__drictionMouseOut(e) }, this._scaleHandler = function (e) { return r.__scaleHandler(e) }, this.refresh(a) } } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Rectangle"), a = e("zrender/shape/Sector"), o = e("zrender/shape/Circle"), r = e("../config"); r.roamController = { zlevel: 0, z: 4, show: !0, x: "left", y: "top", width: 80, height: 120, backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderColor: "#ccc", borderWidth: 0, padding: 5, handleColor: "#6495ed", fillerColor: "#fff", step: 15, mapTypeControl: null }; var s = e("zrender/tool/util"), l = e("zrender/tool/color"), h = e("zrender/tool/event"); return t.prototype = { type: r.COMPONENT_TYPE_ROAMCONTROLLER, _buildShape: function () { if (this.rcOption.show) { this._itemGroupLocation = this._getItemGroupLocation(), this._buildBackground(), this._buildItem(); for (var e = 0, t = this.shapeList.length; t > e; e++) this.zr.addShape(this.shapeList[e]) } }, _buildItem: function () { this.shapeList.push(this._getDirectionShape("up")), this.shapeList.push(this._getDirectionShape("down")), this.shapeList.push(this._getDirectionShape("left")), this.shapeList.push(this._getDirectionShape("right")), this.shapeList.push(this._getScaleShape("scaleUp")), this.shapeList.push(this._getScaleShape("scaleDown")) }, _getDirectionShape: function (e) { var t = this._itemGroupLocation.r, i = this._itemGroupLocation.x + t, n = this._itemGroupLocation.y + t, o = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: { x: i, y: n, r: t, startAngle: -45, endAngle: 45, color: this.rcOption.handleColor, text: ">", textX: i + t / 2 + 4, textY: n - .5, textAlign: "center", textBaseline: "middle", textPosition: "specific", textColor: this.rcOption.fillerColor, textFont: Math.floor(t / 2) + "px arial" }, highlightStyle: {color: l.lift(this.rcOption.handleColor, -.2), brushType: "fill"}, clickable: !0 }; switch (e) { case"up": o.rotation = [Math.PI / 2, i, n]; break; case"left": o.rotation = [Math.PI, i, n]; break; case"down": o.rotation = [-Math.PI / 2, i, n] } return o = new a(o), o._roamType = e, o.onmousedown = this._drictionMouseDown, o.onmouseup = this._drictionMouseUp, o.onmousemove = this._drictionMouseMove, o.onmouseout = this._drictionMouseOut, o }, _getScaleShape: function (e) { var t = this._itemGroupLocation.width, i = this._itemGroupLocation.height - t; i = 0 > i ? 20 : i; var n = Math.min(t / 2 - 5, i) / 2, a = this._itemGroupLocation.x + ("scaleDown" === e ? t - n : n), r = this._itemGroupLocation.y + this._itemGroupLocation.height - n, s = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: { x: a, y: r, r: n, color: this.rcOption.handleColor, text: "scaleDown" === e ? "-" : "+", textX: a, textY: r - 2, textAlign: "center", textBaseline: "middle", textPosition: "specific", textColor: this.rcOption.fillerColor, textFont: Math.floor(n) + "px verdana" }, highlightStyle: {color: l.lift(this.rcOption.handleColor, -.2), brushType: "fill"}, clickable: !0 }; return s = new o(s), s._roamType = e, s.onmousedown = this._scaleHandler, s }, _buildBackground: function () { var e = this.reformCssArray(this.rcOption.padding); this.shapeList.push(new n({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: { x: this._itemGroupLocation.x - e[3], y: this._itemGroupLocation.y - e[0], width: this._itemGroupLocation.width + e[3] + e[1], height: this._itemGroupLocation.height + e[0] + e[2], brushType: 0 === this.rcOption.borderWidth ? "fill" : "both", color: this.rcOption.backgroundColor, strokeColor: this.rcOption.borderColor, lineWidth: this.rcOption.borderWidth } })) }, _getItemGroupLocation: function () { var e, t = this.reformCssArray(this.rcOption.padding), i = this.rcOption.width, n = this.rcOption.height, a = this.zr.getWidth(), o = this.zr.getHeight(); switch (this.rcOption.x) { case"center": e = Math.floor((a - i) / 2); break; case"left": e = t[3] + this.rcOption.borderWidth; break; case"right": e = a - i - t[1] - t[3] - 2 * this.rcOption.borderWidth; break; default: e = this.parsePercent(this.rcOption.x, a) } var r; switch (this.rcOption.y) { case"top": r = t[0] + this.rcOption.borderWidth; break; case"bottom": r = o - n - t[0] - t[2] - 2 * this.rcOption.borderWidth; break; case"center": r = Math.floor((o - n) / 2); break; default: r = this.parsePercent(this.rcOption.y, o) } return {x: e, y: r, r: i / 2, width: i, height: n} }, __drictionMouseDown: function (e) { this.mousedown = !0, this._drictionHandlerOn(e) }, __drictionMouseUp: function (e) { this.mousedown = !1, this._drictionHandlerOff(e) }, __drictionMouseMove: function (e) { this.mousedown && this._drictionHandlerOn(e) }, __drictionMouseOut: function (e) { this._drictionHandlerOff(e) }, _drictionHandlerOn: function (e) { this._dispatchEvent(e.event, e.target._roamType), clearInterval(this.dircetionTimer); var t = this; this.dircetionTimer = setInterval(function () { t._dispatchEvent(e.event, e.target._roamType) }, 100), h.stop(e.event) }, _drictionHandlerOff: function () { clearInterval(this.dircetionTimer) }, __scaleHandler: function (e) { this._dispatchEvent(e.event, e.target._roamType), h.stop(e.event) }, _dispatchEvent: function (e, t) { this.messageCenter.dispatch(r.EVENT.ROAMCONTROLLER, e, { roamType: t, mapTypeControl: this.rcOption.mapTypeControl, step: this.rcOption.step }, this.myChart) }, refresh: function (e) { e && (this.option = e || this.option, this.option.roamController = this.reformOption(this.option.roamController), this.rcOption = this.option.roamController), this.clear(), this._buildShape() } }, s.inherits(t, i), e("../component").define("roamController", t), t }),i("echarts/layer/heatmap", ["require"], function () { function e(e) { if (this.option = e, e) for (var i in t) this.option[i] = void 0 !== e[i] ? e[i] : t[i]; else this.option = t } var t = { blurSize: 30, gradientColors: ["blue", "cyan", "lime", "yellow", "red"], minAlpha: .05, valueScale: 1, opacity: 1 }, i = 20, n = 256; return e.prototype = { getCanvas: function (e, t, a) { var o = this._getBrush(), r = this._getGradient(), s = i + this.option.blurSize, l = document.createElement("canvas"); l.width = t, l.height = a; for (var h = l.getContext("2d"), m = e.length, V = 0; m > V; ++V) { var U = e[V], d = U[0], p = U[1], c = U[2], u = Math.min(1, Math.max(c * this.option.valueScale || this.option.minAlpha, this.option.minAlpha)); h.globalAlpha = u, h.drawImage(o, d - s, p - s) } for (var y = h.getImageData(0, 0, l.width, l.height), g = y.data, m = g.length / 4; m--;) { var b = 4 * m + 3, u = g[b] / 256, f = Math.floor(u * (n - 1)); g[b - 3] = r[4 * f], g[b - 2] = r[4 * f + 1], g[b - 1] = r[4 * f + 2], g[b] *= this.option.opacity } return h.putImageData(y, 0, 0), l }, _getBrush: function () { if (!this._brushCanvas) { this._brushCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); var e = i + this.option.blurSize, t = 2 * e; this._brushCanvas.width = t, this._brushCanvas.height = t; var n = this._brushCanvas.getContext("2d"); n.shadowOffsetX = t, n.shadowBlur = this.option.blurSize, n.shadowColor = "black", n.beginPath(), n.arc(-e, e, i, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), n.closePath(), n.fill() } return this._brushCanvas }, _getGradient: function () { if (!this._gradientPixels) { var e = n, t = document.createElement("canvas"); t.width = 1, t.height = e; for (var i = t.getContext("2d"), a = i.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, e), o = this.option.gradientColors.length, r = 0; o > r; ++r) "string" == typeof this.option.gradientColors[r] ? a.addColorStop((r + 1) / o, this.option.gradientColors[r]) : a.addColorStop(this.option.gradientColors[r].offset, this.option.gradientColors[r].color); i.fillStyle = a, i.fillRect(0, 0, 1, e), this._gradientPixels = i.getImageData(0, 0, 1, e).data } return this._gradientPixels } }, e }),i("echarts/util/mapData/params", ["require"], function (e) { function t(e) { if (!e.UTF8Encoding) return e; for (var t = e.features, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) for (var a = t[n], o = a.geometry.coordinates, r = a.geometry.encodeOffsets, s = 0; s < o.length; s++) { var l = o[s]; if ("Polygon" === a.geometry.type) o[s] = i(l, r[s]); else if ("MultiPolygon" === a.geometry.type) for (var h = 0; h < l.length; h++) { var m = l[h]; l[h] = i(m, r[s][h]) } } return e.UTF8Encoding = !1, e } function i(e, t) { for (var i = [], n = t[0], a = t[1], o = 0; o < e.length; o += 2) { var r = e.charCodeAt(o) - 64, s = e.charCodeAt(o + 1) - 64; r = r >> 1 ^ -(1 & r), s = s >> 1 ^ -(1 & s), r += n, s += a, n = r, a = s, i.push([r / 1024, s / 1024]) } return i } var n = { none: { getGeoJson: function (e) { e({ type: "FeatureCollection", features: [{ type: "Feature", geometry: {coordinates: [], encodeOffsets: [], type: "Polygon"}, properties: {} }] }) } }, world: { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/world_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, china: { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/china_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "南海诸岛": { textCoord: [126, 25], getPath: function (e, t) { for (var i = [[[0, 3.5], [7, 11.2], [15, 11.9], [30, 7], [42, .7], [52, .7], [56, 7.7], [59, .7], [64, .7], [64, 0], [5, 0], [0, 3.5]], [[13, 16.1], [19, 14.7], [16, 21.7], [11, 23.1], [13, 16.1]], [[12, 32.2], [14, 38.5], [15, 38.5], [13, 32.2], [12, 32.2]], [[16, 47.6], [12, 53.2], [13, 53.2], [18, 47.6], [16, 47.6]], [[6, 64.4], [8, 70], [9, 70], [8, 64.4], [6, 64.4]], [[23, 82.6], [29, 79.8], [30, 79.8], [25, 82.6], [23, 82.6]], [[37, 70.7], [43, 62.3], [44, 62.3], [39, 70.7], [37, 70.7]], [[48, 51.1], [51, 45.5], [53, 45.5], [50, 51.1], [48, 51.1]], [[51, 35], [51, 28.7], [53, 28.7], [53, 35], [51, 35]], [[52, 22.4], [55, 17.5], [56, 17.5], [53, 22.4], [52, 22.4]], [[58, 12.6], [62, 7], [63, 7], [60, 12.6], [58, 12.6]], [[0, 3.5], [0, 93.1], [64, 93.1], [64, 0], [63, 0], [63, 92.4], [1, 92.4], [1, 3.5], [0, 3.5]]], n = "", a = e[0], o = e[1], r = 0, s = i.length; s > r; r++) { n += "M " + ((i[r][0][0] * t + a).toFixed(2) - 0) + " " + ((i[r][0][1] * t + o).toFixed(2) - 0) + " "; for (var l = 1, h = i[r].length; h > l; l++) n += "L " + ((i[r][l][0] * t + a).toFixed(2) - 0) + " " + ((i[r][l][1] * t + o).toFixed(2) - 0) + " " } return n + " Z" } }, "新疆": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/xin_jiang_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "西藏": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/xi_zang_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "内蒙古": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/nei_meng_gu_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "青海": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/qing_hai_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "四川": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/si_chuan_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "黑龙江": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/hei_long_jiang_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "甘肃": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/gan_su_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "云南": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/yun_nan_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "广西": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/guang_xi_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "湖南": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/hu_nan_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "陕西": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/shan_xi_1_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "广东": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/guang_dong_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "吉林": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/ji_lin_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "河北": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/he_bei_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "湖北": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/hu_bei_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "贵州": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/gui_zhou_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "山东": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/shan_dong_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "江西": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/jiang_xi_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "河南": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/he_nan_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "辽宁": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/liao_ning_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "山西": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/shan_xi_2_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "安徽": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/an_hui_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "福建": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/fu_jian_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "浙江": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/zhe_jiang_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "江苏": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/jiang_su_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "重庆": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/chong_qing_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "宁夏": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/ning_xia_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "海南": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/hai_nan_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "台湾": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/tai_wan_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "北京": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/bei_jing_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "天津": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/tian_jin_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "上海": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/shang_hai_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "香港": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/xiang_gang_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } }, "澳门": { getGeoJson: function (i) { e(["./geoJson/ao_men_geo"], function (e) { i(t(e)) }) } } }; return {decode: t, params: n} }),i("echarts/util/mapData/textFixed", [], function () { return { "广东": [0, -10], "香港": [10, 10], "澳门": [-10, 18], "黑龙江": [0, 20], "天津": [5, 5], "深圳市": [-35, 0], "红河哈尼族彝族自治州": [0, 20], "楚雄彝族自治州": [-5, 15], "石河子市": [-5, 5], "五家渠市": [0, -10], "昌吉回族自治州": [10, 10], "昌江黎族自治县": [0, 20], "陵水黎族自治县": [0, 20], "东方市": [0, 20], "渭南市": [0, 20] } }),i("echarts/util/mapData/geoCoord", [], function () { return {Russia: [100, 60], "United States of America": [-99, 38]} }),i("echarts/util/projection/svg", ["require", "zrender/shape/Path"], function (e) { function t(e) { return parseFloat(e || 0) } function i(e) { for (var i = e.firstChild; "svg" != i.nodeName.toLowerCase() || 1 != i.nodeType;) i = i.nextSibling; var n = t(i.getAttribute("x")), a = t(i.getAttribute("y")), o = t(i.getAttribute("width")), r = t(i.getAttribute("height")); return {left: n, top: a, width: o, height: r} } function n(e, t) { function i(e) { var t = e.tagName; if (m[t]) { var o = m[t](e, n); o && (o.scale = n, o.properties = {name: e.getAttribute("name") || ""}, o.id = e.id, s(o, e), a.push(o)) } for (var r = e.childNodes, l = 0, h = r.length; h > l; l++) i(r[l]) } var n = [t.scale.x, t.scale.y], a = []; return i(e), a } function a(e, t) { var i = t instanceof Array ? [1 * t[0], 1 * t[1]] : [1 * t.x, 1 * t.y]; return [i[0] / e.scale.x, i[1] / e.scale.y] } function o(e, t) { var i = t instanceof Array ? [1 * t[0], 1 * t[1]] : [1 * t.x, 1 * t.y]; return [i[0] * e.scale.x, i[1] * e.scale.y] } function r(e) { return e.replace(/^\s\s*/, "").replace(/\s\s*$/, "") } function s(e, t) { var i = t.getAttribute("fill"), n = t.getAttribute("stroke"), a = t.getAttribute("stroke-width"), o = t.getAttribute("opacity"); i && "none" != i ? (e.color = i, n ? (e.brushType = "both", e.strokeColor = n) : e.brushType = "fill") : n && "none" != n && (e.strokeColor = n, e.brushType = "stroke"), a && "none" != a && (e.lineWidth = parseFloat(a)), o && "none" != o && (e.opacity = parseFloat(o)) } function l(e) { for (var t = r(e).replace(/,/g, " ").split(/\s+/), i = [], n = 0; n < t.length;) { var a = parseFloat(t[n++]), o = parseFloat(t[n++]); i.push([a, o]) } return i } var h = e("zrender/shape/Path"), m = { path: function (e, t) { var i = e.getAttribute("d"), n = h.prototype.getRect({path: i}); return {shapeType: "path", path: i, cp: [(n.x + n.width / 2) * t[0], (n.y + n.height / 2) * t[1]]} }, rect: function (e, i) { var n = t(e.getAttribute("x")), a = t(e.getAttribute("y")), o = t(e.getAttribute("width")), r = t(e.getAttribute("height")); return { shapeType: "rectangle", x: n, y: a, width: o, height: r, cp: [(n + o / 2) * i[0], (a + r / 2) * i[1]] } }, line: function (e, i) { var n = t(e.getAttribute("x1")), a = t(e.getAttribute("y1")), o = t(e.getAttribute("x2")), r = t(e.getAttribute("y2")); return { shapeType: "line", xStart: n, yStart: a, xEnd: o, yEnd: r, cp: [.5 * (n + o) * i[0], .5 * (a + r) * i[1]] } }, circle: function (e, i) { var n = t(e.getAttribute("cx")), a = t(e.getAttribute("cy")), o = t(e.getAttribute("r")); return {shapeType: "circle", x: n, y: a, r: o, cp: [n * i[0], a * i[1]]} }, ellipse: function (e, t) { var i = parseFloat(e.getAttribute("cx") || 0), n = parseFloat(e.getAttribute("cy") || 0), a = parseFloat(e.getAttribute("rx") || 0), o = parseFloat(e.getAttribute("ry") || 0); return {shapeType: "ellipse", x: i, y: n, a: a, b: o, cp: [i * t[0], n * t[1]]} }, polygon: function (e, t) { var i = e.getAttribute("points"), n = [1 / 0, 1 / 0], a = [-(1 / 0), -(1 / 0)]; if (i) { i = l(i); for (var o = 0; o < i.length; o++) { var r = i[o]; n[0] = Math.min(r[0], n[0]), n[1] = Math.min(r[1], n[1]), a[0] = Math.max(r[0], a[0]), a[1] = Math.max(r[1], a[1]) } return { shapeType: "polygon", pointList: i, cp: [(n[0] + a[0]) / 2 * t[0], (n[1] + a[1]) / 2 * t[0]] } } }, polyline: function (e, t) { var i = m.polygon(e, t); return i } }; return {getBbox: i, geoJson2Path: n, pos2geo: a, geo2pos: o} }),i("echarts/util/projection/normal", [], function () { function e(e, i) { return i = i || {}, e.srcSize || t(e, i), e.srcSize } function t(e, t) { t = t || {}, r.xmin = 360, r.xmax = -360, r.ymin = 180, r.ymax = -180; for (var i, n, a = e.features, o = 0, s = a.length; s > o; o++) if (n = a[o], !n.properties.name || !t[n.properties.name]) switch (n.type) { case"Feature": r[n.geometry.type](n.geometry.coordinates); break; case"GeometryCollection": i = n.geometries; for (var l = 0, h = i.length; h > l; l++) r[i[l].type](i[l].coordinates) } return e.srcSize = { left: 1 * r.xmin.toFixed(4), top: 1 * r.ymin.toFixed(4), width: 1 * (r.xmax - r.xmin).toFixed(4), height: 1 * (r.ymax - r.ymin).toFixed(4) }, e } function i(e, i, n) { function a(e, t) { c = e.type, u = e.coordinates, o._bbox = { xmin: 360, xmax: -360, ymin: 180, ymax: -180 }, y = o[c](u), m.push({ path: y, cp: o.makePoint(t.properties.cp ? t.properties.cp : [(o._bbox.xmin + o._bbox.xmax) / 2, (o._bbox.ymin + o._bbox.ymax) / 2]), properties: t.properties, id: t.id }) } n = n || {}, o.scale = null, o.offset = null, e.srcSize || t(e, n), i.offset = { x: e.srcSize.left, y: e.srcSize.top, left: i.OffsetLeft || 0, top: i.OffsetTop || 0 }, o.scale = i.scale, o.offset = i.offset; for (var r, s, l, h = e.features, m = [], V = 0, U = h.length; U > V; V++) if (l = h[V], !l.properties.name || !n[l.properties.name]) if ("Feature" == l.type) a(l.geometry, l); else if ("GeometryCollection" == l.type) { r = l.geometries; for (var d = 0, p = r.length; p > d; d++) s = r[d], a(s, s) } var c, u, y; return m } function n(e, t) { var i, n; return t instanceof Array ? (i = 1 * t[0], n = 1 * t[1]) : (i = 1 * t.x, n = 1 * t.y), i = i / e.scale.x + e.offset.x - 168.5, i = i > 180 ? i - 360 : i, n = 90 - (n / e.scale.y + e.offset.y), [i, n] } function a(e, t) { return o.offset = e.offset, o.scale = e.scale, o.makePoint(t instanceof Array ? [1 * t[0], 1 * t[1]] : [1 * t.x, 1 * t.y]) } var o = { formatPoint: function (e) { return [(e[0] < -168.5 && e[1] > 63.8 ? e[0] + 360 : e[0]) + 168.5, 90 - e[1]] }, makePoint: function (e) { var t = this, i = t.formatPoint(e); t._bbox.xmin > e[0] && (t._bbox.xmin = e[0]), t._bbox.xmax < e[0] && (t._bbox.xmax = e[0]), t._bbox.ymin > e[1] && (t._bbox.ymin = e[1]), t._bbox.ymax < e[1] && (t._bbox.ymax = e[1]); var n = (i[0] - o.offset.x) * o.scale.x + o.offset.left, a = (i[1] - o.offset.y) * o.scale.y + o.offset.top; return [n, a] }, Point: function (e) { return e = this.makePoint(e), e.join(",") }, LineString: function (e) { for (var t, i = "", n = 0, a = e.length; a > n; n++) t = o.makePoint(e[n]), i = 0 === n ? "M" + t.join(",") : i + "L" + t.join(","); return i }, Polygon: function (e) { for (var t = "", i = 0, n = e.length; n > i; i++) t = t + o.LineString(e[i]) + "z"; return t }, MultiPoint: function (e) { for (var t = [], i = 0, n = e.length; n > i; i++) t.push(o.Point(e[i])); return t }, MultiLineString: function (e) { for (var t = "", i = 0, n = e.length; n > i; i++) t += o.LineString(e[i]); return t }, MultiPolygon: function (e) { for (var t = "", i = 0, n = e.length; n > i; i++) t += o.Polygon(e[i]); return t } }, r = { formatPoint: o.formatPoint, makePoint: function (e) { var t = this, i = t.formatPoint(e), n = i[0], a = i[1]; t.xmin > n && (t.xmin = n), t.xmax < n && (t.xmax = n), t.ymin > a && (t.ymin = a), t.ymax < a && (t.ymax = a) }, Point: function (e) { this.makePoint(e) }, LineString: function (e) { for (var t = 0, i = e.length; i > t; t++) this.makePoint(e[t]) }, Polygon: function (e) { for (var t = 0, i = e.length; i > t; t++) this.LineString(e[t]) }, MultiPoint: function (e) { for (var t = 0, i = e.length; i > t; t++) this.Point(e[t]) }, MultiLineString: function (e) { for (var t = 0, i = e.length; i > t; t++) this.LineString(e[t]) }, MultiPolygon: function (e) { for (var t = 0, i = e.length; i > t; t++) this.Polygon(e[t]) } }; return {getBbox: e, geoJson2Path: i, pos2geo: n, geo2pos: a} }),i("echarts/util/mapData/geoJson/an_hui_geo", [], function () { return { type: "FeatureCollection", features: [{ type: "Feature", id: "3415", properties: {name: "六安市", cp: [116.3123, 31.8329], childNum: 6}, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: ["@@„„nJ‚UXUVƒ°U„ÑnU@mlLVaVln@@bn@VU@xlb@lšLnKlšƒVI„JšUVxnI@lVL@b„Ž°VX@˜b„x„nVVUnVVnU‚›@kX@VwV@„al¥UUnUWa@ƒ@wĸU„LU¥lKUa@aUI@alLVaUƒ¯anƒWkUKm@XV@VaXlW@aU_UWVUƒI¯@ma¯W¯™™I@UU@WWU@U@@UU@VkV@@WUUm@UaU@„lK@IUK„L@KWmXUWaXI@ƒ@a@a@U@U@KV¥lw„k°b²JVIVKlV@UX„la„Ul`œUVLVVVUšJ„U@Lnm@_VK@KUIW@™J@Xk@WW@U—ƒmm™XmWk@kK@aUUƒVmmkUwUmWL™@WmU@™UJmUULkKWakLWVkIƒlƒwULƒW@X°lUJ@°ULƒWV—wmJ@bmb¯Vkm@@WkWm¯wƒL@lkXƒWmXym¯UImJUbkV™@Vn¯„@V@lUbƒ@mk@maUxmlUbULWn@J—LmKUkWKkwUKƒbm„X„WxkVUKmLkVV@JUUWL@xkJUUƒV@X@VVlUbVX@xk¤šx‚¼œxWxn„‚nn@Þ¼„JVb°aVn„@šmlnXU„JlbVlkz@‚lUŽlXJmxVxXnWxXÈWlUŽ@šUxU@VX@xUL@šUÆmLnV@lWXk@@JlbXblnlJ"], encodeOffsets: [[118710, 33351]] } }, { type: "Feature", id: "3408", properties: {name: "安庆市", cp: [116.7517, 30.5255], childNum: 9}, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: ["@@n°‚znW„XlW@k„K°xXn‚l@Xn@l‚°Una@anI˜xXU„ŽVK@¯VIkW¯X@‚„VK„x„klJXUlKXblLVKnVVIšŽV@Xn‚@šŽXKVnVxlŽnn„UlmV@²óUkV™lW„b„lƒšƒn@VVVIn@lw@WVIXblV„@Èx‚aUaVIVVnKVLšK„ƒln@b²K@»U£ƒÑķƒġÝÅb™K™a@Im@ۍ„@kWÓkkmKÅnóJƒUÅ£›W@w„ĕ@wĉţ¯¯ƒUkK±l¯Uƒ¥UÑkÝUķ»Ý¥¯™JƒIUŽVbUl¯ÈV¼VJU¼Vb@bkLUl@„VJ@bUXǚ@lkVmXmKkLVxš‚Ž„VƒL@VkVVVlzW˜kbmLUUUbVbUV™šlÒnJlUnLllUL@bU„Vx„l‚LXVƦÈVU¦WJ"], encodeOffsets: [[118834, 31759]] } }, { type: "Feature", id: "3411", properties: {name: "滁州市", cp: [118.1909, 32.536], childNum: 7}, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: 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"Feature", id: "3311", properties: {name: "丽水市", cp: [119.5642, 28.1854], childNum: 9}, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: ["@@@V‚bVl@Xn‚UXƒKVŽ@¦nxlUXV‚n„KVmnL‚UV@bn¤lLXK˜²„`nnlJXIVJ‚I„Vnn°KnnVll@VLXWV@UkVaVK„zV@„ƒšVVaUK@U»VUl@@WnUUƒ@wVLn@Vwl@XW°LVbn@VU‚@X„l`@XnKVbkl@XVJlUnlV„„xlL@lnXl„@VšUnV°°„@a„UVLXblWVXn@VVUV@Lš¤VLV„U‚VbnalLUUVX_laVa„WVzXKV@@a@KUmImmXama@kU@yVIUK‚aVa@kXK@aWU@VIUmW@kkVm„Uš@VwUa@K@k@Uƒ`@kUKVk@UV@VaUm²Vy@klUUWUkVmUa@_ƒKVaXa›XmƒU@mUlWkaUXƒ@mmkL@w™JƒnVVÅbWKXa™@@I@aƒJUUÇ@V„UL™W@akLmb@K@a™XXw@mƒVmUVkUy@£@aU@@VkUWm@kUKƒXUWU_mW@wkkmJUUkLWWUXƒW@IkJ@k@mW_kӃ_Ul™Lƒm@I@aUa¯m@kƒa¯LUJƒ@mVVxUb™a@LUKkXƒbm@Uak@@a@Um`ƒIUbUJ@nUVW@@LnVV@lšUbVlUX@`š@blXklW„Ušm„Xlm¦U@@V¯bml@š@nUb@llnn@VbX@lV@ŽUVULmU@JVn„bVbkb™VWxU@@nUVk@"], encodeOffsets: [[121546, 28992]] } }, { type: "Feature", id: "3301", properties: {name: "杭州市", cp: [119.5313, 29.8773], childNum: 6}, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: ["@@X@l„°KXXlW„b@²„`šššb‚I„šX`l@„@bWl@n@VnLUV@V„@°¦@šl@XVlU@š@xVbUb@Vkb@‚@XVJVz™J@Lޚ@VmLUxUJ@LU„Vx‚b„xXUl@VaÈw„b‚aÞa@Vl@XUVx@V@V„LlbnV„al@lb„Vnn‚LnKnL@VlbVJXalIšb@KUU@mVInJ˜„U„Vl@xUšVLnUš@UÞaV@lkV@UanK„L@UlKVUnbÆmn@@nUlVnVJl@@UXU„L@WVIVJVxVLXV@IÜKnbn@V¥V@@I@ƒƒ„y°b@UUwnk°ÆƨVlUšçXm›£aƒÇ™IkVƒ@WV@@aWIUWUIkb@WW@UnƒK@UU@kaWVkƒVIVVnU@UWVUV@VmVkKkWIkVWaULU`UImJUImm—U@ƒƒwmwUV™IUWVkUamaU@mV—kƒb@KVU@aVU@anKULVJ‚U@kÛU™JUV›kkƒVakU@ƒaVwkW@UWkXmWaULUaUK@XƒJUUmƒVU@UVƒUkJ@ImwmKU@k„@lU„W@@akKm„kamIkWl_UwVm@UkaVUUaƒ@UamakbWlkL@aUalU@mkL@U@U™lmK@XkKm@Ýakb@xƒnXbƒ`ƒnUUU@›™U@™wU@@ƒmKkkƒV¯U@lULUbVbUb@V‚a@L™ºÝb@bLmK™x@VUL@bk@mxULWl"], encodeOffsets: [[121185, 30184]] } }, { type: "Feature", id: "3303", properties: {name: "温州市", cp: [120.498, 27.8119], childNum: 9}, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: ["@@ll@xnXV`VX„WVL@lXnlV@UV@@b@¤VzUlnV„U@nWxšW@b@LnalK@bšXVKUƒÈ@VV„I@b@Jš@WbXLÆaUU„mšI@xlKnn„@VWlbkXV‚@n„VWnœ‚WbUb„L@`VbUnVlVXkV@lUz±‚VnUbU@@VUlVL@l„_@V@l@LVbV@XLV`VÈlxn@lU@aœaVV‚k„@XJ@nl@@LU`°LVb„L°a@a„UVy@anI@a„a‚nV@²wÜJX@VšVV°k„na@WVk„aWwU@m@™ƒkƒaUĕ™ÝšÝŤnÈa„aóI›»@±X™WkUķ@kV±kw™ƒUkWw„™UƒÝ»ÛkɳlImaUaWóXÿǬk‚UnWVmmk™KţnŏÞğl™„UlUx@XWb„V@JkXƒ°mb@VULVxUVk@@LWWk@WIkšƒUkJmUkVmI@yƒ@Ua™kLm‚U@mUUUkaVk™@mK@UlUU@UmKmbUUUJ@n@KVLUL@VkJWXX`mnULWlkL@JVLVb@°kxkU@LVŽ™V@„VLV`UL@VUX"], encodeOffsets: [[122502, 28334]] } }, { type: "Feature", id: "3302", properties: {name: "宁波市", cp: [121.5967, 29.6466], childNum: 6}, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: ["@@Ċ¦ĸĀ°‚nXÞVšKškƨƑźÿ°»n„@wô¥ÜbœU°ÆXÞWóçĉݱIUƒÈ¥@U°wÆ»²mm_@aXƒVKÞVlk@akk›̅@£X»VwƏXWa¯aȗb™KƽۃĊ™xƒLóŽk@ƒƒƒ@¯nƒKUL@xkL›ÑkWULUUmJUXVŽU@mŽUX¯@V`mbXbV@@nn¤WXšx@škJ@nVVUVl²UbÝVUVk@Wx@V@„ƒVXzmlaƒL@VlLU`„XUVVVUnl@VbnJlnUVVnƒlUKkbmnn„VxlJnxmbU@UL@KUV™X@xmb@lk@mnVVUš™è"], encodeOffsets: [[123784, 30977]] } }, { type: "Feature", id: "3309", properties: {name: "舟山市", cp: [122.2559, 30.2234], childNum: 3}, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: ["@@l΢ƒʠþÆVĢLĊƒǬXĊ܄XôV„ÑÆw„ƒlšƏÈóVĭVǓ@ƒĉwɛkmK@ĉXīWaĉUĵÝmƒ¯ĉƒwĉ±±nż¯x@VǦV„²JĊÞôèÝXÅW¯›VÛaó¦@xƒŽmŽ¯¼ŹĀ"], encodeOffsets: [[124437, 30983]] } }, { type: "Feature", id: "3310", properties: {name: "台州市", cp: [121.1353, 28.6688], childNum: 7}, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: ["@@lV„IVWVz@bXJl@Xal@°„nLll@nVxnV„K@UJVbƒ¦°„k`UIWJXnƚ@bUJ„Xl@lb„Wn@UzVV@bVVšmVnnJVXna‚bšKUKnUVVUnVLlKVLXa„Jm£@mU@WanaU_°@VWnV@UVWnIVVVKlXœÒlK@wVK„L°m„@„„l@ô„Kšw„ĉƾůUƒl£@»UƒVk„m@ƅUƒƒaÛIŏmUk@m„w@a™£ƒWk@ţšƒIm±@ankôUlaU™Uw¯ƒōaƒbÇbţm™ÞšÞVĖ„b„l@š@n‚VXxƒbUl@XmbƒŽ¯lUUU™W@ÛI±xU@mƒb@bmJ@bUzƒV@b¯bƒKUa¯KV_@Kk@@mWIƒ@lUU›b@bkVm@kwUÇU_WKU@Ux™@ƒVUnllX@Vn‚J@UXV@bWL@lUbbVLUJ@z‚V@lnbWbnnnJVŽ@L"], encodeOffsets: [[123312, 29526]] } }, { type: "Feature", id: "3307", properties: {name: "金华市", cp: [120.0037, 29.1028], childNum: 8}, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: ["@@nbVb„@VbUVlb@VUnVxk`lXnJlbnƒlL@bX@Vƒ@klƒV@nLnx@JlI„V‚U@VUVn„VV„I@WVLVbVKXbWnXl@VlXUx„b@ŽlVUbl„œlVUšIÜVnalKX@@bV@@aUUlUƒwUw„@naWW„UVaUUšaVb„LlxXJVk°ƒUƒlkU¥@k„a@LVlXLVlšVWznVn@lxšJl_@WX_@mVa„a@alU@kVVna„KVLlK„b@UUaVašbnUWmXU@k@yVI@ařWmXIVJl_¯ƒ„¥UaVI@ƒLmUUw@mkkmK¯ƒk@Wbk@WI@aUyUXƒJkU@bU@WLUyƒXUbkbW`UVVkKmbUaVUƒUK™£@KVUUUm@UWkXWaUKƒV@b¯ƒ¯mU™V@UkƒmW@kkKƒwUƒmkkVUI@WlkUamL@Wk_Wƒ@UVm@Ua¯KWXk@Uxm@UK@xV„mV@Xk@UVV¼@‚VLUb™Uƒ„U@ƒyULUbVlU@@XlVUVVbƒU@lXXVW@XUVl@@VUVƒÈn@VVU„@lVa@„U„mL@`X@`WL@VUX@lUL@xlx"], encodeOffsets: [[122119, 29948]] } }, { type: "Feature", id: "3308", properties: {name: "衢州市", cp: [118.6853, 28.8666], childNum: 5}, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: ["@@XkVKnwl@@aVK@UšwnL‚K@aÞaš¹@Kb@UVaUaVaVK@k°V„UllnL@„V@šxV@œšV@VV„m„_Wa„m@wlaÞbn@lL@WnLšk@V@VlK@nkVVb@blKXklakw@wVK@kVW@UXK@_‚W@_nKVƒ@ƒUb@kVƒUUm@„ÇVU@Uk@VU@WUXWW@k„VUaVUkU@WWXUKk@Ukmm¯LmmƒUJUIWJkImmƒ_—±WLkKm£@aVUmKUnƒLmWUkVmw@¥U„LVWm@WUka@UmmLmm@@bUX™@@WUIm@UVUK@UVUUU™VVJmb@b„Xn‚mVƒ¼nnn¦mJUVƒL„V@VW@UzUlVnUbl`UnVl@XU@kl@bmÈUx™Vk@@J@„ƒ¼W@ÅaVVnzmVƒ„@WJk@kWJ@ƒlXbWbXxmVnšlLXb@°lKVXnWšbWV„„X„mbV@Xl‚bšI@Kn@@x@šVLlm"], encodeOffsets: [[121185, 30184]] } }, { type: "Feature", id: "3306", properties: {name: "绍兴市", cp: [120.564, 29.7565], childNum: 6}, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: ["@@„x@„˜VnnVJnIVJV_VKXblUXJlŽlLUŽUnU@UVVX@ŽmVUUUJl„XUlbV@@V„LVmX@@XlaVJVXXJ@b‚@XU„@lUšJ„È‚bœ¤Ō„JšçV™UUnml@@kna@wšWVU@LVKV@namwkIUwmƒnmlaVL„kUmVUkmmIUak@VmUUVUƒWV_kK@U„K‚bnkWy„U@ƒ@UXwl@VUÞUVak±VUUU@mlI@™™wXWƒIWbUKkLUKVmUUmVVL™LambUWmIUm™nUU@aUUVym@ƒXkak@ƒW@z@lWVXnmV™aUbVb@VƒakLUKƒLmbUU@lkV@bƒbUb@nW`@Xk`™Ikwm@mUXy™UUkWKUk@Kƒb@lV¦klV„¯„UlWIkwƒKUa™bVVUbƒVXXmbƒ@Vx„xkVVV@bU@@aW@kLmb@lVUIVKmL@bUV@bUV@L„a˜lnUV@nbVbUlVXšJVUnx"], encodeOffsets: [[122997, 30561]] } }, { type: "Feature", id: "3304", properties: {name: "嘉兴市", cp: [120.9155, 30.6354], childNum: 6}, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: ["@@@blIX@@VÜVUnn@l‚k„lKnI°Þl`²LVKVbnbVaVLUVn@W¦@VkVVb„@VI„`@blLnL‚aX@„VVb@U‚@XlVa„@@kVaUKV»U_lWXUƒƒ@alb„k@VllnLVKn@@UVIUw@y°IVVXU@VV@lw„m@wVkƾaœJ‚LkΡƧƒ™l™LÝUmW¯ķÿĉ¥ƒIŋŽWn™èkVƧU¯ÅmlVx@V¯aƒz„Ž@„@JU@U¦m@@šnVmn@V„LV‚"], encodeOffsets: [[123233, 31382]] } }, { type: "Feature", id: "3305", properties: {name: "湖州市", cp: [119.8608, 30.7782], childNum: 4}, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: ["@@kLlƒkm@VmÛU@UW@kJ@aUƒK@UnmmU@™maÛL@JWUUKUwUIUJ@XƒKWV@Vk@UIUmVk@mm@ÅnmaUVkL@VƒKmLVbU@klU@ÝbV™@mVUKV™@wUkVƒ—ƒmIUJ@nVV@L™akJWbUIka@UmKmLKmmƒUUVk@@nmLX`WXUV@Ž@nUl™kmlU@Ub„„ƒxVVšIlV„Žšnn„@@n˜„UҚ@„°n@@xmb@„VbnV@šš„@b@`@L@L@x@blVklVbnnV@‚aXb°VlU@W„b°U„LXWVUV™„™VwÈwÜ»ĸaĠnUVw²X@V@lVU@wlaUUVm@knUV›"], encodeOffsets: [[123379, 31500]] } }], UTF8Encoding: !0 } }),i("echarts/chart/gauge", ["require", "./base", "../util/shape/GaugePointer", "zrender/shape/Text", "zrender/shape/Line", "zrender/shape/Rectangle", "zrender/shape/Circle", "zrender/shape/Sector", "../config", "../util/ecData", "../util/accMath", "zrender/tool/util", "../chart"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.refresh(a) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("../util/shape/GaugePointer"), a = e("zrender/shape/Text"), o = e("zrender/shape/Line"), r = e("zrender/shape/Rectangle"), s = e("zrender/shape/Circle"), l = e("zrender/shape/Sector"), h = e("../config"); h.gauge = { zlevel: 0, z: 2, center: ["50%", "50%"], clickable: !0, legendHoverLink: !0, radius: "75%", startAngle: 225, endAngle: -45, min: 0, max: 100, splitNumber: 10, axisLine: {show: !0, lineStyle: {color: [[.2, "#228b22"], [.8, "#48b"], [1, "#ff4500"]], width: 30}}, axisTick: {show: !0, splitNumber: 5, length: 8, lineStyle: {color: "#eee", width: 1, type: "solid"}}, axisLabel: {show: !0, textStyle: {color: "auto"}}, splitLine: {show: !0, length: 30, lineStyle: {color: "#eee", width: 2, type: "solid"}}, pointer: {show: !0, length: "80%", width: 8, color: "auto"}, title: {show: !0, offsetCenter: [0, "-40%"], textStyle: {color: "#333", fontSize: 15}}, detail: { show: !0, backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderWidth: 0, borderColor: "#ccc", width: 100, height: 40, offsetCenter: [0, "40%"], textStyle: {color: "auto", fontSize: 30} } }; var m = e("../util/ecData"), V = e("../util/accMath"), U = e("zrender/tool/util"); return t.prototype = { type: h.CHART_TYPE_GAUGE, _buildShape: function () { var e = this.series; this._paramsMap = {}, this.selectedMap = {}; for (var t = 0, i = e.length; i > t; t++) e[t].type === h.CHART_TYPE_GAUGE && (this.selectedMap[e[t].name] = !0, e[t] = this.reformOption(e[t]), this.legendHoverLink = e[t].legendHoverLink || this.legendHoverLink, this._buildSingleGauge(t), this.buildMark(t)); this.addShapeList() }, _buildSingleGauge: function (e) { var t = this.series[e]; this._paramsMap[e] = { center: this.parseCenter(this.zr, t.center), radius: this.parseRadius(this.zr, t.radius), startAngle: t.startAngle.toFixed(2) - 0, endAngle: t.endAngle.toFixed(2) - 0 }, this._paramsMap[e].totalAngle = this._paramsMap[e].startAngle - this._paramsMap[e].endAngle, this._colorMap(e), this._buildAxisLine(e), this._buildSplitLine(e), this._buildAxisTick(e), this._buildAxisLabel(e), this._buildPointer(e), this._buildTitle(e), this._buildDetail(e) }, _buildAxisLine: function (e) { var t = this.series[e]; if (t.axisLine.show) for (var i, n, a = t.min, o = t.max - a, r = this._paramsMap[e], s = r.center, l = r.startAngle, h = r.totalAngle, V = r.colorArray, U = t.axisLine.lineStyle, d = this.parsePercent(U.width, r.radius[1]), p = r.radius[1], c = p - d, u = l, y = 0, g = V.length; g > y; y++) n = l - h * (V[y][0] - a) / o, i = this._getSector(s, c, p, n, u, V[y][1], U, t.zlevel, t.z), u = n, i._animationAdd = "r", m.set(i, "seriesIndex", e), m.set(i, "dataIndex", y), this.shapeList.push(i) }, _buildSplitLine: function (e) { var t = this.series[e]; if (t.splitLine.show) for (var i, n, a, r = this._paramsMap[e], s = t.splitNumber, l = t.min, h = t.max - l, m = t.splitLine, V = this.parsePercent(m.length, r.radius[1]), U = m.lineStyle, d = U.color, p = r.center, c = r.startAngle * Math.PI / 180, u = r.totalAngle * Math.PI / 180, y = r.radius[1], g = y - V, b = 0; s >= b; b++) i = c - u / s * b, n = Math.sin(i), a = Math.cos(i), this.shapeList.push(new o({ zlevel: t.zlevel, z: t.z + 1, hoverable: !1, style: { xStart: p[0] + a * y, yStart: p[1] - n * y, xEnd: p[0] + a * g, yEnd: p[1] - n * g, strokeColor: "auto" === d ? this._getColor(e, l + h / s * b) : d, lineType: U.type, lineWidth: U.width, shadowColor: U.shadowColor, shadowBlur: U.shadowBlur, shadowOffsetX: U.shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY: U.shadowOffsetY } })) }, _buildAxisTick: function (e) { var t = this.series[e]; if (t.axisTick.show) for (var i, n, a, r = this._paramsMap[e], s = t.splitNumber, l = t.min, h = t.max - l, m = t.axisTick, V = m.splitNumber, U = this.parsePercent(m.length, r.radius[1]), d = m.lineStyle, p = d.color, c = r.center, u = r.startAngle * Math.PI / 180, y = r.totalAngle * Math.PI / 180, g = r.radius[1], b = g - U, f = 0, k = s * V; k >= f; f++) f % V !== 0 && (i = u - y / k * f, n = Math.sin(i), a = Math.cos(i), this.shapeList.push(new o({ zlevel: t.zlevel, z: t.z + 1, hoverable: !1, style: { xStart: c[0] + a * g, yStart: c[1] - n * g, xEnd: c[0] + a * b, yEnd: c[1] - n * b, strokeColor: "auto" === p ? this._getColor(e, l + h / k * f) : p, lineType: d.type, lineWidth: d.width, shadowColor: d.shadowColor, shadowBlur: d.shadowBlur, shadowOffsetX: d.shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY: d.shadowOffsetY } }))) }, _buildAxisLabel: function (e) { var t = this.series[e]; if (t.axisLabel.show) for (var i, n, o, r, s = t.splitNumber, l = t.min, h = t.max - l, m = t.axisLabel.textStyle, U = this.getFont(m), d = m.color, p = this._paramsMap[e], c = p.center, u = p.startAngle, y = p.totalAngle, g = p.radius[1] - this.parsePercent(t.splitLine.length, p.radius[1]) - 5, b = 0; s >= b; b++) r = V.accAdd(l, V.accMul(V.accDiv(h, s), b)), i = u - y / s * b, n = Math.sin(i * Math.PI / 180), o = Math.cos(i * Math.PI / 180), i = (i + 360) % 360, this.shapeList.push(new a({ zlevel: t.zlevel, z: t.z + 1, hoverable: !1, style: { x: c[0] + o * g, y: c[1] - n * g, color: "auto" === d ? this._getColor(e, r) : d, text: this._getLabelText(t.axisLabel.formatter, r), textAlign: i >= 110 && 250 >= i ? "left" : 70 >= i || i >= 290 ? "right" : "center", textBaseline: i >= 10 && 170 >= i ? "top" : i >= 190 && 350 >= i ? "bottom" : "middle", textFont: U, shadowColor: m.shadowColor, shadowBlur: m.shadowBlur, shadowOffsetX: m.shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY: m.shadowOffsetY } })) }, _buildPointer: function (e) { var t = this.series[e]; if (t.pointer.show) { var i = t.max - t.min, a = t.pointer, o = this._paramsMap[e], r = this.parsePercent(a.length, o.radius[1]), l = this.parsePercent(a.width, o.radius[1]), h = o.center, V = this._getValue(e); V = V < t.max ? V : t.max; var U = (o.startAngle - o.totalAngle / i * (V - t.min)) * Math.PI / 180, d = "auto" === a.color ? this._getColor(e, V) : a.color, p = new n({ zlevel: t.zlevel, z: t.z + 1, clickable: this.query(t, "clickable"), style: { x: h[0], y: h[1], r: r, startAngle: o.startAngle * Math.PI / 180, angle: U, color: d, width: l, shadowColor: a.shadowColor, shadowBlur: a.shadowBlur, shadowOffsetX: a.shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY: a.shadowOffsetY }, highlightStyle: {brushType: "fill", width: l > 2 ? 2 : l / 2, color: "#fff"} }); m.pack(p, this.series[e], e, this.series[e].data[0], 0, this.series[e].data[0].name, V), this.shapeList.push(p), this.shapeList.push(new s({ zlevel: t.zlevel, z: t.z + 2, hoverable: !1, style: {x: h[0], y: h[1], r: a.width / 2.5, color: "#fff"} })) } }, _buildTitle: function (e) { var t = this.series[e]; if (t.title.show) { var i = t.data[0], n = null != i.name ? i.name : ""; if ("" !== n) { var o = t.title, r = o.offsetCenter, s = o.textStyle, l = s.color, h = this._paramsMap[e], m = h.center[0] + this.parsePercent(r[0], h.radius[1]), V = h.center[1] + this.parsePercent(r[1], h.radius[1]); this.shapeList.push(new a({ zlevel: t.zlevel, z: t.z + (Math.abs(m - h.center[0]) + Math.abs(V - h.center[1]) < 2 * s.fontSize ? 2 : 1), hoverable: !1, style: { x: m, y: V, color: "auto" === l ? this._getColor(e) : l, text: n, textAlign: "center", textFont: this.getFont(s), shadowColor: s.shadowColor, shadowBlur: s.shadowBlur, shadowOffsetX: s.shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY: s.shadowOffsetY } })) } } }, _buildDetail: function (e) { var t = this.series[e]; if (t.detail.show) { var i = t.detail, n = i.offsetCenter, a = i.backgroundColor, o = i.textStyle, s = o.color, l = this._paramsMap[e], h = this._getValue(e), m = l.center[0] - i.width / 2 + this.parsePercent(n[0], l.radius[1]), V = l.center[1] + this.parsePercent(n[1], l.radius[1]); this.shapeList.push(new r({ zlevel: t.zlevel, z: t.z + (Math.abs(m + i.width / 2 - l.center[0]) + Math.abs(V + i.height / 2 - l.center[1]) < o.fontSize ? 2 : 1), hoverable: !1, style: { x: m, y: V, width: i.width, height: i.height, brushType: "both", color: "auto" === a ? this._getColor(e, h) : a, lineWidth: i.borderWidth, strokeColor: i.borderColor, shadowColor: i.shadowColor, shadowBlur: i.shadowBlur, shadowOffsetX: i.shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY: i.shadowOffsetY, text: this._getLabelText(i.formatter, h), textFont: this.getFont(o), textPosition: "inside", textColor: "auto" === s ? this._getColor(e, h) : s } })) } }, _getValue: function (e) { return this.getDataFromOption(this.series[e].data[0]) }, _colorMap: function (e) { var t = this.series[e], i = t.min, n = t.max - i, a = t.axisLine.lineStyle.color; a instanceof Array || (a = [[1, a]]); for (var o = [], r = 0, s = a.length; s > r; r++) o.push([a[r][0] * n + i, a[r][1]]); this._paramsMap[e].colorArray = o }, _getColor: function (e, t) { null == t && (t = this._getValue(e)); for (var i = this._paramsMap[e].colorArray, n = 0, a = i.length; a > n; n++) if (i[n][0] >= t) return i[n][1]; return i[i.length - 1][1] }, _getSector: function (e, t, i, n, a, o, r, s, h) { return new l({ zlevel: s, z: h, hoverable: !1, style: { x: e[0], y: e[1], r0: t, r: i, startAngle: n, endAngle: a, brushType: "fill", color: o, shadowColor: r.shadowColor, shadowBlur: r.shadowBlur, shadowOffsetX: r.shadowOffsetX, shadowOffsetY: r.shadowOffsetY } }) }, _getLabelText: function (e, t) { if (e) { if ("function" == typeof e) return e.call(this.myChart, t); if ("string" == typeof e) return e.replace("{value}", t) } return t }, refresh: function (e) { e && (this.option = e, this.series = e.series), this.backupShapeList(), this._buildShape() } }, U.inherits(t, i), e("../chart").define("gauge", t), t }),i("echarts/util/shape/GaugePointer", ["require", "zrender/shape/Base", "zrender/tool/util", "./normalIsCover"], function (e) { function t(e) { i.call(this, e) } var i = e("zrender/shape/Base"), n = e("zrender/tool/util"); return t.prototype = { type: "gauge-pointer", buildPath: function (e, t) { var i = t.r, n = t.width, a = t.angle, o = t.x - Math.cos(a) * n * (n >= i / 3 ? 1 : 2), r = t.y + Math.sin(a) * n * (n >= i / 3 ? 1 : 2); a = t.angle - Math.PI / 2, e.moveTo(o, r), e.lineTo(t.x + Math.cos(a) * n, t.y - Math.sin(a) * n), e.lineTo(t.x + Math.cos(t.angle) * i, t.y - Math.sin(t.angle) * i), e.lineTo(t.x - Math.cos(a) * n, t.y + Math.sin(a) * n), e.lineTo(o, r) }, getRect: function (e) { if (e.__rect) return e.__rect; var t = 2 * e.width, i = e.x, n = e.y, a = i + Math.cos(e.angle) * e.r, o = n - Math.sin(e.angle) * e.r; return e.__rect = { x: Math.min(i, a) - t, y: Math.min(n, o) - t, width: Math.abs(i - a) + t, height: Math.abs(n - o) + t }, e.__rect }, isCover: e("./normalIsCover") }, n.inherits(t, i), t }),i("echarts/chart/funnel", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Text", "zrender/shape/Line", "zrender/shape/Polygon", "../config", "../util/ecData", "../util/number", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/color", "zrender/tool/area", "../chart"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.refresh(a) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Text"), a = e("zrender/shape/Line"), o = e("zrender/shape/Polygon"), r = e("../config"); r.funnel = { zlevel: 0, z: 2, clickable: !0, legendHoverLink: !0, x: 80, y: 60, x2: 80, y2: 60, min: 0, max: 100, minSize: "0%", maxSize: "100%", sort: "descending", gap: 0, funnelAlign: "center", itemStyle: { normal: { borderColor: "#fff", borderWidth: 1, label: {show: !0, position: "outer"}, labelLine: {show: !0, length: 10, lineStyle: {width: 1, type: "solid"}} }, emphasis: {borderColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderWidth: 1, label: {show: !0}, labelLine: {show: !0}} } }; var s = e("../util/ecData"), l = e("../util/number"), h = e("zrender/tool/util"), m = e("zrender/tool/color"), V = e("zrender/tool/area"); return t.prototype = { type: r.CHART_TYPE_FUNNEL, _buildShape: function () { var e = this.series, t = this.component.legend; this._paramsMap = {}, this._selected = {}, this.selectedMap = {}; for (var i, n = 0, a = e.length; a > n; n++) if (e[n].type === r.CHART_TYPE_FUNNEL) { if (e[n] = this.reformOption(e[n]), this.legendHoverLink = e[n].legendHoverLink || this.legendHoverLink, i = e[n].name || "", this.selectedMap[i] = t ? t.isSelected(i) : !0, !this.selectedMap[i]) continue; this._buildSingleFunnel(n), this.buildMark(n) } this.addShapeList() }, _buildSingleFunnel: function (e) { var t = this.component.legend, i = this.series[e], n = this._mapData(e), a = this._getLocation(e); this._paramsMap[e] = {location: a, data: n}; for (var o, r = 0, s = [], h = 0, m = n.length; m > h; h++) o = n[h].name, this.selectedMap[o] = t ? t.isSelected(o) : !0, this.selectedMap[o] && !isNaN(n[h].value) && (s.push(n[h]), r++); if (0 !== r) { for (var V, U, d, p, c = this._buildFunnelCase(e), u = i.funnelAlign, y = i.gap, g = r > 1 ? (a.height - (r - 1) * y) / r : a.height, b = a.y, f = "descending" === i.sort ? this._getItemWidth(e, s[0].value) : l.parsePercent(i.minSize, a.width), k = "descending" === i.sort ? 1 : 0, x = a.centerX, _ = [], h = 0, m = s.length; m > h; h++) if (o = s[h].name, this.selectedMap[o] && !isNaN(s[h].value)) { switch (V = m - 2 >= h ? this._getItemWidth(e, s[h + k].value) : "descending" === i.sort ? l.parsePercent(i.minSize, a.width) : l.parsePercent(i.maxSize, a.width), u) { case"left": U = a.x; break; case"right": U = a.x + a.width - f; break; default: U = x - f / 2 } d = this._buildItem(e, s[h]._index, t ? t.getColor(o) : this.zr.getColor(s[h]._index), U, b, f, V, g, u), b += g + y, p = d.style.pointList, _.unshift([p[0][0] - 10, p[0][1]]), _.push([p[1][0] + 10, p[1][1]]), 0 === h && (0 === f ? (p = _.pop(), "center" == u && (_[0][0] += 10), "right" == u && (_[0][0] = p[0]), _[0][1] -= "center" == u ? 10 : 15, 1 == m && (p = d.style.pointList)) : (_[_.length - 1][1] -= 5, _[0][1] -= 5)), f = V } c && (_.unshift([p[3][0] - 10, p[3][1]]), _.push([p[2][0] + 10, p[2][1]]), 0 === f ? (p = _.pop(), "center" == u && (_[0][0] += 10), "right" == u && (_[0][0] = p[0]), _[0][1] += "center" == u ? 10 : 15) : (_[_.length - 1][1] += 5, _[0][1] += 5), c.style.pointList = _) } }, _buildFunnelCase: function (e) { var t = this.series[e]; if (this.deepQuery([t, this.option], "calculable")) { var i = this._paramsMap[e].location, n = 10, a = { hoverable: !1, style: { pointListd: [[i.x - n, i.y - n], [i.x + i.width + n, i.y - n], [i.x + i.width + n, i.y + i.height + n], [i.x - n, i.y + i.height + n]], brushType: "stroke", lineWidth: 1, strokeColor: t.calculableHolderColor || this.ecTheme.calculableHolderColor || r.calculableHolderColor } }; return s.pack(a, t, e, void 0, -1), this.setCalculable(a), a = new o(a), this.shapeList.push(a), a } }, _getLocation: function (e) { var t = this.series[e], i = this.zr.getWidth(), n = this.zr.getHeight(), a = this.parsePercent(t.x, i), o = this.parsePercent(t.y, n), r = null == t.width ? i - a - this.parsePercent(t.x2, i) : this.parsePercent(t.width, i); return { x: a, y: o, width: r, height: null == t.height ? n - o - this.parsePercent(t.y2, n) : this.parsePercent(t.height, n), centerX: a + r / 2 } }, _mapData: function (e) { function t(e, t) { return "-" === e.value ? 1 : "-" === t.value ? -1 : t.value - e.value } function i(e, i) { return -t(e, i) } for (var n = this.series[e], a = h.clone(n.data), o = 0, r = a.length; r > o; o++) a[o]._index = o; return "none" != n.sort && a.sort("descending" === n.sort ? t : i), a }, _buildItem: function (e, t, i, n, a, o, r, l, h) { var m = this.series, V = m[e], U = V.data[t], d = this.getPolygon(e, t, i, n, a, o, r, l, h); s.pack(d, m[e], e, m[e].data[t], t, m[e].data[t].name), this.shapeList.push(d); var p = this.getLabel(e, t, i, n, a, o, r, l, h); s.pack(p, m[e], e, m[e].data[t], t, m[e].data[t].name), this.shapeList.push(p), this._needLabel(V, U, !1) || (p.invisible = !0); var c = this.getLabelLine(e, t, i, n, a, o, r, l, h); this.shapeList.push(c), this._needLabelLine(V, U, !1) || (c.invisible = !0); var u = [], y = []; return this._needLabelLine(V, U, !0) && (u.push(c.id), y.push(c.id)), this._needLabel(V, U, !0) && (u.push(p.id), y.push(d.id)), d.hoverConnect = u, p.hoverConnect = y, d }, _getItemWidth: function (e, t) { var i = this.series[e], n = this._paramsMap[e].location, a = i.min, o = i.max, r = l.parsePercent(i.minSize, n.width), s = l.parsePercent(i.maxSize, n.width); return (t - a) * (s - r) / (o - a) + r }, getPolygon: function (e, t, i, n, a, r, s, l, h) { var V, U = this.series[e], d = U.data[t], p = [d, U], c = this.deepMerge(p, "itemStyle.normal") || {}, u = this.deepMerge(p, "itemStyle.emphasis") || {}, y = this.getItemStyleColor(c.color, e, t, d) || i, g = this.getItemStyleColor(u.color, e, t, d) || ("string" == typeof y ? m.lift(y, -.2) : y); switch (h) { case"left": V = n; break; case"right": V = n + (r - s); break; default: V = n + (r - s) / 2 } var b = { zlevel: U.zlevel, z: U.z, clickable: this.deepQuery(p, "clickable"), style: { pointList: [[n, a], [n + r, a], [V + s, a + l], [V, a + l]], brushType: "both", color: y, lineWidth: c.borderWidth, strokeColor: c.borderColor }, highlightStyle: {color: g, lineWidth: u.borderWidth, strokeColor: u.borderColor} }; return this.deepQuery([d, U, this.option], "calculable") && (this.setCalculable(b), b.draggable = !0), new o(b) }, getLabel: function (e, t, i, a, o, r, s, l, U) { var d, p = this.series[e], c = p.data[t], u = this._paramsMap[e].location, y = h.merge(h.clone(c.itemStyle) || {}, p.itemStyle), g = "normal", b = y[g].label, f = b.textStyle || {}, k = y[g].labelLine.length, x = this.getLabelText(e, t, g), _ = this.getFont(f), L = i; b.position = b.position || y.normal.label.position, "inner" === b.position || "inside" === b.position || "center" === b.position ? (d = U, L = Math.max(r, s) / 2 > V.getTextWidth(x, _) ? "#fff" : m.reverse(i)) : d = "left" === b.position ? "right" : "left"; var W = { zlevel: p.zlevel, z: p.z + 1, style: { x: this._getLabelPoint(b.position, a, u, r, s, k, U), y: o + l / 2, color: f.color || L, text: x, textAlign: f.align || d, textBaseline: f.baseline || "middle", textFont: _ } }; return g = "emphasis", b = y[g].label || b, f = b.textStyle || f, k = y[g].labelLine.length || k, b.position = b.position || y.normal.label.position, x = this.getLabelText(e, t, g), _ = this.getFont(f), L = i, "inner" === b.position || "inside" === b.position || "center" === b.position ? (d = U, L = Math.max(r, s) / 2 > V.getTextWidth(x, _) ? "#fff" : m.reverse(i)) : d = "left" === b.position ? "right" : "left", W.highlightStyle = { x: this._getLabelPoint(b.position, a, u, r, s, k, U), color: f.color || L, text: x, textAlign: f.align || d, textFont: _, brushType: "fill" }, new n(W) }, getLabelText: function (e, t, i) { var n = this.series, a = n[e], o = a.data[t], r = this.deepQuery([o, a], "itemStyle." + i + ".label.formatter"); return r ? "function" == typeof r ? r.call(this.myChart, { seriesIndex: e, seriesName: a.name || "", series: a, dataIndex: t, data: o, name: o.name, value: o.value }) : "string" == typeof r ? r = r.replace("{a}", "{a0}").replace("{b}", "{b0}").replace("{c}", "{c0}").replace("{a0}", a.name).replace("{b0}", o.name).replace("{c0}", o.value) : void 0 : o.name }, getLabelLine: function (e, t, i, n, o, r, s, l, m) { var V = this.series[e], U = V.data[t], d = this._paramsMap[e].location, p = h.merge(h.clone(U.itemStyle) || {}, V.itemStyle), c = "normal", u = p[c].labelLine, y = p[c].labelLine.length, g = u.lineStyle || {}, b = p[c].label; b.position = b.position || p.normal.label.position; var f = { zlevel: V.zlevel, z: V.z + 1, hoverable: !1, style: { xStart: this._getLabelLineStartPoint(n, d, r, s, m), yStart: o + l / 2, xEnd: this._getLabelPoint(b.position, n, d, r, s, y, m), yEnd: o + l / 2, strokeColor: g.color || i, lineType: g.type, lineWidth: g.width } }; return c = "emphasis", u = p[c].labelLine || u, y = p[c].labelLine.length || y, g = u.lineStyle || g, b = p[c].label || b, b.position = b.position, f.highlightStyle = { xEnd: this._getLabelPoint(b.position, n, d, r, s, y, m), strokeColor: g.color || i, lineType: g.type, lineWidth: g.width }, new a(f) }, _getLabelPoint: function (e, t, i, n, a, o, r) { switch (e = "inner" === e || "inside" === e ? "center" : e) { case"center": return "center" == r ? t + n / 2 : "left" == r ? t + 10 : t + n - 10; case"left": return "auto" === o ? i.x - 10 : "center" == r ? i.centerX - Math.max(n, a) / 2 - o : "right" == r ? t - (a > n ? a - n : 0) - o : i.x - o; default: return "auto" === o ? i.x + i.width + 10 : "center" == r ? i.centerX + Math.max(n, a) / 2 + o : "right" == r ? i.x + i.width + o : t + Math.max(n, a) + o } }, _getLabelLineStartPoint: function (e, t, i, n, a) { return "center" == a ? t.centerX : n > i ? e + Math.min(i, n) / 2 : e + Math.max(i, n) / 2 }, _needLabel: function (e, t, i) { return this.deepQuery([t, e], "itemStyle." + (i ? "emphasis" : "normal") + ".label.show") }, _needLabelLine: function (e, t, i) { return this.deepQuery([t, e], "itemStyle." + (i ? "emphasis" : "normal") + ".labelLine.show") }, refresh: function (e) { e && (this.option = e, this.series = e.series), this.backupShapeList(), this._buildShape() } }, h.inherits(t, i), e("../chart").define("funnel", t), t }),i("echarts/chart/eventRiver", ["require", "./base", "../layout/eventRiver", "zrender/shape/Polygon", "../component/axis", "../component/grid", "../component/dataZoom", "../config", "../util/ecData", "../util/date", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/color", "../chart"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o); var r = this; r._ondragend = function () { r.isDragend = !0 }, this.refresh(a) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("../layout/eventRiver"), a = e("zrender/shape/Polygon"); e("../component/axis"), e("../component/grid"), e("../component/dataZoom"); var o = e("../config"); o.eventRiver = { zlevel: 0, z: 2, clickable: !0, legendHoverLink: !0, itemStyle: { normal: { borderColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderWidth: 1, label: {show: !0, position: "inside", formatter: "{b}"} }, emphasis: {borderColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)", borderWidth: 1, label: {show: !0}} } }; var r = e("../util/ecData"), s = e("../util/date"), l = e("zrender/tool/util"), h = e("zrender/tool/color"); return t.prototype = { type: o.CHART_TYPE_EVENTRIVER, _buildShape: function () { var e = this.series; this.selectedMap = {}, this._dataPreprocessing(); for (var t = this.component.legend, i = [], a = 0; a < e.length; a++) if (e[a].type === this.type) { e[a] = this.reformOption(e[a]), this.legendHoverLink = e[a].legendHoverLink || this.legendHoverLink; var o = e[a].name || ""; if (this.selectedMap[o] = t ? t.isSelected(o) : !0, !this.selectedMap[o]) continue; this.buildMark(a), i.push(this.series[a]) } n(i, this._intervalX, this.component.grid.getArea()), this._drawEventRiver(), this.addShapeList() }, _dataPreprocessing: function () { for (var e, t, i = this.series, n = 0, a = i.length; a > n; n++) if (i[n].type === this.type) { e = this.component.xAxis.getAxis(i[n].xAxisIndex || 0); for (var o = 0, r = i[n].data.length; r > o; o++) { t = i[n].data[o].evolution; for (var l = 0, h = t.length; h > l; l++) t[l].timeScale = e.getCoord(s.getNewDate(t[l].time) - 0), t[l].valueScale = Math.pow(t[l].value, .8) } } this._intervalX = Math.round(this.component.grid.getWidth() / 40) }, _drawEventRiver: function () { for (var e = this.series, t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { var i = e[t].name || ""; if (e[t].type === this.type && this.selectedMap[i]) for (var n = 0; n < e[t].data.length; n++) this._drawEventBubble(e[t].data[n], t, n) } }, _drawEventBubble: function (e, t, i) { var n = this.series, o = n[t], s = o.name || "", l = o.data[i], m = [l, o], V = this.component.legend, U = V ? V.getColor(s) : this.zr.getColor(t), d = this.deepMerge(m, "itemStyle.normal") || {}, p = this.deepMerge(m, "itemStyle.emphasis") || {}, c = this.getItemStyleColor(d.color, t, i, l) || U, u = this.getItemStyleColor(p.color, t, i, l) || ("string" == typeof c ? h.lift(c, -.2) : c), y = this._calculateControlPoints(e), g = { zlevel: o.zlevel, z: o.z, clickable: this.deepQuery(m, "clickable"), style: { pointList: y, smooth: "spline", brushType: "both", lineJoin: "round", color: c, lineWidth: d.borderWidth, strokeColor: d.borderColor }, highlightStyle: {color: u, lineWidth: p.borderWidth, strokeColor: p.borderColor}, draggable: "vertical", ondragend: this._ondragend }; g = new a(g), this.addLabel(g, o, l, e.name), r.pack(g, n[t], t, n[t].data[i], i, n[t].data[i].name), this.shapeList.push(g) }, _calculateControlPoints: function (e) { var t = this._intervalX, i = e.y, n = e.evolution, a = n.length; if (!(1 > a)) { for (var o = [], r = [], s = 0; a > s; s++) o.push(n[s].timeScale), r.push(n[s].valueScale); var l = []; l.push([o[0], i]); var s = 0; for (s = 0; a - 1 > s; s++) l.push([(o[s] + o[s + 1]) / 2, r[s] / -2 + i]); for (l.push([(o[s] + (o[s] + t)) / 2, r[s] / -2 + i]), l.push([o[s] + t, i]), l.push([(o[s] + (o[s] + t)) / 2, r[s] / 2 + i]), s = a - 1; s > 0; s--) l.push([(o[s] + o[s - 1]) / 2, r[s - 1] / 2 + i]); return l } }, ondragend: function (e, t) { this.isDragend && e.target && (t.dragOut = !0, t.dragIn = !0, t.needRefresh = !1, this.isDragend = !1) }, refresh: function (e) { e && (this.option = e, this.series = e.series), this.backupShapeList(), this._buildShape() } }, l.inherits(t, i), e("../chart").define("eventRiver", t), t }),i("echarts/layout/eventRiver", ["require"], function () { function e(e, i, o) { function r(e, t) { var i = e.importance, n = t.importance; return i > n ? -1 : n > i ? 1 : 0 } for (var s = 4, l = 0; l < e.length; l++) { for (var h = 0; h < e[l].data.length; h++) { null == e[l].data[h].weight && (e[l].data[h].weight = 1); for (var m = 0, V = 0; V < e[l].data[h].evolution.length; V++) m += e[l].data[h].evolution[V].valueScale; e[l].data[h].importance = m * e[l].data[h].weight } e[l].data.sort(r) } for (var l = 0; l < e.length; l++) { null == e[l].weight && (e[l].weight = 1); for (var m = 0, h = 0; h < e[l].data.length; h++) m += e[l].data[h].weight; e[l].importance = m * e[l].weight } e.sort(r); for (var U = Number.MAX_VALUE, d = 0, l = 0; l < e.length; l++) for (var h = 0; h < e[l].data.length; h++) for (var V = 0; V < e[l].data[h].evolution.length; V++) { var p = e[l].data[h].evolution[V].timeScale; U = Math.min(U, p), d = Math.max(d, p) } U = ~~U, d = ~~d; for (var c = function () { var e = d - U + 1 + ~~i; if (0 >= e) return [0]; for (var t = []; e--;) t.push(0); return t }(), u = c.slice(0), y = [], g = 0, b = 0, l = 0; l < e.length; l++) for (var h = 0; h < e[l].data.length; h++) { var f = e[l].data[h]; f.time = [], f.value = []; for (var k, x = 0, V = 0; V < e[l].data[h].evolution.length; V++) k = e[l].data[h].evolution[V], f.time.push(k.timeScale), f.value.push(k.valueScale), x = Math.max(x, k.valueScale); n(f, i, U), f.y = a(u, f, function (e, t) { return e.ypx[t] }), f._offset = a(c, f, function () { return s }), g = Math.max(g, f.y + x), b = Math.max(b, f._offset), y.push(f) } t(y, o, g, b) } function t(e, t, i, n) { for (var a = t.height, o = n / a > .5 ? .5 : 1, r = t.y, s = (t.height - n) / i, l = 0, h = e.length; h > l; l++) { var m = e[l]; m.y = r + s * m.y + m._offset * o, delete m.time, delete m.value, delete m.xpx, delete m.ypx, delete m._offset; for (var V = m.evolution, U = 0, d = V.length; d > U; U++) V[U].valueScale *= s } } function i(e, t, i, n) { if (e === i) throw new Error("x0 is equal with x1!!!"); if (t === n) return function () { return t }; var a = (t - n) / (e - i), o = (n * e - t * i) / (e - i); return function (e) { return a * e + o } } function n(e, t, n) { var a = ~~t, o = e.time.length; e.xpx = [], e.ypx = []; for (var r, s = 0, l = 0, h = 0, m = 0, V = 0; o > s; s++) { l = ~~e.time[s], m = e.value[s] / 2, s === o - 1 ? (h = l + a, V = 0) : (h = ~~e.time[s + 1], V = e.value[s + 1] / 2), r = i(l, m, h, V); for (var U = l; h > U; U++) e.xpx.push(U - n), e.ypx.push(r(U)) } e.xpx.push(h - n), e.ypx.push(V) } function a(e, t, i) { for (var n, a = 0, o = t.xpx.length, r = 0; o > r; r++) n = i(t, r), a = Math.max(a, n + e[t.xpx[r]]); for (r = 0; o > r; r++) n = i(t, r), e[t.xpx[r]] = a + n; return a } return e }),i("echarts/chart/venn", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Text", "zrender/shape/Circle", "zrender/shape/Path", "../config", "../util/ecData", "zrender/tool/util", "../chart"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.refresh(a) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Text"), a = e("zrender/shape/Circle"), o = e("zrender/shape/Path"), r = e("../config"); r.venn = {zlevel: 0, z: 1, calculable: !1}; var s = e("../util/ecData"), l = e("zrender/tool/util"); return t.prototype = { type: r.CHART_TYPE_VENN, _buildShape: function () { this.selectedMap = {}, this._symbol = this.option.symbolList, this._queryTarget, this._dropBoxList = [], this._vennDataCounter = 0; for (var e = this.series, t = this.component.legend, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) if (e[i].type === r.CHART_TYPE_VENN) { e[i] = this.reformOption(e[i]); var n = e[i].name || ""; if (this.selectedMap[n] = t ? t.isSelected(n) : !0, !this.selectedMap[n]) continue; this._buildVenn(i) } this.addShapeList() }, _buildVenn: function (e) { var t, i, n = this.series[e], a = n.data; a[0].value > a[1].value ? (t = this.zr.getHeight() / 3, i = t * Math.sqrt(a[1].value) / Math.sqrt(a[0].value)) : (i = this.zr.getHeight() / 3, t = i * Math.sqrt(a[0].value) / Math.sqrt(a[1].value)); var o = this.zr.getWidth() / 2 - t, r = (t + i) / 2 * Math.sqrt(a[2].value) / Math.sqrt((a[0].value + a[1].value) / 2), s = t + i; 0 !== a[2].value && (s = this._getCoincideLength(a[0].value, a[1].value, a[2].value, t, i, r, Math.abs(t - i), t + i)); var l = o + s, h = this.zr.getHeight() / 2; if (this._buildItem(e, 0, a[0], o, h, t), this._buildItem(e, 1, a[1], l, h, i), 0 !== a[2].value && a[2].value !== a[0].value && a[2].value !== a[1].value) { var m = (t * t - i * i) / (2 * s) + s / 2, V = s / 2 - (t * t - i * i) / (2 * s), U = Math.sqrt(t * t - m * m), d = 0, p = 0; a[0].value > a[1].value && o + m > l && (p = 1), a[0].value < a[1].value && o + V > l && (d = 1), this._buildCoincideItem(e, 2, a[2], o + m, h - U, h + U, t, i, d, p) } }, _getCoincideLength: function (e, t, i, n, a, o, r, s) { var l = (n * n - a * a) / (2 * o) + o / 2, h = o / 2 - (n * n - a * a) / (2 * o), m = Math.acos(l / n), V = Math.acos(h / a), U = n * n * Math.PI, d = m * n * n - l * n * Math.sin(m) + V * a * a - h * a * Math.sin(V), p = d / U, c = i / e, u = Math.abs(p / c); return u > .999 && 1.001 > u ? o : .999 >= u ? (s = o, o = (o + r) / 2, this._getCoincideLength(e, t, i, n, a, o, r, s)) : (r = o, o = (o + s) / 2, this._getCoincideLength(e, t, i, n, a, o, r, s)) }, _buildItem: function (e, t, i, n, a, o) { var r = this.series, l = r[e], h = this.getCircle(e, t, i, n, a, o); if (s.pack(h, l, e, i, t, i.name), this.shapeList.push(h), l.itemStyle.normal.label.show) { var m = this.getLabel(e, t, i, n, a, o); s.pack(m, l, e, l.data[t], t, l.data[t].name), this.shapeList.push(m) } }, _buildCoincideItem: function (e, t, i, n, a, r, l, h, m, V) { var U = this.series, d = U[e], p = [i, d], c = this.deepMerge(p, "itemStyle.normal") || {}, u = this.deepMerge(p, "itemStyle.emphasis") || {}, y = c.color || this.zr.getColor(t), g = u.color || this.zr.getColor(t), b = "M" + n + "," + a + "A" + l + "," + l + ",0," + m + ",1," + n + "," + r + "A" + h + "," + h + ",0," + V + ",1," + n + "," + a, f = {color: y, path: b}, k = { zlevel: d.zlevel, z: d.z, style: f, highlightStyle: {color: g, lineWidth: u.borderWidth, strokeColor: u.borderColor} }; k = new o(k), k.buildPathArray && (k.style.pathArray = k.buildPathArray(f.path)), s.pack(k, U[e], 0, i, t, i.name), this.shapeList.push(k) }, getCircle: function (e, t, i, n, o, r) { var s = this.series[e], l = [i, s], h = this.deepMerge(l, "itemStyle.normal") || {}, m = this.deepMerge(l, "itemStyle.emphasis") || {}, V = h.color || this.zr.getColor(t), U = m.color || this.zr.getColor(t), d = { zlevel: s.zlevel, z: s.z, clickable: !0, style: {x: n, y: o, r: r, brushType: "fill", opacity: 1, color: V}, highlightStyle: {color: U, lineWidth: m.borderWidth, strokeColor: m.borderColor} }; return this.deepQuery([i, s, this.option], "calculable") && (this.setCalculable(d), d.draggable = !0), new a(d) }, getLabel: function (e, t, i, a, o, r) { var s = this.series[e], l = s.itemStyle, h = [i, s], m = this.deepMerge(h, "itemStyle.normal") || {}, V = "normal", U = l[V].label, d = U.textStyle || {}, p = this.getLabelText(t, i, V), c = this.getFont(d), u = m.color || this.zr.getColor(t), y = d.fontSize || 12, g = { zlevel: s.zlevel, z: s.z, style: {x: a, y: o - r - y, color: d.color || u, text: p, textFont: c, textAlign: "center"} }; return new n(g) }, getLabelText: function (e, t, i) { var n = this.series, a = n[0], o = this.deepQuery([t, a], "itemStyle." + i + ".label.formatter"); return o ? "function" == typeof o ? o(a.name, t.name, t.value) : "string" == typeof o ? (o = o.replace("{a}", "{a0}").replace("{b}", "{b0}").replace("{c}", "{c0}"), o = o.replace("{a0}", a.name).replace("{b0}", t.name).replace("{c0}", t.value)) : void 0 : t.name }, refresh: function (e) { e && (this.option = e, this.series = e.series), this._buildShape() } }, l.inherits(t, i), e("../chart").define("venn", t), t }),i("echarts/chart/treemap", ["require", "./base", "zrender/tool/area", "zrender/shape/Rectangle", "zrender/shape/Text", "zrender/shape/Line", "../layout/TreeMap", "../data/Tree", "../config", "../util/ecData", "zrender/config", "zrender/tool/event", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/color", "../chart"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.refresh(a); var r = this; r._onclick = function (e) { return r.__onclick(e) }, r.zr.on(V.EVENT.CLICK, r._onclick) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/tool/area"), a = e("zrender/shape/Rectangle"), o = e("zrender/shape/Text"), r = e("zrender/shape/Line"), s = e("../layout/TreeMap"), l = e("../data/Tree"), h = e("../config"); h.treemap = { zlevel: 0, z: 1, calculable: !1, clickable: !0, center: ["50%", "50%"], size: ["80%", "80%"], root: "", itemStyle: { normal: { label: { show: !0, x: 5, y: 12, textStyle: { align: "left", color: "#000", fontFamily: "Arial", fontSize: 13, fontStyle: "normal", fontWeight: "normal" } }, breadcrumb: {show: !0, textStyle: {}}, borderWidth: 1, borderColor: "#ccc", childBorderWidth: 1, childBorderColor: "#ccc" }, emphasis: {} } }; var m = e("../util/ecData"), V = e("zrender/config"), U = (e("zrender/tool/event"), e("zrender/tool/util")), d = e("zrender/tool/color"); return t.prototype = { type: h.CHART_TYPE_TREEMAP, refresh: function (e) { this.clear(), e && (this.option = e, this.series = this.option.series), this._treesMap = {}; for (var t = this.series, i = this.component.legend, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) if (t[n].type === h.CHART_TYPE_TREEMAP) { t[n] = this.reformOption(t[n]); var a = t[n].name || ""; if (this.selectedMap[a] = i ? i.isSelected(a) : !0, !this.selectedMap[a]) continue; this._buildSeries(t[n], n) } }, _buildSeries: function (e, t) { var i = l.fromOptionData(e.name, e.data); this._treesMap[t] = i; var n = e.root && i.getNodeById(e.root) || i.root; this._buildTreemap(n, t) }, _buildTreemap: function (e, t) { for (var i = this.shapeList, n = 0; n < i.length;) { var a = i[n]; m.get(a, "seriesIndex") === t ? (this.zr.delShape(i[n]), i.splice(n, 1)) : n++ } for (var o = i.length, r = this.series[t], l = r.itemStyle, h = this.parsePercent(r.size[0], this.zr.getWidth()) || 400, V = this.parsePercent(r.size[1], this.zr.getHeight()) || 500, U = this.parseCenter(this.zr, r.center), d = U[0] - .5 * h, p = U[1] - .5 * V, c = h * V, u = 0, y = [], g = e.children, n = 0; n < g.length; n++) u += g[n].data.value; for (var b = 0; b < g.length; b++) y.push(g[b].data.value * c / u); for (var f = new s({x: d, y: p, width: h, height: V}), k = f.run(y), x = 0; x < k.length; x++) { var _ = g[x].data, L = k[x], W = [_.itemStyle, l], X = this.deepMerge(W); X.normal.color || (X.normal.color = this.zr.getColor(x)), X.emphasis.color || (X.emphasis.color = X.normal.color), this._buildItem(_, X, L, t, x), _.children && this._buildChildrenTreemap(_.children, X, L, t) } this.query(r, "itemStyle.normal.breadcrumb.show") && this._buildBreadcrumb(e, t, d, p + V); for (var n = o; n < i.length; n++) this.zr.addShape(i[n]) }, _buildItem: function (e, t, i, n, a) { var o = this.series, r = this.getRectangle(e, t, i); m.pack(r, o[n], n, e, a, e.name), this.shapeList.push(r) }, getRectangle: function (e, t, i) { var n = t.emphasis, o = t.normal, r = this.getLabel(t, i, e.name, e.value), s = this.option.hoverable, l = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: s, clickable: !0, style: U.merge({ x: i.x, y: i.y, width: i.width, height: i.height, brushType: "both", color: o.color, lineWidth: o.borderWidth, strokeColor: o.borderColor }, r.style, !0), highlightStyle: U.merge({ color: n.color, lineWidth: n.borderWidth, strokeColor: n.borderColor }, r.highlightStyle, !0) }; return new a(l) }, getLabel: function (e, t, i, a) { var o = e.normal.label.textStyle, r = [e.emphasis.label.textStyle, o], s = this.deepMerge(r), l = e.normal.label.formatter, h = this.getLabelText(i, a, l), m = this.getFont(o), V = n.getTextWidth(h, m), U = n.getTextHeight(h, m), d = this.deepQuery([e.emphasis, e.normal], "label.formatter"), p = this.getLabelText(i, a, d), c = this.getFont(s), u = n.getTextWidth(h, c), y = n.getTextHeight(h, c); e.normal.label.show ? (e.normal.label.x + V > t.width || e.normal.label.y + U > t.height) && (h = "") : h = "", e.emphasis.label.show ? (s.x + u > t.width || s.y + y > t.height) && (p = "") : p = ""; var g = { style: { textX: t.x + e.normal.label.x, textY: t.y + e.normal.label.y, text: h, textPosition: "specific", textColor: o.color, textFont: m }, highlightStyle: { textX: t.x + e.emphasis.label.x, textY: t.y + e.emphasis.label.y, text: p, textColor: s.color, textPosition: "specific" } }; return g }, getLabelText: function (e, t, i) { return i ? "function" == typeof i ? i.call(this.myChart, e, t) : "string" == typeof i ? (i = i.replace("{b}", "{b0}").replace("{c}", "{c0}"), i = i.replace("{b0}", e).replace("{c0}", t)) : void 0 : e }, _buildChildrenTreemap: function (e, t, i, n) { for (var a = i.width * i.height, o = 0, r = [], l = 0; l < e.length; l++) o += e[l].value; for (var h = 0; h < e.length; h++) r.push(e[h].value * a / o); for (var V = new s({ x: i.x, y: i.y, width: i.width, height: i.height }), U = V.run(r), d = t.normal.childBorderWidth, p = t.normal.childBorderColor, c = 0; c < U.length; c++) { var u = U[c], y = []; i.y.toFixed(2) !== u.y.toFixed(2) && y.push(this._getLine(u.x, u.y, u.x + u.width, u.y, d, p)), i.x.toFixed(2) !== u.x.toFixed(2) && y.push(this._getLine(u.x, u.y, u.x, u.y + u.height, d, p)), (i.y + i.height).toFixed(2) !== (u.y + u.height).toFixed(2) && y.push(this._getLine(u.x, u.y + u.height, u.x + u.width, u.y + u.height, d, p)), (i.x + i.width).toFixed(2) !== (u.x + u.width).toFixed(2) && y.push(this._getLine(u.x + u.width, u.y, u.x + u.width, u.y + u.height, d, p)); for (var g = 0; g < y.length; g++) m.set(y[g], "seriesIndex", n), this.shapeList.push(y[g]) } }, _getLine: function (e, t, i, n, a, o) { var s = { zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), hoverable: !1, style: {xStart: e, yStart: t, xEnd: i, yEnd: n, lineWidth: a, strokeColor: o} }; return new r(s) }, _buildBreadcrumb: function (e, t, i, n) { for (var a = [], r = e; r;) a.unshift(r.data.name), r = r.parent; for (var s = this.series[t], l = this.query(s, "itemStyle.normal.breadcrumb.textStyle") || {}, h = this.query(s, "itemStyle.emphasis.breadcrumb.textStyle") || {}, V = { y: n + 10, textBaseline: "top", textAlign: "left", color: l.color, textFont: this.getFont(l) }, p = { brushType: "fill", color: h.color || d.lift(l.color, -.3), textFont: this.getFont(h) }, c = 0; c < a.length; c++) { var u = new o({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase(), style: U.merge({x: i, text: a[c] + (a.length - 1 - c ? " > " : "")}, V), clickable: !0, highlightStyle: p }); m.set(u, "seriesIndex", t), m.set(u, "name", a[c]), i += u.getRect(u.style).width, this.shapeList.push(u) } }, __onclick: function (e) { var t = e.target; if (t) { var i = m.get(t, "seriesIndex"), n = m.get(t, "name"), a = this._treesMap[i], o = a.getNodeById(n); o && o.children.length && this._buildTreemap(o, i) } } }, U.inherits(t, i), e("../chart").define("treemap", t), t }),i("echarts/layout/TreeMap", ["require"], function () { function e(e) { ({x: e.x, y: e.y, width: e.width, height: e.height}); this.x = e.x, this.y = e.y, this.width = e.width, this.height = e.height } return e.prototype.run = function (e) { var t = []; return this._squarify(e, {x: this.x, y: this.y, width: this.width, height: this.height}, t), t }, e.prototype._squarify = function (e, t, i) { var n = "VERTICAL", a = t.width, o = t.height; t.width < t.height && (n = "HORIZONTAL", a = t.height, o = t.width); for (var r = this._getShapeListInAbstractRow(e, a, o), s = 0; s < r.length; s++) { r[s].x = 0, r[s].y = 0; for (var l = 0; s > l; l++) r[s].y += r[l].height } var h = {}; if ("VERTICAL" == n) { for (var m = 0; m < r.length; m++) i.push({ x: r[m].x + t.x, y: r[m].y + t.y, width: r[m].width, height: r[m].height }); h = {x: r[0].width + t.x, y: t.y, width: t.width - r[0].width, height: t.height} } else { for (var V = 0; V < r.length; V++) i.push({ x: r[V].y + t.x, y: r[V].x + t.y, width: r[V].height, height: r[V].width }); h = {x: t.x, y: t.y + r[0].width, width: t.width, height: t.height - r[0].width} } var U = e.slice(r.length); 0 !== U.length && this._squarify(U, h, i) }, e.prototype._getShapeListInAbstractRow = function (e, t, i) { if (1 === e.length) return [{width: t, height: i}]; for (var n = 1; n < e.length; n++) { var a = this._placeFixedNumberRectangles(e.slice(0, n), t, i), o = this._placeFixedNumberRectangles(e.slice(0, n + 1), t, i); if (this._isFirstBetter(a, o)) return a } }, e.prototype._placeFixedNumberRectangles = function (e, t, i) { for (var n = e.length, a = [], o = 0, r = 0; r < e.length; r++) o += e[r]; for (var s = o / i, l = 0; n > l; l++) { var h = i * e[l] / o; a.push({width: s, height: h}) } return a }, e.prototype._isFirstBetter = function (e, t) { var i = e[0].height / e[0].width; i = i > 1 ? 1 / i : i; var n = t[0].height / t[0].width; return n = n > 1 ? 1 / n : n, Math.abs(i - 1) <= Math.abs(n - 1) ? !0 : !1 }, e }),i("echarts/data/Tree", ["require", "zrender/tool/util"], function (e) { function t(e, t) { this.id = e, this.depth = 0, this.height = 0, this.children = [], this.parent = null, this.data = t || null } function i(e) { this.root = new t(e) } var n = e("zrender/tool/util"); return t.prototype.add = function (e) { var t = this.children; e.parent !== this && (t.push(e), e.parent = this) }, t.prototype.remove = function (e) { var t = this.children, i = n.indexOf(t, e); i >= 0 && (t.splice(i, 1), e.parent = null) }, t.prototype.traverse = function (e, t) { e.call(t, this); for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) this.children[i].traverse(e, t) }, t.prototype.updateDepthAndHeight = function (e) { var t = 0; this.depth = e; for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) { var n = this.children[i]; n.updateDepthAndHeight(e + 1), n.height > t && (t = n.height) } this.height = t + 1 }, t.prototype.getNodeById = function (e) { if (this.id === e) return this; for (var t = 0; t < this.children.length; t++) { var i = this.children[t].getNodeById(e); if (i) return i } }, i.prototype.traverse = function (e, t) { this.root.traverse(e, t) }, i.prototype.getSubTree = function (e) { var t = this.getNodeById(e); if (t) { var n = new i(t.id); return n.root = t, n } }, i.prototype.getNodeById = function (e) { return this.root.getNodeById(e) }, i.fromOptionData = function (e, n) { function a(e, i) { var n = new t(e.name, e); i.add(n); var o = e.children; if (o) for (var r = 0; r < o.length; r++) a(o[r], n) } var o = new i(e), r = o.root; r.data = {name: e, children: n}; for (var s = 0; s < n.length; s++) a(n[s], r); return o.root.updateDepthAndHeight(0), o }, i.fromGraph = function (e) { function n(t) { for (var i = e.getNodeById(t.id), a = 0; a < i.outEdges.length; a++) { var r = i.outEdges[a], s = o[r.node2.id]; t.children.push(s), n(s) } } for (var a = {}, o = {}, r = 0; r < e.nodes.length; r++) { var s, l = e.nodes[r]; 0 === l.inDegree() ? (a[l.id] = new i(l.id), s = a[l.id].root) : s = new t(l.id), s.data = l.data, o[l.id] = s } var h = []; for (var m in a) n(a[m].root), a[m].root.updateDepthAndHeight(0), h.push(a[m]); return h }, i }),i("echarts/chart/tree", ["require", "./base", "../util/shape/Icon", "zrender/shape/Image", "zrender/shape/Line", "zrender/shape/BezierCurve", "../layout/Tree", "../data/Tree", "../config", "../util/ecData", "zrender/config", "zrender/tool/event", "zrender/tool/util", "../chart"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.refresh(a) } var i = e("./base"), n = .618, a = e("../util/shape/Icon"), o = e("zrender/shape/Image"), r = e("zrender/shape/Line"), s = e("zrender/shape/BezierCurve"), l = e("../layout/Tree"), h = e("../data/Tree"), m = e("../config"); m.tree = { zlevel: 1, z: 2, calculable: !1, clickable: !0, rootLocation: {}, orient: "vertical", symbol: "circle", symbolSize: 20, nodePadding: 30, layerPadding: 100, itemStyle: {normal: {label: {show: !0}, lineStyle: {width: 1, color: "#777", type: "curve"}}, emphasis: {}} }; var V = e("../util/ecData"), U = (e("zrender/config"), e("zrender/tool/event"), e("zrender/tool/util")); return t.prototype = { type: m.CHART_TYPE_TREE, _buildShape: function (e, t) { var i = e.data[0]; this.tree = h.fromOptionData(i.name, i.children), this.tree.root.data = i, this._setTreeShape(e), this.tree.traverse(function (i) { this._buildItem(i, e, t), i.children.length > 0 && this._buildLink(i, e) }, this); var n = e.roam === !0 || "move" === e.roam, a = e.roam === !0 || "scale" === e.roam; this.zr.modLayer(this.getZlevelBase(), { panable: n, zoomable: a }), (this.query("markPoint.effect.show") || this.query("markLine.effect.show")) && this.zr.modLayer(m.EFFECT_ZLEVEL, { panable: n, zoomable: a }), this.addShapeList() }, _buildItem: function (e, t, i) { var n = [e.data, t], r = this.deepQuery(n, "symbol"), s = this.deepMerge(n, "itemStyle.normal") || {}, l = this.deepMerge(n, "itemStyle.emphasis") || {}, h = s.color || this.zr.getColor(), m = l.color || this.zr.getColor(), U = -e.layout.angle || 0; e.id === this.tree.root.id && (U = 0); var d = "right"; Math.abs(U) >= Math.PI / 2 && Math.abs(U) < 3 * Math.PI / 2 && (U += Math.PI, d = "left"); var p = [U, e.layout.position[0], e.layout.position[1]], c = new a({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase() + 1, rotation: p, clickable: this.deepQuery(n, "clickable"), style: { x: e.layout.position[0] - .5 * e.layout.width, y: e.layout.position[1] - .5 * e.layout.height, width: e.layout.width, height: e.layout.height, iconType: r, color: h, brushType: "both", lineWidth: s.borderWidth, strokeColor: s.borderColor }, highlightStyle: {color: m, lineWidth: l.borderWidth, strokeColor: l.borderColor} }); c.style.iconType.match("image") && (c.style.image = c.style.iconType.replace(new RegExp("^image:\\/\\/"), ""), c = new o({ rotation: p, style: c.style, highlightStyle: c.highlightStyle, clickable: c.clickable, zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), z: this.getZBase() })), this.deepQuery(n, "itemStyle.normal.label.show") && (c.style.text = null == e.data.label ? e.id : e.data.label, c.style.textPosition = this.deepQuery(n, "itemStyle.normal.label.position"), "radial" === t.orient && "inside" !== c.style.textPosition && (c.style.textPosition = d), c.style.textColor = this.deepQuery(n, "itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle.color"), c.style.textFont = this.getFont(this.deepQuery(n, "itemStyle.normal.label.textStyle") || {})), this.deepQuery(n, "itemStyle.emphasis.label.show") && (c.highlightStyle.textPosition = this.deepQuery(n, "itemStyle.emphasis.label.position"), c.highlightStyle.textColor = this.deepQuery(n, "itemStyle.emphasis.label.textStyle.color"), c.highlightStyle.textFont = this.getFont(this.deepQuery(n, "itemStyle.emphasis.label.textStyle") || {})), V.pack(c, t, i, e.data, 0, e.id), this.shapeList.push(c) }, _buildLink: function (e, t) { var i = t.itemStyle.normal.lineStyle; if ("broken" === i.type) return void this._buildBrokenLine(e, i, t); for (var n = 0; n < e.children.length; n++) { var a = e.layout.position[0], o = e.layout.position[1], r = e.children[n].layout.position[0], s = e.children[n].layout.position[1]; switch (i.type) { case"curve": this._buildBezierCurve(e, e.children[n], i, t); break; case"broken": break; default: var l = this._getLine(a, o, r, s, i); this.shapeList.push(l) } } }, _buildBrokenLine: function (e, t, i) { var a = U.clone(t); a.type = "solid"; var o = [], r = e.layout.position[0], s = e.layout.position[1], l = i.orient, h = e.children[0].layout.position[1], m = r, V = s + (h - s) * (1 - n), d = e.children[0].layout.position[0], p = V, c = e.children[e.children.length - 1].layout.position[0], u = V; if ("horizontal" === l) { var y = e.children[0].layout.position[0]; m = r + (y - r) * (1 - n), V = s, d = m, p = e.children[0].layout.position[1], c = m, u = e.children[e.children.length - 1].layout.position[1] } o.push(this._getLine(r, s, m, V, a)), o.push(this._getLine(d, p, c, u, a)); for (var g = 0; g < e.children.length; g++) y = e.children[g].layout.position[0], h = e.children[g].layout.position[1], "horizontal" === l ? p = h : d = y, o.push(this._getLine(d, p, y, h, a)); this.shapeList = this.shapeList.concat(o) }, _getLine: function (e, t, i, n, a) { return e === i && (e = i = this.subPixelOptimize(e, a.width)), t === n && (t = n = this.subPixelOptimize(t, a.width)), new r({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), hoverable: !1, style: U.merge({ xStart: e, yStart: t, xEnd: i, yEnd: n, lineType: a.type, strokeColor: a.color, lineWidth: a.width }, a, !0) }) }, _buildBezierCurve: function (e, t, i, a) { var o = n, r = a.orient, l = e.layout.position[0], h = e.layout.position[1], m = t.layout.position[0], V = t.layout.position[1], d = l, p = (V - h) * o + h, c = m, u = (V - h) * (1 - o) + h; if ("horizontal" === r) d = (m - l) * o + l, p = h, c = (m - l) * (1 - o) + l, u = V; else if ("radial" === r) if (e.id === this.tree.root.id) d = (m - l) * o + l, p = (V - h) * o + h, c = (m - l) * (1 - o) + l, u = (V - h) * (1 - o) + h; else { var y = e.layout.originPosition[0], g = e.layout.originPosition[1], b = t.layout.originPosition[0], f = t.layout.originPosition[1], k = this.tree.root.layout.position[0], x = this.tree.root.layout.position[1]; d = y, p = (f - g) * o + g, c = b, u = (f - g) * (1 - o) + g; var _ = (d - this.minX) / this.width * Math.PI * 2; d = p * Math.cos(_) + k, p = p * Math.sin(_) + x, _ = (c - this.minX) / this.width * Math.PI * 2, c = u * Math.cos(_) + k, u = u * Math.sin(_) + x } var L = new s({ zlevel: this.getZlevelBase(), hoverable: !1, style: U.merge({ xStart: l, yStart: h, cpX1: d, cpY1: p, cpX2: c, cpY2: u, xEnd: m, yEnd: V, strokeColor: i.color, lineWidth: i.width }, i, !0) }); this.shapeList.push(L) }, _setTreeShape: function (e) { var t = new l({nodePadding: e.nodePadding, layerPadding: e.layerPadding}); this.tree.traverse(function (t) { var i = [t.data, e], n = this.deepQuery(i, "symbolSize"); "number" == typeof n && (n = [n, n]), t.layout = {width: n[0], height: n[1]} }, this), t.run(this.tree); var i = e.orient, n = e.rootLocation.x, a = e.rootLocation.y, o = this.zr.getWidth(), r = this.zr.getHeight(); n = "center" === n ? .5 * o : this.parsePercent(n, o), a = "center" === a ? .5 * r : this.parsePercent(a, r), a = this.parsePercent(a, r), "horizontal" === i && (n = isNaN(n) ? 10 : n, a = isNaN(a) ? .5 * r : a), "radial" === i ? (n = isNaN(n) ? .5 * o : n, a = isNaN(a) ? .5 * r : a) : (n = isNaN(n) ? .5 * o : n, a = isNaN(a) ? 10 : a); var s = this.tree.root.layout.position[0]; if ("radial" === i) { var h = 1 / 0, m = 0, V = 0; this.tree.traverse(function (e) { m = Math.max(m, e.layout.position[0]), h = Math.min(h, e.layout.position[0]), V = Math.max(V, e.layout.width) }), this.width = m - h + 2 * V, this.minX = h } this.tree.traverse(function (t) { var o, r; if ("vertical" === i && "inverse" === e.direction) o = t.layout.position[0] - s + n, r = a - t.layout.position[1]; else if ("vertical" === i) o = t.layout.position[0] - s + n, r = t.layout.position[1] + a; else if ("horizontal" === i && "inverse" === e.direction) r = t.layout.position[0] - s + a, o = n - t.layout.position[1]; else if ("horizontal" === i) r = t.layout.position[0] - s + a, o = t.layout.position[1] + n; else { o = t.layout.position[0], r = t.layout.position[1], t.layout.originPosition = [o, r]; var l = r, m = (o - h) / this.width * Math.PI * 2; o = l * Math.cos(m) + n, r = l * Math.sin(m) + a, t.layout.angle = m } t.layout.position[0] = o, t.layout.position[1] = r }, this) }, refresh: function (e) { this.clear(), e && (this.option = e, this.series = this.option.series); for (var t = this.series, i = this.component.legend, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) if (t[n].type === m.CHART_TYPE_TREE) { t[n] = this.reformOption(t[n]); var a = t[n].name || ""; if (this.selectedMap[a] = i ? i.isSelected(a) : !0, !this.selectedMap[a]) continue; this._buildSeries(t[n], n) } }, _buildSeries: function (e, t) { this._buildShape(e, t) } }, U.inherits(t, i), e("../chart").define("tree", t), t }),i("echarts/layout/Tree", ["require", "zrender/tool/vector"], function (e) { function t(e) { e = e || {}, this.nodePadding = e.nodePadding || 30, this.layerPadding = e.layerPadding || 100, this._layerOffsets = [], this._layers = [] } var i = e("zrender/tool/vector"); return t.prototype.run = function (e) { this._layerOffsets.length = 0; for (var t = 0; t < e.root.height + 1; t++) this._layerOffsets[t] = 0, this._layers[t] = []; this._updateNodeXPosition(e.root); var i = e.root; this._updateNodeYPosition(i, 0, i.layout.height) }, t.prototype._updateNodeXPosition = function (e) { var t = 1 / 0, n = -(1 / 0); e.layout.position = e.layout.position || i.create(); for (var a = 0; a < e.children.length; a++) { var o = e.children[a]; this._updateNodeXPosition(o); var r = o.layout.position[0]; t > r && (t = r), r > n && (n = r) } e.layout.position[0] = e.children.length > 0 ? (t + n) / 2 : 0; var s = this._layerOffsets[e.depth] || 0; if (s > e.layout.position[0]) { var l = s - e.layout.position[0]; this._shiftSubtree(e, l); for (var a = e.depth + 1; a < e.height + e.depth; a++) this._layerOffsets[a] += l } this._layerOffsets[e.depth] = e.layout.position[0] + e.layout.width + this.nodePadding, this._layers[e.depth].push(e) }, t.prototype._shiftSubtree = function (e, t) { e.layout.position[0] += t; for (var i = 0; i < e.children.length; i++) this._shiftSubtree(e.children[i], t) }, t.prototype._updateNodeYPosition = function (e, t, i) { e.layout.position[1] = t; for (var n = 0, a = 0; a < e.children.length; a++) n = Math.max(e.children[a].layout.height, n); var o = this.layerPadding; "function" == typeof o && (o = o(e.depth)); for (var a = 0; a < e.children.length; a++) this._updateNodeYPosition(e.children[a], t + o + i, n) }, t }),i("echarts/chart/wordCloud", ["require", "./base", "zrender/shape/Text", "../layout/WordCloud", "../component/grid", "../component/dataRange", "../config", "../util/ecData", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/color", "../chart"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.refresh(a) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("zrender/shape/Text"), a = e("../layout/WordCloud"); e("../component/grid"), e("../component/dataRange"); var o = e("../config"), r = e("../util/ecData"), s = e("zrender/tool/util"), l = e("zrender/tool/color"); return o.wordCloud = { zlevel: 0, z: 2, clickable: !0, center: ["50%", "50%"], size: ["40%", "40%"], textRotation: [0, 90], textPadding: 0, autoSize: {enable: !0, minSize: 12}, itemStyle: { normal: { textStyle: { fontSize: function (e) { return e.value } } } } }, t.prototype = { type: o.CHART_TYPE_WORDCLOUD, refresh: function (e) { e && (this.option = e, this.series = e.series), this._init() }, _init: function () { var e = this.series; this.backupShapeList(); for (var t = this.component.legend, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) if (e[i].type === o.CHART_TYPE_WORDCLOUD) { e[i] = this.reformOption(e[i]); var n = e[i].name || ""; if (this.selectedMap[n] = t ? t.isSelected(n) : !0, !this.selectedMap[n]) continue; this.buildMark(i), this._initSerie(e[i]) } }, _initSerie: function (e) { var t = e.itemStyle.normal.textStyle, i = [this.parsePercent(e.size[0], this.zr.getWidth()) || 200, this.parsePercent(e.size[1], this.zr.getHeight()) || 200], n = this.parseCenter(this.zr, e.center), o = { size: i, wordletype: {autoSizeCal: e.autoSize}, center: n, rotate: e.textRotation, padding: e.textPadding, font: t.fontFamily, fontSize: t.fontSize, fontWeight: t.fontWeight, fontStyle: t.fontStyle, text: function (e) { return e.name }, data: e.data }, r = new a(o), s = this; r.end(function (e) { s._buildShapes(e) }), r.start() }, _buildShapes: function (e) { for (var t = e.length, i = 0; t > i; i++) this._buildTextShape(e[i], 0, i); this.addShapeList() }, _buildTextShape: function (e, t, i) { var a = this.series, o = a[t], s = o.name || "", h = o.data[i], m = [h, o], V = this.component.legend, U = V ? V.getColor(s) : this.zr.getColor(t), d = this.deepMerge(m, "itemStyle.normal") || {}, p = this.deepMerge(m, "itemStyle.emphasis") || {}, c = this.getItemStyleColor(d.color, t, i, h) || U, u = this.getItemStyleColor(p.color, t, i, h) || ("string" == typeof c ? l.lift(c, -.2) : c), y = new n({ zlevel: o.zlevel, z: o.z, hoverable: !0, clickable: this.deepQuery(m, "clickable"), style: { x: 0, y: 0, text: e.text, color: c, textFont: [e.style, e.weight, e.size + "px", e.font].join(" "), textBaseline: "alphabetic", textAlign: "center" }, highlightStyle: { brushType: p.borderWidth ? "both" : "fill", color: u, lineWidth: p.borderWidth || 0, strokeColor: p.borderColor }, position: [e.x, e.y], rotation: [-e.rotate / 180 * Math.PI, 0, 0] }); r.pack(y, o, t, h, i, h.name), this.shapeList.push(y) } }, s.inherits(t, i), e("../chart").define("wordCloud", t), t }),i("echarts/layout/WordCloud", ["require", "../layout/WordCloudRectZero", "zrender/tool/util"], function (e) { function t(e) { this._init(e) } var i = e("../layout/WordCloudRectZero"), n = e("zrender/tool/util"); return t.prototype = { start: function () { function e() { p.totalArea = r, U.autoSizeCal.enable && p._autoCalTextSize(m, r, a, o, U.autoSizeCal.minSize), V.timer && clearInterval(V.timer), V.timer = setInterval(t, 0), t() } function t() { for (var e, t = +new Date, i = m.length; +new Date - t < V.timeInterval && ++s < i && V.timer;) e = m[s], e.x = d[0] >> 1, e.y = d[1] >> 1, p._cloudSprite(e, m, s), e.hasText && p._place(n, e, h) && (l.push(e), e.x -= d[0] >> 1, e.y -= d[1] >> 1); s >= i && (p.stop(), p._fixTagPosition(l), V.endcallback(l)) } var n = null, a = 0, o = 0, r = 0, s = -1, l = [], h = null, m = this.wordsdata, V = this.defaultOption, U = V.wordletype, d = V.size, p = this, c = new i({type: U.type, width: d[0], height: d[1]}); return c.calculate(function (t) { n = t.initarr, a = t.maxWit, o = t.maxHit, r = t.area, h = t.imgboard, e() }, this), this }, _fixTagPosition: function (e) { for (var t = this.defaultOption.center, i = 0, n = e.length; n > i; i++) e[i].x += t[0], e[i].y += t[1] }, stop: function () { return this.defaultOption.timer && (clearInterval(this.defaultOption.timer), this.defaultOption.timer = null), this }, end: function (e) { return e && (this.defaultOption.endcallback = e), this }, _init: function (e) { this.defaultOption = {}, this._initProperty(e), this._initMethod(e), this._initCanvas(), this._initData(e.data) }, _initData: function (e) { var t = this, i = t.defaultOption; this.wordsdata = e.map(function (e, n) { return e.text = i.text.call(t, e, n), e.font = i.font.call(t, e, n), e.style = i.fontStyle.call(t, e, n), e.weight = i.fontWeight.call(t, e, n), e.rotate = i.rotate.call(t, e, n), e.size = ~~i.fontSize.call(t, e, n), e.padding = i.padding.call(t, e, n), e }).sort(function (e, t) { return t.value - e.value }) }, _initMethod: function (e) { function t(e) { return e.name } function i() { return "sans-serif" } function n() { return "normal" } function a(e) { return e.value } function o() { return 0 } function r(e) { return function () { return e[Math.round(Math.random() * (e.length - 1))] } } function s() { return 0 } function l(e) { var t = e[0] / e[1]; return function (e) { return [t * (e *= .1) * Math.cos(e), e * Math.sin(e)] } } function h(e) { var t = 4, i = t * e[0] / e[1], n = 0, a = 0; return function (e) { var o = 0 > e ? -1 : 1; switch (Math.sqrt(1 + 4 * o * e) - o & 3) { case 0: n += i; break; case 1: a += t; break; case 2: n -= i; break; default: a -= t } return [n, a] } } function m(e) { return "function" == typeof e ? e : function () { return e } } var V = this.defaultOption; V.text = e.text ? m(e.text) : t, V.font = e.font ? m(e.font) : i, V.fontSize = e.fontSize ? m(e.fontSize) : a, V.fontStyle = e.fontStyle ? m(e.fontStyle) : n, V.fontWeight = e.fontWeight ? m(e.fontWeight) : n, V.rotate = e.rotate ? r(e.rotate) : o, V.padding = e.padding ? m(e.padding) : s, V.center = e.center, V.spiral = l, V.endcallback = function () { }, V.rectangularSpiral = h, V.archimedeanSpiral = l }, _initProperty: function (e) { var t = this.defaultOption; t.size = e.size || [256, 256], t.wordletype = e.wordletype, t.words = e.words || [], t.timeInterval = 1 / 0, t.timer = null, t.spirals = { archimedean: t.archimedeanSpiral, rectangular: t.rectangularSpiral }, n.merge(t, { size: [256, 256], wordletype: {type: "RECT", areaPresent: .058, autoSizeCal: {enable: !0, minSize: 12}} }) }, _initCanvas: function () { var e, t = Math.PI / 180, i = 64, n = 2048, a = 1; "undefined" != typeof document ? (e = document.createElement("canvas"), e.width = 1, e.height = 1, a = Math.sqrt(e.getContext("2d").getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data.length >> 2), e.width = (i << 5) / a, e.height = n / a) : e = new Canvas(i << 5, n); var o = e.getContext("2d"); o.fillStyle = o.strokeStyle = "red", o.textAlign = "center", this.defaultOption.c = o, this.defaultOption.cw = i, this.defaultOption.ch = n, this.defaultOption.ratio = a, this.defaultOption.cloudRadians = t }, _cloudSprite: function (e, t, i) { if (!e.sprite) { var n = this.defaultOption.cw, a = this.defaultOption.ch, o = this.defaultOption.c, r = this.defaultOption.ratio, s = this.defaultOption.cloudRadians; o.clearRect(0, 0, (n << 5) / r, a / r); var l = 0, h = 0, m = 0, V = t.length; for (--i; ++i < V;) { e = t[i], o.save(), o.font = e.style + " " + e.weight + " " + ~~((e.size + 1) / r) + "px " + e.font; var U = o.measureText(e.text + "m").width * r, d = e.size << 1; if (e.rotate) { var p = Math.sin(e.rotate * s), c = Math.cos(e.rotate * s), u = U * c, y = U * p, g = d * c, b = d * p; U = Math.max(Math.abs(u + b), Math.abs(u - b)) + 31 >> 5 << 5, d = ~~Math.max(Math.abs(y + g), Math.abs(y - g)) } else U = U + 31 >> 5 << 5; if (d > m && (m = d), l + U >= n << 5 && (l = 0, h += m, m = 0), h + d >= a) break; o.translate((l + (U >> 1)) / r, (h + (d >> 1)) / r), e.rotate && o.rotate(e.rotate * s), o.fillText(e.text, 0, 0), e.padding && (o.lineWidth = 2 * e.padding, o.strokeText(e.text, 0, 0)), o.restore(), e.width = U, e.height = d, e.xoff = l, e.yoff = h, e.x1 = U >> 1, e.y1 = d >> 1, e.x0 = -e.x1, e.y0 = -e.y1, e.hasText = !0, l += U } for (var f = o.getImageData(0, 0, (n << 5) / r, a / r).data, k = []; --i >= 0;) if (e = t[i], e.hasText) { for (var U = e.width, x = U >> 5, d = e.y1 - e.y0, _ = 0; d * x > _; _++) k[_] = 0; if (l = e.xoff, null == l) return; h = e.yoff; for (var L = 0, W = -1, X = 0; d > X; X++) { for (var _ = 0; U > _; _++) { var v = x * X + (_ >> 5), w = f[(h + X) * (n << 5) + (l + _) << 2] ? 1 << 31 - _ % 32 : 0; k[v] |= w, L |= w } L ? W = X : (e.y0++, d--, X--, h++) } e.y1 = e.y0 + W, e.sprite = k.slice(0, (e.y1 - e.y0) * x) } } }, _place: function (e, t, i) { function n(e, t, i) { i >>= 5; for (var n, a = e.sprite, o = e.width >> 5, r = e.x - (o << 4), s = 127 & r, l = 32 - s, h = e.y1 - e.y0, m = (e.y + e.y0) * i + (r >> 5), V = 0; h > V; V++) { n = 0; for (var U = 0; o >= U; U++) if ((n << l | (o > U ? (n = a[V * o + U]) >>> s : 0)) & t[m + U]) return !0; m += i } return !1 } function a(e, t) { return t.row[e.y] && t.cloumn[e.x] && e.x >= t.row[e.y].start && e.x <= t.row[e.y].end && e.y >= t.cloumn[e.x].start && e.y <= t.cloumn[e.x].end } for (var o, r, s, l = this.defaultOption.size, h = ([{x: 0, y: 0}, { x: l[0], y: l[1] }], t.x), m = t.y, V = Math.sqrt(l[0] * l[0] + l[1] * l[1]), U = this.defaultOption.spiral(l), d = Math.random() < .5 ? 1 : -1, p = -d; (o = U(p += d)) && (r = ~~o[0], s = ~~o[1], !(Math.min(r, s) > V));) if (t.x = h + r, t.y = m + s, !(t.x + t.x0 < 0 || t.y + t.y0 < 0 || t.x + t.x1 > l[0] || t.y + t.y1 > l[1]) && !n(t, e, l[0]) && a(t, i)) { for (var c, u = t.sprite, y = t.width >> 5, g = l[0] >> 5, b = t.x - (y << 4), f = 127 & b, k = 32 - f, x = t.y1 - t.y0, _ = (t.y + t.y0) * g + (b >> 5), L = 0; x > L; L++) { c = 0; for (var W = 0; y >= W; W++) e[_ + W] |= c << k | (y > W ? (c = u[L * y + W]) >>> f : 0); _ += g } return delete t.sprite, !0 } return !1 }, _autoCalTextSize: function (e, t, i, n, a) { function o(e) { c.clearRect(0, 0, (d << 5) / u, p / u), c.save(), c.font = e.style + " " + e.weight + " " + ~~((e.size + 1) / u) + "px " + e.font; var t = c.measureText(e.text + "m").width * u, r = e.size << 1; t = t + 31 >> 5 << 5, c.restore(), e.aw = t, e.ah = r; var s, l, h; if (e.rotate) { var m = Math.sin(e.rotate * y), V = Math.cos(e.rotate * y), g = t * V, b = t * m, f = r * V, k = r * m; l = Math.max(Math.abs(g + k), Math.abs(g - k)) + 31 >> 5 << 5, h = ~~Math.max(Math.abs(b + f), Math.abs(b - f)) } return e.size <= U || e.rotate && t * r <= e.area && i >= l && n >= h || t * r <= e.area && i >= t && n >= r ? void (e.area = t * r) : (s = e.rotate && l > i && h > n ? Math.min(i / l, n / h) : t > i || r > n ? Math.min(i / t, n / r) : Math.sqrt(e.area / (e.aw * e.ah)), e.size = ~~(s * e.size), e.size < a ? void (e.size = a) : o(e)) } function r(e, t) { for (var i = e.length, n = 0; i--;) n += t(e[i]); return n } for (var s, l, h = r(e, function (e) { return e.size }), m = e.length, V = .25, U = a, d = this.defaultOption.cw, p = this.defaultOption.ch, c = this.defaultOption.c, u = this.defaultOption.ratio, y = this.defaultOption.cloudRadians; m--;) s = e[m], l = s.size / h, s.areapre = V ? V > l ? l : V : l, s.area = t * s.areapre, s.totalarea = t, o(s) } }, t }),i("echarts/layout/WordCloudRectZero", ["require"], function () { function e(e) { this.defaultOption = {type: "RECT"}, this._init(e) } return e.prototype = { RECT: "_calculateRect", _init: function (e) { this._initOption(e), this._initCanvas() }, _initOption: function (e) { for (k in e) this.defaultOption[k] = e[k] }, _initCanvas: function () { var e = document.createElement("canvas"); e.width = 1, e.height = 1; var t = Math.sqrt(e.getContext("2d").getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data.length >> 2); if (e.width = this.defaultOption.width, e.height = this.defaultOption.height, e.getContext) var i = e.getContext("2d"); this.canvas = e, this.ctx = i, this.ratio = t }, calculate: function (e, t) { var i = this.defaultOption.type, n = this[i]; this[n].call(this, e, t) }, _calculateReturn: function (e, t, i) { t.call(i, e) }, _calculateRect: function (e, t) { var i = {}, n = this.defaultOption.width >> 5 << 5, a = this.defaultOption.height; i.initarr = this._rectZeroArray(n * a), i.area = n * a, i.maxHit = a, i.maxWit = n, i.imgboard = this._rectBoard(n, a), this._calculateReturn(i, e, t) }, _rectBoard: function (e, t) { for (var i = [], n = 0; t > n; n++) i.push({y: n, start: 0, end: e}); for (var a = [], n = 0; e > n; n++) a.push({x: n, start: 0, end: t}); return {row: i, cloumn: a} }, _rectZeroArray: function (e) { for (var t = [], i = e, n = -1; ++n < i;) t[n] = 0; return t } }, e }),i("echarts/chart/heatmap", ["require", "./base", "../layer/heatmap", "../config", "../util/ecData", "zrender/tool/util", "zrender/tool/color", "zrender/shape/Image", "../chart"], function (e) { function t(e, t, n, a, o) { i.call(this, e, t, n, a, o), this.refresh(a) } var i = e("./base"), n = e("../layer/heatmap"), a = e("../config"), o = (e("../util/ecData"), e("zrender/tool/util")), r = (e("zrender/tool/color"), e("zrender/shape/Image")); return a.heatmap = {zlevel: 0, z: 2, clickable: !0}, t.prototype = { type: a.CHART_TYPE_HEATMAP, refresh: function (e) { this.clear(), e && (this.option = e, this.series = e.series), this._init() }, _init: function () { var e = this.series; this.backupShapeList(); for (var t = e.length, i = 0; t > i; ++i) if (e[i].type === a.CHART_TYPE_HEATMAP) { e[i] = this.reformOption(e[i]); var o = new n(e[i]), s = o.getCanvas(e[i].data, this.zr.getWidth(), this.zr.getHeight()), l = new r({ position: [0, 0], scale: [1, 1], hoverable: this.option.hoverable, style: {x: 0, y: 0, image: s, width: s.width, height: s.height} }); this.shapeList.push(l) } this.addShapeList() } }, o.inherits(t, i), e("../chart").define("heatmap", t), t }); var n = t("zrender"); n.tool = { color: t("zrender/tool/color"), math: t("zrender/tool/math"), util: t("zrender/tool/util"), vector: t("zrender/tool/vector"), area: t("zrender/tool/area"), event: t("zrender/tool/event") }, n.animation = { Animation: t("zrender/animation/Animation"), Cip: t("zrender/animation/Clip"), easing: t("zrender/animation/easing") }; var a = t("echarts"); a.config = t("echarts/config"), a.util = {mapData: {params: t("echarts/util/mapData/params")}}, t("echarts/chart/line"), t("echarts/chart/bar"), t("echarts/chart/scatter"), t("echarts/chart/k"), t("echarts/chart/pie"), t("echarts/chart/radar"), t("echarts/chart/chord"), t("echarts/chart/force"), t("echarts/chart/map"), t("echarts/chart/gauge"), t("echarts/chart/funnel"), t("echarts/chart/eventRiver"), t("echarts/chart/venn"), t("echarts/chart/treemap"), t("echarts/chart/tree"), t("echarts/chart/wordCloud"), t("echarts/chart/heatmap"), e.echarts = a, e.zrender = n }(window);