@@ -0,0 +1,921 @@
+ * 竞价管理
+ * @copyright 2021-浙江引擎力营销策划有限公司
+ * @author Lc<sunshinecc1@163.com>
+ * @since 2021-08-23
+ */
+namespace App\Http\Controllers\Admin;
+use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
+use App\Http\Models\Role;
+use App\Http\Models\Site;
+use App\Http\Models\SitePayment;
+use App\Http\Models\User;
+use Illuminate\Http\Request;
+use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
+use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
+use App\Http\Models\Contract;
+class BidController extends Controller
+ //竞价列表
+ public function siteList(Request $request, $type)
+ {
+ if (!$request->ajax()) {
+ $userList = User::query()->select(['id', 'nickname'])->where(['status' => 1])->whereIn('role_id', [16, 14, 27])->get();
+ return view('admin.bid.site_list', [
+ 'userList' => $userList,
+ 'type' => $type
+ ]);
+ }
+ if ($status = $request->input('status')) {
+ $condition['status'] = $status;
+ }
+ if ($request->input('bid_status') == 'on') {
+ $condition['bid_status'] = 1;
+ }
+ //已投放个数
+ if ($type == 1) {
+ $condition['bid_status'] = 1;
+ }
+ //待投放个数
+ if ($type == 2) {
+ $condition['bid_status'] = 0;
+ $status = [2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
+ $condition[] = [function ($query) use ($status) {
+ $query->whereIn('status', $status);
+ }];
+ }
+ //已暂停放个数
+ if ($type == 3) {
+ $siteIdList = Site::query()->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")->pluck('id');
+ $siteIds = SitePayment::query()->whereIn('site_id', $siteIdList)->whereNotNull('bid_account_pause_time')->pluck('site_id')->toArray() ?? [];
+ $condition[] = [function ($query) use ($siteIds) {
+ $query->whereIn('id', $siteIds);
+ }];
+ }
+ //已续费个数
+ if ($type == 4) {
+ $siteIdList = Site::query()->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")->pluck('id');
+ $payRecords = SitePayment::query()->whereIn('site_id', $siteIdList)->selectRaw('site_id,google_bid')->whereNotNull('google_bid')->get();
+ $totalRenewalNum = [];
+ foreach ($payRecords as $record) {
+ $bids = $record->google_bid;
+ $lastItem = array_pop($bids);
+ if (!empty($lastItem['google_bid_time'])) {
+ $totalRenewalNum[] = $record->site_id;
+ }
+ }
+ $condition[] = [function ($query) use ($totalRenewalNum) {
+ $query->whereIn('id', $totalRenewalNum);
+ }];
+ }
+ if ($siteUserId = $request->input('siteUserId')) {
+ $siteIds = DB::table('user_has_sites')->where(['user_id' => $siteUserId])->pluck('site_id')->toArray();
+ }
+ $keyword = $request->input('keyword');
+ $builder = Site::query()->with(['users', 'sitePayment'])
+ ->where($condition ?? [])->where(function (Builder $builder) use ($keyword) {
+ if ($keyword) {
+ $builder->where('domain', 'like', '%' . $keyword . '%')
+ ->orWhere('cn_title', 'like', '%' . $keyword . '%');
+ }
+ })->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3");
+ if (isset($siteIds)) {
+ $builder = $builder->whereIn('id', $siteIds);
+ }
+ $sortName = $request->input('sortName');
+ $sortOrder = $request->input('sortOrder');
+ if ($sortName == 'statusTitle') {
+ $builder->orderBy('status', $sortOrder);
+ }
+ $sites = $builder->orderByDesc('id')->paginate($request->input('pageSize') ?? TABLE_PAGE_SIZE);
+ $items = $sites->items();
+ foreach ($items as $item) {
+ $item->designer = implode('-', $item->users->where('role_id', Role::TYPE_DESIGNER)->pluck('nickname')->toArray());
+ $item->web_front = implode('-', $item->users->where('role_id', Role::TYPE_WEB)->pluck('nickname')->toArray());
+ $item->bidder_title = implode('-', $item->users->where('role_id', Role::TYPE_BID)->pluck('nickname')->toArray());
+ $item->statusTitle = Site::STATUS_MAP[$item->status] ?? '';
+ $item->bid_give_fee = $item->sitePayment->bid_give_fee ?? '';
+ $bidGiveFee = floatval($item->bid_give_fee);
+ $gBid = $item->sitePayment->google_bid ?? [];
+ $totalFee = $bidGiveFee;
+ foreach ($gBid as $v) {
+ $tempFee = floatval($v['google_bid_fee'] ?? 0);
+ $totalFee += $tempFee;
+ }
+ $item->total_fee = $totalFee;
+ $item->bid_account_online_time = empty($item->sitePayment->bid_account_online_time) ?
+ '' : date('Y-m-d', strtotime($item->sitePayment->bid_account_online_time));
+ $item->bid_account_pause_time = empty($item->sitePayment->bid_account_pause_time) ? ''
+ : date('Y-m-d', strtotime($item->sitePayment->bid_account_pause_time));
+ $item->bid_score = $item->sitePayment->bid_score ?? '';
+ $item->sustain_days = '';
+ if ($item->bid_account_online_time && $item->bid_account_pause_time) {
+ $onlineAt = date_create($item->bid_account_online_time);
+ $pauseAt = date_create($item->bid_account_pause_time);
+ $diff = date_diff($pauseAt, $onlineAt);
+ $item->sustain_days = $diff->days;
+ }
+ $item->is_google_bid = in_array(Contract::GOOGLE_BID, $item->contract_ids ?? []) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ $res = collect($items);
+ if ($sortName == 'bid_account_online_time') {
+ $res = $res->sortByDesc('bid_account_online_time');
+ }
+ if ($sortName == 'bid_score') {
+ $res = $res->sortByDesc('bid_score');
+ }
+ if ($sortName == 'sustain_days') {
+ $res = $res->sortByDesc('sustain_days');
+ }
+ return response()->json([
+ 'rows' => array_values($res->toArray()),
+ 'total' => $sites->total()
+ ]);
+ }
+ //竞价仪表
+ public function dashboard()
+ {
+ $threeMonthsAgo = date('Y-m-01 00:00:00', strtotime('first day of -2 month'));
+ $thisMonth = date('Y-m-t 23:59:59');
+ //竞价总费用
+ $data['totalTotalFee'] = $this->totalFee();
+ //竞价总费用三个月
+ $data['totalFeeDiff'] = $this->totalFee2();
+ //客户续费总和
+ $data['totalAvgScore'] = $this->renew(1);
+ //客户续费三个月
+ $data['avgScoreDiff'] = $this->renew();
+ //续费个数
+ $data['totalRenewalNum'] = $this->renewal();
+ //续费个数三个月
+ $data['renewalNumDiff'] = $this->renewal2();
+ //账户总个数
+ $data['totalPpc'] = Site::query()->selectRaw('id,contract_ids')
+ ->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")->count();
+ //账户三个月
+ $data['ppcDiff'] = $this->ppcDiff($threeMonthsAgo, $thisMonth);
+ //在投放个数
+ $data['totalRedPpc'] = Site::query()->selectRaw('id,contract_ids')
+ ->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")->where('bid_status', 1)->count();
+ //在投放个数三个月
+ $data['redPpcDiff'] = $this->redPpcDiff($threeMonthsAgo, $thisMonth);
+ //未投放个数
+ $data['totalGrayPpc'] = Site::query()->whereIn('status', [2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])->selectRaw('id,contract_ids')
+ ->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")->where('bid_status', 0)->count();
+ //未投放个数三个月
+ $data['grayPpcDiff'] = $this->grayPpcDiff($threeMonthsAgo, $thisMonth);
+ //已暂停个数
+ $data['totalLineRedPpc'] = Site::query()->join('sites_payment', 'sites.id', '=', 'sites_payment.site_id')
+ ->whereNotNull('bid_account_pause_time')
+ ->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")->count();
+ //已暂停个数三个月
+ $data['lineRedPpcDiff'] = $this->lineRedPpcDiff($threeMonthsAgo, $thisMonth);
+ //既没有暂停也没有充值过的项目
+ $totalRedPpc = Site::query()->join('sites_payment', 'sites.id', '=', 'sites_payment.site_id')
+ ->whereNull('bid_account_pause_time')
+ ->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")->where('bid_status', 1)->get();
+ $num = 0;
+ foreach ($totalRedPpc as $key => $value) {
+ $result = json_decode($value->google_bid);
+ if (!empty($result)) {
+ foreach ($result as $kk => $vv) {
+ if (empty($vv->google_bid_fee)) {
+ $num++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $num++;
+ }
+ }
+ //续费率=已续费个数/(已投放个数 - 既没有暂停也没有充值过的项目)
+ $data['totalRenewalRate'] = number_format($data['totalRenewalNum'] / ($data['totalRedPpc'] - $num), 2);
+ //续费率三个月
+ $data['renewalRateDiff'] = $this->ratio();
+ $data['ppcPie'] = $this->pie();
+ $data['feeLine'] = $this->line();
+ return view('admin.bid.dashboard', $data);
+ }
+ public function renew($type = 0)
+ {
+ $list = Site::query()->join('sites_payment', 'sites.id', '=', 'sites_payment.site_id')
+ ->select('google_bid')
+ ->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")
+ ->get()->toArray() ?? [];
+ $array = [];
+ foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
+ $array[] = json_decode($value['google_bid'], true);
+ }
+ $result = [];
+ foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
+ if (is_array($value)) {
+ foreach ($value as $kk => $vv) {
+ if ($vv['google_bid_time'] && $vv['google_bid_fee']) {
+ $vv['date'] = date('Y-m', strtotime($vv['google_bid_time']));
+ $result[] = $vv;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($type != 0) {
+ $num = 0;
+ foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
+ $num += (int)$value['google_bid_fee'];
+ }
+ return $num;
+ }
+ $threeMonthsAgo = date('Y-m-01 00:00:00', strtotime('first day of -2 month'));
+ $res = $this->arrayGroupBy($result, 'date');
+ $list1 = [];
+ foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
+ if (strtotime($key) >= strtotime($threeMonthsAgo)) {
+ $num = 0;
+ foreach ($value as $kk => $vv) {
+ $num += (int)$vv['google_bid_fee'];
+ }
+ $array = [
+ 'date' => $key,
+ 'sum' => $num,
+ ];
+ $list1[] = $array;
+ }
+ }
+ sort($list1);
+ return [
+ 'xAxis' => array_column($list1, 'date'),
+ 'yAxis' => array_column($list1, 'sum'),
+ ];
+ }
+ public function lineRedPpcDiff($threeMonthsAgo, $thisMonth)
+ {
+ $list = Site::query()->join('sites_payment', 'sites.id', '=', 'sites_payment.site_id')
+ ->selectRaw('DATE_FORMAT(bid_account_pause_time,"%Y-%m") as date,count(*) as value')
+ ->whereBetween('bid_account_pause_time', [$threeMonthsAgo, $thisMonth])
+ ->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")
+ ->groupBy('date')
+ ->get()->toArray() ?? [];
+ return [
+ 'xAxis' => array_column($list, 'date'),
+ 'yAxis' => array_column($list, 'value'),
+ ];
+ }
+ public function grayPpcDiff($threeMonthsAgo, $thisMonth)
+ {
+ $list = Site::query()->selectRaw('DATE_FORMAT(online_at,"%Y-%m") as date,count(*) as value')
+ ->whereIn('status', [2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
+ ->whereBetween('online_at', [$threeMonthsAgo, $thisMonth])
+ ->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")->where('bid_status', 0)
+ ->groupBy('date')
+ ->get()->toArray() ?? [];
+ return [
+ 'xAxis' => array_column($list, 'date'),
+ 'yAxis' => array_column($list, 'value'),
+ ];
+ }
+ public function redPpcDiff($threeMonthsAgo, $thisMonth, $type = 0)
+ {
+ $list = Site::query()->join('sites_payment', 'sites.id', '=', 'sites_payment.site_id')
+ ->selectRaw('DATE_FORMAT(bid_account_online_time,"%Y-%m") as date,count(*) as value')
+ ->whereBetween('bid_account_online_time', [$threeMonthsAgo, $thisMonth])
+ ->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")->where('bid_status', 1)
+ ->groupBy('date')
+ ->get()->toArray() ?? [];
+ if ($type == 1) {
+ $list = Site::query()->join('sites_payment', 'sites.id', '=', 'sites_payment.site_id')
+ ->selectRaw('DATE_FORMAT(bid_account_online_time,"%Y-%m") as date,count(*) as value')
+ ->whereBetween('bid_account_online_time', [$threeMonthsAgo, $thisMonth])
+ ->whereNull('bid_account_pause_time')
+ ->whereNull('google_bid_fee')
+ ->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")->where('bid_status', 1)
+ ->groupBy('date')
+ ->get()->toArray() ?? [];
+ return $list;
+ }
+ return [
+ 'xAxis' => array_column($list, 'date'),
+ 'yAxis' => array_column($list, 'value'),
+ ];
+ }
+ public function ppcDiff($threeMonthsAgo, $thisMonth)
+ {
+ $list = Site::query()->selectRaw('DATE_FORMAT(order_at,"%Y-%m") as date,count(*) as value')
+ ->whereBetween('order_at', [$threeMonthsAgo, $thisMonth])
+ ->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")
+ ->groupBy('date')
+ ->get()->toArray() ?? [];
+ return [
+ 'xAxis' => array_column($list, 'date'),
+ 'yAxis' => array_column($list, 'value'),
+ ];
+ }
+ public function ratio()
+ {
+ $ratio = $this->renewal2(1);
+ //在投放个数三个月
+ $threeMonthsAgo = date('Y-m-01 00:00:00', strtotime('first day of -2 month'));
+ $thisMonth = date('Y-m-t 23:59:59');
+ $res = $this->redPpcDiff($threeMonthsAgo, $thisMonth, 1);
+ foreach ($ratio as $key => $value) {
+ foreach ($res as $kk => $vv) {
+ if ($value['date'] == $vv['date']) {
+ $ratio[$key]['ratio'] = number_format($value['count'] / $vv['value'], 2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sort($ratio);
+ return [
+ 'xAxis' => array_column($ratio, 'date'),
+ 'yAxis' => array_column($ratio, 'ratio'),
+ ];
+ }
+ //饼状图
+ private function pie()
+ {
+ $no = Site::query()->selectRaw('id,contract_ids')
+ ->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")->where('bid_status', '<>', 1)->count();
+ $in = Site::query()->selectRaw('id,contract_ids')
+ ->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")->where('bid_status', 1)->count();
+ $pause = Site::query()->join('sites_payment', 'sites.id', '=', 'sites_payment.site_id')
+ ->whereNotNull('bid_account_pause_time')
+ ->where('bid_status', '=', 1)->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")->count();
+ return [
+ 'xAxis' => ['待投放个数', '投放个数', '已暂停个数'],
+ 'hybrid' => [
+ ['name' => '待投放个数', 'value' => $no],
+ ['name' => '投放个数', 'value' => $in],
+ ['name' => '已暂停个数', 'value' => $pause],
+ ]
+ ];
+ }
+ //折线图
+ private function line()
+ {
+ $monthScope = [];
+ $monthResult = [];
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
+ $monthScope[] = date('Y-m', strtotime('first day of -' . $i . ' month'));
+ $monthResult[date('Ym', strtotime('first day of -' . $i . ' month'))] = [
+ 'begin' => strtotime(date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('first day of -' . $i . ' month'))),
+ 'end' => strtotime(date('Y-m-d 23:59:59', strtotime('last day of -' . $i . ' month'))),
+ 'total_fee' => 0
+ ];
+ }
+ $where = sprintf("google_bid->'$[*].google_bid_time' REGEXP '%s'", implode("|", $monthScope));
+ $payRecords = SitePayment::query()->select(['site_id', 'google_bid'])->whereRaw($where)->get();
+ foreach ($payRecords as $item) {
+ $bids = $item->google_bid;
+ foreach ($bids as $val) {
+ if (!empty($val['google_bid_time'])) {
+ $time = strtotime($val['google_bid_time']);
+ foreach ($monthResult as &$v) {
+ if ($time >= $v['begin'] && $time <= $v['end']) {
+ $v['total_fee'] += floatval($val['google_bid_fee']);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return [
+ 'xAxis' => array_reverse(array_keys($monthResult)),
+ 'yAxis' => array_reverse(array_column($monthResult, 'total_fee'))
+ ];
+ }
+ //续费
+ private function renewal()
+ {
+ $siteIdList = Site::query()->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")->pluck('id');
+ $payRecords = SitePayment::query()->whereIn('site_id', $siteIdList)->selectRaw('site_id,google_bid')->whereNotNull('google_bid')->get();
+ $totalRenewalNum = 0;
+ foreach ($payRecords as $record) {
+ $bids = $record->google_bid;
+ $lastItem = array_pop($bids);
+ if (!empty($lastItem['google_bid_time'])) {
+ $totalRenewalNum++;
+ }
+ }
+ return $totalRenewalNum;
+ }
+ //续费三个月
+ private function renewal2($type = 0)
+ {
+ $siteIdList = Site::query()->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")->pluck('id');
+ $payRecords = SitePayment::query()->whereIn('site_id', $siteIdList)->select('site_id', 'google_bid')->whereNotNull('google_bid')->get();
+ $infos = [];
+ foreach ($payRecords as $record) {
+ foreach ($record->google_bid as $kk => $vv) {
+ $res = [
+ 'site_id' => $record->site_id,
+ 'google_bid_fee' => $vv['google_bid_fee'],
+ 'google_bid_time' => $vv['google_bid_time'],
+ ];
+ $infos[] = $res;
+ }
+ }
+ $array = [];
+ foreach ($infos as $kk => $vv) {
+ if (!empty($vv['google_bid_time'])) {
+ $vv['google_bid_date'] = date('Y-m', strtotime($vv['google_bid_time']));
+ $array[] = $vv;
+ }
+ }
+ $threeMonthsAgo = date('Y-m-01 00:00:00', strtotime('first day of -2 month'));
+ $argc = [];
+ $result = $this->arrayGroupBy($array, 'google_bid_date');
+ foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
+ //去掉每个月相同项目id
+ $array = $this->arrUniq($value, 'site_id');
+ foreach ($array as $kk => $vv) {
+ $argc[] = $vv;
+ }
+ }
+ $arrayGroupBy = $this->arrayGroupBy($argc, 'google_bid_date');
+ $list = [];
+ foreach ($arrayGroupBy as $key => $value) {
+ if (strtotime($key) >= strtotime($threeMonthsAgo)) {
+ $array = [
+ 'date' => $key,
+ 'count' => count($value),
+ ];
+ $list[] = $array;
+ }
+ }
+ sort($list);
+ if ($type != 0) {
+ return $list;
+ }
+ return [
+ 'xAxis' => array_column($list, 'date'),
+ 'yAxis' => array_column($list, 'count'),
+ ];
+ }
+ //二维数组按照指定键值去重
+ function arrUniq($arr, $key)
+ {
+ $key_arr = [];
+ foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
+ if (in_array($v[$key], $key_arr)) {
+ unset($arr[$k]);
+ } else {
+ $key_arr[] = $v[$key];
+ }
+ }
+ return $arr;
+ }
+ //二维数组GroupBy
+ function arrayGroupBy($arr, $key)
+ {
+ $grouped = array();
+ foreach ($arr as $value) {
+ $grouped[$value[$key]][] = $value;
+ }
+ if (func_num_args() > 2) {
+ $args = func_get_args();
+ foreach ($grouped as $key => $value) {
+ $parameter = array_merge($value, array_slice($args, 2, func_num_args()));
+ $grouped[$key] = call_user_func_array('array_group_by', $parameter);
+ }
+ }
+ return $grouped;
+ }
+ private function totalFee()
+ {
+ $totalRecords = Site::query()
+ ->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")
+ ->where('bid_status', '=', 1)
+ ->with(['sitePayment' => function (\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasOne $builder) {
+ $builder->selectRaw('site_id,bid_give_fee,google_bid');
+ }])->selectRaw('id,order_at')->get();
+ $totalTotalFee = 0;
+ foreach ($totalRecords as $record) {
+ $record->bid_give_fee = $record->sitePayment->bid_give_fee ?? '';
+ $bidGiveFee = floatval($record->bid_give_fee);
+ $gBid = $record->sitePayment->google_bid ?? [];
+ $totalFee = $bidGiveFee;
+ foreach ($gBid as $v) {
+ $tempFee = floatval($v['google_bid_fee'] ?? 0);
+ $totalFee += $tempFee;
+ }
+ $totalTotalFee += $totalFee;
+ }
+ return $totalTotalFee;
+ }
+ private function totalFee2()
+ {
+ $totalRecords = Site::query()
+ ->whereJsonContains('contract_ids', "3")
+ ->where('bid_status', '=', 1)
+ ->with(['sitePayment' => function (\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasOne $builder) {
+ $builder->selectRaw('site_id,bid_give_fee,google_bid');
+ }])->selectRaw('id,order_at')->get();
+ $list = [];
+ foreach ($totalRecords as $record) {
+ $list[] = $record->sitePayment->google_bid;
+ }
+ $array = [];
+ foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
+ if (is_array($value)) {
+ foreach ($value as $kk => $vv) {
+ if (!empty($vv['google_bid_time'])) {
+ $vv['google_bid_date'] = date('Y-m', strtotime($vv['google_bid_time']));
+ $array[] = $vv;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $threeMonthsAgo = date('Y-m-01 00:00:00', strtotime('first day of -2 month'));
+ $list = [];
+ $result = $this->arrayGroupBy($array, 'google_bid_date');
+ foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
+ if (strtotime($key) >= strtotime($threeMonthsAgo)) {
+ $num = 0;
+ foreach ($value as $kk => $vv) {
+ $num += (int)$vv['google_bid_fee'];
+ }
+ $array = [
+ 'date' => $key,
+ 'sum' => $num,
+ ];
+ $list[] = $array;
+ }
+ }
+ sort($list);
+ return [
+ 'xAxis' => array_column($list, 'date'),
+ 'yAxis' => array_column($list, 'sum'),
+ ];
+ }
+ protected function avgScore()
+ {
+ $totalRecords = Site::query()->with(['sitePayment' => function (\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasOne $builder) {
+ $builder->selectRaw('site_id,bid_score');
+ }])->selectRaw('id,order_at')->get();
+ $totalNum = 0;
+ $totalTotalScore = 0;
+ foreach ($totalRecords as $record) {
+ if (!empty($record->sitePayment->bid_score)) {
+ $totalNum++;
+ $totalTotalScore += floatval($record->sitePayment->bid_score);
+ }
+ }
+ $totalAvg = $totalNum == 0 ? 0 : $totalTotalScore / $totalNum;
+ return number_format($totalAvg, 2);
+ }
+ protected function avgScore2()
+ {
+ $totalRecords = Site::query()->with(['sitePayment' => function (\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasOne $builder) {
+ $builder->selectRaw('site_id,bid_score,bid_score_time');
+ }])->selectRaw('id,order_at')->get();
+ $array = [];
+ foreach ($totalRecords as $record) {
+ if (!empty($record->sitePayment->bid_score)) {
+ $data = [
+ 'bid_score' => $record->sitePayment->bid_score,
+ 'bid_score_time' => $record->sitePayment->bid_score_time,
+ 'date' => date('Y-m', strtotime($record->sitePayment->bid_score_time)),
+ ];
+ $array[] = $data;
+ }
+ }
+ $threeMonthsAgo = date('Y-m-01 00:00:00', strtotime('first day of -2 month'));
+ $result = $this->arrayGroupBy($array, 'date');
+ $list = [];
+ foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
+ if (strtotime($key) >= strtotime($threeMonthsAgo)) {
+ $num = 0;
+ $sum = 0;
+ foreach ($value as $kk => $vv) {
+ $num++;
+ $sum += floatval($vv['bid_score']);
+ }
+ $average = $sum / $num;
+ $array = [
+ 'date' => $key,
+ 'average' => number_format($average, 2),
+ ];
+ $list[] = $array;
+ }
+ }
+ sort($list);
+ return [
+ 'xAxis' => array_column($list, 'date'),
+ 'yAxis' => array_column($list, 'average'),
+ ];
+ }
+ //上线账户
+ public function online(Request $request)
+ {
+ if (!$request->ajax()) {
+ return view('admin.bid.online');
+ }
+ $keyword = $request->input('keyword');
+ $status = $request->input('status');
+ $payIds = SitePayment::query()->whereNotNull('bid_account_online_time')->pluck('site_id')->toArray();
+ $records = Site::query()
+ ->where($condition ?? [])
+ ->where(function (Builder $builder) use ($keyword, $status) {
+ if ($keyword) {
+ $builder->where('domain', 'like', '%' . $keyword . '%')
+ ->orWhere('cn_title', 'like', '%' . $keyword . '%');
+ }
+ if ($status) {
+ $builder->where('status', $status);
+ }
+ })
+ ->whereIn('id', $payIds)->with(['users', 'sitePayment'])
+ ->get();
+ foreach ($records as $record) {
+ $record->bidder_title = implode('-', $record->users->where('role_id', Role::TYPE_BID)->pluck('nickname')->toArray());
+ $record->bid_give_fee = $record->sitePayment->bid_give_fee ?? '';
+ $record->bid_account_online_time = empty($record->sitePayment->bid_account_online_time) ? '' : date('Y-m-d', strtotime($record->sitePayment->bid_account_online_time));
+ }
+ $res = collect($records->toArray())->sortByDesc('bid_account_online_time');
+ $perPage = $request->input('pageSize') ?? TABLE_PAGE_SIZE;
+ $result = $this->paginateCollection($res, $perPage);
+ return response()->json([
+ 'rows' => $result->items(),
+ 'total' => $result->total(),
+ ]);
+ }
+ //充值账户
+ public function recharge(Request $request)
+ {
+ if (!$request->ajax()) {
+ return view('admin.bid.recharge');
+ }
+ $pageSize = $request->input('pageSize') ?? TABLE_PAGE_SIZE;
+ $monthScope = [];
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 36; $i++) {
+ $monthScope[] = date('Y-m', strtotime('first day of -' . $i . ' month'));
+ }
+ $where = sprintf("google_bid->'$[*].google_bid_time' REGEXP '%s'", implode("|", $monthScope));
+ $site = SitePayment::query();
+ $keyword = $request->input('keyword');
+ $status = $request->input('status');
+ if (!empty($keyword)) {
+ $siteIds = Site::query()->where('domain', 'like', '%' . $keyword . '%')
+ ->orWhere('cn_title', 'like', '%' . $keyword . '%')
+ ->pluck('id');
+ $site->whereIn('site_id', $siteIds);
+ }
+ if (!empty($status)) {
+ $siteIds = Site::query()
+ ->where('status', $status)
+ ->pluck('id');
+ $site->whereIn('site_id', $siteIds);
+ }
+ if (!empty($keyword) && !empty($status)) {
+ $siteIds = Site::query()->where('domain', 'like', '%' . $keyword . '%')
+ ->orWhere('cn_title', 'like', '%' . $keyword . '%')
+ ->where('status', $status)
+ ->pluck('id');
+ $site->whereIn('site_id', $siteIds);
+ }
+ $payRecords = $site->whereNotNull('bid_account_online_time')->select(['site_id', 'google_bid'])->whereRaw($where)->get();
+ $results = [];
+ foreach ($payRecords as $record) {
+ $bids = $record->google_bid;
+ foreach ($bids as $item) {
+ if (strtotime($item['google_bid_time']) >= strtotime($monthScope[35])) {
+ $results[] = [
+ 'site_id' => $record->site_id,
+ 'fee' => $item['google_bid_fee'],
+ 'time' => $item['google_bid_time'],
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $siteIds = array_column($results, 'site_id');
+ $siteRecords = Site::query()
+ ->with(['users'])
+ ->selectRaw('id,domain,cn_title')
+ ->whereIn('id', $siteIds)->get();
+ foreach ($siteRecords as $item) {
+ $item->bidder_title = implode('-', $item->users->where('role_id', Role::TYPE_BID)->pluck('nickname')->toArray());
+ unset($item->users);
+ }
+ $mapRecords = $siteRecords->keyBy('id')->toArray();
+ foreach ($results as &$record) {
+ $record = array_merge($record, $mapRecords[$record['site_id']] ?? '');
+ }
+ $res = collect($results)->sortByDesc('time');
+ $result = $this->paginateCollection($res, $pageSize);
+ return response()->json([
+ 'rows' => $result->items(),
+ 'total' => $result->total(),
+ ]);
+ }
+ //暂停账户
+ public function pause(Request $request)
+ {
+ if (!$request->ajax()) {
+ return view('admin.bid.pause');
+ }
+ $payIds = SitePayment::query()->whereNotNull('bid_account_pause_time')->orderBy('bid_account_pause_time', 'desc')->pluck('site_id')->toArray();
+ $keyword = $request->input('keyword');
+ $status = $request->input('status');
+ $records = Site::query()
+ ->where(function (Builder $builder) use ($keyword, $status) {
+ if ($keyword) {
+ $builder->where('domain', 'like', '%' . $keyword . '%')
+ ->orWhere('cn_title', 'like', '%' . $keyword . '%');
+ }
+ if ($status) {
+ $builder->where('status', $status);
+ }
+ })
+ ->whereIn('id', $payIds)->with(['users', 'sitePayment'])->get();
+ foreach ($records as $record) {
+ $record->bidder_title = implode('-', $record->users->where('role_id', Role::TYPE_BID)->pluck('nickname')->toArray());
+ $record->bid_give_fee = $record->sitePayment->bid_give_fee ?? '';
+ $record->bid_account_pause_time = $record->sitePayment->bid_account_pause_time ?? '';
+ $record->bid_give_fee = $record->sitePayment->bid_give_fee ?? '';
+ $bidGiveFee = floatval($record->bid_give_fee);
+ $gBid = $record->sitePayment->google_bid ?? [];
+ $totalFee = $bidGiveFee;
+ foreach ($gBid as $v) {
+ $tempFee = floatval($v['google_bid_fee'] ?? 0);
+ $totalFee += $tempFee;
+ }
+ $record->total_fee = $totalFee;
+ }
+ $res = collect($records->toArray())->sortByDesc('bid_account_pause_time');
+ $perPage = $request->input('pageSize') ?? TABLE_PAGE_SIZE;
+ $result = $this->paginateCollection($res, $perPage);
+ return response()->json([
+ 'rows' => $result->items(),
+ 'total' => count($res),
+ ]);
+ }
+ //客户评分
+ public function score(Request $request)
+ {
+ if (!$request->ajax()) {
+ return view('admin.bid.score');
+ }
+ $payIds = SitePayment::query()->whereNotNull('bid_score_time')->orderBy('bid_score_time', 'desc')->pluck('site_id');
+ $keyword = $request->input('keyword');
+ $status = $request->input('status');
+ $records = Site::query()
+ ->whereIn('id', $payIds)
+ ->with(['users', 'sitePayment'])
+ ->where(function (Builder $builder) use ($keyword, $status) {
+ if ($keyword) {
+ $builder->where('domain', 'like', '%' . $keyword . '%')
+ ->orWhere('cn_title', 'like', '%' . $keyword . '%');
+ }
+ if ($status) {
+ $builder->where('status', $status);
+ }
+ })->get();
+ foreach ($records as $record) {
+ $record->bidder_title = implode('-', $record->users->where('role_id', Role::TYPE_BID)->pluck('nickname')->toArray());
+ $record->bid_score = $record->sitePayment->bid_score ?? '';
+ $record->bid_score_time = $record->sitePayment->bid_score_time ?? '';
+ }
+ $res = collect($records->toArray())->sortByDesc('score');
+ $perPage = $request->input('pageSize') ?? TABLE_PAGE_SIZE;
+ $result = $this->paginateCollection($res, $perPage);
+ return response()->json([
+ 'rows' => $result->items(),
+ 'total' => $result->total(),
+ ]);
+ }